Grade 4 Grade Level Guide 2013 - 2014
United Nations International School of Hanoi Grade 4 Grade Level Guide | 1
Message from the Elementary Principal Dear Parents The Grade 4 Level Team Leader has prepared this guide to explain the Grade 4 curriculum and the procedures that are specific to Grade 4. You can use this handbook in addition to the general information provided in the Elementary School Parent and Student Handbook. Included in this information are samples of the student learning outcomes for Grade 4. It is very important that you understand that these Student Learning Outcomes are part of a continuum – a continuing process of education – starting in Discovery and continuing through to Grade 5. The learning outcomes are based on the recognition that learning is a developmental process and that students within a single class will be operating at different levels of learning, understanding and achievement. This means, for example, that not all outcomes will be achieved by all students and some students will surpass the outcomes. The learning outcomes will, however, form a basis for planning work and for the assessment of student progress. If you would like further information about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school. We would be pleased to clarify and show you the continuum of learning that occurs from Discovery to Grade 5.
Yours sincerely
Carole Denny Elementary Principal
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Message from the Grade 4 Team Dear Parents of Grade 4 Students Welcome to Grade 4. We trust that you will find this guide informative and helpful. It is intended to give you an overview of the Grade 4 area and some hints to help you and your child prepare for and to settle into this grade level. The grade level teachers will communicate with you on a regular basis throughout the year. We will also be inviting you to visit the school to celebrate your child’s learning and progress at regular intervals. This guide may not answer all the questions or help settle every anxieties or concerns that you may have. So please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers or the Grade Level Team Leader if you have any need for clarification or further information. It is our hope that we can build a partnership this year through keeping all possible channels between the home and school as open as possible. We look forward to working closely with you this year. Yours sincerely
The Grade 4 Team
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Table of Contents 2
Message from The Elementary Principal and The Grade 4 Team
11 English
Who’s Who in Grade 4
11 Mathematics
Grade 4 Procedures
12 Science
Expectations What to Bring Making Friends Code of Conduct: Class Agreements Portfolios Handwriting Spelling
Homework Grade 4 Homework Responsibilities for all Grades
How Parents Can Help
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP)
The Framework of IBPYP
10 The Programme of Inquiry for Grade 4
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Grade 4 Subjects
12 Social Studies 13 Visual Arts 14 Music 14 Drama 15 Vietnamese Foreign Language 16 Vietnamese Mother Tongue 17 French Language 18 English as an Additional Language: EAL 19 Physical Education 20 Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Who’s Who in Grade 4 Grade Level/ Subject Area
Class Teacher and Grade Leader
Heidi Kay
Class Teacher
Beth Murray
Class Teacher
LilliAnn Lucas
Class Teacher
Michelle Kays
Tran Thi Thu Dzung
Nguyen Nga Mi
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Laura Berrish
EAL Assistant
Le Thi Hoang Linh
Visual Arts
Patricia Dingelstad
Sally Oxenberry
Art and Music Assistant
Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai
Zippy Doiron
Information Technology
Michelle Luna Matias
Information Tech Assistant
Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan
David Cuming
Cameron McHale
PE Assistant
Nguyen Van Pho
Vietnamese Language
Tran Thi Xuan
Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen
Tran Kim Dung
Clemence Barbier
Claire Holbein
Laurie Rombaut-Pierlovsi
Learning Support
Kellie Bohanon
Learning Support Assistant
Dang Thanh Hoa
Speech and Language Teacher
Mary Pool
Thomas Cole
Andrea Fleming
Julie Conroy
Library Assistant
Le Bach Quynh
Teacher Assistant
Physical Education (PE)
Vietnamese Mother Tongue
French Language
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Grade 4 Procedures Code of Conduct: Class Agreements
In Grade 4, each class collaboratively agrees to a set of rights and responsibilities. These rights and responsibilities are created, reviewed and decided upon by the Grade 4 students and teacher. They are then published and publicized in the classroom as reminders of appropriate behaviour.
Students in Grade 4 are always expected to try their best at all times. Work is expected to be titled, dated and produced neatly in relation to the task to be completed. It is the student‘s responsibility to be organized each day with writing tools, books, diaries, PE kit, including information stored in their ICT files. Library occurs once a week and it is the responsibility of the student to return and check out books on a weekly basis. It is the student‘s responsibility to give notes from parents to their classroom teacher. It is also the student‘s responsibility to find out about homework and class work that has been missed due to an absence.
What to Bring
Anything that students need to bring to class is clearly stated on the weekly schedule and in the homework diary. Children must take responsibility to maintain the homework diary. Some parents like to sign it each day or week. Students are given a copy of their weekly schedule, daily homework diary and reminders about daily classroom and whole school events.
Making Friends
Friendships are important and all Grade 4 staff assist in the pastoral care and socialization aspects of each child. New students are assisted with initiation through a class ‘buddy’. Students are made aware that the welfare of all students and staff is everyone’s responsibility.
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Portfolios are a collection of your child’s work that is designed to demonstrate successes, growth, higher order thinking, creativity, assessment strategies and reflection. Pieces are included that have been teacher selected and student selected. Pieces to include in the portfolio are collected throughout the school year from all subject areas, it is a transdisciplinary portfolio.
Students at UNIS Hanoi are encouraged to follow the handwriting script modeled from the resource book titled New South Wales Foundation Style. Whilst students are taught this particular style at UNIS Hanoi, it is recognized that there are a variety of different styles which your child may have been previously taught before coming to UNIS Hanoi. Grade 4 teachers allow these different styles however we encourage good posture, correct pencil hold and a neat and legible letter formation and handwriting script.
Spelling is an important component of the Language Arts curriculum. Spelling is taught using many different approaches, according to the learning needs of the student. • Origins, prefixes, suffixes etc are strategies to assist spelling. • Students are also given a bank of spelling words related to the Grade 4 Units of Inquiries. • Individual spelling words, taken from the students own writing, are also used. • It is important that students recognize the importance of spelling. • However sometimes meaning and clarity of an idea is important, followed later by correct and accurate spelling. A balanced approach is relevant and valid.
Homework The purposes of homework are to practice newly taught skills, review previously mastered skills, develop independent study habits, or extend and enrich the curriculum. • All homework will be set on Monday and it is usually expected to be retuned on Friday. • The occasional weekend homework may be included. • Homework set should take approximately 45 minutes each night. • Reading should take place every night for 15—30 minutes. • On occasion, students may be asked to do subject specific work to support teaching and learning in that subject area; for example, music practice. • EAL Students may have differentiated homework commitments. • It is the student‘s responsibility to be organized each day with writing tools, books, diaries, PE kit, including information stored in their Tablet PC. • Students are expected to have internet access at home, in cases where they will need to do some work online.
• Provide a positive environment for the students to work. • Be available to support and supervise – without doing the work.
• Communicate with the teacher if it appears the work is causing problems.
• Check that you understand the requirements set by the •
school for homework: how much time, what type of work and what level of support. Learn how you can support your child with their homework.
How Parents Can Help Classroom Assistance
Students • Record homework assignment and ask for help if the assign-
At times during the year, a letter from the grade may be sent asking for your assistance in relation to guest speakers for a particular Unit of Inquiry. You, as a parent, may be able to share your expertise or knowledge relevant to the Grade 4 students. You may also know of someone who could provide information to the Grade 4 students. Please read notices carefully and assist where possible.
• Have and complete, neatly, a homework notebook. • Take responsibility for setting a time to complete home-
At Home
Homework Responsibilities
ment is not clear.
• • • • • • • • •
work. Be available to support and supervise – without doing the work. Communicate with the teacher if it appears the work is causing problems. Check that you understand the requirements set by the school for homework: how much time, what type of work and what level of support. Learn how you can support your child with their homework. Remember to take home all material needed for the successful completion of homework. Bring the completed homework back to school by the due date. Maintain a high quality of work. If absent, take responsibility for finding homework missed. Involve your parents – but don’t ask them to do the homework for you.
Parents • Promote a positive attitude towards homework. • Understand and reinforce expectation for quality of work.
Allow your child to take on the next stage of responsibility and independence. Maintaining communication with your child is extremely important. As a parent you can follow up on your child’s learning. For example, ask “What questions did you ask today?”, “What did you find interesting?” but do not worry if you don’t get the response you wanted. Wait for the right time!
Please refer to Tin Tuc (School Weekly Newsletter) every week for details of approaching dates and events. Classroom notices are sent home periodically. It is the responsibility of the child to pass these on to the parents. The Grade 4 Blog will be updated regularly. Grade 4 teachers will provide an information via the Blog before every unit of inquiry. This will contain: a brief outline of the Central Idea, key aspects of the inquiry, numeracy outcomes, literacy outcomes, wordlist of useful vocabulary used in the inquiry and an outline
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International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) At UNIS Hanoi we are authorized to teach the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP). The IBPYP is an integrated curriculum that is relevant, challenging and engaging for learners from Discovery to Grade 5. It is a processled, inquiry-based curriculum framework that actively encourages students to ask questions and seek answers about the world around them.
Inquiry-based learning involves:
• Exploring, wondering and questioning; • Experimenting and playing with possibilities; • Making connections between previous learning and current learning;
• Making predictions and acting purposefully to see what • • • • • • •
happens; Collecting data and reporting findings; Clarifying existing ideas and reappraising perceptions of events; Deepening understanding through the application of a concept; Making and testing theories; Researching and seeking information; Taking and defending a position; Solving problems in a variety of ways.
Much of the curriculum is arranged and taught through large, cross-curricular units of study known as units of inquiry. Throughout the elementary school these units of inquiry are arranged under six themes. These same themes are repeated every grade level. The themes are:
• • • • • •
Who We Are Where We Are in Place and Time How We Express Ourselves How the World Works How We Organize Ourselves Sharing the Planet
All of the units of inquiry which the students learn about are together known as the Programme of Inquiry
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All curriculum areas are integrated where appropriate however single subject teaching also occurs separately. In Grade 4 the homeroom teacher teaches most of the subjects however the children attend specialist lessons for Art, Drama, Music, Vietnamese, French, World Languages, Physical Education and Library.
The Framework of IBPYP The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. As IB learners we strive to be:
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
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Programme of Inquiry: Grade 4
An inquiry into: Who we are HEALTHY CHOICES A unit focused on Science and Personal Social & Emotional Learning. Central Idea The lifestyle choices we make ‘today’ affect our body systems ‘tomorrow’. Main Concepts Choice, lifestyle, body systems, Overview During this unit students investigate the different systems which make up the human body. Students inquire into the interconnectedness of these body systems. Students also reflect on the impact of their own choices (present and future) on the health of these body systems for example brushing teeth and eating fatty foods.
An inquiry into: How the world works
UNITS OF INQUIRY – GRADE 4 An inquiry into: How we express ourselves CULTURAL IDENTITY
A unit focused on Investigative Science.
An inquiry into: Where we are in place and time HERITAGE A unit focused on Social Studies and Language.
A unit focused on Social Studies.
Central Idea The reliability of scientific investigations is promoted by careful: experimental design and methodology.
Main Concepts: Cultural identity, memoirs, Overview Using memoirs as the main resource, students investigate The beliefs, ideas and values of different cultures. They write their own memoirs which include aspects of their own culture which they identify.
Overview During this unit students are taken into the world of forensic science. The teachers set up a fun crime scene which the students have to later investigate and solve. This unit builds sequentially students’ scientific inquiry skills such as measuring, predicting, experimental design and fair testing.
Main Concepts Fair testing, reliability, measurement, property, material, inquiry, acidity, conduction, insulation, chromatography, friction, absorption,
Central Idea The beliefs and values of culture are expressed through its traditions.
Central Idea Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and pass on to future generations. Main Concepts Heritage, legacy, conservation, preservation, Overview During this unit students investigate the wonders of World heritage. They get the opportunity to virtually explore the world using books and interactive multimedia. Students also visit many culturally significant sights here in Hanoi such as The Metropole hotel. Throughout this investigation students learn about the criteria of UNESCO World Heritage.
An inquiry into: Sharing the planet
An inquiry into: How we organize ourselves
A unit focused on Social Studies and Earth Science.
Lines of inquiry During this unit students investigate how humans use and treat water and how humans affect the availability of clean water. Students carry out scientific investigations to investigate each stage of the water cycle. They investigate water pollution and undertake environmental challenges such as filtering dirty water.
Main Concepts Limited resources, cycle (water cycle), scarcity, availability, pollution, conservation, cycles evaporation, states of matter, precipitation, consumption, cause and effect, mismanagement,
Central Idea The way humans use and treat water presents challenges for themselves and the environment.
A unit focused on Social Studies and Mathematics.
Central Idea Goods and services are valued based on principles of market forces.
Main Concepts Value, supply, demand, production, consumer, scarcity, profit, loss, entrepreneurship, market, competition, gross, net, trade/barter. Market forces, demand, needs, wants ,
Overview During this unit the students have to work in teams to research about market forces. They are challenged to design a product or service which they can later market. The unit ends in a ‘Market Day’ where the students pull weeks of planning and research together. They determine the advertising they intend to use, the type of buyer they intend to target and determine their price. They then set to work to make the most profit they possibly can on the day.
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Mathematics The strands of the UNIS Hanoi Mathematics are Number, Pattern and Function, Measurement, Data Handling and Space and Shape The following outcomes have been drawn from the UNIS Hanoi Mathematics curriculum:
The outcomes for Mathematics in Grade 4 include: Number (Pattern and Function) • Reads compares and orders numbers up to 1 million, inThe strands of the UNIS Hanoi English curriculum are Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing and Viewing and Presenting. The following outcomes have been drawn from the UNIS Hanoi English curriculum.
The outcomes for English in Grade 4 include: Listening and Speaking • Listens appropriately for sustained periods for a variety • •
of purposes Uses discussion to generate, modify and present ideas Understands how language can influence points of view and responses
Reading • Critically evaluates their own choices in books, distinguishes • • •
and appreciates commendable or notable literature Derives meaning from a range of genre using a variety of reading strategies Reads widely across genres and shows an interest in a variety of literature Generates new questions after reading and begins to connect these to prior knowledge and experience
Writing • Has a fluent and legible style of handwriting and shows • • • •
competency in word processing Uses standard spelling for most words and uses appropriate resources to check spelling Uses appropriate punctuation and grammar Writes a variety of genres; e.g. exposition, report, narrative Edits and proof reads their own and peer’s writing
Viewing and Presenting • Understands that the form and quality of the presentation of their work reflects their thinking and attitudes
• • • • • • •
cluding tenths Rounds a number to the nearest 1, 10, 100 and 1000 Uses strategies to estimate solutions to problems involving the 4 operations of number Is able to multiply and divide 3 digit number by at least a 1 digit number Confidently using multiplication and division facts related to the first 10 times tables Understands and illustrates the relationship between the numerator and the denominator of a fraction Recognises and uses the relationship between the four number operations when solving problems Understands and models multiples and factors
Data Handling • Designs a survey for a specific reason and collects, organizes • •
and interprets the data to communicate their findings Finds, describes and explains the range, mode and median of a set of data Uses a probability scale 0 to 1
Measurement • Determines the relationship between area and perimeter of regular shapes
• Develops procedures for finding the area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes
• Selects the appropriate standard unit of measurement when estimating, describing, comparing and measuring
• Measures and constructs angles in degrees using a protractor
Shape and Space • Classifies, sorts and labels types of triangles and quadrilaterals • Understands and uses the vocabulary for angles Understands and uses the geometric vocabulary for circles
This subject area is currently being reviewed by the curriculum review team and will be updated throughout the year. For more information about the Mathematics programme in Grade 4 contact your child’s teacher.
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Social Studies
The strands of the UNIS Hanoi Science curriculum are Science Understanding (Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth and Space), Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills
The outcomes for Science in Grade 4 include: Science Understanding • Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties These properties can influence their use
• Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another
• Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways
Science as a Human Endeavour • Science involves testing predictions by gathering data •
and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives
Science Inquiry Skills • With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts • •
that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge Reflect on the investigation, including whether a test was fair or not Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends
Social Studies is taught through the following five strands: Human systems and economic activities The study of how and why people construct organizations and systems; the ways in which people connect locally and globally; the distribution of power and authority.
Social organization and culture The study of people, communities, cultures and societies; the ways in which individuals, groups and societies interact with each other.
Continuity and change through time The study of the relationships between people and events through time; the past, its influences on the present and its implications for the future; people who have shaped the future through their actions.
Human and natural environments The study of the distinctive features that give a place its identity; how people adapt to and alter their environment; how people experience and represent place; the impact of natural disasters on people and the built environment.
Resources and the environment The interaction between people and the environment; the study of how humans allocate and manage resources; the positive and negative effects of this management; the impact of scientific and technological developments on the environment.
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Visual Arts In Grade 4 the following outcomes for Social Studies include students being able to: • Analyse how individuals’ and communities’ needs and/or wants are met
• Explain how supply and demand are affected by popula• • • • • • • • • • • • •
tion and the availability of resources. Explain how goods and services are valued Identify factors that influence supply and demand Describe the differences between needs and wants Can implement a business plan Describe culture and its elements Describe the practices, customs and traditions of a particular culture Demonstrate understanding and respect for other cultures Describe how artifacts, heirlooms and rituals are evidence of cultural identity Compare and contrast current family experiences with those of a previous generation. Identify how families , groups and communities help us express ourselves Explain why fresh water is a limited resource Describe the relationships between the location of water and population distribution Identify water issues and propose strategies for responsible, equitable water use explain how human activities can have positive and adverse effects on local and other environments
The visual arts programme plays a fundamental part in the education of the whole child. It provides students with a unique means of communicating what they see, think and feel whereby students come to know and appreciate the world around them. The visual arts curriculum is arranged into subject specific strands. The visual art strands are: Creative Processes, Elements of Art and Design, Visual Arts in Society, Reflection and Appreciation. Through these strands students will develop their imagination and creativity, learn about theoretical and practical aspects of art and design, study and appreciate a range of work. They will understand the role that visual art plays in society and in diverse cultures both historical and contemporary. Whenever possible and appropriate the arts programme supports or is integrated into the programme of inquiry. However there are times when the visual arts programme offers independent inquiry into art related ideas and concepts or skill based teaching.
The outcomes for Grade 4 include: Creative Processes • Combine and use a variety of media to explore and express ideas Techniques and Processes • Demonstrate controlled use of art materials Reflection and Appreciation • Demonstrate skills in analyzing, interpreting and evaluating meaning in the artwork created by others and in their own artwork
Teacher Contact Patricia Dingelstad
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The music curriculum is intended to help students develop understanding and appreciation of music, as well as practical skills, so that music can provide a life-long source of enjoyment and personal satisfaction.
Drama explores how we express ourselves physically and vocally. Within the IB PYP Drama is an element of the Arts and it is based on two strands; creating and responding.
Music is a fundamental form of both personal and cultural expression. Music allows us to express our feelings and ideas about ourselves and our place in the world. Through music students can appreciate and understand aspects of their own culture as well as the culture of others. Students are encouraged to consider music as a means of communication and as an expressive language with creativity at its heart.
Classroom Programme Each level from Discovery to Grade 5 has its own set of music process outcomes reached through the following content: • Singing • Playing instruments • Creating/composing • Listening to and appreciating a variety of music including music from many cultures.
Outcomes • Sings own part in multi-part songs accurately • Plays musical instruments with increasing accuracy in en•
semble performances Uses traditional notation to record and communicate ideas
Grade 4 Instrumental Music All students in Grade 4 will receive 8 weeks of beginner instrumental music lessons one of the following instruments – Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Violin, Viola or Cello. After this time students will be encouraged to join the Grade 4 Band or String Ensemble and play music with their friends. All of the instruments, books and accessories for this programme are provided by UNIS. After the 8 weeks of instrumental lessons students are welcome to continue learning the instruments by having private lessons and can rent the school instrument through the UNIS Music Academy. For more information or registration please contact Ms Cham at
Teacher Contact Ms Sally Oxenberry
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In creating, students explore the use of facial expressions, gestures, movement, posture and vocal techniques to convey emotional or cultural meaning to both characters and stories. Students are exposed to a variety of dramatic forms including creative movement, impersonation, improvisation, mask work, mime, musical, role play, pantomime, puppetry, re-enactment, scripted drama, and skit. In responding, students experience a wide variety of scripts and stories from different times, cultures and places and, where possible, access live theatre performances and presentations. Students have opportunities to present their creative work to an audience, to witness their peers in performance and through this become critically aware audience members. Teacher Contact Zippy Doiron
Vietnamese Foreign Language The outcomes in Grade 4 include: Speaking and Listening: • Speaks Vietnamese clearly and audibly • Asks and answers simple questions in familiar contexts • Identifies key points of information from short-spoken texts and dialogues
Reading: • Gains specific vocabulary related to the unit studied • Recognizes the use of Vietnamese tones in written texts • Reads and comprehends mini reading texts At UNIS Hanoi in the Elementary School, Vietnamese is an optional language choice from Grade 1 to Grade 5. The Vietnamese Language Programme is offered to all students, except those enrolled in EAL I.
Writing: • Uses Vietnamese tones in writing tasks • Shows an awareness of some basic linguistic structures • Writes short simple texts
In the Elementary School at UNIS Hanoi the Grade Four Vietnamese Foreign Language programme focuses on Vietnamese language programme focuses on listening and speaking using Vietnamese language. The aim of studying Vietnamese is not only acquiring language, but also developing thinking skills that reflect the IB Learner Profile.
The units studied allow students to engage in conversations on everyday life. The following units will be covered throughout the year; My Body, Daily activities, Festivals and Holidays, Animals, Shopping, and the Landscape.
The Vietnamese Foreign Language Programme in Grade 4 includes:
Teacher Contacts Tran Thi Xuan Elementary School Vietnamese Teacher
• Specialist Vietnamese teacher. • A language programme with diverse communicative ac-
tivities (e.g. role-plays, games, songs, creative work) give the students the opportunity to develop listening and speaking skills, as well as reading and writing skills. A cultural studies component which allow students opportunities to explore different aspects of Vietnamese culture (food, clothing, lifestyle, traditional celebrations, performing arts, customs, religions, and fieldtrips to significant place).
Whenever possible and appropriate the programme supports or is integrated into the programme of inquiry. However there are times when the programme offers independent inquiry into related ideas and concepts or skill based teaching.
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Vietnamese Mother Tongue Whenever possible and appropriate the programme supports or is integrated into the programme of inquiry. However there are times when the programme offers independent inquiry into related ideas and concepts or skill based teaching.
The outcomes in Grade 4 include: Listening and speaking: • Listens appropriately for sustained periods for a variety • • At UNIS Hanoi in the Elementary School, Vietnamese Mother Tongue is an optional language choice for Vietnamese students from Grade 1 to Grade 5. We believe that the Vietnamese Mother Tongue Programme plays an important part of a child’s education. It is necessary for students to not only learn their mother tongue, but also maintain culture and traditions. The students will focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Through their learning they will understand and respect the beauty of language and be able to apply their learning. The aim of studying Vietnamese Mother Tongue is not only acquiring language, but also developing thinking skills that reflect the IB Learner Profile.
of purposes Uses language fluently and accurately in different situations Uses discussion to generate, modify and present ideas
Reading: • Reads widely across genres and show an interest in a variety of literature
• Generates new questions after reading and begins to •
connect these to prior knowledge Is able to skim and scan in order to find specific information quickly
Writing: • Begins to type in Vietnamese • Uses appropriate grammar and punctuation • Uses a range of writing genres • Uses standard spelling accurately for most difficult words
The Vietnamese Mother Tongue Programme in Grade 4 includes:
The units studied allow students to engage in conversations on everyday life. The following topics will be covered throughout the year. The units are: Helping each other, Wishes, Heroes, The beauty of nature
• A specialist Vietnamese teacher. • A mother tongue programme with diverse communi-
Teacher Contact
cative activities (e.g. role-plays, games, songs, creative work) give the students the opportunity to develop listening and speaking skills, as well as reading and writing skills. A cultural studies component which allow students opportunities to explore different aspects of Vietnamese culture (food, clothing, lifestyle, traditional celebrations, performing arts, customs, religions, and fieldtrips to significant place).
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Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen
Tran Kim Dzung
French Language At UNIS Hanoi in the Elementary School, French is an optional language choice from Grade 1 to Grade 5. The French Language Programme is offered to all EAL students, except those enrolled in EAL I. In the Elementary School at UNIS Hanoi the Grade 4 French Language programme focuses on listening and speaking, reading and writing using French language. The aim of studying French is not only acquiring the language, but also developing thinking skills that reflect the IB learner profile.
The French Language Programme in Grade 4 includes: • A specialist French teacher, native speaker. • A language programme with diverse communicative ac-
The outcomes for students in French Intermediate group in Grade 4 include:
Listening and speaking: • Understands a small dialogue or presentation • Understands instruction in French class and act conse-
tivities (e.g. role-plays, games, songs, creative work) that give the students the opportunity to develop listening and speaking skills, as well as reading and writing skills. A cultural studies component which allow students opportunities to explore different aspects of French or Francophone culture (food, clothing, lifestyle, geography, traditional celebrations, arts). This is supported by an exchange with the students of the French school.
Whenever possible and appropriate the French programme supports or is integrated into the programme of inquiry. However there are times when the French programme offers independent inquiry into related ideas and concepts or skill based teaching.
The outcomes for students in French Beginner group in Grade 4 include: Listening and speaking: • Understands a small dialogue or presentation • Understands instruction in French class and act consequently • Answers simple questions in French • Communicates in French in classroom situation • Has correct pronunciation. Reading: • Read audibly a short text • Understand a small text or dialogue Writing: • Communicates ideas through small text or dialogue • Use appropriate grammar structures for sentences • Spell accurately the words learnt
• Answers simple questions in French • Communicates in French in classroom situation • Has correct pronunciation Reading: • Read audibly a short text • Understand a small text or dialogue Writing: • Communicates ideas through a small text or dialogue • Use appropriate grammar structures for sentences • Spell accurately the words learnt The topics studied allow students to engage in conversation on everyday life. Topics are personal information, my body, activities, the Calendar, fashion, food and daily activities.
Teacher Contacts Clemence Barbier Claire Holbein Laurie Rombaut-Pierlovisi
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English as an Additional Language (EAL) What is the Aim of the EAL Programme?
As a programme committed to excellence in EAL education, the ES EAL Programme will provide each EAL student with the English language support they need to be academically and socially successful at UNIS-Hanoi while striving to respect the integrity of each student’s cultural identity and promoting the use of the mother tongue.
What is the EAL Methodology?
The EAL Programme will reach its aim through a ‘wholeschool’ approach to the education of EAL students based on current theories of additional language learning for the specific needs of the UNIS-Hanoi ES EAL school population.
How are students identified and placed in the EAL Programme?
The majority of students whose mother tongue is not English must sit for standardized English language testing. These test results and student background information provide the data used to determine English language proficiency and placement within or out the EAL Programme.
What are the levels of EAL Support? EAL I EAL I students, ‘Beginning’ to ‘early intermediate’ levels, attend regularly scheduled EAL I classes during the week. EAL I classes are self-contained, but the activities and materials are directly related to those being used in the grade-level classroom. In general, the goal of EAL I is to develop each EAL learner’s survival and basic social and academic English skills as related to supporting success in the mainstream classes and the social environment of the school. In addition, EAL teachers also support EAL I students in the grade-level classes during the day.
EAL II EAL II students, ‘intermediate’ to ‘proficient’ levels, often receive special English language support both in the grade-level class and in special ‘pull-out’ classes to meet their specific English language needs, as determined by the EAL teacher. In general, the goal of EAL II is to provide students with specialized academic English support that targets higher-level language instruction focusing on the development of academic reading and writing skills as they directly relate to the taught curriculum of the respective grade levels.
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EAL Monitoring This phase of support is for students who have exited the EAL Programme or for new students who have been assessed to be above ‘proficient’ but still may be in need of minor EAL services. In this phase of support EAL teachers monitor these students’ English language usage within the mainstream grade-level class and provide minor academic English support on an individual basis as needed. If a student appears to be in need of greater support, beyond the monitoring level, they may be asked to enroll in to the EAL II class.
How is English language progress assessed?
An EAL student’s language learning progress is measured systematically through a variety in-class performance assessments and standardized testing on a regular basis. When a student has demonstrated that they have the requisite benchmarked skills to advance within or exit out of the EAL Programme, they are promoted to the next level of support which can occur at any time in the academic year.
Teacher Contacts Laura Berrish Grade 4 EAL Teacher
Physical Education Safety, Fair Play and Leadership • Participates in group activities to solve problems and ac• •
complish a common goal and can reflect on the process to improve teamwork and communication skills. Movement Skills Demonstrates the traditional gymnastic skills involving physical control, strength and balance, using both floor, trampoline and apparatus
What to Wear
Physical education (PE) offers students the opportunity to discover the capabilities of their bodies in a variety of ways. Students will engage in a number of activities that will develop gross motor skills that will be applied in various sports in future. Students will develop skills that they may apply in a variety of contexts within and beyond the school setting. These skills include the use of proper safety precautions when engaging in physical activities, recognition of the importance of fair play, use of cooperative behaviors and the ability to function as part of a group or team. Students will be introduced to some of the elements of a healthy lifestyle. The Physical Education curriculum is arranged into subject specific strands. These strands are: Active Living, Safety, Fair Play and Leadership and Movement Skills
The outcomes for Grade 4 include: Active Living • Demonstrates a variety of skills, participates in, follows • • • • •
rules and instructions for modified and/or specific games Demonstrates an awareness of space on offense and defense when participating and reflecting on invasion games Demonstrates basic techniques for jumping, throwing and running events in track and field Demonstrates an ability to collect and record results and reflect upon these results to improve technique. Demonstrates a variety of swimming skills Demonstrates an understanding of the effects of exercise on the bodies systems and the components of fitness used to improve those systems.
Grade 3—5 students are expected to bring a change of clothes to each PE lesson. PE kit should include: • Appropriate Sport shoes (sandals or flip flops are not acceptable PE Shoes). • A UNIS T-shirt, or House t-shirt. • Shorts or Sports Pants (Jeans and slacks are not acceptable PE clothes). • Layers of clothing during cooler months so students can take a layer off after they start running around and warm up. • A hat for sun protection. (sun screen) and a rain coat when required • A Water-bottle. • During swimming students should bring swim wear (one piece costumes only) and towel. Students may like to bring goggles and a swim cap if they would like to use them. Shower facilities are available for students who wish to shower after lessons
Sickness and/ or medical concerns If for some reason your child can not participate in a P.E. lesson please send a note explaining the limitations. If your child needs to be absent for more than one week please send a doctor’s certificate or a note from our school nurse.
Major Calendar Events ES Sports Day, Grades 3-5 Swim Meet, ES Sponsored Walkathon, Interhouse Tournament,
Teacher Contacts David Cuming
Cameron McHale
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) UNIS Hanoi recognizes the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) in the educational process. We believe that when used appropriately, technology provides opportunities to support, engage, enhance and transform student learning. The Elementary school strives to create learning experiences where technology is integrated through all curriculum areas and are learned in meaningful ways in the context of classroom learning. Using a variety of multimedia resources such as laptops, digital/video cameras and other mobile devices, the students are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need as they prepare to learn and live productively in an increasingly digital world. The ICT skills and knowledge are evaluated using the following NETS Standards for students:
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Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts
UNIS Hanoi Elementary has adopted a flexible learning model that encourages teachers to collaboratively identify and agree on the aims and uses of ICT before integrating technology in the classrooms. To provide more student support, the homeroom teachers work together with the Technology Coordinator in integrating technology into the curriculum.
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ICE Block: Innovation, Creativity, Expression Students learn The Arts through a holistic learning by inquiry approach rotating through a rich variety of mediums including Visual Art, Drama, Dance, Media Arts and Music. The learning experience is collaborative, broad and flexible through a quarterly block schedule in The Arts. Students will have an opportunity throughout the year to present their exploratory findings to Parents and the UNIS Community.
Teacher Contact Michelle Luna Matias
G9 Ciputra Lac Long Quan Road, Tay Ho District Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (84 4) 3758 1551 Fax: (84 4) 3758 1542 E-mail:
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