UNIS Hanoi Tin tuc 26 Vol 19 TT 15 March 13

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 19, Edition 26, Friday 15 March

Next Week...

Coming Soon...

Monday, 18 March

Monday – Tuesday 25-26 March: School Holiday

Grade 6-11 Grade Level Trips (back on Friday 22 March) Grade 12 Mock Exam, 18 - 28 March

Tuesday, 19 March ●

ES Art Show (Grades PreK, 1,3,4) 19 - 22 March ES Student-Led Conference 08:00 - 16:00 No classes for ES students Technology Advisory Council 16:30 - 17:30, B7

Friday, 22 March ●

School and campus close / Offices open Wednesday, 27 March ●

Grade 12 Mock Exam, 27 - 28 March

Saturday, 30 March ●

UNIS High School 7’s Soccer Tournament Alumni Reunion in Tokyo 18:00 - 20:30

Monday, 1 April ●

MS Arts Expo 1 - 3 April Board Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7

5KW Parent Concert 11:50 - 12:20

Saturday, 23 March ●

Alumni Reunion in Singapore 18:00 - 20:30

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from Admissions Office (p.2) Notes from the Elementary School Principal (p.3)

ES Art Show (p.10) Colour Up Our School (p.10) “Experts” and Ideas Needed! (p.11) Grade 8 (p.12)

Middle High School Field Trip Contact Points (p.4) MAP Testing Result Info (p.4) Grade 12 Mock Exam (p.4)

Grade 10 Personal Project. Photo Special (p.13) Living with Technology Info Sessions (p.14)

Spring Fair Time (p.5) Birthday Ball Countdown... (p.6-7) Birthday Souvenirs...Tomorrow (p.8) 25th Birthday Alumni Project (p.9)

Boutique SALE! (p.14) Children’s Oral Health (p.15) Phoenix Cup Soccer Tournament (p.16) New Energize Schedule (p.20)

Notes from the Head of School Dear Parents, Tomorrow the official 25th birthday celebrations begin with the SCO Spring Fair. You will find some special events and activities to mark this historic year for the school and we hope each and every community member comes out to join in the celebration. In addition to the usual games, food, music, kiosks and auction, there will be a special birthday celebration complete with balloons and a huge community cake. I look forward to seeing you there. Exactly one month from Saturday, on 13 April, we will hold our 25th Birthday Ball celebration. Tickets go on sale beginning tomorrow at the Spring Fair so be sure to buy them before they run out. We are especially pleased to have three former heads of school who are returning for the celebration. This will include our first head of school from 1988-1990, Dr. AliceAnne Winner. Also joining us will be the current of UNIS New York, Mr. Sal Uy. This gala should be a wonderful evening to celebrate our first 25 years. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School

We wish all the best to Siriwimol Wongkantee (7MN) and Sirinada Wongkantee (9JG) who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

Notes from the Admissions Office

ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2013-2014 Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org.

RE-ENROLMENT FOR 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees Agreements have been issued to families via email by the admissions office. Invoices for deposit payments will be issued to families via email by the business office. Placements for returning students can be secured with payment of required tuition deposits for each attending student and returning the Tuition and Fees Agreement by 1 April 2013.

WITHDRAWING FAMILIES Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or call 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

Notes from the Elementary School Principal STUDENT LED CONFERENCES (Tuesday 19 March 2013) The time is drawing near for the ES student led conferences. This is an annual event at UNIS Hanoi in which I am looking forward to participating and enjoying during my first one this year. The school has identified benefits to including this type of event in the calendar. Student Benefits Increases accountability for their own learning and become actively involved Helps them evaluate their own learning Greater commitment to their own learning Builds confidence and self esteem Builds communication and critical thinking skills Places more responsibility on students and parents Spotlights the student as central to learning Parent Benefits

Increased amount of concrete information given to parents Opportunity to learn more about their child’s learning and skills Actively taking part in their child’s education Can use mother tongue – or hear their child manage in English. Eliminates some potential culture pressure associated with the formal interviews conducted at other times of the year By now you will have received your appointment time and you will see that families have been spread out throughout the day to ensure that there is enough space and time for each child to be able to share their learning and participate in the activities in both the homeroom and the specialist teaching areas without overcrowding. The teachers have carefully chosen activities that will help the children demonstrate and explain a variety of aspects of their learning and we hope this will help you develop a deeper understanding of how the children learn as well as what they learn. Please make sure that you visit both homeroom and specialist areas if you can. Your child will lead the way! The teacher’s role is very different to the traditional parent teacher conference. Most of the their responsibilities occur prior to the conferences taking place. They have been: Training the students and giving them time to practice and role play Providing time for students to gather all their work, book work, ICT, art work Encouraging students to accept responsibility for their own learning. Assisting student to critically evaluate their own learning On the day they will help to engage the parent and student in focused dialogue if the child needs some initial support and encouragement. At the end of the conference please take time to reflect with your child. We hope you find the experience both informative and enjoyable. Carole Denny, ES Principal esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from the MSHS Assistant Principal The Grade Trips are finally upon us. Both students and teachers are excited about the opportunities this week will bring for making memories and cementing friendships. Many hours have gone into ensuring that the trips will be rewarding, safe and educationally valuable. Please note that each grade level has one person who will remain at UNIS Hanoi who will be in daily contact with a trip leader. If you need to contact your child or a trip leader, please go through the UNIS Hanoi point of contact listed below. Please select this link to obtain a mobile number for the contact person you wish you talk with. Contact Person at UNIS Hanoi Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11

Sara Quigley Nicole Miranda Mel Hamada Joyce Miller Adrian Hubbard Seran Choi

We look forward to hearing about the many adventures and learning opportunities upon your child’s return. Christina Powers, MSHS Assistant Principal mshsapricipal@unishanoi.org

Notes from the Director of Learning Grade 3-5 Students Finish Spring MAP Testing Our students in grades 3-5 have completed their spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests and the MAP reports will be sent home electronically on Thursday March 21 via the ISIS Family system. You will receive an email on Thursday indicating that your child’s report is ready and additional information on how to access the report in ISIS. Please join us on Thursday, March 28 in the Community Room from 6-6.45pm to answer questions you may have about the test or about how to read the report. The purpose of this session will be to help you understand how to read the MAP report and to learn more about the MAP test in general. We encourage you to attend this session if you are new to UNIS Hanoi or to the MAP test. This will not be a time to discuss your individual child’s results, but a general session to assist parents in understanding how to read the reports. If you have any questions please contact Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org

Grade 12 Mock Exam - March 15 to 28 This week the year 12 students began their Mock exams. For some students the exams are an opportunity to demonstrate how prepared they are for their Exams in May. For other students it is an opportunity to learn what is needed in order to be prepared for the exams. Either way the Mock exams are important for your child. Exams will run from March 15 to 28.

 During DP mock exams all IB/DP rules apply.  Please be aware that the first session of exams exams start at 8:15. Follow this link to find the schedule for the exams.  If a student is late for the exam they will not be given additional time. We have incorporated breaks between each exam and as a result the start times for exam session 2 and 3 will vary.

 During Mock exam week, students need to be on campus only when they are sitting an exam.  The canteen will not be serving lunch during the exam week, but it will have sandwiches, pizza ( deli items) for you to purchase.  If your child has a fever during the exam week a doctor’s note must be submitted in order for a make-up exam to be considered.

School Community Organisation News

SEE YOU TOMORROW! Tickets for the Spring Fair are available at the gate for 100,000 VND

Spring Fair Map Check it out! Full of fun! (CLICK HERE)

SILENT AUCTION As part of the 2013 UNIS Spring Fair, we will be holding the Flower Silent restaurants, spas and other businesses used by our UNIS Hanoi community.

Auction with donated prizes from hotels,

Last year with our community’s generous support, the auction raised funds to support a wide range of charity and community projects. For example, we support Nhat Tan Music Scholarship which funds local Vietnamese students to learn an instrument and English at UNIS Hanoi and play in our school band. Let us hope to be able to repeat that success again this year. Follow the link for the list of businesses participating for the auction: Follow the link for the Silent Auction rules: Please READ the rules very carefully and if you have any questions, please contact me directly. Sincerely, Eunice Chin, Flower Silent Auction Manager luv2cdworld@gmail.com



Spring Fair will be a fun family day for the entire community with food, games, shopping and entertainment. The School Community Organisation are busy with final preparations, and there will be some wonderful new activities this year including:

11:30 - STAGE

 UNIQUELY UNIS Silent Auction – our celebration of community talents with 25 unique items to bid for

 World Passport Quiz and Prize Draw for children with a Kindle and 100$ Amazon voucher

Grade 2 Tue Tue Grade 3 Recorders Oi Cappella’s

12:00 - Outside B7 ES/MS String Ensemble

12:45 - STAGE MS Choir

 “Masterchef” Competition with KOTO and MSHS

1:00 – Outside B7

Students working and competing together for the coveted title.

Grade 6 Band Grade 7 Band Grade 8 Band MSHS Band

 Special guests from Sapa! Our MSHS students will host students from the Sin Chai school.

 25th Birthday souvenirs for sale! (see next page for more)

Birthday Ball Countdown ...

Birthday Ball Countdown ... RESERVE YOUR BIRTHDAY BALL TICKET AT SPRING FAIR - TOMORROW! The tickets for the Birthday Ball will be available for reservation tomorrow at Spring Fair…Book early to avoid disappointment! Parent volunteer and ticket maestro Willie Cohen will be at the table all day from 11am next to the Birthday Souvenirs stall and UNIQUELY UNIS Silent Auction. Tickets are 100 USD each and you will be able to book either:

 A whole table (for 10) and plan together with your friends  Individual tickets (or more) and make new friends at one of our community tables Thanks to the generous sponsorship of our Platinum Sponsors, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake, just by buying your ticket, you will be making a transformational contribution of more than 80$ to the Birthday Gift Fund! The Fund will establish a legacy gift for our host country which will invest in those most in need in Vietnam, with our Service Learning partners, for the next 25 years! Joining the list of special guests this week is Dr Francis Rhodes (4th Head of School) who built the school as it is today in Ciputra. Already confirmed are former Heads of School Dr Alice Ann Winner (1st), Jim Ambrose (3rd) and the current Head of School at UNIS NY, Sal Uy. Tickets for an evening of fine dining with a special birthday menu from the InterContinental chefs, free flow wine from sponsors Miguel Torres with Red Apron, fabulous live music with special guest performances and incredible silent auction items from Platinum Sponsors Vingroup up for grabs…only $100 USD per person. For more detailed information about reservation and purchase CLICK HERE.

UNIQUELY UNIS Silent Auction – TOMORROW AT SPRING FAIR! Don’t forget to bid for the priceless items at our very special silent auction celebrating the talents of our wonderful community. This is just a taste of the 25 items (one for every year)..

   

Back to school for Head of School Learn to make Nepalese Momo Handyman for the day

Knitting Master Class Enjoy the full auction catalogue HERE Please also FOLLOW THIS LINK to the UNIQUELY UNIS Auction rules. Please read the rules very carefully and contact the UNIQUELY UNIS team on advancement@unishanoi.org if you have any questions. QUESTIONS? Visit the 25th Birthday website and find out more! Emma Silva, Director of Advancement

Birthday Gift Fund-raiser!

Exclusive BIRTHDAY SOUVENIRS…Tomorrow!


 Mugs

70,000 VND

 T-shirts

130,000 VND

 Tea Towels

150,000 VND

 Fridge Magnets

60,000 VND

 Photo Orders

See below





Photo only

50,000 VND

70,000 VND

100,000 VND

150,000 VND

Wood panel photo

100,000 VND

150,000 VND

220,000 VND

400,000 VND

Framed photo

250,000 VND

350,000 VND

450,000 VND

750,000 VND

Come and visit our stall at Spring Fair to buy and order our LIMITED EDITION new range of 25th Birthday Souvenirs. All proceeds will go to the Birthday Gift Fund

Getting In Touch Project My name is Bryony Rickard and as a Grade 10 student I have to complete a Personal Project. I wanted to get in contact with UNIS’ Alumni so that our current community could get a better sense of what our school has been through to become what it is today. This is the final article! Thank you all so much for reading this page these last 13 editions! Please visit my website HERE for all the entries I received and a link to all the editions of my Tin Tuc articles! Bryony Rickard, Grade 10 Student

Where are you from? I am from New Delhi, India Where are you living now and what are you doing (job)? Currently living in New Delhi, India. I am a banking consultant and I was working with Oracle corporation and now work with a top Indian IT company HCL TECHNOLOGIES. What is your favourite memory from UNIS Hanoi? I have fond memory of my teachers and the way they taught. As I had come from a different teaching methodology in India, I was awe struck by the way they made us learn, it was fun. I vividly remember everything about UNIS even after 22/23 years. Our extracurricular activities like swimming, playing sports- table tennis, volleyball and baseball. We also acted in a movie – Dien Bien Phu (except that where we were supposed to appear, the scene was deleted in the last moment), nevertheless it was an awesome experience. I can go on and on! What was the best advice a UNIS teacher gave you? The Director Mr. Graham Cherry had advised me to look at Banking/ Financial Services as a career. Which I pursued and now I am a Banker and a Banking consultant. He laid the foundation for my career path. I think that advise had really given me an insight as to what I wanted to do in life. How did you get to school every morning? I took the school bus every morning. How did you and your friends spend your free time? 1. We had formed a band and we were practicing from one of the UNIS classrooms. Here we tried composing some songs but never reached a point in releasing a song or an album. 2. We used to play lot of Tennis and participated in tennis tournaments held by the Swedish Embassy, the French Embassy and some local authorities. So this used to be another meeting place where we used to practice a lot of Tennis. 3. As we were in 10th Grade and we were a bit older, we used to visit discotheques, so this was another hangout place during week ends.

What is your favourite memory/place in Hanoi? There used to be International Centre. That used to be my favorite hangout. The place had restaurants, swimming pool and a tennis court. Have you been back to Hanoi since you left? No, I will soon visit Hanoi and drop by to UNIS.

Dear Bryony: I am delighted to correspond with you about UNIS Hanoi. My first impressions were about how difficult it was. I had lived abroad in Beirut and Vienna for many years, but nothing prepared me for the difficulties of Hanoi. Even though the war had been over for many years, the city had not fully recovered. There was widespread malnutrition and the streetlights had just returned in the month before my arrival in August 1988. One saw no elderly or heavy-set people on the streets, and many were still being paid in rice. As for UNIS Hanoi, we had four rooms in a recently built Vietnamese high school where we had to completely renovate the bathrooms. We had a generator, which I had to learn how to use, as the electricity was sporadic. We started with four students, and in two years had forty. We took field trips with the Swedish and Finnish schools. They also allowed us to teach swimming at their pools. We held combined sporting events, and had many enjoyable times with them. I re-learned to ride a bicycle and rode all over the city, as there was little traffic. Driving in Hanoi was very difficult, and we used UNDP cars and trucks for everything. I returned to Hanoi in 1998, for the 10th reunion to find much had changed. The restaurants were safer, elevators worked, and the streets were much cleaner. The school had made great strides and I was very proud of it.

- Dr. Winner

ES Art Show

Grade 1 Students Take Actions From one person’s thought, the idea became infectious and soon during lunch and recess an army of Grade 1 students were busily creating art and adding colour to our 4 square court playground. When asked about their busy activity they replied:

“I want all the new students to feel welcome and happy,” explained Socorro who initiated the idea

“I want to make our school look new and beautiful. We need more rainbow colours in our school,” Ella shared

“I just wanted to make our school look more beautiful,” said Diana

“Experts” and ideas needed for 5th Grade Exhibition! The Exhibition is an exciting time for 5th graders and many people have been asking how they can help out. In order to make this a meaningful and authentic inquiry, students are encouraged to interview ‘experts’ and people with first-hand experience in their area of interest. They are also encouraged to go on a field trip and seek information in the community. We know that Hanoi is rich with resources, but we are not really sure of all the gold that may be beneath our feet. Hopefully, you can help us identify it! After reviewing the topics below, we would appreciate any help or direction in the following areas:

 Interview with an expert: Do you have a contact in this field that you can get us in touch with?  Interview with an experienced person: Do you know a person in the community who is personally affected by this topic?

 Organizations: Do you know of an organization that is currently working within this field?  Field Trip idea: Do you know a place they can go to get more information? It really does ‘take a village’ to make The Exhibition successful! Please email Jenny Hedrick (jhedrick@unishanoi.org) with ideas. All suggestions are greatly appreciated.


 Positives and Negatives of    

technology (games, computers, etc.) Programming/coding Design Advancements in design/innovations Impact of technology on environment

Peace and Conflict    

Conflicts between friends Conflicts between countries Conflict resolution Bullying


 Treatment of animals in Vietnam (food, pet, guard dog, etc.)  Animal testing  Animals for human use (food, clothing, entertainment, etc.)

The Arts

 Access to education in the Arts  Messages in music and art  Arts inspired by real world events/feelings

 Arts and how they can affect

Environment  Pollution  Water pollution  deforestation


 Doping/drugging  Unfair practice in sports  Positive effects on communities and individuals


 Star Wars politics and pop culture



Human Rights




 Cultural Identity through fashion  Expression through fashion  Reasons for space exploration  Benefits/problems with the space program  How space program research and exploration benefits communities

 Girls’ education in Vietnam  Access to Education  How girls are portrayed in the media/by society  Empowering young women

 Discrimination in Vietnam  Children’s rights  Healthy Choices

Grade 8 Friday field trip In grade eight Humanities, the students are currently working on a unit about Vietnamese culture and history. Our guiding question for the unit is “What is unique about Vietnamese culture?� and on Friday the students went on a field trip to experience and discover Hanoi first hand to add to their understanding of this topic. We broke into two groups and alternated morning and afternoon activities in which we visited the Hanoi Cooking Center and the Museum of Ethnology. At the museum, students examined a range of artifacts from various ethnic groups in Vietnam and explored communal structures. The visit to the Hanoi Cooking Center was full of excitement as students went on a market tour, played a tasting game, sampled different food, and made two different dishes to enjoy. The day went really well, both the students and teachers enjoying the activites! Kelsey Giroux, MSHS Humanities Teacher kgiroux@unishanoi.org

Grade 10 Personal Project The Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition was a wonderful event this Thursday evening. The foyer was filled with joy, cheer and pride. Every 10th Grader was happy to share with their families and friends their projects that they had been working very hard on all year. And those who visited the exhibition were even more happy to see the quality and range this year. “One of the main reasons why we do this Personal Project in Grade 10 at IB schools is so that we can learn more about a topic we enjoy, but more importantly to learn about ourselves “ - Vera Woerner

Congratulations to our Grade 10 students!

Living with Technology Session Series for all Parents

Mark your calendars! We would like to invite all parents to our following morning sessions revolving around various topics on technology and its impact on learning. If interested, kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org. Looking forward to a highly informative and engaging discussion with you!

April 4: Digital Footprint - What does Google say about you? 08:30 - 09:30 am Library Projection Room Many parents have heard the term “digital footprint”, usually in a negative or fearful connotation. The purpose of this session is to discuss how UNIS Hanoi is promoting and helping students to think about their own digital footprints and how they can positively craft their online identities.

age appropriate

public v. personal v. private

sharing options/visibility

 screen names and avatars

Coming Soon…  Evaluating Online Information: Do you believe everything you read or see online? 9 May 8:30-10:00 am Library Projection Room

 Social Networks: Learning to navigate through the popular social networks such as

Facebook, Youtube and more 30 May 8:30 - 10:00 am Library Projection Room

SCO Boutique News BOUTIQUE is on SALE!!!! UP TO 33% OFF!!! As spring is approaching, we discount all of our winter clothes… starting today… HURRY UP before they are all sold out. Please come and visit our stand at the SPRING FAIR this Saturday!

Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

From the Nurses’ Office CHILDRENS’S ORAL HEALTH Tooth decay (dental caries) affects children in the United States more than any other chronic infectious disease. Children living in Hanoi are not immune to tooth decay and left untreated will cause pain and infections that may lead to problems; such as eating, speaking, playing and learning. The good news is that tooth decay and other oral diseases that can affect children are preventable. The combination of dental sealants and fluoride has the potential to nearly eliminate tooth decay in school age children. As drinking tap water is not safe in Vietnam and it is unclear if bottled water in Vietnam has Fluoride, it is best to consult with your dentist regarding the use of fluoride.

What can parents and caregivers do? Here are some things you can do to ensure good oral health for your child:

 Encourage your children to eat regular nutritious meals and avoid frequent between-meal snacking.  Protect your child’s teeth with fluoride.  Use fluoride toothpaste. If your child is less than seven years old, put only a pea-sized amount on their toothbrush.

 If your drinking water is not fluoridated (contains fluoride), talk to the dentist or physician about the best way to protect your child’s teeth.

 If you are pregnant, get prenatal care and eat a healthy diet. The diet should include folic acid to prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord and possibly cleft lip/palate.

TOOTH BRUSHING: Regular tooth brushing and flossing help protect your teeth from decay and gum disease. To remove dental plaque, teeth should be brushed at least twice a day (in the morning, after breakfast and just before bed). Use a soft bristled toothbrush with a small head and fluoride toothpaste. Tooth brushes (or brush heads on electric tooth brushes) should be replaced every 3 months and/ or when bristles appear worn and shaggy.

FLOSSING: Floss your teeth once a day, prior to brushing. When flossing, take care not to damage your gums. Flossing may be difficult at first, however, with practice, becomes easy. If you are unsure which type of dental floss to use, consult with your dental professional.

Ref: Division of Oral Health, National center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health, CDC Atlanta Online access: 15/03/201 Queensland Government, Queensland Health, Australia, Healthy Teeth for life fact Sheet, Online access, 15/03/2012

Phoenix Cup Soccer Tournament On the weekend of March 9-10 UNIS Hanoi hosted the 2nd Annual Phoenix Cup High School Soccer Tournament. This 11 -aside tournament was a “warm-up” preparation event for the two UNIS teams that will be competing in season-ending APAC tournaments in April. The event involved eight teams playing in two divisions. On the boys side, the host UNIS Hanoi team was joined by Hanoi International School (HIS), Singapore International School (SIS) and Tran Quoc Tuan (TQT). It’s always a challenge to find girls soccer teams to play against in Hanoi, especially for an 11-aside tournament. In order to overcome this obstacle, the girls from UNIS Hanoi was joined by two middle school aged boys teams and the HIS girls. One of the boys teams was from UNIS Hanoi, coached by Maurice Humphries, and the other was from Lomonoxop School. The boys provided some very competitive games for the girls and UNIS Hanoi would like to thank them both for stepping in to help make the weekend a success! As things turned out, UNIS Hanoi teams faired very well, with the host school collecting three of the four trophies that were up for grabs! Congratulations to the UNIS APAC Boys, coached by Andy Dutton and Susan Kraetzer, who went undefeated through the tournament, beating TQT 1-0 in a close encounter to determine the championship. The UNIS APAC Girls, led by Alan Hough and Phi Nguyen, also managed to reach the championship final, but they came up against a strong UNIS Hanoi MS Boys team and were defeated 3-0 in the deciding match. Final Standings:

Boys Division

Girls Division

1st Place


1st Place


2nd Place

Tran Quoc Tuan

2nd Place


3rd Place

Hanoi Inter. School

3rd Place

Lomonoxop School

4th Place

Singapore Inter. School

4th Place

Hanoi Inter. School

The APAC Boys will be traveling to Beijing, China for their APAC Tournament. The Girls APAC Soccer Tournament will be held here at UNIS on April 18-20. We hope you’ll find time to come out to support “The Phoenix” as we proudly host our first APAC sporting event! We are still looking for host families for that tournament, so please contact the Activities Office if you can assist with housing. Good Luck to both of our APAC Soccer teams!! UNIS Hanoi is also hosting the MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament on April 5-6, so that’ll be another great event where the UNIS community can get involved by cheering for the home team. If you’re a soccer fan, April is the month for you!!

Energize Schedule ENERGIZE HOURS (March 9, 2013 onwards) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

08.15 - 16.45

08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45

Fitness Room

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

NOTE: Session 3 ASAs – will be starting on March 11, so pool hours on weekdays will return to the normal hours. March 16 – Both the Swimming Pool and the Fitness Room will be CLOSED due to the UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair.

Canteen Menu for the week of March 18 to 22 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com

Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

Western Set Menu 18*** Carbonara Green Beans Spinach Salad Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

19*** Chicken Fajita w/ Salsa Sauce Potato Wedge Mexican Salad Pound Cake Fruit / Milk

20 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Garden Salad Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk

21*** Fish Cutlet w/Tartar Sauce Multi Grain Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk

22 Sloppy Joe Potato Chips Lettuce & Tomato Salad Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

21 Noodle w/Jajang Sauce Vegetable Sticks Broccoli & Tomato Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk

22 Tandoori Chicken Chicken Rice Mushroom & Paprika Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

21*** Fish Cutlet w/Tartar Sauce Multi Grain Rice Broccoli & Tomato Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk

22 Sloppy Joe Potato Chips Lettuce & Tomato Salad Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu 18 Sweet Sour Chicken Steamed Rice Spinach Salad Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

19 Stir Fried Beef Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves Pound Cake Fruit / Milk

20*** Grilled Fish w/Egg Steamed Rice Sauteed Vegetables Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk

ECC Set Menu 18*** Carbonara Green Beans Spinach Salad Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

19*** Chicken Fajita w/ Salsa Sauce Potato Wedge Mexican Salad Pound Cake Fruit / Milk

20 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Garden Salad Lemon Cookie Fruit / Milk

Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org

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