UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 30 vol 21 tt 10 apr

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 21, Edition 30, Friday 10 April



MONDAY, 13 APRIL  K1 Exhibition, 13-16 April  EAL Testing for ES students, 13-17 April

MONDAY, 20 APRIL  Primary Years Programme Grade 5 Exhibition, 20-24 April

TUESDAY, 14 APRIL  School Community Organisation, 8:30-10:00, Community Room  MS Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball vs CISH @ UNIS Hanoi, 16:00-17:30

TUESDAY, 21 APRIL  MSHS 3-Way Parent Conferences (No school for Grades 6-10, No ASAs/HS Sports, MS Sports as normal but no transportation provided), 10:00-18:00  Board of Directors Meeting, 18:00-20:00

WEDNESDAY, 15 APRIL  APAC Boys Soccer Tournament @ CA, 15-19 April  APAC Girls Soccer Tournament @ WAB, 15-19 April  K1 Parent Performance, 9:00-10:00, Theatre

WEDNESDAY, 22 APRIL  ES Earth Day  Grade 4 Market Day, 8:45-11:00

THURSDAY, 16 APRIL  MSHS 3-Way Parent Conferences (No school for Grades 6-10, No ASAs/HS Sports, MS Sports as normal but no transportation provided), 10:00-18:00 FRIDAY, 17 APRIL  Grade 2 Field Trip, 8:30-11:00  ES Snack Sale Morning, 8:30-10:30  Board Committee/Taskforce Appreciation, 18:00-21:30 SATURDAY, 18 APRIL  UNIS Hanoi Invitational MS Boys & Girls Volleyball Tournament

THURSDAY, 23 APRIL  Executive Committee Meeting, 8:15-9:45, Conference Room  MS Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball vs HIS @ UNIS, 16:0017:30  Grade 5 PYP Exhibition Community Sharing, 18:0020:00, Centre for the Arts FRIDAY, 24 APRIL  Grade 2-3 Swim Meet , 12:30-15:20 SATURDAY, 25 APRIL - MAY 3  Spring Break

Click THIS LINK to read new The Spark edition, UNIS Hanoi Middle School Newspaper

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Bus Etiquette (p.2) Grade 2 Slice of ICE photo special (p.3)

MRISA Soccer Tournament (p.8) Mai Chau Service Learning (p.9) Summer Programme. Register NOW! (p.10)

Global Codeathon. Join NOW! (p.4) Counselling Hightlights (p.5) Advice from our Grads (p.6) DP Art Show photo special (p.7)

World Health Day (p.11) School Community Organisation News (p.12-13) Job Opportunities (p.13)

With the last quarter of the school year comes the challenge of remaining focused. It is usually a time of finishing projects, preparing for culminating events, completing a unit, preparing for exams or taking exams. Students begin to have thoughts of the upcoming Spring Break and then long holiday in June and July and find it more difficult to concentrate, begin to coast, or even take their foot off of the accelerator a bit. No matter what the age, students can be easily distracted at this time of year.

the brain and its functions and the world of neuroscience is quite clear about this effect. This is NOT the time to stop playing sports or exercising. We appreciate anything you can do to help support students during their last quarter of the year activities. The discipline achieved will lead to excellence in academic performance both now and for the rest of their lives. Respectfully, Dr. Barder hos@unishanoi.org

The last part of the school year is extremely important and we hope all parents will work with us to ensure that students maximize their time right up to the end. In addition to maintaining a routine, we encourage you to make sure students are getting adequate rest even as it stays light later. Also, we know enough about brain activity to highly encourage students to maintain good physical activity during this time. Keeping active readily supports

For many UNIS Hanoi students, buses are an essential part of their school lives. Unfortunately, in the past few years student etiquette on the buses has been severely below reasonable standards. Thus, the ES Student Council, the MS Student Council and the HS Senate came together to ensure that student behavior on school buses provided everyone with the best bus experience possible. In order to achieve this, we came up with an extensive plan revolving around a two-pronged approach to the issue at hand. Firstly, the ES Student Council compiled a list of eight rules for bus behaviors, adapted from the official handbook. These rules are as follows: 1. Seatbelts on please! 2. Please use indoor voices. 3. Please listen to the instructions of the bus monitor/ driver. 4. Please be respectful and courteous to other people on the bus. 5. Please keep the bus clean! 6. Please don’t eat or drink while on the bus. 7. Stand up for others and don’t be a bystander. 8. No public display of affection, please! While the original rules were already publicized in the handbook sent to parents, we felt that it was important to

relay them directly to the student body as well in order to ensure their effective implementation. In order to make this a school-wide movement, we also talked about the importance of these rules with each student body (ECC,ES,MS,HS) at morning meetings and assemblies in the hope that everyone will collaborate and become role models for each other, keeping the differences in age in mind. These regulations will also be put up around the school in the form of posters. The combined student councils also helped create a new system of consequences which empowers the bus monitors by giving them a spreadsheet containing student names and bus rules. With these, each bus monitor can quantitatively keep track of the students that have broken the rules and take action if their behavior is consistent and/or very serious. Overall, we the student councils hope that these measures, while simple in nature, will help improve the bus conditions and make transportation a more pleasant experience for the student community. However, we see the need for both the student body and the parent community to step up and support this initiative in order to ensure that there are effective results and our efforts were not in vain.

Tuesday evening, parents and friends wove their way through several areas of the school to celebrate Dance, Song, Music, Fine Art and Journal work. The evening was hosted by the students themselves, and focused around the Unit of Inquiry - Through the Eyes of An Artist. It was a wonderful celebration of student learning and achievement. The evening began with two Dances by 2RJ and 2MA: the Troika and the Mayim Ushtavez. Parents and friends joined the students in dancing the Mayim Ushtavez with much energy and laughter. Then it was time to explore the two

Grade 2 Slice of ICE. Photos by Tim Barnsley

Art Galleries: the Plastic Ocean gallery and the Through the Eyes of An Artist Gallery. Both contained an amazing variety of student Art work which explored how artist see different topics in many ways and how artists can take action on a social issue. Once the bell was rung, it was time to go back into the theatre and enjoy the Grade 2 orchestra perform with great skill on the recorder. The evening closed with a thought provoking song called “Plastic Ocean�, reminding us that we all can take action. Thank you to everyone who came and supported this wonderful showcase of student learning.

Photos by Tim Barnsley

Julia Karpati’s presentation in Swarthmore College’s Information Session this month was inspirational for many current UNIS Hanoi students, with her story of shaping her future education and career. Julia Karpati is German-Vietnamese and attended UNIS Hanoi from 1999 until graduation in 2009. She was heavily involved in community service projects during her time at School, which centered on addressing the needs of marginalised Vietnamese children.

UNIS Hanoi’s Korean students and parents participated in Yonsei University’s information session this month. The session aimed to provide information about admission and choice of majors at this world leading Universtiy. They gave advice and guidance to students, parents and counsellors about studying opportunities at Yonsei. Yonsei ranks No. 4 in the top of best universities in Republic of Korea in 2015. For more information, please refer to http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/ or contact Mr. Je Eun

Julia completed her B.A. in Economics and Political Science at Swarthmore College (PA, USA) in 2013. She also interned with a development agency in Laos, and with The Aspen Institute's Agent Orange in Vietnam Program (NY, USA). She entered Maastricht University/United Nations University-MERIT (Netherlands) for her double MSc. in Public Policy & Human Development. She joined the Economic Policy Research Institute (Cape Town, South Africa) in 2014 as a researcher of social policy and children's deprivations. Julia is currently based in Berlin working with various EPRI consultancies, which include multidimensional childhood poverty analyses in partnership with UNICEF country offices in Botswana, Tajikistan, and State of Palestine, and an analysis of the socio-economic effects of ebola on children in West and Central Africa. Looking forward, Julia aspires to be an agent of international understanding in global efforts to create conditions for lives of comfort, safety and dignity for all children and their families.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 13:20 – 14:00 Common Room B5 G29

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:40 – 13:20 Common Room B5 G29

IB DP Art Show. Photo by Tuan Anh

Hult International Business School in San Francisco and London Ms. Debbie Gacutan, Associate Director of Enrollment American University Ms. Julie Soper, Assistant Director of International Admissions

Earlier this week the Grade 7s had a great advisory class! We invited a group of Grade 12s to come and talk to us about what it was like to be graduating and to give us some advice they wish they had had in Grade 7. Despite the very busy time for these senior students, they were more than willing to help us out. They came prepared, and facilitated the sessions very well. Each of our four Grade 7 Advisory classes were led by three Grade 12s. They shared their advice and posed great questions to get us thinking They also graciously answered all the burning questions we had, including;  How do you manage your time so you can still have fun

with your friends?  Is IB really that hard?  What are SATs?  How did you decide what university to go to?  Is it OK if you don’t know what you want to do for a

job?  What do universities want to know about you besides

your grades?  Did you study this much when you were our age?

The 12s had some very wise words for us about balancing our lives, taking our studies seriously, the value of CAS, the appreciation of the education we get at UNIS Hanoi, how we can start to figure out what we might want to do, and mostly to enjoy the time we will have in high school.

Thanks so much to Ms Kerry, Ms Zahid and Mr. Loeffler for organizing with the Grade 12s and especially to the students themselves, who gave their time to share some wisdom with us: Devin Cheong , Do Quynh Anh , SoYeon Jeong, Soya Kanemaru, Na Young Kim, Mavindra Mayerfas, Thanh Le, Nguyen Ba Hung, Than Viet, Angelique Somers, Vu Duong and Vu Khanh

The opening for the Diploma Visual Art Show was held this week night. There was a great turn out from the UNIS Hanoi community. The quality and magnitude of the

IB DP Art Show. Photos by Tuan Anh

students work was outstanding and many parents and community member praised the creativity of our students here at UNIS Hanoi. The show will be up for another two weeks so you still have time to see it.

The MRISA Football season of 2015 was yet another season of amazingness, the effort and the passion for football was seen on all our faces. The MRISA squad selected consisted of: Jed, Thabo, Ujwal, Dan Bui, Ly Dinh, SeungWon, Colin, Ki Hyun, Truong Son and Davlet and was led by Coach Mike McMillen. After 6 weeks of intense training, we arrived at the MRISA tournament. During some games, we showed what we were capable of but in others, we weren’t at our best. Although we were disappointed with our finishing position of 8th, we were extremely proud of our effort on the pitch. We worked hard to close the space, frustrate the opposition, and track back. We did all we could have done. The motivation to win games was unbelievable and the sorrows of losses were seen in the faces simply because of the passion of the players. Taking ISPP to extra-time after a thrilling 1-1 draw in normal time was one of the most exciting and exhausting games we have played in and we did everything we could to try and claim a victory but sadly this time it was not to be. However, throughout the season we have greatly improved our skills and team work and we will be better prepared and stronger to come back and fight for the MRISA championship next year! Ki Hyun, a Grade 10 student who competed in his 2nd MRISA tournament mentioned that “our season was fun, the whole team put in a lot of effort into becoming better players and I believe we did. Although it was tough to play teams like HIS and ISE, who have been playing together

for longer and have more experienced players, the experience was a great step into making us better players. I was really happy with my 2 goals in the friendlies; like, really happy!” On behalf of the team, I would like to give a special mention to Steward Magau, Jek Tan, Gun Hee, Animesh Sarkorikar and Morgoun Le Nghiem, who had been training with the team, but did not compete in the tournament. Their support and involvement with practices were a great help to us all. We would like to thank our coach for us his great work this season and also the girl’s team and friends and family who were there to support us during the tournament. GO PHOENIX!!! By Ujwal Kumar (Grade 10)

The Mai Chau Service Learning Group was created to further the work that we do on the Grade 7 Grade Level trip. For several years UNIS Hanoi Grade 7s have visited the Chieng Chau Middle School in Mai Chau, bringing them school supplies, sharing activities and playing games. Most of the students there are from the White Thai ethnic group and the school is sadly under resourced. Last year we were able to donate 10 used UNIS Hanoi tablets to the school and with the help of Nguyen Dinh Khanh, from the UNIS Hanoi Tech department, the Chieng Chau school now has a functioning computer lab and the government supplies them with a computer teacher. With the creation of the SL group this year we are able focus on building the relationship between the two schools. The SL group is led by Medeha Zahid and myself and we have had an absolutely outstanding group of 12 enthusiastic and committed seventh graders. They held a tech drive in the fall to collect printers and other useful items for the school’s computer lab. They raised several hundred dollars at the Women’s Bazaar and the Spring Fair, with the longterm goal of raising enough money to build proper toilet facilities at the school. The highlight of the year, was bringing a group of 10 students and 2 teachers from the school in Mai Chau to spend 3 days here at UNIS Hanoi and in Hanoi. An exciting focal point of the trip was our students teaching the Mai Chau students how to make movies on the tablets and creating great little videos of their impressions of UNIS Hanoi. Several of the students who came had never been out of the valley and all of them were in awe of UNIS Hanoi, which they described as the perfect schoolespecially the swimming pool!

Here is a report from Richard, Vi and Agathe, three members of our SL group: “When the Mai Chau kids came to UNIS, it was clear that this was a new experience. We tried to be as welcoming as we could when they arrived, introducing them to UNIS with a scavenger hunt that took them around our school. With them, we did many fun and exciting activities, such as going in hamster balls on the water and visiting the aquarium to see fish as big ourselves. After the day time activities ended, we enjoyed two delicious dinners with the Mai Chau students, both of which hosted by the students in the Mai Chau Service Learning. Then, they enjoyed their stay at the Diamond hotel downtown, near the Hoan Kiem Lake, before leaving us after three fun-filled days.” The Mai Chau group left Hanoi tired but happy and full of appreciation for the time they spent here. Our SL students, who planned and led the events and participated in the activities, also gained so much from the experience. It was a huge success for all involved! Donna Bracewell, on behalf of the Mai Chau SL Group

Food safety is the theme for this year's World Health Day on April 7.The World Health Organization has chosen this theme for 2015 over growing concerns about how safe is the food we eat. Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually – including many children. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers.

Food safety is a shared responsibility. It is important to work all along the food production chain – from farmers and manufacturers to vendors and consumers. WHO’s Five keys to safer food offer practical guidance to vendors and consumers for handling and preparing food to prevent foodborne diseases. Key 1: Keep clean  Wash your hand before handling food  Wash your hands after going to the toilet  Wash and sanitize all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation  Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and other animals Key 2: Separate raw and cooked food  Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods  Use separate equipment and utensils such as knives and cutting boards for handling raw foods  Store food in containers to avoid contact between raw and prepared foods Key 3: Cook food thoroughly  Cook food thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs and seafood  Bring foods like soups and stews to boiling to make sure that they have reached 70°C. For meat and poultry, make sure that juices are clear, not pink. Ideally, use a thermometer.  Reheat cooked food thoroughly

Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures  Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours  Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food (preferably below 5°C)  Keep cooked food piping hot (more than 60°C) prior to serving  Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator  Do not thaw frozen food at room temperature Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials  Use safe water or treat it to make it safe  Select fresh and wholesome foods  Choose foods processed for safety, such as pasteurized milk  Wash fruits and vegetables, especially if eaten raw  Do not use food beyond its expiry date For more on Food Safety, read http://who.int/campaigns/ world-health-day/2015/event/en/ and http://www.fda.gov/Food/ FoodborneIllnessContaminants/BuyStoreServeSafeFood/ ucm255180.htm School Health Centre

Topics for this meeting:  We will welcome Amie Pollack, the incoming Parent

Date: Tuesday, April 14 Time: 8.30 - 10.00 Location: Community Room (Administration Building, room 104) To facilitate open communication within the community, the SCO holds open General Meetings four times a year. We invite students, parents, faculty and staff to join!

Elected Board Member who was uncontested in the Board of Directors parent election. Amie will tell us a bit about herself, why she wanted to join the Board, and answer any questions.  We partner with the Tech Team for another insightful

presentation on the "Year of the Future: Emerging Educational Trends and What They Could Mean for Schools".  We will also give the community updates about success

of the Spring Fair.

The FINAL SNACK SALE of the year for the Early Childhood Center (ECC) and Elementary School (ES) will take place next Friday, April 17 from 8.10am - 10.30am. Contributing Classes: K1KM, K1AP, G1SF, G5MN, G5JH, G5DL, G5TC BRIEF HISTORY The Elementary School Snack Sale is a long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi. Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale” was created to raise funds for library books while providing students with the opportunity to taste a diverse range of snacks from all around the world! The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun opportunity for children to exercise choice, learn how to handle money and is raising awareness of the value of healthy snacks.

WHAT TO BRING IF YOU ARE A CONTRIBUTING CLASS? As a Nut and Allergy Aware campus we require all snacks to include a list of ingredients. When it is your turn to be a contributing class, we encourage that each family supports the ES Snack Sale by providing:  10 individually wrapped homemade healthy snacks (the

value of each treat should be at least 10,000VND)  A labeled container/dish with your child’s class and

name  On the morning of the snack sale, please deliver the

snacks BEFORE 8.10am to the designated tables in the ECC or ES Courtyard Both savory and sweet snacks are welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls, homemade muesli bars, muffins, samosas, etc.), below are a few example of snacks provided in previous snack sales. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about what snacks to bring, please contact the Snack Sale Coordinators: Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2008@gmail.com Masumi Tsuda: ma-na10@hotmail.co.jp Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

Wednesday, May 20 Time: 18.00 - 20.00 Location: Don's Bistro Rooftop (16 Quảng An Road, Tây Hồ) What would our school community be like without the love and support of our generous volunteers? We VALUE everyone who has given their time and talents to help the UNIS Hanoi community over the year. Your spirit of volunteerism makes our school community thrive and flourish.

There will be delicious food and drinks (wine, beer, cocktails, juice) for all to enjoy on behalf of the School Community Organisation and the Advancement Office as a final THANK YOU for all your help. Please register HERE before May 17th. Please keep in mind that this is an adult function and we kindly ask that you arrange childcare beforehand. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun at clo@unishanoi.org

To THANK our volunteers this year, we would like to invite everyone who has supported UNIS Hanoi with your time and talent to a VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION NIGHT!

1. ECC Physical Education Teaching Assistant - School year 2015-2016 2. ES Multi-lingual Additional Languages Teaching Assistant - School year 2015-2016 3. MS/HS Technology Coordinator Assistant - starting April/May 2015 To view more information about these openings at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs

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