tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
Volume 19, Edition 36, Friday 31 May
Next Week...
Coming Soon...
Monday, 3 June
Monday, 10 June
MS Arts Expo MYP Celebration of Learning, Grades 6-10 8:30 - 12:00 Fitness Testing Grade 6-11, 3 - 11 June Board of Directors Info Session 17:30 - 19:30, B7
Tuesday, 4 June ●
Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15 - 9:30, B7 4MK Parent Concerts 11:50-12:20 5HK Parent Concerts 14:00-14:30 MS Co-Curricular Awards Ceremony 15:45 - 17:00 Band Spectacular MS Assembly 08:00 - 09:05 Grade 4 French Mother Tongue Trip 8:20 - 12:20 Parent Volunteer Appreciation Cocktail 18:30
Thursday, 6 June ●
Grade 5 Moving Up 09:00 - 10:30 Grade 1 Trip 08:30 - 11:30 Grade 4 Cinema Trip 8:30 - 12:00 Grade 2 Free Swim 13:15 - 15:00 Board of Directors Meeting 17:30 - 19:30, B7
Wednesday, 12 June ●
Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day MS Awards Assembly 08:15 - 09:00 HS Awards & Leavers Assembly 09:10 - 10:20 K End of Year Party 11:00 - 12:30, Classroom&ECC Gym PreK End of Year Party 11:15 - 11:45, ECC Playground ES Leavers Assembly 13:15 - 14:15, Sports Centre Grade 6 End of Year Party 13:00 - 14:30
Thursday, 13 June ●
Grade 3 Trip 08:30 - 14:00 Grade 8 Promotion 12:30
Grade 11 Group 4 Project, 10-11 June Board Orientation Session 15:00 - 17:00, B7
Tuesday, 11 June
Choir “Abbey Road” Grade 5 French Mother Tongue Trip 8:20 - 12:20 Teacher Leader Celebration 16:30 - 18:00
Friday, 7 June ●
Wednesday, 5 June ●
Last Day of School 12:00 Dismissal D-12 End of Year Assembly 11:15 - 11:45 Discovery End of Year Party 11:30 - 12:00
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) Notes from the Middle High School Principal (p.3-4) Graduation Photos Special (p.5-6)
Toothbrushes for Thuy An (p.11) HS Sports Awards (p.12-13) Grades 4-5 Swim Meet (p.14) MRISA MS Boys Volleyball (p.15)
Summer School is back (p.7) Celebration of Learning (p.8) Grade 8 Promotion (p.9) Instrumental Music (p.9)
SCO News (p.16-17) Job Opportunities (p.18-20)
Overdue Library Books at home? Return them NOW!!! (p.9) Grades 9-10 Arts Expo (p.10) Spring Dance Photo Special (p.11)
Notes from the Head of School Just a brief message to thank all those who attended the Graduation Ceremony last Monday afternoon. Over 650 people attended this event for our 52 Grade Twelve students including the faculty and all students in Grades 9-11, and we have received many positive comments on the ceremony. Also, congratulations to our new slate of SCO Executive Officers for the 2013-2014 school year. They are listed in another section of this Tin Tuc and include several who are continuing on from this year. It is very gratifying to have this kind of support and we look forward to another successful year in the SCO next year. Respectfully, Chip Barder, Head of School
Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Thabo Mpiwa (7LG)
Notes from the Board of Directors AGM Question and Answers Please click here to read the community’s questions at the Board’s AGM in May and the responses from the Board and Head of School. Board Information Session Monday 3 June 5:30pm As you know, Board members are all volunteers and we depend upon other members of the community to volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of the School. Whether that be as a class representative or serving in another School Community Organisation (SCO) position, providing home stay accommodation for visiting sport’s teams, helping to orient new families at the start of the school year or serving on the Board or one of its committee or taskforces-your contributions are all extremely valuable and worthwhile. As we start to look forward and make plans for the next school year, the Board would like to ask parents to consider if they can volunteer for a Board committee or taskforce. You can find out more about the work of this year’s committee and taskforces by clicking here and attending an Information Session on Monday 3rd June 5:30-7:30pm in the Conference Room, Admin Building at school. Refreshments will be provided. To find out more and let us know you will be attending, please contact me via the Board Assistant, Pam Rickard boardassistant@unishanoi.org Regards, Sarah Garner, Board Chair
Notes from the Middle High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, The entire Elementary and Middle/High School faculty is pleased to announce that the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2013 was a smashing success. Over 650 people filled the Sports Centre including all UNIS Faculty and Grade 9 – 11 students. Although the achievements of the Class of 2013 were many, four students were honored with special recognition for outstanding achievement in Scholarship, Community Service, Perseverance, and Contributions to the Life of the School.
Award Winners: Scholar’s Award:
Na Yeong Yang
Dr. France J. Rhodes Community Service Award:
Gia Han Tran
Director’s Award:
Andrew Kim
Council of International Schools Award:
Laura Ramoso
I am sure the entire UNIS community will join in wishing the Class of 2013 congratulations and best wishes for the future! Enjoy the Graduation Photo Special on pages 5-6.
New Schedule for 2013-14 Since my arrival in August students and teachers have been constantly complaining that there simply is not enough time during the academic day to fully accomplish their curricular and co-curricular goals. The MSHS currently operates using a four period block schedule with a rather early lunch period squished in starting at 11:30 a.m.. There is no time during the academic day for students to receive extra help from teachers, engage any form of academic preparation or attend club meetings. To address time pressure concerns the MSHS will implement an “X-block” schedule beginning in August 2013. X-block schedules are common among international schools and provide time during the academic day for students to participate in Academic Preparation periods, Advisory, Service Learning activities and a host of other programmes that are currently forced to meet after school or while students and teachers are quickly eating lunch. This situation increases stress loads and is not good for the digestive system! Inserting an X-block in the middle of the academic day will provide students and faculty the opportunity to fully engage in programs that are extremely valuable educational components. All schedules are compromises and X-block schedules are no exception. Although the benefits inherent in an X block schedule are many there is one modification students will need to consider. HS students will have a significantly later lunch period. To accommodate a later lunch period a 15 minute snack break will be offered for HS students after first period.
Notes from the Middle High School Principal (Continued) This will permit HS students to fuel up for their midmorning classes and be primed for academic work. Snack aside, as part of a healthy lifestyle all students are encouraged to eat a proper breakfast! MS students will be under direct teacher supervision during all X-blocks. During X-blocks MS students will participate in Advisory, Service Learning, assemblies, and supervised Academic Preparation periods. HS students will be given more independence as maturity and age dictate. HS students will learn to manage their unstructured time in order to accomplish academic and co-curricular requirements. They will earn independence by demonstrating they are mature enough to use unstructured time wisely. Those students who demonstrate they cannot use unstructured time wisely will be placed in supervised environments. HS students well participate in structured Advisory and Service Learning programs but will have unstructured time to eat lunch, complete assignments, attend club meetings, and meet with teachers for extra help sessions. The X-block schedule will require HS students to manage their time and develop independence. During Morning Meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday the X-block schedule will be explained to students. The MSHS faculty is excited over the benefits this schedule change will afford our educational program. Rest assured, much thought and deliberation has gone into this decision. A later lunch is a small compromise for all the added benefits that will come from this change in schedule. The faculty is confident that moving to an X-block schedule is necessary and will open up our school day. This will enable students and teachers to work together in ways that are not possible under our current schedule.
X-block schedules for Middle School and High School MS Schedule 8:10 - 8:20 Passing time 8:25 – 9:40 Passing time 9:45 – 11:05 Break 11:15 – 12:35 12:35 – 1:20 1:20 – 2:00 2:05 – 3:25
Homeroom (5 minutes) P1 (5 minutes) P2 (10 minutes) P3 Lunch X-Block P4
HS Schedule 8:10 - 9:30 Break 9:45 – 11:05 Passing time 11:10 – 12:30 Passing time 12:35 – 2:00 2:05 – 3:25
P1 (15 minutes) P2 (5 minutes) P3 (5 minutes) X-Block & Lunch P4
Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, Middle High School Principal
Bus Request Dear Parents, If you would like your child(ren) to use the UNIS Hanoi school bus during the academic year 2013-2014, please kindly complete the bus form HERE and send it to me by either email at TransportCoord@unishanoi.org or dropping on my desk at the Business Office, Building 7. Kind regards, Chu Xuan Lai, UNIS Hanoi School Bus Office
Congratulations Class of 2013
Congratulations Class of 2013
Summer Camp is back!
Summer Camp SIGN-UP can now be done by contacting summercamp@unishanoi.org directly
Celebration of Learning
RSVP here
Grade 8 Promotion Dear Grade 8 Parents,
Instrumental Music
Library Book Return Call Dear Parents, Its that time of the year… time to return ALL Library books. Be sure to look for the UNIS Library barcode and spine label to ensure it is a UNIS Library book. Please be part of the ‘in crowd’ and return any library books immediately!! We are looking forward to over
3000 books coming home to their shelves!! Students with overdue library books will not receive a report card. Thank you, Julie Conroy and Joyce Miller, Librarians
Grades 9-10 Arts Expo
Spring Dance Exhibition The Spring Dance Exhibition was a success! Students performed 35 routines from 5 different units of study‌ Below are photos from the Bamboo Dance, Balance of Life, Improvisation, Sport Dance and Art as Inspiration‌
Toothbrushes for Thuy An Village We recently arranged to have a team of dentists visit Thuy An and as part of their examination they were able to hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste to the children and adults at this home for disabled people. These toothbrushes were donated by the UNIS community, mostly collected from the complimentary items provided at many hotels. We are asking you once again, when you are travelling this summer to collect toothbrushes, soap and shampoo for donations to Thuy An Village. Supplies can be dropped off in the MSHS Service Learning Office. Thank you for support! The Thuy An Service Learning Group
2012-2013 High School Sports Awards Ceremony A look back at and a celebration of the year in High School Sports at UNIS was held this past Tuesday. Students, coaches and parents gathered in the UNIS Hanoi Centrre for the Arts Theatre to recognize the accomplishments of teams and individual athletes. The 2012-13 school-year has given us many reasons to celebrate. This marked our second year of full involvement in the Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC). More than 150 high school students participated in the competitive sports program over the three seasons of play, in the sports of tennis, volleyball, swimming, basketball and soccer. UNIS Hanoi was host to its first APAC sports tournament this past April, when the Girls Soccer Tournament came to our campus. We are very proud of the fact that five UNIS Hanoi teams were presented with APAC Team Sportsmanship Awards. Recognized for this award were Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Girls Swimming and Boys Volleyball. The year was brought to a successful conclusion with the High School MRISA Boys and Girls Soccer teams both winning the MRISA championship, in an event that was held here at UNIS Hanoi. During the Awards Ceremony, each coach presented “Coaches’ Choice Awards” to members of their team who they felt were worthy of special recognition. In some cases athletes were identified as being the Most Valuable or perhaps the Most Improved, but the final criteria for the selection of the award was left to individual coaches. Congratulations to the following athletes:
2012-13 Coaches Choice Award Winners APAC Girls Volleyball – Laura Ramoso and Jemima Brennen MRISA Girls Volleyball – Lan Pham and Freya Norton APAC Boys Volleyball – Ruan Hamer and Laurids Poulsen MRISA Boys Volleyball – Trung Pham and Kofi Buahin APAC Boys & Girls Tennis – Melanie Beek and Aloysius Kieft APAC Girls Swimming – Emma Simpson and Minh Anh Nguyen APAC Boys Swimming – Cian Hamer and Jackson Wood APAC Girls Basketball – Kelly Emblem and Nina McLean MRISA Girls Basketball – Jessica van den Brink and Ewa Lachman APAC Boys Basketball – Young Jim Kim and Laurids Poulsen MRISA Boys Basketball – Vince Escalante and Hieu Phan APAC & MRISA Girls Soccer – Jemima Brennen and Nhi Trinh APAC Boys Soccer – Trung Nguyen and Laurids Poulsen MRISA Boys Soccer – Sariek Cohen and Kofi Buahin
2012-2013 High School Sports Awards Ceremony (Continued) Two students were selected as the UNIS Hanoi High School Athletes of the Year for 2012-13. In order to be considered for this award, candidates were required to meet the following criteria:
participation on at least 2 sports teams display the qualities of sportsmanship and leadership maintain academic eligibility demonstrate a high level of skill
2012-13 High School Athletes of the Year High School Girl – Sidney Hong High School Boy – Laurids Poulsen Congratulations to all of our high school student-athletes on their accomplishments while representing UNIS in the competitive sports arena this year! Job well done! Many people have contributed to what has been another successful year for the UNIS Sports Program. On behalf of the Activities Office, I would like to send out a big THANK YOU to all those who have played their part:
UNIS Parents & Host Families UNIS Operations and Transportation Staff UNIS Nurses and SOS Clinic All student-athletes The UNIS Coaching Staff GO PHOENIX!!! Have an enjoyable summer everyone! We’ll see you in August for the start of Season 1 and we look forward to hosting the APAC Boys and Girls Volleyball Tournament in October!
A “PHOENIX” CELEBRATION Parents and MS Students Athletes are invited to attend the
2012-2013 Middle School Sports Awards Ceremony Tuesday, June 6 UNIS Hanoi Theater, 15:45
Grades 4-5 Swim Meet Congratulations to all participants! 1st place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
LION - 1455
TIGERS - 1350
Buffaloes - 1323
Eagles - 1240
Photos of the meet could be found on PE House Events page. Please let Aquatics Coordinator, Ella Jaranova, know if you would like to receive a copy of individual events results and it will be emailed it to you. Many thanks to ES PE department and Aquatics staff for preparing students for the event, as well as Grade 4 and 5 teachers for supporting and helping with the event! Warm regards, Ella Jaranova ejaranova@unishanoi.org
MRISA Middle School Boys Volleyball It was the perfect way to cap off one of the most successful years for UNIS Hanoi in MRISA history. Both the boys and girls took home the Junior Championship in Phnom Penh and they did it with style. The boys started the tournament in the worst possible way by losing convincingly to our arch-rivals, HIS. It would take a real test of character to bounce back from this loss, which they did so by demolishing VIS and SSIS in the pool stages. Momentum had started to shift and the boys were improving game by game. Their serving becoming a real attacking weapon and by the end of the tournament the serving stats showed that the Phoenix had only missed 25 out of their 256 serves (92%). After eclipsing the host ISPP team the stage was set for a titanic semi-final against the traditional stronghold of ISHMC, whose front court were the size of small buses. The game did not disappoint, going to three sets with only a late burst of accurate serving by UNIS Hanoi to close it out. As fate would have it, we ended up meeting our nemesis, HIS, in the final. They had beaten us in the last five sets we had played them and blazed through their side of the pool matches with a small but powerful attack and great servereceive game. The pressure was on us but so was the inertia and with a deadly serving game and some poetic 3-touch attacking phases we closed out the first set. HIS dug in and got a serving run on despite our best attempts to shore our defenses and consequently took the second set. It came down to a nail-biting third set at which point all the boys stood up to be counted and picked up everything they could throw at us and then returned it with interest. A fitting close out-out serve by the vice-captain Henryk Le Hai (who along with captain, Maarten Beek and Ricky Kimura, only missed one serve all tournament) saw UNIS Hanoi take the trophy. One of the more fulfilling awards the UNIS Hanoi boys team received was the Sportsmanship award which was voted on by their opposing teams players and pointed to the positive off-court attitude of the team. The boys were fine ambassadors for our school and deserve to be immensely proud of their achievements. May this be the beginning of a UNIS Hanoi volleyball dynasty. Coach Cameron McHale
Team Members Maarten Beek (C) – Tournament team Henryk Le Hai (VC)- Tournament team Matteu Motyl – Tournament team Amara Anderson Paulo Azarcon Kevin Gibney Jonathan Tomsej Khanh Pham Mateusz Nguyen
School Community Organisation News SCO Annual General Meeting The SCO Annual general meeting was held on Thursday in the community room and was attended by a number of parents, Dr Barder and members of the Advancement Office, and the outgoing SCO executive. Joh Ponsen welcomed everyone, and Paulina Pineda presented the SCO Annual report. The annual expenditure report was presented by Lin Gibney, and a report on the SCO Boutique by Petra Eichler. Pippa Wood read a report from the Snack Sale committee, and then presented the budget for 2013-14. Reports available on the portal HERE. Veby Bone then thanked the outgoing SCO Executive members and declared the positions vacant and the election of new officers took place. At the close of the meeting those in attendance enjoyed morning tea.
SCO Executive 2013-2014 ES Chair and Vice Chair MSHS Chair and Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary
Joh Ponsen (ES) and Paulina Pineda (ECC) Pippa Wood (HS) and Renea Freeman (MS) Petra Eichler Prabhjyot Sharma
SCO 2013 - 2014
SCO 2012 - 2013
Book donation? Are you leaving Hanoi and worried that all of your books will weigh you down? Spring cleaning and want to feel the joy of making room on your bookshelves? Please consider donating your gently used books to the UNIS Hanoi used book sale for next year. A collection box is placed outside the library. We are working on proceeds from the book fair to be donated to an excellent charitable organization in Vietnam that will ensure more Vietnamese children also have access to books. Feel great about your donation! SCO Used Book Sale Committee
SCO Volunteer Appreciation – Cocktail Party Wednesday June 5, 6:30pm -8pm Don's Bistro, Ngo 31 Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho Calling for all volunteers, now it’s time to celebrate! If you volunteered for the SCO this school year, let’s celebrate our successful 2012-2013 schoo year together! Please write to sco@unishanoi.org if you are able to attend.
SCO Elementary Snack Sales The last snack sale of this school year took place today in both the ES and ECC courtyards. This popular event was filled with exited children, smiling parents and lots and lots of delicious homemade snacks and treats! This time it was the parents of Pre-K/RT, Pre-K/MA, 3BF, 4MK, 4BM, 5HK, 5MS/SC that contributed snacks for the event. Thanks to all parents that contributed snacks. In total 8,519,000
VND was raised for the SCO funding programme.
We would also like to thank all the parents that have been volunteering to help us, many as loyal volunteers throughout the whole year. We really appreciate your help! Enjoy the summer! Bo Young Hwang & Ikue Mizuno, Snack Sale Coordinators (Akiko Nakano will also join the SCO Snack Sale Committee for 2013-2014)
SCO Boutique News Swimsuits and swimming CAPs are available in your BOUTIQUE !!
Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00
shawl from Japan. Eco friendly, Good for Health (cooling) for summer season
High quality insulated
cups with UNIS logo.
Job Opportunities Part-time High School Science Teacher (Integrated MYP Science 9 & 10) UNIS Hanoi has experienced steady year-on-year growth in our student population, which currently stands at over 1,000 students from 63 different countries. We are now accepting applications for a Part-time High School Science Teacher (Integrated MYP Science, Grades 9 and 10). The position is 40% employment with a locally hired expat teacher contract. The Science Teacher will report to the Middle School/High School Principal. Duties and Responsibilities
Teach one section of Integrated Science 9 and one section of Integrated Science 10. Provide a differentiated program of instruction that incorporates high expectations for all learners Deliver the curriculum within the MYP framework and philosophy of the school Work collaboratively with colleagues both within the Science Department and the greater school community Assess and report student progress Share in the overall responsibility for the academic progress, personal development, health and safety, discipline and well-being of students
Provide timely communication to parents Attend bi weekly meetings with the Grade Level teachers to discuss student concerns, plan events, discuss test results etc.
Participate enthusiastically in morning meetings, house events, and assemblies Become an active member within the UNIS community : advisory, sports, after-school activities, students clubs, and community service activities
Contribute to the UNIS school improvement plan by serving on committees and other shared decision-making groups Pursue professional development and model life-long learning Participate in team planning and curriculum development Demonstrate a commitment and willingness work with students during community service activities
Position Requirements:
Strong background in Science. Bachelor degree or above in Science Education or equivalent Technologically able Experience teaching in an international school Internationally recognized teaching qualification IB experience (MYP) Knowledgeable regarding the developmental needs of High School students Cross-cultural exposure and understanding The ability to work as part of a team Excellent organizational and time management skills
In return, UNIS offers an attractive work environment, flexible working hours and leave arrangements, competitive remuneration, and professional development opportunities. Successful applicant would be expected to commence duties from 29 July 2013.
Application closing date: 7 June 2013 Interested applicants please send your expression of interest, along with an up-to-date CV and current referees to jobs@unishanoi.org Ms Tran Thi Quyen, Human Resources Manager United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
Job Opportunities Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator The UNIS Hanoi Community Education Saturday Soccer Programme is a thriving recreational mixed-ability community organization where girls and boys improve their soccer skills and learn the values of cooperation, discipline and team spirit in a secure environment. In keeping with this philosophy, the program seeks to provide for equal participation for all students through a variety of experiences leading to the development of positive self-concept, creativity, and enthusiasm for participation. Saturday Soccer is open to all children in Hanoi that would like to learn the game of soccer regardless of their ability, the school they attend, their gender or their nationality. We are now accepting applications for the position of Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator. This person will work with the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office and the programme’s volunteer coaches to support the philosophy and objectives of the Saturday Soccer Programme. The position reports to the UNIS Hanoi Director of Activities.
Duties and Responsibilities The Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator will be expected to perform the following:
Manage the database of applications and participants
Distribute policies on injuries, discipline and other issues as required
Oversee the waiting list of possible participants Finalize invoices for registration fees and uniform purchases Manage the ordering and distribution of uniforms for players and coaches Communicate with applicants in a timely manner Distribute and collect all waiver forms Update attendance lists for each group as required Distribute the Code of Conduct to all players/parents Communicate with coaches as needed Coordinate the use of UNIS Hanoi Service Learning student volunteers Work alongside the UNIS Hanoi Activities Assistant and Soccer Saturday Coaching Coordinator Contribute to the session-ending tournaments (e.g. parent, coaches and visiting teams communication, scheduling, signage, refreshments, match officials etc.) Assist with the organization of “friendly” matches with other teams Develop community links to enhance the overall programme Oversee the inventory of equipment and the purchase of new items
Position Requirements The selected candidate should be able to demonstrate the skills and personal qualities listed below:
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Ability in additional languages is beneficial Strong people skills Good IT skills, with the ability to maintain accurate and up-to-date database records
Job Opportunities Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator (Continued)
Ability to communicate effectively with many different groups Ability to manage time and work to self-imposed deadlines Strong organizational skills with the ability to handle complicated logistics Willingness to promote the philosophy and objectives of the Saturday Soccer programme Ability to build relationships between coaches, parents, players and the UNIS Hanoi community Enjoy working independently without the need for direct supervision Ability to plan ahead, anticipate problems and be proactive in finding solutions Available to work Saturday mornings during the fall and spring sessions Good knowledge of UNIS Hanoi, the sport of soccer and other schools in Hanoi Prior experience with community liaison and working with culturally diverse communities
The position starts immediately, as a handover period with the outgoing Coordinator is essential. The fall Saturday Soccer session begins in September 2013. The fall and spring sessions are both 10 weeks in duration, with working hours each Saturday being approximately 7:30a.m.-12:30p.m. The successful applicant will be able to set their own working hours during the week and will complete their administrative responsibilities from their own home. Remuneration will come in the form of a stipend. Applicants should send their expression of interest, along with a current CV to da@unishanoi.org Mr. Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities United Nations International School of Hanoi GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam
From Our Birthday Sponsor For Our Community InterContinental Hanoi Westlake Westlake Bubbly Sunday Brunch - Café Du Lac Come as a family or with a group of friends and enjoy our lavish Sunday Brunch Buffet, an interactive experience with nine live action cooking stations and six types of cuisine. A warm and friendly environment with live music, children's treat corner and great value for money. From VND 1,075,000++ per Adult
Ultimate Pizza & Pasta - Milan Restaurant Join us for dinner every Sunday night at our great family-style Italian restaurant, Milan, for an evening of unlimited Pizza and Pasta. From VND 420,000++ per Adult & Children Under 12 Eat Free
A taste of Nha Trang - Saigon Restaurant Chef Thang and his team for the month of June will prepare some great dishes from Nha Trang using the freshest daily catch from the region
Swimming Pool
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
No A.M. Swim 15.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 14.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
06.15 - 07.45 15.45 - 19.45
08.15 - 16.45
08.15 - 16.45
Fitness Room
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
06.00 - 08.00 16.30 - 20.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
08.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00
ASA’s have ended. As a result, please note that weekday pool hours now begin earlier. A schedule of the summer Energize hours will be available shortly.
Canteen Menu for the week of June 3 to 7 If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. J.juniscanteen@gmail.com
Milk Product : Green Color Pork : Red Color Seafood : Blue Color *** Main dish contains EGG
Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.
Western Set Menu 3*** Fish Cutlet w/ Tartar Sauce Oven Roasted Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Mini Donuts Fruit / Milk
4*** Chicken Parmesan Multi Grain Rice Green Salad w/ Pineapple Dressing Brownie Fruit / Milk
5 Carbonara Green Bean Spinach Salad Banana Cake Fruit / Milk
6 Chicken A La King Steamed Rice Green Salad w/ Mango Dressing Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
7 Sloppy Joe Potato Chips Lettuce & Tomato Salad Choco Chip Cookie Fruit/Milk
6*** Fried Rice w/Beef Tofu w/Tomato Sauce Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
7 Tandoori Chicken Chicken Rice Mushroom & Paprika Choco Chip Cookie Fruit/Milk
6 Chicken A La King Steamed Rice Vegetable Sticks Cream Puff Fruit / Milk
7 Sloppy Joe Potato Chips Vegetable Sticks Choco Chip Cookie Fruit/Milk
Asian Set Menu 3*** Singapore Noodle w/ Chicken Choi & Mushroom Mini Donuts Fruit / Milk
4 Stir Fried Pork (KR) Multi Grain Rice Stir Fried Morning Glory Brownie Fruit / Milk
5 Pop Corn Fish (KR) Steamed Rice Green Beans Banana Cake Fruit / Milk
ECC Set Menu 3*** Fish Cutlet w/ Tartar Sauce Oven Roasted Potatoes Vegetable Sticks Mini Donuts Fruit / Milk
4*** Chicken Parmesan Multi Grain Rice Vegetable Sticks Brownie Fruit / Milk
5 Carbonara Green Bean Vegetable Sticks Banana Cake Fruit / Milk
Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org