tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 21, Edition 35, Friday 22 May
MONDAY, 25 MAY MSHS Art Exhibition, 25-29 May
MONDAY, 1 JUNE Advancement Committee Meeting, 12:00-14:00, Conference Room
TUESDAY, 26 MAY IB Orientation for New and Incoming Board Members, 17:30-19:00, Conference Room Grade 5 to 6 Transition - Parent Presentation, 19:0020:00 THURSDAY, 28 MAY Class of 2015 Tree Planting, 11:00-12:00, Centre Court Yard Class of 2015 Alumni Lunch, 12:00-13:00, Room 101-102 B4 Graduation Rehearsal, 13:00-15:00, Sports Center HS Sports Awards Ceremony, 15:45-17:15, Theatre FRIDAY, 29 MAY Early Dismissal Discovery - Grade 8, 11:30 (Buses depart at 11:45) Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2015, 13:00-15:30, Sports Centre Graduation Reception, 15:30-16:30 Graduation Celebration Party, 19:00
TUESDAY, 2 JUNE MS Sports Awards Ceremony, 15:45-17:15, Theatre WEDNESDAY, 3 JUNE SMP Task Force Meeting, 7:00-8:30, Conference Room THURSDAY, 4 JUNE UNIS Music Academy Registration for 2015-2016 (Full Year Classes ONLY), 4-5 June ES Moving Up Morning, 10:00-11:30 FRIDAY, 5 JUNE Community Education Spring Session Ends Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony, 12:30-13:30, Centre for the Arts HS Dance/Drama Performance, 18:00-19:00 SATURDAY, 6 JUNE SAT Testing (HS)
SATURDAY, 30 MAY ASA Session 3 Swimming Ends UNIS Hanoi Spring Invitational Swim Meet, Pool HS Prom, 19:00-22:00, Off Campus
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.2) Congratulations! (p.3) Library News (p.3)
UNIS Music Academy Concert (p.6) Community Turbine Project (p.5) Robotics Kickoff (p.8-9) Job Opportunities (p.9)
A Celebration of Phoenix Sports (p.4) “Through the Lens’ Exhibition Photo Order (p.5) Community Programme 2015-2016 Recruitment (p.5)
Keep Smelling Good This Summer (p.10) Volunteer Appreciation Night 2015 (p.11) SCO News (p.12)
I would like to thank the 30 or so parents who attended our last Head of School meeting with the community for the year. The link to the presentation by our Director Learning, Janet Field, regarding our Accreditation Reports was already sent out to you but we include it again here. We also resend the link here to Climate Survey summary that I talked about at the meeting. Finally, we attach summary notes of the whole meeting including the Q & A for your review here. As our grade 12 students complete their examinations, I take this opportunity to remind everyone of the schedule on the day of Graduation which is Friday, 29 May. The Graduation Ceremony at UNIS Hanoi marks not only the end of High School for our Grade 12 Students, but is also a celebration of education from Discovery through to Grade 12 for our unique institution. UNIS Hanoi is proud to be one of only two United Nations schools in the world and
the role it has played in the lives of our students, their families, and our host country. For our teachers, we believe that they represent symbolically all the teachers that have impacted our graduates in their D-12 journey, whilst at the same time acknowledging the importance and connectivity of all teaching at all grades in UNIS Hanoi to this final academic culmination. For our high school students, we want them to witness this event and be inspired to achieve at the same high level and even higher. Therefore all faculty D-12 and Grade 9-11 students will be in attendance at the Graduation. The early dismissal as noted in the calendar will at 1130 before lunchtime for Grades D-8. Respectfully, Dr. Barder hos@unishanoi.org
For those who were unable to attend the Board of Directors Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2015, please find a meeting summary here. We are also pleased to reproduce the profile of our new Board Member Ngo Thi Quynh Hoa in Japanese. For Vietnamese and Korean language versions please see last week’s Tin Tuc.
名前: ンゴ・ティ・クイン・ホア(Ngo Thi Quynh Hoa) 国籍: ベトナム 子供: 2年生の息子 理事会の活動に興味を持った理由: ● 私は人への投資、特に子供の教育に対する投資は、世界をよ りよくするための重要なポイントだと信じます。私の持つスキ
Nguyen Van Hieu, Board Chair
および将来のUNIS生、そしてハノイのコミュニティ全体が持つ ポテンシャルを最大限引き出すことができればと思います。 ● 息子が在籍していることから、個人的にもUNISに貢献するこ とができればと考えていました。過去27年間の実績が培った UNISという素晴らしい学校をさらに世界レベルの教育機関へと 発展させるべくお手伝いしたいと思います。 ● UNISの理事会、管理部門、そして教師陣が、すでに強く前向 きな関係で結ばれていることが感じられます。この協力関係を さらに強固なものへと発展させるよう後押しするできればうれ しく思います。
MS Athletics Day. Photos by Tim Barnsley
UNIS Hanoi Japanese students won a Japanese Essay sponsored by Mitsui Sumitomo Shintaku Bank and Yomiuri Newspaper. The contest was held last November. The contest theme was “My Heritage”. Winners were announced in April and we are all pleased that the following UNIS Hanoi students were successful: Grade 5: Hannah Goldberg Grade 10: Teppei Kanetaka Kanon Kato Shinnosuke Nagatomi Tomoka Tanaka Maho Wakui
Their essays were entered in the school group and they shared the US$300 book voucher prize. They wrote about
It's hard to believe, but we're at the end of the year for library borrowing. All books borrowed by students and parents are due Monday, May 25. Please check on all your shelves, on your desks, and in your sock drawers. Remember that library books are here for all of us, and overdue or lost books show a lack of caring for each other. Books not returned must be paid for, with a handling fee added to the replacement cost. Books or fees still outstanding by the end of school will mean that report cards and other school records cannot be released. MSHS students may borrow books over the summer holiday with permission. If you need books for EE or PP research, or you will not have any other access to books for fun reading over the summer, speak to Ms. Clinton before the end of exams. Ms. Conroy and Ms. Clinton
past memories based on their overseas experiences. They are far away from their home country and have had different experiences from their peers living in Japan. Congratulations!!
A CELEBRATION of “PHOENIX SPORTS” Parents and Student-athletes are invited to attend the
2014-2015 Sports Awards Ceremony
High School Ceremony - Thursday, May 28 Middle School Ceremony - Tuesday, June 2 UNIS Hanoi Theatre 15:45 – 17:45
All images in the exhibition, and all official photographs from UNIS Hanoi events, for the 2014-15 school year are available to order by visiting www.timbarnsley.com To order any images, visit www.timbarnsley.com and click on the relevant UNIS Hanoi folder then click on the image you would like to order to see the file number. Complete THIS FORM by filling in the folder name and relevant number of the photograph, e.g. Through the Lens Exhibition Images No. 5 or Spring Fair March 2015 No. 7 Return the completed form with payment in cash (200,000 VND per photograph requested) to the UNIS Hanoi Advancement Office (upstairs B7 Room 102). A high-resolution digital file will be sent to your email within 3 working days. All orders must be received before June 10.
Comminity Education Programme is in the process of planning offerings and securing instructors for the Autumn 2015 Session. The session runs from September to December 2015, and is coordinated through the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a class please contact Ms Ha, Community Programme Officer at comed@unishanoi.org before Friday, 30 May 2015 with the following details: 1. Class Name 2. Class Description 3. Age Ranges 4. Maximum and minimum number of participants 5. Preferred Day Options 6. Preferred Time Options 7. Location 8. Estimated Material cost 9. Equipment/ Set up required for your activity 10. Identify your expectations about the achievement of the participants after attending your class.
Please feel free to pass this information on to individuals you may know who may be willing to offer opportunities in their areas of expertise. Your contribution to UNIS Hanoi Community Education Programme is greatly appreciated.
Fifty nine Elementary School students and thirty three Middle and High School students had been practicing diligently with their UNIS Music Academy (UMA) teachers for 3 months in preparation for the big night on 15th of May, the UMA Concert. It was a celebration of students’
personal achievement and they deserve all success they achieved. A big thank you goes to all UMA teachers and Operations team for making the concert so smooth and to all the proud parents and talented students who made the effort to come and support the performers.
Hãy cùng chúng tôi thiết lập doanh nghiệp Xe đạp Xay Sinh Tố
On Saturday, May 16 UNIS Hanoi hosted our first ever Robotics Kickoff event. The goals were to create opportunities for students to learn how to experiment with robotics kits, for them to work in groups to solve problems, and for them to engage in friendly competition with each other. We were joined by 60 students and teachers from 10 different schools, including the Bac Tu Liem public school district, St. Paul’s International School, and Hanoi International School. From 9am - 12pm the students with robotics experience worked to help those newer to it get up to speed. For the first hour, students worked in 18 different groups to build a robot that could cross the room. Then, for the second hour, UNIS Hanoi student from the Tech For All Service Learning group and the MS Geeksquad led bilingual
workshops that dealt with gears, coding, touch sensors, and light sensors. All of the projects were built with our Lego Mindstorms NXT kits. After lunch, students were treated to a brief robotics demo by our friends at the FPT Robotics Lab. Then they had the choice of whether to compete in a race, a maze, or in 'sumo' (last robots left on the platform wins). Students had one and a half hours to build their robots, then competed against each other. After some dramatic rounds, we awarded each of the winning teams with gold, silver, and bronze medals to celebrate their hard-won victories. Most of all, everyone had a great time, made new friends and connections, and got to learn more about robotics and technology. Paul Swanson –MSHS Tech Facilitator
3. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Mathematics Teacher
UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following vacancies:
1. Part-time French Teacher (Grade 1 - 5)
1. Part-time (40%) IB MYP English “B” Teacher 2. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher - Specialization in Orchestra/Strings
4. Part-time (20% – 40%) IB MYP Dance/Drama Teacher 5. IB MYP Product/Digital Design Teacher (first semester only) 6. Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher (semester two) 7. IB MYP English B Teacher - Maternity Leave Cover: August – October (to be finalized) To view more information about these openings at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs
Never wear yesterday's clothes. However clean your
body is, the clothes will retain the smell of yesterday's sweat. This includes the socks too! It is also essential to wash clothes frequently and
thoroughly, particularly clothing that comes into contact with sweaty areas such as socks, underwear and shirts as hot wash as possible. Use an antiperspirant or deodorant daily. Regularly shaving the armpits can also help reduce body
odor. Armpit hair traps sweat and provide ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply. Weather is getting so hot and we are all sweating a lot!! Sweating is one of the body's ways of cooling down and it is important that we do sweat. The sweat itself doesn't smell. The unpleasant smell is produced when bacteria on the skin break down the sweat into acids. This bacteria lives on the skin and in clothing and use the sweat for growing. Strange as it may seem, many people with bad body odor are unaware that they smell. Their nostrils may be able to register the smell of garlic or curry, but not the smell emanating from their armpits.This is called sensory adaptation - nose is very quickly accustomed to the person’s own odor. Because they live with it all the time, they are no longer sensitive to the smell. But they can still smell smelly shoes!
Cut the caffeine - cola, coffee, tea, chocolate and other
caffeine containing food and drink that will make the sweat glands more active. Eat a balanced diet and drink LOTS OF WATER.
A change of clothes (T shirt / socks/ underwear for
after PE). Even on non-PE days, a change of T shirt may be needed in the day especially when it is very hot and humid. Soap and towel for showering Antiperspirant /deodorant Sun hat Water bottle
Shower at least once a day, more often during hot,
humid weather and especially after physical activity like PE. Wash particularly the armpits, groin and feet where
there are many sweat producing glands. Washing removes sweat and reduces the numbers of bacteria that act upon it. Make sure to use shower gel, body wash or some nice
smelling soap. Antibacterial soap can also be used as it reduces the growth of bacteria on the skin. Change clothes & underwear EVERY day or more
frequently if you are sweating a lot or doing sports. Loose clothing in light colours & natural fibres such as cotton will keep you cooler.
PE kits should be taken home DAILY for washing and not left in school lockers. If anyone is concerned that they may have a problem with excessive sweating or body odor, please feel free to come and have a chat with either the School Nurses or the School Counselors. We are happy to give advice. School Health Centre
Thanks to all of our amazing volunteers for your time, dedication, talents and support over the year! We have achieved so much at school because of you. Both Advancement and the SCO hope you enjoyed yourselves on Wednesday night and truly feel appreciated for all that you do -whether you helped with The Shop, Snack Sales, Used
Book Sale, Spring Fair, as Class Parents, during Orientation, for Saturday Soccer, Swim Meets or sit on the Board of Directors or SCO Executive and all the other countless ways to get involved with school – WE WANT TO THANK YOU!
This Year the SCO had a very successful year. Major highlights of the year include a transformation of the Boutique to The Shop inclusive of a wide range of new UNIS Hanoi logo wear! Also new to the SCO is a Phoenix Booster Committee, this committee is created to help enhance school spirit for all co-curricular activities. Please join us in congratulating the newly elected SCO Executive Officers and Committee Coordinators for 2015-2016: MSHS Chair – Pippa Wood ES Chair – Natascha Senftleben Treasurer – Petra Eichler Book Sale Coordinator – Megan Todd and Kelly Kim The Shop Coordinator – Malin Niklasson Phoenix Booster Coordinator – Renea Freeman SCO Executive Positions available – ES Vice Chair, MSHS Vice Chair and Communications Officer To view the SCO AGM Minutes, CLICK HERE. To view the SCO Financial Report 2015, CLICK HERE.
In 2009 the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) worked together with two consultants to proactively organize and structure the PTA. In this process, it was decided to change from the name of the PTA to a more inclusive name, the School Community Organisation (SCO) was created and along with it the SCO Constitution.
Jae Won (Amy) Han created a summer Sports Jacket for her personal project. Her jacket design was in such high demand that the school shop has decided to order a limited amount for the Boutique.
Stop by the shop to pick yours up TODAY!
When the Constitution was created in 2009, it was based on what they thought was best for the organisation. Since 2009, members of the SCO have made their best attempts to follow the Constitution which has proven to be a practical tool for the SCO Executive Committee and Committee Coordinators. However, for the past 2 years the SCO Executive Committee have been working on making updates to the constitution to reflect what has been tested and tried over the years with transparent, workable procedures and an effective system of checks and balances. At this time, we hope to have reached a structured yet flexible tool to guide any incoming committee members. According to the Constitution, amendments need to be made at the SCO AGM. Currently, the Constitution is waiting for Head of School approval and the amendments are not ready to be voted on. A motion was made to move the vote for Constitutional Amendments to the first SCO General Meeting of the school year, as opposed to waiting until the 2016 AGM. This motion was endorsed by a unanimous vote in favor of moving the voting date to the first SCO General Meeting of the 2015-2016 school year. As soon as the Head of School approves the Constitutional Amendments, we will publish both the original and the updated Constitution in the Tin Tuc for the community to comment or make suggestions. It will be available on the SCO webpage over the summer and we will rerun the article in the first weeks of the new school year. It is hoped that this process reflects the original intent of the Constitution to allow for a period of public consultation before constitutional ammendments are voted. If you have any questions or concerns please contact sco@unishanoi.org