UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc _ Newsletter 19 vol 21 tt 16 jan

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 19 JANUARY  Quarter 3 and Semester 2 Start  ES Tet Gifts Bags of Love Collection Begins  JV Boys' and Girls’ Basketball vs BIS @ UNIS, 16:0017:30, Sports Centre WENESDAY, 21 JANUARY  University Info Session, 12:30-13:20, Common Room  Varsity Boys' Basketball vs HIS @ UNIS, 16:00 - 17:30, Sports Centre  Varsity Girls' Basketball vs Thang Long Club @ UNIS, 16:30-18:00, Sports Centre THURSDAY, 22 JANUARY  ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No ASAs/Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 16:00-18:00  MS Boys' and Girls’ Soccer vs HIS @ UNIS, UNIS Fields, 16:00-17:30 FRIDAY, 23 JANUARY  ES Parent Teacher Conferences (No classes/ASA/ Aquatics Academy for ES Students), 10:00-18:00  University Info Session, 12:40-14:00, Common Room  JV Boys' Basketball vs St. Paul @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre  HS Talent Show , 18:00-20:00, Centre for the Arts

Volume 21, Edition 19, Friday 16 January SATURDAY, 24 JANUARY  UNIS Invitational MS Boys & Girls Soccer Tournament, Sports Centre  SAT Testing (HS)

COMING SOON TUESDAY, 27 JANUARY  SCO Bus Tour for New Families, 8:45-14:00  University Info Session, 13:20-14:00  Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30-19:30, Community Room WENESDAY, 28 JANUARY  APAC Basketball Tournament @ UNIS, 28 Jan-1 Feb  APAC Swim Meet @ SAS-PX, 28 Jan-1 Feb  Visiting author Margaret Read MacDonald, 28-30 Jan FRIDAY, 30 JANUARY  ES Snack Sale Morning, 8:30-10:30  University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room SATURDAY, 31 JANUARY  Saturday Soccer Spring Season Starts

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) The Scholarship Fund Annual Community Campaign 20142015 (p.3)

It’s Reunion Season (p.4) Storytelling Time. Save the Date! (p.5) January University Visits (p.6)

Read-a-thon: Fill the empty shelves (p.7) New Parent Bus Tour (p.7) Spring Fair: Make It Unique, Make It Yours (p.8)

Need a New Mug? Visit our School Shop NOW! (p.9) Tips for Healthy and Active Kids (p.9)

The next Community Meeting with the Head of School will be on Tuesday, 03 February beginning at 19:00 in the Community Room. Since it is in the evening, it will be an “Hor d’oeuvres with the HoS” and we will serve evening refreshments. I will be joined by members of the school leadership to best respond to your questions and concerns. As always, it is helpful to send in those questions to us ahead of time. Please address them to my assistant at hosassistant@unishanoi.org

We wish all the best to our students who left UNIS Hanoi this week

The theme for the first part of the meeting will be technology and I have asked our technology team led by Mr. Ed Gilbreath to be on hand to respond to questions and address issues such as damage policies, bring your own device (BYOD) plans, and other tablet related issues. He will also share some of the results of a research study we are a part of with other international schools around the world. The “town meeting” format with Q&A will follow this presentation. We look forward to seeing you there. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

and welcome to our UNIS Hanoi Alumni Familty Orientation Day

ES Make a Difference Week and Green Hour

Come and hang your gift with your children! Just pop by the Advancement office and you can add your own gift to The Scholarship Fund Tree – Will it be a Fish, a Phoenix, a Turtle, a Unicorn or a Dragon? If you need inspiration, hear from our Scholars themselves and watch this short film (click on the image below).

Our first Annual Community Campaign is off to a wonderful start thanks to all our parents, faculty and staff that have made gifts and pledges for The Scholarship Fund.

Our Goal is 75,000 USD to provide ONE ADDITIONAL scholarship place for 2015-2016. Please join us if you haven’t already made a gift and become part of this incredible community project in which we can all share a proud place. Your gift will join all those that already decorate The Scholarship Fund Tree representing the community’s commitment to our Scholarship Programme! Watch the tree fill up with Ca, Phuong, Quy, Lan and Long gifts! Every one of the decorations represents a real gift that we have received and will decorate the school’s reception area until Tet break and the end of the campaign.

Our goal for our 6-week campaign is not only financial. We hope also to celebrate 100% participation by our community and celebrate an achievement built by many. And our Board of Directors is leading the way with 100% participation from its members. Next week we will be half way through the campaign – It would be wonderful to celebrate reaching half way on our thermometer! Together we can achieve amazing change and create opportunities to transform futures!



Our alumni have been gathering during the festive season for some festivities of their own and what better way to start the New Year than celebrating with your UNIS Hanoi friends from around the globe! Enjoy this photo special and we are sure many of you will recognize some familiar faces! More than 62 alumni parents, students and faculty attended our three Reunions in Melbourne, Hanoi and Bangkok in the last weeks. And a moment of history was created at the Bangkok reunion when four UNIS Hanoi Heads of School met together for the first time! Dr Chip Barder was joined by the second and third Heads of School (Graham Cherry and Jim Ambrose) and his predecessor, the sixth Head of School, Alun Cooper.



Nicole Ismailova, K2 AS Tatem Spencer, K2 CA Dion Payne, 1 JH Olivia Saarinen, 2 RT Seiji Hironaka, 3 NO Mai An Truong, 3 NO Kael Hendry, 3 TS Samantha Mae Heaton, 4 LL Lilli Beatrice Bradshaw, 4 LL Jiah Choi, 5 MN Soo Hyuk Choi, 2 MA Richard Cain, 5 TC CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

Author and Storyteller

Will be visiting UNIS Hanoi 28-30 January

Community Storytelling Event 6pm, 28 January in the CFA Purchase of her books will be available

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 @ 12:30 PM (http://www.uiowa.edu/) University of Iowa is a public institution that was founded in 1847. The Univeristy has a total undergraduate enrollment of 21,974. University of Iowa's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 71. The University of Iowa offers top-notch academic programming in more than 100 areas. It has many wellranked graduate programmes, including degrees offered through its College of Law, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Henry B. Tippie School of Management and College of Education. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is a very highly ranked facility as well. (http:// kirkwood.cc.ia.us/) Kirkwood Community College is a two-year comprehensive community college serving seven counties in Iowa. Kirkwood's main campus is in Cedar Rapids, with additional campuses in Marion, Iowa City, Belle Plaine, Monticello, Tipton, Vinton, Washington and Willia msburg. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Kirkwood offers Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and Associate of Applied Science degrees, certificates and diplomas. The college offers 120+ programs. The college offers many classes and a variety of Liberal Arts degrees online.

Friday, January 23, 2015 @12:30 PM (https:// www.royalholloway.ac.uk/home.aspx) Royal Holloway, University of London (formally incorporated as Royal Holloway and Bedford New College), is a public research university and a constituent college of the federal University of London. Royal Holloway was ranked 118th in the 2014-15 Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) published in October 2014. Ranked 17th overall in the UK, the Guide has described Royal Holloway as "truly world class." Admission into courses in English, Creative Writing, Psychology and Music are very competitive with a 9:1 applicants to place ratio. Royal Holloway's degree courses

in Information Security, Physics, International Relations, Earth Sciences and Media Arts are also particularly strong, frequently ranking in the top 10 of national subject rankings.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 @ 1:20 PM (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising) (http://www.limcollege.edu/) The college was founded in 1939 by Maxwell F. Marcuse as the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, at the request of retailers who wanted a school that would teach students about the fashion business and merchandising. The college offers undergraduate majors leading to a Bachelor's degree in International Business, Fashion merchandising, Visual Merchandising, Marketing, and Management. Concentrations are available in fields including Digital business strategy, Cosmetics, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Fashion Communications, Fashion Merchandising, Fashion Publishing, International Marketing, Retailing, Styling, and Visual Merchandising.

Friday, January 30, 2015 @1:20 PM (http:// www.colorado.edu/) University of Colorado--Boulder is a public institution that was founded in 1876. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 25,981. University of Colorado--Boulder's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 88. The University of Colorado Boulder, is the only school in the Rocky Mountain Region to make it into the Association of American Universities, an elite group of 62 research universities. The university has highly ranked graduate programmes through the College of Engineering and Applied Science and School of Education. Its Law School stresses experiential learning through clinics, externships, competitions and pro bono work.

who assisted in starting up a group and convincing Grade 3, 4, and 5’s to join.

There is a new student initiated Service Learning project happening in the Elementary School. It is called the Read-aThon for Refugee Children in Jordan. It has been organised by the student led Read-a-Thon Committee that has worked together to research more about the children in the Zaatari Refugee Camp and organize a Read-a-Thon. The idea to have a Read-a-Thon was first introduced by Lyla Stauch, a Grade 5 student who wanted to help the children in the Zaatari refugee camp by getting books for them, she was first inspired by Jackie Jenkins. The idea was later brought to life with the help of teachers and friends

Join us for a fun and informative bus trip around Tay Ho, and the old Quarter! We will visit some popular shopping spots and parent volunteers will happily answer all of your shopping questions. To end the trip we will have lunch together. Note: Space is limited are priority given to new families who have started in/after September 2014

The bus trip is free of charge, sponsored by the UNIS Hanoi School Community Organisation. Do bring spending money for shopping and lunch.

If you would like to buy an ao dai (traditional Vietnamese dress) for your ECC/ES child for TET Festival, please bring their measurements. Please note, because of the nature of this trip we are we are unable to accommodate children, or toddlers. Please register for this trip by January 23rd HERE For questions, please email SCO@unishanoi.org

We learned more about the Zaatari Refugee Camp by looking at websites and interviewing Jackie Jenkins over Skype, she is currently working in Jordan to set up a libraries in the refugee camp’s schools. Currently there is a school place for every child in the camp but the schools have no books! She has almost set up one school library and would use the money we raise to set up other school libraries in the camp. Talking to Jackie as a group energized us about the work we’re doing. This Friday we explained about the Read-a-Thon to ES students during assembly. Students from Grades 1-5 will have the opportunity to take part in the Read-a-Thon during the week of January 26th to February 1st. Pledge forms will be available for pick up in the ES office starting Tuesday January 20th. Please encourage your child to have fun while reading for the refugee children! The Read-a-Thon Committee

The UNIS Spring Fair is the largest event organized by the School Community Organization. It’s about the UNIS community getting together with our kids and having fun while sharing our cultures. The THEME this year is …. THE FARM !

The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. We are looking for ALL countries in the UNIS Community to be represented. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture. Click HERE to be part of the FUN!

Cultural Booths (previously Country Table): Get together with families from your country/world region and organize a booth to celebrate the cultural diversity at UNIS Hanoi. This is the soul of the event and it would be wonderful to have all community groups represented. Please contact Natascha Senftleben at FAIR_Cultural@unishanoi.org

Do you have a Family Business? If so, Spring Fair 2015 Small Business Booth is for you! Places are now available to UNIS Hanoi Community business owners. Whether you are parents, faculty, staff or students, you are welcome at this year's Spring Fair. So hurry and reserve your spot! For more information and to request a spot, email Clarissa Hu -Andersen at FAIR_SmallBusiness@unishanoi.org Spring Cleaning in order? Time to clear out your house and make space for new junk! Book a space quickly at our popular Flea Market by contacting Malin Niklasson at FAIR_FleaMarket@unishanoi.org Want to see more games and activities? Share ideas of fun games you have seen around the world and let’s make them happen! For as many ideas we have, we need parent’s help running the games, contact Christina Back at FAIR_FunCorner@unishanoi.org Transforming the campus…The Farm Art Workshop! Get the family together on January 24th and create decorations the Spring Fair! Find us in the Centre for the Arts (Room 108 – upstairs) from 9.30 – 11.00am! REGISTER HERE! Any other questions, ideas, comments….just email Claudia Marinzi at SpringFair@unishanoi.org

Stop by the school shop to pick up a new mug. Perfect for your morning coffee/tea, as gifts or to use as a work cup for only 100,000VND! And while you're there check out the rest of our bottle collection!

In the last 2 weeks, the School Health Center has noted increased number of students complaining of respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms and ‘just generally feeling tired’. Here are some healthy reminders to have healthy and active kids: 1. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast provides energy and will help keep you alert and attentive in class. Highly sugared foods leave you feeling tired soon after eating. Remember that your school performance is also influenced by what you eat! 2. Get plenty of sleep. Students need 8-10 hours of sleep a night to be productive in school. 3. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, during recess and at home. Go for a daily walk with a friend, a

parent , or your pet . Exercise helps our bodies to be strong, flexible, and resilient. 4. Wash your hands often. Keep nails short. Keep hands away from your face, mouth, and nose where germs can enter your body. Washing hands is the number one defense against infectious diseases. 5. All sick children are to stay at home especially if they are exhibiting respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Call your doctor or school nurse for advice. 6. Create a daily schedule for: waking up, eating breakfast, arriving to school on time, doing homework, enjoying free time, having dinner with the family, bathing, and packing up for the next day. Time management will do wonders to a very hectic student life! School Health Center

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