Learning Languages Newsletter October 2013

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NEWSLETTER Vol-4 | 17 October 2013

Spanish Cooking

Meeting the

Japanese language


Stage de

World War I

and Dancing





Shared Histories

Nationwide workshops for Spanish language teachers.

ILEP 2013 conference for language teachers.

NCEA workshops for Japanese language

German language scholarships announced.

French language immersive experiences in New Caledonia.

NZ and French schools collaborate to commemorate World War I.

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These professional development courses combine Tapas

Nationwide Spanish Workshop Series

cooking and traditional Spanish dancing in a two hour session and are held in Spanish in a supportive manner to make it an entertaining way of practicing the language while celebrating traditions in two of the most important areas of Spanish culture. If you are interested in participating in a Spanish language workshop as well, please find more information on our homepage or contact Maria Mitenkova at admin@ilep.ac.nz.

Spanish music and Spanish dance in particular have played an important part in Spains cultural history. The first mentioning in Spanish literature dates back beyond the 6th century. Read more here.

Language-themed workshops are an important tool for

Also coming up:

professional development as they offer playful and practical

Training Course on Spanish Language and Cinema

experience, offer new insights into culture and living, and expose participants to new ways of doing things.

Three session-workshop on Spanish language and cinema for

A range of Spanish cooking and dancing workshops are held

New Zealand in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of

around the country, which have proven to be very popular

Spain and the Department of Spanish of the University of






Wellington, Auckland, Whanganui and Napier so far.

teachers of Spanish organised by ILEP/Ministry of Education of


Auckland. Auckland, 15, 16, 23 November Read more

teachers as leaders and school initiatives.

Meeting the challenge — ILEP conference 2013 For more information on the conference, or if you are ILEP is hosting a special conference on Thursday, 14 November at Waipuna Conference Centre in Auckland. Many languages teachers, who successfully completed the

TPDL Programme, are now facing the challenge of "what's next". How do you become a leader in your area and keep improving your language skills?

interested to attend, please go to www.tpdl.ac.nz/2013conference.

Japanese language learning and teaching A number of events on Japanese language learning and teaching is being organized in Christchurch this year. The NCEA workshop at the University of Canterbury (UC) on the 6th of June, attracted over 180 Japanese students from 13 secondary schools in Canterbury. The aim of this one-day workshop was to help students prepare for the internal NCEA assessments. The concept behind this workshop was to en-

ILEP and the Ministry of Education are hosting a conference to give languages teachers the opportunity to share and discuss challenges, opportunities and ideas. The conference will focus on language study, pedagogy,

hance the Japanese learning community beyond the borders of the secondary and tertiary sector. Thus, 14 secondary school teachers, 6 UC staff, one CPIT (Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology) staff member, and the national language

advisor worked together to do the planning and organisational tasks before and on the day. In addition, 16 UC students, taking Japanese at stages 3 & 4, participated as teaching assistants and mentors for the students, and they made a short presentation on their experience of Japanese language learning. The day started with a keynote talk by Dr Rachel Payne of UC, who spoke enthusiastically about her introduction to Japanese language and culture. This was followed by three language sessions in groups of 10-15 students.

was the strong connection between secondary schools, tertiary institutions and the language advisor. We believe that this workshop contributed to strengthening the link between secondary and tertiary language departments, which will lead to further development of the language programme.

Most recently, the Japanese language workshop at the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) allowed a select group of teachers and academics to discuss topics surrounding the learning and teaching of Japanese. The group of 10 high school teachers, 3 CPIT academic staff and the Japanese Language Advisor gathered to discuss different approaches to language teaching, suitable readings and materials as well as common grammatical pitfalls of Japanese in a relaxed and accommodating environment. Thanks to CPIT and Ms. Semba from ILEP, the workshop was a huge success and provided a range of helpful information, tips and enlightening conversations.

Students found the intensive nature of the sessions very beneficial. They were able to use their Japanese in many different contexts during the day, and experience different teaching methods and styles. They also enjoyed meeting and interacting with students from other schools. There was an amazing wadaiko (Japanese drum) performance by Takumi, the Canterbury Japanese Drum club. This event was the largest of its kind, and the key to its success

ILEP National Language Advisor for Japanese, Ms. Tomoko Semba has left for Japan to take on a new and exciting role, and we wish her all the best for her future overseas. Her contribution and ideas made both events in Christchurch possible and a huge success.

Farewell message from Tomoko Semba Three of the best memories I will take away from NZ: 1.

The first student who won the first place at the senior high school division at the Australian final Japanese speech competition in 2011.


Discovering my personal links to NZ. I realised that high school students that I taught Japanese in Hiroshima several years ago were from Otago Girls High School.


It was really lovely to get to know that many teachers of Japanese keep unique pets, such as cats, dogs, horses, and even cows!

Three of the worst memories I will take away from NZ: 1.

My arrival day to Wellington in the middle of Sevens Games


Driving a small rent car on motorway-1 from Petone to Wellington on the record breaking storm day on 20 June.


When my smart phone tells me “not found” for the target place I am trying to visit.

It was challenging for me to drive a rental car to unknown places, speeding at 100Km on state highways. But it always turned out to be a fantastic experience to meet teachers and students after these long periods of travel. Students Year 8 or below were always so curious about Japan, and one of the popular questions from them was “Do you have NINJA in Japan?”. What is the ideal answer to this? “Of course we have! There are also some schools for them and you can get a certificate when you graduate from them”.....is it the one?

Although the numbers of learners of Japanese keep declining, there are still many students who are interested in Japan and Japanese culture, and New Zealand and Japan have had long and good relations in the past. We have so many things in common, not only in geographic features, so I believe we can keep our wonderful relations and create good future together, too. I really had very good time in New Zealand and wonderful experiences as Japanese Language Adviser. I would like to thank all Japanese language teachers in New Zealand for their hard work and on-going efforts to promote Japanese programmes. As you know in 2019, Japan will be hosting the Rugby World Cup, and the Olympic Games in the following year. These fantastic two great events will be good boosters to encourage young kiwis to learn Japanese! “2019 nen ni Nihon ni ikimashou! 2020 nen ni Nihon de aimashou!” Thank you for your warm support and friendship toward myself and my work in New Zealand. I wish you all the best for your good health and continued success and I look forward to our paths crossing again. Tomoko Semba

Final selection of scholarship recipients for Germany

Although there were only 8 actual scholarship awards, all participants said that the experience of attending the two day

This year, 8 scholarships of three different kinds were available for the best New Zealand Year 12 students of German. The initial selection was based on the results of NCEA Level 1 German exams and on the individual interviews which were

selection process was a prize in itself and inspiration to continue studying German to a higher level. The National Adviser of German was very pleased about the high level of language skills achieved in New Zealand High Schools, despite the relatively low number of contact hours in most cases. She

attributes this to the high level of motivation shown by both teachers and learners of German in New Zealand. Are you and your school interested in providing German language programmes or would you like to increase your network to Germany? Then contact the German National Advisor, Heike Papenthin, at German@ilep.ac.nz.

Confucius Institute Teaching Seminar

conducted by the National Adviser in the students' schools. The best 18 applicants were then invited to the final selection round which took place at the Goethe-Institut in Wellington on 15th and 16th September and was a true immersion experience.

On 14 September, CIUC and ILEP (International Languages Exchanges and Pathways) organized the 2013 third term Chinese teachers' workshop. The speakers were the national Chinese Language Advisor Dr Wang Yu, French Language Advisor Glenda Palmer, Kevin Grounds, Chinese teacher at St Bede's High School and Zhu Lisha, Chinese teacher at Willow Park Primary School in Auckland. More than twenty teachers participated in this workshop including teachers form the South Island and CIUC volunteers.

The seminar was broken up into four parts. First, Dr Wang Yu led a thorough discussion about the aims people have for studying Chinese. Those attending spoke from their personal experience and their teaching experience.

everyone present. Finally, the teachers shared different classroom activities that they have used, particularly those which the students enjoyed a lot, for example, climbing hills and guessing sentences. On that afternoon, the seminar concluded on a positive note. The Chinese teachers who participated in the workshop all said that they benefited from it, and said that they were looking forward to participating in the next seminar.

Dr. Yu Wang is the National Chinese Adviser in New Zealand to support teaching and learning of Chinese in NZ schools. In November, she will be leading a panel discussion as part of the NZASIA 2013 conference in Auckland. More info here.

Stage de Nouméa One of the issues raised was "We study Chinese with the aim of being able to dialog with people from other cultures, but when we are teaching we emphasise correct grammar". This issue stimulated much discussion. Next, Mr Grounds presented a model lesson; his lively and realistic slides encouraged a lot of discussion. After this, Ms Palmer placed the participants in a totally foreign language situation, which allowed everyone present to experience for themselves the difficulty of studying a new language. Then Ms Lisha Wang introduced a series of specific methods of Chinese language teaching which inspired

The Stage de Nouméa provides a unique and invaluable opportunity to be immersed in French life. Teachers participate in a three-week long experience in Nouméa led by ILEP. Their accommodation is provided by a New Caledonian family, and their study time is divided between school observations, intercultural inquiry and formal language classes at the University of New Caledonia. This programme has been well received and participants enjoyed a great time and had first hand experiences in one of the most

beautiful places of the South Pacific. Participants enjoyed practising their French, learn everyday words and expressions and dive deep into the history and commons of the culture. The programme provided them with a unique chance to collect common phrases, discuss special topics using the language and expanding their skills by engaging with native French speakers all day.

World War I Commemoration Programme From 2014 and during the next four years, the centenary of the first World War will be commemorated in New Zealand and around the globe. Schools have a vital role to play in the commemoration. As the last of the war veterans have all but disappeared, it is essential that the next generation should be educated about this major episode of New Zealand’s history so that it is never forgotten. To mark the centenary of the Great War, the Ministries of Education of New Zealand and France have decided to launch a joint initiative to allow school children to commemorate the common involvement of both countries in the Great War. The programme, called Shared Histories, aims to create a framework for schools to form partnerships and work on common pedagogical projects on the theme of WW1. A call for projects will be sent to all intermediate and secondary schools in New Zealand. In France, colleges and lycées (secondary schools) will also be invited as part of the French Education Ministry’s programme Memoires héritées, histoires partagées.

Overall an unforgettable and enriching experience and a great success for the language programmes. If you are interested in participating in Stage de Noumea 2014, please find more info here. Applications for 2014 will open in December this year.

Shared Histories seeks to bring school students together to explore the profound significance and impact of this event through creative projects. It offers obvious benefits in terms of learning outcomes, but also builds lasting relationships with French schools and raises cultural awareness. Contact Glenda Palmer on French@ilep.ac.nz for more information.

Coming Up ... ILEP Language Teacher Conference ILEP invites you to a special conference on Thursday 14 November at Waipuna Conference Centre in Auckland: "Meeting the challenge: Building on TPDL" Get in quick and register here. Networking with German National Advisor A great opportunity to enrich your teaching, to inspire and to get inspired. Taking place on 30 October at Cambridge High School, 25 Swayne Road, Cambridge. Read more. Training Course on Spanish Language and Cinema Three session-workshop on Spanish language and cinema for teachers of Spanish organised by ILEP/Ministry of Education of New Zealand in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Spain and the Department of Spanish of the University of Auckland. Auckland, 15, 16, 23 November Read more. Learn how to dance while you practice your Spanish! Three ninety-minute workshops for teachers of Spanish Taught by a Spanish professional dancer who also teaches Spanish Organised by ILEP/Ministry of Education of New Zealand in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Spain. Next session: New Plymouth, 15 November 2013. More info here.

Key Contacts and Links Advisory Support National Advisers for Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish provide language specific support and can also offer advice about foreign language assistants and scholarship and immersion opportunities for each language.

National Coordinators for Learning Languages, Secondary Student Achievement Contract, focus on effective implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum and the NCEA realigned achievement standards as well as the development of literacy and language practices.  

Northern & Central Regions please contact: Dee Edwards. Southern & Central South Regions please contact: Jo Guthrie

NZALT The New Zealand Association of Language Teachers offers a nationwide network to support language teachers, including regional meetings, professional development, awards, newsletters, conferences and advocacy on key issues. Professional Development Opportunities

Chinese Scholarships 2014 The Chinese and New Zealand Ministries of Education are offering up to 12 scholarships to New Zealand teachers of Chinese to attend a three week intensive language and culture programme in China in January 2014. The programme is targeted towards teachers at the Sustainability stage of the PLD pathway for New Zealand language teachers. More info here.

TPDL (Teacher Professional Development Languages) is a Ministry of Education funded programme aimed at developing teacher language proficiency and second language teaching capabilities in order to improve student language learning outcomes. TPDL is available to beginners as well as language experts.

French Immersion—Stage de Nouméa 2014 Applications for 2014 will open in December 2013. More info here.

Language Immersion Awards are provided by the Ministry of Education for teachers of languages to undertake immersion experiences overseas. Further details are available at the AFS website.

ILEP (International Languages Exchanges and Pathways) supports schools and teachers to implement the Learning Languages curriculum area, particularly at Years 7 and 8.

Don't forget! Check out the Learning Languages Website for regular updates and more information.

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