tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 33, Friday 10 May
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 13 May
Tuesday, 21 May
MAP Testing Q&A (Grades 6-8) 18:00 - 18:46, B7
Tuesday, 14 May ●
Board Annual General Meeting 19:00 - 20:30, Library
Wednesday, 15 May ●
Grade 11 End of Year Exams 15-21 May Discovery PAC for parents 09:30 - 10:30, B10 3BF&AL Trip to Organic Farm 8:30-12:20
MRISA Junior Volleyball, ISPP, 16-19 May Grades 9-10 Exams 16-17 May
Friday, 17 May ●
SCO Annual General Meeting 08:30 - 10:00 Technology Advisory Council Meeting 16:30 - 17:30, B7 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30 - 19:30
Wednesday, 22 May ●
PreK PAC 09:30 - 10:30, Theatre
Thursday, 23 May ●
UNIS Spring Dance Exhibition 18:00 - 22:00, Theatre
Friday, 24 May
Thursday, 16 May ●
ASA Session 3 Ends Transition Workshop for Parents 08:30 - 10:00, B7 3JC&LB Trip to Organic Farm 8:30-12:20 MS Formal Dance 19:00 - 22:00
Grades 4-5 Swim Meet 08:30 - 12:00 Grade 12 Tree Planting 11:00 Graduation Ceremony Practice 13:00 - 14:30
Saturday, 25 May ●
HS Formal 19:00 - 22:00, Sofitel Plaza
Saturday, 18 May ●
UNIS Swim Team Meet Saturday Soccer Tournament
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Board of Directors and the Elementary School Principal (p.2-3) Workshop with Vietnamese teachers (p.2)
Grade 12 Tree Planting Ceremony (p.8) Who likes to dance in MS ? (p.8) Design Exhibition (p.9)
Book in a box (p.3) Notes from the Middle High School Principal (p.4) Transition Workshop for leaving parents (p.5)
High School Athletics Day Photo Special (p.10) Play games with your childs (p.11) Summer Camp registration Opens! (p.12-13)
Kindergarten shared the planet (p.6) How to read MAP Testing Report (p.7) UNIS Music Academy News (p.7)
Phoenix APAC Football (p.14-15) Saturday Soccer is ending soon! (p.15) Anyone for tennis? (p.16) Notes from the Nurses (p.17)
Notes from the Board of Directors Board of Directors Annual General Meeting (AGM) Tuesday 14 May Members of the UNIS Hanoi community (parents, faculty, admin, staff) are warmly invited to attend the Board’s AGM next week. Venue: Library *PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE* Time: Reception with refreshments served from 6:30pm. The meeting will start at 7pm and we expect to finish by 8:30pm. The agenda is: 1. Welcome and introduction of Board members: Sarah Garner, Board Chair 2. Role of the Board of Directors and the End of Year Report: Sarah Garner, Board Chair 3. Financial update: Graham Watson, Board Treasurer 4. Values and Beliefs Statement update: Craig Burgess, Chair of Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force 5. Vote of appreciation to outgoing Board members and announcement of new appointments for 2013-2014: Sarah Garner, Board Chair 6. Any other community questions/comments Please note that there will also be time for questions or comments after each agenda item. The Board’s End of Year report will be published on the portal on Monday 13th May. You will be able to access it here. In order that we can respond effectively, it would be very helpful if you can let us know in advance of any specific questions you would like us to address. Please email the Board Chair at boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org Find out more about the Board of Directors here.
Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Jasmine Gilbert KJK!
Professional Development for Vietnamese teachers UNIS Hanoi has a long history of helping Vietnamese kindergartens in Hanoi by providing professional development for their teachers through ECERP (Early Childhood Education Renovation Programme). UNIS Hanoi teachers, Michelle Armstrong and Cathie Matthews, recently hosted a workshop for 20 ECERP teachers, vice principals and principals from four local Hanoi kindergartens, and the focus of the workshop was on math and language activities for young children. The ECERP teachers were enthusiastic participants and stated they are eager to return to their classroom and implement the activities. A special thanks to Ms. Ngoc, ECERP coordinator, for her help and translation services.
Notes from the Elementary School Principal Courtesy Campaign For the last few weeks we have been focusing on being more polite and courteous around school. Through student briefings and assemblies we have talked about the need to be polite and considerate at all times to all people. The children helped identify all the adults who help them during and after school – the teachers, the teaching assistants, the secretaries, the nurses, the canteen staff, other support staff, the bus chaperones and drivers for example. We have been insisting on greeting people and returning greetings when someone says good morning or good afternoon and reminding children how to ask politely and say please and thank you. These may seem like very simple, basic expectations but in a large and busy school it seems these can be forgotten. The children have responded very well and are initiating greetings with adults around school and are really minding their manners which is great to see and hear. We know this builds on the high expectations that you have of your children outside school and by reinforcing the message in school we can really help to ensure courtesy and respect become a habit.
Lunch Tickets As an additional service to our Grade 1- 5 students, the ES office purchases a number of lunch tickets from the canteen in order to be able to ‘loan’ tickets to those who have forgotten money or left tickets or a packed lunch at home. The children come and politely ask if they may ‘borrow’ a ticket and sign for it under the supervision of the secretaries in the book provided. The deal is that the money is then repaid the next day. An email is always sent to the parents of the child ‘borrowing’ the ticket as soon as they have signed in the book. A reminder email is then sent if the money is not re-paid within the month. The ES office however is currently owed more than 5 million VND in overdue debts. We respectfully request that all monies owing are re-paid to the ES office as soon as possible. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are still owing money, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Ms Quyen at espsecretary@unishanoi.org Kind regards, Carole Denny, Elementary Principal
Book in a Box Dear Parents, The Library shall be asking students to participate in Book in a Box end of year Library Project. This is HOME project. Similar to last year’s Book in a Bag, students shall be asked to select a book of their choosing (fiction or nonfiction) and create a representation from the book. This can be a landscape with created scenery (like a diorama), pictures, artifacts—anything your child wishes to use to tell the story or share the information in the book. This project is voluntary and students may choose to participate or not. This is a HOME project. We are asking you to contribute a clean box for your child to use if they wish to make a Book in a Box. Questions??? Please email ES Librarian, Ms. Conroy, at eslibrarian@unishanoi.org. Thanks for your support! Julie Conroy
Notes from the Middle/High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, As I write this article our grade 12 students are sitting IB exams. As such there is a heightened sense of urgency on campus! I am sure you will join me in wishing our grade 12 students the best of luck with their exams! A few weeks ago I had an interesting conversation with two high school students about their involvement in recent APAC Soccer Tournaments. Both our men’s and lady’s teams surpassed all expectations and played their hearts out. The students I spoke with were very proud of their teams and were gushing with excitement. Further along in our conversation I asked if they were looking forward to next year’s tournaments. Expecting to hear a resounding “YES!” I was surprised and disheartened to learn that both students would not be permitted to play soccer next year because their parents wanted them to focus on their IB program. I can only assume that their parents believe co-curricular activities will take time away from academic pursuits and potentially have a negative impact on their IB results? As an educator it goes without saying that I believe academics are the first priority, but that does not mean there is no room for co-curricular activities. In fact research is quite clear, students who are involved in a healthy balance of academic and cocurricular activities actually perform better in all aspects of life, including school. In one of my previous schools we collected data to determine the benefits of co-curricular involvement. We found that academically: 10 of the top 10 students were involved one or more co-curricular activity. 24 of the top 25 students were involved one or more co-curricular activity. 46 of the top 50 students were involved one or more co-curricular activity. Only 16 of the bottom 50 students were involved one or more co-curricular activity. Only 2 of the bottom 10 students were involved one or more co-curricular activity. Although the above data is somewhat anecdotal it does raise an interesting point; higher achieving students were involved in activities and lower achieving students were not. Let’s take a look at reasons why: 1. Research shows that students involved in co-curricular activities are more likely to have: Higher GPAs Higher college admission test scores Less time to procrastinate Better attendance Fewer discipline referrals Affiliation with peers who are academically focused 2. Activities support the academic mission of schools. Participation in high school activities is a valuable part of the overall school experience. 3. Activity programs provide opportunities for character development and unique learning labs for valuable life lesson and universal values – teamwork, sportsmanship, self-discipline and hard work. These are qualities students need if they are to become responsible adults, productive citizens and skilled professionals. 4. Activities foster success in later life. Participation in high school activities is often a predictor of later success – in college, a career and in becoming a healthy, contributive member of society For more information please follow the links provided: Exploring the Link between Physical Activity, Fitness and Cognitive Function Study Shows Benefits of 'Co-Curricular' Activities Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, Middle/High School Principal
Notes from the Counselors
Transition Workshop for All Parents If you will be leaving UNIS and Hanoi this summer, please come and join us!
Date: Friday, May 17 Time: 8:30 - 9:30 am Place: Community Room Hear a panel of students talk about their experiences with transitions!
Also learn about:  The Stages of Transition  Tips to Help Children Through Transition
Sharing the planet with Kindergarten students Kindergarten raise $288 during their ‘Sharing the Planet’ Unit of Inquiry. The Kindergarten Recycling Sale raised enough money to buy a rare conifer tree for the UNIS grounds (now in the far left corner of the field). The students took part in the planting ceremony on the Friday before the Spring break. The conifer is called ‘Nageia fleuryi’ . It grows up to 30 metres tall and is found in Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Laos and Cambodia. It’s wood is highly valued and used for musical instruments, chop sticks, fine crafts and household tools. It is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. and we also paid for a further 253 trees to be planted in the Atlantic forest in Brazil through www.plantabillion.org Thanks again to all the students and parents who helped us raise these funds. Amy Pitcairn, Kindergarten Grade Level Leader
Notes from the Director of Learning Grade 6-8 Students Finish Spring MAP Testing Our students in grades 6-8 have completed their spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests. All parents with students in grades 6-8 should have received an email today with instructions on how to access their child’s MAP reports via the ISIS Family system. Please join us on Monday, May 13 in the Community Room from 6-6.45pm to answer general questions you may have about the test or about how to read the report. The purpose of this session will be to help you understand how to read the MAP report and to learn more about the MAP test in general. We encourage you to attend this session if you are new to UNIS or to the MAP test. This will not be a time to discuss your individual child’s results, but a general session to assist parents in understanding how to read the reports. If you would like to discuss your child’s results please contact the relevant teacher. If you have any questions please contact Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
UMA News
ABRSM Exam Updates
UMA Updates:
This is a gentle reminder for UNIS students who are registered for ABRSM Music Exams in June have the opportunity to continue with lessons until their exam. Those lessons will be invoiced separately. Please contact Ms Cham via email to coordinate the times.
UNIS Music Academy proudly presents the UMA Concert next Wednesday Evening, 15 May 2013 at 6pm in the Theatre. All of the UNIS community is invited. The concert starts at 6:00 pm and entrance is free, but seating will be first come first served, so arrival 15 minutes early is recommended. Finger food and drinks will be catered after the concert. The detailed programme can be found on the UMA pin board outside room B10-G05.
The Practical Exam Candidates of ABRSM Music Exams can find the exam time in the schedule sheets pinned on the board outside of UMA office B10G05.
UMA semester 2 will finish next week on 19 May, 2013.
Tree planting ceremony On behalf of the Class of 2013 you are invited to attend this year’s
Friday 24 May 11:00 - 11:30 Open Courtyard (In front of Canteen) Each UNIS Hanoi Graduating Class is represented by a unique tree. Students are commemorated by a stone carving with the names of The Class of 2013 Please join us for a Cake Reception outside B5 immediately following the ceremony
Tree Planting Agenda 11:00-11:05
Welcome to Students & Parents by Mr. Pete Kennedy
Grade 11 Students ‘s remarks by Quynh Anh Do & Cian Hamer
Dr. Barder’s Remarks
11:20-11: 25
Senior Speakers
11:25- 11:30
Grade 12 Plant the tree
Closing Comments Reception Cake and Lemonade
Middle School Dance Invitation The Middle School Student Council will be hosting their annual end of year dance at the Intercontinental Hotel on Friday, May 24 from 6:00 to 9:00. Permission forms for the dance were emailed to all parents and to Middle School students last Friday. The deadline for signing up for the event is next Friday, May 17. Please contact Kevin Johnston at kjohnston@unishanoi.org if have accidently deleted your permission form or have questions that are not addressed on the form.
Design Exhibition The Design Technology department would like to invite all of the UNIS Hanoi community and anyone with an interest for design and creativity to our 2nd Design Exhibition. Staff and students have been working hard all year to create content that exceed the quality and success of last year show. Last year the theme was “Form & Function” resulting in a minimal and clear aesthetic. So, for this year we are hoping to assault your senses with colors. The exhibition will cover a plethora of design genres and styles from robotics to typography, video to environmental design, lighting design to 3D printing, and a good lump more. We very much hope that you will be available to join us for the opening of the exhibition at 4PM – 7PM on Monday, May 20, 2013. Enjoy your weekend. Dorian Gibb, Head of Technology Department
High School Athletics Day Congratulations to all High School Students for their effort, team spirit and attitude in making the High School Athletics Day such a successful event. Eagles 724 1
Buffaloes 435 4
Lions 601 3
Tigers 602 2
Notes from the Speech and Language Specialist Playing Games to Encourage Young Children’s Communication Skills Your child learns about life through play. His job is to play. We can support the development of gross and fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills by providing ample opportunities for play. However, we may need to adapt the game in order to share it with him. We also add language to help him learn concepts and ideas. We are in charge of creating a relaxed, happy time during which he can learn to: Focus his attention
Anticipate what come next or what happens next
Imitate actions and sounds
Understand new words
Take turns
Say new words
This takes patience as learning a new skill is difficult. Learning to communicate and play are big skills to master! Some ideas for play with your child include social games (Peek-A-Boo), catch-me games (Hide-and-Seek), water games (in the bathtub, making bubbles with a straw, washing dishes), ball games (rolling, throwing), block games (stacking, building a bridge), food games (pudding pictures, tea party), a scavenger hunt, card games (go fish, concentration), board games (Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Uno Moo), matching games (pictures and objects, or animal sounds), sorting games (buttons, beads, stones, shells, crayons, shoes), imitating games (Simon Says), and dressing-up games. While toys for young children are fun, these are just a small fraction of what children find interesting. You can keep a variety of the following items on hand so your child can interact and create without a lot of money being spent. (Please just make sure all items have been washed properly before allowing your child to play with them and that your child is able to play with the following items safely due to age and ability level.)
You may also want to have some of the following on hand, although these will generally need to be purchased.
Crayons Markers Scissors Paint
Finger paint Paintbrushes Sponges Glue sticks
Liquid glue Tape Stickers Play dough
Paper of various sizes, colors, and textures Tissue paper
Enjoy the time you spend playing with your child during the upcoming summer holiday! Mary M. Pool, Speech and Language Therapist
Summer Camp UNIS Hanoi Summer Camp June 17 – 28 - Monday to Friday
Registration Open on ISIS Family from now until May 31 midnight! Full Day programme (8:30 – 3:00) for current ECC, Elementary, and Middle School Students Half Day programme offered for current High School Students (8:30 – 11:30) All programmes include a balance of FUN and EDUCATIONAL Activities
SAMPLE CAMP SCHEDULES (final schedules will be published before Summer Camp starts)
Early Childhood Centre (ECC): ECC students will work with their own Coordinator
and assigned ECC Assistants The camp day will start and end at the same time as
the other age groups, but ECC students will have their own space Students will be working in groups throughout the
camp and participating in a variety of activities including arts and crafts, movement, free choice time, and sessions in the pool
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:30 – 9:45
Group Activities
9:45 – 10:15
Snack and Break
10:15 – 11:30
Group Activities
11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
Group Activities
1:25 – 1:40
1:40 – 2:55
Group Activities
Summer Camp Day Ends
Grades 1-5: Time
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:40 – 9:55
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
9:55 – 10:10
Break and Snack
10:15 – 11:30
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
“Hands On” Science will be experiment based
1:25 – 1:40
Create will be creating arts and crafts
1:40 – 2:55
Summer Camp Day Ends
ES students will be scheduled into age-group morning
and afternoon rotations Groups will be scheduled to rotate though two areas
in the morning and afternoon Sports will aimed at fun and participation with games
and activities Performance will be a combination of drama, dance,
and music activities
Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Camp Principal mscounselor@unishanoi.org
Summer Camp Middle School: MS students will choose ONE of Sports, Performance
or English for their morning focus during Summer Camp Sports Camp will be a combination of individual and
team skills aimed at athletes interested in improving their fitness and skill levels Performance Camp is aimed at actors, musicians,
dancers, and performers interested in creating a live performance for the last day of camp! English Literacy will be an opportunity to improve
and practice English language skills in a variety of ways.
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:40 – 9:55 9:55 – 10:10
10:15 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
1:25 – 1:40
1:40 – 2:55
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
Summer Camp Day Ends
Students will be scheduled into age-group afternoon rotations including Math Games and Investigations, “Hands
On” Science and Create Each afternoon groups will be scheduled to rotate through two areas
High School: Students can choose ONE of “Sports,” “Performance,” or “English Literacy” for extended morning sessions!
A morning snack and set lunch will be served for all students in ECC through MS. The deli will also be open to sell light snacks and drinks for those looking for something different. UNIS Hanoi Summer Camp 2013 will also have day trips, souvenir t-shirts, and of course…..the first ever “Performance” open to all parents and guests!
Enrollment Fees: $600 USD for the two-week full day programs $325 USD for HS half-day programs or one-week of the full day programme
Bus transportation is available. Enrollment will initially be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students and spaces will be limited so make plans to attend now. Billing and payment will be done through the Business Office.
Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Camp Principal mscounselor@unishanoi.org
Phoenix APAC Football Between the 18-20th of April 2013, the boys APAC footballtournament of the Pacific Division took place in Beijing, China. The six schools that participated were: Hong Kong International School, Shanghai American School Pudong, Seoul Foreign School, Taejon Christian International School, Western Academy of Beijing, and UNIS Hanoi. On behalf of the APAC Phoenix team of UNIS, I, Maximilian Tang, would like to list and honor all its 17 members, trained by Coaches Andy Dutton and Susan Kraetzer, who, after showing that they were UNIS’ most passionate and best football players, made the team and got to travel to Beijing to represent our school. Sam Choi, Ruan Hamer, Aloysius Kieft, Bum Soo Kim, Vikke Malinen, Simon McCarty, Partho Mondal, Hieu Nguyen, Trung Nguyen, Tommy Nurmi, Laurids Poulsen, Lucas Prytz, Renato Restelli, Hauke Schmidt, Will Stephens, Maximilian Tang, and Je Kyun Yu. The team had trained together for 10 weeks, during which there were tough practices almost every day. Those 10 weeks of intense trainings would come to an end in a total of 6 matches. The APAC tournament in Beijing was where all of us would prove what we were made out of and where all those long hours of practices had brought us. One the day of our arrival in Beijing, the team embraced the amazing football field that we would compete on for the next 3 days. Surely, almost every team member was very nervous to face all the other amazing teams that had built up a very strong reputation over the past few years. At the same time, we were also extremely happy as we had the chance to compete against some of the best schools in Southeast Asia. The first day of APAC began, after the great opening ceremony at WAB, with a little football game between several members of each school’s team and a group of children who visited from a school for the mentally disabled. This short, yet huge event proved that this tournament was not only about competing against each other, but was also a chance to bring out the beautiful side of football. Football gives everyone a chance to unite together and gives people wonderful opportunities to share moments of happiness with others. Then, it was finally time for our first game against SAS Pudong. The first half was played very well by our side as we successfully took the lead twice. Unfortunately, the SAS Pudong team was able to equalize each time. The second half didn’t go as well as the first half as we lost the lead and eventually the game. Going into our second game, nobody expected us to be the best team in the tournament, but this changed after we won 4 – 3 against TCIS, the defending champions from last year. We showed what we had in us and proved to the other schools that we were able to compete with ANYONE in this tournament.
Phoenix APAC Football Unluckily, the second day didn’t go as well for us. After losing to the home team, WAB, we also lost 1-0 against SFS, a very important game that eliminated our chances of entering the finals. Everyone on the team was very disappointed since we had completely dominated almost the entire game, only to be unable to convert our dominance into goals. However, we were still proud of how we had played and fought to keep our chances of advancing intact. The last day of the tournament came and we still had a chance of playing for the 3rd or 4th place. Unfortunately, we lost the game and had to compete for 5th or 6th place. The last game of the tournament, against a very strong TCIS team, was another test of our strong character. We definitely gave our best and proved that we could compete against any team in the tournament, but unfortunately we lost the game and finished 6th in the APAC tournament. The season thus came to an end. Although the results didn’t seem very appealing, I, as well as every other team member, definitely know that we performed very well and had a good chance of beating any team at the tournament. The results definitely didn’t make anyone on the team happy. Nonetheless, every one of us surely took something great from this experience of working together so wonderfully as one unit. This season definitely taught us a lot and brought us together as one group to play the one sport we all love, football. I therefore encourage everyone to participate in the tryouts for next season. From looking at how we played this year at APAC, I can definitely conclude that UNIS football is looking at a very bright future. Maximilian Tang, proud captain of UNIS Hanoi Phoenix
Saturday Soccer News The Saturday Soccer Spring Session is Coming to a Close Dear Players and Coaches, The last two Saturday Soccer practices for the Spring Session will be this Saturday, May 11 and the following week (May 18th).
Group photos will be taken this week (May 11) during your practice, so please remember to come on time and wear
your Saturday Soccer jersey. Also, remember to bring your water bottle, as well as putting on sunscreen and wearing a hat! It could be hot, so we want you to be prepared! May 18 will mark the conclusion of the spring Saturday Soccer session. The last day will be a regular practice session, with small-sided games at the end. To help celebrate the end of the spring session, practices/games will end a little earlier than usual and all the players will be treated to ice cream. The group photos will be given to the players and each child will also receive a nice Saturday Soccer Participant Banner. We look forward to having lots of fun for the last two practices! Kind regards, UNIS Saturday Soccer Coordination Team
UNIS Students, anyone for tennis? The 4rd Annual Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament Saturday, June 1 Back in December, when this event was originally scheduled, the student portion of the tournament was rained out. We’d like to give the tournament another try. Hopefully the weather on June 1 will be better! This tournament is held in memory of a former UNIS Hanoi staff member, Mr. Peter Goverde. Peter was a truly special PE teacher who passed away in the late summer of 2009. He brought the passion of tennis to the students of UNIS and loved to play the game of tennis with everyone and anyone! Peter is missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him and this event is held to keep his memory alive. Students will be divided into 3 divisions:
Grades 4-5
Middle School (Gr. 6-8)
High School (Gr. 9-12)
We are hoping to start play at 8:00am and should be finished by noon. Exact times will be provided once registration has been completed. Everyone will be playing doubles with rotating partners. The aim is to play mixed doubles – so we need enough girls to sign-up!!. Refreshments and food will be available for purchase from 09:00 to 12:00. Registration for the tournament is on the UNIS Portal. You can register by going HERE A limited number of places will be available in each of the divisions. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. A waiting list will be established and if openings do become available we will contact those who are next in line.
Registration will close at the end of the day on Friday, May 17th. This tournament is organized specifically for students who are registered at UNIS. We look forward to your participation and a fun morning of tennis! Regards, UNIS Hanoi Activities Office
From the Nurses’ Office Allergy Awareness Week - Outside Canteen every lunch time 13th-18th May. ALLERY AWARENESS WEEK will be celebrated from Monday 13th May until 18th May at UNIS The School Nurse Team will be outside the canteen at lunch break times for all students. We will be providing basic information about food allergy; tips and ideas to encourage awareness and discussion with all students and staff. Information regarding anaphylaxis, a potentially life threatening allergic reaction will be available as well. In keeping with the evidence that 1:10 children in Australia and 1:13 in the US have allergy we will be painting one in ten finger nails to highlight the statistics and raise awareness.
A food allergy is an immune system response to a food protein that the body mistakenly believes is harmful. When the individual eats food containing that protein, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals triggering symptoms that can affect a person's breathing, gastrointestinal tract, skin and /or heart.
Symptoms of food allergy can include; hives, swelling of the lips, face and eyes, swelling of the tongue, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain, vomiting or a sudden drop in blood pressure. IF LEFT UNTREATED, THESE SYMPTOMS CAN BE FATAL.
One in ten Australian children have a food allergy and one in 13 American children. Some of these will experience a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
There are more than 170 foods known to have triggered severe allergic reactions. Examples include: egg, milk, peanut, tree nut, fish, shell fish, sesame, soy, wheat, kiwi Fruit, bananas, chicken, mustard, celery,
Currently there is no cure for food allergy. Avoidance of the food is the only way to prevent the reaction. Adrenaline is the first line of treatment for severe allergic reaction and can be administered via an auto - injector called an Epi pen, or Anapen.
Food allergy is the leading cause of (severe reaction) anaphylaxis. Approximately 10 people die from anaphylactic reactions each year in Australia and some of these may have been triggered by food. REF: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia April 2013. UNIS Hanoi Nurse Team
SCO Boutique News NEW ARRIVAL !! Magicool shawl from Japan. Eco friendly, Good for Health (cooling) for summer season.
DISCOUNT UP TO 33% is still ON!!! We have discounted all of our winter apparels and picture frames…….. Sizes available: 4 to 14 … Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
Energize Schedule SPRING ENERGIZE HOURS (from May 10 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Please note that on Saturday, May 18 UNIS will be holding a Swim Meet. As a result, the pool will only be open from 08:15 – 13:00 on that day.
Canteen Menu for the week of May 13 to 17 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
Western Set Menu 13 *** Meat Loaf w/Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Stir Fried Broccoli Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
14 Grillec Chicken w/ Mustard Sauce Multi Grain Rice Bean Topping Salad Marble Cake Fruit / Milk
15*** Pan Grilled Pork w/ Tomato gravy Steamed Rice Spinach Salad Carrot Cake Fruit / Milk
16 *** Chicken Cutlet w/ Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Cole Slaw Banana Muffin Fruit / Milk
17 Cheese Pizza Butter Corn Caesar Salad Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk
16*** Boiled Pork w/Egg Steamed Rice Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves Banana Muffin Fruit / Milk
17*** Tandoori Chicken Chicken Rice Caesar Salad Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk
16*** Chicken Cutlet w/ Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves Banana Muffin Fruit / Milk
17 Cheese Pizza Butter Corn Vegetable Sticks Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 13 Singapore Noodle w/ Chicken Steamed Rice (Only ES) Stir Fried Broccoli Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
14 Pork Chop Suey Multi Grain Rice Choi & Mushroom Marble Cake Fruit / Milk
15*** Fried Rice w/Chicken Green Beans Carrot Cake Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 13*** Meat Loaf w/ Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Stir Fried Broccoli Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk
14 Grilled Chicken w/ Mustard Sauce Multi Grain Rice Choi & Mushroom Marble Cake Fruit / Milk
15*** Fried Rice w/Chicken Green Beans Carrot Cake Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org