tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 27, Friday 22 March
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday – Tuesday 25-26 March: School Holiday
Tuesday, 2 April
School and campus close / Offices open Wednesday, 27 March ●
Grade 12 Mock Exam, 27 - 28 March
Saturday, 30 March ●
UNIS High School 7’s Soccer Tournament Alumni Reunion in Tokyo 18:00 - 20:30
Grade 3 Trip to Bat Trang Ceramic Village 08:30 - 14:00 Building and Facilities Task Force, 16:30 - 18:00, B7 MSHS Parent Forum with the Principals, 18:00 - 19:30
Wednesday, 3 April ●
Strategic Management Plan Mid-Term Review Task Force 18:00 - 19:30, B7
Thursday, 4 April
Coming Soon... Monday, 1 April ●
MS Arts Expo 1 - 3 April PreK Trips to Tini World, Syrena Tower 1 - 3 April Board Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7
MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament at UNIS, 4 - 7 April Digital Footprint Info Session, 8:30 - 9:30, Library
Friday, 5 April ●
3rd Quarter Ends 4LL Parent Concert
Saturday, 6 April ●
No Saturday Soccer
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Board of Directors and the Director of Learning (p.2) UN Day of Happiness (p.3) Birthday Ball Countdown... (p.4-5)
ES Sports Day. Photo Special. (p.12) Living with Technology Info Sessions (p.13) Upcoming Sporting Events (p.13)
Notes from Admissions Office (p.5) Spring Fair. Photo Special. (p.6-7) The Mystery of The Missing Mind! (p.8)
Health News (p.14) Job Opportunities (p.15-16) Temporary Energize Schedule (p.17)
Going Green in the ES... (p.9) Health and Safety in Hanoi Highlights (p.10-11)
Notes from the Board of Directors Notice of intent to amend the UNIS Hanoi Constitution As a follow up to Tin Tuc item March 1, the Board of Directors gives notice again of their intention to revise Section 3, Article 5 of the Constitution as follows (bolded type represents proposed new wording and strikethrough represents proposed deletions): Three (3) voting members from the UN Community shall be appointed by the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Hanoi in consultation with the UNIS Board of Directors. One (1) of the United Nations appointees must be a senior United Nations official who also serves as liaison of the board with the United Nations. The UNRC will designate one (1) of the United Nations appointees to serve as liaison of the board with the United Nations. The other two (2) United Nations appointees should be from the United Nations community. The intention of this amendment is to provide the UNRC with more flexibility in making her appointments to the Board of Directors. The Board is required to give notice of any amendments to the United Nations Resident Coordinator and the UNIS Hanoi school community after the first reading of the proposed amendment and at least 14 days prior to the second reading and approval. The Board received the proposed amendment for first reading at the Board meeting December 10, 2012 and intends to consider it for the second time at the April 9 Board meeting. Any community member who wishes to comment on the proposed amendment is invited to contact me via the Board Assistant boardassistant@unishhanoi.org by latest March 27. Please click here to read the Constitution in full and here for the Board Operating Regulations. Nguyen Van Hieu, UNIS Hanoi Board Secretary
We wish all the best to Temma Ishikawa (6WR), Rina Ishikawa (4SN), Jong Hyeok Park (2JMcH), Niamh QUINN (2LN) and Jong Han Park (1JH) who left UNIS Hanoi this week.
Notes from the Director of Learning Grade 3-5 Students MAP Testing Report Students in grades 3-5 have completed their spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests and the MAP reports were sent home electronically on Thursday March 21 via the ISIS Family system. You should have received an email on Thursday indicating how to access your child’s report via ISIS. Please join us on Thursday, March 28 in the Community Room from 6-6.45pm to answer questions you may have about the test or about how to read the report. The purpose of this session will be to help you understand how to read the MAP report and to learn more about the MAP test in general. We encourage you to attend this session if you are new to UNIS or to the MAP test. This will not be a time to discuss your individual child’s results, but a general session to assist parents in understanding how to read the reports. If you have any questions please contact Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
UN Day of Happiness What a lovely day to remember - the first ever UN International Day of Happiness and well being was celebrated in the Elementary School on 20 March 2013. Some classes started their day listening to the story from the Pig of Happiness and made their own illustrations or puppet shows inspired by this story.
Learning about the Habits of Happiness and seeing how others around the world are taking action to bring about happiness to others and our world inspired 1TS to write their own ideas of how they can bring happiness to others. Grade 5 students from 5HK went one step further and made posters advertising ways to bring happiness such as ‘Free Friend’, Sing-alongs, Happiness Hugs’ and went into the playground to put their ideas into action. See the slide of their Happiness in Action HERE. Enjoy the day and 'Don't Worry Be Happy'
Today when the kids were in recess, someone surprised everyone with an little note with a personalized compliment and a clover at their seat when they returned. Very sweet!
Birthday Ball Countdown ...
Birthday Ball Countdown ... BIRTHDAY BALL TICKETS! The tickets for the Birthday Ball are now available for sale at Reception Desk – Admin Building! Tickets are 100 USD each and you will be able to buy either:
A whole table (for 10) and plan together with your friends Individual tickets (or more) and make new friends at one of our community tables Thanks to the generous sponsorship of our Platinum Sponsors, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake, just by buying your ticket, you will be making a transformational contribution of more than 80$ to the Birthday Gift Fund! The Fund will establish a legacy gift for our host country which will invest in those most in need in Vietnam, with our Service Learning partners, for the next 25 years! Joining the list of special guests this week is Dr Francis Rhodes (4th Head of School) who built the school as it is today in Ciputra. Already confirmed are former Heads of School Dr Alice Ann Winner (1st), Jim Ambrose (3rd) and the current Head of School at UNIS NY, Sal Uy. Tickets for an evening of fine dining with a special birthday menu from the InterContinental chefs, free flow wine from sponsors Miguel Torres with Red Apron, fabulous live music with special guest performances and incredible silent auction items from Platinum Sponsors Vingroup up for grabs…only $100 USD per person. For more detailed information about ticket purchase CLICK HERE. Emma Silva, Director of Advancement
Notes from the Admissions Office
ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2013-2014 Please register your child by submitting an enquiry form at www.unishanoi.org.
RE-ENROLMENT FOR 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees Agreements have been issued to families via email by the admissions office. Invoices for deposit payments will be issued to families via email by the business office. Placements for returning students can be secured with payment of required tuition deposits for each attending student and returning the Tuition and Fees Agreement by 1 April 2013.
WITHDRAWING FAMILIES Please notify the Admissions office of your intended date of departure. For assistance contact admissions@unishanoi.org or call 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220.
School Community Organisation News
Thank you !!! The UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair 2013 Committee wishes to thank all the participants, sponsors, vendors and the many volunteers who helped make this year’s event such a huge success. We especially appreciate all the effort and energy put by the UNIS Hanoi families that collaborated with country tables. You all definitely won all the honors with your participation, demonstrating the best of our school spirit as well as what this important event is all about: Having Fun and embracing and sharing with the rest of the community a little bit if of where we come from!!! Acknowledging that every single person behind each table did an outstanding job, we would like have a special recognition for the following country tables: UK: For best overall effort (food, decoration, games!) Belgium: For an outstanding effort put by a single UNIS Hanoi family! Mexico: For having the most creative and colorful stand! Australia: For the fashion statement made to complement their table! And we would also like to congratulate Japan and Italy for having the biggest sales!
Thank you all again for contributing to make Spring Fair 2013 a memorable event!! Sincerely, Spring Fair 2013 Committee
School Community Organisation News
Notes from the PYP Coordinator The Mystery of the Missing Mind Police tape cordoning off a top-secret crime scene. A series of evidence bags filled with suspicious notes, strange fluid in plastic bags and other clues. The outline of a body clearly marked on the floor. All of this could be seen just outside the Grade 4 classrooms on Thursday and was the scene which greeted Grade 4 students. Don’t worry, this wasn’t a real crime scene, it was the fun, inquiry provocation for the new Grade 4 forensic science unit of inquiry: The Mystery of The Missing Mind!
That same day, the students received two dramatic videos: The Victim The first was from The Victim played by Ms Drozdz our MSHS drama teacher. She explained that she is alive and well (except for a bump to the head). But she seemed very confused. Something has obviously happened to her. She explained that she thinks she was a victim of a crime but she can’t remember a thing! The Victim is clearly suffering from amnesia and therefore won’t be much help in finding the criminal. Chief Inspector Dibble The second video the children received was from Chief Inspector Dibble – Head of the Hanoi Police. Chief Inspector Dibble explained that the students are to train to become forensic scientists and that once qualified they must solve the crime. You can watch the Chief Inspector’s plea for help for yourself here on Vimeo. Forensic Science Training Over the next six weeks the children will undertake a series of scientific investigation training sessions. They will learn skills and concepts of observation, measurement, scientific questioning, experimental design, reliability, evidence and fair testing. Once they graduate from their forensic science training and pass the assessment, they will help Chief Inspector Dibble solve: The Mystery of the Missing Mind! Christopher Frost (Chief Inspector Dibble) PYP Coordinator pypcoordinator@unishanoi.org
Going Green in the ES... This week during our ES assembly we learned about Earth Hour, which takes place on March 23 at 8:30 pm (http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UywrjnOaUE), as well as some ways that we can all help to make UNIS Hanoi Green (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeYOZgbgG1Q). Students signed pledges to work to make the ES more green and this inspired many teachers to pledge:
“On the year of our 25th Birthday, we, the Staff at UNIS Hanoi, pledge to work with students and the community to help make our School a more sustainable place, and to help our students grow as environmentally responsible global citizens.” Check out some ideas shared by teachers and students after our assembly…
Do you have an idea to share of how we can make the ES more green? Add it to our wall! http://padlet.com/wall/ bueyjrfcud
Thank you for working to make UNIS Hanoi a Green School! Green Team ASA, Ms. Andrea and Ms. Lucas (alimony@unishanoi.org, llucas@unishanoi.org)
Health and Safety in Hanoi Highlights (Part 1) Between February 27 and March 7, 2013, the UNIS Counseling Department organized a number of events centered around the theme of “Health and Safety in Hanoi.” These events included sessions for parents and teachers, as well as assemblies for each of the three divisions – elementary, middle, and high school. The events covered a variety of topics and were offered at a variety of times in order to be as convenient as possible to the greatest number of parents. For the first time we also offered a full morning set of sessions to allow parents to attend several workshops while only making one trip to school. In total we had nearly 100 parents in attendance over the course of the offerings, and we hope we were able to provide information of use to the community. Dr. Kevin Mulvey, a Substance Abuse Treatment Advisor, member of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and PEPFAR VIETNAM TEAM, donated his services to UNIS on February 27. He was joined by his colleague Dr. Hoang Vu, a Public Health Specialist, and led a morning session for parents followed by separate student assemblies for the Middle School and High School. Dr. Mulvey presented information about addiction and at-risk behavior both from a global and Hanoi specific perspective. Topics addressed included alcohol; nicotine and “shisha” usage; OTC, prescription, and illegal drug usage; drinking and driving; as well as societal attitudes toward many of these behaviours. Both the MS and HS students were well-engaged and asked many questions that demonstrated their level of interest and desire to learn more about these issues. This was the first time Dr. Mulvey had visited our school and we hope to be able to develop our relationship with him in order to provide more information and support to our students and parents. On March 1, the UNIS Counseling Department hosted a morning discussion of the results of the Community Norms Survey for parents. The survey was completed by all students in grades 4-12 and widely responded to by the parent community. The discussion itself was broken into elementary school and middle and high school parents to allow the results to be looked at in greater detail and explored together. The results will be made available to the UNIS Community, information about how to access this will be sent out to parents. Dr. Yong Cho, Clinical Psychologist and CEO of the Tree Group, visited UNIS on March 4 to offer afternoon sessions to our Korean parents and our D-12 Faculty. About 25 parents heard Dr. Cho speak about how to support their children in an English speaking school environment. Dr. Cho also spoke about the importance of the Korean fathers’ involvement in their children’s education, issues of child development and warning signs of emotional stress. He concluded with encouraging Korean parents to communicate with the school, teachers and counselors to ensure that the needs of each child are met. In a later session for faculty members, Dr. Cho spoke about mental health issues among Korean international school students and their parents and answered questions related to cultural norms. Dr. Cho also spoke to a group of parents on the evening of Tuesday, March 5 at the Grand Hotel. The focus of this presentation was on the father’s role in each child’s future, and the importance of the involvement of fathers in parenting. We are thankful that we had the opportunity to hear about important issues regarding education and parenting within the Korean culture, and we hope to continue bringing in experts from different cultures to educate and encourage us as parents and teachers.
Health and Safety in Hanoi Highlights (Part 2) March 6 was “A Morning with Hanoi Health Professionals” which saw three different options offered to our parent community who were encouraged to attend the sessions of greatest interest to them. Dr. Brian McNaull MB ChB MPhil (Cambridge) DTM&H FRSTM (London) Medical Director at Family Medical Practice spoke to parents on raising healthy Children in Hanoi. Dr. Brian was very informative covering topics of sleep, nutrition and vaccinations to support the development of healthy children. He also presented the latest statistics on air quality, water, and parasites presently found in Vietnam. Masooma Kachelo and Andrea Fleming from Hanoi Mental Health Group facilitated an interactive workshop for parents. This session offered information and practical strategies focused around questions such as: “What does it mean to have an emotionally healthy child?” “How do we raise our children to be stable beings in an increasingly unstable world?” “What must we know about ourselves as parents in order to guide our children in the direction that best serves their strengths?” and “How do we teach our children HOW to think NOT WHAT to think?” Lillian Canada, mental health practitioner, presented a very enjoyable program “Safe and Sound,” aimed primarily at elementary parents. Ms. Canada has used the Safe and Sound program at other international schools. The program had vital information for keeping young students safe. She gave practical strategies and demonstrated techniques such as yelling “No” loudly, when they feel in danger. We look forward to working with each of these presenters again and finding ways for them to offer information and support to our UNIS Community in the future. As a culminating activity for our Health & Safety Week in the Elementary School, the ES Student Council presented an Elementary School Assembly on March 6th about safety at school and on the streets of Hanoi. The ES Student Council began the assembly with a skit showing how to be safe at school. Next, 12th grade student, Yanik Nyberg, from the Community Service Program focusing on bicycle helmet safety, spoke on the importance of wearing bicycle helmets. Finally, Mr. Dave and Mr. Mac rode their motorbikes on stage to the tune of “Born to Be Wild,” and instructed the students on motorbike safety, including the importance of wearing a helmet and how to avoid motorbike burns when getting on and off the motorbike. Students really enjoyed being reminded of the importance of keeping safe at school and in Hanoi. A big thank you goes out to the Elementary Student Council and to their supervisors, Bronwyn Finnimore and Andrea Limon, for all their hard work in making this assembly happen. On Thursday, March 7, the D-12 Counselors presented an encore discussion of the results of the Community Norms Survey for the convenience of parents only able to attend evening sessions. Organizing this many events for students, parents, and teachers requires a great deal of time and effort and the UNIS Counselors would like to thank everyone who supported these efforts behind the scenes and with their attendance at the events. A special “thanks” goes out to Ms. Linh, the MSHS Guidance Secretary for her support and dedication to making these events run as smoothly as possible. We hope that you were able to attend one or several of the sessions and that it was of use to you. If you have any questions or suggestions for future sessions – including ideas on how we can draw more parents to future sessions - please contact your division counselor.
ES Sports Day This year’s ES Sports Day continued with our theme of fun, as the students had the opportunity to demonstrate learned skills and concepts throughout the morning. Students rotated through 3 phases, including sports skills, relays and games. Students earned House Points along the way as they tried to finish the day with the most points for their respective House. The day was a huge success and all students seemed to really enjoy the competition and the teamwork amongst the Houses on a beautiful day in Hanoi! The day ended with a narrow victory, as the Lions finished first over the Buffaloes. The Eagles edged out the Tigers for a close finish for 3rd place. The ES PE team would like to again thank all staff and parents who helped to make this day so enjoyable!
Living with Technology Session Series for all Parents
Mark your calendars! We would like to invite all parents to our following morning sessions revolving around various topics on technology and its impact on learning. If interested, kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org. Looking forward to a highly informative and engaging discussion with you!
April 4: Digital Footprint - What does Google say about you? 08:30 - 09:30 am Library Projection Room Many parents have heard the term “digital footprint”, usually in a negative or fearful connotation. The purpose of this session is to discuss how UNIS Hanoi is promoting and helping students to think about their own digital footprints and how they can positively craft their online identities.
age appropriate
public v. personal v. private
sharing options/visibility
screen names and avatars
Coming Soon… Evaluating Online Information: Do you believe everything you read or see online? 9 May 8:30-10:00 am Library Projection Room
Social Networks: Learning to navigate through the popular social networks such as
Facebook, Youtube and more 30 May 8:30 - 10:00 am Library Projection Room
From the Activities Office UPCOMING SPORTING EVENTS @ UNIS HANOI Saturday, March 30 Boys & Girls 7-Aside Soccer Tournament -featuring the UNIS MRISA teams April 5-6 MRISA Sr. Boys & Girls Soccer Tournament -host families still needed for 40 guests! Saturday, April 13 Middle School Boys & Girls Volleyball Tournament April 18-20 APAC Girls Soccer Tournament -we still need to find hosts for 45 girls!
Contact the UNIS Activities Office (cocurricular@unishanoi.org) if you can help with hosting or have any questions regarding these events. SUPPORT YOUR PHOENIX Teams!!!
Boutique Hours Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
From the Nurses’ Office IN THE NEWS Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, (HFMD) in Vietnam It has come to the attention of the Nurses that there is an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Hanoi. The Ministry of Health states that nationwide, 52,321 cases of HFMD have been identified.
What is HFMD? HFMD is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children less than 5 years, however, older children and even adults can contract HFMD
Symptoms of HFMD Symptoms include fever, blisters- like sores in the mouth (often painful), and a rash. HFMD is spread from person to person by direct contact with the saliva, nasal secretions, blister fluid and stool of an infected person. The virus can also be spread when an infected person touches objects and surfaces that are then touched by others. An infected person is most contagious during the first week of the illness. However, the virus can stay in the stool for weeks after the symptoms go away. In addition, people with HFMD do not always show signs of infection, but still have the potential to spread the disease.
Protection? There is currently no vaccine or medicine to prevent HFMD. You can protect yourself from HFMD by practicing healthy personal hygiene.
Wash your hands often with soap and water especially after eating and going to the bathroom, changing a diaper. You can also use an alcohol based hand gel.
Disinfect dirty surfaces and soiled items. If you are able, first wash the items with soap and water; then disinfect them with a solution of chlorine bleach (made by mixing 1 tablespoon of bleach with 4 cups of water) or a cleaning product containing bleach. (Available at Fivimart)
Avoid close contact such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups with people who have HFMD
Treatment? There is no specific treatment for HFMD
Take over the counter medications to relieve pain and fever. Caution: Aspirin should never be given to children) Use mouth washes or sprays to numb the pain Drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Seek medical care: if you are sick and unsure if you have HFMD If you cannot swallow liquids to stay hydrated
Recommendation: A review of the research suggested that in order to prevent the spread of HFMD, parents should keep their children with confirmed HFMD at home until they have no fever, all lesions are dry and no new lesions have appeared for 2 days. REF: Center for Disease Control Atlanta. CDC Jan, 2013 World Health Organization, HFMD information sheet. July, 2012
Job Opportunities Short term Elementary School Music Teacher 7 August – 21 November 2013 UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Short term Elementary School Music Teacher with the contract from 7 August 2013 to 21 November 2013. The incumbent will report to the Elementary School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
To teach groups/classes of students within the school as determined by the curriculum needs of the school Provide for the students a differentiated programme of instruction that incorporates appropriate challenges and high expectations of learners
Deliver the curriculum within the agreed framework and philosophy of the school To assess and report upon student progress according to the School Assessment Policy To share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of all students
Participate in and organize meetings to support the curriculum Any other reasonable duties, as directed by the Principal Position requirements
Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualifications Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Cross cultural exposure and understanding Experience working with EAL learners in the mainstream classroom Commitment to working collaboratively with a co-teacher and as part of a team Strong skills in monitoring and follow through Excellent organizational and time management skills Strong computer skills The ability to offer a wider range of performing arts will be valuable Willingness to offer After School Activities In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview
Application deadline: 15 April 2013 (If an excellent candidate if identified early in the process UNIS Hanoi reserves the right to hire before the closing deadline) Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
Job Opportunities Aquatics Academy Head Coach UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for an Aquatics Academy Head Coach. The position is located in Activities Division, and the incumbent will report to the Aquatics Coordinator. Purpose of the position: The Aquatics Academy Head Coach assists in the designing, implementing and managing of a high quality Co-Curricular swimming programme in accordance with UNIS objectives, through which students and adults can progress from learning to swim to developing mastery. Key responsibilities: In conjunction with the UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Coordinator and the Director of Activities, the Aquatics Academy Head Coach coordinates, promotes and implements after school and weekend activities within the UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Academy. This includes:
Supporting the Aquatics Coordinator in the delivery of Aquatics Academy programmes Assisting with scheduling and use of the pool for the Aquatics Academy times Working in conjunction with UNIS Hanoi Swim Team Coaches to:
plan programmes for the team coach during team training sessions plan and attend local swim meets travel to meets outside of Hanoi
In conjunction with UNIS Hanoi Finance Director and Business Office, managing financial aspects of the Aquatics Academy
Completing other duties as assigned by the Aquatics Coordinator or Director of Activities Position Requirements
The candidate should Possess a University Degree (recognized teaching credentials desirable but not mandatory) Have minimum of two years of experience teaching Learn-To- Swim to young swimmers Have minimum of two years of experience coaching different age group swimmers Possess current Water Safety Instructor (American Red Cross is preferred) and coaching certification from internationally recognizable organization
Have an experience with Aquatics related technology (Hy-Tek Meet Manager and Team Manager Programmes) Possess Current Standard First Aid / CPR /AED Certifications Water Safety Instructor’s Trainer certification, Lifeguarding certification and experience in conducting basic Water Polo training is preferred
Be passionate about teaching and coaching swimming to young children Be a team player and be prepared to take on extra responsibilities Fluency in English essential Leadership skills in resources management and activities operation Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the staff Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills Ability to lead and individually work to accomplish Aquatics Academy goals
In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in August 2013. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview. Application deadline: 15 April 2013. (If an excellent candidate is identified early in the process UNIS reserves the right to hire before the closing deadline)
Energize Schedule TEMPORARY ENERGIZE HOURS (March 20-26, 2013) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim No P.M. Swim
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
06.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
06.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
March 25&26 - UNIS Half-Term Break (no school will be in session)
Canteen Menu for the week of March 27 to 29 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
Western Set Menu 25 School Holiday
26 School Holiday
27*** Chicken Corden Bleu w/ Cream Gravy Sauce Multi Grain Rice Romain Lettuce Salad Orange Muffin Fruit / Milk
28 Oven Roast Pork w/ Apple Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Baked Broccoli & Tomato Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
29 Baked Penne w/Tuna Fried Eggplants Bean Topping Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
28 Rice Noodle w/ Chicken Spring Roll Stir Fried Pickle Mustard Leaves Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
29 Pork Chop Suey Multi Grain Rice Bean Topping Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
28 Oven Roast Pork w/ Apple Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Baked Broccoli & Tomato Spinach Soft Roll Fruit / Milk
29 Baked Penne w/Tuna Fried Eggplants Bean Topping Salad Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 25 School Holiday
26 School Holiday
27 Singapore Noodle w/Shrimp Grilled Vegetables Romain Lettuce Salad Orange Muffin Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 25 School Holiday
26 School Holiday
27*** Chicken Corden Bleu w/ Cream Gravy Sauce Multi Grain Rice Romain Lettuce Salad Orange Muffin Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org