tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 20, Edition 34, Friday 23 May
MONDAY, 26 MAY MSHS Art Exhibition, Centre for the Arts, 26 - 30 May Early Dismissal Discovery - Grade 8, 11:30 Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony, 13:00 - 16:00, Sport Centre
MONDAY, 02 JUNE IOC Grade 11's Lang Lit, 02 - 06 June Self Study Parent Info Session, 19:00 - 21:00, Black Box, Centre for the Arts
TUESDAY, 27 MAY ECC Character Dress-Up Day HS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony, 15:45 - 17:15, Theatre Campus Development Plan Task Force Meeting, 17:30 - 19:00, Conference Room, B7 Grade 5 to 6 Transition Parent Workshop, 18:00 - 19:00, Community Room, B7
TUESDAY, 03 JUNE Grade 5 Step Up Day to MSHS, 08:00 - 09:00 ES Moving Up Morning, 10:10 - 11:35 High School Assembly, 12:35 - 13:15 MS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony, 15:45 - 17:15, Theatre, B10 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30 - 19:30, Conference Room, B7
WEDNESDAY, 28 MAY Parent Volunteer Appreciation Event, 18:00 – 20:00 THURSDAY, 29 MAY 5DL & 5KW Field Trip, 08:45 - 10:15 5MS & 5JH Field Trip, 2 09:45 - 11:15 MS Band Concert, 18:00 - 19:30, Centre for the Arts FRIDAY, 30 MAY SMP 2015-2020 Planning Task Force meeting, 07:00 - 08:30, Conference Room, B7 Grades 6 - 8 Celebration of Learning, 08:30 - 15:30, Centre for the Arts ES Snack Sale Morning, 08:30 - 11:00 Middle School Day, 11:00 - 15:30 Grades 3 - 5 End of Year Party, 16:00 - 17:30 SATURDAY, 31 MAY MS Choir Concert & Workshop, 15:00 - 16:00
FRIDAY 06 JUNE Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony, 12:30 - 16:00 SATURDAY, 07 JUNE SAT Testing High School
CIPUTRA GATE CLOSURE From next Monday, 26 May at 9:00 pm the Ciputra gate near Jafa will be closed to traffic until Sunday 31 May. CLICK HERE to see the map. The Lac Long Quan entrance will remain open throughout this time. Ciputra apologize for any inconvenience caused.
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School p.2) Grade 3 - 5 End of Year Party (p.3)
Diploma Information (p.6) G12 Tree Planting (p.6) G6 End of Year Party (p.7)
Grade5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop (p.4) K1 PAC (p.4) Global Codeathon (p.5)
HS Sports Award Ceremony (p.7) Snack Sale (p.10) House Animals Redesign (p.11)
A sincere appreciation goes out to the 25 or so parents who attended the Breakfast with the Head of School a couple of weeks ago. The information and Q & A can be found here. This was the last session for this school year. I want to thank those who managed to come by for one or more of the sessions. We look forward to more next year with an enhanced format. For those who might have missed my message in April regarding graduation, I attach it below. As our grade 12 students enter their final week of regular classes before IB exams, I take this opportunity to remind everyone of the schedule on the day of Graduation which is Monday 26 May. The Graduation Ceremony at UNIS Hanoi marks not only the end of High School for our Grade 12 Students, but is also a celebration of education from Discovery through to Grade 12 for our unique institution. UNIS Hanoi is proud to be one of only two United Nations schools in the world and the role it has played in the lives of our students, their families, and our host country.
For our teachers, we believe that they represent symbolically all the teachers that have impacted our graduates in their D-12 journey, whilst at the same time acknowledging the importance and connectivity of all teaching at all grades in UNIS to this final academic culmination. For our high school students, we want them to witness this event and be inspired to achieve at the same high level and even higher. Therefore all faculty D-12 and grade 9-11 students will be in attendance at the Graduation. The early dismissal as noted in the calendar will at 1130 before lunchtime for Grades D-8. Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool and hydrated. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
Grade 12 Tree Planting (see also page 6)
We wish all the best to
who are leaving Hanoi this week
Friday 30th May Centre for the Arts 16:00-17:30 100,000VND Pizza, drinks and ice cream Dancing, games
Please Note:- Students will be able to wait and get ready in designated classrooms between 15:20-16:00. Parents will be asked to sign their children OUT of the party on pick up.
On May 27 from 18:00 – 19:00 UNIS Hanoi will be hosting our annual “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop” in the Community Room in Building 7. As we are preparing our presentation to share with you that evening, we would like to give you an opportunity to suggest topics and information you would like us to include. If you have questions you would like us to answer or suggestions for topics to address during the workshop,
please contact Jason Caruana at mscounselor@unishanoi.org. This is usually a very well attended event, and we look forward to meeting you on May 27 for the “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop.” Jason Caruana, Middle School Counselor mscounselor@unishanoi.org Susan Lepry, Grade 6 Level Coordinator slepry@unishanoi.org
The K1 students were magnificent performers in their PAC "Sharing Stories," as they danced and sang about the different characters and settings in books. The children took their parents on an adventure through the African savannah, under the sea and into the jungle. Along the way they met bears, wolves, pigs, and Little Red Riding Hood. The children were excited to invite three Vietnamese kindergarten classes to come to UNIS and watch the dress-rehearsal.
This past Saturday May 17 UNIS hosted the inaugural Global Codeathon for grades 3-6. The Global Codeathon is an event where students gather together to learn how to code, to improve their coding skills and to connect with other coders worldwide. Students from 5 different schools in Hanoi gathered at the UNIS library for the event. What was even more exciting was that 10 other schools worldwide also participated and connected with the kids here via Google Hangout. They got to interact with other kids from Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Ho Chi Minh City and South Africa. The final event of the day was when the winners of the advanced competition were announced and the secret judge of the competition was revealed. The secret judge turned out to be Dong Nguyen, the creator of Flappy Bird. He awarded first place to Andy Shin from Korea for his
game Square Rescue and he awarded second place to Minh Nguyen from UNIS Hanoi for his game Robozorg the Superhero Robot. Congratulations to Minh and to all of the other coders who participated in this exciting event! Check out some of the programs that participants created in the intermediate and beginner sessions. Dong Nguyen gave the students a message which we would like to share with you “When you are doing anything, do not expect that you will do better today than you did yesterday. But if you keep on doing, someday suddenly you will do much better. I call it success but someone else may call it just…luck and of course they will never be good at anything. Thank you very much and keep up the good work.” Mindy Slaughter, Grade 5 Teacher mslaughter@unishanoi.org
When can I access my results?
Results Certification
Candidates’ results are released on IBIS from 6th July. http://candidates.ibo.org
The IB Diplomas, Diploma Results and Course results are sent to schools in August. The documents constitute the official results. An email will be sent to parents when the hard copies of the documents arrive at UNIS. You may collect them from Ms Thao myp-dpsecretary@unishanoi.org. If you would like the documents sent via postage mail, this will be at the parents own expense. Please email Ms Thao for details
How do I access my results? A candidate must enter their alphanumeric code and their pin code. If a candidate enters the wrong personal code and/or pin code the site will be blocked after 5 attempts. If you are unsure of your pin code please email Ms Thao myp-dpsecretary@unishanoi.org. Can I contact the IB if I have concerns?
Emma Collins, DP Coordinator dpcoordinator@unishanoi.org
The IB will not issue results to, or discuss results with candidates, the guardian or representatives. If you have any concerns or questions you must email the Diploma Coordinator.
Grade 12 Tree Planting Following a long standing UNIS Hanoi tradition, our senior class today planted a tree on campus to celebrate their graduation! The students, some of whom had finished their final exams just before the ceremony, all took turns to plant the tree whose roots will keep them always connected to UNIS Hanoi. We know that the Class of 2014 will go onto grow and bloom just like their tree and we hope they will come back and visit soon and often!
Wednesday, June 11th 12:40 - 14::30 Patio behind the Sports Center and Pool To celebrate the end of a great year! All grade 6 Students, Parents and Teachers Schedule 12:40 – 1:30: Pot luck lunch and field games & HR and Parent Tug a War Championship 13:30 – 14:20: Pool 14:20 – 14:35: Clean up and Farewell Parents are kindly requested to bring drinks or food to share with about 6 people. There will be coolers available to keep drinks cold. Students should bring sun hats, swim suits and towels.
2013 - 2014 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS AWARD CEREMONY 15:45, Tuesday, May 27 UNIS Hanoi Theatre
Last weekend the UNIS Middle School boys and girls volleyball teams were scheduled to go to Ho Chi Minh City for the MRISA Junior Volleyball Tournament, where both teams were set to defend the MRISA Championships that were won the previous year. It was not to be. The day they were meant to leave, the tournament was cancelled due to safety concerns in HCMC. Needless to say, players and coaches from both teams were crushed by the news. There was nothing they could do….except make the best of it. In true “Phoenix Spirit”, they didn’t hang their heads for too long, but instead got on with doing what they had originally come out to do….play the game. Volleyball is really growing in popularity at UNIS and along with that is the overall level of play. If there wasn’t not going to be a MRISA Tournament this year, it wasn’t going to stop them from playing. Although they were meant to be in HCMC, they came to the UNIS Sports Center instead. Saturday afternoon saw 20 keen volleyball players and their coaches, wearing the personalized shirts they had purchased for the tournament, having their own version of a season-ending tournament. It was competitive. There were lots of laughs. The level of play suggested that perhaps UNIS would have won two more MRISA titles, but we’ll never know. The most important thing was that they played, enjoyed being together and showed what it means to have “Phoenix Spirit”.
UNIS MS Girls Volleyball Team – Carolina Maffei, Daniella Miller, Ela Kalra (co-captain), Uyen Trinh, Khushi Kapoor, Maria Rosenholm, Saskia Brennen (co-captain), Elise Dini, Sorcha Hamer and Jessica Heaton. Coach – Ido Yaffet.
UNIS MS Boys Volleyball Team – Austin Griffin, Neo Shin, Quang Anh Le, Mateusz Nguyen (captain), Rohan Gowda, Tiaree Tetaumari, Hjalmar Selin, Santtu Savila, Kevin Gibney and William Simson van Dijkhuizen. Coach – Cam McHale.
Congratulations to both teams and their coaches!! With or without a MRISA Tournament to finish things off, it was definitely still a winning season!!
The final swim competition of the year is the 1st Annual Hanoi Gala Swim Meet which takes place here at our UNIS pool on Saturday morning, May 24. We have invited schools and swimmers from virtually every Hanoi international school to join us. All UNIS students who have completed Level 5 or 6 ES classes or participate on the ES, MS or HS Swim Teams have been invited to join the meet. Approximately 70 UNIS swimmers will represent our school. A total of 185 swimmers from all over Hanoi will
participate in our meet. In addition to UNIS, the following schools and teams are represented: Hanoi International School, Concordia International School, St. Paul American School, Hanoi Japanese Swim Club, Wellspring School and British Vietnam International School. We also have some Masters swimmers and Disabled Swimmers Hanoi participating. The meet begins at 9:00 and should end around 1:00pm. Come on out and cheer our swimmers on! Andy Myers Aquatics Academy Head Coach
The 2014 spring session of the UNIS Saturday Soccer Programme concluded this past weekend with the Spring Tournament. Despite the hot and humid conditions, the Spring session ended on a positive note, with coaches and players working together to display the skills they’ve been working on. The Saturday Soccer Coordination team, parents and players would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteer coaches who gave up their time this spring to work with our players. Saturday Soccer relies completely on volunteer coaches to step forward in order for the programme to function successfully. Their willingness to give up their time is greatly appreciated!! “Thank you” very much to the following coaches for their contributions: Adam Davis Adam McDonald Alexandre Legendre Amanda Fine Andre Cools Barry Collins Ben Moyale Benoit Alleaume Bernard Wang Chris Fontaine Cuong Phan Cuong Phan Daisuke Bando Daniel Kehoe Daniel Rossi David Durance Douglas O'Neill Felipe Valdes Florian Forster Frederick Abel Gary Dziedzic Gerald Tychtl Hang Le Hironari Obata Ido Yaffet Jason Morris Jewel Kobayashi John Haug Jonathon Guthrie Junya Shiokawa Koen Oosterom Konrad Raidl
Laurel Fain Liên Lê Thu Louise Chamberlain Matthieu Discour Michael Ong Michael Piro Nga Nguyen Nghia Do Nguyen Hoang Son Nigel Smith Paul Long Peter Goldberg Quan Nguyen Rajan Shah Randy Flay Sameer Goyal Sanjay Grover Scott Newman Simon Pickett Soren Davidsen Sotaro Nishikawa Stanley Boots Stuart Edgecombe-Walker Tanya Guthrie Thanh Son Chu Thi Le Phuong Le Tiffany Murphy Tony Diep Tran Ha Long Tran Thi Lam Phuong Tran Tuan Minh Tuan Anh Nguyen
The UNIS Activities Office would also like to recognize the hard work of three important people who have taken on key leadership roles within the Saturday Soccer Programme. The time and effort they have invested to keep the programme running smoothly are greatly appreciated.
• Mukhayyo Burkhanova – Administrative Coordinator • Nigel Smith & David Durance – Coaching Coordinators Coaches & Coordinators…..YOU’RE THE BEST!!! Have a great summer! Anyone who would be willing to volunteer as a coach for the next session, which starts this coming September, is asked to contact Saturday Soccer saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org
The FINAL SNACK SALE of the year for the Early Childhood Center (ECC) and Elementary School (ES) will take place next Friday, May 30th! This is a highly anticipated event that all ECC and ES students eagerly wait for! Contributing Classes: K2AP, K2AS, 1VdC, 5DL, 5KW, 5 JH, 5MS This event will take place both in the ECC and ES courtyards from 8.20am to approximately 10:30am.
snacks BEFORE 8.10am to the designated tables in the ECC or ES Courtyard Both savory and sweet snacks are welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls, homemade muesli bars, muffins, samosas, etc.), below are a few example of snacks provided in previous snack sales. All ES and ECC students can buy up to 2 snacks, with each snack cost VND 10,000. Please provide them with cash in small bills only (not lunch ticket from the canteen) if you wish for them to purchase snacks.
When it is your turn to be a contributing class, we encourage that each family supports the ES Snack Sale by providing:
We thank all the parents who have registered as volunteers and will join us. We would also love to welcome any other parents who are willing to help.
10 individually wrapped homemade healthy snacks (the
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
value of each treat should be at least 10,000VND)
Your child(ren) loves to see you at school J. Please contact SCO@unishanoi.org if you would like to assist in any way.
A labeled container/dish with your child’s class and
name along with a list of ingredients REMEMBER: UNIS Hanoi is a Nut Free Campus,
therefore the snacks CANNOT CONTAIN NUTS On the morning of the snack sale, please deliver the
Dear Parents of returning students, UNIS Hanoi requires all returning students entering kindergarten, Grade3, Grade 6 and Grade 9 to have a physical examination by a Doctor and a new UNIS Hanoi medical form completed before starting school in 2014 2015 academic year. Students should have regular medical check-ups to ensure they are growing properly, there are no new health concerns and they are up to date with their immunisations. 1. Please ask your Doctor to complete, sign and stamp the UNIS medical examination forms. Remember to bring your child’s immunization record so the Doctor can review. The medical examination should be inclusive on any relevant medical or surgical history details.
at UNIS Hanoi upon commencement of the school year. 4. For students age 11 and above, speak with your Doctor regarding HPV Vaccine (Gardasil). 5. If your child has asthma or allergies, please complete the Allergy or Asthma Action form available from admissions or the School Health Centre. 6. Please return one medical package per child, submitted with a recent photo attached in hard copy format to the School health Centre or Administration reception. MEDICAL FORMS ARE REQUIRED BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, AUGUST 13, 2014 OR EARLIER.
2. Parents should complete one Emergency Medical Authorisation form for each child.
For any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health, please do not hesitate to contact the
3. It is important for your child to have vision and hearing screening, any necessary immunizations and scoliosis screening. Students aged 3 will have a hearing screening
School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org
Come home, com home- we want you back! Please have a look under sofas, beds and in cupboards and closets, books have a way of straying.. Last day for the UNIS Hanoi community to borrow books is JUNE 1. Please return by MONDAY JUNE 9. Thank you for helping us maintain our treasured UNIS Library. The Library Team
We’ve listened to your suggestions about the need to change the House Animal designs‌ And now, WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF REDESIGNING THE HOUSE ANIMALS! There has been a growing and long term desire to change the designs of the house animals. Most recently generated by Jed Edwards Grade 10 Personal Project which has inspired many interesting discussions about the need to not only change the House Animal design but also the House Animal shirts themselves! Working together with Michael Emblem, they created new House Animal shirts with new animal logos. We are using these logos to drive conversation and gather feedback from YOU about what the community would like to see in the official new House Animal design.
Existing Designs
Personal Project Designs
We want to make sure that changing the House Animal Logo is a community-wide project and your opinions are extremely valuable to us. If you are interested in contributing to the House Animal Redesign discussion, please take a minute to fill out YOUR House Animal Survey below: LION SURVEY TIGER SURVEY BUFFALO SURVEY EAGLE SURVEY We will do our best to incorporate your ideas into the new House Animal Logos and Shirt designs! Nathalie Grun, Community Liaison Officer clo@unishanoi.org
Registration applications for non-UNIS students for Discovery through Grade 7 received after 10:00 am on May 22 will be wait-listed. If places are available they will be offered by June 4. Places are currently still available for non-UNIS students in the Grades 8-11 programmes. Registration for current UNIS students and students who have been accepted to UNIS for 2014-2015 is still open for all programmes.
CLICK HERE for more information and to book your place!
UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for a Middle School/High School Arts & Music Teaching Assistant. The incumbent of this position will assist Arts & Music Teachers in planning and implementing learning experiences that advance the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of students within a safe and healthy learning environment. He/ she is expected to spend 85% directly involved in class learning and teaching activities. The successful applicant should have significant practical experience teaching string orchestral instruments and directing youth orchestras/string ensembles. For more information, please visit follow this link. Application closing date: 5 June 2014 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Vu Ngoc Thanh, Human Resources Officer United Nations International School of Hanoi
We are delighted to offer the opportunity to local businesses to advertise in a very popular United Nations International School Hanoi publication that is a daily reference point for our families. The Tasty Snacks for Healthy Children cookbook is given to every new family as a welcome gift from the School Community Organization. Currently, UNIS Hanoi welcomes 1060 students every day to its campus and these cookbooks are used by parents and students alike to prepare foods for snack time which is a programmed part of the daily schedule. It is an important resource that has been created by the UNIS Hanoi community to raise awareness of healthy nutrition and to provide parents with a diverse range of recipes that can be made with local ingredients. This cookbook is a keepsake that travels to over 60 countries and is enjoyed for many years by students and parents and is treasured by our families and alumni. And now for the first time, we are offering community businesses the opportunity to partner with this very successful publication. For a very attractive price, your advert will expose your company to families in Hanoi from their very first days. The style of our cookbook is friendly, informative and professionally done, so we encourage you to use images and text that reflect that in your advertisement. The cookbook will be printed biyearly meaning that your advert will last for the next two years – even better value for your money! I know you will agree this is a great opportunity for your company. Please contact our Advancement Assistant, Dang Thu Thuy at advasst@unishanoi.org for the advertising specifications and contract or any other questions before Thursday, May 29. Nathalie Grun, Community Liaison Officer
Advert Specifications High resolution .jpeg/.tiff file (with minimum 300dpi) Email file to clo@unishanoi.org in the proper page orientation full page / portrait half page / landscape
Prices: Placement Front Pages Chapter intro Pages Advert section
Space available limit 2
Full Page
limit 6
No limit
Half Page