tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 16 MARCH IB Diploma Programme Mock Exams, 16 - 20 Mar Grade 4 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 16-19 Mar Advancement Committee Meeting, 12:00-14:00, Conference Room JV Boys' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Field TUESDAY, 17 MARCH SMP 2015-2020 Workshop with SMP Consultant, 9:0012:00, Community Room ADE Production of Frankenstein, 13:30-15:30, Theatre Board Meeting with SMP 2015-2020 Consultant, 17:3019:30, Community Room WEDNESDAY, 18 MARCH UNISBoD: SMP 2015-2020 Workshop, 9:00-12:00, Community Room University Visit, 12:40-13:20, Common Room JV Girls' Soccer vs HIS @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Field THURSDAY, 19 MARCH Grade 4 Slice of ICE Parent Peformance, 18:00-19:30, Theatre & Foyer, Centre for the Arts
Volume 21, Edition 26, Friday 13 March FRIDAY, 20 MARCH Withdrawal Notification Deadline for Refund World Happiness Day University Visit, 12:40-13:20, Common Room SATURDAY, 21 MARCH North South Cup - Soccer @ SSIS, 21-22 Mar UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair, 11:00-15:00
COMING SOON MONDAY, 23 MARCH JV Boys' and Girls’ Soccer vs BIS @ BIS, 15:30-17:30 Advancement Orientation Session, 17:30-19:00, Conference Room TUESDAY, 24 MARCH HS Athletics Day Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00-8:00, Community Room Joint Finance Committee and Campus Development Task Force Meeting, 8:00-9:00, Community Room FRIDAY, 27 MARCH Varsity Girls' Soccer vs BISS @ UNIS, 16:00-17:00 SATURDAY, 21 MARCH Phoenix Cup HS Soccer Tournament, 28-29 Mar Alumni Reunion in Tokyo, 14:00-16:00 (Tokyo time), Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Admissions Office (p.3) THANK YOU! (p.3)
Ciputra Challenge (p.8) Summer Programme (p.8) Moldy March. Tips for a mold free house (p.9)
Grade 4 Slice of ICE. Save the date! (p.4) Model United Nations VII (p.4-5) UMA Concert photo special (p.6) Last chance to sign up (p.7)
Spring Fair. Buy your ticket NOW and have lots of fun! (p.10-15) Spring Fair goes green (p.13) Wanna dance? (p.13) Bubbleologist sky walkers and more (p.14-15)
Over the past year I've had a number of inquiries and conversations with parents and staff regarding outdoor and indoor air quality in Hanoi and at UNIS. I would like to update you on our progress and plans regarding this important issue. We all recognize that air pollution is a major environmental risk to health affecting everyone. The World Health Organization (WHO 2005) guidelines are the most widely agreed and up-to-date assessment of health effects of air pollution. Exposure to air pollutants is largely beyond the control of the individual and action is required by governmental authorities. As a school, we can protect our students by reducing their exposure to air pollutants when levels are high. To this end we have prepared a School Operating Regulation (SOR) that outlines how we monitor air quality and what action we will take. This regulation is based on the WHO Standards and the practices of many other International Schools in the Asia Region that are responding to the same issue. A copy of our Regulation can be found by clicking on this link:
In addition to outdoor air quality we are also making plans to monitor and address indoor air quality as well. The UNIS Hanoi campus is not a fully enclosed campus so therefore we cannot address the issue with a single centralized air handling system. Our research thus far indicates that air circulation and filtration will be required individually for most of our classrooms. The School is presently considering the options and costs of systems to address indoor air quality with implementation occurring possibly as early as this coming summer. I will keep you informed on our progress in this regard. Over the next two weeks the Principals and the Health Centre will begin implementation of the SOR and we expect that perhaps some adjustment to the procedures may be necessary. However our ultimate goal is to maintain a safe and secure environment to the best of our ability here at school. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with these new procedures. Respectfully, Dr. Barder hos@unishanoi.org
https://docs.google.com/document/ d/1uLt_UFd1_PpnVZxbLKo0Uxeye0kEVUgo2teawRrcW lM/edit?usp=sharing
Testimonial by outgoing parent-elected Board member (2012-2015) Craig Burgess: We need people like you with skills and expertise to join the UNIS Hanoi Board of Directors The board will conduct an election for one parent elected member:
The deadline for receipt of candidate application forms is 16th March at 12pm.
The online election will run from 3rd April - 12th April. Parents can find more information about the work of the board, the role of a board member and the election process here.
'It has been a privilege to serve on UNIS committees and as a parentelected UNIS board member since 2012.’ ‘UNIS is precious and needs committed parents to help guide its future; I encourage any parent who has the interest and energy to stand for election. Jump in with both feet and an open mind!' The Board of Directors encourages all parents to consider putting themselves forward for election. If you have any questions, please contact the Board Assistant, Jennifer Sawyer, at boardassistant@unishanoi.org. Best regards, Nguyen Van Hieu, Board Chair
Please secure placements for your child/ren in the next school year as follows:  Return the Tuition and Fees Agreement for each family to admissions@unishanoi.org  Remit a tuition deposit payment for each returning student Placements must be secured by 3 April 2015.
Please confirm the departure of your family from the school by submitting an Admissions Withdrawal Form. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.
Next Thursday March 19 at 6pm, Grade 4 is staging their Slice of Ice Evening in the Centre for the Arts. All Students should be at school by 5.30pm and 4BM and 4LL should meet in the Music Room. Students in 4HK and 4PB are to meet in the Drama Room. Parents are to meet in the Theatre. Students are encouraged to wear a combination of Green and Blue clothing that are appropriate and easy to move in. Students will be doing an Art Scavenger Hunt with their parents during the Gallery Time. We look forwards to seeing all the Grade 4 parents there celebrating the students’ achievements. Grade 4 Slice of ICE 2013-2014
Students in Grades 9-12 from 10 different schools travelled to UNIS Hanoi to attend the largest student led Model United Nations conference ever held in UNIS Hanoi. With over 180 students, it was a chance for students to take on the role of delegates and representatives of countries to the United Nations and, within the role, negotiate and write resolutions and solve the world’s most important issues of today. UNIS Hanoi students represented Cambodia, Chad, Chile, France, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Rwanda, South Africa, and Venezuela, and provided over 60 delegates to the conference.
It is an amazing experience for the students to attend to handle the most important and pressing matters faced by the world today. Although they only act as their countries, they are creative and innovative with their resolutions and think from different and varying angles to make positive solutions for the world’s problems, and they prove that the world still has plenty to learn from the minds of the young people all around the world.
Gavels used by the chairs to maintain order in each committee, and also used to open and close the conference. This year’s student officer’s team was highly effective in its efforts to create and promote debate in their respective committees.
The topics debated ranged from the prevention of the militarization of outer space to the use of economic sanctions in the context of political coercion. Five of our students, Jin Sun Park (GA1), Trung Tran (GA2), Jemima Brennen (GA3), Viet Than (Security Council), and Seyon Park (Special Committee: Space) acted as chairs and maintained and orchestrated debate in their respective committee rooms. Michael Emblem and Siddharth Patra, were chosen for the positions of Secretary General and the President of the General Assembly. All of these students were chosen for honorable and coveted positions. The Secretary General and the President of the General Assembly acted as facilitators of productive debate and were responsible for a wide range of duties, such as communication between student officers. The work of the students started in August with the selection of the conference Theme and selecting the issues to be debated in the conference.
UNIS Hanoi MUN. Photos from Tim Barnsley & Donna Frose
Our guest speaker, Mr. Giang Nguyen, who spoke to us about the Vietnamese space program and the potential benefits that space travel and education has to give to us.
As the President of the General assembly, this was a great chance for me to see some quality debate, and I am proud to say that almost all students participated and contributed to some excellent discussions. The experiences gained from any MUN conference are invaluable, and I think this year’s delegates have a truckload of them to take home.
Siddharth Patra
Some intense debate, upon a topic in the second committee of the General Assembly.
Many resolutions and agreements were reached this conference. Over the course of this conference, positive solutions were formulated to favor all parties in each discussion topic. As a happy coincidence, many friendships were also forged.
As the Secretary General, it was an amazing opportunity to see the development of the students from the start of the conference to the finish. The educating experience that MUN provides an be seen from the transformation from a regular student into a delegate and a speaker for solving the worlds problems. This transformation allowed us to see the knowledge not only of the students but educate others when concerning the policies of other countries. What can be learned from MUN can prove to be invaluable for the student's lives which really raised the significance of this conference to another level.
Michael Emblem
Voting procedure The entire UNIS Hanoi team for the conference, including delegates, admin staff (in red ties), and student officers.
UNIS Hanoi MUN. Photos from Tim Barnsley & Donna Frose
I am a clarinet player and I participated in my second UNIS Music Academy (UMA) concert that was held on 6th of March. I performed two duet songs with my friend who plays saxophone and I thought it was very successful. I really liked watching little elementary kids showing their musical talents and I appreciated how they decided to stand in front of lots of people to perform in the theatre. I was very satisfied with my performances and happy to look back at my progress of what I have been learning in lessons. I also feel privileged to be invited to play in such great concert and really want to thank my teacher and UMA officer who gave me the opportunity. I would love to participate in all the up coming concerts and would be very grateful if more people in the UNIS community came to support our musically talented students. Su Yun (Sue) Jeong - UMA and UNIS student
My first solo performance in my life, UMA concert, gave me an opportunity to play in front of people alone. I not only spent my time playing my music, but also listening to the others, my peers performing. This motivated myself to practice more so that I can play as good as the others. Su Ho Jeong - UMA and UNIS student
Photos by Tim Barnsley
ES Sports Morning. Photos by Tim Barnsley.
Get a chance to train with the Real Madrid Coaches from the world famous Real Madrid Football Club, here at UNIS Hanoi during our Real Madrid Football Clinic Hanoi May 2015. The Real Madrid coaches, who would be assisted by a team of specially selected assistant coaches, will be leading and conducting the 5 days training clinic in Hanoi. The Real Madrid coaches are the same coaches who work with their own Real Madrid youth team in Spain. The coaching methods and training regime will be based on the current programmes in Real Madrid current youth development programme. Featuring small group focused training: 1 coach to a maximum of 12 children per group The clinic’s training is designed around the philosophies of one of the world’s greatest football teams Real Madrid CF. The youth training programme uses the same training techniques that are taught at their famous 'La Fábrica' in the Ciudad Real Madrid. Clinic participants will have the unique opportunity of being coached and trained in methods used by not only players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale, James Rodriguez and Sergio Ramos, but many of the world’s top football stars. This camp is open to all children from age from 7 to 16 with any level of football skill. And also as part of our social responsibility and commitment to giving back to our local community, we will be working together with UNIS Hanoi and Crowne Plaza West Hotel to sponsor and offer the same opportunity to a group of 20 to 30 disadvantaged Vietnamese children.
Please go to www.frmhanoi.com to register. Places are limited and will be on a first- come-first-served basis. Deadline for registration: 16th March 2015 If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at info.frmvn@gmail.com
Real Madrid Football Clinic, Hanoi May 2015 Designed for children age 7 to 16 years of age 4th May 2015 to 8th May 2015 (Daily sessions from Mon to Fri) 1630H to 1800H UNIS Hanoi Soccer fields VND8,400,000 per participant (includes an official Real Madrid clinic training shirt & shorts)
The second graders used their mapping skills to complete the Ciputra Challenge, a scavenger hunt within Ciputra. Each group used clues, a compass, and their knowledge of directions to find the next location. Once there, they received a puzzle piece with the next clue. Upon completion, the students completed the puzzle to find a map of Ciputra. Fun was had by students, parents and teachers alike! Thank you to all who made the event possible.
These past couple of weeks Hanoi was just wet wet and wet. And not just the rain, but the high humidity as well (in the 90’s and last Monday was at 97%!). With increasing environmental moisture comes the most dreaded mold.
Molds are part of the natural environment. They reproduce by means of tiny spores which are invisible to the naked eye and float through air. Outdoors, molds play a key part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees. Meanwhile, molds may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on wet or damp surfaces.
Molds may cause health problems by producing allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins). Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause hay fever-type symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash (dermatitis). Allergic reactions are common, and could be immediate or delayed. Molds can cause asthma attacks and also irritate the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs.
While mold and mold spores cannot be completely eliminated indoors, these can be minimized by controlling available moisture which is what molds need to grow. 1. Fix leaky plumbing and leaks in the building as soon as possible. 2. Reduce indoor humidity to 30-60% by: venting out bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generating sources; using air conditioners and de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fans whenever cooking, dishwashing and cleaning. 3. Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours. 4. Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i.e., windows, piping, exterior walls, roof or floors) by adding insulation. 5. In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i.e., near drinking fountains, classroom sinks, or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent condensation). 6. Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles, that are moldy, may need to be replaced. 7. Do not paint or caulk moldy surfaces. Clean up the mold and dry the surfaces before painting. Paint applied over moldy surfaces is likely to peel. 8. If unsure about how to clean an item or area, or if the item is expensive or of sentimental value or moldy area is large (more than 10 square feet) consult a professional. For more on mold, go to http://www.epa.gov/mold/ moldresources.html School Health Centre
"Mouldy Clementine" by NotFromUtrecht - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http:// commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mouldy_Clementine.jpg#/ media/File:Mouldy_Clementine.jpg
This Spring Fair is FULL OF SURPRISES! From PONY RIDES to BUBBLEOLOGISTS to STILT WALKERS...You will WANT to be part of this action! We REALLY NEED EVERYONE in the UNIS Hanoi Community to GET INVOLVED in the Spring Fair by volunteering during one or two of the shifts!
Sign-up HERE to volunteer!
Do you love music? Volunteer for an hour in our Karaoke Corner!
Do you enjoy arts & crafts? Help our students for an hour in our Crafts area!
Are you an early morning riser? Come help out at the gates from 6:30am!
Spread the word and volunteer with a friend; many hands make light work!!!
TICKET SALES In front of the Canteen, everyday before (8:00-8:25) and after school (15:15 - 16:40) Receptionist in the Admin Building, Monday to Friday, 8:15-16:45 School store, during opening hours
Everyone participating in the Spring Fair will need to purchase a ticket to enter.
We ask EVERYONE to bring reusable water bottles. There will be free refill stations around the fair. Bring reusable bags for your purchases. The SCO has invested in reusable plates for this event - PLEASE place plates in wash bins instead of trash bins. Biodegradable trash bags will be used and the SCO is no longer ordering Styrofoam take away containers.
In line with the UNIS Hanoi Sustainability Audit and inspired by the ES Recycling ASA the Spring Fair Organising Committee has started the efforts to GO GREEN at this event! We are following recommendations from the United Nations Environment Programme Sustainable Events Guide.
This year at UNIS Spring Fair Yury Rockit will lead a a dance for everyone to join. Yury is a well known professional yoga, dance and fitness instructor living in Hanoi. Everyone is encouraged to have fun joining in !
The mass dance off will begin at 1 pm near the Main Stage.  The first dance will be Beyonce https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYq0zAQ3lHY  The second dance, involving Zumba steps will
be Shake it out https://www.facebook.com/ yury.menkovich/posts/10153058601101390? comment_id=10153058603186390&notif_t=like
This event is not yet completely plastic free but this is the first step in the right direction. We thank you in advance for helping our sustainable event initiative!
Yury will demonstrate the moves and the crowd can dance too. Yury will also present a Philoxing demonstration . This is a new fitness movement soon to be
Amazing SKYWALKERS! Bubble Petting Zoo! You will be BLOWN AWAY!
MORE BUBBLES! DR. FROTH GOES BUBBLE CRAZY SHOW ! SUNDAY, MARCH 22 - 6pm (Centre for the Arts Theatre) The kids will love this international act and adults will be wowed! Hysterical, engrossing and inspirational! It’s a bubble bonanza of vivacious, wacky, yet sophisticated tricks. The adorea-bubble Dr Froth entertains ALL AGES with enticing visual spectacles involving MASSIVE doughnut bubbles, tightrope-walking bubbles, geometric-shaped bubbles and more!
Tickets 150 000 VND The 3pm show on Sunday 22mnd March is sold out. The 6 pm tickets are available after school from 3.15 - 4.40pm in front of the Canteen AND at The Kitchen (To Ngoc Van) Thank you to our sponsors and the UNIS Hanoi SCO for facilitating his visit and also the Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake for providing some of the accommodation. For queries contact Pippa Wood at sco_mshsvice@unishanoi.org
After enjoying the Bubble Petting Zoo, the Bubble Skywalker and the Dr Froth show, on Monday the 23rd, and Tuesday the 24th of March, kids can attend a Bubble Academy Workshop with the Bubble Artists.
 Monday March 23rd, 15:30-16:30 and 16:30-17:30
The Bubble Academy is a very special hands-on experience where kids can learn about homemade bubble mix, bubble blowers and learn an amazing assortment of incredibubbly cool bubble tricks! (age group Elementary and Middle School, approximately 8 - 12 years, as a guide)
Each workshop session cost 250 000 vnd per student. Enrollment can be made by completing this form. or enrolling where the Spring Fair tickets are being sold outside the canteen after school. Payment can be made there also.
 Tuesday March 24th, 15:30-16:30
SIGN UP HERE FOR BUBBLE ACADEMY For further enquires contact sco_mshsvice@unishanoi.org