tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter
NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 12 JANUARY Scholarships Fundraising Campaign, 5 Jan - 13 Feb ComEd Spring Session Registration Opens Board Executive Committee Meeting , 12:00-13:30, Conference Room JV Boys' Basketball vs WIS @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre TUESDAY, 13 JANUARY Board Finance Committee Meeting , 7:00 – 8:30, Conference Room All Parent Meeting, 8:30-10:30, Community Room Board Campus Development Task Force Meeting , 17:30 -19:00, Conference Room WEDNESDAY, 14 JANUARY Board SMP 2015-2020 Task Force Meeting , 7:00 – 8:30, Conference Room THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY Elementary School Green Hour, 8:00-9:00 Grade 4 Field Trip, 9:00-12:00 MS Boys' and Girls’ Soccer vs St. Paul @ UNIS , 16:0017:30, UNIS Fields Varsity Boys' Basketball vs Philipinas, 19:00-20:30, Sports Centre FRIDAY, 16 JANUARY Quarter 2 and Semester 1 End New Family Orientation and Welcome Coffee, 8:1510:15, Centre for the Arts New MSHS students buddy morning, 9:00-13:15
Volume 21, Edition 18, Friday 9 January SATURDAY, 17 JANUARY North South Cup - Basketball @ SSIS, 17-18 Jan Saturday Soccer Spring Season Registration Deadline
COMING SOON MONDAY, 19 JANUARY Quarter 3 and Semester 2 Start ES Tet Gifts Bags of Love Collection Begins JV Boys' and Girls’ Basketball vs BIS @ UNIS, 16:0017:30, Sports Centre WENESDAY, 21 JANUARY Varsity Boys' Basketball vs HIS @ UNIS, 16:00 - 17:30, Sports Centre Varsity Girls' Basketball vs Thang Long Club @ UNIS, 16:30-18:00, Sports Centre THURSDAY, 22 JANUARY ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No ASAs/Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 16:00-18:00 MS Boys' and Girls’ Soccer vs HIS @ UNIS, UNIS Fields, 16:00-17:30 FRIDAY, 23 JANUARY ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No classes/ASA/ Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 10:00-18:00 JV Boys' Basketball vs St. Paul @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre HS Talent Show , 18:00-20:00, Centre for the Arts SATURDAY, 24 JANUARY UNIS Invitational MS Boys & Girls Soccer Tournament, Sports Centre SAT Testing (HS)
IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) The Scholarship Fund. Annual Community Campaign 2014-2015 (p.3)
Save our Planet. Save the date! (p.4) Student Learning Work Shop for Parents (p.4) New Year’s Resolution for Kids (p.5)
New at the Shop. Check it out NOW! (p.5) Spring Fair 2015 (p.6) Community Education Spring Session (p.7) Job Opportunities (p.7) Meet Real Madrid for real! (p.8)
Happy New Year as we made it through our first week back. Although the traffic situation does not appear to have created any major problems, we will continue to monitor things to ensure that our students and families can safely access our campus each day. While out recruiting, we are also able to invite any UNIS Hanoi alumni to attend a social gathering in the city where we are. We had a few people join us in Melbourne and expect over 30 to join us in Bangkok on this coming
Saturday. The enthusiasm these alumni students and families have for the time at UNIS Hanoi is quite gratifying. Thanks to the efforts of our Advancement Office under the leadership of Emma Silva, our alumni data base continues to grow as we create a world-wide UNIS Hanoi community. While not connected to recruiting fairs, we have two more large alumni reunions planned in the spring for Seoul and Tokyo. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org
Please join us if you haven’t already made a gift and become part of this incredible community project in which we can all share a proud place. Your gift will join all those that already decorate The Scholarship Fund Tree representing the community’s commitment to our Scholarship Programme! Watch the tree fill up with Cá, Phượng, Quy, Lân and Long gifts! Every one of the decorations represents a real gift that we have received and will decorate the school’s reception until Tet break and the end of the campaign. Together you have already created 30% of the funding that we need to welcome a new scholarship student to UNIS Hanoi next year! The Scholarship Fund Annual Community Campaign is off to a wonderful start thanks to the generosity and solidarity of our School community and the wonderful generosity of our launching Dragon Gift (10,000+ USD).
Our Goal is 75,000 USD to provide ONE ADDITIONAL scholarship place for 2015-2016.
Our goal for our 6-week campaign is not only financial. We hope also to celebrate 100% participation by our community and celebrate an achievement built by many. In week one, we have had an incredible surge of support from our faculty and staff. Already 28% of our faculty and staff have pledged or made gifts, including 2 gifts in the Phuong or Phoenix Gift level (1,000+ USD). And our local Vietnamese staff have demonstrated strong support with 48.4% of the faculty and staff gifts. Let’s build on this strong message of support for week two of the campaign. Together we can achieve amazing change and create opportunities to transform futures!
to join in.
is a day we have arranged for whole Elementary school and ECC to take part in helping to save our planet. The plan is to turn off everything powered by electricity for one hour from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. Another special thing about this day is that the kids of elementary school have to come to school wearing green to represent caring about the earth.
When: 15.1.15 Where: Grades D-5 Time: 8:00-9:00, Green Hour Why: To reduce climate change from happening We are a group of grade 5 students who felt inspired by our unit of inquiry about Climate Change. We want to make a difference in our world and invite you
Date: Tuesday, January 13 Time: 8.30am to 9.45am Location: Community Room A very exciting student-led parent workshop which gives parents direct insight into examples of Innovative Learning occurring within student's classrooms! From Digital Story Telling to Citizenship and Hour of Code to IB Film, UNIS Hanoi students have worked hard this past semester on a wide range of projects and are excited to share them with parents! Join us as the School Community Organisation partners with the Technology Team for an enlightening All Parent Meeting.
During this week we encourage the students of Elementary school and ECC to eat a vegetarian lunch on a day of their own choice in that week. This will help reduce climate change because people cut down trees to have space for raising their animals. This increases the amount of CO2. If kids want to contribute to this event they can choose to have either lunch from home or the school’s lunch. Children can choose which day they want to eat a vegetarian lunch but to participate in the event that day must be next week.
Also on the agenda: Spring Fair Hustle ... calling on EVERYONE to get involved! And the SCO is organising a Hanoi Bus Tour for New Families, to register visit: www.unishanoi.org/bustour (note: priority given to new families).
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all had a great holiday and are eager to make new resolutions for 2015. Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
4. I will drink more milk and water, and limit soda and sugar-filled drinks. 5. I will apply sunscreen before going outdoors. 6. I will take up a new sport or activity that I like, and do it at least three times a week. 7. I will always wear a helmet when bicycling or boarding.
1. I will clean up my toys, and keep my room in good order.
8. I will wear my seatbelt every time I get in the car.
2. I will brush my teeth twice a day, and wash my hands before eating and after the bathroom.
9. I’ll be nice to others, and friendly to kids who need friends – like someone shy or new to school.
3. I won’t tease dogs, even friendly ones – and keep my hands and face away from their mouths.
10. I’ll never give out personal information or pictures of myself to strangers or over the internet. School Health Center
To start off the New Year we received our new leggings! There are two colors (blue and black). Price 380,000 VND. Good to wear for PE in this frigid weather together with the long sleeved shirt. The new grey hoodies are sold out, but we still have several UNIS Hanoi sweatshirts in store. Get yours before it's too late!
There are new tracksuits and a hooded sweatsuits on their way, hopefully they will be delivered in the first week of February. So stay tuned for more exciting UNIS Hanoi wear!
The UNIS Spring Fair is the largest event organized by the School Community Organization. It’s about the UNIS Hanoi community getting together with our kids and having fun while sharing our cultures.
The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. We are looking for ALL countries in the UNIS Community to be represented. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture.
Currently, we are looking for people to help coordinate in these areas: Commercial stalls, Gates, Ticketing and Vouchers. If you are interested in helping, please contact Spring Fair Coordinator - Claudia Marinzi at springfair@unishanoi.org
Country Table Representatives: Get together with families from your country/world region and organize a booth to celebrate the cultural diversity at UNIS. This is the soul of the event and it would be wonderful to have all community groups represented. Please contact the Country Tables Coordinator – Natascha Senftleben at sco_esvice@unishanoi.org for more information on how to organize a Country Table. Commercial Stalls: Do you have a Family-Owned Small Business? If so, would you be interested in having a Commercial Stall at the Spring Fair? Commercial stalls are available for hire to anyone in the UNIS Hanoi Community (parents, faculty, staff or students). To reserve a space email Claudia Marinzi at springfair@unishanoi.org PLEASE ALSO COME TO THE ALL PARENT MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 from 8.30 – 10.30 in the Community Room WE NEED YOU ALL to make this another memorable event for our community!!!
The Community Education (ComEd) Programme – Spring Session is now available for viewing on UNIS Hanoi website. Many classes are offered to all members of the Hanoi Community, such as: Cooking: Western Cooking, Indian Cooking… Skill Building: Lacquer Painting Workshop, IT and
Computer classes
ComEd is a programme of activities in the areas of cooking, movement, language, arts and culture, skill building, sports... that UNIS Hanoi offers to the wider local community. ComEd has 2 sessions in a school year: Session 1 (September – December) and Session 2 (January – May). Our aim is to provide opportunities for people of all ages to gain new skills, expand their knowledge, have fun and to bring the community together. We look forward to your participation.
Movement: Yoga, Zumba Dance for Fitness… Arts and Culture: Different tours to explore
Vietnamese arts and culture.. Children Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Fun Art
Attack, Computer for Children… Swimming classes: We are continuing to offer high
quality and wide ranges of swimming classes for adults and children in Hanoi community
We will open the link for registration on UNIS Hanoi website from 08:30am on Monday, January 12 2015 and close the registration at 08:30am on Monday 19 January 2015. Please click the COMED REGISTRATION FORM to register.
UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for a Short-
term ES Music Teacher. The contract is 3 months' teacher contract with 90% employment percentage. Starting date is to be confirmed (tentatively during mid-late Jan 2015). The closing date for application is 11th January 2015, and interviews are scheduled on 12th-13th January. To view more information about this opening and other job opportunities at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply online, please visit our website at www.unishanoi.org/jobs