tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 21, Edition 15, Friday 28 November
NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 1 DECEMBER CIS/WASC/IBO Accreditation Visit to UNIS Hanoi, 1-3 Dec University due dates for Grade 12 students JV Boys' Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS , 16:00-17:30 JV Girls' Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS , 16:00-17:30 High School Band/Orchestra Concert, 18:00-19:30, Theatre Board Advisory Council Meeting, 19:00-21:00, Library TUESDAY, 2 DECEMBER MS Boys' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 MS Girls' Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30 - 19:30, Black Box, Centre for the Arts WEDNESDAY, 3 DECEMBER Varsity Boys’ Basketball vs Hai Ba Trung @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 Varsity Girls’ Basketball vs Hai Ba Trung @ UNIS, 16:00 – 17:30 THURSDAY, 4 DECEMBER Scholarship Champions Orientation and Training, 08:15 09:15, Community Room, B7 CANCELLED Augustana College Info Session, 13:20 - 14:00, Common Room, B5 MS Boys' Soccer vs BIS @ BIS, 15:30 – 17:30 MS Girls' Soccer vs BIS @ BIS , 15:30 - 17:30
FRIDAY, 5 DECEMBER K2 Field Trip, 9:15-12:00 Festive Fundraiser, 17:00 - 19:30, Canteen Entrance SATURDAY, 6 DECEMBER SAT Testing (HS) Phoenix Challenge HS Basketball Tournament, UNIS
COMING SOON MONDAY, 8 DECEMBER Vietnamese Community Meeting, 19:00-21:00, Community Room TUESDAY, 9 DECEMBER Grade 4 Field Trip, 9:00 – 11:30 MS Boys' Soccer vs KISH @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30 Scholarship Champions Orientation and Training, 18:00 19:0, Community Room, B7 CANCELLED THURSDAY, 11 DECEMBER Grade 3 - 5 hours of code, 8:30-9:30 SATURDAY, 13 DECEMBER - 4 JANUARY Winter Break Alumni Reunion in Hanoi, 20 December, 18:00-20:00, 6 Degrees, 189 Nghi Tam, Tay Ho Aluni Reunion in Melbourne, 3 January
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) Notes from the Admissions Office (p.2) The Scholarship Fund (p.3-5) Grade 1 Performing Arts Celebration (p.6) THIMUN Singapore (p.7) Middle School MRISA Basketball Girls (p.8) High School Autumn Concert. Save the date! (p.8)
APAC Orchestra. Watch it NOW! (p.8) University Info Session (p.9) Song Hong Half Marathon (p.9) Festive Fundraiser. Coming soon! (p.10) Make Hanoi Romantic (p.11) Used Book Sale MANIA! (p.12) You Know You WANT One (p.13) Protect that brain! (p.13)
I would like to extend my congratulations to the HIWC for providing another outstanding event. The organization overall was superb and it was one of the smoothest Bazaars I have experienced in my 7 years here in Hanoi. Renea Freeman and her HIWC team are to be congratulated. Also, thank you to the UNIS team including Nathalie Grun, Emma Silva and the rest of the Advancement office, and to Chris Rhoda, Linh and the rest of our operations crew who together with the events contractor managed the hundreds of vendors and booth organizers along with the 10,000 participants in a user friendly manner. The result was a warm and welcoming atmosphere which we hope will transform into significant funds raised for the various HIWC charities.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, we will be visited by a team of 8 professional educators representing the Council of International Schools (CIS), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and the International Baccalaureate organization (IB). They are here for our five year review as they visit classes, meet with individuals and small groups, and seek to corroborate our self-study which we have been working on over the last year. As mentioned previously, the results of this external review of our school will be published to parents when we receive it shortly after TET. Finally, a quick reminder of our Festive Fundraiser next Friday evening beginning at 17:00 on campus. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
A final group to recognize is the Ciputra management under the leadership of Christophe Claveau, and the Ciputra residents living in close proximity to the school, who were cooperative, understanding and supportive of this event.
If your family intends to leave UNIS Hanoi in December or January, please submit an Admissions Withdrawal Form. School will close for the winter break on Friday 12th December. The last day of the first semester is Friday 16th January. Upon confirmation of your departure, we shall guide your family through the withdrawal process. If you require any further assistance, please email admissions@unishanoi.org or contact Admissions staff on 37581551 extension 8217 / 8220 / 8732.
(Watch the film - click above)
"Creating opportunities to transform futures" The UNIS Hanoi Scholarship Programme was launched to celebrate the School's 25th Birthday. Our Scholars describe their experience at UNIS Hanoi as the turning point in their lives or the shattering of a shell to release their potential. We want to create more opportunities to transform more futures.
Our Annual Campaign for The Scholarship Fund is about what we can achieve when we all work together as a community.
We hope that every family will make a contribution.
We hope that every teacher and staff member will make a gift. We hope that all our alumni families will join us and make a donation. Our goal is to have 100% of our families, faculty, staff and alumni make a gift to The Scholarship Fund.
Our goal is to raise $2.5 Million USD over the next five years to create three new Scholarships in perpetuity.
Six week campaign – Between Winter Break to Tet
Break Every family in our community will receive a personal
invitation to make a gift with clear payment options All faculty and staff will be invited to participate and make a gift Every alumni family will be invited to participate and make a gift Gifts can be split into multiple payments Families can pledge their gifts for 1-5 years More than one gift can be made Families or individuals may choose to donate anonymously NO GIFT IS TOO SMALL! This campaign is about achieving our goal TOGETHER at all levels of gifts from $1 to $+10,000.
We hope to receive a range of gifts from 1 USD to +10,000 USD and every gift will help us achieve our goal together. Each family, each individual member of our community can make a difference. We can reach our first annual goal, If EVERY family made a gift of 105 USD! Imagine what we can achieve together! The Annual Campaign is about a community sharing a vision and everyone making their own contribution, at their own level, to achieve that goal. Only you can decide what is the right level gift for you. We welcome gifts from companies and we will be developing a special recognition package. We will be actively seeking investment from companies as we build our campaign over the next five years. Please contact our Director of Advancement, Emma Silva , if you would like to make a connection to The Scholarship Fund for a corporate donation.
We celebrate all gifts to The Scholarship Fund as philanthropic acts of generosity. Our primary goal is to mobilize our own direct UNIS Hanoi community. However, we also accept gifts from those outside of our School community who are inspired by the vision of our Scholarship Programme and who want to contribute as a Friend of the School.
Find out more on The Scholarship Fund website: www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund
Quà tặng có thể chia thành nhiều lần Chương trình Học bổng UNIS Hanoi ra đời nhân dịp kỉ niệm 25 năm thành lập trường.
Các gia đình có thể làm cam kết đóng góp trong 1 – 5 năm
Những học sinh nhận học bổng của chương trình chia sẻ rằng trải nghiệm của các em tại UNIS Hanoi là bước ngoặt cuộc đời, hay giống như việc phá bỏ cái vỏ bọc để giải phóng những tiềm năng của mình.
Gia đình hoặc các nhân có thể chọn cách đóng góp không ghi danh
Chúng tôi muốn tạo thêm nhiều cơ hội thay đổi tương lai. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là gây quỹ 2,5 triệu USD trong vòng 05 năm tới để tạo ra 03 suất học bổng mới vĩnh viễn.
Mỗi người có thể tặng nhiều hơn một lần quà
KHÔNG CÓ MÓN QUÀ NÀO LÀ QUÁ NHỎ! Điều quan trọng của chiến dịch này là nhằm CÙNG NHAU đạt được mục tiêu bất kể đóng góp là 1 USD hay +10.000 USD
Chiến dịch gây quỹ trong 06 tuần – sau kì nghỉ đông đến trước Tết Mỗi gia đình sẽ nhận được thư mời đích danh về việc đóng góp kèm lựa chọn phương thức thanh toán Toàn bộ giáo viên và nhân viên sẽ được mời tham gia và đóng góp Các cựu gia đình cũng sẽ được mời tham gia vào chiến dịch (Nhấp chuột ở trên để xem phim)
Hãy tưởng tượng những gì mà chúng ta có thể cùng nhau đạt được! Chiến dịch gây quỹ thường niên nhấn mạnh về việc cả cộng đồng cùng chia sẻ một tầm nhìn chung và mỗi người đều tham gia vào hành trình đóng góp theo khả năng của mình, để đạt được mục tiêu chung. Chỉ có bạn mới tự quyết định được mức đóng góp nào là phù hợp với mình. QUÀ ĐÓNG GÓP TỪ DOANH NGHIỆP Chúng tôi hoan nghênh những món quà đóng góp từ các công ty và sẽ có gói thông tin vinh danh riêng cho nhóm này. Chúng tôi tích cực tìm kiếm các mối quan tâm đầu tư từ các công ty trong quá trình xây dựng chiến dịch gây quỹ trong 5 năm tới.
AI CÓ THỂ ĐÓNG GÓP? BẤT KÌ AI CŨNG CÓ THỂ ĐÓNG GÓP! Chiến dịch thường niên của chúng tôi cho The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) chú trọng việc cả cộng đồng cùng hợp sức để đạt mục tiêu.
Chúng tôi hi vọng mỗi gia đình đều tham gia đóng góp
Chúng tôi hi vọng mỗi giáo viên và nhân viên sẽ tham gia đóng góp. Chúng tôi hi vọng các cựu gia đình sẽ tham gia và đóng góp. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là 100% các gia đình, giáo viên, nhân viên, cựu thành viên đều tham gia The Scholarship Fund KHÔNG MÓN QUÀ NÀO LÀ QUÁ NHỎ! Chúng tôi hi vọng sẽ nhận được những món quà đóng góp trong khoảng từ 1 USD đến trên 10.000 USD và mỗi món quà đóng góp sẽ giúp chúng ta cùng nhau đạt mục tiêu. Mỗi gia đình, cá nhân trong cộng đồng đều có thể tạo nên điều khác biệt.
Vui lòng liên hệ Giám đốc Phát triển, Emma Silva nếu bạn có thể làm cầu nối cho việc đóng góp tài trợ từ doanh nghiệp với The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) CÁC MÓN QUÀ ĐÓNG GÓP TỪ NHỮNG CÁ NHÂN KHÔNG PHẢI LÀ PHỤ HUYNH, HỌC SINH, CỰU THÀNH VIÊN HAY NHÂN VIÊN UNIS HANOI THÌ SAO? Mục tiêu hàng đầu của chúng tôi là khuyến khích và tạo sự quan tâm từ cộng đồng trực tiếp - UNIS Hanoi. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi cũng sẽ hoanh nghênh những món quà đóng góp từ những tổ chức cá nhân ngoài cộng đồng trường – những người đồng cảm với tầm nhìn của Chương trình Học bổng và từ đó muốn được đóng góp với tư cách là một Người bạn của cộng đồng trường. Chúng tôi trân trọng tất cả đóng góp cho The Scholarship Fund (Quỹ Học bổng) như là nghĩa cử từ thiện hào phóng.
CÂU HỎI? Vui lòng xem ở mục The Scholarship Fund trên website: www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund
Chúng ta có thể đạt mục tiêu của năm gây quỹ thường niên đầu tiên nếu tất cả gia đình đều tham gia và MỖI gia đình đóng góp 105 USD!
“Tạo cơ hội để thay đổi tương lai” www.unishanoi.org/scholarshipfund
Excitement was running high on Wednesday night with Grade 1 students doing their Performing Arts Celebration (P.A.C.) for their families. The children had each decorated their own P.A.C. t-shirt for the night as well as creating stage backdrops; they were bursting with enthusiasm! The opening number, performed by all of Grade 1, was a choral rendition of a poem about the Three Little Pigs. This was followed by each class visiting four 'arts' stations with their families. Drama/dance, art, music and poetry were shared. The final number was a rousing version of 'Gingangooley'. A great night was had by all!
Photos by Tim Barnsley
Students Grade 9 - 12 travelled to Singapore to attend the largest Model United Nations Conference in Asia this past week with over 1,000 students from all over the world attending. Model United Nations is a chance for students to take on the role of delegates to the United Nations and within the role play to negotiate as a member state to solve some of the most pressing issues that the world is facing. UNIS Hanoi students represented Venezuela, Libya and Myanmar during this years conference on Asia: transformations and the challenges ahead. The student delegates debated issues as far reaching as the territorial integrity of the former Soviet States, combating sex tourism to empowering women through development programmes. Two of our students, Viet Than and Siddartha Patra were chosen to act as the student officers in two of the General Assemblies. This is an honor and very coveted position for which many students from all over the world apply. Their job at the conference was to facilitate productive debate amongst the countries of the UN to find positive solutions to the problems their committee was tasked with addressing. Additionally we had two students, Jonas Fiebrantz and Seyon Park who were chosen to be part of a special
Advisory Panel that looked at finding solutions to issues surrounding the worlds use of natural resources, seas and oceans. It is an amazing experience for the students to attend to grapple with some of the largest issues that face our world today. Although they role play as the countries that they represent they are creative and innovative with the solutions that they propose and the world has much to learn from the voice of the youth. Donna Frose, Model United Nations Director dfrose@unishanoi.org
On November 14th and 15th UNIS Hanoi MS athletes competed in the MRISA Basketball tournament hosted by The International School of Ho Chi Minh. The Middle School girls entered the tournament as defending champions. With a strong team and four returning players from last year’s squad, the expectations were high. In the semifinal game, we played ISPP. This was a rematch of last year’s championship game. It was closely fought contest that was tied in the final minute. ISPP hit a tough bank shot in the final seconds to secure the victory. It was a tough blow for the UNIS Hanoi ladies but they regrouped in time to win their last game and secure third place. The girls were obviously disappointed that they did not finish first. However, they should be very proud of their effort and achievement. They played with heart and determination and were excellent ambassadors for UNIS Hanoi.
If you missed the APAC Orchestra concert, or you loved it so much that you would love to see it again: APAC Orchestra Concert Part 1 APAC Orchestra Concert Part 2 APAC Orchestra Concert Part 3 Thanks again to our UNIS Hanoi directors Luke and Nicolaj for their hard work with our kids and for supporting the event in so many ways!
http://www.augie.edu/ Augustana College is a private institution that was founded in 1860. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,697, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 100 acres. Augustana College's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Colleges (Midwest), 3. Its tuition and fees are $29,214 (2014-15). Augustana College is located in the city of Sioux Falls in South Dakota, about 180 miles north of Omaha and about 250 miles southwest of Minneapolis. Augustana, which is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a selective institution that offers more than 50 undergraduate majors and about a dozen pre-professional programmes.
Once again UNIS Hanoi will host the Song Hong running events on Sunday 7th December. As in previous years, the main event is the half marathon and 10km races, and there will also be a 5km event plus a kids fun run. Song Hong is a real community event organised by volunteers from Hanoi Red River Runners and last year the race made $5,000 for their beneficiary, Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV). This time they are hoping to match that donation again in what they are calling the Race for Vietnam's Wildlife. UNIS Hanoi are excited to be hosting this fantastic event for a 5th year, with the start and finish line right here on campus. The 10km and half marathon routes weave around Ciputra and out onto part of the lakeside roads while the 5km event takes place entirely in Ciputra. The kids fun run is a challenging two full laps of the UNIS Hanoi fields! There is still plenty of time to register online at www.redriverrunners.com or in person at Elite Fitness (51 Xuan Dieu). We would love to see you there - challenge yourself.
The University of Chester is a public university located in the historic city of Chester, England. The university, based on three campuses in Chester and one in Warrington, offers a range of foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as undertaking academic research.
The university is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Cathedrals Group, the North West Universities Association and Universities UK. Information for entry standards gathered from the 2010–11 academic year by the HESA shows that the average student at the University of Chester achieved a UCAS tariff of 282. The University is organized into eight faculties of study (with different departments): Life Sciences, Business, Arts and Media, Humanities, Social Science, Science and Engineering, Education and Children's Services, Health and Social Care.
Hanoi is a very important place for me because it is where I have spent an important time in my life, my high school years. It is for this reason that I wanted to give something back to Hanoi in some way before I leave this lovely city. Hanoi has its own unique beauty and it is in my opinion a romantic city, however, Hanoi has serious traffic issues that keep it from being even more beautiful and romantic. I started this project in the 2013-2014 school year. While I was in Grade 10 at UNIS and I focused my Personal Project on creating a new logo for the city. I successfully finished the project, but then quickly realized I did not want it to end there. I decided to continue with my work by using the new logo I designed as the basis for the Romantic Hanoi Project. The Romantic Hanoi Project is all about persuading people to be part of a movement to solve the city’s traffic problems together.
Individual people can be involved in the project by making a personal pledge to obey traffic rules and drive safely. Local and International businesses can also join the movement by educating their drivers to drive safely and reasonably, which includes avoiding the excessive use of horns or avoiding talking on cell phones. People can join this Romantic Hanoi movement by placing bumper stickers on their motorbikes or other vehicles. The bumper stickers include the new logo I designed in my grade 10 project. This is a symbolic gesture to show that one cares about this amazing city. On December 5th, I will be giving a presentation at a fundraising event at Cinematheque Hanoi. I will explain the project in more depth, and I will also have the bumper stickers available for people who are willing to make the pledge and sign the Romantic Hanoi agreement. I will also have other products available, such as a poster calendar for the coming new year and mugs with the logo that inspired this work of passion for me. We can make Hanoi even more Romantic by taking small but important steps. Will you make the pledge on December 5th? Chi Hyun Ryu, Grade 11 Student chihyunryu@unishanoi.org
Applications for the UNIS Hanoi Scholarship programme 2015-2016 are open until 31 December Full eligibility criteria, the timeline for the selection process and application documents are available on UNIS Hanoi website in both ENGLISH and VIETNAMESE. Any further questions, email to scholarships@unishanoi.org
We had HUGE success at the book sale today as kids went home with stacks of pre-loved books. There were many hidden treasures at the books sale, from classics to current best-sellers! BUT THAT IS NOT ALL...TOMORROW ALL BOOKS ARE DISCOUNTED EVEN MORE!! There are tons of really good books left...so check out the even BIGGER SALE IN THE CANTEEN on Saturday 8:30 -12:30! Thank you to every family who donated books for this sale, your books are at a new home now and their stories are
Photos by Tim Barnsley
being brought back to life as children and parents reread your once loved books! A big CONGRATS to class 2 TL for contributing the MOST books to the book sale! In addition to major bragging rights, you ALL get one FREE book from the library! This book sale would not have been possible without the massive amount of work from our volunteers (and it was quite a workout moving, sorting and pricing the books)! So thank you a TON for all of your help! We hope you were able to take home some treasured items.
This just in and JUST in time for the winter break...stop by the school store to get your UNIS HANOI hoodies and sweatshirts! These new designs are super stylish, comfortable, make GREAT gifts for the holidays! Stop by TODAY before supplies sellout! All for only 250,000 VND each!
Always fasten the strap. The strap should form a “V”
below your ears. You should only be able to fit two fingers from your
The School Health Centre has seen some bicycle and motorbike accidents of late and so it is timely to be reminded of safety on our roads.
eyebrow to the brim of the helmet and two fingers under the chin strap. Don’t wear a damaged helmet
It is an interesting and somewhat concerning sight when coming and going from school at times. Transport on motorbikes and bicycles is common practice in Hanoi and when observing big and little kids without helmets, the alarm bells start to ring.
Don’t buy a helmet that is too big for your child hoping
As the training wheels come off your child’s bike, the risk for bike and wheeled-related injury may increase. To stay safe on two-, three- and four-wheeled toys and vehicles, little kids and big kids need to learn the rules of the road and practice safe behaviors including wearing a helmet.
It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, wearing a helmet for big kids and little kids is the right thing to do.
A single rule – Protect that Brain: Wear a helmet! – reduce the risk of head injury by as much as 85
School Health Centre nurse@unishanoi.org
percent. Learn how to keep you, your big kids and little kids safe when riding a bike or wheeled vehicle. Safety Tips before riding or as a passenger: Make sure you and your child’s helmet is a safety
approved helmet. Consider purchasing one when next on home leave if unable to purchase locally. Make sure your child has the right size helmet and that
he wears it every time when riding, skating or scooting. Helmets should fit snugly, rest low and level on your
forehead, just above your eyebrows. When you open your mouth to yawn, you should feel pressure on top of your head.
they will, “grow into it”. It will not protect your child now. Adults should set a good example for their children by
wearing a helmet.
REF: Kidsafe, Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia, Safe Kids USA