tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 35, Friday 24 May
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 27 May
Monday, 3 June
Grade12 Graduation 13:00 - 16:00. Early release at 11:30 (Grades Discovery - 8)
Tuesday, 28 May ●
HS Arts Expo, B10 Values and Beliefs Statement Taskforce 17:30-19:00, B7
Thursday, 30 May ●
Board Finance Committee 07:00 - 08:30, B7 Grade 5 “Step Up” Day 09:00 - 14:00 ES Transition Morning 09:00 - 12:00 SCO AGM 10:30, Community Room *NEW DATE
Friday, 31 May ●
ES Snack Sales Morning Grade 6, Grades 9 - 11 Fitness testing Grade 2 Trip to Fine Arts Museum, 13:15 - 15:00 Grades 3-5 End of year party 16:00 - 17:30
Saturday, 1 June ●
HS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony 15:45 - 17:15 Grade 5 to 6 Transition Parent Workshop 18:00 - 19:30
Wednesday, 29 May ●
Tuesday, 4 June ●
Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15 - 9:30, B7 4MK & 5HK Parent Concerts 11:50-12:20 & 14:00-14:30 MS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony 15:45 - 17:00
Wednesday, 5 June ●
Band Spectacular MS Assembly 08:00 - 09:05 Grade 4 French Mother Tongue Trip 8:00 - 12:20 Parent Volunteer Appreciation Cocktail 18:30
Thursday, 6 June ●
Choir “Abbey Road” Grade 5 French Mother Tongue Trip 8:00 - 12:20 Teacher Leader Celebration 16:30 - 18:00
Friday, 7 June ●
SAT Testing (Grades 11-12)
MS Arts Expo MYP Celebration of Learning, Grades 6-10 8:30 - 12:00 Fitness Testing Grade 6-11, 3 - 11 June Board of Directors Info Session 17:30 - 19:30, B7
Grade 8 Promotion 12:30
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Elementary School Principal (p.3) Living with Technology (p.4)
Personal Project Information for Grade 9 Parents (p.10) Transition into Middle School (p.11) G12 Tree Planting photo special (p.12)
Birthday Party in Seoul (p.4) Summer School is back (p.5) Bus for 13-14? Book NOW! (p.5) Celebration of Learning (p.6)
Toothbrush for Thuy An (p.13) Going Green Community Garden (p.13) Swimmer’s ear (p.14) SCO News (p. 15-16)
Germs Photo Special (p.7) Journey around the world (p.8) Grades 3-5 End of Year Party (p.9) Friendship benches (p.10)
Sports News (p.17-19) Job Opportunities (p.20-23)
Notes from the Head of School While we still have three weeks of school left, I wanted to share with you a link to the list of faculty who are departing at the end of this school year. The list can be found here. Many of you will know about those leaving but for those who don’t, this will give you a chance to bid them farewell before the end of the school year. At the same time, we would like to provide parents with a link to the list of new faculty we have hired for next school year. We are even able to include their photo. The list can be found here.
Announcing the 13-14 Scholar We are delighted to announce the awarding of the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship 13-14 to a talented young student - Ly Thu Phuong – who will join us next year in 2013-2014 in Grade 10 and continue until graduation in 2016. The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship was created by the Board of Directors last year and this year we welcomed our first Scholar for our 25th Birthday. The selection process is designed to give the opportunity for Vietnamese students from a low socioeconomic background, who are excelling at their local Hanoi district school, to join UNIS Hanoi for Grades 10-12 with 100% fee waiver. We are now actively working with Phuong and her family to ensure a smooth transition for her into UNIS and look forward to welcoming her with all our new students in August. Best wishes for a slightly cooler weekend. Respectfully, Chip Barder, Head of School
Notes from the Board of Directors Dear parents, Last week I announced the re-appointment of Board members Ms. Lotte Brondum and Mr. Barry Knaggs and the new appointment of Mr. Bob Hughes to the Board for next school year 2013-14. I am happy to announce this week that Mr. Bakhodir Burkhanov has been appointed to the Board. The Board is pleased to welcome Bakhodir. His appointment completes the Board’s team for next year. Please click on their names to find out more about them and here for the other members of the Board. Of-course this means we must say goodbye to two Board members. Brendan O’Brien has served 1 year on the Board and leaves Hanoi next week to relocate to New York. He is already in touch with our friends at UNIS New York! Ray Mallon has served 3 years on the Board and is stepping down in June. Ray will still be Hanoi with his family so we still hope to see him at some of our meetings! On behalf of us all, I would like to sincerely thank Brendan and Ray for their service to the School. As you know, Board members are all volunteers and we depend upon other members of the community to volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of the School. Whether that be as a class representative or serving in another School Community Organisation (SCO) position, providing home stay accommodation for visiting sport’s teams, helping to orient new families at the start of the school year or serving on the Board or one of its committee or taskforces-your contributions are all extremely valuable and worthwhile. As we start to look forward and make plans for the next school year, the Board would like to ask parents to consider if they can volunteer for a Board committee or taskforce. You can find out more about the work of this year’s committee and taskforces by clicking here and attending an Information Session on Monday 3rd June 5:30-7:30pm in the Conference Room, Admin Building at school. Refreshments will be provided. To find out more and let us know you will be attending, please contact me via the Board Assistant, Pam Rickard boardassistant@unishanoi.org Regards, Sarah Garner, Board Chair
Notes from the Elementary School Principal Dear Parents,
TRANSITION TIME IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL As the school year draws to a close, we become increasingly mindful of the children and their families who are moving on from UNIS Hanoi this June. It is never an easy time and so Ms Cami has systems in place to help community members of all ages come to terms with the pending changes in their lives. The children who are leaving will meet with Ms Cami several times in the coming weeks to help them adjust and look forward to their move. Parents are also well served with transition meetings with the counselor. We hold a special Leavers’ Assembly in the last week of term for all the ES students and staff to bring some positive closure and say goodbye formally and thank them all for their contributions to UNIS Hanoi during their time here. This year this will take place on Wednesday 12 June at 1.30pm in the Sports Centre and all parents are welcome to attend. We also must consider the needs of the children who are staying. They are coming to the end of their time in their current Grade Level and are beginning to anticipate changes for next academic year. In the recent past, the ES has informed the parents and children of their new class placements for the following year by email just before the new year begins in midAugust. This year we would like to bring this process forward to inform the children before they leave for the long summer break. With this in mind, the teachers have been carefully considering groupings for next year. For new families who may be unaware, we do mix the children’s groupings every year as they pass from one grade level to the next. In such a transient population this enables us to continuously ensure each class is a well balanced group with a mix of gender, cultural and linguistic background, learning styles and differences. The teachers have spent many hours on this quite challenging task to create this balance whilst ensuring that each child is with at least one other child they feel comfortable with for friendship and collaborative group working. The mixing of class groups also helps establish a grade level identity and community as well as individual homeroom communities and children are able to develop and maintain a broader range of friendships across the whole age group. It also helps new children integrate more quickly as the class they enter is newly formed rather than being a group that has been together for several years. Thursday 30 May will be the morning that the children find out which class they are going to be in next year. The Grade 5 Students have their “Stepping Up” day when they have a day of taster lessons in Middle School. This seems like the ideal time for us to do a shortened version of that for our ES students. So children will spend part of the morning in their new classroom, with their new teacher and their new classmates getting to know each other and finding out more about what next year will be like. (All ES leavers will have this time together with Ms Cami and some of the specialist teachers focusing on their needs for transition.) We do have some new teachers coming in next year who will not be here on May 30. During this Transition Time, their place will be taken by one of our outgoing teachers who has really good knowledge of the relevant grade level and can whet the children’s appetite really well for next year. In addition, the incoming teachers are all preparing and sending something for the children to share that day, so they will all get to know something about their new teacher. Each class will jointly construct a letter to be sent to the new children who will join the class in August, welcoming them and having them feel hopefully more excited and less nervous about their move to UNIS. Information will be emailed to parents that afternoon letting them know who the new teacher will be and the names of the other children in the class. Through discussions with the SCO representatives, we are hoping that this early release of information will also enable us to have specific class parents in place before the end of the year in readiness for the New Families Orientation in mid-August. If you are interested in being a class parent for next year, please contact Joh Ponsen, the ES SCO chairperson (if you are grades 1-5) johponsen@gmail.com or Paulina Pineda, the ECC SCO chairperson (if you are Discovery, PreK or K) paulinapineda@hotmail.com once you receive your class list. Warm regards, Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal
Living with Technology Living with Technology Session Series for all Parents We are inviting all parents to our last morning session for the school year! Kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to mmatias@unishanoi.org. Looking forward to a highly informative and engaging discussion with you! Social Networks: Learning to Navigate Through The Popular Social Networks Such as Facebook, YouTube and More 30 May 8:30 - 10:00 am Library Projection Room In this session we will explore some of the popular social networks and how it works. Be ready for some hands-on time where you can learn how to set up and manage your own social network! We will also discuss how you can support and better understand your child as they manage their own social media.
Alumni Reunion in Seoul More than 50 alumni (former students, parents and faculty) representing nearly every year of UNIS Hanoi’s 25 years joined together in Seoul this month to celebrate at our final global birthday party! The event was organized by Advancement and our alumni leaders in Seoul who also organized a networking after-party for the senior student alumni to mentor the younger alumni currently at university. Thanks to all those both in Hanoi and in Korea who helped make the 2nd Annual Alumni Reunion in Seoul such a success!
Summer Camp is back!
Bus Request Dear Parents, If you would like your child(ren) to use the UNIS Hanoi school bus during the academic year 2013-2014, please kindly complete the bus form HERE and send it to me by either email at TransportCoord@unishanoi.org or dropping on my desk at the Business Office, Building 7. Kind regards, Chu Xuan Lai, UNIS Hanoi School Bus Office
Celebration of Learning
RSVP here
GERMS Last Friday UNIS Hanoi Elementary School students performed a dramatic stage production called ‘Germs’. The audience found themselves deep inside the workings of a human body. The soft thud of a heart beat could be heard pounding in the darkness between the scenes. Characters within the body were seen checking for unwelcome guests, chopping up food in the stomach, manning the controls of the brain and tracking down bacteria and viruses. But some cunning and very evil characters had a dastardly plan to take over human kind and create and army of germs! What made this production particularly exciting was the degree of involvement of the students. Children took control at all stages of the production: planning and performance. Not only were the actors students, but the stage manager was a student, the set designers and creators were students, the back stage crew (changing the sets and props) were students and the people in charge of the lights and sound were students too! For those of you who missed out on the excitement, don’t worry the after school activity where all this preparation and excitement took place is likely to reappear very soon. It was too much fun not to do it all again! Christopher Frost, Michelle Kays & Zippy Doiron
Pre Kindergarten Performing Arts Celebration A Journey Around the World On Thursday 22 May PreK students presented a Journey Around the World for their Performing Arts Celebration. The children did a brilliant job singing and dancing their way from Vietnam-USA-South Africa-Mexico. Special thanks to Krista Ramsey, Co Dung, Alexis Ramsey, Ms. Lien, Mr. Ngoc, Mr. Hai, Michelle Matias, Ms. Nhan, PreK teachers and teaching assistants and of course the PreK students!
Book borrow The end of the school year is soon upon us and this is the LAST week for students to borrow books from the ES Library. Please ensure that your child returns ALL Library books TO THE LIBRARY so their reports may be distributed in a timely manner. Packing up and moving? Please check the book to see if there is a barcode or spine label on the outside and a UNIS Hanoi Library stamp on the inside BEFORE PACKING! See the beside picture to note what a Library coded book looks like. Julie Conroy, ES Librarian
Book in a Box Dear Parents, The Library shall be asking students to participate in Book in a Box end of year Library Project. This is HOME project. Similar to last year’s Book in a Bag, students shall be asked to select a book of their choosing (fiction or nonfiction) and create a representation from the book. This can be a landscape with created scenery (like a diorama), pictures, artifacts—anything your child wishes to use to tell the story or share the information in the book. This project is voluntary and students may choose to participate or not. This is a HOME project. We are asking you to contribute a clean box for your child to use if they wish to make a Book in a Box. Questions??? Please email ES Librarian, Ms. Conroy, at eslibrarian@unishanoi.org. Thanks for your support! Julie Conroy
Grades 3-5 End of year party
ES Friendship Bench As part of the IB PYP Grade 5 Exhibition learning, students in the ‘Friendship/Bullying Group’ organized two ‘Friendship Benches’ to be made, decorated and installed in the ES and ECC Campi at school. Shin Young, Mayu and Yu Jin collected thoughts and ideas from Students, Parents, Staff and Community members across the school at their Exhibit during the Grade 5 Exhibition. They researched what active friendship looks like and what it means to be a good friend at UNIS Hanoi. They presented the Friendship Benches to the whole ES Student Body at the Monday and Tuesday morning briefings by talking about their special project. People who came to their display were encouraged to paint words and symbols of friendship on the benches. The girls gathered these words and symbols and summarized the community’s input into painting a more permanent and weather proofing decoration on the benches during their lunchtimes. Special thanks to Ms Conroy in the library for sparking a great idea. If you see these benches around the campus, feel free to sit on them and who knows?..... maybe you’ll chat to a new friend that day! Ms Cami and Ms Sally
Personal Project Information Workshop Grade 9 Parents: What is the Personal Project? The grade 9 students have embarked on the personal project journey and are thinking about what they will be doing. All parents are invited to an information evening about the personal project to find out more about the project, its purpose and what it entails for the students. Date, time: May 29, 18:00-18:45
Location: Library * NEW LOCATION*
Please direct questions to: mypcoordinator@unishanoi.org Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator
Transition into Middle School
Transition into Middle School (Events for Students and Parents) Grade 5 Parents, We would like to draw your attention to two upcoming events the Middle School has planned to support your child’s transition from Grade 5 in Elementary School to Grade 6 in Middle School.
On May 28 from 18:00 – 19:30 UNIS Hanoi will be hosting our annual “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop” in the Community Room in Building 7. As we are preparing our presentation to share with you that evening, we would like to give you an opportunity to suggest topics and information you would like us to include. If you have questions you would like us to answer or suggestions for topics to address during the workshop, please contact Jason Caruana at mscounselor@unishanoi.org. This is usually a very well attended event, and we look forward to meeting many of you on May 28 for the “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop.”
Thursday May 30 will be set aside for the Grade 5 “Move Up” Day – when each grade 5 student is paired with a grade 6 student and they come to see what Middle School is like. This event happens each year in May along with the annual “Grade 5 to 6 Parent Transition Workshop,” which is detailed below. Grade 5 students will come to school at the normal time and the first few periods of the day will run as normal. At 10:10 am, they will be paired with a grade 6 student and escorted by a teacher in a group of approximately 20 (10 Grade 6 and 10 Grade 5 students each). They will rotate through 25 minute blocks where they visit different sessions/activities run by teachers from each of the grade 6 subject areas. They will have lunch and afternoon break with the rest of the Middle School, all the while sticking closely with their grade 6 mentor. The goals for the Grade 5s on “Move Up” Day are to: 1. get to know what it’s like to rotate through a schedule on their own, 2. get to meet many of their teachers, and 3. get a sense of the kinds of things that are done in Middle School. We hope they enjoy this day. Please do ask for them to share their impressions with you after it is done. This is a great way to start talking about Middle School and the transition to Grade 6. Jason Caruana, Middle School Counselor mscounselor@unishanoi.org Sue Lepry, Grade 6 Level Coordinator slepry@unishanoi.org
Tree planting ceremony for Class of 2013
Toothbrushes for Thuy An Village We recently arranged to have a team of dentists visit Thuy An and as part of their examination they were able to hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste to the children and adults at this home for disabled people. These toothbrushes were donated by the UNIS community, mostly collected from the complimentary items provided at many hotels. We are asking you once again, when you are travelling this summer to collect toothbrushes, soap and shampoo for donations to Thuy An Village. Supplies can be dropped off in the MSHS Service Learning Office. Thank you for support! The Thuy An Service Learning Group
Going Green Community Garden
The MS Going Green garden group wrapped up a great year with a service trip to Long Bien Island. For the past few years, the Garden group has raised money through selling their plants and seed packets to help a farming family who live on a tiny boat house on the island. This struggling family have two sons, one of whom is in a wheelchair. Blue Dragon pays 10 yearold Tan’s school fees but Mr. Tien works long hours on various plots of land around the island, in order to support his family. Last year we were able to purchase a water pump to help him irrigate his land. This year our group brought him a weed cutter. He and David Buckner gathered quite a crowd as they assembled the machine and our students spent some time getting to know Tan and learning a bit about life for a farming family on the Red River. It was a great trip and worth all of our work this year, when we saw the huge smile on Mr. Tien’s face as he tested out his new cutter. We want to remind everyone that we have our Beginner’s Guide to Gardening in Hanoi for sale. These full colour booklets are jammed full with photos of UNIS students working in the garden, as well as photos, descriptions and gardening tips for many of the things that we grow. While aimed at Hanoi gardeners much of the information is applicable wherever gardens grow! The books would make great presents to take with you on your summer travels! They can be purchased through Mr. Thuy in the MSHS Service Learning Office or from Ms. Bracewell (dbracewell@unishanoi.org). They only cost 100,000 VND each, and all proceeds will go towards supporting Tan and his family again next year.
From the Nurses’ Office Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis externa) With the increase in PE swim lessons and kids swimming in the warm weather, we have seen many cases of swimmer’s ear. Swimmer's ear (also known as otitis externa) is an infection of the outer ear canal that can cause pain and discomfort for swimmers of all ages. The good news is that there are a few simple steps swimmers can take to prevent swimmer’s ear.
DO keep your ears as dry as possible. Use a bathing cap, ear plugs, or custom-fitted swim molds when swimming to keep water out of your ears.
DO dry your ears thoroughly after swimming or showering.
Use a towel to dry your ears well.
Tilt your head to hold each ear facing down to allow water to escape the ear canal.
Pull your earlobe in different directions while your ear is faced down to help water drain out.
If you still have water in your ears, consider using a hair dryer to move air within the ear canal. Be sure the hair dryer is on the lowest heat and speed/fan setting. Hold the hair dryer several inches from your ear.
DON’T put objects in your ear canal (including cotton-tip swabs, pencils, paperclips, or fingers). DON’T try to remove ear wax. Ear wax helps protect your ear canal from infection. If you think your ear canal is blocked by ear wax, consult your health care provider rather than trying to remove it yourself. A homemade mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part rubbing alcohol may help promote drying and prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause swimmer's ear. This can be made in a dropper bottle; after swimming, instill five drops in each ear. http://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/rwi/illnesses/swimmers-ear-prevention-guidelines.html If you suspect your child has swimmer’s ear you will need to see your child’s physician for antibiotic ear drops. Keep your child’s ears dry for healthy, fun pool time! UNIS Hanoi Nurse Team
School Community Organisation News SCO Annual General Meeting. All parents are welcome. When: May 30, 10:30 *NEW DATE*
Where: Community Room
Did the Spring Fair put a bounce in your step? Did you have a ball at the birthday party? Snag a snack at a sale? Did you know these great events are organized by the School Community Organisation? The School Community Organization is a volunteer organisation, inclusive of all groups within the school, that works to support the UNIS Hanoi Mission, build community, it can raise funds for UNIS Hanoi community projects and charities and have fun doing it! Whether you are new to UNIS Hanoi, or an old hand looking for a new challenge, the SCO is once again looking for energetic, can-do leaders for next year's executive committee. All six of the positions on the executive are open every year for election, including Middle/High Chair, Middle/High Vice Chair, Elementary Chair, Elementary Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. For more information, or to nominate, please contact the current Executive Committee at sco@unishanoi.org or the Nominations Committee pippa.phoenix@gmail.com. The Nominations committee consists of Veby Bone, Clarissa-Hu Anderson, and Pippa Wood. Elections will be held (by secret ballot, if more than one candidate stands) at the SCO Annual General Meeting on Thursday May 30. Contact the Nominations Committee before 4.00 pm on Thursday May 23th to have your name and information included in next week's Tin Tuc as a candidate!! Eligibility: All parents, including short-term non-contract instructors and staff of UNIS, are eligible to run for office. No special skills or background are needed, just a desire to support the UNIS community by committing some of your time and energy to SCO activities, such as meetings, projects, and other co-ordination, as well as have fun, working on events such Spring Fair with a like-minded group of people. You can also view the SCO Constitution for more information on the structure and functions of the Executive Committee on the portal HERE.
Book donation? Are you leaving Hanoi and worried that all of your books will weigh you down? Spring cleaning and want to feel the joy of making room on your bookshelves? Please consider donating your gently used books to the UNIS used book sale for next year. Collection boxes will be placed around the school. We are working on proceeds from the book fair to be donated to an excellent charitable organization in Vietnam that will ensure more Vietnamese children also have access to books. Feel great about your donation! SCO Used Book Sale Committee
SCO Volunteer Appreciation – Cocktail Party Wednesday June 5, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (Venue to be advised in next week’s Tin Tuc) We hope to see all volunteers from the UNIS Hanoi Community who have co-ordinated or assisted with SCO activities during the year - such as being regular helpers on the Snack Sale and SCO Boutique, the Spring Fair, the Book Sale, Class Parents, and more. Thank you very much for your support, and let’s celebrate our successful 2012-2013 school year together!
Elementary Snack Sales Please mark your calendar: Friday 31 May 2013 is the last SCO snack sale of this school year. This event will take place both in the ECC and ES courtyards from 8.20am to approximately 11.00am. We had a successful year with your wonderful support, and we hope your children will enjoy the very last one before the summer break!
Date: Friday 31 May, 2013 Contributing classes: Pre-K/RT, Pre-K/MA, 3BF, 4MK, 4BM, 5HK, 5MS/SC We ask parents of the contributing classes above, to kindly send 10 individually wrapped healthy snack items to be sold to the students. We welcome both savory and sweet snacks. As we encourage children to have healthy snacks, we will not sell any choco-pies, chips, candies, pre-packaged cookies, or chocolate bars. We also will not sell snacks that contain any nuts. All ES and ECC students can buy up to 2 snacks, with each snack cost VND 10,000. Please provide them with cash in small bills only (not lunch ticket from the canteen) if you wish for them to purchase snacks. This is one of events organized to provide a fun activity to and from UNIS Community that children enjoy. All proceeds from Snack Sale are used for SCO activities. Past initiatives included funding music scholarships for Vietnamese students, purchasing equipment to support learning environment, hosting SCO social events, and organizing teacher appreciation days. Your child(ren) loves to see you at school J. Please contact one of the coordinators below if you would like to assist in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. Bo-Young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com Ikue: Mikue@mbn.nifty.com
SCO Boutique News Swimsuits and swimming CAPs are available in your BOUTIQUE !!
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
shawl from Japan. Eco friendly, Good for Health (cooling) for summer season
High quality insulated
cups with UNIS logo.
MRISA Middle School Girl Volleyball Team Members Ailsa Davies (Captain) Saskia Brennan(Vice Captain) Lulu Pham, Ngoc Trai Nguyen Kelly Fairman Ly Anh Foster Touko Teranishi Sophia Rafuse Maria Rosenholm Ela Kalra
Position Champion 1ST Place MRISA All Star Team (Selected in the best 10 players of the tournament) Ailsa Davies, Saskia Brennan, Lulu Pham
Results Friday UNIS defeated ISPP in 3 sets UNIS defeated HIS in 3 sets UNIS defeated VIS in 2 sets Result UNIS Top of Pool B
Saturday 1ST vs 4th UNIS defeated NISC in 3 sets Semi Final UNIS defeated ISE in 2 sets Final UNIS defeated ISHCMC in 2 sets
This MRISA Tournament was a wonderful way to complete a fantastic MS volleyball season. Over 100 MS students were involved in the season and the Boys and Girls Championships were a reflection of the high quality and dedication of our students towards volleyball. The results above tell the story of the wonderful 10 girls that represented our school. Early on in the tournament we would play amazing volleyball followed by some inconsistent performances. At no stage during the games leading up to the semifinal did we doubt ourselves and the strength of character was shown in every 3rd set when we won each one comprehensively. By semifinal our game was now in place and the girls were able to establish comfortable leads with consistent but attacking volleyball in both sets to see UNIS Hanoi into the final against ISHCMC which had won at least the last 3 MS volleyball titles. The only word for the final was a dream of UNIS Hanoi perfection and pride. The girls were amazing with very few errors and were able to apply pressure and resist pressure when ISHCMC applied it to us. The girls attacked and applied great decision making with the bench being outstanding throughout the rotations as they came on to take our game to a higher level. Congratulations to all the girls and while I told them probably 30 times in the final as I was able to sit calmly as they stayed completely in control I am very proud of you all. Well done! Coach Daniel
Pizza Swim Meet UNIS Hanoi swimmers from ES to HS had the joy of being in the 7th annual Pizza Meet on the weekend. The hot, humid day was fun-filled and competitive, with swimmers, parents and coaches alike all commenting on how much they enjoyed the meet. HS Swim and Sport Ambassadors service learning groups were a great help, organizing swimmers into heats and relays, coordinating awards and posting results. Fun relays at the end included parents, coaches and students aged 6 – 18. Sixty relay swimmers was an enjoyable way to conclude the day! Results, records and photos are now available on our Aquatics Page, at UNIS Portal >
Activities Office- Aquatics Page
Congratulations to all for their effort and great achievements over the weekend, particularly to new record holders in individual events – Stephanie Kieft (G6) 100m Backstroke and 100m Butterfly, Duc Do (G8) 100m Freestyle and 100m Backstroke, and Nguyen Hiep (G11) 100m Freestyle. The Most Improved Swimmer awards in ES were presented to Oscar Hamada (G2) Fuka Suzuki (G2), Yota Suzuki (G4) and Grace Cenere (G4). Many thanks to coaches Brian Healy, Cat Cenere, Cora Gibson, Pho Nguyen and Prashad Abeysinghe for preparing students for the meet . A special thank you to the Aquatics team and to Kevin Johnston for being an excellent MC on the day! Kind regards, Ella Jaranova, Aquatics Coordinator
Saturday Soccer News Saturday Soccer Thanks Volunteer Coaches The 2013 spring session of the UNIS Hanoi Saturday Soccer Programme concluded this past weekend in very hot and humid conditions. The Saturday Soccer Coordination team, parents and players would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteer coaches who gave up their time this past fall and spring to teach the players about the sport. Saturday Soccer relies completely on volunteer coaches to step forward in order for the programme to function successfully. Their willingness to give up their time is greatly appreciated!!
“Thank you” very much to the following coaches for their contributions: Solihin Yusoff Junya Shiokawa Michael Quinn Sameer Goyal Cuong Phan Russ Berkoben Russell Griffin Tetsuya Adachi Sandra Fuld Hieu Pham Peter Jang Takashi Kasamatsu Benoit Alleaume Cuong Vuong Brandon Gauthier Saeko Borwell Koen Oosterom
Daniel Rossi Sven Coppens Hoang Son Nguyen Adam McDonald Duong Anh Duc Simon Norton Petter Wik Nigel Smith Mukhayyo Burkhanova Christophe Barandun Kazutoshi Saito Christian Rosenhelm Florian Foster Nick Heath Bernard Wang Travis Fennell John Lott
Naoko Goto Ian Wood Daniel Oporto Paul Luchtenbrug Paul Long Sotaro Nishikawa Gary Dziedzic Abdoula Ahmed Richard Johns Michael Ong Joycelyn Narayan Andrew Spezowka Dean Spicer Diep Nguyen Drew Smith Eric Fettke Hung Nguyen
Jimmy Fariman Kenji Matsuno Louise Nylin Max Lambert Neil Fairbairn Takeshi Ishikawa Tim Brennen Tim Wiley Zoran Rakovic Randolph Flay Kai Partale John Haug Pho Nguyen Phi Nguyen Masamitsu Murakami
YOU’RE THE BEST!!! Have a great summer! Anyone who would be willing to volunteer as a coach this coming fall, please contact Saturday Soccer at saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org
A “PHOENIX” CELEBRATION Parents and Students Athletes are invited to attend the
2012-2013 High School Sports Awards Ceremony Tuesday, May 28 UNIS Theater, 15:45
Job Opportunities Middle School Science Teacher IB Middle Years Program (MYP) grades 6, 7 & 8 UNIS has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Middle School Science Teacher (IB MYP, Grades 6, 7 and 8). The MS Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
Teach Science throughout the UNIS Middle School program Provide a differentiated program of instruction that incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Become an active member within the UNIS community: advisory, sports, after-school activities, and students clubs Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decision-making groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
Position Requirements:
Bachelor degree or above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Student centered educator with a desire to teach on the Middle School level Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification MYP experience Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of Middle School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties from 29 July 2013.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org
Job Opportunities Middle School/High School Mathematics Teacher IB Mathematics (MYP & DP) UNIS has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Middle School/High School Mathematics Teacher (IB Mathematics). The MSHS Mathematics Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
Teach Mathematics throughout the UNIS Middle and High School program Provide a differentiated program of instruction that incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the IB framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Mathematics Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc. Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decision-making groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
Position Requirements:
Strong background in Mathematic, Bachelor degree or above in Mathematics Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP & DP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of Middle and High School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in 29 July 2013.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org
Job Opportunities Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer Employment percentage: 80% UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer. This person will join the Advancement Team and support the Mission and Vision of the School, continuing the School’s work in creating a connected and collaborative community that supports each other and the work of the School. The position is 80% employment with a locally hired expat support staff contract. The incumbent will report to Director of Advancement. Duties and Responsibilities In general the Community Liaison and Projects Officer supports the Advancement Director and team as required in delivering the goals of the Advancement Programme, with special reference to “Connecting and building community
with core constituency relationships and events.” The role includes the following: (In varying degrees of involvement and always in collaboration and with the support of others) 1. Assist in the development of an engaged UNIS Hanoi community: a. Volunteer recruitment, training, coordination and support b. Liaison between volunteer groups and the School c. Provide support for volunteer group meetings and events logistics with budget management d. General support for community enquiries and concerns e. Community communication including: Community SMS tool, Calendar, Community portal area, community Facebook and other social network tools for community building 2. Assist with the development and coordination of Community projects including: a. Institutional Events (UN Day etc) b. Special events (ie. British Council sponsored visiting artists etc) c. Orientation and the Welcome Programme transitioning our community members d. Online Directory –management and training for community e. Logistical management of community surveys (timing, distribution etc), compilation of Institutional Research and managing data records when appropriate. f. Birthday Gift Fund procedures and reporting 3. Assist in the management of the School’s institutional history, working closely with the Alumni Officer including: a. Developing and managing an effective Archive b. Working with the Communication Officer and Librarians to ensure the School’s resources are continually updated and accessible c. Assist in the creation and maintenance of up to date School Operating Regulations d. Manage the Internal Controls and Procedures Manual for the Advancement Office
Job Opportunities Community Liaison and Advancement Projects Officer Employment percentage: 80% (Continued) Position Requirements: The preferred candidate will need to demonstrate the following skills and personal qualities:
Must be organized, patient and committed to serving the needs of others
Have excellent people skills and communication skills (both written and oral) with fluent English and preferably, other languages
Willingness, enthusiasm and flexibility to fully participate in all UNIS community events and to take the role of assisting others when the need arises
Be a team player with excellent listening skills and generosity of nature: Sensitive to cultural differences and can balance all opinions, both those voiced and from those that are reluctant or shy to speak up
Display the maturity and assurance to be able to establish a calm foundation for community liaison, and at the same time enjoy a role that may often be unstructured and reactive in its nature
Experience in event organisation and project management experience: Organised and efficient with a practical, logical approach to often large scale projects, ensuring attention to detail at every stage
Good IT skills: Microsoft Office suite essential and a passion for developing communication community tools such as social media, photo sharing etc
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities.
Application closing date: 31 May 2013 Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in 29 July 2013. Interviews will be held in June and the candidate’s flexibility to spend time in June in handover with the current Community Liaison Officer is essential.
Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam ------------------------------------------------------UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three International Baccalaureate Programmes from Discovery to Grade 12. UNIS Hanoi is also fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Energize Schedule SPRING ENERGIZE HOURS (from May 20 onwards) MONDAY
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 15.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 14.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
ASA’s have ended. As a result, please note that weekday pool hours now begin earlier. A schedule of the summer Energize hours will be available shortly.
Canteen Menu for the week of May 24 to 31 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
Western Set Menu 27 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Green Mango Salad Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
28*** Baked Penne w/ Tuna Sauteed Vegetables Green Salad w/ Lemon Dressing Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
29 Barbecued Pork Chop Steamed Rice Cucumber & Apple Salad Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
30*** Chicken Fajita w/ Salsa Sauce Potatoes Wedge Mexican Salad Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
31*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
30 Stir Fried Beef Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
31 Miso Chicken Steamed Rice Mixed Vegetables Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
30 Stir Fried Beef Multi Grain Rice Vegetable Sticks Lemon Cake Fruit / Milk
31*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Vegetable Sticks Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk
Asian Set Menu 27 Thai Fried Chicken w/Black Bean Sauce Steamed Rice Green Mango Salad Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
28 Mafa Tofu Sauce Multi Grain Rice Sauteed Vegetables Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
29*** Grilled Fish w/Egg Steamed Rice Stir fried Chayote Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 27 Beef Stroganoff Steamed Rice Vegetable Sticks Slice Baguette Fruit / Milk
28*** Baked Penne w/ Tuna Green Beans Pound Cake Fruit / Milk
29 Barbecued Pork Chop Steamed Rice Vegetable Sticks Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org