tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 34, Friday 17 May
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 20 May
Tuesday, 28 May
MSHS Design Exhibition Opening 16:00 - 18:00
Tuesday, 21 May (SCO AGM move to 30 May) ●
Technology Advisory Council Meeting 16:30 - 17:30, B7 Board Meeting 17:30 - 19:30, Community Room
Wednesday, 22 May ●
PreK PAC 09:30 - 10:30, Theatre
Thursday, 23 May ●
Coming Soon...
HS Arts Expo, B10 Values and Beliefs Statement Taskforce 17:30 - 19:00, B7
Thursday, 30 May ●
Board Finance Committee 07:00 - 08:30, Conference room Grade 5 “Step Up” Day 09:00 - 14:00 ES Transition Morning 09:00 - 12:00 SCO AGM 10:30, Community Room *NEW DATE
Friday, 31 May ●
ES Snack Sales Morning Grade 6 Fitness testing 12:20 - 13:45 Grade 2 Trip to Fine Arts Museum, 13:15 - 15:00 Grade 9 - 11 Fitness testing 14:00 - 15:25 Grades 3-5 End of year party 16:00 - 17:30
Friday, 1 June
Monday, 27 May ●
HS Formal 19:00 - 22:00, Sofitel Plaza
HS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony 15:45 - 17:15 Grade 5 to 6 Transition Parent Workshop 18:00 - 19:30
Wednesday, 29 May
Grades 4-5 Swim Meet 08:30 - 12:00 Grade 12 Tree Planting 11:00 Graduation Ceremony Practice 13:00 - 14:30 MS Dance 18:00 - 21:00, Intercontinental Hotel
Saturday, 25 May ●
UNIS Spring Dance Exhibition 18:00 - 22:00, Theatre
Friday, 24 May ●
Grade12 Graduation 13:00 - 16:00. Early release at 11:30 (Grades Discovery - 8)
SAT Testing (Grades 11-12)
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Middle High School Principal (p.3) Bus Schedule (p.3)
Grade 12 Tree Planting (p.8) Who loves basketball coaching? (p.8) Design Exhibition next week! (p.9) UNIS Souvenirs. Last chance for orders! (p.10)
Living with Technology (p.4) Celebration of Learning (p.4) Transition into Middle School (p.5) Book in a Box (p.6)
New swimsuit? It’s time. (p.10) May - Better hearing and speech month. (p.11) Register NOW for Summer Camp (p.12-13)
Grades 3-5 End of Year Party (p.6) Spring Dance at UNIS (p.7) Personal Project Information for Grade 9 Parents (p.7)
Dehydration. Signs & prevention (p.14) SCO News. (p.15) Job Opportunities (p.16-19)
Notes from the Head of School Dear parents, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the over 40 parents who attended our last Breakfast with the Head of School last Friday, May 10. It was an excellent session with the largest group to attend yet. The notes are attached here. I look forward to seeing parents on campus on Saturday for the last session of Saturday Soccer for the year and then the UNIS Pizza Swim Meet. The heat looks to continue but we hope many students and parents will enjoy these culminating activities anyway. As our grade 12 students complete their IB Diploma examinations, I take this opportunity to remind everyone of the schedule on the day of Graduation which is Monday May 27. The Graduation Ceremony at UNIS Hanoi marks not only the end of High School for our Senior Students, but is also a celebration of education from Discovery through to grade 12 for our unique institution. UNIS Hanoi is proud to be one of only two United Nations schools in the world and the role it has played in the lives of our students, their families, and our host country. This year because of the growth in the graduating class and our desire to have more High School students attend the Ceremony, we are delighted to be celebrating Graduation in our Sports Centre. For our teachers, we believe that they represent symbolically all the teachers that have impacted our graduates in their D-12 journey, whilst at the same time acknowledging the importance and connectivity of all teaching at all grades in UNIS to this final academic culmination. For our high school students, we want them to witness this event and be inspired to achieve at the same high level and even higher. Therefore all faculty D-12 and grade 9-11 students will be in attendance at the Graduation. The early dismissal as noted in the calendar at the beginning of the year will at 1130 before lunchtime for Grades D-8. The schedule for the High School will be sent out by Mr. Kennedy in the coming days. Respectfully,
We wish all the best to Erin Quinn (PreK-RT)
Chip Barder, Head of School
who is leaving UNIS Hanoi next week
Notes from the Board of Directors Dear parents, Many thanks to everyone who attended the Board’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) this week. The Board appreciated the quality of the conversations in response to the various presentations and the opportunity to meet with community members. You can view the PPT presentation here and the Board’s End of Year report here. I will provide a summary of the Questions and Answers by the end of this month. At the meeting, I was pleased to announce the re-appointment of Board members Ms. Lotte Brondum and Mr. Barry Knaggs and the new appointment of Mr. Bob Hughes to the Board for next school year 2013-14. We thank them for their willingness to serve the Board and School in the years to come. Please click on their names to find out more about them and the other members of the Board. Regards Sarah Garner, Board Chair
Notes from the Middle/High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, I know the end of the year is quickly approaching when my focus switches to the graduation ceremony. As you know the “Class of 2013” is in the middle of IB exams but there is a buzz on campus as graduation approaches. The MSHS is very excited to be hosting our first ever Celebration of Learning for Grades 6 - 10 on Monday June 3rd from 8:30 -11:30 a.m. The idea for this event has grown from the amazing work of middle school students and teachers over the past few years as they instituted Student Led Conferences. I hope you will be able to join us! Please be sure to RSVP. Now that the end of my first year is in sight I am able to reflect and make a few observations. One aspect of life in the MSHS I have noticed is that our student body is comprised of really nice kids. They work hard (Most of the time!), are helpful to each other, and are genuinely good people. However, I have noticed that perhaps they are, as a group, not as polite as I would have expected. They are polite to me and nice kids for sure but perhaps they have forgotten the need for politeness when dealing with our maintenance staff, cleaners, kitchen workers and bus drivers/monitors? Often there is a missed “thank you” or “hello” when students pick up their lunch or drop off their food tray. As we move forward students will be asked to become more involved in our MSHS Courtesy Campaign. We will solicit ideas and work toward becoming a kinder, friendlier, and more polite school for all members of our community. Displaying politeness to our host national staff members is vitally important within our diverse learning community. We will emphasize this at school but please speak with your children and encourage them to show appreciation to our staff members who work so hard to provide a clean campus, efficient travel, and healthy meals. Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, Middle/High School Principal
Bus Schedule Dear parents, From Monday 20 May till end of school every bus student goes home right afterschool finishes. There will be NO late bus as well as NO ASA. On Monday 27 May
D-8 will go home on 11:30 bus, parents arrange adequate time to collect children from bus drop off point.
Grade 9-12 go home on 14:30 bus
On Thursday 13 June
D-12 will go home on 12:15 bus, parents arrange adequate time to collect children from bus drop off point.
Thank you, Lai Chu, Logistic Officer transportcoord@unishanoi.org
Living with Technology Living with Technology Session Series for all Parents We are inviting all parents to our last morning session for the school year! Kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org. Looking forward to a highly informative and engaging discussion with you! Social Networks: Learning to Navigate Through The Popular Social Networks Such as Facebook, YouTube and More 30 May 8:30 - 10:00 am Library Projection Room In this session we will explore some of the popular social networks and how it works. Be ready for some hands-on time where you can learn how to set up and manage your own social network! We will also discuss how you can support and better understand your child as they manage their own social media.
Celebration of Learning
The MSHS is very excited to be hosting our first ever Celebration of Learning for Grades 6 - 10 on Monday June 3 from 08:30 -11:30 a.m. The idea for this event has grown from the amazing work of middle school students and teachers over the past few years as they instituted Student Led Conferences. The Celebration of Learning will take student led conferences to the next level by incorporating student performances from across the campus, the middle school and high school art exhibitions, a sample from the MYP Design exhibition, and service learning exhibits. It will include time for students to walk parents through their portfolio showcases. As the name indicates, this event is designed to celebrate all aspects of learning for our students, ranging from curricular achievements to social growth. We look forward to welcoming all parents of students in grades 6 -10! Please be sure to RSVP. Grades 6-10 Grade level leader
Transition into Middle School
Transition into Middle School (Events for Students and Parents) Grade 5 Parents, We would like to draw your attention to two upcoming events the Middle School has planned to support your child’s transition from Grade 5 in Elementary School to Grade 6 in Middle School.
Thursday May 30 will be set aside for the Grade 5 “Move Up” Day – when each grade 5 student is paired with a grade 6 student and they come to see what Middle School is like. This event happens each year in May along with the annual “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop,” which is detailed below. Grade 5 students will come to school at the normal time and the first few periods of the day will run as normal. At 10:10 am, they will be paired with a grade 6 student and escorted by a teacher in a group of approximately 20 (10 Grade 6 and 10 Grade 5 students each). They will rotate through 25 minute blocks where they visit different sessions/activities run by teachers from each of the grade 6 subject areas. They will have lunch and afternoon break with the rest of the Middle School, all the while sticking closely with their grade 6 mentor. The goals for the Grade 5s on “Move Up” Day are to: 1. get to know what it’s like to rotate through a schedule on their own, 2. get to meet many of their teachers, and 3. get a sense of the kinds of things that are done in Middle School. We hope they enjoy this day. Please do ask for them to share their impressions with you after it is done. This is a great way to start talking about Middle School and the transition to Grade 6.
On May 28 from 18:00 – 19:30 UNIS Hanoi will be hosting our annual “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop” in the Community Room in Building 7. As we are preparing our presentation to share with you that evening, we would like to give you an opportunity to suggest topics and information you would like us to include. If you have questions you would like us to answer or suggestions for topics to address during the workshop, please contact Jason Caruana at mscounselor@unishanoi.org. This is usually a very well attended event, and we look forward to meeting many of you on May 28 for the “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop.” Jason Caruana, Middle School Counselor mscounselor@unishanoi.org Sue Lepry, Grade 6 Level Coordinator slepry@unishanoi.org
Book in a Box Dear Parents, The Library shall be asking students to participate in Book in a Box end of year Library Project. This is HOME project. Similar to last year’s Book in a Bag, students shall be asked to select a book of their choosing (fiction or nonfiction) and create a representation from the book. This can be a landscape with created scenery (like a diorama), pictures, artifacts—anything your child wishes to use to tell the story or share the information in the book. This project is voluntary and students may choose to participate or not. This is a HOME project. We are asking you to contribute a clean box for your child to use if they wish to make a Book in a Box. Questions??? Please email ES Librarian, Ms. Conroy, at eslibrarian@unishanoi.org. Thanks for your support! Julie Conroy
Grades 3-5 End of year party
Middle School Dance Exhibition The Spring Dance Exhibition is coming soon! Students in Grades 6-8 will be presenting dances from each of the 5 units they have studied during 2nd semester. The show starts at 6pm - Admission is free!
Personal Project Information Workshop Grade 9 Parents: What is the Personal Project? The grade 9 students have embarked on the personal project journey and are thinking about what they will be doing. All parents are invited to an information evening about the personal project to find out more about the project, its purpose and what it entails for the students. Date, time: May 29, 18:00-18:45
Location: Black Box (Centre for the Arts)
Please direct questions to: mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator
Tree planting ceremony On behalf of the Class of 2013 you are invited to attend this year’s
Friday 24 May 11:00 - 11:30 Open Courtyard (In front of Canteen) Each UNIS Hanoi Graduating Class is represented by a unique tree. Students are commemorated by a stone carving with the names of The Class of 2013 Please join us for a Cake Reception outside B5 immediately following the ceremony
Tree Planting Agenda 11:00-11:05
Welcome to Students & Parents by Mr. Pete Kennedy
Grade 11 Students ‘s remarks by Quynh Anh Do & Cian Hamer
Dr. Barder’s Remarks
11:20-11: 25
Senior Speakers
11:25- 11:30
Grade 12 Plant the tree
Closing Comments Reception Cake and Lemonade
UMA News
ComEd News
UMA Updates:
ComEd Basketball Coach
UMA semester 2 will finish this
The UNIS Community Education Programme (ComEd) is looking for a volunteer basketball coach for the 2013-14 school year. If you have some basketball experience and would be interested in working together with our Grade 56 Girls, we would love to hear from you. We encourage parents of participating children to get involved. Maybe you are aware of someone else in our community who is willing to volunteer? Please contact Ms. Ha Thien Ha, Community Education Officer at comed@unishanoi.org if you can assist. Thank you!
week on 19 May, 2013. The week (20 – 25 May) is for make – up lessons. UMA Concert took place
successfully last night at the theatre. 17 students and most of UMA teachers performed in the concert. Approximately 100 people attended and enjoyed the beautiful music performed by talented students and teachers. We would like to thank all parents and students for great support to UMA.
Ha Thien Ha, ComEd Officer
Design Exhibition The Design Technology department would like to invite all of the UNIS Hanoi community and anyone with an interest for design and creativity to our 2nd Design Exhibition. Staff and students have been working hard all year to create content that exceed the quality and success of last year show. Last year the theme was “Form & Function” resulting in a minimal and clear aesthetic. So, for this year we are hoping to assault your senses with colors. The exhibition will cover a plethora of design genres and styles from robotics to typography, video to environmental design, lighting design to 3D printing, and a good lump more. We very much hope that you will be available to join us for the opening of the exhibition at 4PM – 7PM on Monday, May 20, 2013. Enjoy your weekend. Dorian Gibb, Head of Technology Department
Birthday souvenirs LAST CHANCE … to buy LIMITED EDITION of BIRTHDAY SOUVENIRS Mugs 70,000 VND T-shirts 130,000 VND PHOTO ORDER
Photo only
50,000 VND
70,000 VND
100,000 VND
150,000 VND
Wood panel photo Framed photo
100,000 VND 250,000 VND
150,000 VND 350,000 VND
220,000 VND 450,000 VND
400,000 VND 750,000 VND
These items are sold/ordered in Advancement office, room 102 – Admin building. Deadline for photo order is Friday 24 May. All proceeds will go to the Birthday Gift Fund.
SCO Boutique News Swimsuits and swimming CAPs are available in your BOUTIQUE !!
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
Notes from the Speech and Language Specialist May is Better Hearing and Speech Month The following is a very brief overview of normal speech and language development in young children, no matter which world language they are working on acquiring.
commu nicatio n milesto nes
If your child is not yet able to do two or more of the items listed for his/her age, you may want to contact your child’s pediatrician or a speech and language therapist to determine the need for support. Early intervention is crucial. The earlier a problem is detected and treated, the greater chance your child has for success in achieving their fullest potential. Mary M. Pool, Speech and Language Therapist
Summer Camp UNIS Hanoi Summer Camp June 17 – 28 - Monday to Friday
Registration Open on ISIS Family until May 31 midnight! Full Day programme (8:30 – 3:00) for current ECC, Elementary, and Middle School Students Half Day programme offered for current High School Students (8:30 – 11:30) All programmes include a balance of FUN and EDUCATIONAL Activities
SAMPLE CAMP SCHEDULES (final schedules will be published before Summer Camp starts)
Early Childhood Centre (ECC): ECC students will work with their own Coordinator
and assigned ECC Assistants The camp day will start and end at the same time as
the other age groups, but ECC students will have their own space Students will be working in groups throughout the
camp and participating in a variety of activities including arts and crafts, movement, free choice time, and sessions in the pool
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:30 – 9:45
Group Activities
9:45 – 10:15
Snack and Break
10:15 – 11:30
Group Activities
11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
Group Activities
1:25 – 1:40
1:40 – 2:55
Group Activities
Summer Camp Day Ends
Grades 1-5: Time
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:40 – 9:55
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
9:55 – 10:10
Break and Snack
10:15 – 11:30
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
“Hands On” Science will be experiment based
1:25 – 1:40
Create will be creating arts and crafts
1:40 – 2:55
Summer Camp Day Ends
ES students will be scheduled into age-group morning
and afternoon rotations Groups will be scheduled to rotate though two areas
in the morning and afternoon Sports will aimed at fun and participation with games
and activities Performance will be a combination of drama, dance,
and music activities
Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason JasonCaruana, Caruana,Summer SummerCamp CampPrincipal Principal summercamp@unishanoi.org mscounselor@unishanoi.org
Summer Camp Middle School: MS students will choose ONE of Sports, Performance
or English for their morning focus during Summer Camp Sports Camp will be a combination of individual and
team skills aimed at athletes interested in improving their fitness and skill levels Performance Camp is aimed at actors, musicians,
dancers, and performers interested in creating a live performance for the last day of camp! English Literacy will be an opportunity to improve
and practice English language skills in a variety of ways.
Summer Camp Day Begins
8:40 – 9:55 9:55 – 10:10
10:15 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:10
Lunch and Break
12:10 – 1:25
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
1:25 – 1:40
1:40 – 2:55
Math Games/Hands On Science/Create
Summer Camp Day Ends
Students will be scheduled into age-group afternoon rotations including Math Games and Investigations, “Hands
On” Science and Create Each afternoon groups will be scheduled to rotate through two areas
High School: Students can choose ONE of “Sports,” “Performance,” or “English Literacy” for extended morning sessions!
A morning snack and set lunch will be served for all students in ECC through MS. The deli will also be open to sell light snacks and drinks for those looking for something different. UNIS Hanoi Summer Camp 2013 will also have day trips, souvenir t-shirts, and of course…..the first ever “Performance” open to all parents and guests!
Enrollment Fees: $600 USD for the two-week full day programmes $325 USD for HS half-day programmes or one-week of the full day programme
Bus transportation is available. Enrollment will initially be restricted to current UNIS Hanoi students and spaces will be limited so make plans to attend now. Billing and payment will be done through the Business Office.
Come Join Us for a Great Start to Your Summer! Jason Caruana, Summer Camp Principal summercamp@unishanoi.org
From the Nurses’ Office RECOGNISING AND PREVENTING DEHYDRATION Summer is approaching and the weather is getting hot and humid, add to that the amount of physical exercise and sport children and young adults are doing and they quickly become dehydrated. The easiest way to check whether you are drinking enough is by the colour and amount of urine you pass when you go to the bathroom, urine should be a pale yellow colour! The standard recommendation for water intake for children is around 1.5-2 litres a day and for teenage boys (over 14 years) this rises to an average of 2.5 litres. Fluid should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day and amounts increased during exercise and hot weather. HOW TO PREVENT DEHYDRATION DURING HOT WEATHER
Avoid being out in the midday sun as much as possible, encourage children to seek cool, shaded areas and not run around too much in the heat.
Sun hats.
Daily sunscreen (sunburn stops the body from cooling itself down properly).
Wearing cool, loose clothing made of natural fibers to reduce sweating.
Avoiding dark colored clothing which absorbs heat and causes sweating.
Encourage your kids to take regular drinks even if they don’t feel thirsty (thirst is a sign that dehydration is already present).Students should have water bottles with them at ALL times, especially MSHS students.
Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual (urine should be pale yellow).
Dry mouth, tongue and lips (cracked lips).
Sunken eyes.
Pale skin.
Sleepiness or fatigue
Extreme thirst
Headache, dizziness, feeling light headed.
Confused ,irritable, unable to concentrate
Few tears when crying.
Heavy sweating.
Pale skin.
Muscle cramps.
Nausea and vomiting.
Fainting /collapse.
If heat exhaustion occurs move the victim as quickly as possible to a cool area in the shade or ideally to an air conditioned room, offer small amounts of cool water and rest. For more information see http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heat_guide.asp UNIS Hanoi Nurse Team
School Community Organisation News SCO Annual General Meeting When: May 30, 10:30 *NEW DATE* Where: Community Room All parents are welcome. Did the Spring Fair put a bounce in your step? Did you have a ball at the birthday party? Snag a snack at a sale? Did you know these great events are organized by the School Community Organisation? The School Community Organization is a volunteer organisation, inclusive of all groups within the school, that works to support the UNIS Hanoi Mission, build community, it can raise funds for UNIS Hanoi community projects and charities and have fun doing it! Whether you are new to UNIS Hanoi, or an old hand looking for a new challenge, the SCO is once again looking for energetic, can-do leaders for next year's executive committee. All six of the positions on the executive are open every year for election, including Middle/High Chair, Middle/High Vice Chair, Elementary Chair, Elementary Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. For more information, or to nominate, please contact the current Executive Committee at sco@unishanoi.org or the Nominations Committee pippa.phoenix@gmail.com. The Nominations committee consists of Veby Bone, Clarissa-Hu Anderson, and Pippa Wood. Elections will be held (by secret ballot, if more than one candidate stands) at the SCO Annual General Meeting on Thursday May 30. Contact the Nominations Committee before 4.00 pm on Thursday May 23th to have your name and information included in next week's Tin Tuc as a candidate!! Eligibility: All parents, including short-term non-contract instructors and staff of UNIS, are eligible to run for office. No special skills or background are needed, just a desire to support the UNIS community by committing some of your time and energy to SCO activities, such as meetings, projects, and other co-ordination, as well as have fun, working on events such Spring Fair with a like-minded group of people. You can also view the SCO Constitution for more information on the structure and functions of the Executive Committee HERE and HERE.
Book donation? Are you leaving Hanoi and worried that all of your books will weigh you down? Spring cleaning and want to feel the joy of making room on your bookshelves? Please consider donating your gently used books to the UNIS used book sale for next year. Collection boxes will be placed around the school. We are working on proceeds from the book fair to be donated to an excellent charitable organization in Vietnam that will ensure more Vietnamese children also have access to books. Feel great about your donation! SCO Used Book Sale Committee
Job Opportunities Middle School Science Teacher IB Middle Years Program (MYP) grades 6, 7 & 8 UNIS has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Middle School Science Teacher (IB MYP, Grades 6, 7 and 8). The MS Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
Teach Science throughout the UNIS Middle School program Provide a differentiated program of instruction that incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Become an active member within the UNIS community: advisory, sports, after-school activities, and students clubs Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decision-making groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
Position Requirements:
Bachelor degree or above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Student centered educator with a desire to teach on the Middle School level Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification MYP experience Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of Middle School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties from 29 July 2013.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org
Job Opportunities Middle School/High School Mathematics Teacher IB Mathematics (MYP & DP) UNIS has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Middle School/High School Mathematics Teacher (IB Mathematics). The MSHS Mathematics Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
Teach Mathematics throughout the UNIS Middle and High School program Provide a differentiated program of instruction that incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the IB framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Mathematics Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decision-making groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
Position Requirements:
Strong background in Mathematic, Bachelor degree or above in Mathematics Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP & DP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of Middle and High School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in 29 July 2013.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org
Job Opportunities Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer Employment percentage: 80% UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer. This person will join the Advancement Team and support the Mission and Vision of the School, continuing the School’s work in creating a connected and collaborative community that supports each other and the work of the School. The position is 80% employment with a locally hired expat support staff contract. The incumbent will report to Director of Advancement. Duties and Responsibilities In general the Community Liaison and Projects Officer supports the Advancement Director and team as required in delivering the goals of the Advancement Programme, with special reference to “Connecting and building community
with core constituency relationships and events.” The role includes the following: (In varying degrees of involvement and always in collaboration and with the support of others) 1. Assist in the development of an engaged UNIS Hanoi community: a. Volunteer recruitment, training, coordination and support b. Liaison between volunteer groups and the School c. Provide support for volunteer group meetings and events logistics with budget management d. General support for community enquiries and concerns e. Community communication including: Community SMS tool, Calendar, Community portal area, community Facebook and other social network tools for community building 2. Assist with the development and coordination of Community projects including: a. Institutional Events (UN Day etc) b. Special events (ie. British Council sponsored visiting artists etc) c. Orientation and the Welcome Programme transitioning our community members d. Online Directory –management and training for community e. Logistical management of community surveys (timing, distribution etc), compilation of Institutional Research and managing data records when appropriate. f. Birthday Gift Fund procedures and reporting 3. Assist in the management of the School’s institutional history, working closely with the Alumni Officer including: a. Developing and managing an effective Archive b. Working with the Communication Officer and Librarians to ensure the School’s resources are continually updated and accessible c. Assist in the creation and maintenance of up to date School Operating Regulations d. Manage the Internal Controls and Procedures Manual for the Advancement Office
Job Opportunities Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer Employment percentage: 80% (Continued) Position Requirements: The preferred candidate will need to demonstrate the following skills and personal qualities:
Must be organized, patient and committed to serving the needs of others
Have excellent people skills and communication skills (both written and oral) with fluent English and preferably, other languages
Willingness, enthusiasm and flexibility to fully participate in all UNIS community events and to take the role of assisting others when the need arises
Be a team player with excellent listening skills and generosity of nature: Sensitive to cultural differences and can balance all opinions, both those voiced and from those that are reluctant or shy to speak up
Display the maturity and assurance to be able to establish a calm foundation for community liaison, and at the same time enjoy a role that may often be unstructured and reactive in its nature
Experience in event organisation and project management experience: Organised and efficient with a practical, logical approach to often large scale projects, ensuring attention to detail at every stage
Good IT skills: Microsoft Office suite essential and a passion for developing communication community tools such as social media, photo sharing etc
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in 29 July 2013. Interviews will be held in June and the candidate’s flexibility to spend time in June in handover with the current Community Liaison Officer is essential.
Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam ------------------------------------------------------UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Energize Schedule SPRING ENERGIZE HOURS (from May 10 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 17.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 16.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 12.00 13.00 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
Please note that on Saturday, May 18 UNIS will be holding a Swim Meet. As a result, the pool will only be open from 08:15 – 13:00 on that day.
Canteen Menu for the week of May 20 to 24 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
Western Set Menu 20 Roast Chicken w/ Gravy Steamed Rice Mixed Vegetables Apple & Spinach Soft Rolls Fruit/Milk
21 Spaghetti w/ Bolognaise Sauce Grilled Vegetables Garden Salad Garlic Toast Fruit/Milk
22*** Fried Fish w/Cold Salsa Sauce Grilled Potatoes Greek Salad Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
23*** Grilled Chicken w/ Barbecue Sauce Multi Grain Rice Cobb Salad Brownie Fruit / Milk
24 Ham & Cheese Sandwich O-Brien Potatoes Lettuce & Tomato Salad Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
23*** Fish Pan Cake w/ Sweet & Sour Sauce Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Morning Glory Brownie Fruit / Milk
24 Chicken Curry Steamed Rice Mushroom & Paprika Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
23 Grilled Chicken w/ Barbecue Sauce Multi Grain Rice Carrot, Celery Sticks Brownie Fruit / Milk
24 Ham & Cheese Sandwich O-Brien Potatoes Mushroom & Paprika Butter Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 20 Beef w/Black Pepper Sauce Steamed Rice Mixed Vegetables Apple & Spinach Soft Rolls Fruit / Milk
21 Teriyaki Chicken Multi Grain Rice Grilled Vegetables Garlic Toast Fruit / Milk
22 Stir Fried Pork (KR) Steamed Rice Stir Fried Mustard Pickle Leaves Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 20 Roast Chicken w/ Gravy Steamed Rice Mixed Vegetables Apple & Spinach Soft Rolls Fruit/Milk
21 Spaghetti w/ Bolognaise Sauce Grilled Vegetables Garlic Toast Fruit/Milk
22*** Stir Fried Pork(KR) Steamed Rice Cucumber, Paprika Sticks Orange Cookie Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org