UNIS Hanoi Technology Handbook 2013-2014

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Technology Handbook

United Nations International School of Hanoi Technology Handbook | 1

Introduction At UNIS Hanoi (UNIS), we envision technology as a crucial tool for learning and inquiring that empowers students to think critically, collaborate and communicate, thereby supporting the UNIS Mission statement and preparing students to thrive in a global society. Students and parents are introduced to the UNIS Hanoi Technology programme through a series of lessons, workshops and training sessions. The material that we cover in those activities can also be found in this handbook and at UNIS Hanoi Connect, a place for UNIS training videos and tutorials located at www.unishanoi.org/unisconnect. The UNIS Technology programme is dynamic and as changes occur in the programme, new workshops will be presented and this handbook will be updated. We strive to make technology as intuitive, usable, and efficient as possible. Let us know what we can do to help you get the most out of UNIS through technology.


UNIS ES Tech Facilitator Michelle Matias mmatias@unishanoi.org

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UNIS MSHS Tech Facilitator Paul Swanson pswanson@unishanoi.org

UNIS Tech Director Ed Gilbreath techdirector@unishanoi.org

Table of Contents Technology at UNIS 4

Internet Access and Security

Using Your Tablet 5





Caring for your Tablet


Tablet Do’s and Don’ts

Information Management: Good Practices 8

File Management


Cloud and Offline Backups


Email Guidelines

Digital Ethics: Responsible Use 9

Social Media and Classroom Habits

10 Citizenship in a Digital World 10 Intellectual Property and Creative Commons

Supporting Documents 12 Responsible Use Agreements 15 UNIS Hanoi Tablet Acceptance Form for Students 16 Tablet Loss/Damage Programme

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Technology at UNIS: Internet Access and Security At UNIS, every student in Grades 4-12 is given a tablet to use during the year. We are currently using Fujitsu Lifebook tablets and running MS Windows 7 Pro. For the time being, we have found these tools to be the best fit for us as a school. All of our tablets are setup to automatically connect to the WiFi internet available on the UNIS campus. Other personal electronic devices such as smart phones, IPads, laptops, etc do not have access to our network. Students are asked not to use such devices in school unless specifically told otherwise by a teacher. Our network uses a web filtering system called Web Root. This filter seeks to prevent students from accessing inappropriate websites both at school and off-campus. Like all filters, it is not perfect and sometimes sites get blocked that should not be. If as a student, you find a site that you think should not be blocked, please inform and teacher and the teacher will contact the Tech Support Office to have the site unblocked. Likewise, we expect students to use all technology ethically and appropriately. Students should not seek to circumvent our filtering system, hack into the UNIS system or hack the machines of others. We expect everyone to treat both the equipment and people in the community with respect.

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Using your Tablet Distribution If you are in Grades 4 to 12, you will receive the following equipment when you begin your learning journey at UNIS: • Tablet PC • Tablet Stylus • Electrical Charger • School-approved Case or Carry Bag Once you receive these items, you and your parents will need to read and sign the following documents (see Supporting Documents): • Responsible Use Agreement • Tablet Acceptance Form The Responsible Use Agreement is a contract between UNIS, parents and students that outlines the terms and conditions for computer and internet use. This is to ensure that computers are being used in a safe, appropriate and responsible manner. The Tablet Acceptance Form explains your responsibilities to return the Tablet in good condition when requested by UNIS. UNIS provides the option to purchase the Tablet Loss/Damage Programme. Please see the school’s Tablet Loss/Damage Programme Form (see Supporting Documents) for more information. Students in Discovery through Grade 3 will have access to shared devices. Responsibility for the use and care for those devices will be held by classroom teachers and teaching assistants.

Collection Students are generally expected to return their tablets at the end of the year for inspection and re-imaging. When they do so, they will need to inspect their tablets for damage and fill out appropriate paperwork if necessary. Students in Grades 9 through 11 will keep their Tablets during the summer in order to continue preparation for IB. UNIS will store Tablets for all other grade levels. Students will receive new tablets in Grade 4, Grade 7 and Grade 10.

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Caring For Your Tablet The tablet is like any piece of required equipment for learning. It is important that you exercise care to ensure that it is functioning properly. Here are some guidelines that you should follow:

Carry your tablet safely. Keep your tablet in an appropriate case or laptop bag.

Keep your tablet away from food and drinks

Avoid leaving your tablet in warm locations, as the heat may permanently damage the capacity of your battery. Keep the tablet cool as much as practically possible. Complete a charge cycle at least once a month. This means using all of your battery’s power, then recharging it fully. When you do this you are ensuring that your lithium-ion batteries are used for maximum performance.

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Tablet Dos and Don’ts Do: • Bring your tablet to school fully charged • Bring your tablet, headphones, and charger to every class • Backup your data, especially school work • Put tablets in lockers or tablet carts when at school and not required for a class • For younger students: leave your tablet on the cart at the end of the day • For older students: take your tablet home at the end of the day and on holidays • Have your tablet brought to school if you forget it at home • Regularly shut down your Tablet (preferably daily) • Report tablet loss or damage as soon as possible • Use school and educational software appropriately • Ask for help when you need it: — First ask your friend — Then ask your teacher or tech facilitator — Last, ask for help from the Tech Support Office

Don’t: • Drop your tablet on a hard surface, even if it’s in the bag • Attempt to bypass any Tablet security or programmes that are meant to be running at all times • Place heavy or hard items on your tablet • Leave tablets in lockers overnight • Ask another student to take responsibility for your tablet • Bring your laptop into the Canteen or pool area • Print out documents that can be easily submitted electronically • Visit inappropriate websites on the tablet whether at school or at home • •

Note: UNIS tablets do filter internet content regardless of location Visit non-educational websites (Facebook, YouTube, etc) during class time Use the internet for activities that violate the Responsible Use Agreement

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Information Management: Good Practices File Management Keep Things Tidy When dealing with lots of files and data, keeping them organized is important. Start off by creating folders in your My Documents folder for each of your different classes, then be sure to store all of your files for that class in that folder. It’s usually a good idea to put work from previous years into folders that are labeled by what grade your were in during that year. That way, if you want to remember what you did for a previous assignment you still have it all stored. One good indication of whether or not you are doing a good job of keeping your information organized is to look at your tablet Desktop. If it is filled with files and folders scattered all over without any organization, you should take a few minutes to properly file everything. It’s much easier to keep a well-organized system up to date than it is to clean up a messy system.

Using software for productivity There are several applications that are available for students to use, such as Outlook Calendar, Google Apps and OneNote. Follow the guidelines given to you by your teachers as to what program to use. The same is true when using other online tools such as the UNIS Portal, Haiku, blogs. These tools and sites are intended to stimulate creativity, increase productivity, and enhance learning. If you find them difficult or confusing, make sure that you ask for help from another student, a teacher, a tech facilitator, or the Tech Support Office.

Naming Conventions Often it is a good idea to begin the name of a file with a type of category. For example, a paper that you wrote in Biology class in 2010 on photosynthesis might be named 2010 Bio - Photosynthesis. That way, when your files are listed in alphabetical order, all of the similarly named files appear next to one another. Use naming conventions as instructed by your teacher in combination with folders to create a system by which you can easily find any file on your tablet.

Cloud and Offline Backups The school expects students to regularly back up their files. UNIS provides a Google Drive account that can also be used as a cloud backup service. The programme is automatically installed in all school tablets and can also be accessed via the web. An internet connection is required to access this account at home or in another computer. Instructions on how to back up can be found at UNIS Hanoi Connect at www.unishanoi.org/unisconnect. Students may also want to use a USB or external hard drive to back up files. SyncToy allows you to set up your external drive so it synchronizes all of your files and folders from your tablet. Instructions on how to set this up can also be found at UNIS Hanoi Connect.

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Email Guidelines Students email accounts are setup for all Grade 4-12 students as means of communication between students and with teachers. Students can use the Outlook client in their tablet to access their email accounts or the Outlook web-based version. Use the following considerations when sending email: • Use email when the option of face to face communication is not available. • The Subject line should clearly state content of and purpose for the email. • The use of CAPs in an email indicates that the sender is shouting. • Keep the email concise and to the point. • Limit recipients in To: and Cc: to appropriate numbers of people. • Never use Reply All when a Reply is sufficient. • Never forward chain-letters or irrelevant messages to the community lists • Consider the tone and language of your email before sending your message. Remember that the person on the receiving end cannot see your facial expression nor hear your voice, so always reread your message and check that it sounds polite. • Outlook limits your attachment size up to 18MB.

Digital Ethics: Responsible Use Social Media and Classroom Habits Using tablet and other technology in classes can be lots of fun - sometimes too much fun. Many of us are aware of how easy it is to get caught up surfing the internet or talking to friends using social media like Facebook, Twitter, or others. When you are in class, it is important to stay focused on the task at hand and not be distracted by recreational sites or other social media. At UNIS we seek to treat everyone with respect.

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by stuartpilbrow

Part of giving teachers and other students respect involves giving your undivided attention when speaking with or listening to others. When the teacher requests your attention, you should make a habit of turning down the tablet display so you are not distracted. Similarly, use of phones in class is considered inappropriate and will be dealt with by the teacher.

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Citizenship in a Digital World All students are expected to understand and abide by our Responsible Use Agreement (see Appendix). Our top priority is to make sure that students, staff and parents feel safe physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. If a student puts himself or herself at risk while using technology, we will work to help that student understand appropriate physical and online behavior. If a student endangers, bullies, intimidates, or harrasses another student, we will take such an incident very seriously. It is important for students who are the victims of such behavior to tell a parent, teacher, or administrator so that we can take appropriate action. If a student is a witness or sees evidence of this sort of activity, we expect that student to also report what he or she has seen. The purpose of this is not necessarily to get someone in trouble, but to make sure that everyone is safe while at UNIS.

Intellectual Property and Creative Commons UNIS is committed to providing students access to the best digital media tools to enhance their learning and to communicate information effectively. The school also believes in acknowledging and respecting the rights of others to manage their privacy and identity. UNIS expects all students to respect copyright and fair use guidelines, and to obtain permission when necessary before using or uploading media content. Students are encouraged to use resources that are licensed under Creative Commons (CC), which enables people to easily share and reuse copyrighted material. Other useful tips:

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Use search services that filters results so it automatically displays CC-licensed work. http://search.creativecommons.org or Google’s Advanced search filters are examples of these types of services. Appropriately acknowledge your source of information. There are three things that generally need to go into an attribution: — Authorship of the work (preferably as a link to the author’s profile, website, etc) — Title of the work (as a link to the original work itself ) — Type of license. There are six different types of Creative Commons licenses:

Attribution License Attribution-NoDerivs License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License Attribution-NonCommercial License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Attribution-ShareAlike License

To learn more about the types of Creative Commons licenses and how to attribute information in your work or publication, visit http://blogs.unishanoi.org/edtech/creative-commons/.

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Supporting Documents

UNIS Hanoi Technology and Learning Vision We see technology as an essential tool for learning and inquiring, and that it empowers students tothink critically, collaborate and communicate, thereby preparing students to thrive in a global society.

Being a Responsible Digital Citizen UNIS Hanoi recognizes the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) in theeducational process. We believe that when used appropriately, technology provides opportunities to empower, support, engage and enhance student learning. At UNIS Hanoi we use information and technology in safe, legal, and responsible ways. There are three key parts to digital citizenship that we abide by. These are Looking After Myself, Looking After Others, and Looking After Property.

Looking After Myself means... I will choose a password that is hard to guess and I will keep it a secret. I will use only my accounts and resources. I will select online names that are appropriate and respectful. I will only post images and information that are suitable, and make sure that whatever I post will not put myself at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities. I will report any conversations, inappropriate behavior, or anything happening online that makes me uncomfortable or unhappy.

Looking After Others means..... I will be polite, kind, and appropriate at all times. I will use appropriate language when emailing others. I will choose to avoid conversations that are unkind, mean or bullying. I will report any conversations I see/hear that are unkind, mean or bullying. I will avoid sites that seem inappropriate. If I accidentally access these sites, I will click the Back button, close the page or tell an adult/teacher. I will show respect for other people’s privacy by asking them for permission before getting into their online space. I will also ask for permission before I post, forward or copy their pictures and information.

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Looking After Property means... I will check that the information that I’m using is correct by using reliable websites. I will acknowledge all materials that I find online and cite my sources appropriately. I will ask an adult/teacher for permission before downloading and/or uploading anything online or to my computer. I will act appropriately when visiting and commenting on other people’s websites, and not make any changes to someone else’s site unless I ask the owner’s permission.

Student Agreement I understand and will follow this Responsible Use Agreement. If I break this agreement, the consequences may include but is not limited to removal of computer privileges and/or disciplinary action such as school suspension. I also understand that my school network and e-mail accounts are owned by UNIS Hanoi and are not private. UNIS Hanoi has the right to access my information at any time. Student’s Name Student’s Signature Date

Parent Agreement As the parents or guardians of this student, we have read the Responsible Use Agreement. We understand that technology is provided for educational purposes in keeping with the academic goals of UNIS Hanoi. We understand that students will be given guidance on how to be responsible digital citizens and we will attempt to model and reinforce that at home. We understand that, to an age-appropriate level, student’s computer activities at home must be supervised to provide the highest level of academic and social support. Parents/Guardians’ Names Parents/Guardians’ Signature Date

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Technology and Learning Vision Statement We envision technology as a crucial tool for learning and inquiring that empowers students to think critically, collaborate and communicate, thereby supporting the UNIS Mission statement and preparing students to thrive in a global society.

Introduction With the ongoing implementation of a 1:1 TabletPC programme, access to technology and information is no longer a privilege but a necessity. In order to work and thrive within a supportive school community it is vital that all members of the UNIS community understand what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. It is also important that all members of the UNIS community understand that this responsibility extends beyond the walls of the school and that disregarding this responsibility can have unintended consequences.

The Use of Technology at UNIS The use of technology by students and teachers at UNIS is for more than increasing productivity. Technology is integrated into the curriculum and into classroom practices to allow students to be creative and innovative, to encourage communication and collaboration, to develop research and information fluency, and to encourage critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.

Responsible Usage Agreement In order to be a responsible digital citizen it is important to abide by the following six conditions: 1.

Respect Yourself. I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will consider the information and images that I post online. I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, experimentation or relationships I post. I will not be obscene.


Protect Yourself. I will ensure that the information, images and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behaviour directed at me. I will protect passwords, accounts and resources.


Respect Others. I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to flame, bully, harass or stalk other people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites: I will not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate. I will not abuse my rights of access and I will not enter other people’s private spaces or areas. While on campus I will use the school network and systems in a responsible and educationally appropriate manner. Protect Others. I will protect others by reporting abuse; not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications; and not visiting sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate.


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Respect Intellectual property. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media etc. in an appropriate way. I will use and abide by the fair use rules.


Protect Intellectual Property. I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will act with integrity.

I understand that responsible digital citizenship is an important aspect to maintaining a caring and supportive community. This is true not just of the UNIS community but of all communities now and in the future. I agree to follow the principles of digital citizenship outlined in this agreement and accept that failing to follow these tenets will have consequences. These consequences may include the removal of unsupervised computer access and/or other disciplinary action. Student Name:


Parent Agreement As the parents or guardians of , we have read the Responsible Usage Agreement. We understand that students will be given guidance on how to be responsible digital citizens and we will attempt to model and reinforce that at home as well. We understand that these six principles of digital citizenship apply to all members of the UNIS community, including parents, and we will abide by them when interacting with the UNIS community. We understand that, to an age-appropriate level, student’s computer activities at home should be supervised to provide the highest level of academic and social support. We understand that internet traffic at UNIS may be monitored but is unfiltered, except in cases necessary to maintain the integrity of the network. Father/Guardian:

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I, acknowledge the receipt of the Tablet computer on .(date) I agree to abide by UNIS Hanoi’s Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) as defined in the Student Handbook. In addition to the RUA I acknowledge the following obligations to UNIS Hanoi in relation to the use and care of the Tablet computer: 1. I will be responsible for keeping the Tablet computer in good working condition. I will return the Tablet as required by the school in the same condition in which it was received, excepting normal wear and tear from usage. 2. I will report any problem with the Tablet immediately to the Tech Support Office via the Homeroom Teacher, so the school can determine the repair that is needed. 3. Tablet Loss/Damage programme. Your parents have the option to purchase the school Tablet Loss/ Damage programme for your Tablet computer. If you wish to cover your Tablet under the Tablet Loss/Damage, you will have to sign the Tablet Loss/Damage programme and pay the annual fee. Please read the Tablet Loss/Damage Programme form for more information. 4. In Case of Damage. If you damage your Tablet, you are liable to pay 100% of the repair fee. If you are covered by the School Tablet Loss/Damage programme, you are liable to pay the first VND5,000,000 (approx $235) of the repair fee. 5. In Case of Loss. If you lose your Tablet, you or your parent must inform the Tech Support Office (for MSHS students) or your Homeroom Teacher (for ES students) immediately. You will be expected to give complete details surrounding the loss. Here are your options depending on the circumstances: • If you lose the Tablet within one year of purchase, you are liable to pay 100% of the replacement fee. • If you lose the Tablet after one year but before two years from date of purchase,you are liable to pay 50% of the replacement fee • If you lose the Tablet after two years but before three years from the date of purchase,you are liable to pay 25% of the replacement fee • If you lose a Tablet that is more than three years old, you are liable to pay 10% of the replacement fee. • If you lose a Tablet and you are covered by the damage/loss programme, you are liable to pay the first VND5,000,000 (approx $235) of the replacement fee. • If you lose the Tablet by accident and not due to negligence or abuse, you will not be required to pay for the replacement. 6. In Case of Theft. If your Tablet is stolen outside of the campus, you or your parents must report the theft to the police and give a copy of the official report to the Tech Support Office. With a police report and Tablet Loss/Damage, you are liable to pay the first VND5,000,000 (approx $235) of the replacement fee. Without a police report and a Tablet Loss/Damage, you are expected to pay 100% of the replacement fee. We understand and agree to the terms and conditions above. We have also read and signed the Responsible Use Agreement. It is mandatory that BOTH parents or guardians sign UNLESS IN THE CASE OF A SINGLE PARENT. Signatures Father/Guardian:


Student: Date: (For School Use) Responsible Use Agreement signed and received Tablet Computer issued by



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Tablet Loss/Damage programme Effective 2013-2014 To date, students have not been charged for the use of the tablet computers, however, students have been required to sign a Responsible Use Agreement, which effectively transfers liability for damage to or loss of the computer to the student and family. Unfortunately, due to the infancy of the insurance market in Vietnam we have not been able to obtain cost effective third party insurance to cover student users’ liability. Accordingly, UNIS will embark on the UNIS Tablet Loss/Damage programme (“programme”) for school owned tablet computers. The programme will be as follows: For those users who wish to participate in the programme, UNIS will charge a non-refundable annual fee (“Fee”) of VND1 million (approx. USD 53) per computer. In return for the payment of the Fee, the user would be liable for payment of the first VND5 million (approx. US$235) of the costs incurred by UNIS in rectifying the loss or damage, per computer, per year, but thereafter UNIS will absorb all such costs. In the event of total loss, through damage, theft or negligence, resulting in a replacement computer being issued to the user, the previous programme would be voided, and a new programme would need to be started. Therefore, an additional Fee of VND1 million would be charged to the user (irrespective of whether it is new or used), and the user would be liable to pay the first VND5 million in respect of any damage or loss to such issued computer. Damage or loss attributable to wilful misconduct of the user will void the programme, and the user will be liable for all costs relating to the repair or replacement of the computer. By paying the Fee of VND1 million per year, and paying the first VND5 million of costs incurred in repairs or replacement of the computer in accordance with the terms of the programme, all other costs in relation to the repair of the computer in any one school year are the responsibility of UNIS. If the user does not participate in the programme the full cost of the repairs or replacement, as the case may be, of the computer is the responsibility of the user and will be charged by UNIS to the user.

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Examples of the cost effect of certain types of loss are included at Appendix 1. UNIS is offering the programme to all students. However, participation in the programme is optional. Students and parents can sign up for the programme and confirm agreement to the terms of the programme by completing the application form at Appendix 2. The programme is a service of UNIS that is ancillary to its educational objective. THE programme DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY FORM OF INSURANCE BY UNIS. The primary liability for the tablet remains with the user. However, UNIS undertakes to users who join the programme and pay the Fee that it will release them from liability beyond VND5 million for loss or damage to their tablets in accordance with the terms of the programme. Should you have any queries in relation to the programme, or the tablet programme in general, please contact the Director of Finance in the first instance.

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Appendix 1 Examples of cost effect of certain types of loss Example 1 Total loss of tablet – replacement value VND42 million Cost of Fee Excess Total cost to user

VND1 million VND5 million VND6 million

If user did not participate in programme the full cost of the replacement computer would be charged to the user. Accordingly, participation would “save” the user VND36 million (VND42 million - VND6 million). Once the tablet has been replaced by UNIS the user would need to pay another Fee of VND1 million, and would be liable for the first VND5 million cost of repairs or replacement in respect of such newly-issued tablet.

Example 2 Replacement of broken screen – cost VND10.5 million Cost of Fee Excess Total cost to user

VND1 million VND5 million VND6 million

If user did not participate in the programme the full cost of the broken screen would be charged to the user. Accordingly, participation would “save” the user VND4.5 million (VND10.5 million - VND6 million).

Example 3 Replacement of lost & broken parts throughout the year amounting to VND28.5 million Cost of Fee Excess Total cost to user

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VND1 million VND5 million VND6 million

If user did not participate in the programme the full cost of the repairs would be charged to the user. Accordingly, participation would “save” the user VND22.5 million (VND28.5 million - VND6 million).

Appendix 2 Participation in the UNIS Tablet Loss/Damage programme I, , of Class , agree to participate in the programme and confirm and agree to the terms of the programme for the 2013/14 academic year.

User Name & Class We, the undersigned, are parents of and agree to our son/ daughter participating in the programme and confirm and agree to the terms of the programme. We acknowledge: (i) That the programme is for the 2013/14 academic year only and that UNIS may not offer such programme in future years; (ii) That we have reviewed our own personal insurance prior to determining whether to pay the Fee and join the programme; and (iii) That the programme does not constitute any form of insurance by UNIS as the user is liable for the tablet to UNIS and the programme simply regulates the amount that is due in certain circumstances.

Signatures Parents/Guardians’ Names Parents/Guardians’ Signature Date

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G9 Ciputra Lac Long Quan Road, Tay Ho District Hanoi, Vietnam 20 | UNIS Hanoi

Phone: (84 4) 3758 1551 Fax: (84 4) 3758 1542 E-mail: info@unishanoi.org


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