UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc 38 vol 19 tt 13 jun

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 19, Edition 38, Thursday 13 Jun

Next Week... Friday, 14 June - 12 August ●

Summer Holiday

Coming Soon... Tuesday, 13 August 

Orientation for new families

Wednesday, 14 August 

2013-14 School Year starts

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2-3) Notes from the Board of Directors (p.4) Notes from the ES and MSHS Principals (p.5-9)

Reading over the summer? (p.16) Spanish Class Trips (p.16) Thinking out of the box (p.17-18)

Grade 8 Promotion Photo Special (p.10) New Aquatics Academy (p.11)

Toothbrushes for Thuy An (p.19) MSHS Water Polo (p.19) Sports Events 13-14 (p.20) Houses’ results (p.20)

Launching the Birthday Gift Fund (p.12) UMA News (p.14) Notes from the Nurses’ Office (p.15) Bus Service for 2013-14? (p.15)

Shopping Ideas for the Summer (p.21) Job Opportunity (p.22-23) Summer Energize Schedule (p.23-24)

Notes from the Head of School As the 2012-2013 school year comes to a close, I wanted to send a final message out to all parents. This has been another outstanding year filled with numerous learning experiences for all of us in the UNIS Hanoi community. And it was made even more special with the celebration of our 25th Birthday as a school. I would like to take this opportunity to extend to everyone my sincere appreciation for all of your help and support on behalf of our students. To the families who are leaving our School, I send to you my best wishes for a successful transition to the new school and location. Change is never easy or straightforward but we hope we have prepared you well for you to land safely in your next location and have an successful transition to the new school and community. And remember that you will always be considered a part of UNIS Hanoi and are welcome to come back and visit anytime. All of you including students and parents are now officially alumni and will be included in future communication from our Advancement Office. For those returning for next year, I hope you have a wonderful vacation and I look forward to seeing you on the first day of school on Wednesday, 14 August 2013. There will be a few refurbishments and enhancements this coming summer. We are expanding our ECC facility by adding a Discovery Classroom and enhancing the center play area there. We also hope to improve the dining experience for all students by replacing the ceiling with acoustical tiles and putting a new surface on the floor in the canteen in order to reduce the noise level. We have ordered proper school cafeteria furniture and it will arrive sometime during the first half of the school year. There will also be the usual “clean and polish� activities so that we can begin next year with the facilities and grounds looking and feeling fresh. In addition, we are looking forward to the introduction of our Aquatics Academy next year which is mentioned on page 11. Modeled somewhat after the UNIS Music Academy, we hope this new program will respond to the growing need for effective swimming instruction particularly for younger students. Finally, I want to once again thank our faculty and staff for a job well done this year. Our facilities are wonderful and our school is well-resourced, but at the end of the day, it is our personnel who work so hard to deliver the program. My heartfelt appreciation goes out to them on a job well-done. Respectfully, Chip Barder, Head of School

Best wishes to our students who are leaving UNIS Hanoi


Ophelia Hamada Ilham Ahmad Solihin Emma Sophie Richtering Blenken Anna Le-King James Gordon


Findley Enticknap-Smith Kai Alldritt Harriet Norton Ophelie Coppens Theo Rafuse Itsuki Hamada

Grade 1

Anh Phuc Doan Yen-Hung Wu Mariana Heindl Matilda Engelson Peter Friso Richtering Blenken Dillon Franklin Duncan Keane Joachim Killian Kacey Chen Grade 2 Oscar Hamada Orion Powers Alessandro Stephens Victor Rossi Reem Abdo Ayla Orona Adrien Chung Pierrot Coppens Nemo Kobayashi Anika Luchtenburg

Grade 3

Carlos Joaquin Jahnsen Gutierrez Eleanor Enticknap-Smith Sophie Rees-Druitt Kim - Leanne Pogade Bridget Liston Louis Lalonde Marie-Flore Lalonde Grace Rafuse Trajan Keane Sofia Pineros Saravia Jin Young Park Gabrielle Cheng

Grade 4

Luca Pierangelo Nozomu Hirama Ji Eun Kim Kyle Fairman Dalia Abdo Fiona Engelson Joaquin Orona Khayla Kieft Kalinda Kieft Rhakesh Tamilselvan Andrew Johnston Aneesha Mishra Kai Yuan Mor Seung Chan Lee

Grade 5

Marissa Powers Noah Ahmad Solihin Jay Alldritt Samuel Norton Xin Yi Wan Alexander Lykkegren Rahil Ross Gwendolyn Liston Yan Ying Mor Pooja Banglorewala Yuka Saito Juan Carlo Azarcon Anush Singhal

Grade 6

Grade 9

Grade 7

Grade 10

Jord Beek Akira Hirama Tobias Norton Wei Long Wan Octavio Orona Alexander KenderdineDavies Charles Lalonde Julian Jeanne Zoe Johnston Zheng Yuan Mor Dave-Van Trinh Hyung Ki Lee

Melanie Beek Ruan Hamer Laurids Poulsen Darikha Senanayake Bryony Rickard Yuri Murakami Sara Curcio Amol Sharma Iris Daniela Camacho Caballero

Valentina Stephens Daniel Ollen Matthias Heindl Eun Ki Lee Stephanie Kieft Jeong Yeon Ahn Min Chol Shin Esteban Pineros Saravia Maya Kaufman Sun Woo Jeong

Grade 8

Maarten Beek Ailsa Davies Samuel Alldritt Kelly Fairman Benedicte Lykkegren Sophia Rafuse Tanusha Mishra Alan Luchtenburg Ido Kaufman Juan Paolo Azarcon Devon Cheng

Thao Tran Duc Minh Nguyen Louise Karlsson Kihlberg Dan Nguyen Nico Wipf Samiha Ross Vincent Lalonde Philip Rosenholm Maryam Mustafa Daksh Sharma

Grade 11 Mitsuki Teranishi Hye Lin Yoon

Notes from the Board of Directors Announcing UNIS Hanoi Values and Beliefs Earlier this year, through a series of focus groups, more than 350 members of the UNIS Hanoi community, including students, parents, faculty, staff, admin and alumni provided in-depth inputs into values that are important to them. Their views were comprehensively recorded by the Board’s consultants (click here to see their report) and formed the basis for the final UNIS Hanoi Values and Belief Statements, which were approved by the Board last Tuesday, June 11. The Board is very happy to share with you the three values of

Learning, Community and Responsibility together with corresponding beliefs statements set out in the boxes below. We look forward to seeing these Values and Beliefs integrated into the School’s identity in the new school year and guiding UNIS Hanoi’s work in the years ahead. The Board wishes to record sincere appreciation to all who contributed to this process, in particular the parents who hosted focus groups in their homes, all who attended the meetings, consultants Rebecca Hales and Cynthia Mann and the members of the Board’s Values and Belief Statement Task Force, chaired by Craig Burgess.

End of the Year On behalf of the Board, I wish all members of our community, students, faculty, admin, staff and parents, an enjoyable and restful vacation. To those who are leaving Hanoi, safe travels and bon voyage and please keep in touch through our alumni programme. To those who are returning, I look forward to seeing you again in August. Best wishes, Sarah Garner, Board Chair


Notes from the Elementary School Principal Dear parents, I can hardly believe that the year is coming to an end already – my first at UNIS Hanoi. What a hectic and fulfilling time it has been. It has been a pleasure to work with your children across all grades and gauge their levels of understanding and engagement in their learning through group conferences, classroom visits and grade level Unit of Inquiry events. I am impressed by their attitudes and motivation towards learning in general and their commitment to take appropriate action within the community whenever possible. They have responded beautifully to the courtesy campaign in recent months and are showing respect for those around them whatever their age or role in school. Hearing the students practicing their lines for the Grade 5 Graduation Ceremony and the ES Leavers’ Assembly earlier this week I am again struck by the deep sense of community at the school. The population may be more transient than others I have experienced but the bonds are strong and go well beyond the time spent physically on campus. With the advent of so much social communication technology, it is thankfully so much easier, quicker and cheaper for everyone to stay in touch and this certainly helps ease some of the pain of the inevitable goodbyes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff in the Elementary School for their hard work and support this year. It is never easy having incoming school leaders as inevitably this means some change. However, the team is really strong and committed and has pulled together to continually build on established best practices and implement new initiatives to support improved student learning outcomes. We are saying goodbye to twelve members of staff this year and I wish the following people all the very best in their upcoming ventures: Nicolas Audegond (French Maternity Cover), Lin Turley (Grade 5 Maternity Cover), Jill McHale (Grade 2 Team Leader), Amber Narramore (Music teacher), Lisa Keane (Nurse), Bronwyn Finnimore (G3 teacher and Service Learning Coordinator), Cami Endicott (ES Counselor), Vanessa Ferra (Grade 4 EAL), Barbara Bowman (Grade 1 teacher) Kathy Bond (Grade 1 teacher), Lucy Norton (Grade 2 teacher and Literacy Coordinator) and Simon Norton (Grade 4 Team Leader and Numeracy Coordinator). I have really appreciated all their efforts and hope they will stay in touch. In conclusion, I would like to offer my very best wishes to all departing families and a safe and happy summer break for all. Kind regards, Carole Denny

Notes from the Middle High School Principal Dear MSHS Families, Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday that I was writing my first Tin Tuc article……… now here I am finishing my first year at UNIS Hanoi! This year has been a tremendous learning experience for me and I would like to thank the entire UNIS Hanoi community for all the support and encouragement given to me over the past academic year. I would like to give a special thank you to the student body for their maturity, hard work in the classroom and enthusiasm for flash mobs and such! I would also like to thank to the entire MSHS faculty who continue to be so welcoming and good spirited. The end of a school year is a time of mixed feelings. On one hand EVERYONE is excited about the upcoming summer holiday, but at the same time there is a sense of sadness. Perhaps it is sadness for the friends, classmates, and colleagues will be moving on? Perhaps a bit of trepidation over making a life change or the prospect of looking out toward an uncertain future? This sense of uneasiness is all part of the normal cycle of life in an international school. But any anxiety quickly turns into excitement and anticipation for the upcoming school year. Thoughts turn to old friends reuniting, new friends and teachers to be met, athletic competitions to be played, and new courses to be explored. This all contributes to a building sense of optimism for the year ahead. We all do indeed have much to look forward to! Before concluding my final Tin Tuc article I would like to wish all the students and their families who will be leaving our school community every success in the future. Good luck! To everyone who will return to UNIS Hanoi please enjoy a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you in August. I am sure the entire UNIS Hanoi Community will join me in thanking the following departing MSHS faculty members for their contributions to the life of our school: Elizabeth Druitt (Theatre/Music), Christina Powers (Assistant Principal), Steve Powers (IB Coordinator/Humanities), Clint Hamada (Technology Facilitator), Melissa Hamada (PE), Abigail Lopez Salazar (Spanish), Anne Marie Drozdz (Drama), Edwin Van Olst (Humanities), Christopher Gill (Design Technology), Cara Nodwell (Mathematics), Nicole Miranda (Science), and Graeme Foster (Mathematics). Summer vacation provides a much needed time to relax and recharge. It also gives the opportunity to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Please encourage your children to reflect on the past school year and set goals for the future. There is much to look forward to in 2013/2014! Best regards and enjoy a well-deserved break! Pete Kennedy, Middle High School Principal

Notes from the Middle High School Principal Middle High School Honour Rolls Grade 6

Uyen Trinh Gia Han Le Jina Park Ela Kalra Predtheev Ravi Phuong Le Minh Quan Do Marcelle-Marie Villars Mateo Asturizaga Rohan Gowda Alicia Dziedzic Giang Le Dat Truong Kiridan Munro Shimli Satpathy Dang Nguyen (Tom) Mac Linh Dang Khushi Kapoor Jae Yoon Jung Sun Woo (Alice) Jeong Eun Ki (Sera) Lee Matthias Heindl Valentina Stephens Esteban Pineros Saravia Daniel Ollen

Grade 7

Min Joo (Alice) Choi Yoav Shahar Joel Akio Tamura Sunu (Isabel) Kim Hosana Tagomori Svea Nyberg Long Than Nozima Burkhanova Na Yeon Kim Lan Anh Foster Ha Nguyen Niklas Jaakola Saskia Brennen Quang Anh Nguyen Darlene Cheong Nga (Hannah) Nguyen Sorcha Hamer Ye Hyun (Olivia) Kim Christine Dziedzic Chien Wen (Chelsea) Cheng Rachel Lambert Chiara Prytz Elizabeth Somers Nguyet Nguyen

Grade 7

Minh Quan Dao Nguyen Ji Won Kim Minh Anh Nguyen Tra Mi Nielsen Ky Anh Nguyen Le-Y-Mai Emeline Do Su Yun Jeong Da Eun (Lina) Oh Quang Anh (Alex) Le Phuong Anh (Anya) Ngo Alexander Kenderdine- Davies Akira Hirama Zheng Yuan Mor Julian Jeanne Tobias Norton Hyung Ki (Timothy) Lee

Grade 8 Ailsa Davies Benedicte Lykkegren Tanusha Mishra Sophia Rafuse Taito Ishii Kelly Fairman Ido Kaufman Devon Cheng Seyon Park Young Ju Lee Yerim (Jenny) Kim Trine Marielle (Marielle) Wik Shweta Mondal Maho Wakui Kimberley Van Anh Knaggs Yoon Zoo (Yoon Ju) Gee Jee Eun Kim Elizabeth (Lulu) Phan Truong Son Trinh Ly Ann Foster Hoi Yoon Jung Devyani Patra Duy Truong Ngoc Le Ngoc Trai Nguyen Minh Nguyen Seung Ju (Justin) Sohn Giang Nguyen Henryk Le Hai Daksh Sharma Su Ho Jeong Anh Phuong Nguyen Won Seok Han

Grade 8

Alan Wichink-Kruit Hyun Deok Hwang Nils Jaranovs Amara Anderson Laura Jorgensen Son Dao

Grade 9

Nico Wipf Duc Minh Nguyen Chihiro Obayashi Linh Vo Jin Sun (Sunny) Park Linh Nguyen Rosaria Battista Awua Buahin Chihyun Ryu Nhi Trinh Seung Yoo Yang Nina McLean Gun Hee Yoon Jemima Brennen Mai Phung Thao Pham Ewa Dung Lachman Siddharth Patra Amol Sharma Jedidiah (Jed) Edwards Tae Heog Yang Yin Teng Ho Min Ji Kim Hieu Nguyen Vince Jose Keiko Escalante Son Trinh Thai Son Trinh Yoshito Murata Lena Fiebrantz Michael Emblem Vu Bui

Grade 10

Duong Nguyen Tae Jun Park Kim Lan Mallon Viet Than Van Do Quynh Anh Do Nam Nguyen Minh Anh Nguyen Hae Ji Noh Jonas Fiebrantz

Grade 10

Veronica Lai Na Young Kim Hye Lin Yoon Gillian Vallely So Hee Jeong Thu (Rosie) Tran Duong Vu Nhat Nguyen So Yeon Jeong Devin Cheong Hung Nguyen My-Linh Tran Nghia Truong Sara Curcio Darikha Senanayake Ruan Hamer Melanie Beek Yuri Murakami

Grade 11

Eun Bee Ko Shefali Satpathy Hyun Su Hwang My Tran Tuan Anh Nguyen Hanna Tagomori Kyung Hyea Hyun Chi Mai Partho Mondal Anna Le Hai Phuong Le Son Le Seung Hyun Sohn Lucas Prytz Jessica van den Brink Hiong Lin Tam Eel Hee Yoon Quynh Anh Do Minh Ho Elizabeth (Brooks) Armstrong Trung Pham Tiara Le Calvez Ji Hoon Lee Ju Youn Lee Megan Newell Phong Hoa Hai Anh Nguyen Maximilian Tang Mana Muchaku

Notes from the Middle High School Principal Middle School Grade Level Awards Courage and Risk-Taking Yeong Jin (Ted) Le Joel Tamura William Wood Ko Aiga

Outstanding Leadership Uyen Trinh Ela Karla Rohan Gowda Niklas Jaakola Alexander Kenderdine-Davies Amara Anderson Lulu Phan

Most Improved Learner Laura Jorgensen

Caring and Kindness Shimli Satpathy Khushi Kapoor Sorcha Hamer Le-Y-Mai Emeline Do Son Dao Trine Marielle Wik

Commitment to Studies Adelaide Charlier Nam Yeon Ko Minh Quan Do Alice Choi Da Eun Oh


Citizenship and commitment to UN principles Marcelle-Marie Villars Farhah Hisamuddin Hjalmar Selin Shweta Mondal Kimberley Van Anh Knaggs

Creative Excellence Valentina Stephens Phuong Le Hosana Tagomori Anh Phuong Nguyen Seyon Park Young Ju Lee

Bach Le Thanh Le Ailsa Davies Sophia Rafuse

High School Grade Level Awards Leadership Award

Citizenship Award

Student's Choice Award

Learner Laureate Award

Humanitarian Award

Global Citizenship Award

Vu Bui Duong Nguyen Shefali Sapathy

Awua Buahin Jonas Fiebrantz My Tran

Jemima Bennen Bryony Rickard Jessica Van Der Brink

Jeddidiah Edwards Darikha Senanayake Partho Mondal

Leo Jose Tae Jun Park Sohom Chakma

Jamie Trees

MSHS Service Learning Awards Commitment to the Service Learning Programme Award

Service Learning Leadership Award

Jed Edwards Hao Shern Lee Trine Wik (Marielle) Jonas Fiebrantz Tran Thanh Trung Hye Lin Yoon Minh Anh Nguyen Joel Akio Tamura

Tran Hang My Do Quynh Anh Le Hoang Nam Phuong Megan Newell Shefali Satpathy Hana Tagamori Anna LeeHeWing Mana Machaku Le Hoang. Nam Phuong Do Quynh Anh

Maya Kaufman Rachel Lambert Christine Dziedzic Michael Emblem Than Hoang Viet Seo Young (Anna) Kim

MSHS Award and Honour Roll Receivers

Grade 8 Promotion UNIS Hanoi Congratulates the Grade 8 Class of 2012-2013

Announcing the UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Academy for 2013-2014! We are excited to announce wonderful new opportunities in our co-curricular programme for next year with the launch of our new Aquatics Academy. The UNIS Hanoi Aquatics Academy has two main goals – more options for all our community at all levels and improved quality in support of our curricular and cocurricular goals.

More options Not only will there be availability for Learn to Swim classes at all levels for all our students (Kindergarten upwards) but also opportunities for adult classes and one to one tuition. In addition there will be specialist offerings for Swim Teams, Fitness and Techique sessions, Water Polo for students, stroke clinics, swimming camps and support for our Swim For Life service teaching local Vietnamese students to swim. And the Academy will also provide the structure and support for our wider reaching community initiatives whether it is through adult classes for our parent and faculty community or for our commitment to teach local Vietnamese students to swim with our Swim for Life programme, combatting the high mortality rates through drowning in our host country.

Improved quality UNIS Hanoi is an authorized provider of the American Red Cross Learn to Swim programme which trains its trainers and as such the Aquatics Academy will also become a centre for professional development. All our instructors will be fully qualified through the Red Cross programme or other comparable programmes. The Aquatics academy will enable all our swimmers (whatever the age or ability) to advance at their pace and be sure to support not only beginners but those that wish to excel and be more competitive on the international schools level.

How it will work The Aquatics Academy will follow the model of the very popular UNIS Music Academy and the expanded and improved offerings will be charged at a small cost which enables the continuity and quality of the programme through the appointment of a Head Coach. We are delighted that Andy Myers will be joining our Aquatics Team from the International School of Bangkok where he launched and led their academy initiative (The Panthers Swim Club) to success for the last seven years. Our team of instructors will work with Andy on the new range of offerings which will be available for sign-up at the start of the new year, and will have our swimming pool in action for our community until 8pm every week day evening and on Saturdays. The pool will still be available as usual for energize members. In order to finance the expanded programme and to ensure its long-term continuity there will be a small charge for swimming activities in the co-currcicular programme (excluding official Swim Teams in season). Typical costs for booking lessons and sessions with the new Aquatics Academy will be: 

50 USD for a 9-week swim class (45 minutes with no more than 10 to the class)

50 USD for a 9-week Water Polo or Fitness Session

25 USD for a 30 minute one to one lesson with one of our academy instructors (depending on availability)

35 USD for a 30 minute one to one lesson with Head Coach Andy Myers

We look forward to piloting this expanded “Academy” concept and hope that we are responsive to the growing needs of our community and programmes.

Message from the Advancement Office LAUNCHING THE BIRTHDAY GIFT FUND – With your ideas! This year UNIS Hanoi celebrated 25 Years of Learning to Inspire… and what a year it has been! From the launch in September with International Peace Day celebrating UNIS Hanoi’s first day of school , to the final global alumni party last month in Seoul, it has been a year in which our community has joined together to celebrate. As part of the birthday celebrations we decided that we wanted to give a birthday gift to our local Vietnamese community, recognizing 25 years of partnership and investing in the next 25 years! And we are delighted to announce that we have raised more than 37,000 which project grants will be awarded in 2013-14.

USD to establish our Birthday Gift Fund, from


All profits from the sale of souvenirs designed with the all-school photo taken on UN DAY Community members donated their time and talents as auction prizes at Spring Fair Thanks to the sponsorship of InterContinental Hanoi Westlake, Red Apron and Miguel Torres, 90% of our ticket price became donation. Thanks also to VinGroup and all the auction donations, LiOA , International SOS and generous anonymous donors.

1,500 USD 2,260 USD 33,473 USD

THE BIRTHDAY GIFT FUND – Open Community Phase The Birthday Gift Fund will support our local Vietnamese community through Service Learning projects in partnership with local groups which: 

ENGAGE UNIS STUDENTS in genuine and reciprocal learning experiences

BUILD COMMUNITY and meaningfully strengthen the School’s relationships with the local community over time

ARE SUSTAINABLE for both for the community the project aims to support, and for UNIS Hanoi.

Until September 30, 2013, we are asking our community (students, parents, faculty and alumni) to contribute ideas and suggestions for the Birthday Gift Fund Committee’s consideration. We want to hear about local groups or organisations that could provide exciting possible projects (existing or new) for the Birthday Gift Fund to support in line with the criteria and goals above. Visit the website for more information and to download the Birthday Gift Fund Suggestion Form

TIMELINE October to December: the Birthday Gift Fund Advisory Group (made up of students, parents, faculty, Vietnamese Staff and administrators) will research project ideas and suggestions from; 1) our community members, 2) existing Service Learning partners and 3) the UNIS Service Learning team. December: Recommendations for grants will be made to the Head of School from that Advisory Group with the guidance of the Birthday Gift Fund Core Committee (D-12 Service Learning Coordinator, Director of Learning, Director of Advancement and Director of Finance). January: the Head of School will announce the Birthday Gift Fund projects and the Advisory Group will work with the local groups until June, to both launch the projects and establish full Service Learning options in 2014-15 for our students.


Message from the Advancement Office (Continued) It is that time of the year again when we have to say goodbye to our leaving friends, students and teachers... Dear Leavers, We are sorry that you have to leave UNIS Hanoi, but as you start out on your new adventure, you become part of the UNIS Hanoi worldwide alumni community.

WELCOME! We welcome everyone to our alumni community – former students from all grades, their parents and former faculty and staff – and we hope our worldwide community will just keep on growing. With the alumni community programme you will be able to keep in touch with their friends, students and teachers at UNIS, make new friends in their new home, receive news from school, find out about alumni gatherings and reunions! We look forward to staying in touch with you and good luck as you start your new adventure! Alumni Relations alumni@unishanoi.org Emma Silva, Director of Advancement Le, To Thu, Alumni Officer

UNIS Hanoi Alumni @UNISHanoiAlumni

UMA News Dear Parents, Thank you so much for your support of our UMA programme this year. We hope that your children enjoyed their lessons from our talented UMA teachers and grew in their musical talents too. We wish luck to the students who are currently sitting for their ABRSM exams. We are extremely grateful to Ms. Liz Druitt and Ms. Cham for all their hard work developing and coordinating this fantastic programme at UNIS. This would not be possible without the patient and professional tuition from all our UMA teachers whom we thank enormously Next year there will be some changes to the organization of which we will inform you at the beginning of August. In the meantime please note the following dates for your UMA calendar:



Aug 15 15:30-17:00 Centre for the Arts Theatre

UNIS Music Academy Open House & Concert Come and be amazed by our extremely talented UMA teachers as they perform in a concert to introduce the UNIS Music Academy. All our instrumental teachers are highly skilled and qualified teachers –most of whom also teach at the Music Conservatorium, perform in their own bands and some of whom travel internationally. This concert will not only introduce you to our teachers but also perhaps help your child or you to select instruments for which you would like to take UMA lessons. Open House 15:30-16:00; Concert 16:00-17:00 UMA session 1 sign up. You will be able to view the ASA offerings before deciding upon when you wish your child to take UMA lessons. Priority will be given to existing students. You will be able to decide whether to sign up for the year or for each UMA session. UMA session 1 UMA lessons will run concurrently with ASA sessions. During this time transport requests will be catered for. UMA session 2 sign up. You will be able to view the ASA offerings before deciding upon when you wish your child to take UMA lessons. You may be able to alter your lesson day and time dependent upon availability UMA make up lessons only. There will be NO transportation provided by the school UMA session 2 UMA lessons will run concurrently with ASA sessions. During this time transport requests will be catered for. UMA student concert Students taking music lessons will be able to take part in a student UMA concert. Performing students will be required to come for practice lessons during this week prior to the concert

Aug 19- 22

Sept 3- Nov 8

Oct 28- 31

Nov 12 - 15 Nov 18 – Feb 21

Jan 17 18:00-19:30 Centre for the Arts Theatre Feb 10 -13

Feb 24 - 28 March 3 - May 9

May 14 18:00-19:30 Centre for the Arts Theatre May 19 - June 6 Middle of June

UMA session 3 sign up. You will be able to view the ASA offerings before deciding upon when you wish your child to take UMA lessons. You may be able to alter your lesson day and time dependent upon availability. UMA make up lessons only. There will be NO transportation provided by the school UMA session 3 UMA lessons will run concurrently with ASA sessions. During this time transport requests will be catered for. UMA student concert Students taking music lessons will be able to take part in a student UMA concert. Performing students will be required to come for practice lessons during this week prior to the concert. UMA - make up, additional and ABRSM practice lessons by arrangement only ABRSM exams – to be confirmed

From the Nurses’ Office The 2012-2013 academic year has passed very quickly. The Nurse’s office would like to wish everyone a very happy, safe and healthy summer and all our best to those of you departing UNIS Hanoi. We would like to say a very special good bye and thank you to Nurse Lisa Keane who will be leaving us to return to the US with her family. Your hard work and dedication to the students, families and staff of UNIS Hanoi will be missed by many. You have truly made a difference to the physical and emotional health of many students. We wish you the best! RETURNING STUDENTS: For those of you returning next year, please see notes below. In order to keep our students healthy, please:

 Return medical forms, emergency authorization form and passport size photo for students entering Kindergarten, Grades 3, 6 and 9. Forms can be found on the portal here.

 Update the nurse’s office next year with any changes to your child’s medical status, to include new medications to be taken, allergies, vaccines received over the summer.

 Update emergency contacts and family phone numbers if they have changed.  See physician at least once a year for a check-up, this is good to do in your home country during the summer.  Have twice yearly dental visits with teeth cleaning.  Eye/vision exam if you notice your child has any difficulty seeing or if having headaches.  Talk to your doctor about recommended immunizations such as: Tdap booster - ages 11-14 (not available in Vietnam), Gardasil or HPV vaccine - ages 11-14 (prevents cervical cancer in women, if you would like more information on Gardasil please see the nurse’s portal site), meningococcal (MCV4) – ages 11-12 with a booster before university, all students must have two MMR doses before age 6.

 Refill prescription medications: inhalers and epipens must be current in order for us to keep in the clinic.  Stock up on over the counter medications such as vitamins, vitamin D 600 IU/day recommended during winter months, fever reducers, lice treatments and combs, necessary creams for the many bug bites, cuts and scrapes children get.

 UNIS Hanoi recommends deworming tablets be given every six months. Safe and happy holidays from your School Nurse Team at UNIS Hanoi

Bus Request Dear Parents, If you would like your child(ren) to use the UNIS Hanoi school bus during the academic year 2013-2014, please kindly complete the bus form HERE and send it to me by either email at TransportCoord@unishanoi.org or dropping on my desk at the Business Office, Building 7. Kind regards, Chu Xuan Lai, UNIS Hanoi School Bus Office

Summer Reading Programme 2013 Dear Parents and Guardians, Last year a UNIS Middle and High School summer reading programme was established. After feedback from parents and students, it was decided to continue this initiative for the coming summer break. In response to some concerns expressed last year, programmes have been modified to better suit students’ needs. Students going into Grades 6 – 12 in the next academic year have all been sent their English summer reading programmes via email. Students taking Vietnamese Language A and Language B French or Spanish also have received their programmes. All of the programmes is available to parents and students on the school website. http://www.unishanoi.org/?page=MSHSSummerReading We hope these programmes will support all students in their reading and writing over the long break. Please contact us should you require further information. Yours sincerely, Ms. Hoa Phan, Vietnamese Language A pthoa@unishanoi.org Ms. Maite Montero Nahoum, French and Spanish mnahoum@unishanoi.org Mrs. Christine Mills, English Language A and B CMills@unishanoi.org

Grades 9-10 Spanish Class Trip Last week, our Spanish students had the chance to meet some of the Spanish speaking community in Hanoi and join in various activities linked to their studies this year. On Thursday June 5, a group of Grades 9 and 10 students went to meet Bambú at B Garden. Bambú showed our students around her dance studio and led them in a Latin dance lesson, taught in Spanish. Bambú came to Hanoi two years ago to set up her dance and fitness business and students found out more by watching a clip of a Spanish documentary ‘Españoles en el Mundo’ which told her story of migrating to Hanoi and her decision to set up a business to keep the community fit and healthy. On Friday June 6, Grade 9 and 10 Spanish students participated in a trip to The Hanoi Bicycle Collective (THBC). There, they enjoyed a talk, delivered entirely in Spanish by Guim Valls Teruel, the founder and owner of THBC. He shared with them his story of travel, falling in love and of course the many advantages of travelling by bicycle. Guim is the first person to cycle around the world on a solar powered, pedal assisted electric bicycle. He designed the bike himself and used the publicity generated by his trip to promote the use of such bicycles. Guim passionately believes that Hanoi is an incredible, and more importantly, safe, place to ride a bike. Guim shared his experiences with UNIS students and also prepared some Spanish food for them. Afterwards there was a question and answer session where UNIS Hanoi students were able to find out more about his epic adventure.

Thinking out of the box The Grade 9 students spend half their year doing Design and Technology [ the other half doing ICT] some come to the subject with no previous experience, some with the previous three years. The DT course is based around storage. We started by developing practical skills based on the manufacture of four small boxes, they get to understand the properties of different materials and also learn how to use Computer Aided Design and Manufacture to produce their design products. They all learned how to use sophisticated software programmes and computer controlled machines including a 3D printer to help them design and make things. The challenge was to incorporate these boxes in their own original storage design. The students followed the MYP Design cycle and finished the work this week. I was so impressed by their final work and the way they have worked that I thought it would be good to share with the whole school community.

I asked them to put in their own words what they felt they had learned, anonymously if they liked. Here is what they said and pictures of the designers with their products.

“I made this box storage to have something to help me organize my desk and sort the mess that occupies the majority of my desk. At the beginning of the process, I knew that it would take a lot of time. Having that in mind, I was scared that I might not be able to finish in time. I really liked the final product and I think it turned out better than what I expected.” VINCE

“I picked this idea mostly because I am a big fan of Harry Potter….I started out by drawing the train on my final design paper and used that to lead me forward. It was a bit hard to visualize sometimes but it turned out well.” AWUA

“For this project, I wanted to make a storage to grow and observe plants. Though my box has a very simple design, I wanted it to have more use rather than just visual aesthetics and therefore I made a perfect storage to keep plants inside. Honestly, I really like my storage. I’ve seen many creative designs and flashy works that were visually pleasing over the course of this unit, but I’m really pleased about my work because I believe that out of all the great designs, mine had purpose that is the greatest success of my project.”

“In this Unit I decided to make a box case that looks like a piano. With the help of Mr Gill, Vince and Rosaria I was able to finish it. I used the CNC Router to cut most of the MDF parts and overall I liked it.” HAO SHERN


Thinking out of the box (Continued) “I really liked how we had a lot of freedom in developing our designs [ as you can do a lot with four boxes !] The storage unit itself came together after the research I did about Marcel Wander, one of my current favourite designers. I love his interior and product design style especially the way he incorporates patterns and colours. I was inspired to do a more, ‘Industrial Design ‘ that is also modern, basic and functional.” LINH

“All I wish is I had more time. The process of making it was long but I enjoyed it. The design took long to draw in Solidworks but it was very helpful to do because it helped me to find small mistakes.” NICO

“I wanted to make it musical and due to my obsession with boom boxes and stereos I decided to make one. I had a lot of help from everyone and I am grateful for I don’t think it would have been as great without them.” NHI

“I picked this design because I wanted to create something creative…I wanted something different. I enjoyed making it because it was a challenge and many things were changed/improved during the process.” FREYA

...and more designers with their finished products “’This class has pushed me to create something beyond my skills. I never thought I would create something like this, though to create it I received a lot of help. I know that it was a matter of time and I wish we had more hands on practical stuff. But overall I loved this class I love how our ideas, effort and products are always appreciated “ ANON






Toothbrushes for Thuy An Village We recently arranged to have a team of dentists visit Thuy An and as part of their examination they were able to hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste to the children and adults at this home for disabled people. These toothbrushes were donated by the UNIS community, mostly collected from the complimentary items provided at many hotels. We are asking you once again, when you are travelling this summer to collect toothbrushes, soap and shampoo for donations to Thuy An Village. Supplies can be dropped off in the MSHS Service Learning Office. Thank you for support! The Thuy An Service Learning Group

MSHS Water Polo Last Tuesday afternoon Middle School and High School students played against a teachers team in the 3rd annual students vs teachers water polo challenge match. This event is the culmination of the MS/HS water polo ASA which runs throughout the academic year. Coached by Jody O’Dea and Prashad Abaysinghe, the students prevailed, winning 16-11. After a very tight opening, the students turned the screw in the second half with a fine display of accurate passing and shooting. All agreed that the teachers put up a stronger-than-expected challenge, especially considering that they hadn’t played together since the same match one year ago. Students team: Cian Hamer, Jackson Wood, Jessica van den Brink, Jamie Trees, Brooks Armstrong, Duc Do Van, Hiep Nguyen Duc, Nils Jaranov, Patrick Healy

Looking ahead to next school year With the current school year now behind us, it’s time to start looking towards next year and the Co-Curricular opportunities that will be available for Middle and High School students. Season 1 sport teams will be starting very quickly after school gets under way. The following competitive MSHS sports will be conducting tryouts/ practices in August:

APAC and MRISA teams. APAC teams practice 4 times per week, which usually includes a Saturday session, while MRISA teams meet one day less. APAC Tennis will be going to Beijing, China for their tournament. MRISA Volleyball will be off to Cambodia. Meanwhile, UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the APAC Volleyball Tournament in October!!

Season 1 Sports

 High School Season 1 Sports will start on Friday,

 MS – Swimming & MRISA Basketball (T/TH)  HS – APAC Tennis & APAC Volleyball (M/W/F/Sat)  HS – MRISA Volleyball (M/W/F)

Middle School Sports - In MS, although only 10 boys and 10 girls can get selected for the MRISA basketball teams, there are spots available on the UNIS Blue and UNIS White teams for those not playing on the MRISA team. The “no-cut” policy in MS, allows all those who are committed to attending practices and working hard, an opportunity to be part of a team. The UNIS Blue and White teams are great for allowing players to develop their skills, so they can be ready for MRISA the following year. MSHS Swimming - If you are a MS or HS swimmer, and you were not a part of the UNIS Hanoi team in the past, mark Tuesday, August 20 on your calendar. This is when you can try-out for the team. HS Swimmers will be starting their pre-season training shortly thereafter, while the MS Swim season starts right away. Swimmers have the following events to look forward to – UNIS Invitational Meet (Nov. 15-16), Patana Meet in Bangkok (Dec. 6-8) and the APAC Meet in Hong Kong (Jan. 15-19). High School Sports - Sports in the High School are a bit more competitive, with students vying for places on the

August 16.  Middle School Season 1 Sports will start on

Thursday, August 22. Performing Arts - At the same time as Season 1 sports, there are also a variety of options available in the performing arts. Band, choir, orchestra and the MSHS Musical will all be getting started early in the school year. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for audition dates. APAC Choir will be traveling to Hong Kong, with APAC Orchestra invited to Korea. Don’t miss out! Making Decisions and Keeping a Healthy Balance – students will need to make some key decisions at the start of the school year. You can’t do everything. Possible conflicts need to be identified. Don’t forget about the activities that you want to do in the spring. What do you REALLY have a passion for? Don’t stretch yourself too thin. Consider getting involved in fewer activities, but then doing them really well – quality over quantity! Commit yourself to something and then follow through. Have a wonderful summer! We’ll see you in August when another busy year of Co-Curricular Activities gets started! GO PHOENIX!!

UNIS HOUSE EVENTS - RESULTS FOR 2012-2013 Congratulations to all students for their effort, enthusiasm and teamwork. Looking forwards to doing it all again next year. Have a great summer and safe travels. Eagles




First place

1ST runner up

2nd runner up

3rd runner up

Mr. Hubbard, D-12 Physical Education Coordinator dhubbard@unishanoi.org

Shopping Ideas for the Summer Viet Nam manufactures so many of the sporting goods that we consume, yet they are not readily available for sale in the local market. It is important that when students (and adults) come to school (or community) for PE/Sport that they are supported by athletic equipment that will enable the best performance without injury or issue/s to the body. Please take a look over the following list and think about whether you need to go shopping over the break: Shoes – All students need to wear proper athletic shoes. Please do not buy the brightest lovely colored ones you see. Please go to a running/athletic shoe specific shop, take your old shoes and then talk to the person who knows about feet, shoes and needs – tell them about your need/s and any injury or issues you currently have. Try on many and then buy a pair (preferably towards the start of the summer) and wear them around to test. If you love them, think about going and buying another pair (of the same shoe) to have in reserve over the course of your year. The new barefoot/minimalist shoe idea has brought out many different ideas and theories and it is important to know what is best for you and your body before you put miles into your shoes. Socks - not all socks are created equally. Talk to sports shop people about socks and the humidity and climate here. Good socks can cost more but you may find that they last longer in this climate and that you need less sock not more. Everyone has different likes and dislikes, try a few different types and then buy a good stock of the one/s that you love. Sports Shorts/shirts etc. - go and try on a variety of brands and get things that fit you well. Try and choose the dry-fit type fabrics and then buy some warmer layers for those few weeks of colder weather. Think about when you exercise, and if it includes the dark, try and get some gear with reflective panels or bright colours. Sports Bras - Are expensive and don't always do the job. Try different brands and sizes until you find something that works (is supportive and doesn’t chafe etc.) and then buy a few of them to last out the year. Hat – a good hat is an asset on a very hot, sunny day. Think about a running style dry-fit material hat and possibly a cricket hat with a wide brim to protect ears and neck. Swimming equipment – make sure you have a swimsuit that meets UNIS expectations as well as goggles and swim cap, and any other equipment you might need for your swimming/training. Specialist equipment – if you play soccer or baseball or any other sport offered at UNIS Hanoi, please think about dusting off your cleats and checking that each piece of equipment is safe/fits and is ready for another 12 months of use. Water bottle - plastic bottles are recycled but an issue here at UNIS, consider buying a new bottle, individualise it with your name etc so it can be returned to you if you misplace it! Other equipment to consider: sun cream, anti-chafe products, anti-mosquito product, power bars or gatorade powder to add to water on a hot day, good sport- specific bandaids and other first aid supplies. We look forward to seeing you ready to go in August. Ms Mel Hamada, MSHS PE Teacher

Job Opportunities Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator The UNIS Hanoi Community Education Saturday Soccer Programme is a thriving recreational mixed-ability community organization where girls and boys improve their soccer skills and learn the values of cooperation, discipline and team spirit in a secure environment. In keeping with this philosophy, the program seeks to provide for equal participation for all students through a variety of experiences leading to the development of positive self-concept, creativity, and enthusiasm for participation. Saturday Soccer is open to all children in Hanoi that would like to learn the game of soccer regardless of their ability, the school they attend, their gender or their nationality. We are now accepting applications for the position of Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator. This person will work with the UNIS Hanoi Activities Office and the programme’s volunteer coaches to support the philosophy and objectives of the Saturday Soccer Programme. The position reports to the UNIS Hanoi Director of Activities.

Duties and Responsibilities The Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator will be expected to perform the following:

           

Manage the database of applications and participants

   

Distribute policies on injuries, discipline and other issues as required

Oversee the waiting list of possible participants Finalize invoices for registration fees and uniform purchases Manage the ordering and distribution of uniforms for players and coaches Communicate with applicants in a timely manner Distribute and collect all waiver forms Update attendance lists for each group as required Distribute the Code of Conduct to all players/parents Communicate with coaches as needed Coordinate the use of UNIS Hanoi Service Learning student volunteers Work alongside the UNIS Hanoi Activities Assistant and Soccer Saturday Coaching Coordinator Contribute to the session-ending tournaments (e.g. parent, coaches and visiting teams communication, scheduling, signage, refreshments, match officials etc.) Assist with the organization of “friendly” matches with other teams Develop community links to enhance the overall programme Oversee the inventory of equipment and the purchase of new items

Position Requirements The selected candidate should be able to demonstrate the skills and personal qualities listed below:

  

Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Ability in additional languages is beneficial Strong people skills Good IT skills, with the ability to maintain accurate and up-to-date database records

Job Opportunities Saturday Soccer Administrative Coordinator (Continued)          

Ability to communicate effectively with many different groups Ability to manage time and work to self-imposed deadlines Strong organizational skills with the ability to handle complicated logistics Willingness to promote the philosophy and objectives of the Saturday Soccer programme Ability to build relationships between coaches, parents, players and the UNIS Hanoi community Enjoy working independently without the need for direct supervision Ability to plan ahead, anticipate problems and be proactive in finding solutions Available to work Saturday mornings during the fall and spring sessions Good knowledge of UNIS Hanoi, the sport of soccer and other schools in Hanoi Prior experience with community liaison and working with culturally diverse communities

The position starts immediately, as a handover period with the outgoing Coordinator is essential. The fall Saturday Soccer session begins in September 2013. The fall and spring sessions are both 10 weeks in duration, with working hours each Saturday being approximately 7:30a.m.-12:30p.m. The successful applicant will be able to set their own working hours during the week and will complete their administrative responsibilities from their own home. Remuneration will come in the form of a stipend. Applicants should send their expression of interest, along with a current CV to da@unishanoi.org Mr. Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities United Nations International School of Hanoi - GPO Box 313, Hanoi, Vietnam

Summer Energize Schedule Dear Energize Members, The last few days of the school year will soon be behind us and the summer holidays will be upon us. During the 8 weeks of the summer, the pool and fitness room will be available for use by Energize members. The specific hours that the facilities will be open can be found in the attached schedule. The swimming pool is scheduled to be closed for a period of time during early July, so that necessary work can be completed. Every attempt has been made to have both facilities open as much as possible so members can gain access while the school is closed. I wish you all an enjoyable summer everyone! Regards, Dirk Kraetzer, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

Week 1 (June 17 - 23) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

08:00-10:00; 14:00-17:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

08:00-12:00; 14:00-19:45

06:15-12:00; 14:00-19:45

Fitness Room

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00



Summer Energize Schedule (continued) Week 2 (June 24 - 30) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

08:00-10:00; 14:00-17:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

07:15-10:00; 14:00-18:45

08:00-12:00; 14:00-19:45

06:15-12:00; 14:00-19:45

Fitness Room

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00

06:00-08:00; 09:00-15:00



Week 3 (July 1 - 7) Swimming Pool Fitness Room








06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

08:00-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45










Week 4 (July 8 - 14) Swimming Pool Fitness Room






















Week 5 (July 15 - 21) Swimming Pool Fitness Room













08:00-12:00; 14:00-19:45

06:15-12:00; 14:00-19:45








Week 6 (July 22 - 28) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

08:00-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45



Fitness Room

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00



Week 7 (July 29 - August 4) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45




06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45



Fitness Room

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00



Week 8 (August 5- August 11) MONDAY







Swimming Pool

06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45




06:15-11:45; 14:00-19:45



Fitness Room

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00

06:00-08:00; 14:00-20:00



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