tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 21, Edition 7, Friday 25 September
MONDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER JV Boys Volleyball vs. BIS, 16:00 - 17:30, Sport Centre JV Girls Volleyball vs. Concordia, 16:00 - 17:30, Sport Centre
TUESDAY, 7 OCTOBER MS Boys' Basketball vs. St. Paul, 15:30 - 18:00, St. Paul School Parent Co-Curricular Info Night, 18:30-19:30, Centre for the Arts
TUESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER MS Boys' Basketball vs. VAS, 16:00 - 17:30, Sport Centre WEDNESDAY, 1 OCTOBER ISA Tests Grades 3-9, 1 - 3 Oct Scholarships Programme (2015-2016) Open for Application
WEDNESDAY, 8 OCTOBER MS Swim Meet THURSDAY, 9 OCTOBER MS Girls Basketball vs. St. Paul, 15:30-18:00, St. Paul School
THURSDAY, 2 OCTOBER MS Girls Basketball vs. BIS, 15:30-18:00, BIS MS Boys Basketball vs. BIS, 16:00 - 17:30, Sports Centre Parents Info Session: Standardized Testing at UNIS Hanoi, 19:00 - 20:00
FRIDAY, 10 OCTOBER UN Day Celebration, 10:30-11:45, Sports Centre UN Day Community Lunch, 12:00-13:00 Early Dismissal, 13:00 Quarter 2 Tuition Deadline
FRIDAY, 3 OCTOBER BoDs Finance Committee Meeting, 07:00 - 09:30, Conference Room, B7 Board Committee/Task Force Welcome Night, 18:00 - 19:30
SATURDAY, 11 - 19 OCTOBER UNIS Hanoi Autumn Break
SATURDAY, 4 OCTOBER HS Invitational Tennis Tournament UNIS Hanoi Fall Swim Gala
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Help us find the UNIS Hanoi 15-16 Scholars! (p.2) Notes from the MSHS Principal (p.3) UN Day News (p.4-6) School Photo Orders (p.7) Parent Curriculum Survey. We need your help! (p.8) Early Childhood Expert Visit (p.8) International School Assessment Test (p.9)
Co-curricular Parent Info Night (p.9) University Visits (p.10) Vietnam Google Summit 2014 (p.11) SCO Knows How to Party! (p.12) SCO Funding. Apply Now! (p.13) Job Opportunity (p.13) School Health Centre News (p.14)
I wanted to first thank the 20 or so parents who made it the “Hors d’oeuvres with the Head of School” last Wednesday evening. After a brief presentation about our accreditation/review process we are currently in the middle of, there were several good questions and follow up discussion. The questions and responses will be posted next week in the Tin Tuc. The next session will be a breakfast meeting beginning at 08:00 on Wednesday, 22 October. Please mark your calendars and I hope you will be able to attend this session. We plan to make a full presentation of our IB Diploma results from the class of 2014. We are extremely proud of this group and look forward to presenting these results to you. In the meantime, we have posted the new edition of our school profile on our website here where the results are
listed along with other important information about our school and I encourage you to take a look. This is the document that we send to all colleges and universities to which our students apply. As to my message of this past week regarding access to and from Ciputra and UNIS Hanoi, we continue to work with Ciputra to make sure things are as safe and convenient as possible. One thing to mention is that until the highway officially opens, there will continue to be a considerable amount of traffic going in both directions on both sides of the highway. Please be safe as you head toward Nguyen Hoang Ton Road. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
Jayden Vu , Disc PM/SS Arjun Bade , 5JH
Applications for the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship programme 2015-2016 intake open next week on Wednesday October 1. And this year, we aim to increase the number of scholarship places that we can offer through a new Scholarship Fund - a powerful new community partnership aimed at transforming futures. The fundraising campaign will take place in January within the UNIS Hanoi community and full details will be available later this Autumn as we finalise the planning. The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme gives the opportunity for Vietnamese students from low income families, who are excelling at their local Hanoi district school to enter UNIS Hanoi until graduation. Students may apply to the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme for entry to Grade 8, Grade 9 or Grade 10. In all cases, the 100% Scholarship will be valid until graduation from UNIS Hanoi. The programme was launched in 2011-12 and we have welcomed six scholarship students to UNIS Hanoi in the last three academic years. Please help eligible students find out about this programme by spreading the word amongst your friends, colleagues and associates.
UNIS Hanoi is a well-connected community and we ask you to mobilize! In addition to the fees waiver, significant support will be available for the Scholarship Students to access English support, to be able to participate fully in the activities programme in MSHS and for transport to and from school.
Applications open on 1 October. Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE.
Deadline for applications is 31 December. All questions concerning the Scholarship Programme should be sent by email to scholarships@unishanoi.org
Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from MSHS Trip Week. I am writing this article from the Grade 12 trip at the LavieVuLinh Sustainable Development Project which is roughly a five hour journey north from Hanoi. Currently the entire MSHS is celebrating Trip Week with each grade level traveling to various destinations in northern Vietnam. As the trips are nearing the midway mark all reports are that the students are having a wonderful experience and weather is cooperating …… at least so far! UNIS Hanoi places a great deal of importance on both school trips and its overall co-curricular programme. As such we put a great deal of thought into the Trip Week programme and expect all students to participate. To support this view research indicates that when school trips and co-curricular activities are part of a well-balanced programme of studies academic performance improves. You will notice that Trip Week has now been moved to the beginning of the school year to balance against academic pressures. Grade level trips focus on developmentally appropriate themes including sustainable ecosystems, cultural exchange, personal challenge and group dynamics.
there are times when students should not participate in an activity due to academic concerns but for the vast majority of students who work hard and are in good academic standing co-curricular involvement, including school sponsored trips, will benefit them academically as well as build memories that will last a lifetime. As an educator it goes without saying that I believe academics are the first priority, but I am also an advocate for student involvement in co-curricular activities. Again, research is quite clear, students who are involved in a healthy balance of academic and co-curricular activities actually perform better in all aspects of life, including school. Let’s take a look at reasons why: 1. Students involved in co-curricular activities are more likely to have: higher GPAs higher college admission test scores less time to procrastinate better attendance fewer discipline referrals affiliation with peers who are academically focused 2. Activities support the academic mission of schools. Participation in high school activities is a valuable part of the overall school experience. 3. Activity programmes provide opportunities for character development and unique learning labs for valuable life lessons and universal values – teamwork, sportsmanship, self-discipline and hard work. These are qualities students need if they are to become responsible adults, productive citizens and skilled professionals. 4. Activities foster success in later life. Participation in high school activities is often a predictor of later success – in college, a career and in becoming a healthy, contributive member of society For more information please follow the links provided:
As in past years, several parents did not permit their children attend Trip Week because of academic concerns. I have written about this topic before but I think parents should understand the rationale and expectations regarding Trip Week. Obviously parents have the final decision when determining what is best for their children, but I hope decisions are made based on research. I do believe that
Exploring the Link between Physical Activity, Fitness and Cognitive Function Study Shows Benefits of 'Co-Curricular' Activities Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
The Head of the United Nations International School of Hanoi, Dr. Charles Barder, invites all parents/ guardians of our students to attend our special
Our UN Day Ceremony s only 2 weeks away and we’re busy preparing for this wonderful celebration on Friday, October 10! The band is rehearsing, the choir is fine tuning their voices, the dancers are perfecting their moves AND a new and improved sound system is being installed in the Sports Centre! Invitations to ALL parents and guardians were sent by email this week… and we hope that you have marked this date in your calendars! Invitations to UN Agencies, Embassies and Government VIPs have also been sent out, including those to parents representing these organisations. (This is UNIS Hanoi’s internal event only.) The Assembly will start promptly at 10:30 am in the Sports Centre and we encourage ALL parents/guardians to attend this wonderful event which involves scores and scores of our children from all three divisions. Please plan to be in your seats by 10.20am as entrance doors close for the Flag Parade.
You and your children are welcomed and encouraged to wear something representing your “national” dress or clothes from a place where you have lived. With such a multicultural melting pot of nationalities represented, it is sometime difficult to identify with only one nationality, so we encourage the children to create or put together a costume that represents their own sense of identity. In the end, wear something you will feel comfortable wearing. Business dress is often preferred by parents and no one should feel any pressure to ‘dress up’.
Following the ceremony ALL parents/guardians are invited to join their children and the rest of the community for our wonderful ‘Potluck’ Lunch from 12:00 in the classroom areas (ES and MS) or Canteen for High School families. Every family will be asked to contribute food for the Community Lunch to ensure that we have enough to feed all the children and guests. You will receive more information in the coming weeks about how the lunch and food is organized from your Class Parent or Grade Level Parent liaison, but please read the detailed food preparation guidelines below and start planning! Any questions don’t hesitate to contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun: clo@unishanoi.org
Our students have all responded and are ready for their honour of carrying the flags for our spectacular Parade of Nations during the UN day on October 10th. We now have the following nations represented: Angola
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
New Zealand
South Africa
UNIS Hanoi
United Kingdom
United States
UN Flag
Students who are carrying their flag are asked to wear clothing that represents these countries - this may be traditional clothing or specific colours of the flag- we ask that students refrain from wearing sports clothing however. If a student has an affinity to more than one country then they can illustrate this in their choice of clothing. We also encourage all students, teachers, parents and community members to wear clothing to represent their international diversity on this special celebratory day.
Students in the flag parade are expected to participate in 3 practices in the Sports Centre as follows:
Friday, 3rd October, 13:15 -14:05
Wednesday, 8th October, 14:45 - 16:00 (please note
that no UNIS Hanoi bus transportation will be provided) Thursday, 9th October, full rehearsal on 9:45-11:05
For any questions in what can become a complex process, please do not hesitate to contact our lead coordinator for the Parade of Nations, ES Deputy Principal, Jan Humpleby: esdprincipal@unishanoi.org
UN Day Celebration, one of the biggest events at UNIS Hanoi, will be held on Friday, October 10. The culminating event for the day is the international community lunch which is enjoyed by students, staff and parents. It is truly international and fun! Our shared lunch is provided by parents and is an opportunity for you to showcase your cultural cuisine. Many parents bring in their favorite national dish or something that is popular in their home country. All parents, family members, faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend the luncheon which will start at 12:00 noon. The Community Lunch is organised into grade level lunches and your homeroom class parents will take the lead on communicating the essential information to you. They will be asking for volunteers to help (especially with the clean up) and the more people to help the better! Please DROP OFF FOOD BEFORE 9.30am to the designated drop off spots listed below.
Prepare one plate of food to serve 10 people (servings)
for each of your child’s classrooms. Prepare food that does not require refrigeration or need to be heated. Prepare food that can be easily served and can be eaten with fingers or forks — no soupy or runny dishes. Do not bring any food that contains nuts of any kind; no peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc or peanut oil or nut products. Label the food with name and country of origin; decorate the plate/food with flags or ribbons (It’s nice to know where the food you are eating originates from!) List the ingredients of your food for dietary restrictions and allergies (please see the sample below). If you bring food on a serving plate, please collect it after the lunch is finished so it is not misplaced. It is
Example of Food Label:
recommended to clearly mark it with your child’s name and homeroom. Many people made a disposable serving container using a small cardboard container lined with foil which is then decorated to serve their food. If your dish requires a serving spoon or fork, please provide. More appetizers and main courses are required than desserts. UNIS Hanoi will provide: plates, napkins, cups, and forks. Children are encouraged to use their water bottles and parents are welcome to bring their own non-alcoholic drinks (in addition to a cultural dish). Water will be available for everyone. If you have any questions regarding the UN Day Community Lunch, please contact our Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie Grun: clo@unishanoi.org
Next week you will receive the order envelopes for your child(ren)'s school photos. Please read and follow the instructions on the envelope carefully and return the orders to the drop box in the Advancement Office (B7). And this year we are offering a new service (which we forgot to mark on the envelopes - sorry!)
This will be a new service available this year and all you have to do is request it in the comments box. Please note this is only possible if you order the 20cm x 30cm class photo option. No extra charge will be made for this service. Just write: CLASS PHOTO WITH NAMES in the COMMENTS BOX, like this...
Class Photo with names please
THANKS to all those parents and guardians that have already completed our curriculum survey. Your views are important and we are grateful to receive them.
ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS of students from Grade 3 to Grade 12 are invited to complete a short survey about your opinion of our PYP, MYP and DP curriculum, teaching and learning and assessment. A link was emailed out earlier this week. If you did not receive it, you can reach the survey here. (https:// docs.google.com/a/unishanoi.org/forms/
d/1jLTDkXu1efZZ5mRrvx97Sfi1Y3jqBOW9P2YkC7L_b8/edit) The survey will remain open until 08:00 on MONDAY 29 September. This survey is part of our year-long self-study to evaluate ourselves against the standards of the Council of International Schools, theWestern Association of Schools and Colleges and the International Baccalaureate Organization. Representatives from these organizations will visit the school on 1-3 December as part of our ongoing quality assurance / accreditation and evaluation cycle run by these agencies. Janet Field, Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org
On Friday 19th and Monday 22nd, Dr Cancemi ran a workshop for teaching assistants and then consulted with the ECC teams, suggesting how the Reggio Emilia approaches might enhance aspects of our existing practice.
Teachers apply the Reggio Emilia approach by creating an art installation inspired by the natural environment. A recent visitor to the school was Dr Junko Cancemi, the Director of the Early Learning Centre at Yokohama International School. Dr Cancemi’s specialist area is the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching and learning young children. This began in Italy and is now highly regarded worldwide as a way to construct knowledge and understanding in a learning environment that nurtures creativity and an appreciation of nature and beauty.
During the weekend, 27 UNIS Hanoi teachers and teaching assistants attended a full workshop generously sponsored by the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS). We were joined by 23 guests from the international schools around the region (Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Myanmar, Bangkok, Shanghai, Phnom Penh) as well as from several other schools and early childhood centres in Hanoi that are working with Reggio Emilia approaches. The weekend provided not only the chance to learn more about the philosophy and teaching approach of Reggio Emilia, but also a valuable chance to network amongst early childhood specialists from so many different places. The Reggio Emilia approach is widely used around the world; you can read more about it in practice at this Education Scotland site or see the interest in it from around the world, (http://www.reggiochildren.it/category/news-en/? lang=en). Our experience of running a regional weekend workshop was very positive and we look forward to hosting more such events in the future. Janet Field, Director of Learning dol@unishanoi.org
Between Wednesday 1 October and Friday 3 October, 2014 we will be administering the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) test, for students in Grades 3 to 9. This test requires no special preparation. We simply ask that students have a good night’s sleep and an adequate breakfast on the test days. The ISA was developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). This organisation also runs the PISA tests (Programme for International Student Assessment) which compare the competencies of 15 year olds across many nations. Both ISA and PISA are based on the same frameworks for literacy and mathematical skills. The data that ISA generates gives us very useful comparisons about the quality of our educational programme in relation to other similar international schools and also to national norms. Each of the four parts of the ISA takes between 45 and 60 minutes to complete. There are both multiple-choice and
Please join us on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the UNIS Hanoi Theatre for a Parent Information evening on the topic of co-curricular programming here at UNIS Hanoi. This particular session will focus on the co-curricular programming directly impacting our students most, and not necessarily the community outreach initiatives such as our Community Education (ComEd) programme. Topics for the evening will include, the new Activities Department structure, APAC/MRISA affiliation, building a positive culture of success, ASA sign-up process, developing a youth sport programme and how parents can help, a school’s role in sport and activities, department goals, department philosophy as well as a general description of a holistic view on education in which curricular and co-curricular programming work in a partnership.
open-ended tasks. The test is completed in a paper booklet which is then sent back to ACER to be scored and analysed. The ISA give us descriptive information about what students know and can do. The results are equated from year to year so they can be used to track changes. The report will be used to provide data to the school, to you, and to your child. The results of the assessment will be available to parents in the form of a written report and we anticipate receiving these in January 2015. Contact the homeroom teacher if you have a concern regarding your child's reaction to the test. If you would like more information about the ISA test in general, Please contact Janet Field, the Director of Learning at dol@unishanoi.org
Light snacks and refreshments will be available on the evening. Tarique AL-Iesa, Director of Activities, and Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager will be available for individual questions immediately following the presentation. We hope to see you all there. Tarique AL-Iesa, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org
Mon, Sep 29 13:20-14:00
Common Room B5 G29
Chapman University Concordia University – Portland Furman University
Tue, Sep 30 13:20-14:00
Common Room B5 G29
Lewis & Clark College
Saint Louis University
Bridget Flaherty, Assistant Director International Admission Eric G. Evans, Director of International Admissions Andrea Fan, International Program Coordinator
University of Kansas
Shannon O'Hagan, International Student Recruiter
Maryville University
Kristin Kahaloa, Director of International Admission Aimee Thostenson, Associate Director International Admission Tom Windle - Senior Partnerships Manager
Mercyhurst University Thu, Oct 2 13:20-14:00
Outside of Common Room B5 G29
St. Catherine University Minneapolis Royal Holloway, University of London Wilfrid Laurier University Fri, Oct 3 13:20-14:00 Mon, Oct 6 13:20-14:00
Common Room B5 G29 Outside of Common Room B5 G29
Tue, Oct7 13:20-14:00
Common Room B5 G29
Wed, Oct 8 12:40-13:20
Outside of Common Room B5 G29
Thu, Oct 9 13:20-14:00
Common Room B5 G29
Taren James, Associate Director of Admission and International Admission Officer Virginia Groves Katz, Director of International Admission Fred Silva, Assistant Director of Admission
University of British Columbia
Silviu Besenyei, International Admission Coordinator Mr. Jeff Kiyooka, Recruiter & Advising Officer
University of New Brunswick
Andrew Dunphy, International Recruitment
Concordia University – Montreal University of Alberta University of Saskatchewan
John Beaton, Admissions Counselor
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Johns Hopkins University
Kevin Newman, Admissions Counselor
Temple University Japan
Thomas Belfer, Admissions Counselor
Bates College Birmingham-Southern College
Misha Garg, Admissions Counselor John McGinnis, Admissions Counselor
Hendrix College
Michael Licatino, Assoc. Director of Admissions
Indiana University Kokomo College of Staten Island
Todd Gambill, Vice Chancellor Monika Wojciechowski, Assist. Director Intl. Admis
University of Mount Union
Dawn Adams, Director International Admission
Western New England University Widener University Mount Holyoke College
Michelle Kowalsky, Admissions Counselor
Randy Lievers, Admissions Counselor Amy Ta, Admissions Counselor
Kylie Wright, Admissions Counselor
Northeastern University
Candice Chan, Admissions Counselor Elizabeth DuMont-McCaffrey, Admissions Counselor Darryl Tynen, Assist. Director Intl Admissions
University of San Francisco
Krittaya Pichitnapakul, International Relations
Seventeen UNIS Hanoi staff members participated in the second annual Google Summit Vietnam held at Concordia International School last weekend. Roland Baker, Executive Director, TICAL Project, Santa Cruz County Office of Education, presented the Keynote Address: Digital Footprints. Roland’s premise was the students that are now entering our schools in Kindergarten will be entering the job market in 2030. How are we, as educators, preparing our students to be successful in their careers when we don’t have a very clear idea of what the careers our students will pursue? Will we still have physical schools? Will test scores be important? Will they need to know how to read? We will look at these issues as well as what some companies (Google) are doing now to help their employees, and educators, look at problems in new and different ways. Bach Quang Thai, IT Officer, UNIS Hanoi presented a session on Google Calendar Resources. He provided information about calendar resources for beginners including creating a new calendar, adding an event, inviting guests, creating calendar resources, managing resources, and inviting groups. Nguyen Dinh Khanh, IT Officer, UNIS Hanoi spoke about Google Apps Email Security and Management. His session included sharing of his experience managing and securing Gmail for Google Apps during and after the UNIS Gmail deployment. It covered basic and intermediate troubleshooting tips used to isolate common Gmail problems. Paul Swanson, MSH Tech Coordinator, UNIS Hanoi discussed Google Drive at an Institutional Level. Although Google Drive allows for powerful collaboration and information organisation in schools, few people understand how it actually works or what its implications are when implemented at an institutional level. He presented metaphors to better understand Google Drive, as well as some Best Practices for using it across a school.
UNIS Hanoi participant comments include: A great event - something for everybody whatever your
tech level. I learned lots! Impressed to see so many of our UNIS Hanoi Tech
team there and also presenting. Happy to also discover how much I do already know
thanks to the tech support at UNIS Hanoi. I now understand the difference between apps,
extensions and add-ons a little more and played /looked at some of each. I knew some stuff already as I was able to focus on the
new or interesting to me bits rather than overwhelmed and wanting it all. I got to be an adult and drop in or out of sessions as
best suited me and my head space. Got to see other people and schools not just staying in
the UNIS Hanoi bubble! Apps, extensions and add-ons will dramatically increase
my productivity at work, I can’t imagine life without them now! Check out this presentation for recommended Apps, Extensions and Add-ons. The scary difference in Google Drive between ‘Adding’,
‘Moving’ and ‘Copying files and folders in the Drive Realm is something I am still trying to wrap my head around. Thank you to Concordia International School for hosting a great learning weekend.
Last week the School Community Organisation had their ever so popular Sparkly Social and some of us are still recovering from an AMAZING event! A Big Huge THANK YOU to Pippa Wood, Hien Nguyen and the SCO Executives for arranging the venue and all the behind the scenes logistics. For those that were there last week, our In-House UMA Band just rocked the night away! We went through every music genre that night! The singer, Anna Walter, who we welcome this year as a
new UNIS Hanoi parent, has the most stunning powerhouse vocals (aren't we lucky!). And DJ Neil Taylor kept us dancing until the wee hours...and of course, a special shout-out goes to our special guest, Miss Angelina, whose lip-sync and dance performance was ON POINT! THANK YOU TO YOU ALL FOR AN AMAZING EVENT! Now the question everyone is asking... When is the next party?! Stay posted for more... Enjoy the pictures (compliments of Natascha Senftleben)
to/auspiced by UNIS Hanoi Service Learning. Please see the UNIS Hanoi Service Learning department to discuss your idea first. Each year, our community –through the SCO - raises funds in course of implementing activities, the main activity being the organization and administration of the Spring Fair . Some of those funds are available each year to carry out project ideas from members of the community. The funding process is designed to be fair, transparent, and community-based. Application for funding may now be prepared, and queries about funding may now be submitted for consideration. The closing date for applications will be in late November, the date to be advised. Who can apply ? Any member of our community, including teaching staff, administration, faculty, students of all ages and student groups and parents. The kinds of projects that may be funded are : for extra equipment/furniture outside the UNIS Hanoi Administration budget, fees, wages or expenses for a teaching specialist/entertainer/workshop provider, publications, and production costs. Please note : Regarding funds sought for charity. The charity must be connected
We are now accepting applications for a Contracted Services Supervisor. This position holder is responsible for monitoring and continuously improving the work performance and quality of work by contracted services workers through close supervision to limit time waste, supervision of specific job duties to ensure that they are executed properly, meeting contractual provisions and international standards. The contracted services under the supervising scope of the Contracted Services Supervisor include cleaning services, pest control and landscape services, security services and any other services supervision that may be assigned.
Examples of projects that have been funded in the past are – compost bins for the school garden, outdoor seating, decorations, displays, throw cushions for the Library, big drum and gong for the Centre for the Arts, badge making machine for the Design and Technology Dept, cameras for the ECC, bedding/supplies for an Orphanage, production funding for the Operation Smile Charity concert, a new timming system for the swimming pool, funding to support the UNIS Hanoi Kaliedoscope of Culture Carnival, and more. All applications must be submitted using the forms and templates which will be available from the UNIS Portal and Website in the near future. Any questions about the process or the forms should be directed to sco@unishanoi.org Pippa Wood, SCO Funding Committee
To view more information about the job description and requirements, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs
Everyone wants their child to perform well at school. Children learn at different speeds, that’s normal, but how can we help our children reach their maximum potential ? Research has identified 4 factors which influence a child’s learning at school & this is where you can make a real difference.
For the same reasons as above, if you are giving your child a snack for recess make sure it’s a healthy one. Candy, chocolate & potato chips will give them a sudden increase in blood sugar , but are digested too quickly which will result in a short lived burst of energy. Soon they will be feeling hungry again making them irritable, & leaving them unable to concentrate in lessons, just ask a teacher about that lesson before lunch!! It makes good sense to give your child something nutritious which will sustain them until lunchtime. A piece of fruit, yoghurt or milk drinks, raisons or other dried fruit or cereal bars (watch for sugar content & remember no nuts allowed!) or try combining some protein & fibre for example fruit & cheese, all these snacks can help bridge the gap until lunchtime.
Researchers at Harvard University USA found that students who ate breakfast were “significantly more attentive in the classroom, earned higher grades in math, and had significantly fewer behavioural & emotional problems” For some children the time gap between breakfast & lunch can be extremely long, especially if they have to be on the school bus by 7am. Research has shown that for non breakfast eaters, as the morning goes on they begin to lose concentration, because quite simply they are hungry! Breakfast doesn’t have to be a huge & complicated meal but it is probably the most important meal of your child’s day. Try & make eating breakfast a habit & soon even reluctant children will get the hang of it, milk or a milkshake, fruit smoothies, fruit juices, fresh fruit, yoghurt, cereal (but watch that sugar content) wholemeal toast, rice or noodles, the options are endless for a healthy start to the day . If children complain about a lack of time, it takes merely a few minutes to eat a banana & drink some milk!! (About.com “Don’t skip breakfast” )
Stay tuned for next weeks Tin Tuc where we will provide you with 2 other important factors that influence a child’s leaning at school!
Congratulations to our very own Jessica Nopthaisong of 5JH and Grace Cenere of Grade 6, who submitted their own vocal recordings to participate in this Virtual Youth Choir debut performance of ‘What If’ at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, in association with UNICEF. Well done Singers! Here’s some more information on the Conductor, Eric Whitacre Sally Oxenberry, ES Music Teacher soxenberry@unishanoi.org