UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc _ Newsletter 11 vol 21 tt 31 oct

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 21, Edition 11, Friday 31 October ES Snack Sale Morning, 8:30-10:30, ES Courtyards ES Singers United, 18:00-18:45, Black Box


MONDAY, 03 NOVEMBER  EAL Testing for ES Students, 3-14 Nov  Discovery Field Trip, 3 & 4 Nov  Grade 5 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 3-6 Nov  MSHS 3-Way Parent Conferences, 10:00-18:00, No Classes/ASAs/Sports for MSHS Students, 3-4 Nov  HS Season 2 Sports Begin (Basketball & Swimming), 15:45-17:30, Sports Centre


TUESDAY, 04 NOVEMBER  MS Boys Basketball vs. St. Paul, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  MS Girls Basketball vs. St. Paul, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre

TUESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER  Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30 - 20:00

WEDNESDAY, 05 NOVEMBER  UMA Session 2 Registration on ISIS, 5-6 Nov  Board Community Meeting, 19:30-21:00, Black Box, Centre for the Arts THURSDAY, 06 NOVEMBER  Grade 5 Slice of ICE Parent Performance, 8:30-10:00, Theatre Foyer  Board Executive Committee Meeting, 11:30-13:00, Conference Room  ES Walk-a-thon, 12:30-15:00, UNIS Hanoi Field  American University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room  MSHS Autumn Musical, 19:30-21:30, Theatre, 6-8 Nov

COMING SOON MONDAY, 10 NOVEMBER  Professional Development Days - NO classes for students, 10 - 11 Nov

WEDNESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER  APAC Autumn Performing Arts Festival - CHOIR @ CISS, 12 - 17 Nov  APAC Autumn Performing Arts Festival ORCHESTRA @ UNIS, 12 - 17 Nov THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER  MRISA Middle School Basketball Tournament @ ISHCMC, 13 - 17 Nov  HISAA Soccer Festival , 14:30 - 17:00 FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER  Grades 3-5 Athletics Morning, 08:30 - 11:30 SATURDAY, 15 NOVEMBER  Japanese Community Meeting , 09:00 - 10:30, Community Room

FRIDAY, 07 NOVEMBER  ASA Session 2 Registration on ISIS, 7-9 Nov

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School and the Board of Directors (p.2) From the Admissions Office (p.3) UN Day Photos (p.3) Notes from the Middle & High School Principal (p.3) Athletics, UMA & ASAs News (p.4-5) Grade 3 Slice of ICE (p.6) Spirit Day (p.7) Little Shop of Horrors! (p.8)

Walk-a-thon (p.9) ECERP Administrators Workshop (p.10) Book Sale. Book Collection Opens (p.11) SCO News. Project Funding, Snack Sale and more (p.12-13) School Health Centre News (p.14) Job Opportunities (p.14) Service Partner Notices (p.15-16)

It is with regret that I announce that Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal, has decided to move on at the end of this school year. We are grateful for all that she has done to effectively lead the Elementary School for the last three years. As we search for a new Elementary School Principal, I am putting together a small group that we are calling the ES Principal Search Advisory Task Force. This group will be made up of a 2-3 parents and 2-3 faculty to advise me as I choose the new ES Principal. I will strive to have diversity on this Task Force with a balance of nationalities, length of time here at UNIS Hanoi, and ages of children in the Elementary School among other things. The vacancy announcement has gone out worldwide, and we are already receiving many applications. The closing date for applications is 14 Nov. Shortly after that,

You are warmly invited to attend the Board of Directors Community meeting on Wednesday 5th November in the Black Box, Centre for the Arts. Click here to view the meeting agenda. A reception will begin at 7:00pm at which you can meet with the Board members while enjoying some light refreshments.

the Task Force will convene to review the papers of the long list of candidates. From this list, I will chose 2-3 finalists who will be brought for two days of intense interviews by myself, faculty, parents, students, and of course the Task Force. This will occur during the last two weeks of November. After collating all of the feedback from the various groups, I will then make the decision in early December. For the Task Force, there will be several meetings over a 2 week period from 17-28 November. Anyone interested in serving on this Task Force should send an email to Ms. Hanh, my Assistant, at hosassistant@unishanoi.org as soon as possible. The deadline for an expression of interest is 07 November 2014. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

The formal meeting will start at 7:30pm with an introduction to the 2014-2015 Board by the Board Chair. The Advancement Committee Chair will make a special announcement on scholarship fundraising. The Treasurer will provide a financial update and introduce the draft Budget for 2015-2016. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session led by the Strategic Management Plan 2015-2020 Task Force Chair, who will also give a status report. The meeting will conclude with a question and answer session. To prepare for and effectively respond to your questions, please send me in advance any specific questions you would like us to address at boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org. Regards, Ms. Sarah Garner, Board Chair boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org

If your family intends to leave UNIS Hanoi at the end of the first semester, please notify the Admissions office of your child’s last day of attendance via email. School will close for the winter break on Friday 12th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 16th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.

Please CLICK HERE to view and download all UN Day photos.

Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS, which is currently a beehive of activity! We are pleased to be hosting the Men’s and Women’s 2014 MRISA Volleyball Tournament. This year’s tournament is scheduled for Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. UNIS will be hosting teams from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Next weekend, Nov. 6 – 8, UNIS is proud to present our Fall drama production, “Little Shop of Horrors” (7:30 pm). If you have a spare moment please do come out and support our UNIS teams and thespians. Go Phoenix! November 3/4 marks Student/Parent/Teacher 3-Way Conferences. Registration information for conferences was sent out via email. If you did not receive an email detailing sign-up procedures please contact the MSHS Office (hssec@unishanoi.org) and we will be happy to assist. Mid semester progress reports will be available online starting Oct. 31. Parents/Guardians will receive an email

notifying them that reports are available. Access codes for reports are the same ones used for all ISIS Family log-ins. If you have any difficulty accessing your child’s report please contact the MSHS Office (hssec@unishanoi.org). Please take a moment to look over your child’s progress report before your conferences. The information contained in the report will help you develop talking points with your child and their teachers. Please note that students are expected to attend conferences with their parents. As such the MSHS will be closed for classes during conferences. Our major goal for the 3-Way Conference is to have students take ownership of their learning and have a dialog with teachers and parents about their progress. I look forward to seeing many of you on campus November 3/4. Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

On Friday, November 31 and Saturday, November 1 UNIS Hanoi will be welcoming a total of 16 teams (8 boys and 8 girls) to participate in the 2014 MRISA Senior Volleyball Tournament. You are able to access event details and follow the action at: http:// mrisavolleyball.unishanoi.org

After School Activities (ASA’s) at UNIS Hanoi are for all students, Discovery through Grade 12. By now, all parents/ guardians (and students Grades 5-12) should have received an email from the Co-Curricular Office with information regarding the second ASA’s session of the school year. Everything you require for registration and information about the activities on offer is explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given.

Registration for Session 2 will commence at 07.00 on Friday 07th and will close at 23.59 on Sunday 09th November. All registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system. Session 2 activities will begin on Monday 24th November and will continue for nine school weeks, ending on Friday 13th February 2015.

The entire UNIS Hanoi community is welcome to come out and support our Phoenix volleyball teams (please see schedule on the site for details). Bring the entire family and enjoy the electric atmosphere created by interscholastic athletic events. GO PHOENIX! Tarique AL-Iesa, Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org

UNIS Music Academy (UMA) is a resource for all our students, parents and staff to learn a new instrument, to train their voice or to improve their musical skills working directly with talented musicians. The Academy instructors are members of the Vietnamese Symphony Orchestra, professors from the National Music Academy and local expatriates. By now you should have received an email from our UMA Officer, Ms. Trang with information regarding the second UMA session of the school year. Everything you require for registration is explained in this communication. Please ensure you read the email in-full and follow the instructions given. The specific details for each time-slot will be available to view on ISIS Family on Monday 3rd November.

Registration for Session 2 will commence at 07.00 on Wednesday 5th and will close at 23.59 on Thursday 6th November. All registrations will take place on the ISIS Family online system. Session 2 classes will begin on Monday 24th November and will continue for nine school weeks, ending on Friday 13th February 2015. Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

For the past 5 weeks, the whole elementary school has been out on the field practicing their athletic skills and pushing themselves to improve their running fitness. On Friday the 14th of November the Grade 3, 4 and 5 students will be putting what they have been working on to the test. They will be joining in with their houses to compete with each other for house pride.

at 8:45 and look forward to seeing you there. Cameron McHale, Elementary PE Team Leader cmchale@unishanoi.org

They will be getting points for their houses in the throwing (discus, shot put, javelin), jumping (high jump, long jump) and running (400m and sprints) events. The morning will culminate in the ever-exciting relay races. The emphasis is on effort and pushing oneself to achieve personal targets. Parents are most welcome to come and cheer in what has always been a very popular event. We will open the event

Studies have shown that students who learn an instrument develop their whole brain and playing an instrument can be part of a whole brain workout. I would add that playing in a band gives an opportunity for students to belong to a group, socialize, develop friendships with one another and experience musical success together, developing their ensemble listening skills. Each unique player has their own musical part and listens to the larger whole, making a positive contribution when playing in time and participating in the shared common goal of making a musical piece sound good together. I am happy to provide this musical and social learning experience to Grade Four and Five Students in Beginning Band within our Elementary School.

Each Semester we love to share in another common goal of eating Breakfast together and Thursday Oct 30th was another one of these famous breakky’s! A good time was had by all! Thanks to all Parents for their support and cooking on the new BBQ! Sally Oxenberry, ES Music Teacher soxenberry@unishanoi.org

At the conclusion of their Unit of Inquiry “Talking Without Words”, Grade 3 Students shared their creativity in the Arts ‘Slice of ICE’ evening on Tuesday Oct 28th in the Centre for the Arts. Parents, Teachers and Friends were treated to a smorgasbord of student led learning, focused on communication and expression through the Arts. Ethereal music and drama combined performances resounded in the theatre. The foyers buzzed with video and picture taking of amazing sculptures and portraits while

posting to an online grade level padlet, going ‘live’, ‘paperless’ and ‘virtual’. We returned to the theatre to see the ‘virtual gallery’ instantly posted here, and concluded with two uplifting and well presented grade level songs. All Arts curriculum presentations were led by guided inquiry and completely student created. It was quite remarkable to see the culmination of their ICE Quarter One learning experiences at this age and time of the year. Congratulations Grade 3 Students!

Students in Grades 9-12 have been working for the past 10 weeks putting together this year’s musical, “Little Shop of Horrors.” A lot of time and energy have been invested in this “off-beat” show, including: designing/building the set, the plant and props, designing/planning/programming/ running lights and sound, selecting/preparing/tailoring/ accessorizing costumes, designing/testing/practicing makeup and hair, designing/distributing publicity, selling tickets, creating programmes and rehearsing vocal music, instrumental music, choreography and staging.

“Little Shop of Horrors” Synopsis Seymour Krelborn is a poor young man, an orphan living in an urban skid row. Audrey is a pretty co-worker at Mushnik's Skid Row Florists, a run-down flower shop owned and operated by the cranky Mrs. Mushnik. Seymour has recently obtained a mysterious plant that looks like a large venus flytrap. Seymour is secretly in love with Audrey and names the plant Audrey II in her honor. The plant does not thrive in its new environment and appears to be dying. Seymour accidentally pricks his finger on a rose thorn, which draws blood, and Audrey II's pod opens thirstily. Seymour realizes that Audrey II requires blood to survive and, as Audrey II grows, it becomes an attraction and starts generating brisk business for Mushnik. When Seymour stops feeding the plant, Audrey II reveals that it can speak (in a demanding voice) and says that, if fed, it will make sure that all of Seymour's dreams come true… Will Audrey and Seymour end up “happily ever after?” Will Audrey II take over the world or will Seymour and Audrey defeat it?

Walk-a-thon Thursday 6th November 2014 Starting at 13:20

“Thanks to the great support of the United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS Hanoi) through the Elementary School Walkathon, 127 disadvantaged children

in rural Bac Ninh were able to attend school in the 2013-2014 school year. With the 12,656 USD raised by the Walkathon, school fees and insurance were paid, and children were supplied with uniforms, books and stationery items.” See this link to read more about how UNIS Hanoi has helped Blue Dragon children.

This year we’re hoping to raise even more money and help even more children. You should have received a Sponsorship (pledge) form from your ES child, but this year you can also donate on-line via the Blue Dragon Website: http:// www.bluedragon.org/unis-walkathon/ So get ready to walk or run for fun and a great cause!

On Friday Oct 25th seventy Administrators from the Department of Education and from Kindergarten schools in Hanoi came to UNIS Hanoi to attend a workshop run by our ES Deputy Principal, Jan Humpleby and Tran, Bao Ngoc who is our Early Childhood Education Renovation Programme (ECERP) Coordinator. The interactive workshop encouraged the participants to think about the skills, knowledge and attitudes that students will need to be successful in the future. Suggestions such as resilience, adaptability, communication, happiness, as well as those attributes contained in the IB Learner Profile were explored. Our attention then turned to the characteristics necessary for the teachers, the style of teaching and the curriculum that will enable students to become these successful future citizens. The Administrators learnt about the inquiry-based, constructivist PYP curriculum that not only develops knowledge and skills but also encourages students to become problem solvers and problem posers, students who are knowledge users and knowledge creators. These Vietnamese Educational Leaders are faced with a challenge

of implementing a new curriculum that is more dynamic but that lacks any organizational framework. The next section of the workshop therefore focused on how UNIS Hanoi Elementary organises, monitors and ensures horizontal and vertical articulation of the curriculum. Following lunch several of the senior Administrators and Department of Education leaders had a tour around the school to see our programme in action. The afternoon finished with participants sharing ideas from the workshop that they felt able to immediately implement in their own schools or districts. UNIS Hanoi is proud to support the advancement of Early Childhood Education in Hanoi through such workshops and the ECC teachers ongoing support of the local teachers. Through this we help realize our vision to be an inspirational role model for a better world. We received positive feedback from the Administrators who are eagerly awaiting the next workshop! Jan Humpleby, ES Deputy Principal esdprincipal@unishanoi.org

And this year, we aim to increase the number of scholarship places that we can offer through a new Scholarship Fund - a powerful new community partnership aimed at transforming futures. The fundraising campaign will take place in January within the UNIS Hanoi community and full details will be available later this Autumn as we finalise the planning. The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme gives the opportunity for Vietnamese students from low income families, who are excelling at their local Hanoi district school to enter UNIS Hanoi until graduation. Students may apply to the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme for entry to Grade 8, Grade 9 or Grade 10. In all cases, the 100% Scholarship will be valid until graduation from UNIS Hanoi. The programme was launched in 2011-12 and we have welcomed six scholarship students to UNIS Hanoi in the last three academic years.

UNIS Hanoi is a well-connected community and we ask you to mobilize! In addition to the fees waiver, significant support will be available for the Scholarship Students to access English support, to be able to participate fully in the activities programme in MSHS and for transport to and from school.

Applications now open! Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE.

Deadline for applications is 31 December. All questions concerning the Scholarship Programme should be sent by email to scholarships@unishanoi.org

Please help eligible students find out about this programme by spreading the word amongst your friends, colleagues and associates.

Find out more about our Scholarship Fundraising Campaign at the Board Community Meeting on November 5 (see page 2 for details)

Do you have books that you no longer need but which someone else would enjoy? Are you wondering what to do with them? Do you want to donate them to a good cause?

Kids’ books, adults’ books, fact or fiction, English, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, German, Swedish, French – we’re interested in books on any subject, in any language spoken within the UNIS Hanoi community. If it’s a book that someone else might enjoy, donate it (so no out-dated travel guides, class readers or undesirable books please!). CONTESTS: Books will be collected in each ECC, ES, MS and HS homerooms this week. Prizes will be announced in assemblies.

The UNIS Hanoi Book Sale, held annually at the end of November, is a much anticipated event. It’s an opportunity for both kids and adults to purchase some ‘pre-loved’ books, in their native tongue (or another language!), at bargain prices.

Lori Fairbairn and Amanda Stevenson, Book Sale Coordinators. (Contact us at: booksale@unishanoi.org)

 timing system for the swimming pool (2013-2014)  electronic notice board (2013-2014) Each year, our community raises funds through the activities of the School Community Organisation (SCO) such as the Spring Fair and the ES Snack Sales. A large portion of funds are available each year to carry out project ideas from members of the community. The funding process is designed to be community-based and transparent.

 display project and dragon kite for the library (20132014)

 Thuy An Orphanage funds for Service Learning project (2013-2014)

 Kaleidoscope of Culture Carnival Entertainment and ticket subsidy (2013 - 2014)

 compost bins for the school garden  outdoor seating  decorations for the Library  throw cushions for the Library  big drum and gong for the Centre for the Arts

Any member of the UNIS Hanoi community; including teaching staff, administration, faculty, students of all ages, student groups and parents are welcome to apply for SCO Project Funding. The kinds of projects that may be funded are for:

 school equipment

 badge making machine  cameras for the ECC  bedding/supplies for an Orphanage  production funding for the Operation Smile Charity concert

 and many more!

 furniture outside the UNIS Hanoi Administration budget, fees, wages or expenses for a teaching specialist

 entertainment and/or production costs for community building initiatives

 workshop provider  publications

1) Carefully read the Project Funding Application Information 2) Fill in the Application Form 3) Fill in the Budget form 4) Submit BOTH forms to the School Community Organisation at sco@unishanoi.org Questions about the process should be directed to the SCO Treasurer, Petra Eichler at sco@unishanoi.org. Pippa Wood, Renea Freeman, Petra Eichler SCO Grants Committee

CONTRIBUTING CLASSES: ECC - K2CO, K2CA ES - G1TA, G3TS, G3CH, G3BM, G3NO BRIEF HISTORY: The Elementary School Snack Sale is a long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi. Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale” was created to raise funds for library books while providing students with the opportunity to taste a diverse range of snacks from all around the world! The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun opportunity for children to exercise choice, learn how to handle money and is raising awareness of the value of healthy snacks. WHAT TO BRING IF YOU ARE A CONTRIBUTING CLASS? When it is your turn to be a contributing class, we encourage that each family supports the ES Snack Sale by providing:  10 individually wrapped homemade healthy snacks (the

value of each treat should be at least 10,000VND)

 As a Nut and Allergy Aware campus snacks CANNOT

CONTAIN NUTS  On the morning of the snack sale, please deliver the

snacks BEFORE 8.10am to the designated tables in the ECC or ES Courtyard Both savory and sweet snacks are welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls, homemade muesli bars, muffins, samosas, etc.), below are a few example of snacks provided in previous snack sales. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about what snacks to bring, please contact the Snack Sale Coordinators: Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2008@gmail.com Masumi Tsuda: ma-na10@hotmail.co.jp Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

 A labeled container/dish with your child’s class and

name along with a list of ingredients

Check out the new water bottles available in the shop! Currently three different types are available: a thermos (with hot and cool features), a stainless steel bottle and a BPA free bottle for the younger ones (with a removable straw). All bottles reputable Lock & Lock products and have a white box printed on them to customize with your child’s name on it!

20% OFF all of last year’s winter gear! Get you track suits, sweatshirts and other UNIS gear for the winter at a bargain price! We are clearing shop for exciting new product expected in the next few months! Opening Hours: On Wednesday afternoon we were open to students and faculty during their lunch hour. Since we were not very busy at this time, we have decided to move our Wednesday afternoon shift to after school from 14.00 – 15. For the opening hours and price list, visit the website.

Dear Parents,

 Students should bring their own water bottles and not

As many of you are already aware, there is growing concern about the Ebola virus disease (EVD) because of the epidemic in West Africa. To date, there has been no confirmed case in Vietnam.

share;  We are actively monitoring the status of the outbreak.

As a school we continue to monitor the situation through information from the National Ministry of Health, Vietnam as well as information from international health authorities, the WHO and the CDC. Locally, we are in communication with International SOS who has worldwide access to current information through their global services as well as Family Medical Practice on this important health issue. The UNIS Hanoi community are international travelers and with this comes a heightened awareness of what it is that we need to consider when travelling to affected countries. During an outbreak of Ebola the people who are at most risk are medical personnel or family members caring for infected cases; similarly, persons who prepare for burial bodies of persons who have died from Ebola are also are high risk. The most simple prevention method if ever presented with a situation is to not touch patients and their excretions, bodily fluids and contaminated materials. Therefore the likelihood of transmission within the school setting will be very low. At present we have taken the following precautionary measures:  We are in communication with medical authorities;  We will continue to emphasize with students the importance of thorough and regular hand washing in any situation regardless of the setting;

A prudent approach is that we should remain calm and should take note of the measures being implemented worldwide and locally to contain the outbreak. We should consider the facts of the circumstances and be guided accordingly. We want to emhasize that we take the health and safety of students and families to be of the highest priority. Should there be an instance of an outbreak in Vietnam, UNIS would work closely with Vietnam Health Services and would comply with all directives from both international and national authorities. You can access, updated information at the following websites for the World Health Organization and U.S. Center for Disease Control.  For Key Facts about Ebola  For up to date information from WHO about the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa  For the latest News about the Ebola from WHO: Please feel free to contact the School Health Centre, Telephone 04 3758 1551 (ext.: 8911) or communicate with me regarding any concerns you may have. As always, I thank you for your understanding and continued support. Sincerely, Kelly Havlin, School Health Centre Coordinator nurse@unishanoi.org

UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for the following job openings:

The successful candidate is expected to start full time employment from 1 March 2015, with a hand-over commencing 5 Jan 2015, which can be on part-time basis. Assistant to the Board ensures the effective management and coordination of the Board’s activities in line with established procedures and priorities and to act as a key conduit in the management of the Board’s institutional memory, in order to achieve the Board’s annual and longer term strategic objectives. This position reports to the Head of School but must work closely with the Board Chair and other Board members, which may include direct assignment of work from time to time. Closing date for application is 14 November 2014.

The successful candidate is expected to work on full time teaching contract from 5 January 2015 to 12 June 2015. The EAL Teacher reports to the Elementary School Principal. Closing date for application is 31 October 2014. To view more information about the job description and requirements of the above positions, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs

Registration will be taking place at UNIS Hanoi on the following days  Saturday 1, Nov: 09:00 - 10:00 - UNIS field  Wednesday, 5 Nov: 12:00 - 13:30 in front of canteen

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