UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Newsletter 35 vol 20 tt 30 may

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 20, Edition 35, Friday 30 May



MONDAY, 02 JUNE  IOC Grade 11's Lang Lit, 02 - 06 June  Self Study Parent Info Session, 19:00 - 21:00, Black Box, Centre for the Arts

MONDAY, 9 JUNE  MS leaver assembly, 13:15-14:00

TUESDAY, 03 JUNE  Grade 5 Step Up Day to MSHS, 08:00 - 09:00  ES Moving Up Morning, 10:10 - 11:35  High School Assembly, 12:35 - 13:15  MS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony, 15:45 - 17:15, Theatre, B10  Board of Directors Meeting, 17:50, Community Room, B7  Yearbook Cover Design Contest Exhibition, 03 - 11 June, Centre for the Arts foyer FRIDAY 06 JUNE  Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony, 12:30 - 16:00, Theatre SATURDAY, 07 JUNE  SAT Testing High School

TUESDAY, 10 JUNE  Faculty/Staff Appreciation Event, 07:00-08:30, Centre for the Arts  Grade 2 Movie Morning, 08:20-11:30  Grade 5 "Moving Up" Ceremony, 09:00-10:30 WEDNESDAY, 11 JUNE  MS & HS awards assembly, 08:00-10:30,  Grade 6 Party, 12:30-15:30  ES Leavers Assembly, 13:15-14:15, Sports Centre  ES Reports available on ISIS Family, 15:45 THURSDAY, 12 JUNE  Last Day of School 11.30 Dismissal  Quarter 4 and Semester 2 end  Grade 7 End of Year Party, 08:30-10:00  End of Year Assembly, 10:45-11:15 FRIDAY, 13 JUNE  SCHOOL OFFICES CLOSED from 14:00  LAST DAY OF WORK for Faculty, 08:00 - 16:00  Recognition Ceremony, 14:30 - 15:30  End of Year Faculty & Staff BBQ, 15:30 17:30

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.3) Anne Marie Drozdz - Memorial Gathering (p.4)

Congratulations Class of 2014 (p.6-7) Diploma Information (p.9)

Yearbook Cover Design Exhibit (p.4) Grades 6-8 Celebration of Learning (p.8)

MSHS Arts Show (p.9) G6 End of Year Party (p.10)

HS Sports Awards (p.10-12) Aquatics Academy News (p.13)

Volunteer Appreciation Night (p.16) ES Snack Sale (p.17)

With only two weeks left, I believe it is important that the school community is aware of who is departing at the end of this school year from the faculty. Out of a total of 141 teachers and administrators, 38 will be leaving in June 2014. That is 27% and is slightly higher than our average of around 20%. This runs in cycles as last year, we only had 15% depart. In any event, we would like to thank all these departing people for all of their efforts on behalf of our students and wish them the very best in their next location. Next week we will include the names and short bio of all of the incoming faculty. Respectfully, Dr. Barder, hos@unishanoi.org 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

(Anna) Zippy Doiron (Donna) Michelle Armstrong Alan Hough Andrea Fleming Andrea Limon Brenda Penrose Brendan McGibbon Candy Crouch Colin Campbell David Porter Dirk Kraetzer Doanne Arguelles Dorian Gibb Emma Collins Erik Cunelius Graeme Foster Heidi Sanchez Jason Caruana Jennifer Kelly John Cushing John Gangi John Haug Joyce Miller Karen Walsh Kellie Bohanon Kelsey Giroux Margaret McKellar Mark Ginder Michelle Kays Mindy Slaughter Rebecca Bunnett Rebecca Thomas Robert Natoli Sofia Hellstrom Stuart Edgecombe-Walker Susan Kraetzer Tabitha Bell Nguyen Thi Huong Giang


Drama ECC K1 PE ES Counselor Grade 3 IB English Music HS Counselor EAL Director of Operations Director of Activities EAL Tech & Design DP Coordinator PE Math ECC K1 MS Counselor Grade 1 Grade 2 HS IB Economics MSHS Science Librarian Grade 5 Learning Support Humanities Tech MSHS Humanities Grade 4 Grade 5 MSHS Humanities ECC K1 Arts Swedish Grade 3 PE TA Grade 2 Music

Thank you to all of the community members, faculty and staff who attended the Board’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 13th. Please click here to read the community’s questions and responses from the Board and Head of School and here. Regards, Sarah Garner, Board Chair

We wish all the best to who graduated this week

And all the best to , 2TB

Abigail Vallely Aincre Evans Aloysius Kieft Anna Le Hai Anna Lee-Hewing Aris Zabidi Barbara Vu Thien Cameron McCarty Chi Mai Cian Hamer Da Yeon Lee Dong Heon Lee Eel Hee Yoon Elena Zabidi Elizabeth (Brooks) Armstrong Emma Simson van Dijkhuizen Eun Bee Ko Hai Anh Nguyen Hanna Tagomori Hauke Schmidt Hiep Nguyen Hiong Lin Tam Hyun Su Hwang Jackson Wood Jae Hyun (Edward) Park Jamie Trees Jessica van den Brink Jessie Tung Jhy Chi Ji Hoon Kang

Ji Hoon Lee Josiah Bloemberg Ju Youn Lee Kofi Buahin Kyung Hyea Hyun Lucas Prytz Mana Muchaku Maximilian Tang Megan Newell Minh Ho My Tran Nam Nguyen Nicole Norton Nina Palosaari Partho Mondal Phong Hoa Phuong Le Quynh Anh Do Scott Mills Seung Hyun Sohn Shefali Satpathy Sohom Chakma Son Le Taku Aiga Tiara Le Calvez Tommy Nurmi Trung Pham Tuan Anh Nguyen William (Will) Stephens

who are leaving Hanoi this week

See pages 6 - 7 for photos of the Class of 2014

This week the UNIS Hanoi community celebrated the life of former MSHS Drama Teacher, Anne Marie Drozdz who died tragically in Bali last week. More than 100 students, alumni, parents and faculty and staff joined together on Wednesday, at the same time as her memorial service in Bali was being held, to commemorate her life. Stories were shared with tears and laughter as UNIS Hanoi said goodbye to a dear friend, teacher and colleague.

Students and alumni alike repeatedly told how Ms Drozdz had transformed their lives giving them confidence and the courage to be themselves. A recording was made to share with her family. We have created a quiet corner in the Community Room in B7 for anyone (students, alumni, faculty and staff, and parents) who would like to spend time privately with their thoughts for Anne Marie between now and the end of the School year. As many of you will know, this was her original Drama Room. We will be preparing a book in which we will be adding all the many messages from our Alumni and in which you may write your own messages. It will be ready on Monday. The book will be sent to Ms Drozdz family in the UK when School closes.

The eagerly awaited UNIS Hanoi Yearbook will be delivered to all students on the last day of school - and this year more than 50% was created by our students, including the 'secret' front cover. The theme was 'social media' and all the designs submitted in our cover competition will be on display from Tuesday in the Centre for the Arts. The winner will be announced and receive their prize at the all school assembly on June 12.

Dear Parents,

As the school year draws to a close, we become increasingly mindful of the children and their families who are moving on from UNIS Hanoi this June. It is never an easy time and so our counselors have systems in place to help community members of all ages come to terms with the pending changes in their lives. The children who are leaving met with Mr Tom and Ms Andrea to help them adjust and look forward to their move. Parents were also well served with transition meetings with the counselor. We hold a special Leavers’ Assembly in the last week of term for all the ES students and staff to bring some positive closure and say goodbye formally and thank them all for their contributions to UNIS Hanoi during their time here. This year this will take place on Wednesday 11 June at 1.15pm in the Sports Centre and all parents are welcome to attend. We also must consider the needs of the children who are staying. They are coming to the end of their time in their current Grade Level and are beginning to anticipate changes for next academic year. In the recent past, the ES informed the parents and children of their new class placements for the following year by email just before the new year begins in mid-August. Last year we brought that process forward to inform the children before they left for the long summer break. We believe this was very helpful so we will repeat this timing again this year. With this in mind, the teachers have been carefully considering groupings for next year. For new families who may be unaware, we do mix the children’s groupings every year as they pass from one grade level to the next. In such a transient population this enables us to continuously ensure each class is a well-balanced group with a mix of gender, cultural and linguistic background, learning styles and differences. The teachers have spent many hours on this quite challenging task to create this balance whilst ensuring that each child is with at least one other child they feel comfortable with for friendship and collaborative group working. The mixing of class groups also helps establish a grade level identity and community as well as individual homeroom communities and children are able to develop and maintain a broader range of friendships across the whole age group. It also helps new children integrate more quickly as the class they enter is newly formed rather than being a group that has been together for several years.

Tuesday 3 June will be the morning that the children find out which class they are going to be in next year. The Grade 5 Students have their “Stepping Up” day when they have a day of taster lessons in Middle School. This seems like the ideal time for us to do a shortened version of that for our ES students. So children will spend part of the morning in their new classroom, with their new teacher and their new classmates getting to know each other and finding out more about what next year will be like. (All ES leavers will have this time together with Mr Tom and Ms Andrea and some of the specialist teachers focusing on their needs for transition.) We do have some new teachers coming in next year who will not be here on 3 June. During this Transition Time, their place will be taken by one of our outgoing teachers who has really good knowledge of the relevant grade level and can whet the children’s appetite really well for next year. In addition, the incoming teachers are all preparing and sending something for the children to share that day, so they will all get to know something about their new teacher. Each class will jointly construct a letter to be sent to the new children who will join the class in August, welcoming them and having them feel hopefully more excited and less nervous about their move to UNIS Hanoi. Information will be emailed to parents that afternoon letting them know who the new teacher will be and the names of the other children in the class. Through discussions with the SCO representatives, we are hoping that this early release of information will also enable us to have specific class parents in place before the end of the year in readiness for the New Families Orientation in midAugust. If you are interested in being a class parent for next year, please contact Joh Ponsen, the SCO chairperson (if you are Grades 1-5) johponsen@gmail.com or Paulina Pineda, the SCO chairperson (if you are Discovery, K1 or K2) paulinapineda@hotmail.com once you receive your class list. Please read here the minutes from the last ES Principal Forum where transition was the main item on the agenda. Please note upcoming transition meeting for Grade 5 parents:  Tuesday 10 June - G5 Moving Up Ceremony (09.00)

Warm regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Dear MSHS Families, The entire Elementary and Middle/High School faculty is pleased to announce that the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2014 was a smashing success! Over 680 people filled the Sports Centre including all UNIS Hanoi Faculty and Grade 9 – 11 students. We were also honoured to have UN Resident Coordinator for Vietnam, Dr Pratibha Mehta join us. Although the achievements of the Class of 2014 were many, four students were honored with special recognition for outstanding achievement in Scholarship, Community

Service, Perseverance, and Contributions to the Life of the School.  Scholar’s Award: My Tran  Dr. France J. Rhodes Community Service Award:

Shefali Satpathy  Director’s Award: Jamie Trees  Council of International Schools Award: Jessica van den Brink I am sure the entire UNIS Hanoi community will join in wishing the Class of 2014 congratulations and best wishes for the future! Warm Regards, Pete Kennedy, mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Click here for the document entitled the IB General Regulations: Diploma Programme. This is an important document as it answers all your questions in terms of what happens now you have finished your examinations. The IB will not issue results to, or discuss results with candidates, the guardian or representatives. If you have any concerns or questions you must email the Diploma Coordinator. How do I access my results? A candidate must enter their alphanumeric code and their pin code. If a candidate enters the wrong personal code and/or pin code the site will be blocked after 5 attempts. If you are unsure of your pin code please email Ms Thao myp-dpsecretary@unishanoi.org.

Candidates’ results are released on IBIS from 6th July. http://candidates.ibo.org Results Certification The IB Diplomas, Diploma Results and Course results are sent to schools in August. The documents constitute the official results. An email will be sent to parents when the hard copies of the documents arrive at UNIS. You may collect them from Ms Thao myp-dpsecretary@unishanoi.org. If you would like the documents sent via postage mail, this will be at the parents own expense. Please email Ms Thao for details. Emma Collins, DP Coordinator dpcoordinator@unishanoi.org

Wednesday, June 11th 12:40 - 14::30 Patio behind the Sports Center and Pool To celebrate the end of a great year! All grade 6 Students, Parents and Teachers Schedule 12:40 – 1:30: Pot luck lunch and field games & HR and Parent Tug a War Championship 13:30 – 14:20: Pool 14:20 – 14:35: Clean up and Farewell Parents are kindly requested to bring drinks or food to share with about 6 people. There will be coolers available to keep drinks cold. Students should bring sun hats, swim suits and towels.


2013 - 2014 MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS AWARD CEREMONY 15:45, Tuesday, June 3 UNIS Hanoi Theatre

This past week, UNIS student-athletes, their coaches and parents attended the year -end HS Sports Awards Ceremony. The event was a wonderful opportunity to recall the highlights of what has been another successful year for UNIS in the sporting arena. UNIS has now completed its third year of full involvement in the Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC). APAC provides a challenging opportunity for UNIS varsity teams to test themselves against 11 other schools. The Mekong River International Schools Association (MRISA) continues to be an important component of the UNIS Sports Program, as our high school junior varsity teams represent the school at those season-ending events. This year, we again had over 150 high school students participating in High School APAC and MRISA teams. In October, UNIS hosted the APAC Girls and Boys Volleyball Tournament for the first time. Coaches and athletes should be very proud of the fact that four UNIS teams were presented with APAC and MRISA Team Sportsmanship Awards this year. During the Awards Ceremony, each coach presented “Coaches’ Choice Awards” to members of their team who they felt were worthy of special recognition. In some cases athletes were identified as being the Most Valuable or perhaps the Most Improved, but the final criteria for the selection of the award was left to individual coaches. The following athletes were presented with medals by their coaches:

APAC Girls Soccer – Jemima Brennen and Fabiana Alcala Pertegaz MRISA Girls Soccer - Rosaria Battista and Lena Fiebrantz APAC Boys Soccer – Lucas Prytz and Tommy Nurmi MRISA Boys Soccer – Ju Youn Lee and Sonwabise (KC) Pulo Three student-athletes were selected as the UNIS High School Athletes of the Year for 2013-14. In order to be considered for this award, candidates were required to meet the following criteria:  Participation on at least 2 MRISA and/or APAC sports

teams  Display the qualities of sportsmanship and leadership  Maintain academic eligibility  Demonstrate a high level of skill and athletic ability  High School Girl – Jemima Brennen  High School Boys – Scott Mills and Lucas Prytz (co-

recipients) Congratulations to all of our high school student-athletes on their accomplishments while representing UNIS in the competitive sports arena this year! Job well done! Many people have contributed to what has been another successful year for the UNIS Sports Program. On behalf of the Activities Office, I would like to send out a big THANK YOU to all those who have played their part:  UNIS Parents & Host Families  UNIS Operations and Transportation Staff  UNIS Nurses and SOS Clinic  All Student-athletes

APAC Girls Volleyball – Nina McLean and Tiara Le Calvez

 The UNIS Coaching Staff

MRISA Girls Volleyball – Fabiana Alcala Pertegaz and


Abigail Vallely APAC Boys Volleyball – Scott Mills and Henryk Le Hai MRISA Boys Volleyball – Awua Buahin and Hung Nguyen APAC Boys & Girls Tennis – Surabhi Sundaram and Philipp Hannemann APAC Girls Swimming – Vicky Cortes Freeman and Minh Anh Nguyen APAC Boys Swimming – Duc Hiep Nguyen and Joya Tabe APAC Girls Basketball – Fabiana Alcala Pertegaz and Ly Ann Foster APAC Boys Basketball – Asare Buahin and Kofi Buahin MRISA Boys Basketball – Tae Heog Yang and Hung Nguyen

Have an enjoyable summer everyone! We’ll see you in August for the start of Season 1 Volleyball and Tennis. Next year UNIS will be hosting the MRISA Senior Volleyball Tournament and the APAC Basketball Tournament! Please note – the Middle School Sports Awards

Ceremony will take place this coming Tuesday (June 3rd), starting at 3:45 in the Center of the Arts Theatre. Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Learning da@unishanoi.org


Last Saturday, UNIS hosted the 1st Annual Hanoi Gala Swim Meet. 185 students from ten Hanoi international schools, including 70 from UNIS, came together in the spirit of friendship and competition. Team scores were not kept, however many students from UNIS won Age Group High Point Awards.

Munro and Hannah Goldberg, Marshal Tien, Lianne Fahrney, Jacob Gee, Adelaide Charlier and Joya Tabe. Third place winners were: Kitty Tran, Tara Erken, Tat Anh Trinh, Sofya Koroleva and Andy Cole.

First place winners were: Jessica Fahrney, Grace Cenere, Adam Strosing, Chiaki Goto, Peter Park and Nguyen Duc Hiep and Duc Do.

Andy Myers, Aquatics Academy Head Coach aacoach@unishanoi.org

This was our final competition for the year and on behalf of our coaching staff, Coach Cat, Coach Brian, Coach Cora, Coach Hiep and Coach Ella I thank all the parents and swimmers for a very successful and fun year. We hope to see all of you back next year!!!

Second place winners were: Seung Woo Choi , Omaya

The Community Education (ComEd)'s baseball programme for children is expanding. We are looking for baseball coaches. If you are interested, please contact Ms Ha Thien Ha, ComEd Officer at comed@unishanoi.org or Mr Brian Bulloch at bullochb@gmail.com.

Dear Parents of returning students, UNIS Hanoi requires all returning students entering kindergarten, Grade3, Grade 6 and Grade 9 to have a physical examination by a Doctor and a new UNIS Hanoi medical form completed before starting school in 2014 2015 academic year. Students should have regular medical check-ups to ensure they are growing properly, there are no new health concerns and they are up to date with their immunisations. 1. Please ask your Doctor to complete, sign and stamp the UNIS medical examination forms. Remember to bring your child’s immunization record so the Doctor can review. The medical examination should be inclusive on any relevant medical or surgical history details.

at UNIS Hanoi upon commencement of the school year. 4. For students age 11 and above, speak with your Doctor regarding HPV Vaccine (Gardasil). 5. If your child has asthma or allergies, please complete the Allergy or Asthma Action form available from admissions or the School Health Centre. 6. Please return one medical package per child, submitted with a recent photo attached in hard copy format to the School health Centre or Administration reception. MEDICAL FORMS ARE REQUIRED BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, AUGUST 13, 2014 OR EARLIER.

2. Parents should complete one Emergency Medical Authorisation form for each child.

For any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health, please do not hesitate to contact the

3. It is important for your child to have vision and hearing screening, any necessary immunizations and scoliosis screening. Students aged 3 will have a hearing screening

School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org

Over the past two months we have had 29 staff members attend a First Aid and CPR training course at UNIS. The course was provided by Dr Damien Cummins from International SOS and was very well received by all who attended. First Aid is a humanitarian act. A practical hands on course will provide you with the confidence and skills when they are most needed at home, at school or in the work place. Help save a life and learn First Aid. School Health Centre

Time to Return ALL Library Books! All library books due June 1st.

Do you need books during the summer holidays? Contact your librarian, we are eager to help you!! Julie Conroy eslibrarian@unishanoi.org Joyce Miller mshslibrarian@unishanoi.org

THANK YOU once again to ALL our wonderful UNIS Hanoi Parent Volunteers! We truly VALUE each and every one of you that have given your time and talents to support the UNIS Hanoi community. We hope you all had a great time helping out this year. Each and everyone of you is making an impact in

your child's education. Your spirit of volunteerism makes our school community thrive and flourish. We are secretly hoping that you had so much fun at the Volunteer Appreciation Night that you will ALL sign up to help again next school year!! Nathalie Grun, Community Liaison Officer clo@unishanoi.org

THANK YOU to all the Elementary School Parents for contributing to one of the Healthy Snack Sales this year! Your snacks were very creative and the range is always so international. This is a long standing tradition at UNIS and the sheer joy on the faces of the children when they see and purchase their snacks keeps this tradition going! This year we are proud to announce that we have raised a total of $1434 that goes into the SCO account to support specifically selected community projects. This year's projects include:

    

Thuy An Village (CAS Project) Dragon Kite and Display Project in the library Electronic Notice boards Swimming Pool Timing System Entertainment support for Kaleidoscope of Culture Carnival Once again THANK YOU on behalf of the Snack Sale Committee and we all wish you a wonderful summer holiday! Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2008@gmail.com Ikuko Mizuno: mikue@mbn.nifty.com Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

Registration applications for non-UNIS students for Discovery through Grade 7 received after 10:00 am on May 22 will be wait-listed. If places are available they will be offered by June 4. Places are currently still available for non-UNIS students in the Grades 8-11 programmes. Registration for current UNIS students and students who have been accepted to UNIS for 2014-2015 is still open for all programmes.

CLICK HERE for more information and to book your place!

Employment opportunity with United Nations International School of Hanoi

Admissions Advisor UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in student population, which currently stands at over 1,050 students from 60 different countries. To support the growing School programme, the Admissions Department requires an additional Admission Advisor. The primary role of the Admissions Advisor is to support the Admissions team in all aspects of the Admissions process, while presenting a welcoming environment to community members, prospective parents and visitors to the school. The Admissions Advisor reports to the Senior Manager of Admissions. For more information, please check out UNIS website

Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties in or before September 2014. This posting is ongoing until filled, interested applicants please send an expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager

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