UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 26 vol 20 tt 21 mar

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

NEXT WEEK... MONDAY-TUESDAY, 24-25 MARCH  Half-term Break. No school for students/Offices open. WENESDAY, 26 MARCH  Grade 12 Mock Exams (Continue) 26-27 March  IB DP Diploma Art Exhibition 26 March - 4 April  MRISA HS Soccer Games, 15:30 - 16:45 THURSDAY, 27 MARCH  K1 Field trip, 10:00 - 12:30  MS Volleyball @ St. Paul Int’l School, 15:30 - 18:00  Head of School Community Meeting with Vietnamese Parents, Black Box, 19:30-20:30 FRIDAY, 28 MARCH  Grade 4 - 5 Swim Meet , 8:20-11:35 SATURDAY, 29 MARCH  UNIS Phoenix Cup HS Soccer Tournament 29-30 March  No Saturday Soccer

Volume 20, Edition 26, Friday 21 March

COMING SOON... MONDAY, 31 MARCH  DP Art Exhibition Evening, 18:00-20:00, Centre for the Arts TUESDAY, 1 APRIL  Tuition Deposit for 14-15 Deadline  Grade 2 Fieldtrip, 8:30-11:30  Meet the Artists, Centre for the Arts, 14:15-15:15 THURSDAY, 3 APRIL  MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament @ VIS, Laos 3-6 April  5MS Parent Concert, Theatre, 13:15-13:50  4BM Parent Concert, Theatre, 14:50-15:20  MS Volleyball vs HIS @ UNIS Hanoi, 16:00-17:30  MSHS Parent forum with the Principal and Deputy Principal, 18:00-19:30 FRIDAY, 4 APRIL  Quarter 3 Ends

SUNDAY, 30 MARCH  Alumni Reunion in Tokyo, 18:00 - 20:30

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from Admissions Office (p.2) ES Celebrates World Happiness Day (p.3) Library book bags for new ES families (p.4) ES Swim Meet (p.4) ES Earth Hour (p.5)

DP Art Exhibition. Don’t miss out! (p.6) Summer Programme Opens next week. (p.7)

School Health Centre News (p.8) Kaleidoscope of Culture! (p.9) Spring Fair. THANK YOU!!! (p.10)

Congratulations goes out to the SCO for a wonderful Spring Fair. It was great to see so many members of our community attend this event. And they even got the weather to cooperate. Much appreciation goes out to all who were involved in making this event such a huge success. As our students in Grades 6-11 headed out on “Trip Week� this week, I was once again reminded of how fortunate we are to have teachers willing to give of their own time to be with and support our students. This is basically a 24-7 workload for the week but they do it because they understand the value of these kinds of activities. On these trips, students gain a better understanding and appreciation of our host country culture as they encounter first hand all that Vietnam has to offer. There are academic connections with Science, History, Writing and Cultural Studies. There is often a service learning component to the trips. Gaining independence and interdependence when they have to rely on each other and work together for a common goal is also emphasized. And of course there is the bonding that takes place in an atmosphere of friendship and collaboration. These are some of the valuable goals and outcomes that faculty

understand and thus commit to the success of each trip. And all of our teachers are involved in supporting students outside of the school day with various co-curricular activities and school trip after school and on weekends. We are lucky to have such a dedicated group of professional educators We hope the upcoming four day weekend provides the necessary break to help us through the long stretch from the end of the Tet holiday in February to the Spring break at the end of April. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School, hos@unishanoi.org

We wish all the best to

who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org. Tuition and Fees Agreements and invoices for deposit payments shall be issued directly to families in early March. Placements for returning students must be secured by 1 April 2014. Families are required to pay tuition deposits for each attending student and commit to the terms and conditions of tuition and fees for the 2014-2015 academic year. Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.

 How often do you help other people?  How many times this week have you told your family 

There were colourful clothes and random acts of happiness in the Elementary School as students celebrated the acknowledgement by the UN that global happiness depends on personal, community and environmental well-being. Each student was given a ‘happy heart’ onto which they drew smaller hearts each time they received or gave someone else a random act of happiness. Students gave out free hugs, tickles and smiles. They made compliments, appreciated and thanked one another. They made new friends, told jokes and cleaned up the environment. Students walked through a happy arch of balloons that was recycled from the SCO Spring Fair, and decorated each balloon with smiley faces. The ES Geek Squad captured the day’s events on video as they are making a ‘Happy We Are at UNIS’ video which will be revealed soon. Preparations for the day began last week with the Student Council reps introducing the day during assemblies with Grades 1-5 and ECC. The explained that the UN describes Happiness as when Our world; Our environment; Our community; Our family; Our friends and Ourselves feel cared for, safe and successful. They asked students if they were a person who usually frowns and sees the negative or someone who smiles and sees the positive side of things. We learned about different types of smiles and practiced smiling from our hearts and eyes as well as our mouths. Students conducted a Happy Habits Quiz where the audience were asked to rate themselves on a 1-6 scale from a little to a lot. Why not try it yourself

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and friends that you really like them? How often do you spend at least 30mins a day being active? How often do you notice all the good things around you? How often do you learn something new and enjoy it? How often do you do something that really makes a difference? How often do you find your own solutions to problems? How often do you tell yourself you are fine just the way you are? How often do you say thank you …and mean it? How often do you pick up litter even when no-one else is looking?

To end the assembly we had a minute of ‘Smilence’ before dancing to We Are Happy by Pharrell Williams. Jan Humpleby, ES Deputy Principal esdprincipal@unishanoi.org

Welcome New UNIS Hanoi ES Families! Please help us maintain our fantastic Library collection by providing your child with an appropriate book bag. Student MUST have a water resistant Library book bag to carry their Library books to and from school in when borrowing. One from home is acceptable, even preferable, as we strive to reuse and repurpose existing materials. If you do not already have one SCO supported Book Bags may be purchased at the SCO Boutique located in the foyer of the Sports Centre for 120,000 VND. Ms. Conroy, ES Librarian eslibrarian@unishanoi.org

Elementary Swim meet for all students from Grades 4 and 5 is scheduled on Friday, March 28, from 8:20-11:35. All families and friends are very welcome to attend and to support House event.

The Inner Being & Outer Shell UNIS Hanoi DP Visual Art Graduating Exhibition Centre of the Arts Foyer Exhibition Opening: Monday 31 March 6pm Join the students as we celebrate the opening of the exhibition with snacks

Meet the Artists: Tuesday 1 April 2:15 - 3:15pm Exhibiting artists will be available to talk about their artwork and answer questions about Themes/ Techniques and Motivations behind their artworks. All UNIS Community/parents / classes invited

Exhibition Dates: Wednesday 26 March - Friday 4 April 2014 Feel free to come and view the exhibition any other time during the time of the exhibition (school hours)

For more information contact DP Art Teacher Robert Natoli, MS/HS/DP Art Teacher rnatoli@unishanoi.org

 Full day programme (8:30-3:00) for

current ECC, Grades 1-7  Half day programme (8:30-11:30 and

12:00-15:00) offered for Grades 8-11 Programmes above include a balance of FUN and EDUCATIONAL Activities. ECC students will participate in a wide range of fun learning activities with ECC dedicated staff, space, and resources! Grade 1 - 7 students will participate in activities focused on English Literacy, Math Games and Investigations, “Hands On” Science, Performing Arts, “Create” (arts and crafts), Digital Skills, and Sports! Grade 8 – 11 students can select from Extended Essay support (current Gr 11s only), Academic Writing, Academic Reading, Sports and Fitness, and Performing Arts, for half day sessions!

 $600 USD for the two-week full day programmes  $325 USD for HS half-day programmes or one-

week of the full day programme Programmes include lunch and snacks. Bus transportation is available with an extra fee of $50 USD. Enrollment will be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students until April 18 so make plans to attend now. Full registration details in next week’s Tin Tuc. Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Programme Principal summerprogram@unishanoi.org

It’s time again to pack those suitcases and head off for a 4 day weekend. I know you may think, you have heard about DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis ) before, but, as some members of our UNIS Hanoi community have experienced DVT from flying recently, a reminder may prove useful in preventing you from getting one!

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Cancer and cancer treatments. Pregnancy and the first 6 weeks after delivery HRT or birth control pills Family history of DVT Prolonged bed rest Obesity Smoking most common and usually in the

affected limb Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) occurs when an abnormal blood clot forms in a large vein. These clots develop in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis, but can also occur in other large veins in the body. If you develop a DVT and its diagnosed correctly and quickly, it can be treated. However, many people do not know they are at risk, don’t know the symptoms, and delay seeing a Doctor if they do have symptoms.

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Recent swelling of the limb Unexplained pain or tenderness Skin that may be warm to touch Redness of the skin

Symptoms of DVT may be similar to other conditions, like a pulled muscle, this often leads to a delay in diagnosis.

 Exercise regularly when sitting for long periods – gentle

Anyone is at risk for DVT but the more risk factors, the greater chance you have.  Pronged sitting when travelling  Hospitalization for a medical illness.  Recent surgery or injury.  History of clotting disorder or previous DVT.  Increasing age.

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leg/ ankle movement  Get up and walk around every 2 hours  Wear loose fitting clothes  Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol. School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org

What a fabulous day we all had at the UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair 2014! On behalf of the SCO and the Spring Fair Organisation Team, we would like to thank every single one of YOU who made this community event possible. We had 20 simply amazing Country Tables with entire families getting involved in the preparations of the delicious food, fantastic decorations, fun games and selling. We tremendously appreciate and value the participation of all the generous volunteers who gave their time to help, all the students who worked hard to raise funds for their chosen charities, all of the support from UNIS Hanoi staff, especially Operations, and of course a big THANKS to all of those who entertained us! Put all your support together and throw in the best day of weather in Hanoi in the last month, and you have a memorable day as a result! We sincerely hope everyone that attended had an amazing time. We certainly had fun organising it.

We would like to award a special recognition to the following country tables for embodying so incredibly and creatively the spirit of this event: 1.






Looking forward to the 2015 version! Sincerely, SCO and Spring Fair Organisation Team

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