UNIS Hanoi Tin tuc 29 Vol 19 TT 5 April 13

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 19, Edition 29, Friday 5 April

Next Week...

Coming Soon...

Monday, 8 April

Monday, 15 April

4th Quarter begins 1JH & 1KB Trip to Rattan Village 08:20 - 12:00

MS Sports Day 08:00 - 15:25 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30 - 19:30, B7

Thursday, 11 April ●

IB DP Art Exam, 11 - 12 April 1BB & 1TS Trip to Rattan Village 08:20 - 12:00

Friday, 12 April ●

D-12 Parent Coffee with the Counselors 08:30 - 10:00 Grade 4 Trip to Questacon Exhibition, 09:15 - 12:30

UNIS Hanoi Invitation MS Volleyball Tournament The 25th Birthday Ball 18:30, InterContinental Ballroom

Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force 07:00 - 08:30, B7 MSHS 3 Way Conferences. No school for MSHS Students.

Wednesday, 17 April ●

Saturday, 13 April ●

IB DP Art Exhibition 15 - 18 April Opening Ceremony 18:00, 15 April, B10

Tuesday, 16 April

Tuesday, 9 April ●

APAC Boys Soccer, WAB, 17 - 21 April APAC Girls Soccer, UNIS Hanoi 17 - 21 April PHOTO RETAKE DAY 08:00 - 16:00, B7

Thursday, 18 April ●

Grades 2-3 Swim Meet 08:30

Friday, 19 April ●

Hung King Day Anniversary. School and Campus closed. Offices closed.

Saturday, 20 April ●

No Saturday Soccer. No Community Education.

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Middle High School Principal (p.2) Joan Baez’s Visit. Photo Special (p.3)

Community Norm Survey Results (p.9) Summer Camp is Back (p.10) Boutique News (p.10)

Birthday Ball Countdown... (p.4-5) Parents Workshop with the Counselors (p.6) Middle School Athletics Day. Coming soon... (p.7)

Visiting Teams Take Home the Trophies (p.11) MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament Schedule (p.12) Job Opportunities (p.13-15)

IB DP Art Exhbition. Check it out! (p.8) EARCOS Conference (p.9)

Notes from the Head of School Dear Parents, UNIS Hanoi experienced another memorable moment in its history this past week with the visit to our campus and presentation in a student assembly by American Folk-Singer Ms. Joan Baez. For the students, I believe it was an important opportunity to hear from such an icon of a different era with some definite history here in Vietnam. Aside from the stories and songs from Ms. Baez, the students own contribution to the assembly were extremely impressive. The singing of the High School Vietnamese Class students brought tears to everyone’s eyes including Ms. Baez. I had to go find her more tissues! The students’ questions to Ms Baez were insightful and thought-provoking, and their delivery was articulate and clear. The choirs and instrumentalists for the last song were at their best and inspired Ms. Baez to join in. Also having Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son, one of our parents, come forward to join us on stage was most appreciated. As a young child, Mr. Son, the son of a Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs official, was in the bunker with Ms. Baez back in 1972 because of the bombing. His presence made our connection with Ms. Baez even stronger. Ms. Baez herself commented to me afterwards at how impressed she was with the whole event. I would be remiss if I did not thank the many people who in a very short period of a couple of days were able to stage such a well-choreographed event through the preparation of the performers, the Sports Centre and the handling all of the other myriad of details that goes into a successful event like this one. We received many positive comments from parents on how well the event was managed. This was another one of those events that made me feel so lucky to be a part of this community. See Joan Baez photo special next page. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, Head of School

We wish all the best to Taito Ishiii (8SD) who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi ! Yuzuki Nakamura (KJK) Ntsetsa Tshego Magau (2LN)

Notes from the Middle High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, The third quarter has just ended which means 3-Way Parent Conferences are set to begin. Conference signups will start at 07:00 April 5 and remain open until noon on April 15. Conferences will take place April 16 & 22. On Thursday I sent an email to all parents providing information which outlined procedures for signing up along with ISIS Family password/usernames. If you did not receive an email from me please contact the MSHS Office and we will be happy to support you. I look forward to meeting with many of you and hope that your conferences provide valuable information regarding your child’s progress and how you can reinforce teacher recommendations at home. I would like to thank all parents who attended Tuesday’s MSHS Parent Forum. It is important that I hear questions and concerns directly from parent. While I may agree or disagree with parent comments/opinions I can promise that your concerns will be listened to, reflected upon, and if warranted acted upon. Areas of interest generated by parents included: student stress and workload, technology, academic rigor, deadlines, timely communication, and grading. If you should have any questions or concerns my door is always open and I encourage you to actively engage with the School as we seek to develop positive solutions. The MSHS is pleased to hosting the 2013 MRISA Women’s & Men’s Sr. Soccer Tournament this Friday – Saturday. If you have time in your schedule please come out and support our teams. UNIS athletes have trained hard and are eager to compete against other MRISA schools. Good luck Phoenix! Warm Regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal

Joan Baez at UNIS Hanoi

Birthday Ball Countdown ...

Birthday Ball Countdown ... There is just one week left… and there is just one table left….

BIRTHDAY BALL TICKETS! On April 13 we will be celebrating our 25th Birthday in the Ballroom of the InterContinental Hanoi Westlake. Our incredible team of volunteers have put together a party that will be remembered for the next 25 years! On the menu for the evening….

 Freeflow champagne reception  Gift bag for every guest  Dramatic entertainment!  Delicious dinner with free flow wine and beer  Fabulous Silent Auction items from sponors Vingroup and Miguel Torres through Red Apron (Villa for a year… luxury holidays… prestigious wine… )

 Special guests with 3 former Heads of UNIS and UNIS NY flying in for the evening  Live music, dancing and DJ until the party shuts down! All for the bargain price of 100 USD! Thanks to the generous sponsorship of InterContinental Hanoi Westlake NEARLY ALL that ticket price will go straight to our Birthday Gift Fund which will support projects of those most in need in Vietnam in partnership with our Service Learning charities. So get on the phone and work out who you are going to go with and book your tickets before they all go!

Where else can you enjoy such a good value Saturday night in Hanoi AND make a difference to so many lives?  Tickets are available at the Advancement Office (B7 Admin Building)  Tickets are 100 USD each and you will be able to buy either: 

A whole table (for 10) and plan together with your friends—Just one left!

Individual tickets (or more if you plan with your friends) at one of our community tables

 Email: advancement@unishanoi.org to book your tickets or with any questions.  For more information about the Ball or the Birthday Gift Fund visit our Birthday Website.

Emma Silva, Director of Advancement

Notes from the Counseling Department UNIS D-12 COUNSELING DEPARTMENT PRESENTS:


Friday, April 12th from 8:30-10:00 am in the Library Projection Room Come and join us for a great discussion, role playing and tips on how to improve communication between you and your child. We will be using the book How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk written by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish as a guide for our discussion.

Middle School Athletics Day

IB Art Exhibition What does a Trampoline, grass, a toilet, clay that turns to bronze, dripping sugar, silk and a plastic chameleon have to do with art ? Find out at the Class of 2013 IB Art Exhibition starting next week !

Monday 8 April - Exhibition open for viewing Thursday 11 April – Exhibiting Student Artist Talk – 15:45pm Students, Staff & UNIS community members are invited to Q&A session conducted by the graduating Gr 12 DP Visual Art Class. This will be an opportunity for you hear the themes, techniques and motivation behind the artworks.

Monday 15 April – Exhibition Opening – 6pm Students, Staff & UNIS community members are invited to the official opening celebration of the graduating IB Diploma Visual Arts students exhibition.

Thursday 18 April – Final exhibition day.

EARCOS Every year the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) holds a teachers conference that attracts around 1000 educators from around Asia. This year’s conference was held just held in Shanghai, China and four UNIS Hanoi teachers were selected to present workshops. Michelle Wise presented a workshop that put forward ideas for teachers on how to engage students in thinking about issues copyright laws and creative expression. Anne Marie Drozdz and Luke DallaGrana showcased transdisciplinary learning in the arts by presenting a unit taught in music, art and drama that explores the power of the arts to influence audiences. Brendan McGibbon presented a workshop about how to use infographics to represent ideas visually. For many, it was their first opportunity to present a workshop to their international school peers. All the presentations were well received and UNIS Hanoi was highlighted yet again as a leader in arts, technology and collaboration. Kudos to Ms. Wise, Mr. DallaGrana, Ms. Drozdz and Mr. McGibbon for putting the term ‘lifelong learning’ into action as well as exhibiting many of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile, most notably risk taking! Michelle Wise & Clint Hamada, UNIS Hanoi Teachers Present at EARCOS

Community Norm Survey Throughout the months of February and March the UNIS Hanoi counselors organized a series of guest speakers and workshops surrounding the topics of Community Norms, Health, and Safety in Hanoi. In order to begin to establish the community social norms in the UNIS Hanoi community we asked all parents to complete an anonymous survey covering a variety of topics ranging from homework and tablet usage to family norms. The students from grade 4 to 12 also completed this survey. The results were complied, compared and shared during workshops in March. The social norms approach is a highly effective model for reducing unhealthy behaviors. This survey enabled us to collect factual information about student behaviors in order to narrow the gap between “myth” and “reality” in our community. These results will provide parents with knowledge on how better to support your children in the UNIS Hanoi community and Hanoi. If you were not able to attend the meetings in March where the results were shared, you can access them on the portal through the following LINK. There are four power point presentations- choose the one/s most applicable to your family. The ECC to grade 2 Power Point reports parent responses only. The other three Power Points show parent responses first followed by student responses to each question. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to call one of the counselors or send us an email. Cami Endicott EScounselor@unishanoi.org Jason Caruana MScounsler@unishanoi.org Tanya Arnold HScounselorarnold@unishanoi.org Candy Crouch HScounselorcrouch@unishanoi.org

Summer Camp is back UNIS Hanoi Summer Camp Is Back!!! Dates: June 17 – 28 (excluding Saturday and Sunday) Programmes for current ECC, Elementary, and Middle School Students including a balance of academic and fun activities! Sessions will be led by UNIS Hanoi Faculty and Staff Members. More details and registration information coming soon! Looking forward to a great Summer Camp! Jason Caruana, Summer Camp Principal mscounselor@unishanoi.org

Community Education Programme UNIS Hanoi is starting to make plans for the next ComEd session, which will run from September – December 2013. If you have any ideas or skills to share with the Hanoi community which might be added to our course offerings, please contact Ms. Ha Thien Ha at 0914335123 or comed@unishanoi.org by 20 April 2013.

SCO Boutique News DISCOUNT UP TO 33% is still ON!!! We have discounted all of our winter clothes and picture frames…….. Only a few more of them left for you…

As you suggested, we now have 3 sizes of HAT: S, M and L to fit you better. And the new sling bags have arrived as well.

The boutique will be open on the sports day: Tuesday, April 9 from 08:00 – 09:00.

Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

From the Activities Office Visiting Teams Take Home The Trophies Last Saturday, eight teams competed in the UNIS Hanoi Invitational HS 7-Aside Soccer Tournament. With UNIS Hanoi hosting the MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament one week later, the event was essentially a “warm-up” tournament for the two UNIS Hanoi MRISA high school teams. In what was a full day of soccer action on the UNIS Hanoi pitches, all eight teams played 4 matches. Teams played 3 round-robin matches and one playoff match. Joining the two host teams from UNIS Hanoi, were six strong local Vietnamese teams. In addition to the UNIS Phoenix, the girls division featured Chu Van An School and two teams from the Hanoi Youth Soccer Development Programme. For anyone who had the pleasure of watching the matches featuring the two developmental teams, it was clear that they were the teams to beat. The UNIS Hanoi girls, who are coached by Phi Nguyen and Alan Hough, finished in third place and gained some valuable experience, which should bode them well in the MRISA Tournament. The two teams from the Developmental Programme finished first and second, providing some entertaining and highly skilled soccer. The UNIS boys, coached by Erik Cunelius, played against Viet Uc School, Lomonoxop School and Tran Quoc Tuan School. There was very little to choose between the four teams, but two narrow defeats to the eventual finalists, saw the UNIS Hanoi team competing for third place versus Viet Uc. The game ended in a draw and went scoreless through extratime, which meant penalty kicks were needed to determine the winner. Thanks to some heroic saves from UNIS goalkeeper, Hung Nguyen, the home team came out ahead and took third place. The boys’ championship, between Lomonoxop and Tran Quoc Tuan, was also decided by penalty kicks, after the teams went scoreless through normal and extra time. The eventual winner was Tran Quoc Tuan. Here are the results from the UNIS Hanoi matches: Boys


Win 4-1 vs. Viet Uc

Lost 0-4 vs. Hanoi Young Girls A

Lost 0-2 vs. Lomonoxop

Won 3-0 vs. Chu Van An

Lost 0-1 vs. Tran Quoc Tuan

Lost 0-4 vs. Hanoi Young Girls B

Won 2-1 vs. Viet Uc (after penalties)

Won 2-0 vs. Chu Van An

The MRISA Senior Soccer Tournament is taking place at UNIS all day on April 5-6. Please come out to support your UNIS Hanoi teams. We wish the players and their coaches the best of luck!! GO PHOENIX!! See next page for detailed schedule. UNIS MRISA Girls’ Team – Jemima Brennen, Kim Lan Mallon, Mai Phung, Abigail Vallely, Sidney Hong, Nina Palosaari, Gillian Vallely, Veronica Lai, Darikha Senanayake, Mathilde Brondum Reeh. Coaches – Alan Hough and Phi Nguyen. UNIS MRISA Boys’ Team – Cameron McCarty, Hung Nguyen, Ju Youn Lee, Kofi Buahin, Nam Nguyen, Sariek Cohen, Son Nguyen, Trung Pham, Yanik Nyberg, Scott Mills. Coach – Erik Cunelius.

APAC Girls Soccer Comes to UNIS Hanoi April 18-20

From the Activities Office Groups Boys Group A:

Boys Group B

Girls Group A:

Girls Group B

1st - SSIS 4th - NISC 5th - ISHCMC 8th - VIS

2nd - ISE 3rd - ISPP 6th - HIS 7th - UNIS

1st - ISHCMC 4th - ISE 5th - VIS 8th - NISC

2nd - UNIS 3rd - ISPP 6th - HIS 7th - SSIS

Friday, April 5 Time

Field #1


Field #2

Field #3

Opening Ceremony / Team Photographs


Girls Group A ISHCMC vs. NISC

Girls Group A VIS vs. ISE

Girls Group B UNIS vs. HIS


Girls Group B ISPP vs. SSIS

Boys Group B ISE vs. UNIS

Boys Group A NISC vs. VIS


Boys Group B HIS vs. ISPP

Girls Group A ISHCMC vs. ISE

Boys Group A SSIS vs. ISHCMC




Girls Group A VIS vs. NISC

Girls Group B ISPP vs. HIS

Girls Group B UNIS vs. SSIS


Boys Group A SSIS vs. NISC

Boys Group A ISHCMC vs. VIS

Boys Group B HIS vs. UNIS

Girls Group B SSIS vs. HIS Girls Group A ISE vs. NISC

Girls Group A VIS vs. ISHCMC Boys Group A SSIS vs. VIS

Boys Group B ISE vs. ISPP Girls Group B UNIS vs. ISPP

Boys Group B ISPP vs. UNIS

Boys Group B HIS vs. ISE

Boys Group A ISHCMC vs. NISC

15:00 16:00 17:00 18:15


Saturday, April 6 10:30

Boys - A3 vs. B4

Girls - A3 vs. B4

Boys - A4 vs. B3


Girls - A4 vs. B3

Girls - A1 vs. B2

Girls - B1 vs. A2


Boys - A1 vs. B2

Boys - B1 vs. A2




Boys - 7/8 Game

Girls - 7/8 Game

Boys Plate Final


Girls - 3/4 Game

Boys - 3/4 Game

Girls Plate Final


Girls Final


Boys Final







Job Opportunities Short term Elementary School Music Teacher 7 August – 21 November 2013 UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Short term Elementary School Music Teacher with the contract from 7 August 2013 to 21 November 2013. The incumbent will report to the Elementary School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities

 To teach groups/classes of students within the school as determined by the curriculum needs of the school  Provide for the students a differentiated programme of instruction that incorporates appropriate challenges and high expectations of learners

 Deliver the curriculum within the agreed framework and philosophy of the school  To assess and report upon student progress according to the School Assessment Policy  To share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of all students

 Participate in and organize meetings to support the curriculum  Any other reasonable duties, as directed by the Principal Position requirements

 Experience teaching in an international school  Internationally recognized teaching qualifications  Knowledge of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program  Cross cultural exposure and understanding  Experience working with EAL learners in the mainstream classroom  Commitment to working collaboratively with a co-teacher and as part of a team  Strong skills in monitoring and follow through  Excellent organizational and time management skills  Strong computer skills  The ability to offer a wider range of performing arts will be valuable  Willingness to offer After School Activities In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. This is a local hire expat position, and no housing or relocation benefits will be provided. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview

Application deadline: 15 April 2013 (If an excellent candidate if identified early in the process UNIS Hanoi reserves the right to hire before the closing deadline) Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

Job Opportunities Aquatics Academy Head Coach UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for an Aquatics Academy Head Coach. The position is located in Activities Division, and the incumbent will report to the Aquatics Coordinator. Purpose of the position: The Aquatics Academy Head Coach assists in the designing, implementing and managing of a high quality Co-Curricular swimming programme in accordance with UNIS objectives, through which students and adults can progress from learning to swim to developing mastery. Key responsibilities: In conjunction with the UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Coordinator and the Director of Activities, the Aquatics Academy Head Coach coordinates, promotes and implements after school and weekend activities within the UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Academy. This includes:

 Supporting the Aquatics Coordinator in the delivery of Aquatics Academy programmes  Assisting with scheduling and use of the pool for the Aquatics Academy times  Working in conjunction with UNIS Hanoi Swim Team Coaches to:    

plan programmes for the team coach during team training sessions plan and attend local swim meets travel to meets outside of Hanoi

 In conjunction with UNIS Hanoi Finance Director and Business Office, managing financial aspects of the Aquatics Academy

 Completing other duties as assigned by the Aquatics Coordinator or Director of Activities Position Requirements

    

The candidate should Possess a University Degree (recognized teaching credentials desirable but not mandatory) Have minimum of two years of experience teaching Learn-To- Swim to young swimmers Have minimum of two years of experience coaching different age group swimmers Possess current Water Safety Instructor (American Red Cross is preferred) and coaching certification from internationally recognizable organization

 Have an experience with Aquatics related technology (Hy-Tek Meet Manager and Team Manager Programmes)  Possess Current Standard First Aid / CPR /AED Certifications  Water Safety Instructor’s Trainer certification, Lifeguarding certification and experience in conducting basic Water Polo training is preferred

      

Be passionate about teaching and coaching swimming to young children Be a team player and be prepared to take on extra responsibilities Fluency in English essential Leadership skills in resources management and activities operation Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the staff Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills Ability to lead and individually work to accomplish Aquatics Academy goals

In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in August 2013. Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview. Application deadline: 15 April 2013. (If an excellent candidate is identified early in the process UNIS reserves the right to hire before the closing deadline)

Job Opportunities Physical Education Teaching Assistant UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at 1,000 students from 65 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Physical Education (PE) Teaching Assistant. The position will be split between the Elementary School and the Middle & High School, and will report to the PE Head of Department. The successful applicant will perform the following responsibilities:

 Provide support as requested by the PE teachers  Substitute for the PE teachers for short periods upon instruction of the Head of Department  Supervise children as they move from area to area within the school  Manage one to one and small groups under the supervision of the PE teachers  Provide discipline under supervision of the PE teachers  Provide positive oral support to the children under the supervision and direction of the PE teachers  Assist on field trips as requested  Following the PE teachers’ weekly lesson plans, prepare all PE resources as required.  Perform other tasks as required by the Head of Department The successful applicant will possess the following qualifications:

 University degree in Sports Administration or related discipline  2+ years’ experience in a similar role, preferably in an international learning environment where English is the primary communication language

 Above-average proficiency in written and spoken English, and English comprehension  Experience working with children  Cross-cultural exposure and understanding  Organizing events and activities  Cheerful and outgoing personality In return, UNIS Hanoi offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Expression of interest should be sent to Ms. Pham Minh Trang: jobs@unishanoi.org The closing date for applications is Friday, 26 April 2013 Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview








Swimming Pool

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45

08.15 - 16.45

08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45

Fitness Room

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00

Canteen Menu for the week of April 8 to 12 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com

Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

*** Main dish contains EGG

Western Set Menu 8 Chicken Parmesan Potato Wedge Sauteed Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

9*** Beef Goulash w/ Spaetzle Steamed Rice (only ES) Apple & Frise Salad Choco Muffin Fruit / Milk

10 Fried Fish w/Cream Dill Sauce Multi Grain Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

11 Oven Roasted Pork w/ Apple Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

12*** Home Made Burger French Fries Green Salad w/ Yogurt Dressing Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

11 Indo Fried Noodle w/ Shrimp Grilled Vegetables Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

12 Miso Chicken Steamed Rice Green Salad w/ Yogurt Dressing Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

11 Oven Roasted Pork w/ Apple Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green Salad w/Mango Dressing Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk

12*** Home Made Burger French Fries Green Salad w/ Yogurt Dressing Carrot Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu 8 Stir Fried Pork (KR) Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

9 Boiled Chicken w/ Potatoes Steamed Rice Apple & Frise Salad Choco Muffin Fruit / Milk

10 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Multi Grain Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

ECC Set Menu 8 Chicken Parmesan Potato Wedge Sauteed Vegetables Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk

9 Beef Goulash w/ Spaetzle Steamed Rice (only ES) Apple & Frise Salad Choco Muffin Fruit / Milk

10 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Multi Grain Rice Lettuce & Tomato Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk

Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org

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