01904 553490 unison@york.gov.uk YorkCityUNISON www.yorkcity-unison.org.uk
York City
UNISON News Winter 2019
News from the York City Branch of UNISON
No question is too small, no problem is too big for UNISON Hello and welcome to the latest York City branch Newsletter. Make yourselves comfortable and grab the drink of your choice. I want to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you for joining and being members of the largest union in the UK. A family of 1.3 million members. Imagine how strong that makes our union nationally, regionally and locally. But we can be stronger still by inviting and encouraging everyone we know who works in public services to join us. Our strength means that we have the resources to run big campaigns like 15 minute care visits, and pushes for councils like our own here in York to sign up to UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter. It means we can take on the might of the government over Employment Tribunal fees and win in the Supreme Court.
Branch elections and AGM
That win shows how the trade union movement stands in solidarity with every single worker in the UK. When we joined UNISON, we gave and give that solidarity to other workers. I am so proud to be a member of this great union and your Branch Secretary. Thank you for the confidence you have shown in me to take your issues up, work with you and do our very best for our members here in York. We might not always win; but because we fight, we increase our chances of winning. If we don’t fight, we will never win. We don’t always get it 100% right and as human beings we do make mistakes; but know always that our heart is in the right place and we do our absolute best. 2018 marked the 150th year of the TUC; and for each and every one of those years, our rights at work have been hard fought for and hard won; whether its for an end to child labour, an 8 hour working day,
You are UNISON and we want you to be actively involved in your union. Is it time for you to become a contact, a steward, a safety rep? Would you like to attend a conference or go on one of our member education and learning courses? Now is the time to say YES. Contact the branch for information on of all these things and we will guide you as to what to do next.
paid holidays, the minimum wage; health and safety at work – that fight goes on. Don’t ever take your rights for granted. I want to also say a particular thank you to every single member who has decided to give back to UNISON as a contact, steward, health and safety rep or branch officer; you are the glue that holds us together and supports members on a day to day basis. In 2019, we need more of you in every workplace and every workgroup. The more of us there are, the better we can support each other. If you feel you can give something back and become a little more active – take that next step and join us. Ask what can I do for UNISON, not what can UNISON do for me. Our union is a member led union. YOU are the union. Andrea Dudding Branch Secretary
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If you would like to stand for election as a Steward, Health and Safety rep, Branch Officer or any other post, nominations are now open until 5pm on Monday 25 February.
The Annual Branch Meeting will be on Thursday 28 March at 6pm in The Thornton Room, Ground Floor, West Offices.
JOIN UNISON today: 0800 171 2194 or join.unison.org.uk
York City
01904 553490
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Social Media: Pause before you post in touch to say they are facing a disciplinary investigation for talking about what they do not like about work to their friends; and even in private groups.
Social media is a great thing. It keeps us in touch with friends and family; it allows us to span the globe in seconds and gives us access to a wide variety of news and views. We know it’s not always a force for good, and it feels timely to remind ourselves of the perils that lie in wait for the unwary and unquestioning. What is wrong with sharing, I hear you ask? Well, you know that spat you had a work? That you don’t really like what your employer is doing; or that you are passing on what someone else has told you. Our advice is don’t talk about work on social media. Once sent it might be impossible to retrieve or delete your post entirely. We have had members getting
A couple of examples as to what can land you in hot water: A member received a final written warning and criticised the employer’s decision on social media. Not surprisingly, this member was reported and ended up losing their job. Another member posted photos of themselves drunk and in a compromising situation at a work Christmas party and was dismissed. Remember your employer and prospective employers will scan social media to find out more about you and you may end up being rejected because of your social media past. Check out your employer’s social media policy and stick to it. Please think before you hit post; think about what could happen if your message went beyond “just friends”.
York Pride 8th June 2019 Put the date in your diaries and dust off your marching shoes. Please join us on the day to march with us to the Knavesmire and say hello to us at our stand! If you would like to volunteer to help on the day or to pledge to march, please contact the branch. The more the merrier!
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Why not join the UNISON lottery, and support our charity. For just £1 a month you could win cash prizes of up to £1,000. Plus, it’s a powerful way to support There for You, the charity that helps UNISON members through tough times. Join online now at: unison.charitylotteries.co.uk By members, for members.
UNISON’s charity, There for you, is quite literally there for you if you need help. Our Welfare Officer helps members to apply for assistance. National campaigns include winter fuel grants and school uniform allowances. If you think you might need help, don’t wait, talk to us now.
Returning to work after sick leave Has your employer refused to allow you to return to work when your fit note has expired? If your employer has done that, you should be paid your normal rate of pay until your employer allows you to return to work. For further advice on returning to work after sick leave, phased returns, using annual leave and attendance management procedures, get in touch.
Thank y ou all your f he and sup l port
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York City
Standing up to racism Our branch is proud to be affiliated to Stand Up to Racism along with other union branches up and down the country, as trade union activists we see the crucial role that organising the anti-racist majority must play at this moment in history. Locally York Stand Up to Racism has been part of this campaign. We have taken part in local protests against Trump’s visit and a vigil and march on the oneyear anniversary of Grenfell. We have leafleted the local football ground with information about the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) We have also
held regular stalls across the city giving out information supporting refugees and EU Migrants as well as fact sheets about farright organisations. We sent a coach to the UN anti-racism day demonstration in London and have sent delegates to the Stand up to Racism conferences. We have also been key to organising counter protests when the far -right tried to march at Pride in York and when the Yorkshire Patriots tried to march in Scarborough. In 2019 we are organising a fundraising gig at the Crescent Club, taking part in Holocaust memorial events and sending a
coach to the next international anti-racism day in March. On top of this we will organise spontaneously whenever the farright do. Anyone who wants to be involved in helping organise these events please contact the branch. by Julie Forgan
York Retired Members Group Our retired members group is vibrant, welcoming and very active! If you are retiring soon, please stay with us and become a retired member for a one-off payment of ÂŁ15 for life membership. Contact Barry Beckwith on 01904 769802 or sdlssbb@sky.com for details and an application form.
Pre-retirement workshops
Preparing for Retirement
All the above are non-residential and held at the Unison Regional Centre, Leeds. Contact the York branch office on 01904 553490 or email unison@york.gov.uk to book a place.
When a decision is made to retire, it is important to plan a strategy to ensure a seamless transition from working life to one which will allow you to spend more time with family, and pursuing those pastimes which you could never include in a busy working week. UNISON provides a series of very good pre-retirement workshops which will make you aware of your choices, and aid you in decision making around retirement. The workshops will include creating a route from work to retirement - identify pension and financial regulation changes, long term issues and planning a successful retirement.
Wed 20 March 2019 (Apply by 18 February 2019). Wed 2 October 2019 (Apply by 2 September 2019). Wed 4 December 2019 (Apply by 1 November 2019).
Free TV Licence for Over 75s We believe that the TV licence should remain free for the over 75’s as a means of combating loneliness and supporting continued enjoyment of broadcast media. People can be more reliant on TV and radio to entertain and inform on local, national and world affairs. Ability to access these services should not be based on the ability to pay when many people are on a fixed income.
In 2020, the government will cease to fund the free licence, and pass the responsibility to the BBC who are now asking for feedback from members of the public which will help them reach a decision about continuing with the free license. It is possible every family will have someone who will be affected by any decision made by the BBC. Please go to:www.bbc.com/yoursay or phone 0800 232 1382 to provide feedback.
Details up to date? If you have moved house, changed workplaces, got a new phone number or email address, please get in touch and update your details with us. We want you to be in touch with all the latest news.
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York City
01904 553490
Consultative Ballot of School Members It’s January and here comes the consultation ballot of school members. If you haven’t already, please give us your email address we need this for the planned eballot which will be similar to those currently being run by our sister unions NEU, ASCL, and NAHT. The ballot which is planned to take place in mid January will be asking
Lifelong Learning 2019 Courses for Members We believe that learning has a big impact on members’ lives in the workplace and in everyday life; and UNISON are committed to lifelong learning. Here are some highlights: Autism Awareness 5 February and 16 July Mental Health Awareness Workshop 8 February and 15 October Dementia Workshop 14 February and 6 September
members if they are prepared to take strike action. Is this something YOU are willing to do?
Schools in all their many forms have continued to see underfunding year after year, in many cases this has resulted in fewer staff being asked to do more work.
UNISON see staff having to deal with a range of employment issues, this is directly related to underfunding from central government and needs to be challenged.
Speak up and make your voice heard - Can you afford not to take part? #speakupforschools
FREE taster Workshops:
Women Only courses:
Confidence Building 22 March and 9 September
Building confidence in women 2 & 3 March and 6 & 7 July (Residential)
Confidence Building (Men only) 7 June
Women’s assertiveness 22 & 23 June and 26 & 27 October (Residential)
Assertiveness Habit 25 April and 7 November
Pathways into UNISON 14 & 15 September (Residential)
Your Skills, your future - 2 July Job application workshop 4 October
And much more! Get in touch for more information on all member learning opportunities and how to book.
Creative writing – 26 June Everyday living, Everyday numbers – 12 March and 7 October
epin #awakeonasle Watch this space as we wait to hear whether UNISON can appeal to the Supreme Court If you do sleep-ins, and want to make a claim, call the branch for advice now
Register to vote! Local elections are in May, get registered, get informed and vote. https://www.gov.uk/ register-to-vote
Check out the full programme here: http://www.unison-yorks.org.uk/ education.html
- Make this your New Year’s Resolutio nI will invite someone who works delivering public services to join UNISON!
York City
National Helpline: 0800 0857 857 UNISON City of York Branch, 5-6 Kings Court, The Shambles, York, YO1 7LD
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