UNIS Hanoi Co curricular activities brochure final 14 15

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CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2014-2015 www.unishanoi.org/co-curricular FIND OUT MORE ABOUT… • • • • • • • • • • •


United Nations International School of Hanoi

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (ASA’s) UNIS Hanoi offers three sessions (9 weeks each) of After School Activities for all students from Discovery to Grade 12. The Programme provides opportunities for students to explore activities that build skills, develop positive relationships, increase self-esteem and promote personal and social responsibility. The offerings range from crafts and sports to language learning and technology based activities to Service Learning and debate. In MS/HS students are also offered the opportunity through MS/HS Clubs to take part in Model United Nations and the Global Issues Network, travelling to the popular and prestigious international conferences. The ASA brochure and detailed information will be available on the School website (www. unishanoi.org/ASA) a week before each session registration.

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ASA Session 1: September 1 – November 8 ASA Session 2: November 24 – February 13 ASA Session 3: March 9 – May 16

(Registration: August 22 – 24) (Registration: November 7 – 9) (Registration: February 6 – 8)

UNIS MUSIC ACADEMY (UMA) UNIS Hanoi Music Academy is a resource for all our students, parents and staff to learn a new instrument, to train their voice or to improve their musical skills working directly with talented local musicians. The Academy instructors are members of the Vietnamese Symphony Orchestra, professors from the National Music Academy and local expatriates. See the UMA Brochure for more information or visit the website (www.unishanoi.org/uma)

AQUATICS ACADEMY The Academy provides Learn to Swim classes at all levels for all our students (Kindergarten upwards) and opportunities for adult classes and one to one tuition. In addition there are specialist offerings for Swim Teams, Fitness and Technique sessions, Water Polo for students, stroke clinics and swimming camps. The Academy also supports for our wider reaching community initiatives through adult classes for our parent and faculty community or for our commitment to teach local Vietnamese students to swim with our Swim for Life programme, combatting the high mortality rates through drowning in our host country. See the Aquatics Brochure for more information or visit the website (www.unishanoi.org/ aquaticsacademy)

ASIA PACIFIC ACTIVITIES CONFERENCE (APAC) APAC is a prestigious interscholastic activities organization for students in Grades 9 to 12. UNIS Hanoi students represent the school and work collaboratively with other APAC international schools in both sports and performing arts festivals. UNIS Hanoi will attend the following APAC events in 2014-2015 and we look forward to hosting the Orchestra Festival in November and the Basketball Tournament in January 2015: APAC Girls Volleyball HKIS (China) October 22 - 26 APAC Boys Volleyball AISG (China) October 22 - 26 APAC Boys & Girls Tennis CA (Japan) October 22- 26 APAC Choir CISS (China) November 12 – 16 APAC Orchestra UNIS (Vietnam) November 12 – 16 APAC Boys Basketball UNIS (Vietnam) January 28– February 1 APAC Girls Basketball UNIS (Vietnam) January 28 – February 1 APAC Boys & Girls Swimming SFS (Korea) January 28 – Feb 1 APAC Theatre WAB (China) February 25 - March 1 APAC Band CISS China) February 25– March 1 APAC Boys Soccer CA (Japan) April 15 – 19 APAC Girls Soccer WAB (China) April 15 – 19


MRISA Mekong River International Schools Association

The MRISA organization is made up of eight international schools from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The aim of MRISA is to provide a variety of activities for students, with six sports tournaments, an arts festival and a leadership conference each year. MRISA events are held at international schools within the association. UNIS Hanoi will participate in the following MRISA events in 2014-2015 and we look forward to hosting the High School Volleyball in October: MRISA Leadership Summit MRISA HS Volleyball MRISA MS Basketball MRISA HS Basketball MRISA MS Soccer MRISA Arts Festival MRISA HS Soccer MRISA MS Volleyball

NISC (Cambodia) UNIS (Vietnam) ISHCMC (Vietnam) ISPP (Cambodia) ISE (Thailand) SSIS (Vietnam) HIS (Vietnam) VIS (Laos)

September 11 - 14 October 23 - 26 November 13- 16 February 5 - 8 February 26 – March 1 March 11 - 15 April 2 - 5 May 21- 24

SPORTS TOURNAMENTS In addition to the MRISA and APAC tournaments, our young athletes can compete in a host of local tournaments during the year: Hanoi Classic HS Volleyball North-South Cup HS Volleyball UNIS Invitational Tennis Tournament Invitational MS Basketball North-South Cup HS Basketball Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament Phoenix Challenge HS Basketball Invitational MS Soccer Invitational HS 7-aside Soccer North-South Cup HS Soccer Phoenix Cup HS Soccer Invitational MS Volleyball UNIS-Hanoi Invitational Swim Meet Feeding Frenzy Swim Meet TAS Swim Meet ISHCMC Invitational Swim Meet


September 12 -13 September 27 -28 October 4 October 25 November 22 -23 November 30 December 5- 6 January 24 March 14 March 20– 22 March 28 - 29 April 18 October 24 -25 (TBC) November 2014 (TBC) May 8 - 10

OTHER EVENTS HS Global Issues Network Conference Autumn HS Musical Production The Hague Model United Nations Conference UNIS Hanoi Model United Nations Conference MS Global Issues Network Conference Spring HS Play Association for Music in International Schools

Kuala Lumpur UNIS Singapore UNIS SAIS UNIS (TBC)

(TBC) November 6- 8 November 17- 22 March 4– 8 March 13 - 14 May 10 – 11 (TBC)

SATURDAY SOCCER UNIS Hanoi Saturday Soccer is open to all children in Hanoi that would like to learn the game of soccer regardless of their ability, the school they attend, their gender or their nationality. Teams are created according to age and our goal is for children to develop good habits and attitudes about fitness and wellness that they will carry throughout their lives. Our volunteer coaches from the parent community are the backbone of the Programme and are provided with assistance and training in order to create the best possible experience for all participants. If you and/or your child/ren is interested in being part of the UNIS Hanoi Saturday Soccer Programme either as a coach or player/s, please contact: SaturdaySoccer@unishanoi.org or visit www.unishanoi.org/saturdaysoccer • Fall season starts - Saturday, September 6 • Spring season will starts Saturday, January 31

COMMUNITY EDUCATION (ComEd) UNIS Hanoi is committed to serving the wider Hanoian community. Community Education is a programme of activities and sports that UNIS Hanoi offers to the local community of all ages and runs throughout the UNIS Hanoi school year. Instructors and coaches share their time and skills with more than 1,200 participants in a range of more than 100 classes and courses every year for adults and children. More than 300 local Vietnamese adults and children are able to benefit from using the UNIS Hanoi facilities and programme. Visit the website for more information and registration (www.unishanoi.org/ComEd)

SUMMER PROGRAMME Every summer UNIS Hanoi provides a Summer Programme for its students and the community. It is two weeks of fun and learning combining science, technology, performing arts, sport activities and lots more for all ages. The Programme also provides outstanding leadership experience for our students who work alongside the school’s administration, organizing and delivering the fun packed sessions. Registration for the Summer Programme 2015 will be online in Spring (www.unishanoi.org/ summerprogramme).

ENERGIZE Energize is an opportunity for the UNIS Hanoi community – parents, ENERGIZ E students, staff and their spouses – to use our recreation facilities outside of school hours. Members are entitled to use the swimming pool and fitness room. To become an Energize member visit www.unishanoi.org/energize or contact the Co-Curricular Activities Office.

BOOKING UNIS HANOI SPORTS FACILITIES UNIS Hanoi has the following sporting facilities available for hire: 1. Outdoor Covered Court (floodlit for evening use) 2. Outdoor Uncovered Court 3. Grass Fields – only available during very limited time slots. 4. Movement Room Please visit www.unishanoi.org/facilities for further information.

QUESTIONS? Please contact the Co-Curricular Activities Office: Building B7 – Room 112 (upstairs) Phone: 3785 1551 (Ext: 8713; 8720) Email: cocurricular@unishanoi.org

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