UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc 25 Vol 19 TT 8 March 13

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 19, Edition 25, Friday 08 March

Next Week...

Coming Soon...

Monday, 11 March

Monday, 18 March

ASA Session 3 Begins MYP Personal Project Due ES Parents Forum with the Principals 18:00 - 19:30 Community Room (Date change)

Wednesday, 13 March ●

Finance Committee Meeting, 07:00 - 08:30, B7 ES Sports Morning 08:30 - 12:30 SCO Boutique opens 08:00 - 09:00 for ES Sports MYP Personal Project Exhibition 18:00 - 19:00

Grade 6-11 Grade Level Trips (back on Friday 22 March) Grade 12 Mock Exam, 18 - 28 March

Tuesday, 19 March ●

Grade 2 PAC 18:00 - 19:30, Theatre

Thursday, 14 March ●

ES Art Show (Grades PreK, 1,3,4) 19 - 22 March ES Student-Led Conference 08:00 - 16:00 No classes for ES students Technology Advisory Council 16:30 - 17:30, B7

Friday, 22 March ●

5KW Parent Concert 11:50 - 12:20

Saturday, 23 March ●

Alumni Reunion in Singapore 18:00 - 20:30

Friday, 15 March ●

Grade 12 Mock Exams (until March 28) Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force 07:00 - 08:30

Saturday, 16 March ●

Spring Fair (No Saturday Soccer)

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) IMPORTANT : Bicycle Helmets (p.2)

IMPORTANT : Notes from the Director of Technology (p.12)

Notes from the Elementary, Middle/High School Principals and Admissions Office (p.3-4)

Looking for a Tutor? (p.12) College Night for 11 Graders (p.12) ES Sports Day (p.13)

Spring Fair Specials. Get Your Tickets NOW! (p. 5-7) Birthday Ball Countdown... (p.8) Birthday Souvenirs... Coming Soon (p.9)

Passport to Health (p.14) APAC Band & Theatre (p.15-16) MRISA & APAC Soccer. Host Families Needed (p.17)

25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.10) Living with Technology Info Sessions (p.11 ) Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition. Save the Date! (p.11)

Phoenix Cup Soccer Tournament (p.17-18) SCO Snack Sale (p.19) Boutique SALE! (p.19) New Energize Schedule (p.20)

Notes from the Head of School Dear Parents, I would like to thank the UNIS Hanoi counseling team – Candy Crouch, Tanya Arnold, Jason Caruana and Cami Endicott – for their efforts in organizing the recently concluded presentations on “Health and Safety.” The quality of the presentations was excellent and provided those parents, students and faculty in attendance with important information and interesting insights. Health and safety have the highest priorities at our school and I appreciate that we were able to share resources with our school community members. This is a gentle reminder that the Big Day is coming soon. Spring Fair is just around the corner (Saturday, 16 March) and the SCO are looking for volunteers for a variety of jobs in order to make this event a resounding success. Please review the announcement in another part of this Tin Tuc to see how to sign up and help. Finally, I would like to send a personal request that everyone review the regulation regarding the wearing of bicycle helmets when riding your bike to school. Again, in the spirit of safety, we appreciate in advance your support of this regulation. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School

School Regulation: Bicycle Helmets “UNIS Hanoi always puts safety first and thanks to some vigilant teachers, we have discovered a safety issue that needs attention and help from students and parents. For over 5 years, we have had a regulation requiring all bicycle riders to wear a helmet. Failure to wear a helmet meant that upon arrival, the student could not park their bicycle on campus and had to leave it outside gate 5.” After standing at gate 5 one day last week from 07:45 to 08:10, the administration found that approximately 75% of the bicycle riders were NOT wearing helmets. They either had them strapped to their handle bars or simply did not have one. Therefore, in the interest of safety, we plan to reinstitute the regulation stated in the first paragraph. The schedule for implementation is as follows:

The week of 11-16 March – students on bicycles should begin wearing their helmets to get into the habit. There will be a faculty or staff member at the gate to remind those who do not have a helmet on.

Monday – 19 March – Enforcement of the regulation will begin. Students on bicycles arriving at Gate 5 without a helmet will not be allowed to park the bike on campus and will have to leave their bike outside the gate.

We hope and trust that all parents understand and support our stance on this safety issue. Please contact the Director of Operations, Mr. Dave Porter do@unishanoi.org, if you have any questions.

Notes from the Elementary School Principal STUDENT LED CONFERENCES (Tuesday 19 March 2013) The time is drawing near for the ES student led conferences. This is an annual event at UNIS Hanoi in which I am looking forward to participating and enjoying during my first one this year. The school has identified benefits to including this type of event in the calendar. Student Benefits Increases accountability for their own learning and become actively involved Helps them evaluate their own learning Greater commitment to their own learning Builds confidence and self esteem Builds communication and critical thinking skills Places more responsibility on students and parents Spotlights the student as central to learning Parent Benefits

Increased amount of concrete information given to parents Opportunity to learn more about their child’s learning and skills Actively taking part in their child’s education Can use mother tongue – or hear their child manage in English. Eliminates some potential culture pressure associated with the formal interviews conducted at other times of the year By now you will have received your appointment time and you will see that families have been spread out throughout the day to ensure that there is enough space and time for each child to be able to share their learning and participate in the activities in both the homeroom and the specialist teaching areas without overcrowding. The teachers have carefully chosen activities that will help the children demonstrate and explain a variety of aspects of their learning and we hope this will help you develop a deeper understanding of how the children learn as well as what they learn. Please make sure that you visit both homeroom and specialist areas if you can. Your child will lead the way! The teacher’s role is very different to the traditional parent teacher conference. Most of the their responsibilities occur prior to the conferences taking place. They have been: Training the students and giving them time to practice and role play Providing time for students to gather all their work, book work, ICT, art work Encouraging students to accept responsibility for their own learning. Assisting student to critically evaluate their own learning On the day they will help to engage the parent and student in focused dialogue if the child needs some initial support and encouragement. At the end of the conference please take time to reflect with your child. We hope you find the experience both informative and enjoyable.

ES PARENT FORUM Monday 11 March 2013

Community Room 18.00 – 19.30

The second ES Parent Forum of the year will take place next Monday evening. Both Jan Humpleby and I will be available in the Community Room to meet and greet parents and talk about recent and upcoming events and activities within the Elementary School as well as to listen to feedback and address any questions and concerns. We look forward to welcoming you next week. Carole Denny, ES Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from the Middle/High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. I would like to congratulate our APAC Drama, Band, Swimming, and Basketball teams as well as our MRISA basketball squads on splendid tournaments. All teams traveled to their respective tournaments and I am happy to report that UNIS Hanoi was represented extremely well. Participating in APAC events is important for our students and our program. Competing against and collaborating with peers from other international schools helps our students set goals and more fully understand the level of excellence needed to succeed. Healthy competition is good and not something to shy away from. To be honest UNIS Hanoi does have a bit of difficulty competing against APAC schools. Many APAC schools have long sporting and artistic traditions and as newcomers it will take time for our teams to adjust to increased skill levels. Nevertheless, our students must be exposed to higher levels of competition. Our students will be vying for the same university and career placements as students form our peer schools. We should relish the opportunity to compete against top caliber competition and encourage our thespians, musicians, and athletes to reach for personal excellence. Game on! Two weeks ago I sent a link to Ken Robinson’s TED Talk (TED.com). In his “talk” Robinson challenges the status quo and offers an alternate path for the future of schooling which focuses on creativity. Several parents commented that they enjoyed the presentation as it provided much fuel for thought. As I find interesting presentations and information I will be sure to pass them along to you via the Tin Tuc. Recently I came across an insightful programme pertaining to parents, technology, and social media. Host Michel Martin facilitates a discussion revolving around social media and how parents can monitor and participate in the digital lives of their children. Please follow the link below to National Public Radio’s (NPR) “Tell Me More.” NPR: Tell Me More - Social Media Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from the Admissions Office

ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2013-2014 Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org.

RE-ENROLMENT FOR 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees Agreements have been issued to families via email by the admissions office. Invoices for deposit payments will be issued to families via email by the business office. Placements for returning students can be secured with payment of required tuition deposits for each attending student and returning the Tuition and Fees Agreement by 1 April 2013.

WITHDRAWING FAMILIES Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or call 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

School Community Organisation News

Get Your Spring Fair Tickets!!! Tickets for the Spring Fair is available. When:

Monday to Friday until March 15

What time:

07:45 – 08:30 and 15:00-15:45 (Wednesday afternoons 14:00-14:45)


In front of Canteen

How much:

80,000VND pre-sale, 100,000VND on the fair day

Everybody needs a ticket to enter the fair! Buy vouchers together with tickets! All food/drink and some games will be priced in vouchers. Avoid queues on event day! We will sell vouchers in a package of 10 only for pre-sale (100,000VND for 10).

School Community Organisation News WE NEED YOU !!! PLEASE HELP! With only two weeks left until our fabulous Spring Fair we are now looking to fill the many volunteers positions it takes to run a successful fair. Thank you to those who have already volunteered - your duties are currently being assigned and you will hear very soon. We still need lots more help, however . Please email sco@unishanoi.org or to Pippa directly pippa.phoenix@gmail.org to volunteer to help. Here are some of the areas we need help in - Students, staff, parents, teachers, in fact, everyone is welcome to assist! Bouncy Castle Supervision ( Men preferred, male high school students, or authoritarian figures) Many positions available, one hour shifts from 11 a.m - 3 p.m.

Bottle Donation Back by popular demand!

Entrance Ticket Selling / Roving Entrance Ticket Selling Many positions from 7 a.m - 2 p.m.

Our Operations Director, David Porter, will be running his bottle game at this year’s fair. This adult game requires donations of bottles. The bottles donated should be new (full and unused) of whatever filling – water, whiskey, milk, spaghetti sauce, lemonade, soy sauce, champagne, eye drops (possibly not), tomato sauce, cough mixture……

Entrance Ticket Takers (collect tickets/stamp at the gate as people enter/exit) Many positions from 7 am

Big ones, little ones, miniatures ……… anything that resembles a bottle…….

Voucher Selling/Roving Voucher Sellers Many positions from 11 a.m.- 2.45 p.m.

Check your shelves or stop by the market and drop them at any collection location: Advancement Office, ES Office or MSHS Office.

Gate Supervisors (Assist the security guards at entrances /directing traffic) - from 7 a.m.

SILENT AUCTION 4 Positions Uniquely UNIS AUCTION 8 Positions Mixed Games Many positions from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. We are looking forward to hearing from you! To volunteer, for queries, or any more information please email sco@unishanoi.org or to Pippa directly pippa.phoenix@gmail.org Pippa Wood, Spring Fair Volunteers

School Community Organisation News SILENT AUCTION As part of the 2013 UNIS Spring Fair, we will be holding the Flower Silent Auction with donated prizes from hotels, restaurants, spas and other businesses used by our UNIS Hanoi community. Last year with our community’s generous support, the auction raised funds to support a wide range of charity and community projects. For example, we support Nhat Tan Music Scholarship which funds local Vietnamese students to learn an instrument and English at UNIS Hanoi and play in our school band. Let us hope to be able to repeat that success again this year. Follow the link for the list of businesses participating for the auction: Follow the link for the Silent Auction rules: Please READ the rules very carefully and if you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Spring Fair Map


Check it out! Full of fun!

Eunice Chin, Flower Silent Auction Manager luv2cdworld@gmail.com


SPRING FAIR PROGRAMME Spring Fair will be a fun family day for the entire community with food, games, shopping and entertainment. The School Community Organisation are busy with final preparations, and there will be some wonderful new activities this year including:

    

UNIQUELY UNIS Silent Auction – our celebration of community talents with 25 unique items to bid for World Passport Quiz and Prize Draw for children with a Kindle and 100$ Amazon voucher “Masterchef” Competition with KOTO and MSHS Students working and competing together for the coveted title. Special guests from Sapa! Our MSHS students will host students from the Sin Chai school. 25th Birthday souvenirs for sale! (see next page for more)

STAGE PERFORMANCES ES Performances 11.30 – 12.30 Gr 2 Tue Tue Gr 3 Recorder pieces ES String Ensemble Oi Cappellas 43.8

MSHS Performances 12:45-2:00 MS Choir Grade 6 Band Grade 7 Band Grade 8 Band MSHS Band

Birthday Ball Countdown ... Some very special guests will be joining the partygoers on April 13 to celebrate 25 Years of Learning to Inspire at our Birthday Ball on April 13. The first head of school 83-year-old Dr Alice Ann Winner is flying into Hanoi especially for the event, along with the third Head of School, Jim Ambrose and the current Head of School at UNIS NY, Sal Uy. It promises to be an historic evening and you can reserve your tickets starting at SPRING FAIR… Join together with friends and book one of the 36-Street themed tables (for 10 people) of your choice… or meet new people and make new friends at one of the community tables. Tickets for an evening of fine dining with a special birthday menu from the InterContinental chefs, free flow wine from sponsors Miguel Torres with Red Apron, fabulous live music with special guest performances and incredible silent auction items up for grabs…only $100 USD per person. And just by buying your ticket, you will be making a transformational contribution of more than 80$ to the Birthday Gift Fund! The Fund will establish a legacy gift for our host country which will invest in those most in need in Vietnam, with our Service Learning partners, for the next 25 years! Also contributing to the Birthday Gift Fund will be all bids on our UNIQUELY

UNIS Silent Auction and purchases of Birthday Souvenirs (see next page) at Spring Fair…. Please CLICK HERE to find out what is on the UNIQUELY UNIS Auction list. There are plenty of “dream items” offered by our Parents and Faculty. Please FOLLOW THIS LINK to the UNIQUELY UNIS Auction rules. Please read the rules very carefully and contact the UNIQUELY UNIS team on advancement@unishanoi.org if you have any questions. Please remember to stop by our booths and bring home the most unique presents for your families and yourself!!! Emma Silva, Director of Advancement

School Community Organisation News

BIRTHDAY SOUVENIRS...coming soon! EXCLUSIVE     

Mugs T-shirts Fridge magnets Tea towels Orders for framed copies of the allschool photo from UN Day


Come and visit our stall at Spring Fair to buy and order our new range of 25th Birthday Souvenirs. All proceeds will go to the Birthday Gift Fund. The fund aims to establish a legacy gift for our host country which will invest in those most in need in Vietnam working with our Service Learning (CAS) charity partners for the next 25 years! Check out next week Tin Tuc for Price list and Photo order form

Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. I wanted to get in contact with UNIS’ Alumni so that our current community could get a better sense of what our school has been through to become what it is today. I interviewed Ms. Lan and Mr. Hanh in person and below is their a transcript of that interview. Mr. Graham Cherry was the second Head of School that UNIS ever had. Please visit my website HERE, thank you and I hope you enjoy! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student

My first question is when did you start work at UNIS and what was the school like when you first came here?

I would be really interested to hear what projects you were working on during your time as Head of School at UNIS and what impact you think this has had on the school that UNIS has become today?

Ms. Lan: I started working at UNIS Hanoi in October of 1991. At that time UNIS Hanoi was still in the Hanoi Amsterdam campus and there were only two classrooms. The upstairs held a small library and from what I remember there was around 36 students in total.

When I first came to UNIS Hanoi in August 1990, there were only 36 students, ranging from kindergarten to high school. The high school students - just two or three as I remember - were there because at that time there was no other possible school for them in Hanoi, and their families wanted them to stay with them. One of my early moves was to dismantle the high school because we could not provide either the staffing or the proper teaching for these students and it was not in their best interests to remain with us. I worked with their families and it was agreed that the students return to their home countries and stay with family members there to continue their secondary studies. I wonder how many secondary students there are today in UNIS Hanoi! I think the impact of that decision was to send a clear message to the diplomatic community in Hanoi at that time (there were almost no business families at that time) that we were a serious school determined to provide the right kind of teaching and learning, based on the UNIS model in New York. And I like to think that this was an early impact I had on the school which has in many ways lead to its being the school it is today.

Mr. Hanh: I joined UNIS Hanoi in September of 1991 so just one or two months before my sister. I was the only guard at the time and during that early period I was sometimes also have to do some cleaning jobs. The students at the time were all diplomatic students from embassies and the UN, there were no Vietnamese students. So, because the school was so small, did you feel connected to the students? Mr. Hanh: We didn't really have that much connection to the students, but I knew a German family whose mother was a teacher at UNIS Hanoi. I still see her around campus, especially during the bazaar and spring fair. Wow, so they have been here for over 20 years. Over the past 20-25 years have there been any changes that you have experiences in Hanoi? Ms. Lan: There have been significant changes in Hanoi in terms of infrastructure, the development of housing, cars, and material changes. Mr. Hanh: There is a big positive side to the changes: the majority of people were poor 20 years ago in Hanoi but now he can see that their lives have significantly changed because they can buy more things. There are also negative sides to development, but for me the positives out weigh the negatives. For the rest of the interview with Ms. Lan and Mr. Hanh, please go to this link!

Since you were only the second Head of School, what was UNIS like back then? What were the campus and students like? Were there many different nationalities at UNIS in your time as a HoS? There were certainly many different nationalities right from the beginning - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Germany, India, Malaysia, USA, Korean, Japan, and others. So it was very important to concentrate on English language learning. Some of the older English speaking students were very helpful in working with the younger to help them with their English. The School had a real family feel to it, and served as a kind of focal point for the lives of many families. This was a time in Hanoi when there were no private motor cars at all, and hardly any motor bikes - just bicycles! (No traffic lights either. And when the first ones were installed - 1992 I think - there was no public information campaign about what they meant. So the cyclists just continued as before - weaving through the intersections, regardless of green or red!) For the rest of Mr. Cherry’s story, please go to this link!

Living with Technology Session Series for all Parents

Mark your calendars! We would like to invite all parents to our following morning sessions revolving around various topics on technology and its impact on learning. If interested, kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org. Looking forward to a highly informative and engaging discussion with you!

April 4: Digital Footprint - What does Google say about you? 08:30 - 09:30 am Library Projection Room Many parents have heard the term “digital footprint”, usually in a negative or fearful connotation. The purpose of this session is to discuss how UNIS Hanoi is promoting and helping students to think about their own digital footprints and how they can positively craft their online identities.

age appropriate

public v. personal v. private

sharing options/visibility

 screen names and avatars

Coming Soon…  Evaluating Online Information: Do you believe everything you read or see online? 9 May 8:30-10:00 am Library Projection Room

 Social Networks: Learning to navigate through the popular social networks such as

Facebook, Youtube and more 30 May 8:30 - 10:00 am Library Projection Room

Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition Invitation What:

Celebrate the grade 10 students’ achievement in their personal projects Examples: musical compositions, photography, Dangerous Diabetes

Audience: Parents, siblings, students, staff, board members Where:

Centre for the Arts (B10) – theatre and foyer


March 14, 18:00 – 19:30


Notes from the Director of Technology UNIS Hanoi Tech Support Office (TSO) has scheduled REPLACEMENT of the five (5) year old ISIS server for Friday, March 8 at 4:00 pm to Monday, March 11 at 7:00 am. All ISIS modules including ISIS Family will not be available during that time. During the period that ISIS is off-line students and parents will not able to access the following ISIS Family information:  Change Request – Guardian Information  Documents – including student test information and student reports  Attendance Information  ASA Sign-ups  Service Learning Sign-ups

As with any service TSO will endeavor to complete the tasks quickly and efficiently.

Looking for a Tutor? MSHS Learning Support maintains a list of tutor contacts for UNIS middle and high school students. If you are looking for a tutor you can access this list through this link: TUTORS for UNIS Students This can also be found by going to the MSHS Learning Support page on the portal and clicking the Tutor link on the righthand side of the page under ‘General Links.’ Please be aware that UNIS maintains a tutor list as a service for our families. The learning support teachers review resumes and in most cases have a very short interview with prospective tutors. However, the individuals on this list are not vetted through the UNIS hiring process. Tutors on the list are not UNIS employees and UNIS is not responsible for the statements and actions of tutors on our referral list. Ensuring suitability and all arrangements for scheduling and finances are the responsibility of the families who hire them. The tutors have been grouped by the subjects for which they offer tutoring. There is a list for English Subject, EAL, General Homework Support (for MS only), Languages (Spanish, French), Math and Science. In each subject group, you will find names, contact information, a short summary statement and the grades that they are able to tutor. Where available, there is a link to their resume. Donna Bracewell, MSHS Learning Support dbracewell@unishanoi.org

Notes from the High School Counselors’ Office College Night for Grade 11 students and parents. We will beg in the college search for the class of 2014 College Night for Grade 11 Students and parents March 28th 2013

ES Sports Day Thursday March 14 is the Elementary FUN Sports Day. Please come prepared with a hat, water bottle, appropriate shoes and house shirt. Parents are welcome to come and witness the FUN!

From the Nurses Office In order to help preventing the spread of germs could all parents please keep their children at home if complaining of any of the following symptoms: Fever > 37.5, Abdominal (stomach ache), nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.

YOUR PASSPORT TO HEALTH IN VIETNAM GETTING AROUND: Safety – Traffic accidents are the single largest health concern in Vietnam. Helmets should be worn when riding motorbikes and bicycles, whether you are the passenger or the driver. Be sure your insurance covers you as a driver in Vietnam. If not, don’t drive a motor vehicle – it could nullify your insurance coverage. Seat belts should be worn at all times in cars. Be sure to have your blood group, insurance cards and identification readily available in case of emergency. EATING AND DRINKING: Water- Don’t drink the water from the tap, and brush your teeth with safe water. Drink plenty of clean bottled water on a daily basis to stay hydrated. Also drink plenty of fruit juices with ice cubes made from boiled or bottled water. Food- eat in clean establishments. Fruit and vegetables should be peeled thoroughly and cooked. Precooked foods in street stalls should be completely avoided. All meat and fish should be thoroughly cooked. Remember while local dishes are a delightful treat, contaminated food and drink can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other related bacterial infection. WORMS: There is a high incidence of worms in Vietnam. It is recommended that worm medication be taken every 6 months. Worm infestation in children can cause severe health problems such as anemia, Vitamin A deficiency and intestinal obstruction. School performance is also greatly affected. Studies show that regular de worming treatment increases school attendance and facilitates learning. PHARMACIES: Many medicines sold in local pharmacies are ‘copies’. Seek advice on reliable pharmacies. IMMUNISATIONS: The most frequent infections in travelers in which vaccines are available are Hepatitis A and Typhoid Fever. Hepatitis B is of high incidence in Vietnam and tetanus is a concern. When travelling in high risk areas Japanese B encephalitis prevention is recommended. Contact FMP or SOS for advice on availability of vaccines. MOSQUITOES: When outside, wear long sleeves and long pants after dusk. Repellants are available locally and mosie nets should be used at night it mosquitoes are present. Malaria and dengue fever are a problem in certain areas. RABIES: Beware of dogs, cats and monkeys as they may bite. Consult a Dr and try to locate the owner of the animal so it can be tested. Post exposure vaccines are available in Hanoi, HCM and Da Nang. SUNBURN: Wear a sun screen even if it is cloudy. SPF 15 or greater when in the sun. In the case of sunburn, treat with a cooling bath, stay out of the sun and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid alcohol as it causes dehydration.

REF: Family Medical Practice - Hanoi

APAC Band 2013 full of Success! From February 27 to March 3, the UNIS Hanoi APAC Band travelled to Hong Kong, in order to join five other schools (TCIS, SAS PD, SFS, WAB, and HKIS) and put on a huge concert. The APAC band worked hard to earn this, by practicing about 9 hours a day in a new environment. But APAC Band people do not only address the practices and rehearsals that have been done, but also about socializing and meeting other people in other schools, as a great merit. Yuri Murakami is a 10th Grader whom has participated in this year’s APAC Band and says, “This was my first time joining an APAC event and it appeared to be a really nice experience. Playing with other

flutist from other schools was pretty cool because it was a great chance for me to learn some skills so that I could get better. Also, I got close with the UNIS APAC Band members. They made my trip exciting and I made a lot of memories with them.” The UNIS Hanoi APAC Band now wishes to bring the experiences in Hong Kong, and to develop the MSHS Band to such standard, along with looking forward for APAC Band 2014 in TCIS. So Yeon, Grade 10

UMA News Dear parents and students, Please kindly note that UMA lessons will commence next Monday 11 March. And this year, there will be NO UMA lessons on Saturday 16 March due to the event of Spring Fair. Elizabeth Druitt, UMA Coordinator ldruitt@unishanoi.org

APAC Theatre Two weeks ago a group of 10 UNIS students travelled to South Korea to take part in the 2012 Apac Theatre Festival, hosted by Seoul Foreign School. Aiden McGibbon writes about what happened: APAC Theatre was definitely one of my favourite things I have done so far at UNIS Hanoi! I got to meet amazing and interesting new people, while experiencing different types of drama . During APAC drama we got to experience three different types of drama. There was Japanese "Butoh"(舞 踏), Indian "Kathakali" (कथाकेळि) and Korean "Talchum mask dance" (탈춤). On the first day that we were there, we got to try out all 3 different types of performance. In Butoh, you have to have 3 main things; Energy, Focus and Physical Awareness to convey messages through body language. Many of the messages that are conveyed, are very dark, as Butoh has a very dark history. Butoh was invented after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People needed a way to convey their emotions and they did this by using Butoh. However, Butoh is dying out because people think that it is "strange" or "weird." A teacher called Mark Hill taught us how to do Butoh! In kathakali a story is told using gestures and music. Many of the stories told are from the two "epics" in Indian folklore, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Kathakali originated in the region of Kerala and is only performed by men. There are two things that make Kathakali what it is. Those are the 24 "Mudras" and the 9"Navarasas." Mudras are the hand gestures use to tell a story, and they are basically the alphabet. The Navarasas are the facial expressions to show emotion. Kathakali is not meant to be a performance, but an offering to the gods and often go on for 3-9 hours! During this time, a candle is lit to symbolize the connection to the gods. Ms.Fenella Kelly taught us how to do Kathakali! Last but not least, there is Talchum! A traditional Korean mask dance performed in vibrantly coloured costumes with long sleeves. Talchum originated in "Hwanghae" province. (now part of North korea). Talchum was created by the lower classes to express frustration towards the higher classes and how they treated them with disrespect. Performing Talchum was a very exciting experience for everyone, I think because we got to learn more about tradition culture, and this was taught to us by Mr. Jung who is in-fact one of Korea's National Treasures! After that we performed our school's performance which was very cool! It was really interesting to see what other schools had come up with. Later on in the week, we had a shopping day and we also got to watch a traditional Korean love story. In that performance, there were some Talchum dancers, but we just called them the power rangers because they were wearing the coloured suits and had the same coloured masks on. (they also represented the police force). On our final day in Korea we performed our final presentation of Butoh, Kathakali and Talchum mask dance! The audience was apparently amazed at the skills that were used in the performance! Overall, Korea was an amazing experience for everyone and honestly, nobody wanted to leave, and when we found out that the divisions were mixed up for next year, everyone was really sad because we won't get to see a lot of the people next year :'( Aiden McGibbon, Grade 9

Student housing - Can you HELP? Host Families Needed For MRISA & APAC Soccer Thank you to all those families that were involved with hosting visiting students last weekend for our Model United Nations Conference!! The event was a big success and you were a very important component of that success! Before this school year ends, UNIS Hanoi will be hosting two more major sporting events, for which we will need the assistance of members of the UNIS community. We’ve already heard back from some of you, which is great, but we still need many more families to get involved. These are the two tournaments for which we are seeking host families: MRISA Senior Soccer (April 4-7) will bring about 120 High School boys and girls to our campus for 3 days and nights. APAC Girls Soccer (April 17-21) will see 85 visiting High School girls visiting UNIS Hanoi for 4 nights. We are very excited to be hosting these two tournaments. Although they are only 2 weeks apart, they will bring a lot of excitement and energy to our campus. It will require a considerable contribution from UNIS Hanoi families in order for our school to successfully host both of these tournaments. If you feel that you could open your home to some of our visitors that would be fantastic. Generally, we try to keep students together in pairs, but if you only have room for only one or perhaps you have room for more than two, we can make things work. Basic accommodations are all this is required. As you may already know, UNIS Hanoi students travel to some fantastic events. In turn, we do our fair share of hosting. The majority of these tournaments and festivals depend on the hospitality of the hosting school. Our students stay with host families when they travel, as other schools open up their homes to us. We value the host family experience as it fosters the development of new relationships and allows students to be part of another family for a few days. As members of both APAC and MRISA, we as a community have the opportunity to open our school and homes to visiting guests. We appreciate your help and assistance. If you can serve as a host family for one or both of these events, please contact me directly at da@unishanoi.org or the Activities Office at cocurricular@unishanoi.org. Please be on the lookout for an email that will be sent to all UNIS Hanoi families. Sincerely, Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

PHOENIX CUP Soccer Tournament This Saturday and Sunday the UNIS Hanoi APAC boys and girls soccer teams will be hosting the 2nd Annual PHEONIX CUP Soccer Tournament. This tournament will involve 8 teams and will be played over 2 full days (see schedule below). Our APAC teams play 11-aside soccer and this tournament will hopefully help them to prepare for their upcoming APAC tournaments in April. The tournament will also feature a UNIS Hanoi Middle School Boys team. They will be playing in the High School girls division, along with Hanoi International School (HIS) and a Grade 6 Boys team from Lomonoxop School. The UNIS Hanoi APAC Boys will play against Singapore International School, Tran Quoc Tuan and HIS. We encourage the UNIS Hanoi community to come out and support their Phoenix teams! The weather promises to be good, as will the soccer. See next page for the tournament schedule. GO PHOENIX!!

PHOENIX CUP Soccer Tournament Schedule 2013 PHOENIX CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT hosted by United Nations International School, Hanoi

Boys Teams

Girls Teams

Hanoi International School (HIS)

Hanoi International School (HIS)

Tran Quoc Tuan (TQT)


Singapore International School (SIS)

Lomonoxop School (LS)

United Nations International School (UNIS)







Home Team Listed First

Saturday March 9th

Sunday March 10th




08:00 Kick-off




09:15 Kick-off




10:30 Kick-off




11:45 Kick-off




13:00 Kick-off




14:15 Kick-off




15:30 Kick-off



LS vs. MSB

16:45 Kick-off




08:00 Kick-off



HIS vs. LS

09:15 Kick-off




10:30 Kick-off




11:45 Kick-off


Girls Consolation Final

13:00 Kick-off


Girls Championship Final

14:15 Kick-off


Boys Consolation Final

15:30 Kick-off


Boys Championship Final

16:45 Kick-off

SCO Snack Sale

We had SCO’s third Snack Sale last Friday on March 1st and it went wonderfully well! We thank all parents of KCA, KCO, 1TS, 1KB, 2JMcH, 2LN, 3AL who provided a variety of snacks! We are impressed with your brilliant ideas. We were very happy to see many parents turned up this morning to volunteer. Snack Sales cannot happen without your help, thank you! We look forward to seeing you again at our next Snack Sale. We would like to thank all ES/ECC teachers and teacher aides for organizing the visits to the Snack Sale, and all UNIS Operations staff for setting and cleaning up. We also like to thank all parents for your support so that your child(ren) can participate in Snack Sale. We are happy to announce that today’s sale raised 9,849,000!!! All proceeds from Snack Sale will be used for SCO sponsored activities, projects and charity. The last Snack Sale of this school is scheduled on Friday 31st May 2013. We will be asking the following classes to contribute snacks: Pre-K/RT, Pre-K/MA, 3BF, 4MK, 4BM, 5HN, 5MS/SC. Thank You! Bo-young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com Ikue Mizuno: mikue@mbn.nifty.com Christine Olga: cdheaton@indo.net.id

SCO Boutique News BOUTIQUE is on SALE!!!! UP TO 33% OFF!!! As spring is approaching, we discount all of our winter clothes… starting today… HURRY UP before they are all sold out. The boutique will be open on ES Sports Day Thursday March 14 from 08:00 - 09:00

Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (March 9, 2013 onwards) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

08.15 - 16.45

08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45

Fitness Room

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

NOTE: Session 3 ASAs – will be starting on March 11, so pool hours on weekdays will return to the normal hours. March 16 – Both the Swimming Pool and the Fitness Room will be CLOSED due to the UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair.

Canteen Menu for the week of March 11 to March 15 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com

Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

Western Set Menu 11 Vegetable Pasta Grilled Vegetables Green Salad w/ Carrot Dressing Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

12*** Chicken Cutlet w/ Sauce Multi Grain Rice Cole Slaw Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

13*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk

14 Beef Stew Multi Grain Rice Apple & Cucumber Salad Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

15 Cheese Pizza Corn, Peas & Carrot Green Salad w/ Pineapple Dressing Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk

14*** Fish Pancake w/Sweet & Sour Sauce Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

15*** Boiled Pork w/Egg Steamed Rice Stir Fried Chayote Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk

14*** Fish Pancake w/Sweet & Sour Sauce Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Marble Cake Fruit / Milk

15 Cheese Pizza Corn, Peas & Carrot Green Salad w/ Pineapple Dressing Choco Chip Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu 11 Chicken Curry Steamed Rice Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

12 Bulgogi (KR) Multi Grain Rice Jab Chae Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

13 Teriyaki Chicken Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk

ECC Set Menu 11 Chicken Curry Steamed Rice Grilled Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

12 Bulgogi (KR) Multi Grain Rice Jab Chae Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk

13*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk

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