tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 21, Edition 14, Friday 21 November
MONDAY, 24 NOVEMBER MSHS Art Exhibition, Centre for the Arts, 24-28 Nov Grade 1 Exhibition, Centre for the Arts, 24-27 Nov Book Week, 24-28 Nov ASA and UMA Session 2 Start Advancement Committee Meeting, 7:00-8:30, Conference Room
MONDAY, 1 DECEMBER CIS/WASC/IBO Accreditation Visit to UNIS Hanoi, 1-3 Dec University due dates for Grade 12 students JV Boys' Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS , 16:00 - 17:30 JV Girls' Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS , 16:00 - 17:30 High School Band/Orchestra Concert, 18:00 - 19:30
TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER Grade 2 Trip, 8:30 - 14:00 School Community Organisation Meeting, 8:30-10:00, Community Room MS Band Concert, 18:00-19:00, Theatre
TUESDAY, 2 DECEMBER MS Boys' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 MS Girls' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30 - 19:30, Black Box, Centre for the Arts
WEDNESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER Grade 1 Performance for Parents, 18:00-19:30, Centre for the Arts
THURSDAY, 4 DECEMBER Scholarship Champions Orientation and Training (in English), 08:15 - 09:15, Community Room, B7 Augustana College Info Session, 13:20 - 14:00, Common Room, B5 MS Boys' Soccer vs BIS @ BIS, 15:30 – 17:30 MS Girls' Soccer vs BIS @ BIS , 15:30 - 17:30
FRIDAY, 28 NOVEMBER ISPP Invitational Swim Meet, Cambodia, 28-30 Nov SCO Used Book Sale, 28-29 Nov MSHS Parent Coffee with the Counselors (for leaving families), 8:30-10:00, Community Room Grades 3-5 Winter Party, 16:00-17:30, Centre for the Arts SATURDAY, 29 NOVEMBER Community Education Autumn Session Ends Saturday Soccer Autumn Tournament
FRIDAY, 5 DECEMBER Festive Fundraiser, 18:00 - 19:30, Canteen Entrance SATURDAY, 6 DECEMBER SAT Testing (HS), 6-7 Dec
SUNDAY, 30 NOVEMBER Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament, Tennis Courts
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Do you have plans for the weekend? Help us plan for the future!(p.2) Notes from the Middle & High School Principal (p.3)
Middle School Concert (p.8) Festive Fundraiser. Coming soon! (p.9) MS MRISA Basketball (p.10) Saturday Soccer Tournament (p.10)
From the Admissions Office (p.3) The Scholarship Fund (p.4-6) Book Week. Join us now! (p.7) Grades 3-5 Winter Party (p.8)
Anyone for Tennis? (p.11) Used Books Sale. Calling ALL PARENTS (p.12) SCO All Parent Meeting (p.13) Flu Away (p.14)
A brief reminder that the HIWC Bazaar is this coming weekend on our campus on Sunday, 23 November from 10:00-15:30. We hope you will all be able to come out and enjoy this once a year event which raises funds for some wonderful charities and provides an opportunity for outstanding food and entertainment from all over the world. I would also ask that all parents be sure to fill out the anonymous School Survey (for which you have all received email and SMS reminders) which is highlighted below. We now have 6 years of data and hope to add to it with this year’s results. Of course, the data has more meaning when more people participate so please make the effort to complete this survey as we try to increase the participation rate from the current 20% who have done it already. We make use of this data every year in our planning. And finally, THANK YOU to all of you that have already taken the survey!
Dance Class (Photo: Tim Barnsley)
Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
The survey deadline is now extended until Monday 23 November.
Hạn cuối Khảo sát trực tuyến UNIS Hà Nội được chuyển sang Thứ Hai 23/11/2014.
Please check your email inbox for an email reminder today from the Head of School Office with the survey link and code.
Để tham gia Khảo sát, Quý vị vui lòng xem đường dẫn và mã đăng nhập trong email Hiệu trưởng nhà trường gửi hôm nay.
Go to www.endicottresearchcenter.net and enter the provided code.
Truy cập www.endicottresearchcenter.net và điền mã đăng nhập.
The online survey takes only 10 minutes to complete but data will help shape our school’s future.
Chỉ cần tối đa 10 phút để hoàn thành cuộc Khảo sát, nhưng ý kiến của quý vị giúp chúng tôi định hướng tương lai của trường cho cho con em chúng ta.
Your opinions are important to us. We need your help to make your school the best it can be…
Ý kiến của quý vị rất quan trọng để tiếp tục cải thiện ngôi trường cho con em chúng ta.
The survey can be taken in 12 different languages.
Quý vị có thể thực hiện Khảo sát bằng 12 ngôn ngữ khác nhau.
For any questions please contact Director of Advancement, Emma Silva doa@unishanoi.org
Mọi thắc mắc xin gửi về Director of Advancement, Emma Silva doa@unishanoi.org
Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. I would like to congratulate our APAC Orchestra, APAC Choir and MRISA Basketball squads on splendid festivals and tournaments. I am happy to report that UNIS Hanoi was represented extremely well! Participating in APAC and MRISA events is important for students and our programme. Competing against and collaborating with peers from other international schools helps our students build relationships, set goals for the future and more fully understand the level of excellence needed to succeed. I do hope you had the opportunity to attend the APAC Orchestra concert hosted at UNIS Hanoi last Saturday night? The level of musical talent on stage in the Fine Arts Centre was simply amazing. UNIS Hanoi is proud of our students and their accomplishments whether they be in the classroom, on the athletic field, in service learning or in other aspects of student life. It is no different when it comes to university placement. Members of the Class of 2014 were accepted to 34 of the top 100 universities in the world. This is quite an
accomplishment given the current level of competition for university acceptance. 100 Top Universities in the World To assist our students in the selection process we invite universities to make campus visits. So far this year we have had 72 universities on campus to provide information for our students. Universities from Canada, US, UK, Singapore, Japan, Ireland, Poland, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, and Vietnam were on campus and eager to speak with UNIS Hanoi students. If parents/guardians would like to attend a university presentation you are most welcome. Upcoming university visits are posted in the TinTuc. Please be alert for UNIS Hanoi sponsored university placement sessions that may be appropriate for your child. Developmentally appropriate university planning sessions will be announced via email and in the Tin Tuc. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact our University Counselor, Scott Leoffler at sloeffler@unishanoi.org . Warm regards, Pete Kennedy, MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org
If your family intends to leave UNIS Hanoi at the end of the first semester, please submit an Admissions Withdrawal Form. School will close for the winter break on Friday 12th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 16th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.
(Watch the film - click above)
"Creating opportunities to transform futures" The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme was launched to celebrate the School's 25th Birthday. Our Scholars describe their experience at UNIS Hanoi as the turning point in their lives or the shattering of a shell to release their potential. We want to create more opportunities to transform more futures.
Our Annual Campaign for The Scholarship Fund is about what we can achieve when we all work together as a community.
We hope that every family will make a contribution.
We hope that every teacher and staff member will make a gift. We hope that all our alumni families will join us and make a donation. Our goal is to have 100% of our families, faculty, staff and alumni make a gift to The Scholarship Fund.
Our goal is to raise $2.5 Million USD over the next five years to create three new Scholarships in perpetuity.
Six week campaign – Between Winter Break to Tet
Break Every family in our community will receive a personal
invitation to make a gift with clear payment options All faculty and staff will be invited to participate and make a gift Every alumni family will be invited to participate and make a gift Gifts can be split into multiple payments Families can pledge their gifts for 1-5 years More than one gift can be made Families or individuals may choose to donate anonymously NO GIFT IS TOO SMALL! This campaign is about achieving our goal TOGETHER at all levels of gifts from $1 to $+10,000.
We hope to receive a range of gifts from 1 USD to +10,000 USD and every gift will help us achieve our goal together. Each family, each individual member of our community can make a difference. We can reach our first annual goal, If EVERY family made a gift of 105 USD! Imagine what we can achieve together! The Annual Campaign is about a community sharing a vision and everyone making their own contribution, at their own level, to achieve that goal. Only you can decide what is the right level gift for you. We welcome gifts from companies and we will be developing a special recognition package. We will be actively seeking investment from companies as we build our campaign over the next five years. Please contact our Director of Advancement, Emma Silva , if you would like to make a connection to The Scholarship Fund for a corporate donation.
Our primary goal is to mobilize our own direct UNIS Hanoi community. However, we also accept gifts from those outside of our School community who are inspired by the vision of our Scholarship Programme and who want to contribute as a Friend of the School.
Find out more on The Scholarship Fund website: www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund Or attend one of our community meetings:
Tuesday, November 18 at 14:30 Wednesday, November 19 at 19.00 (Vietnamese only)
We celebrate all gifts to The Scholarship Fund as philanthropic acts of generosity.
Quà tặng có thể chia thành nhiều lần Chương trình Học bổng UNIS Hanoi ra đời nhân dịp kỉ niệm 25 năm thành lập trường.
Các gia đình có thể làm cam kết đóng góp trong 1 – 5 năm
Những học sinh nhận học bổng của chương trình chia sẻ rằng trải nghiệm của các em tại UNIS Hanoi là bước ngoặt cuộc đời, hay giống như việc phá bỏ cái vỏ bọc để giải phóng những tiềm năng của mình.
Gia đình hoặc các nhân có thể chọn cách đóng góp không ghi danh
Chúng tôi muốn tạo thêm nhiều cơ hội thay đổi tương lai. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là gây quỹ 2,5 triệu USD trong vòng 05 năm tới để tạo ra 03 suất học bổng mới vĩnh viễn.
Mỗi người có thể tặng nhiều hơn một lần quà
KHÔNG CÓ MÓN QUÀ NÀO LÀ QUÁ NHỎ! Điều quan trọng của chiến dịch này là nhằm CÙNG NHAU đạt được mục tiêu bất kể đóng góp là 1 USD hay +10.000 USD
Chiến dịch gây quỹ trong 06 tuần – sau kì nghỉ đông đến trước Tết Mỗi gia đình sẽ nhận được thư mời đích danh về việc đóng góp kèm lựa chọn phương thức thanh toán Toàn bộ giáo viên và nhân viên sẽ được mời tham gia và đóng góp Các cựu gia đình cũng sẽ được mời tham gia vào chiến dịch (Nhấp chuột ở trên để xem phim)
Hãy tưởng tượng những gì mà chúng ta có thể cùng nhau đạt được! Chiến dịch gây quỹ thường niên nhấn mạnh về việc cả cộng đồng cùng chia sẻ một tầm nhìn chung và mỗi người đều tham gia vào hành trình đóng góp theo khả năng của mình, để đạt được mục tiêu chung. Chỉ có bạn mới tự quyết định được mức đóng góp nào là phù hợp với mình. QUÀ ĐÓNG GÓP TỪ DOANH NGHIỆP Chúng tôi hoan nghênh những món quà đóng góp từ các công ty và sẽ có gói thông tin vinh danh riêng cho nhóm này. Chúng tôi tích cực tìm kiếm các mối quan tâm đầu tư từ các công ty trong quá trình xây dựng chiến dịch gây quỹ trong 5 năm tới.
AI CÓ THỂ ĐÓNG GÓP? BẤT KÌ AI CŨNG CÓ THỂ ĐÓNG GÓP! Chiến dịch thường niên của chúng tôi cho The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) chú trọng việc cả cộng đồng cùng hợp sức để đạt mục tiêu.
Chúng tôi hi vọng mỗi gia đình đều tham gia đóng góp
Chúng tôi hi vọng mỗi giáo viên và nhân viên sẽ tham gia đóng góp. Chúng tôi hi vọng các cựu gia đình sẽ tham gia và đóng góp. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là 100% các gia đình, giáo viên, nhân viên, cựu thành viên đều tham gia The Scholarship Fund KHÔNG MÓN QUÀ NÀO LÀ QUÁ NHỎ! Chúng tôi hi vọng sẽ nhận được những món quà đóng góp trong khoảng từ 1 USD đến trên 10.000 USD và mỗi món quà đóng góp sẽ giúp chúng ta cùng nhau đạt mục tiêu. Mỗi gia đình, cá nhân trong cộng đồng đều có thể tạo nên điều khác biệt. Chúng ta có thể đạt mục tiêu của năm gây quỹ thường niên đầu tiên nếu tất cả gia đình đều tham gia và MỖI gia đình đóng góp 105 USD!
Vui lòng liên hệ Giám đốc Phát triển, Emma Silva nếu bạn có thể làm cầu nối cho việc đóng góp tài trợ từ doanh nghiệp với The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) CÁC MÓN QUÀ ĐÓNG GÓP TỪ NHỮNG CÁ NHÂN KHÔNG PHẢI LÀ PHỤ HUYNH, HỌC SINH, CỰU THÀNH VIÊN HAY NHÂN VIÊN UNIS HANOI THÌ SAO? Mục tiêu hàng đầu của chúng tôi là khuyến khích và tạo sự quan tâm từ cộng đồng trực tiếp - UNIS Hanoi. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi cũng sẽ hoanh nghênh những món quà đóng góp từ những tổ chức cá nhân ngoài cộng đồng trường – những người đồng cảm với tầm nhìn của Chương trình Học bổng và từ đó muốn được đóng góp với tư cách là một Người bạn của cộng đồng trường. Chúng tôi trân trọng tất cả đóng góp cho The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) như là nghĩa cử từ thiện hào phóng.
CÂU HỎI? Vui lòng xem ở mục The Scholarship Fund trên website: www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund Hoặc tham dự một trong các buổi họp cộng đồng của chúng tôi:
Thứ 3 ngày 18/11 lúc 14:30
Thứ 4 ngày 19/11 lúc 19.00 (bằng tiếng Việt)
“Tạo cơ hội để thay đổi tương lai” www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund
IMAGI ANIMATION STUDIOS/IMAGI CRYSTAL/ TEZUKA PRODUCTION COMP/ Album / Universal Images Group. Britannica Image Quest with permission. 19 NOV. 2014.
“I love Books”
CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 NOV. 2014
Monday-- Bring your Best Loved Reading Buddy to School Day Tuesday-- Poem in Your Pocket Day Wednesday-- Curl up and Read with your Favorite Book Pajama Dress up Day Thursday--Share a Book with a Friend Day Friday—Book Character Dress up Day DEAR time, Displays, and special story time events. Would you like to participate? There are two opportunities for parents/ guardians to enjoy Book Week with your child:
Multi lingual Story bites! Stories shared in Home Languages during ES lunch. Mystery Reader Surprise your child with a story to share during their library lesson. (Please click on the links for more information and sign ups!)
Students have the opportunity to create a Superhero from their own imagination which is connected to the PYP Learner Profile or an Attitude. This is intended to be an original creation and can be shared in the form of a drawing, sculpture, diorama, character bottle, puppet etc.
Students need to include their name, class and description of the PYP- Superhero connection (which Learner Profile or Attitude). Entries are submitted to Ms. Conroy in the Library for display until the UNIS Hanoi winter break.
The ES Student Council is organizing an exciting event for Grade 3, 4 and 5 students
Winter Party
The ticket sales will fund pizza, drinks and ice lollies for the students. Any extra will be donated to charity. Tickets are on sale each recess time from the ES office Students must bring a parent reply slip by Wed 26th and must be signed out by an adult.
Middle School Band (Photo: Noi/Aaron Joe Santos)
It is not often that a basketball team achieves excellence, but that is exactly what the 2014 MRISA Boys Basketball team achieved. The 2013 season ended with a devastating loss and head coach Jon Trebesch told his team, “You guys have a choice, you can be satisfied with being a good team or you can work hard this off season and be great.” The next morning the players’ response was loud and clear as all members of the team were seen shooting baskets at UNIS Hanoi before school. This hard work continued throughout the off season and all eight returning players arrived at practice with an improved skill set and confidence.
Dear UNIS Hanoi Community Members, On Saturday 29th November UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the Saturday Soccer end of season tournament. On offer will be a feast of sizzling soccer skills so please come along to support our young players. Matches commence at 08:15 and will run until 12:30. If you have any questions regarding the tournament please contact saturdaysoccer@unishanoi.org Kind regards, Saturday Soccer Team
From the first day of practice it was evident that this group of young men wanted to be great. They worked hard every day at practice and showed the desire to get better. Many of the players carried basketballs around school and worked on their individual skills whenever they had time. This desire to be great became reality as the MRISA Boys Basketball team completed an undefeated season and dominated the competition at the MRISA Tournament in HCMC this past weekend. The team went 5-0 and won all games by more than ten points, including winning the championship by 20 points. All the hard work and dedication over the last year led to a team that achieved excellence.
Registration for the tournament is on the UNIS Portal You can register by going to Grade 4-5 Tennis Tournament This isn’t the US Open. It’s not Wimbledon. It’s better than that!! And if you’re a tennis player, you don’t want to miss out!! The UNIS Hanoi Tennis Courts will be full of tennis enthusiasts on Sunday, November 30th as players from the UNIS Hanoi community gather to remember a former staff member, Mr. Peter Goverde. Peter brought the passion of tennis to the students of UNIS Hanoi and loved to play the game of tennis with everyone and anyone! He is missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him and this event is held in his memory. The 2014 Peter Goverde Memorial Tennis Tournament will be divided into 2 portions:
All play will be doubles (with mixed doubles being the aim). UNIS Hanoi community members are encouraged to come out to enjoy a fun day of tennis. If there are heavy rains on Sunday, the tournament will be re-scheduled.
Middle School Tennis Tournament High School Tennis Tournament Adult Tennis Tournament A limited number of places will be available in each of the divisions. Registration will be on a first come, first served basis. A waiting list will be established and if openings do become available and we will contact those who are next in line. Closing date for registration is end of the day on Tuesday, November 25th. This tournament is organized specifically for the UNIS Hanoi community, so registration will be limited to UNIS Hanoi students, parents and faculty/staff. We look forward to your participation and an enjoyable day of tennis! That’s what Peter would have wanted! Regards, Tarique Al-Iesa, UNIS Director of Activities da@unishanoi.org
The plan is for all play to be in a mixed-doubles format. Students will play in 3 separate divisions: Elementary Middle High
Adults will also play with a variety of different players throughout the afternoon in mixed doubles.
Community Education (ComEd) Programme is planning for the Spring Session 2015. If you would like to offer ComEd a class, please send your proposal to comed@unishanoi.org by 17.00 Friday, 28 November 2014. ComEd is a programme of activities in the areas of cooking, movement, language, arts and culture, skill building, swimming... that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider local community. ComEd has 2 sessions in a school year: Autumn Session (September – December) and Spring Session (January – May). Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain new skills, expand their knowledge, have fun and to bring the community together.
Applications for the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship programme 2015-2016 are open until 31 December Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE. Any further questions, email to scholarships@unishanoi.org
Book collecting is well under way and the contest is looking fierce. K2CA has pulled ahead in the ECC with 103 books donated thus far. The leader in the ES is 3NO with 357 books! In the MS 6NC is currently winning with 137 books. Tallies from the HS are still pouring in, so show your pride in your homeroom and donate today. There are still two school days left to donate, and the contest is close, so please remember to bring in your books by Tuesday, November 25th.
CALLING ALL PARENTS. We desperately need help to sort all these fabulous books your families have donated. Please sign up HERE. Remember for every 1 1/2 hour shift you work you will have the opportunity to pre-buy one child's book before the rest of the community. We especially need parents with other language knowledge as we do not always know how to sort or price books in the various languages.
Wouldn't you love to see the joy on the children's faces when they get to buy these much sought after books? Sign up to help sell the books on Friday, November 28th and/ or Saturday, November 29th and you will see the joy these books bring to our students. All the proceeds are going to fund girls education through Room to Read, so your valuable time is also helping those less fortunate. Please send your children with money to school next Friday, November 28th so they can buy some of these wonderful books. Prices range from 10,000-50,000/book and there is no limit to the amount of books a child can buy. The UNIS community is welcome to purchase adult books anytime on Friday between 9am and 5pm and Saturday from 8:30am to 12:45pm. Children's books can be purchased after2:45pm on Friday, November 28th until 5pm, and anytime on Satuday morning. A special thank you to the parents who came to our presort day and helped us already sort over 1000 books - hope to see you again! Sign up today, you'll be glad you did! Please contact Lori Fairbairn at booksale@unishanoi.org if you have any questions.
On Thursday 20 November, Student Council Representatives eager to show their appreciation for all of their hardworking teachers, distributed delicious homemade cookies from Donkey Bakery and orchid corsages to all teaching staff at UNIS Hanoi . This was made possible by the SCO.
The SCO Used Book Sale is still in need of volunteers! Sign up HERE to VOLUNTEER to get first dibs to purchase books! Tuesday 25 November 8.30am-9.45am. Community Room (Administration Building, room 102) Got a question about ASA's, Youth Sports Programme or anything co-curricular? Want to hear about the first UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Fund Campaign? Join us with Special Guest Speakers; Tariq Al-Iesa, new Director of Activities at UNIS, and Emma Silva, UNIS Director of Advancement to learn more.
We will also update you SCO Project Funding Applications and with the HIWC Bazaar in the air come join us to find out more about the anticipated UNIS Hanoi Spring Fair. Or just come and have tea, coffee and a cookie and to feel connected to what's happening at your child's school! Everybody is welcome! See you on TUESDAY
Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be
With temperature dropping in the past weeks, incidence of flu has sharply risen on campus. This seasonal illness is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses; some cases are mild but others can become severe, with serious outcome resulting to hospitalization or death. Now that the flu season is here, and which could last until March, the CDC is urging everyone to “Take3” protective actions, and these are:
A yearly flu vaccination is the first and most important
step in protecting against flu viruses. Vaccination can reduce flu illnesses and help avoid
doctors’ visits, and missed work and school. Flu vaccine is recommended for everyone aged 6
months and older and high-risk persons including young children, elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart and lung diseases. . Vaccination is important for health care workers and
other people who live with or care for high risk people to keep from spreading flu to these vulnerable group. Children younger than 6 months are at high risk of
serious flu illness, but are too young to be vaccinated. People who care for them should be vaccinated instead.
Hand washing is a powerful antidote to illness.Wash
hands with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth with tissue or
turn away from people, and cough into the shoulder or crook of the elbow. Throw the tissue in the trash bin after using. Avoid close contact with sick people. If having flu-like symptoms, stay home for at least 24
hours after fever is gone. Limit contact with others to keep from infecting others. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread
this way.
contaminated with germs.
Antiviral drugs can make illness milder and shorten the
time one is sick. They may also prevent serious flu complications. Studies show that flu antiviral drugs work best for
treatment when they are started within 2 days of getting sick; starting the medication later can still be helpful, especially if the sick person has a high-risk health or is very sick from the flu. See http://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/freeresources/updated/ everyday_preventive.pdf and http://www.cdc.gov/ nonpharmaceutical-interventions for more information about actions – apart from getting vaccinated and taking medicine – that people and communities can take to help slow the spread of illnesses like influenza (flu). School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org