UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc _ Newsletter 10 vol 21 tt 24 oct

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 27 OCTOBER  MSHS Spirit Week, 27-31 Oct  Grade 3 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 27-30 Oct  Quarter 2 Starts  JV Boys Volleyball vs. HIS, 16:00-17:00, Sports Centre TUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER  MS Boys Basketball vs. Concordia, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  MS Girls Basketball vs. Concordia, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  Grade 3 Slice of ICE Parent Performance, 18:00-19:30, Theatre WEDNESDAY, 29 OCTOBER  High School PSAT/NMSQT Test  Grade 3 Field Trip, Hanoi School Sports Elementary Soccer Day, 9:00-13:30, Concordia International School THURSDAY, 30 OCTOBER  MRISA High School Volleyball Tournament, UNIS Hanoi, 30 Oct - 2 Nov

COMING SOON MONDAY, 03 NOVEMBER  EAL Testing for ES Students, 3-7 Nov  Grade 5 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 3-6 Nov  MSHS 3-Way Parent Conferences, 10:00-18:00, No Classes/ASAs/Sports for MSHS Students, 3-4 Nov  HS Season 2 Sports Begin (Basketball & Swimming), 15:45-17:30, Sports Centre

Volume 21, Edition 9, Friday 24 October TUESDAY, 04 NOVEMBER  MS Boys Basketball vs. St. Paul, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  MS Girls Basketball vs. St. Paul, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  Board Campus Development Task Force Meeting, 17:3019:00, Conference Room WEDNESDAY, 05 NOVEMBER  UMA Session 2 Registration on ISIS, 5-6 Nov  Board Community Meeting, 19:30-21:00, Black Box, Centre for the Arts THURSDAY, 06 NOVEMBER  Grade 5 Slice of ICE Parent Performance, 8:30-10:00, Theatre Foyer  Board Executive Committee Meeting, 11:30-13:00, Conference Room  ES Walk-a-thon, 12:30-15:00, UNIS Hanoi Field  American University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room  MSHS Autumn Musical, 19:30-21:30, Theatre, 6-8 Nov FRIDAY, 07 NOVEMBER  ASA Session 2 Registration on ISIS, 7-9 Nov  ES Snack Sale Morning, 8:30-10:30, ES Courtyards  ES Singers United, 18:00-18:45, Black Box SATURDAY, 08 NOVEMBER  SAT Testing (HS)

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) From the Admissions Office (p.3) Elementary Learning Journey (p.3-4,12)

Book Sale. We want your books! (p.8) SCO Funding. Apply Now! (p.9) SCO Boutique News (p.10)

ES Spirit Day (p.5) Join us “On the radio” (p.5) Little Shop of Horrors! (p.6) Phoenix Athletics & Co-curricular News (p.7-8)

Clothes Drive for Thuy An (p.10) School Health Centre News (p.11) Job Opportunities (p.12) Service Partner Notices (p.13-14)

Thanks to the parents (over 40 in attendance) who attended the Breakfast with the Head of School on Wednesday morning. The link to the notes from this meeting will be in the Tin Tuc in the next week or two. I would like to announce the closure of the Library on Saturday mornings until further notice. Please read the letter attached here that I have sent to all of the Saturday Soccer participants with the explanation. Finally, I invite you to come out and cheer for our UNIS Hanoi students this weekend at the Swimming Invitational and the Basketball Invitational, all happening on our campus in addition to Saturday Soccer and the other ASA events. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

All parents, faculty and staff are warmly invited to meet with the Board of Directors

There will be some presentations and a chance to ask questions after each presentation and at the end of the meeting. Refreshments will be provided from 7:00pm.

Agenda Items: 1. Welcome and introduction of Board members: Ms. Sarah Garner, Board Chair 2. Role of the Board of Directors: Ms. Sarah Garner, Board Chair 3. Scholarship Fundraising: Ms. Nandini Oomman, Vice Chair and Chair of the Advancement Committee 4. Report from Parents Session with SMP Consultant and Interactive Session on SMP 2015-2020: Mr. Bob Hughes, Chair of the Strategic Management Plan (SMP) 2015-2020 Task Force 5. Financial Update and Introduction of Draft Budget for 2015-16: Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu, Board Treasurer 6. Any other questions/comments: To help facilitate a good discussion at this meeting, we appreciate questions sent in advance to boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org. The agenda is also posted on the School portal. We look forward to meeting with you. Ms. Sarah Garner, Board Chair

If your family intends to leave UNIS Hanoi at the end of the first semester, please notify the Admissions office of your child’s last day of attendance via email. School will close for the winter break on Friday 12th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 16th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.

How wonderful it was to witness families learning together as they moved through the various grade level Student Led Learning Journeys yesterday. Children were proudly leading their parents, siblings and other relatives around, many clutching clipboards with their schedule or map of things to look at, talk about, demonstrate and focus upon as they moved from learning area to learning area. It was a delight to hear the children explaining their learning and

articulating their understanding and seeing parents so engaged in what their children had to share. Whilst this event did take place earlier in the year than last year, we believe there was still much that was gained from the interactive experience at the end of this first quarter by all who participated. Enjoy the photographs. Warm regards, Carole Denny, esprincipal@unishanoi.org

Singers United proudly presents a mini-musical for all to enjoy....

Bring your family and friends to watch this one off performance and stay for the MSHS Musical 'Little Shop of Horrors' too! Sally Oxenberry, ES Music Teacher soxenberry@unishanoi.org

Students in Grades 9-12 have been working for the past 10 weeks putting together this year’s musical, “Little Shop of Horrors.” A lot of time and energy have been invested in this “off-beat” show, including: designing/building the set, the plant and props, designing/planning/programming/ running lights and sound, selecting/preparing/tailoring/ accessorizing costumes, designing/testing/practicing makeup and hair, designing/distributing publicity, selling tickets, creating programmes and rehearsing vocal music, instrumental music, choreography and staging.

“Little Shop of Horrors” Synopsis Seymour Krelborn is a poor young man, an orphan living in an urban skid row. Audrey is a pretty co-worker at Mushnik's Skid Row Florists, a run-down flower shop owned and operated by the cranky Mrs. Mushnik. Seymour has recently obtained a mysterious plant that looks like a large venus flytrap. Seymour is secretly in love with Audrey and names the plant Audrey II in her honor. The plant does not thrive in its new environment and appears to be dying. He accidentally pricks his finger on a rose thorn, which draws blood, and Audrey II's pod opens thirstily. Seymour realizes that Audrey II requires blood to survive and, as Audrey II grows, it becomes an attraction and starts generating brisk business for Mushnik. When Seymour stops feeding the plant, Audrey II reveals that it can speak (in a demanding voice) and says that, if fed, it will make sure that all of Seymour's dreams come true… Will Audrey and Seymour end up “happily ever after?” Will Audrey II take over the world or will Seymour and Audrey defeat it?

The second season of Phoenix Athletics is fast approaching. Season two consists of high school basketball and swimming as well as middle school soccer. Try-outs for the boys and girls basketball and swimming starts November 2nd. Middle school season two begins November 20th. Middle school sports at UNIS Hanoi are inclusive, all students wishing to participate will have the opportunity to play and compete in a structured programme. There will be a middle school travel team selected from all those interested. This team will represent UNIS Hanoi at major tournaments and at the culminating MRISA tournament at the end of the season. All other participants will play internal matches and have the opportunity to compete against local schools at a soccer festival at the end of the season. Basketball will meet in the UNIS Hanoi Sports Centre, Swimming on pool deck, and Soccer on the field. Interested students should make their way to the events board outside the canteen and sign-up. Good Luck.

On Friday and Saturday of next week we will be hosting 7 visiting schools for the 2014 MRISA Senior Volleyball Championships. Please join us at UNIS Hanoi to enjoy the games and to support our team. Click this link to view the detailed schedule. Let's try to create an electric atmosphere for our athletes and give them a bit of home court advantage. All information of the participants, game results, photos can be found at http:// sites.unishanoi.org/mrisavolleyball/ Tarique AL-Iesa, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

GO PHEONIX Tarique AL-Iesa, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

the training sign-up sessions have closed all data will be erased for the real sign-ups. The training sign-up times and dates are as follows: UNIS Music Academy (UMA): 08.00 – 23.00 on Wednesday 29th October After School Activities (ASA’s): 08.00 – 23.00 on Friday 31st October If you’re new to UNIS Hanoi or require a little ‘practice’ for the UNIS Music Academy (UMS) or After School Activities (ASA’s) ISIS Family sign-up process then please read on.

To assist you with the sign-up processes we’ve created detailed written instructions and screencasts that you can access by clicking the links below:

Due to the complex nature required for our UMA and ASA’s schedules we appreciate the sign-up process can also be little challenging especially if you’re new to the system. Therefore we’re opening up the UMA and ASA’s sign-ups on ISIS Family for a short period of time so you can become more familiar with how they operate. This will give you the opportunity to ‘run through’ the process before the actual sign-up sessions take place.

Click HERE for the UNIS Music Academy (UMA) Sign-up Instructions

Please note: this is a ‘TRAINING’ or ‘MOCK’ sign-up

Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

only and your choices during these times will not be accepted for the UMA or ASA’s Session 2 options. Once

Click HERE for the After School Activities (ASA’s) Signup Instructions Once you’re logged into to ISIS Family, for both UMA and ASA, use the training sessions available under Activities Sessions.

I’d like to congratulate the following UNIS Hanoi students for achieving a Merit in last June’s ABRSM examinations



Jose Acuna Kai Humpleby Kyumin Kim Su Ho Jeong Sunu Kim Miki Takechi

Violin Saxophone Clarinet & Percussion Saxophone Piano Flute

Additionally, Ken Aiga (Clarinet) and Erin Suh (Violin) for achieving a Distinction in their ABRSM examinations and were therefore invited to perform at the ABRSM Hanoi High Scorers’ Concert which took place on Sunday 12th October in the Practical Theatre at the Hanoi College for Arts. For more information on this concert please click HERE. Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

Do you have books that you no longer need but which someone else would enjoy? Are you wondering what to do with them? Do you want to donate them to a good cause?

The UNIS Hanoi Book Sale, held annually at the end of November, is a much anticipated event. It’s an opportunity for both kids and adults to purchase some ‘pre-loved’ books, in their native tongue (or another language!), at bargain prices. Kids’ books, adults’ books, fact or fiction, English, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, German, Swedish, French – we’re interested in books on any subject, in any language spoken within the UNIS Hanoi community. If it’s a book that someone else might enjoy, donate it (so no out-dated travel guides, class readers or undesirable books please!). Books will be collected in each ECC, ES and MS classroom from November, with a central collection for HS. We’ll be back with more details in due course. In the interim, please start putting your pre-loved books safely aside. Lori Fairbairn and Amanda Stevenson, Book Sale Coordinators. (Contact us at: booksale@unishanoi.org)

Applications for the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship programme 2015-2016 are open until 31 December Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE. Any further questions, email to scholarships@unishanoi.org

 timing system for the swimming pool (2013-2014)  electronic notice board (2013-2014) Each year, our community raises funds through the activities of the School Community Organisation (SCO) such as the Spring Fair and the ES Snack Sales. A large portion of funds are available each year to carry out project ideas from members of the community. The funding process is designed to be community-based and transparent.

 display project and dragon kite for the library (20132014)

 Thuy An Orphanage funds for Service Learning project (2013-2014)

 Kaleidoscope of Culture Carnival Entertainment and ticket subsidy (2013 - 2014)

 compost bins for the school garden  outdoor seating  decorations for the Library  throw cushions for the Library  big drum and gong for the Centre for the Arts

Any member of the UNIS Hanoi community; including teaching staff, administration, faculty, students of all ages, student groups and parents are welcome to apply for SCO Project Funding. The kinds of projects that may be funded are for:

 school equipment

 badge making machine  cameras for the ECC  bedding/supplies for an Orphanage  production funding for the Operation Smile Charity concert

 and many more!

 furniture outside the UNIS Hanoi Administration budget, fees, wages or expenses for a teaching specialist

 entertainment and/or production costs for community building initiatives

 workshop provider  publications

1) Carefully read the Project Funding Application Information 2) Fill in the Application Form 3) Fill in the Budget form 4) Submit BOTH forms to the School Community Organisation at sco@unishanoi.org Questions about the process should be directed to the SCO Treasurer, Petra Eichler at sco@unishanoi.org. Pippa Wood, Renea Freeman, Petra Eichler SCO Grants Committee

Swim goggles are back with 4 colour options at 230,000 vnd.

Phoenix super T- shirts available at 90,000vnd. Parents, come and get one for the Swim Meet this weekend.

Children size goggles are also available at 200,000 vnd.

We certainly hope you ENJOYED the UN Day Community Lunch and we would like to THANK YOU AGAIN for all your DELICIOUS food contributions! Now we have some lonely left-over plates, dishes and containers that are wanting to return home. Please stop by the Advancement Office (Building 7 Room 102 upstairs) to be reunited with your long lost dishes! We will keep your dishes in the Advancement Office until Friday, October 31, before they will be donated to a new home for charity .

In the Service Learning group Thuy An Village, we raise money and awareness about the village, and go on trips to visit the people living in Thuy An, approximately 90 minutes from Hanoi. In Thuy An live people with various disabilities and people that have been abandoned by their families. As a group, we want to set up a winter clothes drive where everyone in the UNIS Hanoi community can contribute by donating winter clothes that they are not going to use anymore. If you or your child is in ES please give the clothes you wish to donate to the teacher of your homeroom, and if you are in MSHS please put the clothes in a plastic bag and then leave the bag in the assigned box outside the library. Any donation is much appreciated. As you know, it gets

cool in winter, but ever cooler when you do not have sufficient clothes to keep you warm. We hope to see your contribution! Jemima Brennen , The Thuy An Village Service Learning

Holidays like Halloween are fun times for children of all ages, who can dress up in costumes, enjoy parties, enjoy fruits and vegetables, and eat yummy treats. These celebrations also provide a chance to give out healthy snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety. Check out these tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for trick-or-treaters and party guests.

Follow these tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for everyone: Provide healthier treats for trick-or-treaters such as lowcalorie treats and drinks. For party guests, offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cheeses. Use party games and trick-or-treat time as an opportunity for kids to get their daily dose of 60 minutes of physical activity. Be sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could result in falls. Keep candles and lanterns away from doorsteps, walkways, landings, and curtains. Place them on sturdy tables, keep them out of the reach of pets and small children, and never leave them unattended. Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible. Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.

Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you. Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them. Limit the amount of treats you eat.

Hold a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others see you. Always WALK and don't run from house to house. Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent possible skin and eye irritation. Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.

Lower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative contact lenses.

Only walk on sidewalks whenever possible, or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.

Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.

Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers. Enter homes only if you're with a trusted adult. Only visit well-lit houses. Don't stop at dark houses. Never accept rides from strangers. Never walk near lit candles. Be sure to wear flameresistant costumes. School Health Centre, nurse@unishanoi.org

UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following job openings:

The successful candidate is expected to start full time employment from 1 March 2015, with a hand-over commencing 5 Jan 2015, which can be on part-time basis. Assistant to the Board ensures the effective management and coordination of the Board’s activities in line with established procedures and priorities and to act as a key conduit in the management of the Board’s institutional memory, in order to achieve the Board’s annual and longer term strategic objectives. This position reports to the Head of School but must work closely with the Board Chair and other Board members, which may include direct assignment of work from time to time. Closing date for application is 14 November 2014.

The successful candidate is expected to work on full time teaching contract from 5 January 2015 to 12 June 2015. The EAL Teacher reports to the Elementary School Principal. Closing date for application is 31 October 2014. To view more information about the job description and requirements of the above positions, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs

Registration will be taking place at UNIS Hanoi on the following day  Saturday, 25 Oct: 09:00 - 10:00 - UNIS field  Tuesday, 28 Oct: 12:00 - 13:30 in front of canteen  Saturday 1, Nov: 09:00 - 10:00 - UNIS field  Wednesday, 5 Nov: 12:00 - 13:30 in front of canteen

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