UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter Week 23 vol 20 tt 28 feb

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 20, Edition 23, Friday 28 February





 

ASA and UMA Session 3 Begin New canteen vouchers available for sale


MS Season 3 Volleyball Begins 15:45-17:30 Board of Directors Generative Meeting 17:30-19:30



UNIS Model United Nations Conference 5-9 March Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15-9:30, Conference Room


Grade 3 Field Trip 8:30-11:00 Grade 8 Field Trip 9:40-15:15 Grade 2 Science Expo 12:25-15:00, Grade 2 Area Hors D’Ouevres with the HoS 19:00-20:30, Community Room


ES Student Led Conferences. Normal school for D-G5. Discovery & K1 8:20-9:45 Grade 4 & K2 10:10-11:30 Grades 1 & 3 12:25-13:55 Grades 2 & 5 13:55-15:15


Finance Committee Meeting 7:00-8:30, Conference Room


Grade 11 College Night for Parents & students 18:0019:30, Library


Grade 6 Field Trip 8:30-12:30 ES Sports Afternoon 12:30-15:20, UNIS Fields MS Student Council Dodgeball Tournament and Movie Evening 15:30-17:30

Parent Session - Student Manic Time Reports 8:30-9:30, Library Projection Room

Grade 12 Mock Exams 14-27 March Quarter 4 Tuition Fee Payment Due


Soccer North-South Cup, SSIS Ho Chi Minh City Spring Fair UNIS Campus No Saturday Soccer and No Community Education

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Principals (p.3-4) Middle School Student Council News (p.4)

K2 Performing Arts Celebration. Photo special. (p.13) Grade 10 Personal Project (p.14-15) Any spare toiletries? Contact Helping Hands! (p.16)

Telling the UNIS Hanoi story (p.5) Spring ‘14 Parent Tech sessions (p.6) From the Admissions Office (p.6) Canteen voucher updates (p.7)

UNIS Summer Programme. Coming soon!(p.17) Steps to a healthy student (p.18) The flu and chicken pox (p.19)

Train with Real Madrid for real (p.8) Success at MRISA Soccer (p.9) Sports News (p.10-11) ES Sports Day. Save the date! (p.12)

Spring Fair countdown. Only 2 more weeks to go! (p.20-22) SCO Boutique. Spring Sale! (p.22) Success at the ES Snack Sale (p.23) Job Opportunities (p.24-25)

Tuesday, 25 February……..I wish you could have been in my shoes today. It started with a stop in the Centre for the Arts where I sat in on a MS Band rehearsal. There is nothing more uplifting for me than to listen to students making beautiful music. They had clearly been working hard as the piece they were playing – the tempo, melodies and pitch were spot on. We have come such a long way in a short period of time with our music programme. I then had the pleasure of attending an ECC assembly to start the day. In addition to doing some singing and having some fun with them, it was heartening to watch our youngest EAL students lead the group in a cute quiz to demonstrate their developing English language skills. What a delight! How fortunate I am to be able to go into this environment at any time and leave filled with so much hope for the future. And after a busy day of meetings, hosting visitors and checking in on various teachers, administrators, parents and students, I attended the Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. And what an exhibition it was! The creativity, initiative, courage, insight and sheer brilliance was on display with the 74 projects set up in the Centre for the Arts. And in going around to talk with the individual students about their projects, I was struck by their passion, sincerity and determination that they demonstrated not only about their project but also about what they want to do with the ideas in the future. So I hope I was able to give you a glimpse of what it was like to have been in my shoes last Tuesday. We have a lot to work on at our school but we also have a lot to celebrate each and every day. One final reminder – you are cordially invited to “Hors

D’Ouevres with the HoS” on Thursday, 06 March beginning at 19:00 in the Community Room. This is in place of the normal Breakfast with the HoS this quarter as we seek to include those parents who can only attend school events in the evenings. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

We wish all the best to

who left UNIS Hanoi this week

Photos: Grade 10 Personal Projects

Dear Parents The next significant stage in our partnership with parents is our annual Student Led Conference Day on Tuesday 11 March 2014. A longer version of this message has already been sent to ES parents to emphasize the importance of the occasion.

discussing their learning with their parents in English and/ or their Mother Tongue  To develop communication and critical thinking skills  To help students reflect further on the process of self-

evaluation  To help parents appreciate the process not just the

product of student learning and teaching for understanding

For those new to this concept, as the name implies, students take the lead by sharing, discussing and reflecting on their learning to date with their parents. This process puts the spotlight on the child as the learner in a very positive way.

Student Led Conferences have been happening for some years now in the Elementary School. In the past, this event has resulted in the school being closed for ‘normal business’ to allow for the conferences to take place in small groups of three or four families at a time.

The teachers and children will organize interactive learning stations both in their homeroom and outside as well as the subject specialists organizing activities and stations in their learning areas (Art, Music, Drama, PE, Languages, Library). For those children who attend Learning Support, please also visit the Learning Support rooms.

This year, school will remain open as normal and children will attend for the full day. Grade Levels have been allocated a double period (75 minutes) during which the parents of children in those grade levels will spend the time with their own child leading them through their learning.

Goals include the following:  To encourage the students to accept personal

responsibility for their progress and achievement  To give students confidence through talking and

Please see the allocated times in table below. We look forward to seeing everyone on March 11. Kind regards, Carole Denny esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Periods 1&2 08.30 – 09.45

Periods 3&4 10.15 – 11.30

Periods 5&6 12.30– 13.45

Periods 7&8 14.00 – 15.15

Discovery Kindergarten 1

Grade 4 Kindergarten 2

Grade 3 Grade 1

Grade 5 Grade 2

All students will stay in homeroom classes for the periods other than those above

Photos: Kindergarten 2 Performing Arts Celebration

Dear MSHS Families, Technology has progressed by leaps and bounds over the last few decades, and the benefits of technology are there for all to see. It is an undeniable fact that technology has helped us make many tasks easier and it has also made the world seem like a much smaller place! Communication, banking, even booking airline tickets have become much easier. The good old days of Aerograms and phone booths are gone forever! The latest developments in technology can be seen and felt in many industries, but there are some areas, including education, that have benefited more than others. It is no surprise that the benefits of technology in the classroom have opened up completely new learning environments. Knowledge can be easily procured, personalized and distance learning environments have emerged and a paradigm shift in pedagogy has students more engaged in learning activities than ever before. Clearly students have benefited greatly from educational technologies, but for all the benefits technology has delivered I am concerned over how we, both children and adults, are responding to increasingly tech centered lifestyles. What causes me greatest concern is our desire or belief that we can multitask our way through life. It seems that everyone is on a cell phone, checking email, skyping, and a host of other tasks all at the same time. To clarify, a common definition for multitasking is the ability to execute more than one task simultaneously. However, for as much as we want to believe multitasking is possible, brain research is quite clear, it is impossible for the human brain to perform multiply tasks at the same time. What people believe to be multitasking is really the brain quickly

The Middle School Student Council will be hosting a Dodgeball tournament, sausage sizzle, and movie evening from 3:30 to 7:30 on Friday, March 7. All Middle School students are encouraged to stay after school on that day and take part in

switching back and forth between different tasks. Perhaps it would be better to use the term “multi-switching” rather than multitasking? Try reading the rotating news banner on CNN/BBC while listening to the audio broadcast. Impossible! Let’s not even mention texting and driving! As technology continues to make inroads into the lives of students I have become increasingly interested in the impact multi-switching can have on brain development in teenagers. Students are convinced that they can multitask and that constantly bouncing back and forth between emails, texts, chats, homework, google, music, etc. poses no problem and actually increases efficiency (Students multitasking at MIT). However, research in this area, although still emerging, suggests that productivity can be reduced by as much as 40 percent when people quickly switch back and forth between tasks and retention levels drop even further (Meyer, 2012). When I was a teenager there were many distractions in my life, but they seemed to happen one at a time. I was never bombarded with multiple stimuli all demanding my immediate attention (Typical teenager?). But the question still lingers, are there consequences to multi-switching? Prominent research psychologist Clifford Nass from Stanford University has discovered that constant multiswitching hinders efficiency, inhibits the brain’s hard wired ability to make connections and negatively impacts both long term memory and the ability to handle analytic reasoning (Clifford Nass on multitasking). So what can and/or should we do? Tune in to next week’s Tin Tuc for strategies to optimize the use of technology without the downside of multi-switching. Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

the festivities. Students will be chaperoned by Middle School teachers. Parents are asked to pick up their children at the front gate when the event ends at 7:30 PM Kevin Johnston, kjohnston@unishanoi.org

Do you have an inspiring story about UNIS? Were you or someone you know involved in a UNIS activity that changed your life? Do you want to star in our new film? If so read on..

community of students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni linked to our Values and Beliefs. When you read the Values and Beliefs statements can you find something in your experience at UNIS Hanoi that creates a special connection for you that you can share?

We are in the early stages of creating a new school film which will be a central part of the new website, helping UNIS Hanoi showcase its unique story to the outside world, and helping provide a rich and inspiring introduction to the school for potential new families and faculty.

 It could be a special moment, or a long lasting

And we are looking for stories and storytellers from our community!

 It might be seeing a child transform, or helping others

We will be using the newly approved School Values and Beliefs to structure the film around LEARNING, RESPONSIBILITY and COMMUNITY. Our goal is for someone to watch the film and take away powerful stories told by our community demonstrating our most deeply held Values and Beliefs… and a desire to know more about us! We believe the most powerful way to showcase the School and “Learning to Inspire” at UNIS Hanoi, is to illustrate these three Values in action with true stories, told by our community, for our community – nine stories, one for each of the Beliefs.

experience, a special event or the daily rhythm of the School.

 It might be the impact of a programme that we have introduced, or a trip or Service activity that impacted you profoundly. to grow and fulfil their potential through their time at UNIS.

 It might be a student or a staff member that has especially demonstrated these values in their life, alone or working with others… we would like to hear from everyone! Please CLICK HERE to share with us a brief outline of your story and how it connects to ONE of the Values and ONE of the Belief statements. Once we have harvested the ideas for our stories and storytellers from the community we will be in touch to find out more, and then we will work with a professional film maker to make the selected nine stories come alive! We look forward to hearing from you by the end of next week (Monday March 7).

We are currently ‘harvesting’ story ideas from our

Emma Silva, Director of Advancement doa@unishanoi.org

All UNIS student tablets have a program called ManicTime installed. ManicTime tracks student use of programs on the tablet. ManicTime was installed in order to help students make better decisions about their use of their tablet. If you are interested in looking at the data from your own child, simply send an email to techdirector@unishanoi.org and we will use the workshop to help you understand what the results actually mean. We will also show you how to access the data yourselves in order to have conversations with your child regarding tablet use.

: Get to know about tech tools and parent tips that work! This is the chance to share practical examples of successful use of technology in school and at home. Speedgeeking works exactly like Speed Dating - we will introduce you to a great variety of ideas in a short amount of time. Parent volunteers needed! Please email mmatias@unishanoi.org if you are interested in sharing during the session.

: Find out how UNIS Hanoi is working to lead the region in educational technology and innovative learning. We’ll be sharing the UNIS technology vision, goals, and the ways that we are working to make those goals a reality here in Hanoi. Kind regards, Edward L Gilbreath, Director of Technology techdirector@unishanoi.org

Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org. Tuition and Fees Agreements and invoices for deposit payments shall be issued directly to families in early March. Placements for returning students must be secured by 1 April 2014. Families are required to pay tuition deposits for each attending student and commit to the terms and conditions of tuition and fees for the 2014-2015 academic year. Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

Starting Monday March 3rd newly designed canteen vouchers with improved security features will be introduced at the UNIS Hanoi canteen.

All old tickets will be accepted until Friday March 21st for food purchases, and can also be exchanged for new tickets during this 3 week period.

From March 26th onwards ONLY new vouchers will be accepted. No exchanges will be possible after this date.

Vé ăn căng-tin mới được thiết kế lại với những chức năng đảm bảo an toàn hơn sẽ được đưa vào sử dụng từ ngày Thứ 2, mồng 3 tháng 3.

Hạn sử dụng vé ăn căng-tin cũ là Thứ Sáu, ngày 21 tháng 3. Quý phụ huynh cũng có thể đổi vé cũ lấy vé mới trong thời gian 3 tuần đầu của tháng 3.

Kể từ ngày 26 tháng 3, căng-tin sẽ chỉ chấp nhận vé ăn mới. Vé ăn cũ không đổi được sau ngày này.

유니스 하노이 캔틴 이용권에 대한 최근 정보: 

3월 3일 월요일부터 더 나아진 보안기능을 갖고 새롭게 만들어진 식당 이 용권이 유니스 캔틴에 소개될 것입니다.

예전에 사용하던 모든 티켓은 3월 21일 금요일까지 음식을 구입하는데 사 용할 수 있으며, 3주 동안은 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수 있습니다.

3월 26일부터는 오직 새로운 식권만 캔틴에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이날 이후에는 새로운 티켓으로 교환할 수도 없습니다.

UNIS Hanoi is delighted to partner with Vietnam Football Passion Academy and the Real Madrid Foundation to offer an exciting opportunity for all our budding soccer stars… A chance to train with the Official Youth Coaches from the world famous Real Madrid Football Club, here at UNIS Hanoi! In April we will be organizing two Football Clinics in partnership with Vietnam Football Passion and their local soccer academy, which will run concurrently at UNIS Hanoi from Monday to Friday. One clinic for UNIS Hanoi students and with open registration for all football fans (aged 6-16) and the second clinic will be organized with our Service Learning Programme partners to offer the opportunity of a lifetime to some of the most disadvantaged youth in Vietnam.

 The Soccer Clinic for our Service Partners will take

place from 14:00 to 15:45 (by invitation only)  The Soccer Clinic for UNIS Students and other soccer

fans in the Hanoi area will take place from 16:15 to 18:00 The cost to participate in the five after school sessions will be 350 USD (which includes an official Real Madrid training uniform) www.frmhanoi.com

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact either Emma Silva, Director of Advancement (doa@unishanoi.org) or Lionel Wong, General Director of Football Passion Vietnam (vfpacademy@gmail.com).

Meanwhile, the UNIS boys fought their way into the Plate Final and set-up a rematch with ISPP for 5th place. The UNIS “B” girls finished off their tournament on Saturday with a win in their final match, 1-0 over their opponents from HIS.

Last weekend the Mekong River International Schools Association (MRISA) held its annual Junior Soccer Tournament on the UNIS campus. The Junior MRISA Soccer Tournament brings together sixteen Middle School teams (8 of each gender) and is played over a two day period. Both the UNIS girls and boys came into the tournament as the defending champions and were hopeful that having home field advantage would bring them repeated success. Due to one school being unable to enter a girls a team in the tournament, the door was open for UNIS to include a second female team in the event. The opportunity to be part of the MRISA Tournament was something that Mr. Pho and his UNIS Blue team were quick to take advantage of. Playing in cold and damp conditions on both days, the UNIS teams represented the school proudly against their traveling opponents from Ho Chi Minh City, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. The Tigers from Hanoi International School rounded off the participating teams. Unfortunately, of the three UNIS teams, only the Girls “A” team came away from Day 1 with an undefeated record, which meant they would be in the semi-final the next day. The UNIS boys and Girls “B” team were left to battle it out for the Plate trophy on Saturday. Led by their three All-Tournament Players, Saskia Brennen, Ela Kalra and Daniella Miller, the UNIS girls breezed past ISPP from Cambodia in their semi-final and earned a berth in the Championship Final versus SSIS from Ho Chi Minh.

MS Girls A Team

In the Girl’s Championship Final, the UNIS girls took control of the match from the opening kick-off and found themselves in a 2-0 lead by halftime. They maintained their impressive defensive record, by failing to concede even one goal throughout the entire tournament and were the deserved MRISA Champions when the final whistle sounded. Congratulations go out to all three UNIS teams and their coaches. Well done! GO PHOENIX!! UNIS MS Girls ‘A’ Soccer Team – Saskia Brennen, Jessica Heaton, Ela Kalra, Khushi Kapoor, Thanh Le, Daniella Miller, Tra Mi Nielsen, Ava Pilgrim, Maria Rosenholm and Uyen Trinh. Coaches – Lindsay Reilly & Sofia Hellstrom. UNIS MS Girls ‘B’ Soccer Team – Darlene Cheong, Gisela Kallabinski, Hana Hayashi, Krisha Valle, Nadia Stevenson, Quynh Anh Nguyen, Shimli Satpathy, Tasha Mohd Tajudin, Trang Bui and Hazel Kevlihan. Coach – Mr. Pho Nguyen. UNIS MS Boys Soccer Team – Henry Lee-Hewing, Alex Le, Kristof Karolyi, Dominik Vagner, Minh Tran, Santtu Savila, Kakra Adu-Gyamfi, Kevin Gibney, Phong Bui and Mateusz Nguyen. Coaches – Phi Nguyen & Maurice Humphries. THANK YOU TO ALL THE UNIS HOST FAMILIES WHO SUPPORTED THIS TOURNAMENT BY OPENING THEIR HOMES TO THE 120 VISITING PLAYERS FROM OTHER MRISA SCHOOLS!! WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!

MS Girls B Team

MS Boys Team

The Middle School Volleyball season starts next week, with the first day of practices on Tuesday, March 4th. All interested students should meet in the Sports Center at 3:40, changed and ready to play. Practices will be Tuesdays/Thursdays from 3:40-5:45. This years’ MRISA tournament will be hosted by ISHCMC (Ho Chi Minh City). Students can sign-up with the Activities Office. Both the UNIS boys and the UNIS girls are the defending MRISA Champions, so we wish them the best of luck and they attempt to retain their titles! GO PHOENIX!!!

This Saturday (March 1), UNIS will be hosting a 7-aside tournament designed to help the HS MRISA Soccer teams to prepare for their MRISA Tournament which will be in Vientiane in April. Games start at 9:30 and will continue through to the later part of the afternoon. Please refer to the schedule below of games and we hope you’ll be able to come out to support our high school boys and girls teams. GO PHOENIX!!!

Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014 Venue: UNIS Hanoi Girls Division UNIS Blue (APAC) Hanoi Inter. School (HIS) UNIS White (MRISA)

09:30 10:15 11:00 11:45 12:30 13:15 14:00 14:45

Boys Game 1 Girls Game 1 Boys Game 2 Girls Game 2 Boys Game 3 Girls Game 3 Boys Game 4 Girls Game 4

Boys Division UNIS Phoenix (UNIS) St. Paul American School (SP) Hanoi Inter. School (HIS) Singapore Inter. School (SIS)

UNIS vs. St. Paul



UNIS Black vs. UNIS White

St. Paul vs. HIS



UNIS Blue vs. UNIS Black


St. Paul vs. SIS


UNIS Black vs. HIS

1ST vs. 2ND

3RD vs. 4TH

1ST vs. 2ND

3RD vs. 4TH

(immediately after last games have concluded)

Over the last couple of days, parents and students have received notification that they are confirmed to participate in UNIS Hanoi After School Activities (ASAs) for Session 3. The confirmation email lists the activities in which students have now been enrolled. Unfortunately, some activities have been cancelled due to insufficient registration. On the other hand, several activities still have available spaces. If you or your child would like to enroll in one of these activities, please contact the UNIS Co-Curricular Activities Office at Cocurricular@unishanoi.org. ASAs which still have space will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

At the conclusion of ASAs students will be dropped off at the following locations by the ASA teacher:  Outside the Canteen Main Entrance – to be picked-up

by parents and drivers  With the Bus Monitors (between B6 & B7) – for bus

students  At the Flag Poles (between B7 & ECC) – for students

If parents meet their children at the activity, please inform the ASA teacher that you are taking your child. We want to make sure we know that your child is accounted for. - when Discovery students come back to UNIS Hanoi for their activities, they should be brought directly to the ASA location by their caretaker. This same person will also be responsible for the child when the activity ends. The Activities Office is the primary contact if there are any questions – 3758 1551 Ext. 8712

Session 3 ASA’s will begin on Monday, March 3. We hope your children enjoy their After-School Activities!! Regards, UNIS Co-Curricular Activities Office Cocurricular@unishanoi.org

who take hotel buses  ES Office – if the student needs further assistance

There are more than 40 teams entered into the event and getting ready for a fun sport event this weekend. Additionally to UNIS participants, we are welcoming a group of Japanese and French guest students who are joining this event for the first time. Thanks to the swimming instructors and coaches for preparing the students for this event, to the HS Community Service group, and to our parents for their help.

The winter swimming event, Aquathlon, will kick off this Saturday at 13:00. The multi sport event combining swimming and running events in one race has attracted 136 participants this year - both students from grade 1 to 12 and their parents. The 4th Annual Aquathlon offers six different categories allowing athletes of all ages to participate either individually, as a part of Student Team or even a Family Team.

Friends and families are welcome to come and support participants. The first participant - the captain of APAC swim team Hiep Nguyen will be opening the Aquathlon and starting first at 14:00 in the UNIS pool. Ella Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator ejaranova@unishanoi.org

Elementary Fun Sports Afternoon will take place on Friday March the 7th. This is an afternoon of fun and active events where students have the chance to represent their UNIS Hanoi house. Grades K2-Grade 5 will be involved from 12:30 until 3:10pm, and Discovery and K1 will take part from 12:30-1:30. Please come along dressed in your

House Shirts. Also bring a hat, sunscreen, running shoes and a water bottle with your name written on it. It would be fantastic to have lots of parents attend to support the competitors. ES PE Team

Kindergarten Two were inspired by the story, ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae. Their stage show featured a dancing giraffe, waltzing warthogs, rock ‘n’ roll rhinos, tangoing tigers, chimanzees doing a cha-cha, baboons Scottish dancing, zebras doing Zumba, elephants doing a gumboot dance and the cricket click! Amy Pitcairn, K2 Team Leader apitcairn@unishanoi.org

Grade 10 students proudly presented their personal projects to the school community on 25/26 February. Congratulations to all on their achievement! This year we had a wide variety of projects, from eating disorders, designs for new house shirts, sports coaching to supporting different communities in need. Well done, Grade 10!

 Sessions will be offered for current ECC,

Elementary, Middle School Students  Half and full day session will be offered

for High School Students  Programmes offered will include a

balance of activities including Sports, Math, English, Arts, Science and time in the Pool! Registration will open soon! Enrollment will initially be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students and spaces will be limited so make plans to attend now and check back in to the Tin Tuc for the registration date. Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Programme Principal summerprogram@unishanoi.org

Everyone wants their child to perform well at school. Children learn at different speeds, that’s normal, but how can we help our children reach their maximum potential ? Well research has identified 4 factors which influence a child’s learning at school & this is where you can make a real difference. Researchers at Harvard University USA found that students who ate breakfast were “significantly more attentive in the classroom, earned higher grades in math, and had significantly fewer behavioural & emotional problems” For some children the time gap between breakfast & lunch can be extremely long, especially if they have to be on the school bus by 7am. Research has shown that for non breakfast eaters, as the morning goes on they begin to lose concentration, because quite simply they are hungry! Breakfast doesn’t have to be a huge & complicated meal but it is probably the most important meal of your child’s day. Try & make eating breakfast a habit & soon even reluctant children will get the hang of it, milk or a milkshake, fruit smoothies, fruit juices, fresh fruit, yoghurt, cereal (but watch that sugar content) wholemeal toast, rice or noodles, the options are endless for a healthy start to the day . If children complain about a lack of time, it takes merely a few minutes to eat a banana & drink some milk!! (Source: About.com”Don’t skip breakfast” ) For the same reasons as above, if you are giving your child a snack for recess make sure it’s a healthy one. Candy, chocolate & potato chips will give them a sudden increase in blood sugar , but are digested too quickly which will result in a short lived burst of energy. Soon they will be feeling hungry again making them irritable, & leaving them unable to concentrate in lessons, just ask a teacher about that lesson before lunch!! It makes good sense to give your child something nutritious which will sustain them until lunchtime. A piece of fruit, yoghurt or milk drinks, raisons or other dried fruit or cereal bars (watch for sugar content & remember no nuts allowed!) or try combining some protein & fibre for example fruit & cheese, all these snacks can help bridge the gap until lunchtime.

Hanoi can be very humid during the warmer months, add to that the amount of physical exercise & sport our children do & they can very quickly become dehydrated. By the time a person feels thirsty they are ALREADY dehydrated. This can lead to headaches, lethargy & an inability to concentrate properly ,if electrolytes become depleted muscle cramps & weakness during exercise can also occur. Long term effects of dehydration include constipation, continence problems, kidney & urine infections & kidney stones. It is important, therefore, to make sure your child remembers to drink plenty of fluids. The standard recommendation for children is 1.5-2 litres daily, taken at regular intervals throughout the day. Always check that your child has a water bottle with them & remind them to drink more if they are doing sports or if the weather is very hot (on average a child weighing 30kg loses half a litre of water when exercising). Teenagers are particularly prone to not drinking enough, they get busy & simply forget, teenage boys over 14 should average 2.5 litres a day with more in hot weather. (Source: www.wateriscoolinschool.org.uk) Making sure your child has enough sleep is also vitally important & research actually shows that teenagers do need more sleep than adults!! Tired children are poor performers, they are less alert & less able to concentrate than their peers who are getting a good night’s sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine in the USA recommends that preschoolers sleep 11-13 hours, children in ES sleep 10-11 hours & teens sleep 9-10 hours a night. High school children should not be working into the early hours of the morning & study needs to be balanced with leisure & “downtime” to reduce stress levels & provide enough relaxation to sleep . Try to encourage teens to plan their weekly workload so that they don’t leave everything to the last minute & make sure they are not taking on too much as it’s impossible to do everything (keep an eye on all those extra curriculars!) For younger children try to set a regular bedtime during the week & get into a routine of getting school work done & then providing some relaxation time together, perhaps by reading a book in bed. Remember a small child who asks to go to bed is rare, so it is your responsibility to make sure your child is getting enough sleep & is not too tired for school. (Source: www.us today.com/news/education/2010-08-12kidsleep12_ST_N.htm)

Many studies have shown that “positive parenting “ also plays a huge part in our children’s achievement levels. It is considered the most effective style of parenting where parents are shown to be warm, fair & in control. Remember that children cannot be good at everything so try to celebrate the things they do well & encourage them with the things they find difficult. Putting too much pressure on children to always perform well can have an adverse effect & they may become stressed & “burnt out”.

We have seen some confirmed cases of flu at UNIS Hanoi over the last week, please be aware. Chicken Pox is present being seen in the Hanoi community as well.

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness. 1. Signs and symptoms of flu: People who have the flu often feel some or all of these signs and symptoms:  Fever* or feeling feverish/chills  Cough  Sore throat  Runny or stuffy nose  Muscle or body aches  Headaches  Fatigue (very tired)  Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. 2. Period of contagiousness You may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. 3. Preventing seasonal flu: Get vaccinated The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine each season. Flu vaccine is usually available from September. Flu vaccine takes 2 weeks to become effective. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/keyfacts.htm

Life is all about “balance” so make sure your child has the time to do the things they enjoy such as listening to music, playing sport , watching TV (yes we did say that !!) & socialising with their friends. Just a few simple steps can make all the difference to your child’s achievement levels at school. Here’s to happy , healthy learners !!!! School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org

Definition Chickenpox (varicella) is a viral infection that causes an itchy, blister-like rash. Chickenpox is highly contagious to people who haven’t had the disease or been vaccinated against it. For most people, chickenpox is a mild disease. Still, it’s better to get vaccinated. The chickenpox vaccine is a safe effective way to prevent chickenpox and its possible complications. Please go to the UNIS portal – School Health Centre and parent information section for further information regarding Chicken Pox. Please remember all students with a temperature of 38 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea should remain at home until they have been fever free, without vomiting/ diarrhea for 24 hours. School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org

The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. We are looking for ALL countries in the UNIS Community to be represented. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture. As all community events go, we need people from the community to volunteer to make it successful. We would like to invite ALL faculty and staff to GET INVOLVED in the Spring Fair by volunteering in one of the many ways: Sign-up HERE to volunteer!

UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Philippines, Chile, Korea, Australia, Germany, Malaysia, Hungary, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Bangladesh For more information about the 2014 Spring Fair check out the website for more background information and photos! Looking forward to creating yet another memorable event sharing culture, food, and diversity with the UNIS Hanoi Community! We thank you ahead of time for your support. Yours truly, School Community Organization (SCO) Paulina Pineda, Joh Ponsen, Pippa Wood, Renea Freeman

 Country Tables are the SOUL of this event! Help

out and represent your country! Contact - Michiko Kadono at Michikokadono@gmail.com  Fancy having fun at the Fun Corner! – Cathy

Sutherland at sutherlands4@gmail.com  Do you have a talent to share? Entertainment –Sally

Oxenberry at soxenberry@gmail.com  Ticket Collection at the Gates – Renea Freeman at

freemansinhanoi@gmail.com Please contact one of the coordinators above if you would like to help in one of aforementioned areas or simply sign up HERE to get involved! If you have any questions, contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Joh Ponsen at johponsen@gmail.com All we ask of you is to offer some of your precious time on the day to be a Spring Fair volunteer! Spread the ‘love load’, many hands make light work!! It’s a great way to be involved in one of the highlights of the UNIS Hanoi school year and a great way to get to meet other members of the community! Country Tables: we are looking for all countries to be represented! (We have over 60 Nationalities represented in our school). So far countries that have signed up to participate this year are:

Since the Spring Fair is a UNIS Hanoi Community event, the Spring Fair Silent Auction Team would like to ask if you have the following to donate for our Silent Auction Booth:  Do you have any Unique Artwork/Paintings/Lacquer Art at home that you no longer want  Do you have any items (picture frames, wine bottles, unused jewelleries, etc.) that you no longer use and would like to donate  Can you donate items into our Super Baskets team such as Spa Day Basket, Tea Time Basket, World's Best Mom or Dad Basket, Let's Read Basket, Baker's Day Basket, Artist Basket or create your own team. Please make sure that all donations are in good condition or not used. Sample of Basket Donated: Total value $40.00 (Plush bear; White Tea and Ginger scented Bath Salts ; Body Butter (4.0 oz.) and Almond Roca Butter Crunch Toffee Candy ) Please get your donation by March 5, Wednesday to the Advancement Office. If you have any questions, please email us at unissfsponsorship@gmail.com or call 01673814649. Thank you in advance. Eunice Chin & Cameron Stauch, Sponsorship & Silent Auction Team


Long Sleeve T-shirt 4 - 14




Long Sleeve T-shirt S - XL




Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - 4 - 14




Long Sleeve Polo Shirt - S - Xl




Sweat Hoodie W/o Zipper 4 - 14




Sweat Hoodie W/o Zipper S - XL




Sweat Hoodie With Zipper 4 -14




Sweat Hoodie With Zipper S - XL




Track suit top



10 Track suit pants



11 Track suit set



12 Microfleece Vest 4 - 14



13 Microfleece Vest S - XL



14 Sweat Pants 4 - 14



15 Sweat Pants S - XL



It might have been drizzling outside, but in the ES courtyards our Healthy Snack Sale was BOOMING with delicious treats! Thank you very much to all the contributing parents from classes DSS, DTU, K1MA, 1TA, 2MT, 2BM, 2TB and 2JC your healthy treats helped brighten our day! And of course thanks again to our lovely Snack Sale Coordinators (Bo Young, Akiko Nakano and Ikuko Mizuno) and all the volunteers how showed up to help sell! A total of 10,312,000VND was raised which will go to the School Community Organization (SCO) to fund projects that benefit the community.

 Contributing Classes: K2AP, K2AS, 1VdC, 5DL, 5KW, 5

JH, 5MS, Enjoy the photos from today’s Snack Sale!

 Provide administrative support to the Head of School

UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,050 students from 66 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a full time, Administrative Receptionist. This position reports to the Manager of Head of School Office. The UNIS Hanoi Receptionist provides the first impression of UNIS Hanoi to the community, both internal and external, and as such is responsible for extending a service in line with the School’s prestigious reputation and its Values. The Receptionist provides a warm welcome and an efficient, polite and pro-active response in all situtations. This role is central to the School’s branding efforts. The successful candidate will take a keen pride in the role and come to the position with ideas for continuous improvement in this area.

Office including document preparation, translation, labeling out-going mails, welcome packs and gifts for visitors, etc.  Responsible for the tidiness and readiness of the

Conference Room and Community Room Perform other tasks as required by the Supervisor

 University degree in English or related field  2+ years secretarial experience in an administrative/

secretarial assistant role in a multinational organization setting, preferably gained within the hospitality industry  Strong customer services skills  Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal,

in English and Vietnamese languages  Excellent telephone manner  Cross cultural exposure and understanding

Serve as an active first point of contact for students, parents, faculty and visitors for all enquiries.  Answer all incoming calls to switchboard in line with

the UNIS Hanoi phone protocol guide including the taking and relaying of messages and any follow up requested.  Receive and welcome visitors in a professional and

friendly manner. Assist with enquiries and ensure they are directed to the appropriate person.  Ensure that all needs of waiting guests are attended to

including refreshment when appropriate and follow up with their appointment.  Maintain an attractive and up to date community

information and school publications display in the Reception area.

 Proficiency in using MS computer software, with

knowledge and experience using database software  Ability to work independently, while at the same time

being a team player  Organised and logical in approach to tasks

In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities.

Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Vu Ngoc Thanh, Human Resources Officer United Nations International School of Hanoi

 Maintain the School Community Notice Boards under

the direction of the Community Laison Officer in the Advancement Office.  Responsible for the tidiness and cleanliness of the

Reception area which must at all times be immaculate and attractive. The reception area should always be a welcoming.  Organise student art displays in the Administration

Building in liaison with the Arts Department, including their rotation, maintenance, quality presentation and the work orders associated with the display rotation.  Coordinate all deliveries and postal requirements;

UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

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