UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc _ Newsletter 20 vol 21 tt 23 jan

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tintuc@unishanoi.org UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 21, Edition 20, Friday 23 January

NEXT WEEK… MONDAY, 26 JANUARY  Tech Training Session for Parents, 18:00-19:00 TUESDAY, 27 JANUARY  SCO Bus Tour for New Families, 8:45-14:00  University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room  Board of Directors Meeting, 17:30-19:30, Community Room WENESDAY, 28 JANUARY  APAC Basketball Tournament @ UNIS, 28 Jan-1 Feb  APAC Swim Meet @ SAS-PX, 28 Jan-1 Feb  Visiting author Margaret Read MacDonald, 28-30 Jan  K1 AP Picnic, 10:10-11:55  Community Event with Author & Storyteller Margaret Read, 18:00-19:00, Centre for the Arts THURSDAY, 29 JANUARY  K1 KM Picnic, 8:30-9:50 FRIDAY, 30 JANUARY  ES Snack Sale Morning, 8:30-10:30  K1 DV Picnic, 8:30-9:50  University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room SATURDAY, 31 JANUARY  Saturday Soccer Spring Season Starts

COMING SOON MONDAY, 2 FEBRUARY  JV Boys' Basketball vs VAS @ UNIS, 16:00-17:30, Sports Centre

TUESDAY, 3 FEBRUARY  Board Executive Committee Meeting, 12:00-13:30, Conference Room  MS Girls' "B" Team Soccer vs CISH @ UNIS, 16:0017:30  Community Hors d'oeuvres with the Head of School, 19:00-20:30, Community Room WENESDAY, 4 FEBRUARY  UMA Session 3 Registration on ISIS, 4-5 Feb  Board SMP 2015-2020 Task Force Meeting, 7:00-8:30, Community Room  Advancement Committee Meeting, 12:00-14:00, Conference Room  HS Season 3 Sports Begin (Soccer), 15:45-17:30, Sports Centre THURSDAY, 5 FEBRUARY  MRISA High School Basketball Tournament @ ISPP, 58 Feb  HISAA Youth Sport Basketball Festival, 14:00-17:00, UNIS Hanoi  PYP Interactive Workshop for Parents new to the PYP, 19:00-20:00, Black Box FRIDAY, 6 FEBRUARY  ASA Session 3 Registration on ISIS, 6-8 Feb SATURDAY, 7 FEBRUARY  ES Tet Gift Bags of Love Delivery, 9:00-12:30

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Notes from the Head of School (p.2) The Scholarship Fund Annual Community Campaign 20142015 Update (p.3) Storytelling Time Next Week! (p.4)

North South Cup Basketball Tournament (p.7) Meet Real Madrid for real! (p.8) New Parent Bus Tour. Sign up NOW! (p.9)

Season 3 Sports (p.4) APAC Basketball Championship at UNIS Hanoi (p.5) UMA and ASA Sign-up News (p.6)

ES Snack Sale. Save the Date! (p.9) Spring Fair: Make It Unique, Make It Yours (p.10) School Health Centre News (p.11)

As we reach the halfway point of our fundraising campaign to support our scholarship programme, we are well on our way to reaching our goal. For those who have contributed, thank you so much for your gifts. For those who are still thinking about it, I encourage you join this community campaign and help “create opportunities to transform futures.” No gift is too small—together we can make a difference! We are hosting our first APAC Basketball Tournament next week (Thursday through Saturday) and invite the community to come and watch some excellent competition while supporting our Phoenix boys and girls teams. (See page 5 for further details). Finally a second reminder of the “Hors d’oeuvres with the Head of School” set for Tuesday, 03 February at 19:00 in the Community Room. Key members of the leadership team will be on hand with me to answer any questions or respond to any concerns or suggestions parents may have. The first part of the programme will be a short presentation on our technology programme including future possibilities such as a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) initiative. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, hos@unishanoi.org

ES Parent Teacher Conferences

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi

This week our supporters share their reasons for joining this community campaign:

Thanks to the generous donations from families, faculty, staff and alumni we are well over half-way to our campaign goal!

Our Goal is $75,000 USD to provide ONE ADDITIONAL scholarship place for 2015 -2016. And this week we received 43 new Dragon Fish gifts as well as our second Dragon Gift from a UNIS Hanoi family! Please join us if you haven’t already made a gift and become part of this incredible community project in which we can all share a proud place. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT GIVING

“We gave because it is good for the school, the students and our children. Having quality students in our school community helps bring in an extra rigor, creativity and learning experience into the classroom environment. Not only have we helped scholarship students but they have helped us to become an even better school. We feel that our children have flourished at UNIS and we are happy to be able to help provide some of these great resources and opportunities for a Vietnamese child who would not otherwise have the opportunity.” Neil & Lori Fairbairn

“Our oldest son graduated from UNIS last summer and is now studying in the UK. For a quiet ‘at home on his computer’middle schooler, we saw our son blossom at UNIS. During the seven years he was there he became involved in the MUN, theatre productions, CAS, swim team and even a band all while working as hard as he could on his chosen subjects. Our other two kids are also growing, working hard and making good choices. We are very proud of them. UNIS has given them a wonderful foundation; academic strength, personal confidence and respect of others. We hope, with our donation, we can help a scholarship student on their way to fly and achieve their dreams.” Maeve O'Donovan

“The Scholarship Fund Campaign is very meaningful and I would like to make my small contribution to it. Imagine a Vietnamese student from a low-income family be awarded this full scholarship, become a UNIS member and enjoy the wonderful and top-notch education that any student in the world may dream of! I believe our campaign can definitely change and bring a better future for a poor student.” Anonymity requested

Come and hang your gift on our tree!


Author and Storyteller

Will be visiting UNIS Hanoi 28-30 January Community Storytelling Event 6pm, 28 January in the CFA Purchase of her books will be available

The third and final athletic season of the year is fast approaching. High School soccer begins on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, and Middle School volleyball begins on Thursday, March 5, 2015. Students who are interested should make their way to the bulletin boards outside the UNIS Hanoi Cafeteria and sign-up as soon as possible. Middle School sports are a two-day a week commitment while high school soccer is a three to four-day a week commitment. Our middle school programmes operate as a no-cut programme. Everyone wishing to participate will have the opportunity to practice, improve, and play some competitions. Good luck to all. GO PHOENIX!

On January 29-31 UNIS Hanoi will be hosting the 2015 APAC Asia Division basketball championships. Boys and girls teams from Brent International School Manila (BISM), Canadian Academy Japan (CA), Concordia International School Shanghai (CISS), Hong Kong International School (HKIS), Western Academy of Beijing (WAB), and United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS Hanoi) will be competing for three full days in the UNIS Hanoi Sports Centre. The entire UNIS Hanoi Community is welcome and encouraged to come support our teams as they go up against the best competition in the region.

The UNIS Hanoi Round Robin Schedule is below. The last game on Saturday will be determined by round robin placings. 9:30 a.m. Girls UNIS vs BISM 12:30 p.m. Boys UNIS vs CISS 5:30 p.m. Boys UNIS vs HKIS 5:30 p.m. Girls UNIS vs CISS 11:00 a.m. Boys UNIS vs BISM 12:30 p.m. Girls UNIS vs CA 2:30 p.m. Boys UNIS vs CA 4:00 p.m. Girls UNIS vs WAB 10:30 a.m. Boys UNIS vs WAB 12:00 p.m. Girls UNIS vs HKIS TBD UNIS Boys Placing Game TBD UNIS Girls Placing Game For more information and a comprehensive schedule please follow the link below: http://apacbasketball.unishanoi.org/ GO PHOENIX!

To assist you with the sign-up processes we have created detailed written instructions and screencasts that you can access by clicking the links below: Click HERE for the UNIS Music Academy (UMA) signup instructions Click HERE for the After School Activities (ASAs) signup instructions

If you are new to UNIS Hanoi or require a little ‘practice’ for the UNIS Music Academy (UMA) or After School Activities (ASAs) ISIS Family sign-up process then please read on. Due to the complex nature required for our UMA and ASAs schedules we appreciate the sign-up process can also be a little challenging especially if you are new to the system. Therefore we are opening up the UMA and ASAs sign-ups on ISIS Family for a short period of time so you can become more familiar with how the system operates. This will give you the opportunity to run through the process before the official sign-up sessions take place. Please note: this is a ‘TRAINING’ or ‘MOCK’ sign-up exercise only and your choices during these times will not be accepted for the UMA or ASAs Session 3 options. Once the mock sign-up sessions have closed all data will be erased for the official sign-ups.

Once you are logged into to ISIS Family, for both UMA and ASAs, use the training sessions available under Activities Sessions.

In addition to the ‘Mock Sign-ups’ above, we will also be offering a Technology Training Session here at UNIS. This session will give you the opportunity to visit UNIS and ask any technology questions regarding ISIS Family, to run through the sign-up process with our resident technology experts. The Technology Training Session will take place from 18:00 to 19:00 on Monday 26th January in the Library. Tablets will be provided (or you can bring your own) and new families are encouraged to attend. Adrian Hubbard, Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

 UNIS Music Academy (UMA): 08.00 – 23.00 on

Wednesday 28th January  After School Activities (ASAs): 08.00 – 23.00 on

Friday 30th January

After School Activity

UMA Lesson by Tim Barnsley

“I am extremely proud of this team and how far we’ve come.” So said captain Nina McLean after the Girls’ Varsity Basketball team travelled to Ho Chi Minh City over the weekend of January 17-18, for “North/South Cup” basketball tournament hosted by South Saigon International School. The team played in four games over two days, and had many highlights. These included a victory over the International School of Ho Chi Minh City, the development of new defensive schemes, and a lunch at Popeye’s chicken. In the win against ISHCMC, what had been a close game was broken open in the final couple minutes after a barrage of points by UNIS Hanoi guards Saskia Brennan and Ly Ann Foster. The dramatic ending was made more memorable still when the UNIS Hanoi boys’ team, who had been cheering the girls on, formed a human tunnel for the girls to run through and celebrate their accomplishment. That show of unity was typical of the bonding and support that occurred over the course of the weekend. When asked to express what her teammates mean to her, McLean said, “You guys are like family.” And, with the hosting of the climactic APAC tournament coming soon (January 29 - February 1), there is much anticipation for the opportunity to exhibit the lessons learned at the Cup and to share the bonding spirit with the entire UNIS Hanoi community.

Our Boys Varsity Basketball team traveled to Saigon last weekend to compete against SSIS (Saigon South International School), ISHCMC (International School Ho Chi Minh City), and NT University. UNIS Hanoi opened with a tough matchup against NTU that saw them facing a 20 - 10 point deficit going into the 2nd half. UNIS Hanoi climbed back into the game and took a 1 point lead with less than 3 minutes remaining. After some tough plays and close opportunities, they ended up conceding a 36 - 33 loss by the final buzzer. After an easy 37 - 13 point win over ISHCMC, UNIS Hanoi faced the hosts SSIS on Sunday morning. A sleepy start saw our boys down 26 points with 10 minutes to play in the game. After a furious comeback that saw them turn the tables, they ended up falling short by 4 points at the end. Tired legs amounted to a tougher matchup in the 3 vs. 4 game, but UNIS Hanoi was able to hold on to beat ISHCMC by 4 at the end to take 3rd place in the 1st annual North/South Cup.

Join us for a fun and informative bus trip around Tay Ho, and the old Quarter! We will visit some popular shopping spots and parent volunteers will happily answer all of your shopping questions. To end the trip we will have lunch together. Note: Space is limited are priority given to new families who have started in/after September 2014

Please note, because of the nature of this trip we are we are unable to accommodate children, or toddlers. Please register for this trip by January 25rd HERE For questions, please email SCO@unishanoi.org

The bus trip is free of charge, sponsored by the UNIS Hanoi School Community Organisation. Do bring spending money for shopping and lunch.

If you would like to buy an ao dai (traditional Vietnamese dress) for your ECC/ES child for TET Festival, please bring their measurements.


The Elementary School Snack Sale is a long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi. Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale” was created to raise funds for library books while providing students with the opportunity to taste a diverse range of snacks from all around the world! The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun opportunity for children to exercise choice, learn how to handle money and is raising awareness of the value of healthy snacks.

As a Nut and Allergy Aware campus we require all snacks to include a list of ingredients. When it is your turn to be a contributing class, we encourage that each family supports the ES Snack Sale by providing: 10 individually wrapped homemade healthy snacks (the value of each treat should be at least 10,000VND) A labeled container/dish with your child’s class and name On the morning of the snack sale, please deliver the snacks BEFORE 8.10am to the designated tables in the ECC or ES Courtyard Both savory and sweet snacks are welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls, homemade muesli bars, muffins, samosas, etc.), below are a few example of snacks provided in previous snack sales. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about what snacks to bring, please contact the Snack Sale Coordinators: Akiko Nakano: akiko.nakano2008@gmail.com Masumi Tsuda: ma-na10@hotmail.co.jp Bo young Hwang: soool2@yahoo.com

The UNIS Spring Fair is the largest event organized by the School Community Organization. It’s about the UNIS community getting together with our kids and having fun while sharing our cultures. The THEME this year is …. THE FARM !

The Spring Fair is completely organized by the hard work of our committed volunteers. Any cultural group is welcome to organise a booth. At the same time, if you have any game ideas, we would love to hear from you. The key ingredients for a successful Spring Fair are a positive attitude, willingness to get involved, some time and your passion to make this day inspirational. You will feel proud to be part of an event that bonds the community together and creates our special blend of UNIS Culture. Click HERE to be part of the FUN!

Cultural Booths (previously Country Table): Get together with families from your country/world region and organize a booth to celebrate the cultural diversity at UNIS Hanoi. It would be wonderful to have all community groups represented. Please contact Natascha Senftleben at FAIR_Cultural@unishanoi.org

Do you have a Family Business? If so, Spring Fair 2015 Small Business Booth is for you! Places are now available to UNIS Hanoi Community business owners. Whether you are parents, faculty, staff or students, you are welcome at this year's Spring Fair. So hurry and reserve your spot! For more information and to request a spot, email Clarissa Hu -Andersen at FAIR_SmallBusiness@unishanoi.org Spring Cleaning in order? Time to clear out your house and make space for new junk! Book a space quickly at our popular Flea Market by contacting Malin Niklasson at FAIR_FleaMarket@unishanoi.org Want to see more games and activities? Share ideas of fun games you have seen around the world and let’s make them happen! For as many ideas we have, we need parent’s help running the games, contact Christina Back at FAIR_FunCorner@unishanoi.org Transforming the campus…The Farm Art Workshop! Get the family together tomorrow, January 24 and create decorations the Spring Fair! Find us in the Centre for the Arts (Room 108 – upstairs) from 9.30 – 11.00am! REGISTER HERE! Any other questions, ideas, comments….just email Claudia Marinzi at SpringFair@unishanoi.org

Stop by the school shop to pick up a new mug. Perfect for your morning coffee/tea, as gifts or to use as a work cup for only 100,000VND! And while you're there check out the rest of our bottle collection!

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb). Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecological cancer to prevent with regular screening tests and vaccination. It is also very curable when found and treated early. All women are at risk for cervical cancer. It occurs most often in women over age 30. Each year, approximately 12,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a virus that is passed from person to person through genital contact. If the HPV infection does not go away on its own, it may cause cervical cancer over time. One of the most significant advances in the fight against cervical cancer is the development of HPV vaccines. Early vaccination with regular screening, which includes a Pap test and HPV test when recommended, is now the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer. HPV vaccines offer the greatest health benefits to individuals who receive all three doses before having any

type of sexual activity. That’s why HPV vaccination is recommended for preteen girls and boys at age 11 or 12 years, but can be given as early as 9 years old. HPV vaccines are given in a series of 3 shots over 6 months. It is very important to complete all 3 shots to get the best protection. More than 46 million doses of HPV vaccine have been given out, and vaccine studies continue to show that HPV vaccines are safe. To learn more about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccines, visit http://www.cdc.gov/hpv/ and http:// www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/ . School Health Centre

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