2015 USALSA Careers Guide

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Careers Guide 2015








Special Thanks

Wilbur Jordan Editor-in-chief Publications Director, USALSA

Professor Wendy Lacey Cameron Henderson - the next Miranda Kerr Sharmonie Cockayne Australian Law Students Association (ALSA)

Lisa Parker Careers Director, USALSA


Meredith Hennessy Sub-Editor Daniella Hoy Sub-Editor

Contributors Jake Collins Kvitka Becker Travis Shueard Daniella Hoy Dan Calio Eftihia Popovich Olaf Borutz James Caldicott Lauren Hanna Patrick Leader-Elliot

The careers guide team would like to thank the following firms for their sponsorship: Allens The College of Law Cowell Clark Finlaysons Johnson Winter & Slattery Lipman Karas Minter Ellison Wallmans

The editorial team would like to thank everybody for their work in making this guide possible.

disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and not those of the UniSA School of Law or USALSA. Whilst we have endeavoured to verify the information contained in this guide, USALSA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the material. USALSA and the Editors accept no responsibility for any damage, injury, or loss occasioned to any person or entity, whether law student or otherwise, as a result of a person relying, wholly or in part, on any material included, omitted or implied in this publication. copyright University of South Australia Law Students Association.




from your usalsa careers director

Practicing as a barrister or solicitor is often viewed as the natural career progression for many law students as they enter the workforce. However in recent times it has become increasingly difficult for graduates to obtain employment in a traditional legal role practicing law. Because of this, there has been constant dialogue in the media and within the legal profession of late, focusing on the need for graduates to pursue alternative legal careers. While the thought of pursuing an alternative career may dishearten many students initially, the reality is there are a number of satisfying career paths open to law graduates which shouldn’t be viewed as an alternative. Careers in politics, academia, Government, business management, accounting and journalism to name a few, are genuine career opportunities in their own right, which utilise the skills and knowledge obtained through studying a law degree. The USALSA Law Careers Guide is designed to assist you in gaining a better insight into the wide range of jobs and career paths available to you upon graduating with a law degree - whether that be practicing law as a barrister or solicitor, or working in a non-traditional legal role. In addition to this, we hope to provide you with the tools and resources that will help you to determine which career path is best for you. While a number of UniSA law graduates have been successful in securing employment within the legal profession, there are also a number of graduates who have used their law degree as the foundation to launch a successful career in a non-traditional legal role. Many of our graduates are featured in this guide and we hope their stories will inspire you and help provide direction for your own career. This guide also contains details of a number of clerkship, work experience and placement opportunities, both within Australia and overseas. Lastly, this guide contains important information on how you can set yourself apart from your colleagues, with tips and advice on job hunting, CV and application writing, and making the most of networking and extra-curricular activities. I encourage you to use this information to your advantage, as it will assist you in whichever career path you choose to pursue, and it might just give you a winning edge in the current competitive job market. We are pleased to present the 2015 USALSA Law Careers Guide, and we hope it becomes a valuable resource for you as you transition from your life as a student into your new career. Lisa Parker USALSA Careers Director (October 2013 - March 2015).



foreword from your dean of law

UniSA Law’s mission is to produce outstanding graduates with a combination of legal knowledge and practical skills which make them competitive and prepared for a range of legal and legally-related sectors. More than half of Australia’s law graduates will enter legal practice in some form, whether that be in private firms, working for the Crown or the DPP, or entering practice via an associateship in one of our courts. However, somewhere between 40-50% of law graduates will not enter legal practice but will instead choose to work in business and management, government policy, industrial relations, the community sector, education or areas including the media or international agencies. The great thing about a UniSA Law degree is that we know it provides an excellent foundation for an array of professional careers. Data collated by the School demonstrates that 90% of our graduates are employed within months of graduating and after 6-12 months, all of our graduates have found employment. These are fantastic statistics of which we are incredibly proud and attest to the School’s commitment to providing a diverse and supportive learning experience, relatively small class sizes, flexibility through the trimester system and the opportunity to engage in practical experiences including through the Legal Advice Clinic. Law has relevance for every aspect of society and a UniSA law degree provides an intellectual foundation combined with professional skills that are highly regarded in numerous fields. Our graduates are distinctive and highly employable. The question is, how to match your own unique skillset and personality with the right role in law. Hopefully this publication will help to shed some light on the career paths that are open to you and where you might find the most rewarding opportunities that play to your individual strengths. I highly recommend a thorough read of this Careers Guide and commend USALSA for putting it together for the benefit of law students. I also encourage you to familiarise yourselves with the services provided by UniSA Careers Services – services that will be available to you well beyond graduation day. Good luck in finding your own path!

Professor Wendy Lacey Dean of Law University of South Australia School of Law 3


key dates for

clerkships south australian law students’ council uniform clerkship scheme Applications Open: Applications Close: Commencement of Interviews: Offers of Clerkships: Communication of Decision:

Monday, 6th July 2015 Monday, 27th July 2015 (5pm) Tuesday, 11th August 2015 Tuesday, 8th September 2015 (9am) Tuesday, 8th September 2015 (1pm)

participating firms Minter Ellison

Fisher Jeffries

Applications should be lodged via the Minter Ellison website minterellison.com.au

Applications should be lodged via the Fisher Jeffries website fisherjeffries.com.au

Enquiries to: Vanda Mutton - Senior HR Advisor (08) 8233 5682 Vanda.mutton@minterellison.com


DMAW Written applications should indicate year level, include a detailed Curriculum Vitae and Academic Transcript and should be directed by email to hr@dmawlawyers.com. au.

Thomsons Geer

Applications should be lodged via the Wallmans website wallmans.com.au

Johnson, Winter & Slattery Written applications should include a covering letter, CV and current official academic transcript. They should be addressed to Wilma Lewis, Professional Development Advisor, and lodged online at fsr.cvmail.com.au/jws

Applications should be lodged via the Thomsons Geer website tglaw.com.au Enquiries to: hr@tglaw.com.au



key dates for

clerkships Finlaysons

Lipman Karas

Applications Open: NOW! Applications Close: Friday, 1st May 2015 Commencement of clerkship: Monday, 20th July 2015 Open to students with anticipated admission to practice in late 2016/17

Applications Open: NOW! Applications Close: Thursday, 30th April 2015 Commencement of clerkship: can agree upon a mutually convenient time

Submit your application including cover letter, resume and academic transcript through the careers page on the Finlaysons website .

Submit application including cover letter (addressing qualities Lipman Karas looks for in candidates), CV, academic transcript, and two referees. Send your application to clerkships@ lipmankaras.com


Cowell Clarke Applications Open: NOW! Applications Close: Thursday, 30th April 2015 Commencement of clerkship: July 2015 Applications should be sent by email to careers@cowellclarke.com. au addressed to Susan Comerford, our People & Practice Development Manager


Crown Solicitor’s Office (& DPP) Applications Open: NOW! Applications Close: Thursday, 30th April 2015 Commencement of clerkship: mid December Applicants need to fill out a summer clerkships application form, found at AGD website: search summer clerkships, Crown Solicitor’s Office


contents From the Editors 07 THE BASICS How to write a cover letter 09 Example cover letter 10 How to write a successful CV 11 Example CV 13 Preparing for an interview 17 Dress to impress 19 Choose your career path 21 Tips for clerking - Anonymous 23 Graduate diploma in legal practice 24 Balancing your headspace - Travis Shueard 25 Hunting for jobs 27 SET YOURSELF APART Stand out from the crowd - Wilbur Jordan 29 Opening doors through exchange - Kvitka Becker 30 Make a difference by volunteering - Dan Calio 31 Social justice organisations in SA 32 Better your chances through competing - Jake Collins 33 A PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVE What to expect as a Junior Lawyer - Patrick Leader-Elliot 37 Working as an Associate - Olaf Borutz 39 Working as a Legal Advisor - Lauren Hanna 40 Working as a Solicitor - James Caldicott 42 Student to Clerk to Lawyer - Cowell Clarke 43 Clerking with Minter Ellison - Minter Ellison 45 Alternative careers 47 Working as a Procurement Officer - Eftihia Popovich 48 OPPORTUNITY AWAITS Becoming a Judges Associate 51 Plan a career abroad 55 Internships abroad 59



from the

editors T

hey say your years at law school are the best years of your life. I couldn’t agree more. But just like a fine bottle of wine must empty, everything good must come to an end. As we find ourselves approaching the end of our degrees, there is nothing scarier than the reality that real life is waiting just around the corner. Sooner or later, you’re going to find that after five years of preparation, you’re suddenly being thrust into a profession well known for its tough practice and gruelling hours - and all without your floaties. Fear not, gentle law student. Allow us to help bridge the transition from student to solicitor. Formed in 2008, the Univeristy of South Australia Law Students’ Association (USALSA) is the sole independent representative body for law students at the University of South Australia. In collaboration with the School of Law, USALSA aims to assist students in taking advantage of the vast opportunities offered at UniSA law school, including social,


careers and educational events. While a law degree has traditionally provided students with a key to entering the legal profession, these days it is far more versatile. USALSA’s annual Careers Guide aims to be the tool with which to help transform your degree into a career. We have constructed this guide with the very best of careers advice, including first hand experience from UniSA’s own law school alumni, as well as tips for winning at the basics; such as interviews and CV writing. Use it to build a path to your future career. The editorial team would like to thank USALSA’s valued sponsors, as well as this years contributors; your assistance made this publication happen. Good luck in all your future endeavours. Wilbur Jordan USALSA Publications Director and Editor-inchief and the 2015 editorial team.


the basics...



HOW TO write a

cover letter A good cover letter is like a good selfie. It showcases who you are with the intention of impressing the recipient so that they’ll remember you. A cover letter is probably the first point of contact between you and your potential future employer. It needs to be engaging and show the employer that you have the skills to do the job, by addressing in particular what it is the job is asking for. You want to show the employer that YOU are what they are looking for. In your letter: • • •

• •

Include a brief introduction about yourself and why you are applying for the job; Highlight your relevant skills, qualifications and experience. You can do this by relating these skills to the specific requirements of the role; Provide some real life examples. Negotiating with your Mum to let you borrow her house to hold your next sweet DJ gig is cool, but it doesn’t really qualify you to broker million dollar settlements between large corporations; Make sure your letter is specifically about the role you are applying for. Generalisation is nobodies friend. Importantly, don’t be afraid to inject your personal style into your writing. Make yourself stand out!

Given that your cover letter is designed to summarise the highlights of your resume and address selection criteria (if required), it should not be written until you have completed these documents. That is, even though the cover letter appears first in the list of documents that you submit, it should be the final document written. General structure of a cover letter: Purpose of your letter If you’re replying to an ad, include the job title and reference/job number (if you have one). Sound enthusiastic about wanting the job to capture the employer’s attention. Writing a cold contact letter (letter of enquiry) should target organisations you are interested in working for. Include (briefly) your current career or study circumstances and any specialised professional skills. Be specific about the type of job you are interested in being considered for. Why you want the job Explain how your qualifications and career plans match the job. You should show that you have done your research and understand what the job entails, and address what the company is looking for. Try to use your own words. Specialist (and relevant) skills Identify the employers needs and address the value you can bring to the organisation and what you can offer. Describe your skills, qualifications, experiences and achievements. These are your selling points, so make sure they are


relevant! Back up your claims with examples. If you’re still studying, briefly describe your course (include a completion date), majors, specialisations, and any strong academic results. General (and relevant) skills Now list your general skills, such as communication, teamwork, initiative, problem solving, organisation, selfmanagement etc. Give examples to support these. Group projects, community activities, voluntary work, etc.

You want to show the employer that YOU are what they are looking for. Closing your letter Refer to your resume and any attachments. Say you are interested in an interview and list when you are available. Re-state your phone number or email address, whatever is your best method of contact. Thank the employer for their time. Sign the letter at the end – if sending via email or uploading on a website, use an electronic signature! Format and style • One A4 typed page with margins not too narrow • 10-12 point standard fonts (eg Times New Roman, Arial) • Plain business English (avoid abbreviations, jargon and slang) • 100% accurate spelling and grammar • Short concise sentences (avoid chunky paragraphs) • Clear structure - one main idea per paragraph • A positive tone (do not include your weaknesses) Accurate spelling and grammar is crucial! Employers receive a lot of job applications, and it is common practice for them to shorten the pile by immediately dispersing with a letter as soon as they find a mistake.1


(source: Monash University)


Your Name Your Address

Date Name of Contact Position Title Address Dear (Ms, Mr etc.) Surname Paragraph 1

If replying to an advertisement, state the position you are applying for (if it’s a Government position then include the Position Classification and Number); and where you found out about it. OR If you’re contacting an employer about working for them even if they haven’t advertised a job vacancy, state the reason for writing and describe the type of work you are seeking, then why you are interested in working for the organisation. This sentence/s should combine your knowledge of the organisation with your experience, skills and goals for the future. Paragraph 2 Your qualifications for the position and any other relevant facts and figures. Paragraphs 3-5 Choose your three main selling points relevant to the Selection Criteria (if there are any) or advertised job description, or general skills if you have no leads as to what is required for the position. Dedicate a paragraph to each skill as follows: • What the skill is; • How you have demonstrated it; and • How it would be useful to the organisation. Paragraph 6 List the documents you have included in your application package. State the action you require – an opportunity to discuss your application in more detail, when you’re available for an interview and how you can be contacted. Yours sincerely, Signature Type name

Checklist • • • •

Professional, active and fits the role Logical and consistent Checked for errors and edited for order Check tense

• • • •

Reduce complex sentences Check over-writing Avoid abbreviations Most important information first



HOW TO write a



1. Get the basics right There are some common sections you should cover, including: personal and contact information; education and qualifications; relevant work history and/or experience; relevant skills to the job you’re applying for; your interests; your achievements and hobbies, and references.

2. Presentation A successful CV is always carefully presented, and printed on crisp white paper. The layout should always be clean and well structured (when it comes to design remember - less is more). Your CV should never be crumpled or folded, so use an A4 envelope if you’re posting your applications. The trick to page design is that the upper middle area of the first page is where the reader’s eye naturally falls. Make sure you include your most important information here.

3. Stick to no more than two - three pages of A4 A good CV is clear, concise and makes every necessary point without waffling on. You don’t need excessive pages full of every little detail you think your employer needs to know - keep things short and sweet. A CV is a reassurance to a potential employer, and it’s a chance to impress them. Employers receive multitudes of CVs all the time so it’s unlikely they’ll read each one cover to cover. Most will make a judgment about a CV within the first few sections, so summarise and sell yourself straight away.

4. Understand the job description Read the job application from start to finish. Take notes and create bullet points, highlighting everything you can satisfy and all the bits you can’t. With the areas you are lacking, fill in the blanks by adapting the skills you do have.

5. Tailor the CV to the role Much like your cover letter, you need to establish what the job entails and match each of these requirements. Create a CV specifically for that role. Remember, there is no such thing as a generic CV. Every CV you send to a potential employer should be tailored to that role. Creating a unique CV for every job you apply for doesn’t mean having to re-write the whole thing. You can simply adapt the details so they’re relevant.

6. Making the most of your skills Under the relevant skills section of your CV don’t forget to mention key skills that can help you to stand out from the crowd. These could include: communication skills, team working, problem solving or even your ability to speak multiple languages. Make sure to provide examples. You’re expanding on what you’ve already mentioned in your covering letter.

7. Making the most of your interests Under interests, highlight the things that show off skills you’ve gained and the things an employer would



HOW TO write a



look for. Describe any examples of positions of responsibility, working in a team or anything that shows you can use initiative. For example, if you ran your law school’s amazing student magazine or if you coached a successful football team. Include anything that shows how diverse, interested and skilled you are. Don’t include interests like TV (your employer doesn’t care about the time you binge watched all the House of Cards), or solitary hobbies which make you look like you have no people skills. Make yourself sound interesting.

8. Making the most of your experience Use assertive and positive language under the work history and experience sections, such as “developed”, “organised” or “achieved”. Try to relate the skills you have learned to the job role you’re applying for. For example: “The work experience involved a lot of team work and team building exercises,” or “This position involved organisation and leadership as I was responsible for a team of people”. Really think about the skills and experience you have gained from past work and activities.

9. Including references References should be from someone who has employed you in the past and can vouch for your skills and experience. You can also ask a lecturer or tutor to act as a referee or to provide a written reference as to your character. Try to include at least two.

Remember to keep your CV updated!1

Typical CV structure

• • • • • • • •

Career Objectives Education History or Qualifications Key Skills Relevant Employment History Other Employment History Achievements & Awards Interests References

1 (source: Cowan, K 2012, ‘10 tips on writing a successful CV’, The Guardian, 15 March, http://www.theguardian.com/culture-professionals-network/ culture-professionals-blog/2012/mar/15/cv-tips-first-arts-job) USALSA 2015 CAREERS GUIDE


example Mike Ross Harvey Specter’s Shadow New York City, 10003 NY

Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile: Email:

Career Objective • State specifically what position you are looking for (e.g. an internship, work experience etc.) • Give a brief explanation of any experiences or skills which are suited to the position Your career objective should only be one or two sentences, so choose your words carefully and precisely.

Key Skills For each skill you list, give examples of what you can do or have done already. • Legal Research: Familiar with looking up Australian legislation and legal academic journals through databases such as Westlaw, Austlii and Justis • Leadership: Competent in leading small and large groups and can improvise effectively and efficiently if necessary • Communication: Fluent in four different languages: German, French, Chinese and English

Relevant Employment Organisation Name (Dates you worked there) Position: e.g. Volunteer, Assistant, Intern, Secretary Key Responsibilities: • What was your role in the organisation? • What responsibilities will be relevant? • Were there any responsibilities which were unique or different? Key Achievements: • Give examples of success stories (e.g. were you part of a group which accomplished a particular achievement?) Provide as many employment details as you wish but remember they must be relevant to the position.



Other Employment Use this section to provide any other employment which showcases your key skills.

Qualifications • Do you have any qualifications which are relevant to the position you are applying for?

Achievements & Awards • List any awards or achievements you have received in the last 3 – 5 years. It’s unadvisable to go further as anything beyond that time frame may not be relevant.

Interests • List your hobbies and personal interests. • You can also list any clubs or groups you are associated with (e.g. Photography Club or Botany Group). This is an opportunity to show your potential employer the type of person you are. Think about the organisation you are applying for and take notice of what kind of image they promote (e.g. Google has a playful and innovative image while Microsoft is generally seen as more serious and structured).

References Professional References Name Position Contact Number Character References Name Relationship with reference e.g. neighbour, teacher, family friend, club member Contact Number Make sure you let your references know they may be contacted, and hopefully they’ll put in a good word about you.







preparing for an


Laszlo Bock, People Operations at Google and author of the book Work Rules! recently shared his top tips for preparing for a job interview.1 Importantly, Bock notes a study from two American psychology students which finds that judgments made in the first 10 seconds of an interview could predict the entire outcome of the interview. According to Bock, 99.4% of the time in an interview is spent trying to confirm whatever impression the interviewer formed in those first 10 seconds. Bock states that most of us don’t know how to interview well, but goes on to call this a “huge opportunity”, because “weakness lets you control the encounter”. Utilise the following tips when preparing for a job interview:

1. Predict the future You can anticipate 90% of the interview questions you are going to get. Three of the most common include: tell me about yourself; what is your greatest weakness; what is your greatest strength. Other questions may include: why do you want this job, or what’s a tough problem you’ve solved. Search online for “most common interview questions.” Write down the top 20 questions you think may arise.

2. Plan your attack For every question, write down your answer. This may be hard and frustrating, but it makes it stick in your brain. You want your answers to be automatic, and you want to avoid being put on the spot. You don’t want to have to think about your answers during an interview.

3. Have a backup plan Try writing down three answers for each of the questions. Why? You need to have a different, equally good answer for every question, just in case the interviewer doesn’t like your story. This way you can answer again differently if they repeat the question, or you can save it for your next interview.

1 (source: Bock, L 2015, Work Rules!, Grand Central Publishing, cited on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/win-every-interview-6-steps-laszlo-bock) 17


preparing for an


4. Prove yourself Every question should be answered with a story that proves you can do what you’re being asked about. “What makes you a good negotiator?” should be answered with “I’m a co-operative but assertive advocate. During such and such time...” Always tell a story or have facts to prove you are what you say you are.

5. Read the room Because you’ve predicted the questions and prepared your answers, suddenly you have time to freely consider the situation. Look around. Focus on the interviewer. In the first ten seconds, is there anything in their office, or about them, you can notice and use to forge a connection? A book on a shelf? A family photo? Read the interviewer: is their body language open or closed? Are they tired and should you try to keep them interested? Most importantly - do they like your answer or should you veer in another direction?

6. Practice Practice your interview questions and answers out loud, until you can tell each story smoothly and know them by heart.

possible interview questions Why are you interested in joining this organisation? What do you believe you can contribute to this company? Why did you select ____ as a career? Can you give us an example of your use

of initiative – either in starting a new venture or doing more than was required in a particular activity? What are your major strengths?

Situation – set the context for your story. Say what happened, how it happened and lead into what came next.

What does teamwork mean to you? What are the biggest obstacles you have overcome and how did you overcome them?

What would you describe as your weaknesses?


What do you regard as your most important accomplishment?

questions you can ask Are there established career paths? What is the organisation’s attitude to further study?

Task – what was required of you. Outline your responsibility and what you needed to do to get the situation back on track.

What is the organisation’s opinion on a particular issue?

Activity – what you actually did. Detail what you did to find a solution and keep whatever the issue was from spiralling out of control.

A question about the changes happening at industry level is good practice. It shows that you are aware of and interested in the ‘big picture’.

Result – how well the situation played out. Reflect on how well your activity assisted in rectifying the situation, detail the results and the outcomes you would use for the future. Then seek to explain briefly what you learned from the experience.



dress to impress daniella hoy

What to wear to your interview Deciding what to wear for a job interview can be an extremely daunting task. The first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one, as it is likely to strongly influence an employer’s perceptions of your capabilities and how well you will fit into their organisation.

Match the Interviewer Appropriateness is the most important factor when deciding what to wear to a job interview. Your choice of outfit should match or be slightly dressier than the normal work attire of the company as this is often seen as a test of a candidate’s familiarity of the company and industry.

Be comfortable with what you’re wearing The key is to wear clothes you are comfortable and look great in, while at the same time matching the dress code of the company. This way, the interviewer will be paying attention to your answers and personality instead of your constant fidgeting.

General Guidelines: • • • • • • • •


Try to avoid clothing with loud and busy prints. The safest option is to wear solid colours which flatter your skin tone. Make sure your clothes fit you appropriately. If your sleeves are too long or your shirt is too tight then you will look and feel awkward. Try on your clothes a few days before the interview so that you have time to make adjustments. Remember to dry clean your suit and iron your clothes the night before. Wrinkled clothing makes you appear lazy and will reflect poorly. Do not wear flashy jewellery. A watch and a wedding ring (if applicable) are all that a man should be wearing. Simple pearl or diamond studs paired with a watch or ring are always good choices for a woman. You want the interviewer to pay attention to you, not your bling. Perfume - wear a subtle amount of a light fragrance. You never know if your interviewer is allergic and this is not a good way to find out. Make sure your hair is clean, well groomed and looks professional. If you have long hair, it is more appropriate to neatly tie it back. Trim your nails. Details are everything.


dress to impress daniella hoy Dressing Tips for Ladies:

Dressing Tips for Men:

1. Do not wear anything that is too revealing or that will expose too much skin. If you wear a skirt, ensure it is not too tight and reaches your knees when you sit down. Anything shorter will be seen as distasteful. 2. It is recommended to keep your colour palette to neutral conservative tones like navy, black, grey or white. Avoid patterned prints and bright colours that detract from you and the professional message you want to send. 3. Select closed-toe shoes with a low to moderately high heel. Hosiery is the preferred accompaniment and should be neutral and free of any holes or ladders. Shoes should be polished and in good condition. 4. Keep your make-up light and natural. Less is more! If you have long hair, consider wearing it up for neatness and a foolproof way to avoid fidgeting with it.

1. No matter what the regular dress code is, a suit will always be appropriate. Think black, gray, navy blue or very dark brown. While a small pinstripe is acceptable, bold patterns should be avoided. Keep in mind that your suit will probably need to be tailored to fit your frame in advance. 2. Get a fresh haircut. Make sure you shave and keep your facial hair to a minimum. If you have an already established beard make sure it is trimmed and well groomed. 3. Check that socks are long enough to cover your legs when you sit down. Black mid-calf or overthe-calf dress socks will go with anything but navy blue socks can also be worn with navy blue suits.



choose your

career path Academia

Going into academia usually requires high academic achievement, and sometimes a post-graduate research degree is expected. Academics help shape and develop legal minds, forcing students to critically consider legal issues. Academics generally look to developing a deep understanding of the law both in application and as well as theoretically, whilst imparting knowledge and experience and influencing the way law students think. Academics undertake further research in a specialist area of law, contributing papers and theses’. A career as an academic also, apparently, provides you with a forum to express your obsession with morris dancing and cougar hunting, by including it in your exam problem questions.


It is generally held that, while solicitors work in offices and undertake legal work dealing directly with clients, barristers undertake court work and advise on matters, but only when instructed to do so by a solicitor. In South Australia, law graduates are admitted as both a solicitor and a barrister, although there are a number who practise as barristers only. Generally speaking, those who choose to practise as barristers become members of the independent Bar and operate from chambers. Most South Australian barristers voluntarily practise in the same way as barristers from other states (as independent legal practitioners), although some large firms employ or retain ‘in-house’ barristers. Each state and territory in Australia has a Bar Association which prescribes its own practising requirements for Barristers. (information courtesy of Legal Services Commission of SA Law Handbook)

Community Sector

Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are independent, not-for-profit organisations concerning social justice and access to justice. CLCs can range from centres staffed solely by volunteers, to federal/ state government funded facilities. CLCs provide legal advice, referral services, legal information and education, law reform activities and sometimes advocacy. These services are generally free of charge. Some CLCs are generalist, while others are specialist, such as the Women’s Legal Service in SA (women’s


issues) or Welfare Rights in SA (welfare issues). For more information on CLCs, head to page 32.

Corporate Sector

Large corporations often have their own legal departments, sometimes referred to as in-house counsel. The role of the in-house counsel is to provide legal advice to the corporation, add value by having expertise in the corporation’s business specialty, assist in the management of corporate risk, ensure compliance and manage change within the organisation. Graduates can work for organisations such as banks, insurance companies and investment firms. Consider doing your research beforehand.

Court System

The court system is made up of the following roles: • Judge • Judge’s Associate – for information, check out ‘Becoming a Judge’s Associate’ on page 51. • Magistrate • Support staff, such as: Registrars; Legal Assistants; Law Clerks, and Legal Executives.

Government Sector

Such as government departments, statutory authorities and administrative and regulatory bodies. Federal and state public services have regular graduate intakes. Most government departments employ graduate lawyers to work in legal, policy, research and advisory positions. Examples of federal government departments with graduate lawyer intakes: • Attorney-General’s Department: policy and legal development • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: industry regulation, competition policy and consumer protection • Australian Defence Force: military justice, military administrative law, international law and commercial law • Australian Federal Police: litigation and forensic and commercial investigations • Australian Government Solicitor: legal representation for the government. Organised in the same fashion as a commercial law firm • Australian Law Reform Commission: advises the


choose your

career path

• •

federal Attorney-General in relation to particular areas of law Australian Tax Office: taxation law Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions & Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (State): prosecution of offences against the Commonwealth, and the State, respectively. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: inquiries into alleged infringements of the federal human rights and anti-discrimination legislation. Also a state counterpart.

Legal Aid Sector

There are 8 independent Legal Aid Commissions in Australia, one in each state and territory (in SA: Legal Services Commission of South Australia). Legal Aid Commissions mainly provide practice in criminal, family and civil matters. Most Legal Aid Commissions offer free legal advice and duty lawyer services at courts. Most Legal Aid Commissions offer: • Admin and business roles • Community legal education and publishing • Law reform and policy development • Legal work • Social work


After being admitted to practice, you can choose to work as a solicitor. A solicitor is usually the first point of contact for a person seeking legal assistance. Solicitors generally advise clients as to their legal rights and obligations; appear in court; assist corporations with compliance; prepare legal documents; provide legal advice. Solicitors usually follow the following career path: • Solicitor • Associate • Senior Associate • Partner/Principal Private Practice The hierarchy of solicitors in a law firm (generally): • Junior Solicitor • Associate • Senior Associate

• •

Partner/Principal Practice Manager

Sole practitioner firm A sole practitioner firm is exactly as the label describes – there is only one principal solicitor who owns the practice. Sole practices make up a large percentage of law firms. Very hands on. ‘Small’ firm Two to five partners/principals. Small firms generally offer graduate lawyers almost immediate responsibility for client briefs. High level of ‘exposure’. ‘Medium’ firm Six to 20 partners/principals. Your work will be more specialist (particular areas). Medium firms often work in more specialist areas. Clients ranging from large corporations to small businesses, and individual clients. Junior solicitors often given more responsibility than those in large firms. ‘Large’ firm More than 20 partners/principals. Very structured recruitment, induction and training programs. Complex infrastructure including a law library, provision for continuing legal education and training and pro bono initiatives. Tend to offer a wider spectrum than small or medium firms, especially in commercial law. Regional firm Offer opportunities which may not be available in a city law firm, such as: more reasonable working hours; more direct and personal relationships with clients; a wide variety of work, and a faster track to being offered a partnership.1


(source: Graduate Careers Australia and The College of Law 2008, ‘Careers for Law Graduates’, http://www.graduatecareers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/careers_for_law_graduates.pdf)



tips for

clerking anonymous*

Go the extra mile

Show interest in the firm. Be punctual. Be enthusiastic. Ask questions. Putting in extra research and going beyond what has been asked of you will pay off in the long run. Be organised. Save a copy of everything you find and everything you write. Keep good records of your instructions, and if you don’t know, ask how much time you should spend on a task and when it’s needed by.

Ask for help!

Approaching a supervisor for assistance can seem terrifying! But it’s a sign that you’re willing to learn, and it’s better to get things right than wrong. No one expects you to be perfect and know everything, but they do expect you to try your hardest.

Dress appropriately

It sounds wrong but as a clerk you will be judged on your appearance and general presentation. Pay attention to small details, such as making sure your shirt is ironed and your shoes are polished. Piercings are a grey area; if you don’t want to take them out, at least use a plastic retainer (you can buy these at most body modification shops).

Be respectful

that, don’t be caught standing around chatting to your new mates like you would in school; it makes you look lazy. Be sociable whenever it is appropriate. Talk to your colleagues. Go to Friday night drinks. Go to functions if you’re lucky enough to get invited. Don’t get stupid drunk.

Relax, and be yourself!

You may think of lawyers as being super serious. All the lawyers I met while clerking where actually quite chill, and while I spent 4 weeks super busy, I also enjoyed joining in a bit of the office banter. Embrace who you are.

Some tips for making the most of your clerkship:

1. Be confident 2. Be open to learning 3. Carry a pen and a pad of paper with you, everywhere 4. Pay close attention to what’s going on 5. Take every opportunity presented 6. Network! Get to know everyone you can! 7. Be flexible 8. Have an open attitude towards all the different areas of law

Smile and be polite to everyone you meet. Avoid office gossip. Interact with other clerks. In saying

Putting in extra research and going beyond what has been asked of you will pay off in the long run *name omitted by request of the author



graduate diploma in

legal practice


hat is the GDLP and who is the best provider for you?

The Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, or GDLP, is the qualification obtained through practical legal training (PLT). In Australia, PLT is a compulsory requirement to be admitted as a solicitor or barrister. With various PLT providers to choose from, such as the College of Law, Australian National University, or the Law Society of South Australia, students are able to not only select the form in which they will complete their GDLP, whether it be in person or online, but also the jurisdiction into which they will be admitted. Once admitted in their chosen jurisdiction, practitioners may apply for a practicing certificate in other states and territories. Upon the successful completion of your PLT, you will have satisfied the prescribed national competences developed by the Law Admissions Consultative Committee and Australasian Professional Legal Education Council. Some qualities obtained through your PLT include lawyers’ skills, work management and business skills, trust and office accounting skills, as well as responsible and professional values. When contemplating PLT options, it is not only important to consider whether a GDLP is required for the career path you have chosen, or may choose, but also which provider is best for you and what they can offer compared to the others. Flexibility and Delivery: How flexible is the delivery of the course? Can you study full-time or part-time?

Is the course external? How many contact days are required? What support systems are offered to students? Jurisdiction: Where do you want to practice and which provider will allow you to be admitted there? Remember mutual recognition allows practitioners to apply for a practicing certificate in other states and territories. Is there FEE-HELP (HECS): How much of the programs fees can you obtain financial assistance for? Placements: Can the provider help you in securing the required placement days? Are there benefits on offer for completing more placement days? Are there alternatives to placements? Practical Skills and Group Work: How will the course help build your advocacy and drafting skills? Are there group work requirements? How is group work assessed? Starting Dates: When is the course offered? Can you start your PLT as an undergraduate? What are the minimum requirements to enrol? Reputation and Word of Mouth: How well is the provider recognised in the legal profession? How have previous students found the provider?



balancing your

headspace travis shueard


ellow students, be aware. Be aware of the greatunseen enemy of law students and lawyers alike. This foe is truly unknowable until you yourself deal with it. It gets the very best of us, and it is one that needs to be taken notice of by all the people of Australia, not just students of our great Law School.

30,000 – 60,000 of their nation’s 150,000 law students suffered from depression in their degrees, and Andy Benjamin, J.D., Ph. D., of the study, has stated that ‘law students and lawyers remain at the greatest risk for succumbing to depression, more so for any other profession.’

Ill-mental health.

Life is not Suits. Life is not House of Cards. The fools who think otherwise will find it catching up with them at some point. You are not expected to be a fortress of solitude and suave calmness throughout your life. Certainly, resilience and a tough skin are valued in the law. But it does not mean one should simply dismiss constant thoughts of sadness or anxiousness by saying ‘I need to toughen up’.

Looking after your mental health as you go through the stress of a high-intensity degree like Law is critically important, and it is unfortunate that many students forget this as they plough through hundreds of pages and cases a week. With the immediate desire to keep up to date with their reading and attain the best grades, students forget that, ultimately, it is your mental well being that is more important. After all, if you cannot sleep, raise a smile or just do not want to get off the couch, you are unlikely to do the best you can in your degree. Lawyers are not immune to mental illness, as was illustrated in the headlines recently when a well respected Federal Court judge, Justice Shane Marshall, opened up publicly about the dangers of depression. Justice Marshall has been on the Federal Court for 20 years, and explained recently that one of the greatest dangers to mental health in the legal profession is the attitude that you should ‘never show any weakness’. Unfortunately, the stigma in the legal profession, and community at large, is that depression, anxiety, etc. are signs of weakness. Mental illness is no different to physical illness. For a broken arm, you see a doctor. For an ill mind, you see a doctor. There is no difference. A recent study showed that 35% of law students have experienced depression during their degree1; this attitude has never been more archaic or counterproductive. It is up to students, practitioners and the community in general to reverse this silly attitude. An American study, ‘The Role of Law School in Producing Psychological Distress Revisited’, showed that between 1 Norm Kelk, Sharon Medlow, and Ian Hicki, ‘Distress and Depression among Australian Law Student: Incidence, Attitudes and the Role of Universities’ (2010) 32 Sydney L. Rev.


As a Law student, rather than a qualified psychologist, I cannot give you any specific medical or psychological advice. But what I can say from personal experience is that the key to keeping in fit mental shape is to keep on top of it. Be proactive in the welfare of your mind. Every student will, at times, go through the stage of ‘ah screw this!’ and take the foot off the pedal for a bit. This is normal. What is not normal is when this becomes more than just a passing stage and starts to dominate your life. Be aware, and be in control. Exercise, social activities, reading (that isn’t a textbook…), personal hobbies, are all good ways of giving your mind that critical ‘me time’ that lets it vent, de-stress and reset for another day. It may feel like you do not have time for these things, and no doubt at some point in your degree (like the week of that impending Constitutional Law moot) you will not have time for anything else other than being intimate with textbooks. But, for the most part, make time for these things. Law School is not just textbooks, moots, contracts and essays. It is meant to be the greatest time of your life, and no doubt for the most of us it will be. But the pressures of this degree are well known to be able to pull down even the best of us. If you feel like you are constantly upset, lethargic,


balancing your

headspace travis shueard

angry or anxious, take that step to say to yourself, ‘I will speak to someone’. It is the best thing you can do. If you are going through a tough time at home, such as coping with the illness or death of a loved one, speak to the University counsellors to get some advice. Grief can very easily escalate into something worse. If you are finding yourself seriously anxious and stressed from the pressures of constant intense study, it is perfectly OK to take a day or two off from University where you spend time walking in the sun, hanging with friends, speaking with family or just watching a funny movie on the couch. There are plenty of books, articles and websites on how to keep mentally strong. Think of your mind like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger and more resilient it becomes, no different to your physical body. Just like your body however, sometimes your mind needs a rest, a recharge, a detox. Overexercising it too much with the pressures of study and every day life will cause it to burn out, and this is when your mental welfare suffers.

Support services such as BeyondBlue have a wealth of knowledge and experience with helping young students through difficult times in their life. The link to these fantastic people at BeyondBlue is at the bottom of this article. The University has some great people you can speak to who will help get to the bottom of what you are experiencing. Your loyal friends at Law School are also critically important. Confide in them, and do the same for them when they need you. Finally, it is OK to ask ‘Are you OK?’ If you notice someone is not their normal self and haven’t been for a while, ask those three words. These may be the best words you’ll ever ask someone. Mental well-being is important. We want everyone to enjoy his or her time here. Look after yourselves. Stay happy.

getting help Beyond Blue

www.beyondblue.org.au beyondblue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety and depression in Australia and to reduce the associated stigma.


www.headspace.org.au Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation. They provide health advice, support and information to young people aged 12-25.

The Desk

www.thedesk.org.au Access support services for a range of reasons including time pressures, not knowing where to go for help and feeling embarrassed. Providing resources online means that more people will be able to get help to improve their wellbeing and be able to study more effectively. Thedesk offers free access to online modules, tools, quizzes and advice.


Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation

www.tjmf.org.au Created in memorum of George and Marie Jepson’s son, Tristan, a young lawyer and comedian who took his own life just four weeks after his 26th birthday. George and Marie decided to speak out about Tristan’s death and his battle with depression, against the norm of pretending that we ought not mention his illness or that he had taken his own life.


hunting for jobs Subscribe, stalk and follow!

Employment and recruitment websites

Legal firms and organisations often promote job vacancies on their websites, through their social media and to their email databases. It’s a good idea to make a list of the firms/organisations that you’re interested in and subscribe to their mailing list, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn and stalk their websites regularly. Job opportunities can come up really quickly and disappear again in the blink of an eye, so it’s important to check back often.

It’s a good idea to register to receive regular job notifications from employment websites. Tip: Set your notification for jobs containing the words ‘law’, ‘legal’, ‘lawyer’, ‘solicitor’ etc. and you will be notified any time a new job is posted which fits that description. Easy! Seek – www.seek.com.au Job Search – www.jobsearch.gov.au CareerOne – www.careerone.com.au

Online job boards

UniSA Career Hub

There are a number of legal websites that provide online job boards. These sites are like gold because they take all of the hard work out of it for you. Some good ones are:

Jobs and graduate positions are often advertised through the UniSA Career Hub. By signing up you will gain access to career information and a personalised job search, with weekly email notifications of all new jobs fitting your search criteria. www.unisacareerhub.unisa.edu.au

Beyond Law – www.beyondlaw.com.au Survive Law – www.survivelaw.com.au Law Society of South Australia – www. lawsocietysa.asn.au The College of Law – www.collaw.edu.au Rural, Regional & Remote (RRR) Law – www.rrrlaw.com.au These job boards are updated frequently.

also an option



set yourself apart



stand out

from the crowd wilbur jordan


nce upon a time, I was good at stuff. I remember breezing through year 12, thinking I was top dog (this hasn’t changed), and when I got accepted into law school I finally had the proof to show it. Except that I wasn’t the best anymore. In fact, I was average at best. Competing against people who were also, once, the best at what they were doing. Suddenly it’s an even playing field. But employers don’t want average. They want the best. Grades are fine, but they aren’t all that anymore. You need to stand out from the crowd. Although it’s taken me a while, slowly I’ve started building myself up so that I at least look semiattractive on paper (wholly attractive everywhere else). Here’s what I did to (attempt) to stand out:

Get Involved Over the past 18 months I’ve become involved with several different extra-curricular activities, far flung from my favourite extra-curriculur activity as a first year of trying to curricular extra cider into my mouth. First, at the end of 2013, I submitted an article to the UniSA law student magazine, The Obiter, which was something I had always wanted to do. Eventually (which I attribute to both my strong pun game and some low standards on the editors behalf), I was invited to join the editorial team. I now oversee the magazine in its entirety as Publications Overlord Director for USALSA. I volunteer as a Business Peer Mentor for the UniSA Business School, which mostly involves campus tours on orientation but it also means socialising with new students and easing their transition into the horror movie that is life as a student. Both of these made me realise a desire to get more involved, and coupled with my love of writing articles of questionable content for a magazine of equally as questionable humour, inspired me to run for a position with the University of South Australia Law Students Association. I was successful in my bid, which I still maintain had nothing to do with the fact that I ran unopposed. Twice. Sitting as part of the USALSA committee was one of the best choices I’ve made to date. Asides from having solid proof that I am capable of both team work and leadership, I’m part of a great group of people who advocate on behalf of the student population as well as work hard to ensure students get the best out of their time at law school. Which is why you’re reading this guide! Also, we don’t shy away from a good bit of banter.


Volunteer Ok so technically I’m on placement as part of a course. But volunteering = experience, which you’ll need to be able to prove to potential employers that you are all that you say you are. Plus the experience is invaluable. I’m currently working at the UniSA Legal Advice Clinic, as part of the Legal Professional and Community Service Experience elective. I work one day a week, interviewing clients, partaking in legal research, doing file work and letting Eugene buy me coffee. A few weeks ago, I got to learn how to draft partculars for minor civil action claims to be lodged in the Magistrates Court. It took me about 15 drafts and a lot of me giving Matthew and Betty the sad eyes in a bid for them to stop finding mistakes (they didn’t), but now I can say I know how to draft particulars for an action in the Magistrates Court. Some may say that’s fab experience. Some may say ‘well you’ll learn that in Civil Procedure anyway’. And to those people I say, ‘well you won’t learn this in Civil Procedure’ and cartwheel away in a sassy manner. Relevance? There is none.

Take every opportunity to socialise Over my five years at UniSA Law, I’ve been tutored by several lawyers from the ODPP, as well as; The Honourable Justice Robyn Layton of the Supreme Court of South Australia; Glenn Caruso, Barrister from the UK; I had Senior Prosecutor Tim Preston tutor me in Witness Examination, and recently watched former Judge Michael David preciding over the USALSA Open Moots. My point being is that these actual practitioners are willing to teach you; and you should take every chance you get to learn from them. Network. Come along to cider nights or go to the pub after your Evidence seminar. Ask them about life after law school. Maybe slip them a cheeky business card, I dunno. There are plenty of opportunities throughout the year to meet real practitioners, if you don’t take advantage of these, you risk missing out on making an impression which could lead to something later on. These are just some ways in which you can make yourself look more impressive. You’re no longer the precious petal your mother makes you out to be; you’re one of hundreds of law students in South Australia, and it’s time to step up your game. And as always, if all else fails; grow a beard.


opening doors

through exchange kvitka becker


otential employers often look for people with ‘real world experience’. A university exchange is one of the best experiences a student can have, and if I could give you one piece of advice to enhance your university experience – it’s to apply! You will have no regrets. The opportunity to study in another country, to blend in with the campus life and mix with students from around the globe is beyond words. It’s only when you get out of your comfort zone, live in a student dorm and share your life with new friends, all in an unfamiliar environment that learning takes on a whole new perspective. I studied at Lancaster University in Northern England and while I was over there I completed my two law electives and my free elective. I studied Human Rights, International Law and Critical Reflections of Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed each of my subjects; they were a balanced mix of challenging and utterly intriguing.

rubbed off on me and I came home with a new found ambition to learn as much as I possibly could about anything and everything. The exchange opened my mind to taking on new challenges and experiences I wouldn’t usually reach out for. I started volunteering, applying for work experience and participating in research projects. I think these types of ventures will set you apart from your future competitors. So challenge yourself – that’s the big thing I learnt. If an exchange isn’t for you, I would recommend getting out there and searching for as much experience as you can. But if exchange is something you have been hoping to do, go for it. There really are no negatives... well maybe just one - you will have to come home eventually!

The opportunity to study in another country, to blend in with the campus life and mix with students from around the globe is beyond words.

It was fantastic having the opportunity to study law in a different environment (and I must say, living on campus definitely had its perks, especially for those early 9am lectures!). It gave me invaluable perspectives, and was valuable both socially and academically. Very early on during my semester abroad I was struck by how motivated students were. Almost every student I met was so ambitious, and had so many high hopes about what they aimed to achieve with their degree. Taking on a university degree in the UK is a massive financial commitment. It’s expensive, and this is a motivating factor for many students to try their very best in every subject they pursue. But even despite this monetary factor, the students were genuinely knowledge thirsty and hopeful. This


images: supplied


make a difference

by volunteering dan calio


recently chatted to a very senior lawyer chum of mine about the current job market. Hoping for some advice, I asked him what firms look for in a successful candidate. More and more employers are looking beyond grades. In fact, grades only tend to account for about 40% of the decision to hire someone. Now, if you are like me and embody the stereotypical law student, then you will instinctively argue against this; the stress balding from my first year of uni is proof. Well, you’re right to be suspicious; firms do value students who can demonstrate a high level of academic performance. But I am here to tell you they want more than that. They want to hire someone who will perfectly slot into their business. Someone who can work collaboratively, demonstrate leadership, persistence and so on. Now it is easy to pass these things off as corporate buzzwords from the ‘values’ section of a company’s website, but they really are qualities that candidates need to succeed in the competitive job market of today. The old adage that ‘actions speak louder than words’ is particularly fitting when it comes to this. For example, a firm does not want someone to tell them they are good at working in teams. That doesn’t really prove anything. Rather, they want someone to give them an example of a team-based scenario in which they took action that yielded a positive result. At this point you’re probably starting to think about your own specific examples which demonstrate leadership or teamwork or an ability to work under pressure. If you’re struggling to think of anything, don’t curl up into the foetal position just yet, there is a relatively easy solution to your dilemma. For generations now law students have volunteered their time and energy towards extracurricula activities. Volunteering is becoming more of a rite of passage for young and aspiring professionals. Volunteer organisations come in all shapes and sizes. It can be hard to know what is right for you. For those interested in practicing, volunteering at a legal community centre or a legal aid service is a great way to refine communication, research and drafting skills, without the corporate pressures. Working with real clients with the help of solicitors gives great insight


into what it is like working in the legal world. For anyone who is unsure about what type of law they are interested in, I would particularly encourage you to get involved, as these organisations provide exposure to a wide array of work. I myself have volunteered at several different legal aid services, and have benefited from my time with each one. Legal centres such as the Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre accept anyone who is interested, so sign up with a buddy. The UniSA Legal Advice Clinic also takes on students as a part of an elective, Legal Professional and Community Service Experience. Legal aid services such as JusticeNet only accept a limited number of students, but they do take on new people regularly as they frequently loose volunteers when they move on to clerkships! Volunteering is also a great way to meet new people and make professional contacts. If you are lucky enough to have a lawyer in the family or already know someone in the profession, I say congratulations. For those of us who do not, then networking is a necessity. Now, if you are one of the many people who break into a sweat at the idea of having to schmooze up to random strangers, then volunteering can be a great alternative. Collaborating with professionals in a volunteer capacity often provides students with the opportunity to build meaningful relationships. I encourage all law students to make the most of these opportunities. After all, there is a degree of truth to the old saying ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’. Hopefully this article will prompt you to get involved in a range of extra-curricular activities. Giving up your limited time may not seem worthwhile, but in the long run it can be quite beneficial for those who are prepared to put in the effort. My only other piece of advice is that you shouldn’t wait to get involved. Don’t leave it until the end of your degree, because many of the graduate positions advertised will have already been filled by those students who completed clerkships earlier in their studies.


social justice

organisations in sa


any not-for-profit organisations and community legal centres (CLCs) take on volunteers. Volunteering at these organisations provides students with the opportunity to experience real world lawyering as well as practical legal application with real results. Volunteering will also provide networking and placement opportunities for your future, while giving you a sense of achievement for the work you perform. Volunteering is generally flexible, and you do not usually have to commit to more than one day a week.

The UniSA Legal Advice Clinic Students have the opportunity to work in the University of South Australia Law School’s own Legal Advice Clinic. The clinic provides advice on a variety of legal matters, including traffic, motor injury, tenancy disputes and family disputes. The clinic operates three days a week at the Law School, with outlets at both Elizabeth and Port Adelaide Magistrates Courts operating the other two days. For more information on how to get involved, contact managing solicitor Matthew Atkinson at matthew.atkinson@unisa.edu. au. Applicants must have completed the subjects Lawyers, Ethics and Society (LAWS 4006) and Legal Professional and Community Service Experience (LAWS 4007).

Roma Mitchell CLC An agency run by volunteers which provides pro bono face-to-face and telephone legal advice. There are also e-volunteers who work to actively advance human rights and reconciliation. This is their Human Rights Volunteer Service. Send applications to <rmclc@ ozemail.com.au>, <romamitchell_sa@clc.net.au> & <patrick_byrt@clc.net.au> (you will need to email all 3).

Welfare Rights (SA) A non-government agency which provides a free service assisting people with Centrelink dealings and decisions. It also runs the Housing Legal Clinic which provides pro bono legal advice to the homeless, or those at risk of becoming homeless. Submit the online form at wrcsa.org.au.

Women’s Legal Centre (SA) Inc A community based legal centre which provides legal services to women in South Australia. Volunteers are needed for administration work and legal advice and information. Apply online at www.wlssa.org.au/getinvolved/volunteering.html

JusticeNet A not-for-profit legal referral service which coordinates pro bono legal assistance to disadvantaged and lowincome South Australians. Volunteer applications are accepted all year and expressions of interest should be sent to admin@justicenet.org.au with résumé and academic transcript.

Young Workers Legal Service Free work-related advice is provided for workers under the age of 30. There are usually yearly intakes of volunteers in January and July. However, volunteers may also be needed at other times. See their website for more information and criteria.

Find out more: http://www.clcvolunteers.net.au lists community legal centres and if they are looking for volunteers http://www.naclc.org.au/ has a full list of community legal centres in Australia http://www.saccls.org.au/ lists South Australian Community Legal Centres



better your chances

through competing jake collins

images: supplied


s Competitions Director for USALSA, I know just how important it is for students to participate. USALSA offers a wide range of competitions to compete in. The four competitions run by USALSA are: mooting; negotiation; client interview and witness examination. These competitions test law students’ skills in a number of areas, all of which are needed as a lawyer, including advocacy, negotiation and interview skills. Competing while at law school is a fantastic way to learn and hone your skills. This will give you an edge over your peers when it comes to getting work experience, that clerkship you want and that ohso-coveted job at the end of your degree. Law is a competitive market; having done something that will distinguish you from the rest of the field is extremely valuable. Winning one of these comps is even more valuable. Putting in your CV that you competed in a competition of skill against your peers, and won, shows that you are the best of the best. It shows that you have skills which others may not, making you a much more appealing candidate for the position that you are applying for.

If you attend a job interview, you’ll obviously want to make an impression. If the interviewer asks why you deserve the job, or what makes you better than the other applicants, what are you going to tell them? If you turn up to an interview and can talk about the competitions you’ve been in and (hopefully) have won, you’ll certainly make your mark. Further to this, most USALSA competitions are sponsored by law firms, such as the Lipman Karas Open Moot and the Cowell Clarke Negotiation. Sponsored competitions provide you with the opportunity to meet members from that firm. This can put your foot in the door; make an impression so that if you go to apply for a job, they’ll remember you. Winners of USALSAs competitions are sent to the ALSA conference (Australian Law Students Association) to represent UniSA at the national level. If you are good enough to go to the national competitions (to be held in Sydney in July this year) you will have the chance to meet law students from across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. This is great for making some contacts outside of Adelaide, if you intend to

Competing while at law school is a fantastic way to learn and hone your skills



better your chances

through competing jake collins

seek a job abroad. You will also have the opportunity to make professional contacts with lawyers and firms both nationally and internationally.

competing, my advice to you would be to just bite the bullet and sign up. No one will laugh at you or think less of you for having a go. You’ve got nothing to lose.

Most importantly, competitions assist in developing fundamental advocacy skills as well as boosting confidence. My confidence grew immensely just from competing in the open moot competitions throughout my degree. When I first started competing I was terrible, but I stuck with it and have learnt skills which I will take with me even when I’m good and graduated. Competitions are structured to mimic life as an actual lawyer. The competitions allow you the chance to practice these skills in an environment where you can afford to make mistakes, and then learn from them, to ultimately prepare you for life as an advocate.

Jake Collins Competitions Director, USALSA.

So what are you waiting for? If you are interested in





a professional perspective



what to expect as a

junior lawyer

patrick leader-elliot

Patrick Leader-Elliot is an Associate at Lipman Karas, and former lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of South Australia. He has compiled a list of advice for law students about what to expect when they enter the profession.


he early years of practice as a lawyer offer both enriching and challenging experiences. This article aims to provide a brief and pragmatic overview of what young lawyers can expect in both criminal and commercial practice and what skills they will need to harness along the way.

Nature of Work The nature of the work you undertake is likely to depend more on the firm at which you are employed than the area of law in which you practice. As a general rule, the smaller the firm, the broader the range of tasks expected of a junior lawyer, and the greater the responsibility you will be expected to take on at a relatively early stage. In South Australia, firms that practice criminal law are generally small to medium in size, and operate exclusively in the South Australian jurisdiction. On the prosecution side, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is a large government organisation. Corporate firms range from smaller boutique practices specialising in a particular field to multinational law conglomerates. Between these two extremes there exists a range of firms practising in the commercial and corporate sphere.

single matter. You must be able to prioritise your work in such a way that you meet deadlines; Document Preparation: the practice of law, regardless of the field, generates substantial quantities of documents: affidavits, witness statements, pleadings, chronologies and so forth. There are different conventions in different areas of practice, but invariably you must be able to produce high quality documents; and Legal research: it is inevitable that you will come across legal issues about which you are unsure, if not entirely ignorant. On occasion you may have the luxury of a well-resourced client happy to fund detailed research; often you will not. Usually it will be imperative that you are able to produce a satisfactory answer in a short period of time.

You must be able to prioritise your work in such a way that you meet deadlines.

Regardless of the firm you work at, or the area in which you practice, you will need to develop and utilise a set of basic skills, including: •


Communication: whether with your client, the other side, counsel, experts or potential witnesses, and most importantly your supervisor and coworkers, you will be required to communicate both orally and in writing. Doing so in a clear and constructive way is essential; Time Management: you will always have competing demands on your time, both from different matters and different issues within a

Criminal and family law practice will likely involve issues that may be emotionally difficult, distressing or confronting, for example sexual offences or matters involving the welfare of children. It is vital that practitioners dealing with these important matters maintain their capacity to exercise professional judgment in such cases.


what to expect as a

junior lawyer

patrick leader-elliot



For most people, seeing a lawyer is a rare and stressful experience; it generally means something has gone awry in their lives. Your clients may well be stressed. This is especially, but by no means exclusively, the case in criminal or family practice. Particularly in criminal practice, clients may have mental health or substance abuse problems. Obtaining coherent and comprehensive instructions may be difficult. It is also likely that you will encounter clients with very limited resources, which will constrain your ability to prepare their case as thoroughly as you would like.

Regardless of the field in which you practice, you will need to develop and apply the skills of a lawyer. These skills are not limited to the application of your legal knowledge to the facts of a case, but also require that you address your client’s needs in an efficient, effective and sensitive fashion. Above all, you will need to learn how to balance your work life and your personal life, and take care of yourself both mentally and physically – a challenge well worth rising to.

If you are employed by the DPP, your client is the Crown. However, you will be required to engage with witnesses and victims of crime, who will most likely be emotionally invested in the outcome of proceedings. While it is important to remember that these people are not your clients, you must deal with them in a sensitive and respectful manner. If you are working on a large matter in a large firm, it is possible that you will have very little to do with your client; meetings and correspondence are likely to be handled by more senior practitioners. On the other hand, if the matter is relatively small, you may be given day to day conduct. In a smaller firm, you will probably very quickly acquire your own files and be required to deal with clients directly.

The skills of a lawyer are not limited to the application of your legal knowledge to the facts of a case

In corporate practice you are more likely to encounter experienced litigants, for example liquidators, insurers and banks. This experience means it is less likely that emotion will play as significant a role as in the case of other private litigants, who will often be encountering the legal system for the first time. Similarly, practicing in commercial transactions (such as mergers and acquisitions) may not involve the acute stresses of litigation for the client. However, it is important to bear in mind that commercial disputes can personally impact clients and you should be alive to this.



working as

an associate

olaf borutz

1. Where do you work and what does your role involve? I work as an Associate for the W Group, a group of companies including: W Consulting Group – a specialist tax and business advisory firm; W Legal – a commercial law firm, and W Sports & Entertainment – a sports and talent agency. I work across these three companies and provide commercial legal and business advice, including advice on property, tax, intellectual property and sports law matters. I also represent various athletes and entertainment figures. 2. What could you recommend to anybody considering pursuing the field you work in? What are the highlights? Work hard, think outside the square and get as much experience as you possibly can. Any experience is good experience and can lead to opportunities you may not have considered. For example, be prepared to volunteer or get involved with organisations at a ‘grassroots’ level, as you never know who you might meet or what might eventuate from doing so. In terms of the highlights of my field, I enjoy providing a wide range of legal advice, particularly business structuring advice, but the best part of my job would be representing and managing the careers of our sports and entertainment talent and assisting them with their careers and needs. 3. What is the best advice you could give to somebody preparing for a job interview? Be calm, measured and know the organisation and industry you are interviewing for. If you have progressed to the interview stage, most employers have already been impressed by your credentials and/or academics, and now want to know the type of person you are. As such, it’s obviously important you make a good impression and showcase your best personal skills during an interview, and can also demonstrate how these skills will assist the organisation the job is with (for example by showing your enthusiasm for the role and to learn what is required, determination to succeed and so forth).


4. The law market is tough. What did you do to make yourself stand out? What would you recommend to new law students? I landed my first clerkship at a major law firm on the basis of my professional experience in the media and marketing industries (given I worked in these fields while completing my degree). In doing so, I was able to show I could manage high workloads and pressure, had professional writing and business development skills and was comfortable in a professional and diverse working environment.

Be calm, measured, and know the organisation and industry you are interviewing for. Accordingly, I recommend that all students try and find part-time or casual work (even unpaid) in a professional position or field where the skills learned can be used in a legal based role. Most legal jobs will require experience so it is important, even if you cannot get specific legal experience, you try and get some other form of professional experience that might help land a legal based role (if that is what you want to do) in the future. In short, any professional experience is good experience, and can only be beneficial. Therefore, I would start (even in first year) looking to build any form of professional experience for your resume, which will help you stand out once you have graduated.


working as

a legal advisor

lauren hanna

1. Where do you work and what does your role involve? I currently work at the Legal Services Commission of South Australia as a Legal Adviser. My job is to advise clients on any aspect of civil, criminal or family law matters. I work both on the telephone advice line and provide face to face advice to clients in appointments. I also provide support and advice at the Magistrates Court for civil matters on rotation. Prior to this, I was a Magistrates Associate working closely with the Magistracy to assist with research, drafting court rules and forms as well as advising on and implementing court procedure and policy. I learnt much about practical court process and procedure as well as observing the ‘behind-the-scenes’ aspects of court. 2. What could you recommend to anybody considering pursuing the field you work in? What are the highlights? My work is all about empowering people with knowledge and helping them understand their legal rights. It is an amazing feeling when someone walks into your office really nervous and flustered, and by the end of the appointment you have been able to guide them as to their legal options, and they leave feeling confident. That is the reason why I wanted to work in law!

When I was a Magistrates Associate I was also given the opportunity to go on a court circuit to the APY Lands to observe the workings of court in the outback. This was an amazing experience to see the access to justice issues faced by many communities in South Australia’s remote areas that most of us in the city don’t even think about. This really strengthened my views and passion for advocating for access to justice in Australia. 3. What is the best advice you could give to somebody preparing for a job interview? Make sure you have examples! In almost every interview I have attended, the interviewer wants to know about your skills (i.e teamwork, leadership, organisational skills etc) and then an example of when you have demonstrated this skill. It’s always best to think of one or two examples (preferably in a work context) when you have show these skills. This will make you feel so much more prepared rather than ‘umming and arring’ as you hastily search for any example whilst the panel of interviewers stare at you. Also, if you are applying for a law job, make sure you are up to date with the laws and any recent developments in the area. One of the stand out answers I gave in the Magistrates Associate interview, was that I knew about the imminent changes to the jurisdiction for 2013 as well as the current jurisdiction. This impressed the



working as

a legal advisor

lauren hanna

panel as it showed that I knew the jurisdiction and was interested in the work of the Magistracy. Make sure that you know about the firm or business that you are applying to, and if you have any questions – ASK! It shows the interviewer that you have taken time to research the position and the business and are interested about being a part of the organisation. Finally – remember that you have to sell yourself. I always found this really difficult. But remember, if you can’t show the interviewer that you are confident in your skills, why should they infer confidence and hire you?

If you can’t show the interviewer that you are confident in your skills, why should they infer confidence and hire you?

4. The law market is tough. What did you do to make yourself stand out? What would you recommend to new law students? I believe that work experience helps candidates stand out. During university, I started work experience at a small boutique firm in the city for 1 day a week, which then turned into a part-time job where I assisted with research and archiving old files. I was then tasked to assist with the firm’s debt collection including drafting and lodging court documents. This assisted in my knowledge of court process. Then, after GDLP, whilst I was looking for work I commenced work experience at another small boutique firm and assisted in researching and drafting documents for motor vehicle accidents and wills. Due to my work ethic, I again received a part-time job from this experience until I received full-time employment. By volunteering or working in a firm or any other type of business, it shows a prospective employer that you are willing to work hard, that you have some experience or knowledge in certain matters and that you are proactive, organised and passionate about your career. For new law students, volunteer or get work experience (even if it’s not in law) nearer the end of your studies. Get involved with mooting or the Legal Advice Clinic as these skills are invaluable!



working as

a solicitor

james caldicott

1. Where do you work and what does your role involve?

the calling of evidence and cross examining witnesses. There is also the chance of arguing legal principles.

I work for Caldicott Lawyers as a Solicitor, specialising in Criminal Law, but also work in the area of Wills and Estates.

3. What is the best advice you could give to somebody preparing for a job interview?

My role involves going to court and representing clients in a variety of criminal matters, taking instructions and negotiating files with Prosecutors. 2. What could you recommend to anybody considering pursuing the field you work in? What are the highlights? The area of criminal law allows solicitors to appear daily in court for hearings, bail applications, trials and special direction hearings. All of which can include

Hand resumes in person, and try to meet employers if possible.

Best advice I could give is to be as personable as possible, which is a hard concept to grasp. Criminal law requires you to interact with clients, other solicitors and the judiciary on a daily basis - and employers look for someone they can not only get along with in an office setting but also who presents their firm well in court and towards others. This includes being friendly and confident. 4. The law market is tough. What did you do to make yourself stand out? What would you recommend to new law students? Fortunately, I am part of a family business which meant I was able to start working relatively quickly out of university. However, the advice I have given to students before is to put yourself out in the workforce. Hand resumes in person, and try to meet employers if possible. Pitch your applications to smaller private firms who can always use a helping hand for a couple of weeks. By applying not only to the bigger firms but also to the smaller firms, you increase your chances of employment or work experience.



Student  Clerk  Lawyer Jack Batty, University of Adelaide Law Graduate Two years ago I was a final year student who had never stepped foot into a law firm. Today, after completing a clerkship at Cowell Clarke, I am a lawyer in the firm’s commercial litigation team. I have found Cowell Clarke the “place to be” as a clerk and a junior lawyer for three main reasons, the structure of the Clerkship Program, the quality of the legal work and the culture of the firm.

Clerkship Program 2015 is a great time to be applying for a Clerkship at Cowell Clarke. This year we are changing the structure of our Clerkship Program. Rather than Summer Clerks, we intend to recruit ongoing clerks, who will be with us 2 days a week for 12 months or up to 2 years, depending on your level of study. Clerks will rotate every 3 – 4 months through our various practice groups. You will work in our litigation practice groups including commercial litigation, insolvency & reconstruction, building & construction and employment & industrial relations. You will also rotate through our advisory practice areas which include corporate advisory, capital markets, banking & finance, IP & IT, energy & resources, property, environment & planning and tax & revenue. Unlike other Clerkship Programs where you might be assigned to a particular practice area, Cowell Clarke will give you the unique opportunity to experience a variety of work and to work with a range of lawyers. This wide exposure to different areas of law and different people within the firm is critical for young lawyers (and especially important if you are not sure what area of law you want to work in).

Quality of work Cowell Clarke is one of South Australia’s fastest growing law firms. We act for clients in all sectors of business and industry in Australia and internationally. Our lawyers work on complex and high profile corporate & commercial matters. We also have a well-grounded national and global presence through our membership with ALFA International. As a clerk you will have the opportunity to work side by side with partners on challenging and rewarding matters. While I was a clerk, I assisted lawyers in the litigation team with tasks such as legal research, drafting pleadings and other documents, assisting with discovery of documents and drafting letters of advice. I was regularly able to attend court, mediations and meetings with clients and barristers.

Culture Cowell Clarke prides itself on fostering an enjoyable working environment. The firm provides opportunities for young lawyers to thrive, and a mentoring program to fast track lawyers’ professional and personal development objectives. Friday night drinks are always a hit and our Social Club Committee organises events ranging from ten pin bowling to pub crawls and movie nights on a regular basis. Cowell Clarke also facilitates programs such as boot camp, yoga, the City to Bay, and supports us attending networking and professional development events. Many of the solicitors I work with, including a partner of the firm, have started their legal careers as a clerk at Cowell Clarke. It is the perfect place to start yours!






At Minter Ellison, we invest in our people. Your growth is our growth; your success is our success. We'll support you to advance your career and help you to develop the legal and business skills needed to become a 'trusted adviser' to clients anywhere in the world. Our lawyers become innovative thinkers, strategists, and tacticians. As one of our lawyers, you'll be part of an elite team – closing deals, resolving disputes and solving problems.

The work I was given included research tasks, drafting client advice, attending tribunals, going to court and attending client meetings.

Here is what some of our recent summer clerks had to say about working at Minter Ellison.

Callum McNair (Law Clerk, Corporate Team)

Charlie Bruce (Law Clerk, Commercial Litigation) The clerkship process at Minter Ellison was professional and engaging right from the beginning. The interviews were targeted and real, focused on a mixture of academics, personality and an understanding of where lawyers and the legal profession stand in a broader context. I have been fortunate enough to work closely with every member of the Commercial Litigation team, from Associates to Partners whilst also attending trials, counsel briefings and client meetings. Minter Ellison has an impressive array of corporate clients, and with those come complex legal issues and a requirement for a commercial understanding when providing advice and applying the law. With regard to addressing questions from senior practitioners, the level of responsibility was daunting at first, but it encourages you to be confident and rigorous with your research. When your work actually matters it is a far more rewarding experience. The firm induction program guided the clerks on how to prepare memos and draft legal correspondence at a high quality using legal programs. The ClearME style encourages precision and clarity - we learnt the lesson that no one in the real world wants to read an advice of two thousand words where twenty will suffice, and these skills will be invaluable moving forward. I have found my clerkship to be motivating, rewarding and enjoyable; it has been a helpful insight into what it is like to practise as a commercial lawyer. Melissa Davies (Law graduate, Corporate team) Minter Ellison offers one of the best clerkship programs in Adelaide. Throughout my clerkship, I was able to experience all the things a large firm has to offer at the same time as enjoying the support and guidance that came from working in a small team within the large firm. I completed my clerkship in the firm’s Corporate and Worker’s Compensation teams. I was assigned a supervisor in each team who oversaw my work, offered me career advice and gave me feedback. Each clerk was also assigned a buddy, who could answer any 'silly' questions, took us to Friday night drinks and was always available for just a chat.


The firm embraces their clerks in every way. We were involved in team discussions, firm meetings, social gathering and networking events. In the last week of my clerkship, I was offered a full-time graduate position in the firm's Corporate team. Minter Ellison is a great place to do a clerkship. My clerkship was with the firm's Corporate and Human Resources & Industrial Relations & Media teams. Clerking at Minter Ellison has been extraordinary! My clerkship was varied, intellectually stimulating, and rewarding. From the start you are given great hands-on experience and practical training; you get opportunities to meet clients, attend court, and client and networking events. It’s not all work – we also attended social events, such as Friday night drinks, the Minter Ellison Christmas party, and lunches for the clerks. I was invited to play in the Minter Ellison tennis team as part of a corporate tennis day. As a clerk at Minter Ellison you are made to feel part of the team, and are supported by your buddy, your supervisor and the partners. When asked to prepare advice for senior legal practitioners they listen to you and use the advice and research you do. I was (pleasantly) surprised when a senior partner asked me to assist him in preparing for a client presentation, and later invited me along to the presentation where I was given the opportunity to answer some questions from clients. I was also fortunate to have my supervisor take me along to see a client in Port Augusta. Minter Ellison has provided me with a great introduction to private practice Rachel Wang (Summer clerk 2014/2015) I undertook a summer clerkship at Minter Ellison in the Financial Services and Commercial Litigation teams. I was nervous about starting at a top-tier firm, but it quickly became evident there was no need to be. Minters gave us an incredible amount of support, right from the beginning. Their emphasis on hiring people with both academic credentials and friendly personalities means that everyone is approachable and welcoming. Minters' practice of taking on all their summer clerks over an 8 week block also meant that we were able to bond as a group and help one another out. The work was always varied and interesting. I drafted letters, prepared court documents, attended trials and researched challenging points of law. I worked in areas as wide ranging as insolvency, mining, construction, defamation and insurance. Minter Ellison is an excellent place to work. It balances quality legal work with an amazing firm culture.


A summe r

clerksh ip at M inter E llison Ben Cla rke Law Gra duate 2 014/201 5 I compl eted my c lerkshi Human R p at Mi esource nter El s & Ind Compens lison i ustrial ation t n the fi Relatio eams ov that ti rm’s ns and er the me, I w Workers 2 0 1 a 4/15 su s offer special mmer pe ed a fu ising i riod. ll-time n Worke During graduat rs Comp e posit ensatio Through ion n . out my time at to a wi Minter de vari Ellison ety of dispute , I hav challen s relat e been ging le i ng to u the wor exposed gal wor nfair d kplace, k which ismissa defamat workers include l, disc ion, re d compens riminat straint ation. opportu ion in of trad From da nity to e as well y one I be invo not onl as was aff lved fr y given orded t om star me inva provide he t to fin luable d me wi i s h l , e t g h a sen which h al expe see the se of a as rience results chievem but has of my w ent in also ork. b e i n g On a da able to ily bas is, it advice, has bee underta n my ro ke thor documen le to r ough le ts incl egularl gal res uding s y prepa as well earch, u bmissio re as atte draft l ns and nd cour importa egal other c t and c ntly, I orrespo lient m was giv this pr ndence, eetings en cont ocess f . Most inual g rom sup who too uidance portive k a gen a nd feed and app uine in back in roachab terest le supe in my l I hones rvisors e a r n ing. tly bel ieve my has not summer only be clerksh en extr profess ip at M emely r ional d inter E ewardin e velopme the per llison g for m nt, but fect st y perso it has art to nal and also pr my lega ovided l caree me with r.

ABOUT MINTER ELLISON We’re an Australian-based international ABOUT MINTER ELLISON

law firm offering a full range of legal We’reservices an Australian-based international to an impressive list of clients law firm offering a full range of legal across Australia, in Asia and globally. Recognised for our clear thinking, services to an impressive list of clients our technical skills ability to acrossstrong Australia, in Asia andand globally. deliver practical solutions have led to our Recognised for our clear thinking, our involvement in the Asia Pacific’s most strong technical skills and ability to innovative and high-profile transactions. deliver practical solutions have led to our involvement in the Asia Pacific’s most innovative and high-profile transactions.


Commercial & Services Regulatory Financial Group Human Resources & Industrial Relations Dispute Resolution Insurance & Corporate Financial Institutions GroupRisk Real Estate, Environment & Planning Human Resources & Industrial Relations Workers Compensation Insurance & Corporate Risk Mergers & Acquisitions Projects, Infrastructure & Construction Real Estate, Environment & Planning Tax


In South Australia / Northern Territory: 31 partners and around 200 legal staff Adelaide office opened 1988 Darwin office opened 2003 Part of the Minter Ellison network of offices in Australia, Asia and the UK

RealReal people people achieving excellence achieving excellence For more information on vacation clerkships or theorMinter Ellison For more information on vacation clerkships the Minter Ellison graduate program please go please to www.minterellison.com/careers graduate program go to www.minterellison.com/careers




careers A

career in law doesn’t end at the ‘big’ firms. With a law degree comes versatility; opening up a far wider career path. In an article for Lawyers Weekly, Senior Consultant Megan Drysdale lays down some of the alternative careers path by which a law degree can take you:

In-house Enables you to work closely with clients, be involved in whole transactions and contribute towards the overall success of an organisation. It can also be a great stepping-stone to a senior management position. Most vacancies are filled by lawyers from large firms, with one to five years’ commercial law experience, although today an increasing number are coming from small-and-medium-sized firms. While commercial law experience is ideal for in-house, there are a few opportunities for litigators.

Government and Public Sector Both State and Federal Government departments employ lawyers in a range of areas, such as in law reform, policy advising and international trade and affairs. At a Federal level, lawyers have the opportunity to work with Cabinet and the Prime Minister in advising on government policy. For law students looking to work in the public sector at a Federal level, most governmental departments in Canberra offer graduate programs, which are highly competitive. Government work as a law graduate is similar to an in-house position, because most government departments and statutory corporations operate as business enterprises. They may offer more flexible working conditions, including study leave and parttime hours, and have traditionally offered greater security, although this is less so today.

The bar If you enjoy litigation and like the idea of running your own business, consider working for the bar. The bar offers lawyers an exciting alternative to private practice and still allows you to specialise in your chosen field. It also lends itself to part-time work. Life at the bar for junior barristers can be difficult while they develop their practices. It is considered advisable to get at least a couple of years’ experience in private practice before making a move to the bar. You then have the solicitor contacts you need in order to develop your practice.

Unions Unions help support and come alongside workers who desire to be in a workplace where there is fairness and equality. Most law graduates working for Unions are employed as Industrial Officers. Industrial Officers in Unions take up cases such as unfair dismissals, and aim to negotiate agreements between the parties in dispute.

Other options: Community legal centres. Recruitment co-ordinator in a law firm. Human resources manager in a law firm. Professional service marketing or management. Ministerial advisor. Academia. Company secretary (often combined with in-house legal). Legal recruitment. Legal publishing. Politics. 1


Drysdale, M 2009 ‘Career path outside of a traditional law firm’, Lawyers Weekly, 22 September, http://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/careers/5176-career-path-outside-of-a-traditional-law-firm



working as a

procurement officer eftihia popovich

What does your job involve? I currently work for the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion in the Domiciliary Equipment Service. In my role as a Procurement Project Officer, I project manage the tenders that my organisation requires to obtain better quality products and provide better quality services to the people in our community. The best part of my role is that I have the opportunity to be working for an organisation that provides assistance and services to those who most need them. How did you get in to your job, and do you have any tips for people applying for jobs? For anyone looking to work outside of the legal profession, the most daunting thing is realising how much you can do but having no real guidance about how to market yourself, what jobs to look out for or even where to start. This was the dilemma I faced when I finally decided that practicing law was just not for me. I had even undertaken the first half of my GDLP to keep my options open just in case I changed my mind in the future. When I finally decided to stop my GDLP, I was faced with the question “what now?” Luckily for me, I had registered myself on the State Government’s Graduate Register before graduating and through that made my way into the State Government a week after I submitted my honours thesis. Since moving into State Government I have floated from job to job trying to find what it was I enjoyed doing; I had spent the last four years totally immersed in studying law that I didn’t really know what else there was or what I liked! My transition was illogical and unpredictable moving back and forth between roles, focusing on business development, project management or even website content management, until I finally stumbled into my current role.

ALSA and other external organisations like the Red Cross. Through these, I was able to demonstrate the application of the many skills I gained studying law; written communication, public advocacy, team work, leadership, meeting tight deadlines, problem solving etc. The demonstration of these skills through volunteering and the study of law itself put me in a very competitive position when applying for jobs. What are the benefits of looking for jobs outside of law firms, and alternative careers? I have found that I have had the opportunity to learn about areas I would have never imagined, including: the implementation of new technologies for the provision of community services; the development of the first SA GovHack event; advising the Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement; content managing the website for a whole government department; working on cyber security issues for the state; analysing the implications of earthquakes and pandemics, and much more. Top tips: 1. Your first job may not be perfect, but you will continue to develop valuable skills and you should not be scared to test the waters and find your path gradually. There are many opportunities out there especially for law students, however, sometimes trial and error is necessary to find the perfect one for you! 2. Get involved, it might seem like another thing on your plate when you are undertaking an already full on degree, but the skills, experiences and networks you gain as a result of getting involved will not only increase your prospects for work, but also widen and enhance your perspective on life.

To be completely honest, I had no specific skills to allow me to find success in any of my roles. What I did have was a range of practical experiences gained through volunteering with USALSA, SALSC,





opportunity awaits...



becoming a

judges associate courtesy of australian law students association


orking as a Judges Associate offers new law graduates the opportunity to observe the judicial process up close, while providing an invaluable learning experience. Generally, Associates assist in the judicial process by undertaking research directed by the judge, proofing draft judgments, as well as performing administrative duties. Associates also develop a relationship of trust and confidentiality with their Judges. Judges Associate positions are limited in availability, and are a highly sought after role. Appointment of an Associate depends greatly on the Judge’s own assessment of the individual, taking into account factors such as life and work experience, academic achievements and personal presentation.

The High Court of Australia

Tips for prospective Associates: •

• • • •

Consider why you’re applying with a particular Judge and try and make your application reflect that. Write an entirely new application per Judge, and find something which you might be interested in. Get to know your prospective Judge. Read their biographies and news stories about them, prominent decisions they’ve made, etc. Apply well in advance, unless a particular timeframe is specified. Don’t send an application by e-mail unless specifically asked. Give the Judges’ current associate a call and ask whether the Judge is hiring for the year you are seeking a position. This may save you hours of effort if they aren’t.

When addressing Judges: Unless otherwise requested or explained in the Court’s website; • When addressing a Judge, begin your letter with “Dear Judge [name]/Chief Justice [name]”; • End your letter with “Yours Sincerely or Yours Faithfully”; • Envelopes should be addressed to “The Hon Full Name (including postnominals)” with “Justice of the <court>” following; • If you’re invited to an interview, always refer to the Judge by “Judge/Chief Justice”. Here are the roles summarised. Information courtesy of the Australian Law Students Association (ALSA) 2015 Judges’ Associates Guide, as well as information from each of the respective Courts.


image: hcourt.gov.au

You should write directly to the Justice with whom you would like to work. If you are interested in working for any one of the Justices without any preference then write to the Chief Executive and Principal Registrar, Mr Andrew Phelan, who will raise your interest at a meeting with the Justices. Include a current CV and an academic transcript with your letter. Generally there are no specific closing dates for applications to the High Court, but Justices commonly appoint their associates two – three years in advance. Your application should indicate the years you are available for appointment. These are the earliest vacancy dates as of January 2015: Chief Justice French Retires in 2017 Justice Kiefel July 2017 Justice Bell January 2017 Justice Gageler January 2017 Justice Keane January 2017 Justice Nettle January 2016 Competition for appointment is very strong, and there


becoming a

judges associate courtesy of australian law students association

can be up to 200 applications for vacancies at any one time. The normal expectations for an associate for a Judge of the High Court are: • • •

That they have graduated with first class honours; That they (preferably) have some kind of research experience; That they may have some experience working for a law firm, University or another court.

Candidates with postgraduate qualifications in law and prior experience as a Judge’s Associate will generally be preferred. The address for correspondence is: The Hon Justice [name] High Court of Australia Parkes Place Canberra, ACT 2600

Court of Australia you need to: • Choose a court registry you would like to be considered for; • Prepare a CV, academic transcript and a general application. You should also indicate any periods where you are particularly available; • Forward your application directly to the Judge or to the District Registrar in the appropriate registry. These details through the Court’s website. • Make sure you address in your covering letter or CV a statement against every criteria provided for the position. Consider listing each criteria as a heading, and then following with a description of how your qualifications and work experience have enabled you to satisfy that criteria.

The Supreme Australia



South image: wikipedia

The Honourable Justice Stephen Gageler will appoint two associates each January to commence in January and July of the following year. Applicants should forward expressions of interest to Justice Gageler’s Chambers in October of the preceding year and include a CV and academic transcripts. In addition to Associateships, the Court also engages a Legal Research Officer each year for a 12 month period. If you are interested in applying for this position, contact Ms Petal Kinder, Court Librarian, via the above mailing address or by email to pkinder@hcourt. gov.au

image: wikipedia

Federal Court of Australia Offers a number of Associate positions each year. Associates are employed as part of the personal chambers of a particular Judge. They provide legal research, in-court duties and other ad hoc support. Positions are generally not advertised and the selection of Associates is conducted directly by each Judge. You can download an information package from the Federal Courts website: www.fedcourt.gov.au/about/ employment/information-package. To apply for an Associate position with the Federal

Supreme Court Associates serve as a professional member of the Judge’s personal staff. They undertake legal research, accompany the Judge into court in whichever jurisdiction the Judge may be sitting and call on cases, maintain record books, and various administrative functions. They also attend in chambers on interlocutories, and for other applications. Prospective applicants should be aware of the following: • Judges prefer to employ people who are admitted or who are not completing Practical Legal Training or any undergraduate or Post Admission Training Courses, but a particular Judge might, in



becoming a

judges associate courtesy of australian law students association

an individual case, make an exception in relation to the undertaking of PLT outside working hours. Associates may not engage in any other employment or practice in any profession, whether for remuneration or not, without the permission of the Chief Justice. Supreme Court appointments are generally for a one-year contract, as personal staff to the appointing Judge

Applications can be lodged throughout the year. Vacancies occur at various intervals. Please include CV, qualifications and academic record. You should also include a copy of your admittance certificate. Applications for Associate positions within the Supreme Court of South Australia should be addressed to: The Honourable [name] Judges’ Chambers Supreme Court 1 Gouger Street Adelaide, SA, 5000

The District Court of South Australia An Associate in the District Court of South Australia acts as a personal, confidential and professional assistant to a Judge to whom they are assigned. An Associate provides a comprehensive legal and research service to the Judge and assists both in and out of court, including managing files, case outcomes and exhibit returns. The Associate is responsible to the judicial officers to whom they are assigned for chamber, legal research and in-court matters, and to the Registrar of the District Court through the Manager for Judicial Support, for personal and administrative matters. Associates liaise with the judiciary, legal profession, litigants, witnesses, court staff and the general public. An important feature of the work is travelling to attend country circuits which require overnight absences for up to three weeks, with capacity to return to Adelaide on weekends. Applicants must have completed their Practical Legal Training. Associates may not engage in any other employment or practice in any profession, whether remuneration or not, without the permission of the Registrar. District Court appointments are generally for a one year contract, with the option of a second year subject


to mutual agreement. Do not send individual applications to each Judge. Email your application to dcregistrar@courts.sa.gov. au, including CV, qualifications, official academic transcript, or send by post: Attn: Office Co-ordinator The Registrar District Court of South Australia GPO Box 2465 Adelaide, SA, 5001. Source: www.courts.sa.gov.au/Employment/ OngoingOpportunities/Pages/District-Court-Associates.aspx

Magistrates Clerk A Magistrates Clerk determines the priority in which to call on matters in court, record the orders made by the Magistrate, perform data entry tasks whilst in the courtroom and record proceedings using digital recording equipment. Out of court duties include typing transcript, preparation of court files and related documents as well as PA tasks for Magistrates. For more information on working as a Clerk for the Magistrates Court, go to: www.courts.sa.gov. au/Employment/OngoingOpportunities/Pages/ Magistrates-Clerks.aspx

For more information, check out the ALSA 2015 Judges’ Associates Guide, which was used in creating this article: www.alsa.net.au/publications/judge-sassociates-guide


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plan a career abroad courtesy of australian law students association Canada Admission: Australian graduates must apply to the Canadian National Committee on Accreditation, a committee of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. They will look at the applicants’ academic and professional achievements, may issue a certificate of qualification, or recommend further study. Immigration: Australians wanting to immigrate to Canada to practice law temporarily require a Work Permit that specifies both the employer and the duration of the permit. For further information on admission requirements, see: www.flsc.ca/en/nca For further information on immigration, see: www.cic.gc.ca

China Admission: Most foreign lawyers are unable to advise or act in relation to Chinese legal issues and are generally not admitted in China. However, they are able to practice their home jurisdiction’s law through international firms. Chinese citizens seeking to be admitted in China should refer to the website of the Ministry of Justice. Immigration: Australians seeking to work in China require an Employment Visa (Z Visa). The Employment Visa is valid for three months. Visa holders must apply for residency from the local Public Security Office within 30 days of arriving in China. For further information on admission requirements, see: www.legalinfo.gov.cn/ english/node_7590.htm For immigration, see: au.china-embassy.org/eng

Hong Kong Admission: Australian Graduates wishing to practice in Hong Kong as Solicitors or Barristers are required to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) and undertake either trainee work as a solicitor, or a pupillage for Barristers. To qualify for admission to the PCLL, an applicant must hold a degree from a common law jurisdiction. Usually graduates undertake “top-up” courses in the three Hong Kong specific subjects; Constitutional Law, Hong Kong Land Law and the Hong Kong Legal System. Immigration: Australians intending to work in Hong Kong must obtain a work visa prior to arrival. Special visas for professionals seeking to work in Hong Kong are granted under the General Employment Policy (GEP). For further information on admission requirements, see: hklawsoc.org.hk For the PCLL, see: www.hku.hk/pcll



plan a career abroad courtesy of australian law students association Japan Admission: Australians interested to practice law in Japan may be admitted as Foreign Special Members of the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations. Once admitted, foreign lawyers are limited to advising on the law of their home jurisdiction. Australian lawyers seeking admission must apply to the Minister of Justice and be qualified in their home jurisdiction with three years post-admission experience. They must satisfy the Minister that they have the will and financial means to act as a lawyer, have residence and also meet the character and bankruptcy requirements. Immigration: Individuals wishing to work as lawyers in Japan may apply for a Legal/Account Working Visa which is valid for one or three years. To work in Japan a foreign citizen needs an Eligibility Certificate, which must be approved by the Minister of Justice. For further information on admission requirements, see: www.nichibenren.or.jp/ en/ For immigration, see: www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/index.html For the Foreign Lawyers Act, see: www.cs-trans.biz/J-Foreign-Lawyers.htm

New Zealand Admission: Australian lawyers admitted in any Australian jurisdiction can apply to practice in New Zealand under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997. Australian graduates yet to be admitted can apply to the New Zealand Council of Legal Education. Immigration: Australian residents seeking to work in New Zealand are not usually required to obtain a visa, provided the character requirements are satisfied. For further information on admission requirements, see: www.lawsociety.org.nz For information regarding the TTMRA, see www.nzcle.org.nz/

South Africa Admission: In order for an Australian law graduate to be able to practice local law, they will need to hold a permit for permanent residence in South Africa and further hold a Bachelor of Law degree from a South African University. This can be achieved by submitting their Australian degree for credit and then completing any relevant courses needed to qualify. They are also required to complete two years of articles of clerkship with a practising South African attorney and successfully complete the admission exam. Candidates will then need to attend a training course with the relevant law society in their chosen province before finally being able to apply for admission as an attorney.



plan a career abroad courtesy of australian law students association

Immigration: Australian citizens receive a visa on arrival in South Africa for 90 days which can be extended while they are looking for work. For further information on admission requirements, see: http://www.lssa.org.za/

United Arab Emirates Admission: A United Arab Emirates (UAE) National is required for court appearances in UAE courts. These courts follow Sharia law and all proceedings are conducted in Arabic, especially in family and criminal law matters. However, Australian graduates who have also completed their GDLP, and are looking for international exposure and experience primarily in civil law, can apply for a working permit with the Ministry of Labour. They may then work for an international or local firm on international law and the law of any jurisdiction they are qualified in, under the jurisdiction of the Dubai Financial Centre Courts (which operate in English and bear a striking resemblance to the common law judicial system). The laws enacted to govern individuals, companies and financial institutions within the DIFC are in effect a “commercial code” modelled on the best practices of the world’s major financial jurisdictions. Australian lawyers are well sought after and have been successful in obtaining work with international firms who see them as a good cultural fit to their organisation, but it is important to note that expatriates are mainly considered for their experience, expert knowledge or specialised skills. Immigration: An Australian citizen receives a 30 day visa on arrival in Dubai which can be extended while they are looking for work. A residence visa is granted when a company employs and sponsors you and this is renewed every couple of years.

United Kingdom Admission: Australians seeking to be admitted in the UK are required to take the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test (QLTT), and satisfy other eligibility criteria as prescribed by the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Regulations 1990. Prior to sitting the QLTT, applicants must obtain a certificate of eligibility from the Solicitors Regulation Authority. In order to obtain this, applicants must prove they are suitable for admission to practice in England and Wales by disclosing all relevant matters and any convictions. QLTT covers four subject areas: property; litigation; professional conduct and accounts, and principles of common law. Applicants may also be required to satisfy a two-year legal experience requirement, although an exemption can be sought on the basis of prior legal experience. Immigration: Australians seeking to work in the UK must obtain a working visa. Australians may be eligible to work under the Highly Skilled Migrant Program. Applicants must obtain a certain number of points across a range of criteria including



plan a career abroad courtesy of australian law students association

qualifications, earnings, experience and age. This visa lasts for 24 months, with an option to renew for a further 3 years. For further information on admission, see: www.lawsociety.org.uk For further information on immigration, see: www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk

United States of America Admission: Admission requirements in the United States differ in each State. Every State requires applicants to sit a bar exam and satisfy the relevant admission authority that they are of good character. In some States, applicants may be required to take additional courses in US Law at an ABA approved law school. Alternatively foreign lawyers may practice with a Foreign Legal Consultant Licence. This allows lawyers to engage in restricted legal practice within a State, based on their home jurisdiction qualifications and experience. Immigration: Australians seeking work in the US must obtain a work visa. Australians may apply for the special E-3 Visa which permits Australians to work temporarily in specific occupations. In order to qualify for the visa, the applicant must have a job offer from an organisation in the US prior to departing Australia. For further information on admission requirements, see: www.calbar.org for California; and www.nybarexam.org for New York. For further information on practicing abroad, see the Australian Law Students Association’s 2011 International Careers Guide source: Australian Publications







Internships abroad Asian Human Rights Commission Location: Hong Kong Duration: Minimum 6 months How to apply: Visit www.ahrchk.net/

Australian Delegation to the UN Human Rights council

Location: Kenya Duration: 3 - 6 months How to apply: Complete an application form (www.fidakenya.org/) and email application to, info@fida.co.ke.

Location: Geneva Duration: 6 weeks (March - April) How to apply: Complete the application form (www2.ohchr.org/SPdocs/AboutUs/ internshipform.doc) and send to internship@ ohchr.org along with; a list of courses taken and academic transcript, research samples and proof of health insurance .

International Fund for Agriculture:

Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development

International Service for Human Rights:

Location: Various locations throughout the AsiaPacific region. Duration: 3 - 12 months depending on the hostorganisations needs How to apply: AYAD assignments are advertised online at www.ayad.com.au, and with three intakes annually, applications can be submitted anytime.

Location: Hamburg, Germany Duration: 2 -6 months full-time How to apply: Applicants must have completed at least 3 years of university study and should still be studying at the time of the internship. For more information see: www.itlosorg/.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

Location: Geneva Duration: Minimum 6 weeks How to Apply: Fill in application form at www. unhcr.org/admin/3b8a31f94.html

Location: Accra, Ghana Duration: 1 - 4 months How to apply: The most effective way to do an internship with CHRI is via Projects Abroad who will organise food and accommodation for the period of your internship.. Go to www.projectsabroad.com.au or, for further information from CHRI, see: humanrightsinitiative.org


Federation of Women Lawyers of Kenya:

Location: Rome How to apply: Fill in an IFAD Personal History Form and email it to ifad@ifad.org. Any questions should be marked to the “Attention Human Resources Division�.

UN High Commission for Refugees:

REPRIEVE Australia Location: USA or South East Asia Duration: Minimum 3 months How to apply: FIll in applciation form at http:// reprieve. org.au/get-involved/volunteer/



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