UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc _ Newsletter 24 vol 21 tt 27 feb

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 21, Edition 24, Friday 27 February



MONDAY, 2 MARCH  University Fair, 13:20-14:00, Outside the canteen  JV Girls' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30

MONDAY, 9 MARCH  ASA and UMA Session 3 Starts

TUESDAY, 3 MARCH  ES Sports Morning, 8:30-11:30, Sports Fields  Grade 10 Personal Project Exhbition, 18:00-20:00 WEDNESDAY, 4 MARCH  UNIS Hanoi Model United Nations Conference, 4-8 Mar  Grade 3 Field Trip, 12:30-14:20 THUSDAY, 5 MARCH  MS Spring Sports Season Begins (Volleyball), 15:4517:30, Sports Centre  Board Finance Orientation Session, 17:30-19:00, Conference Room  Grade 11 College Info Night for Parents and Students, 18:00-19:30, Library FRIDAY, 6 MARCH  UNIS Music Academy concert, 17:00-18:30, Black Box and Theatre

WEDNESDAY, 11 MARCH  MRISA Arts Festival @ SSIS, 11 - 15 Mar  IB Diploma Programme Mock Exams, 11 - 13 Mar  JV Girls' Soccer vs SAS @ SAS, 16:00-17:30 THURSDAY, 12 MARCH  MS GIN Conference, 12 - 13 Mar  Board Information Session, 17:30-19:00, Conference Room FRIDAY, 13 MARCH  Quarter 4 Tuition Deadline  Advancement Committee Meeting, 12:00-14:00, Conference Room SATURDAY, 14 MARCH  HS 7-a-Side Soccer Tournament, Sports Fields  SAT Testing (HS)  Varsity Boys' Soccer vs Hanoi Pro Club @ UNIS, 14:3015:30, Sports Fields

SATURDAY, 7 MARCH  Varsity Boys' Soccer vs MINSK @ UNIS, 15:00-16:00

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Admissions Office (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3) Are you a book lover? Visit TumbleBooks. (p.4) Join us at the ES Sports Morning! (p.4) Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. (p.4) College Info Night. Save the date! (p.5)

UMA Concert (p.6) Summer Programme (p.6) Aquathlon (p.7) Bubble Crazy Show. Don’t miss out! (p.7) Spring Fair: Make it unique, make it yours (p.8) Spring Fair main stage performer needed! (p.9) Sun wise kid (p.9) ES Service Learning News (p.10)

In the October 24 edition of the Tin Tuc, I announced that the library would be closed on Saturdays until further notice. Click here to find the letter I sent at that time. A few weeks later in November we offered the following plan to re-open the libraries on Saturdays. If you are already often on campus on Saturdays, or if you just want to help out, please contact us about helping to provide oversight for a few Saturdays or regularly, for a one-hour shift or the entire morning. If you are willing to volunteer in support of the Library, please email Debby Wells-Clinton (mshslibrarian@unishanoi.org) or Julie Conroy (eslibrarian@unishanoi.org).

We have not received any messages expressing interest in this project so I am putting this announcement in my notes to you this week in the hopes that we will have some people step forward so we can re-open the library on Saturday mornings to our UNIS Hanoi families. Please contact Debby or Julie if you have any questions. Enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

We wish all the best to

Applications are currently available to eligible applicants who register using our new online admissions process: Admissions Enquiry Form.

Tuition and Fees Agreements have been issued to all current families and should be returned to admissions@unishanoi.org. Placement for returning students must be secured with deposit payments by 3 April 2015. Please confirm the departure of your family from the school by submitting an Admissions Withdrawal Form. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.

Testimonial by outgoing parent-elected Board member (2012-2015) Craig Burgess: 'It has been a privilege to serve on UNIS committees and as a parentelected UNIS board member since 2012. There are many opportunities at UNIS Hanoi for parents to share their talent, time and expertise with the community, demonstrating to our students the value of a life-long commitment to community service. Whether this be coaching weekend sports, talking to students about career and college choices, serving as a classroom representative or helping with the many School Community Organization (SCO) events throughout the year or serving on a board committee or task force- your contributions are all welcomed and valued. Through its annual membership review, the Board of Directors has determined there will be one parent-elected position open on the Board for the upcoming 2015/2016 school year. Board members are elected or appointed for four years. The board will now conduct an election for the position of parent elected member, with results to be formally announced at the 12th May Annual General Meeting. Parents can find more information about the work of the board, the role of a board member and the election process here. Anyone considering this opportunity and/or if would like to know more about getting involved with the board’s work is invited to attend an Information Session About Board Service on Thursday 12th March at 5:30pm, in the Conference Room, Admin Building.

The experience has given me immense satisfaction, not only from being able to give 'something back' to the school, but also from working with a diverse team of board and faculty members, some of whom have become close friends and increased my awareness of UNIS's unique community and context. It has been a pleasure to be part of strategic planning, policy making processes and contribute to good practice in the governance of the school as it aims to go from 'Good to Great'. Because UNIS values good governance and personal development, I personally have learned much from others, in formal and informal sessions at the school and in the region, which have enriched other aspects of my personal and professional life. UNIS is precious and needs committed parents to help guide its future; I encourage any parent who has the interest and energy to stand for election. Jump in with both feet and an open mind!' Serving on the board or one of its committees is a richly rewarding way to contribute in your children’s school. The Board of Directors encourages all parents to consider putting themselves forward for election. The deadline for receipt of candidate application forms is 16th March at 12pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Board Assistant, Jennifer Sawyer, at boardassistant@unishanoi.org. Best regards, Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu, Board Chair

ES Tet Assembly - Photos by Tim Barnsley

Tumblebooks is a fantastic reading resource available to you and your child through the UNIS Library. Both fiction and nonfiction books are available to be read online (not downloadable). Books are semi animated, and text is highlighted on the screen when read aloud allowing children to hear the text while reading the story.

Elementary Fun Sports Morning will take place on Tuesday March the 3rd. This is a morning of fun and active events where students have the chance to represent their UNIS Hanoi house. Kindergarten 2 students will be involved from 8:30 until 10:30, Grade 1-5 from 8:30 to 11:30, and Discovery and K1 will take part from 8:30-9:30. Please come along dressed in your House Shirts. Also bring a hat, sunscreen, running shoes and a water bottle with your name written on it. It would be fantastic to have lots of parents attend to support the competitors.

Photos by Tim Barnsley

Tumblebooks is available through the UNIS Hanoi website home page; do the following steps: 1. Go to Quick Links 2. Choose UNIS Portal page 3. Click the Library link on the left 4. Go to Online Resource Elementary The Tumblebooks username: unishanoi / password: unis 1234

(CTCL) CTCL will be visiting UNIS Hanoi March 2 Presentation in the Theatre 12:40 - 13:20 College Fair outside of the Canteen 13:20 - 14:00

March 5, 18:00 – 19:30 Theatre This Grade 11 college night presentation will provide essential information for both parents and students to prepare for a successful journey through the college application process. This presentation will cover information including: generic application information, timelines and expectations, standardized tests and an overview to the entire university process. This is an important evening that will explain what student, parent, counselor roles will look like for the up-coming year as we work together. We expect all students and parents to attend. Respectfully, Scott Loeffler & Tanya Arnold, High School Counselors

College Fair Photos

16:40 17:00 18:40 19:00 20:20

Theatre doors open Session 1 commences Intermission Session 2 commences Closing remarks

For further information contact summerprogramme@unishanoi.org

This Saturday at 13:00, UNIS Hanoi Aquathlon 2015 will take place with 110 students from Elementary, Middle and High Schools and their parents participating in this challenging and exciting event. There are also a few guest participants from Japanese and French schools. The aquathlon event consists of a continuous, two-stage race involving swimming followed by running. UNIS Aquathlon 2015 offers 8 different race categories – Individual Participants , Student Teams and Family Teams. Most elementary students and some teams will take part in the Junior version of the Aquathlon. They will swim 200m at the pool and run 1500m. The rest will swim 300m and run 2250m. One of the exciting parts of the whole event is the team’s race. Students of different ages, from 7 to 15 years old will be competing together, or with their moms or dads. This year total of 27 teams have registered to participate. All friends and families are kindly invited to come and support event at UNIS Pool from 13:00 – 15:00. Thank you to all coaches who prepared and inspired students for this event – Andy Myers, Catherine Cenere, Martin Machata, Pham Thuy and Pham Hiep. Information about Aquathlon event can be found here. Ella Healy, Aquatics Coordinator

After you see the amazing sky walkers and visit the Bubble Petting Zoo at the SCO Spring Fair, come to see the international artists demonstrate their amazing skills in "Dr Froth Goes Bubble Crazy Show" The kids will love this show,and adults will be wowed! Hysterical, engrossing, and inspirational! It’s a bubble bonanza of vivacious, wacky, yet sophisticated tricks. The adore-a-bubble Dr Froth entertains ALL AGES with enticing visual spectacles involving MASSIVE doughnut bubbles, tightrope-walking bubbles, geometric-shaped bubbles and more, Show to be held on Sunday March 22, 3 pm and possible second show. Tickets 150 000 vnd on sale soon - look out for details. For queries contact Pippa Wood at sco_mshsvice@unishanoi.org To order your Dr Froth tickets please fill in THIS FORM

The UNIS Spring Fair is the largest event organized by the School Community Organization. It’s about the UNIS community getting together with our kids and having fun while sharing our cultures. The THEME this year is …. THE FARM !

The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. We are looking for ALL countries in the UNIS Community to be represented. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture. Click HERE to be part of the FUN!

Fun at the GAME TENT! This is a NEW idea, we aim to have a tent with competition games like sack races, threelegged runs, etc. and we are looking for enthusiastic people to help with this! Contact Christina Baeck at FAIR_FunCorner@unishanoi.org Cultural Booths (previously Country Table): Get together with families from your country/world region and

organize a booth to celebrate the cultural diversity at UNIS Hanoi. It would be wonderful to have many community groups represented. Cultural Booth meeting: March 2 from 10.00 – 11.30am in the Community Room. Click here for the Guidelines. Please contact Natascha Senftleben at FAIR_Cultural@unishanoi.org Do you have a Family Business? If so, Spring Fair 2015 Small Business Booth is for you! Places are now available to UNIS Hanoi Community business owners. Whether you are parents, faculty, staff or students, you are welcome at this year's Spring Fair. So hurry and reserve your spot! For more information and to request a spot, email Clarissa Hu -Andersen at FAIR_SmallBusiness@unishanoi.org Spring Cleaning in order? Time to clear out your house and make space for new junk! Book a space quickly at our popular Flea Market by contacting Malin Niklasson at FAIR_FleaMarket@unishanoi.org. Click here for the Guidelines. Raffle gifts needed! This year will are going to have a raffle every hour! Would you like to donate a gift basket or raffle gift? Contact Renea Freeman at FAIR_sponsorship@unishanoi.org Any other questions, ideas, comments….just email Claudia Marinzi at SpringFair@unishanoi.org

Did the recent UNIS got Talent inspire you? Do you have a secret talent you want to share with the world? Now is your chance! Perform at the UNIS Spring Fair on Saturday the 21st of April. The times will be from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. We are also looking for performers between 11.15 a.m and 12.00 pm. as well as comperes/ announcers .

Sign up here to perform on the stage at Spring Fair Or for further details contact Pippa Wood sco_mshsvice@unishanoi.org


The weather is warming up, the days are longer and there's more time to be outside doing all kinds of fun things! We all need some sun exposure — it's the top source of vitamin D, which helps our bodies absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones. But it doesn't take much time in the sun for most people to get the vitamin D they need. And repeated unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer. So if you're going to be out in the sun, especially on a hot day, you need to stay safe. Most kids get much of their lifetime sun exposure before age 18, so it's important for parents to teach them how to enjoy fun in the sun safely. Taking the right precautions can greatly reduce your child's chance of developing skin cancer.

 Seek shade. UV rays are strongest and most harmful

during midday, so it’s best to plan indoor activities then. If this is not possible, seek shade under a tree, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent. Always remember that if your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade!  Slip on a shirt. Cover up. When possible, long-sleeved

shirts and long pants and skirts can provide protection from UV rays. Clothes made from tightly woven fabric offer the best protection. A wet T-shirt offers much less UV protection than a dry one, and darker colors may offer more protection than lighter colors..  Slap on a hat. Hats that shade the face, scalp, ears, and

neck are easy to use and give great protection. The wider the brim, the better.  Slide on sunglasses. They protect your child’s eyes from

UV rays, which can lead to cataracts later in life. Look for sunglasses that wrap around and block as close to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as possible.  Slop on some sunscreen. Put on sunscreen with at least

SPF 30 and UVA and UVB protection 30 minutes before going outside, and put on more every 2hours. Don’t forget to protect ears, noses, lips, and the tops of feet, and to wear it on cloudy days too. Parents have an important role to ensure their children establish healthy sun protection habits during the early years. Be a good role model by consistently using sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater, wearing sunglasses, and limiting your time in the sun. Doing so not only reduces your risk of sun damage — it also teaches your kids good sun sense. School Health Centre

The Read-A-Thon Committee is happy to report that we raised $1010.50 to go towards building a school library in the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan. This has been an exciting journey for the committee who began working in November when Lyla Stauch wrote a letter to Ms. Carole requesting to organise a Read-a-Thon to raise money to help build a school library for the refugee camp. Next Lyla formed a partnership with Hannah Goldberg and together they led a committee of students from Grades 3 to 5. The committee met once a week and planned and organised the Read-a-Thon. Mr. Daniel helped by allowing the committee to use his classroom and provided guidance as necessary. Over the Tết holiday Lyla had the opportunity to travel to Jordan with her family and personally deliver the money we raised.

The week before the Tet Bag delivery, we made Chúc Mừng Năm Mới cards to put in the gift baskets. We also put up posters to remind people to bring in donations for the Red River families. On Saturday, we met at the Elementary School and packed up a truck with all the gift bags. We had over 130 – heavy – bags full of items necessary for Tet!

We plan to update you with photos of the books purchased and a final report from when we meet for the last time to celebrate our success! Thank you to all the students, families and teachers who supported the Read-a-Thon! The Read-a-Thon Committee

Thank you to everyone who helped us deliver the gifts. And, of course, thank you to all the UNIS Community for creating a very warm Tet at the Red River. Xin Cảm Ơn! From the ASA Tet Bag Appeal Team

First, we travelled in the bus for 20 minutes to the bottom of Long Bien Bridge. We hired a little truck to transport the gifts over the bridge. When we got to the village, we donated our Tet bag gifts to the people living there. Everyone was so happy to receive the gifts. They were very appreciative of our generous donations. We felt good about giving instead of just receiving. After the trip we felt exhausted, but happy for being able to make a difference in someone’s life.

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