WE MAKE THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE IT Unitec Prospectus 2014
CONTENTS Getting started Welcome to Unitec Make the right decision about what to study
Programme guide 1 2
Accounting and Finance
Animal Health, Management and Welfare
Applied Technology and Trades
Architecture 31
Why Unitec How we make the people who make it
Meet senior lecturer Cris de Groot
Making great things happen
Welcome to the classroom
Meet graduate Hayley King
Make your studies fit around you
Meet graduate Tonchi Glamuzina
Meet lecturer Mahsa Mohaghegh
While you’re here Life on campus
Student exchange
Scholarships and awards
MÄ ori and Pacific at Unitec
Meet student Vicky Faautauta
Te Noho Kotahitanga marae
Biodiversity and Conservation
Business Administration and Computing
Civil Engineering
Communication Studies
Community and Social Practice
Computing and Information Technology
Construction Management
Design and Visual Arts
Education 40 Bridgepoint Foundation Education
Health 42 Landscape 44 Language Studies
Management and Marketing
Performing and Screen Arts
Sport 48 Short courses
Next steps Find out more Essential FAQs
Apply now
A-Z of academic words
Front cover design by Unitec graduate, Hayley King (Flox Design Ltd). Find out more about Hayley on page 13. 2
Kia ora, and welcome to Unitec
Dr Rick Ede Thinking about your future
Unitec programmes also cover
We have a great team of
study plans is an exciting time
a wide range of subjects at all
Programme Advisors who you
and there is a lot to consider.
levels of study. There are part-
can contact on 0800 10 95 10 to
What career do you want to
time, full-time, distance and
discuss any of the study options
go into, will it suit your skills
online learning options available
in this prospectus. You can also
and interests, and how will
to help you fit your studies
drop in to Student Central at
study fit around your other
around you.
our Mt Albert, Waitakere, or
commitments? Unitec offers some real points of difference that may make your decision a little bit easier. We want you to get a great
“Whatever you choose to do, we’re here to help you make the right decision and succeed in your studies.“
Northern campuses for a chat. Whatever you choose to do, we’re here to help you make the right decision, succeed in your studies and achieve your goals.
job. That’s why 90% of our
While you’re here, the new IBM
programmes include practical
NZ Delivery Centre at our Mt
work experience. It means you
Albert campus offers exclusive
can be sure that the skills you
job opportunities while you
Dr Rick Ede
learn are relevant, up-to-date
study. Hundreds of Unitec
Chief Executive
and needed by employers.
students already enjoy part-time
And it can open the door to job
jobs at the centre, with great
opportunities before you even
pay, convenient work hours, and
a set of new skills they can add to their CVs. 3
Get career ideas Deciding what to study is a big decision. If you’re not sure where to begin, try our You Finder app. It’s a simple online tool that matches your personality type to different jobs that might suit your skills and interests. It’s an excellent starting point if you need ideas.
Decide what to study There are a huge range of programmes on offer that can lead to all sorts of different careers, and sometimes it can be tricky working out what is right for you. Unitec is an institute of technology, which means our courses have a big focus on practical learning. We teach you the skills you will need in a job – through work placements, apprenticeships and the facilities we have right here on campus.
Ask the experts If you know the job or industry you want to work in, but you’re not sure which programmes you need to get there, talk to our friendly Career Centre. Our expert Career Consultants offer free course advice and career planning to anyone considering tertiary study.
New to tertiary study? Find out what it all means with our handy A-Z of academic words on page 55.
Making the right decision about what to study
What can I study? There are 160 programmes on offer at Unitec, from architecture to zookeeping and boatbuilding to photography. Start at a level that suits your qualifications and experience and pathway into higherlevel programmes if you want to. Check the diagram below to see which level you could start at. (Guidelines only – to give you an idea of the level you need.) If you know what subject you’re interested in but you’re not sure which programme to choose, book yourself onto a Taster Day and try out the different options. Or, come along to our next Info Evening and talk to current students or lecturers.
Talk to a Career Consultant: www.unitec.ac.nz/careers Try YouFinder: www.unitec.ac.nz/youfinder
CERTIFICATE requires NCEA Level 1
DIPLOMA requires NCEA Level 2
DEGREE requires NCEA Level 3
6 ways
Hands-on learning
Industry involvement
Flexible study
Work experience, industry placements and hands-
We work closely with industry, which means visits
Unitec students come from all walks of life. Some
on practice at our campus facilities are part of the
from guest lecturers and programmes that are
are starting tertiary study for the first time and
curriculum. We make sure you graduate with the
up-to-date with the latest knowledge. Many of our
others are changing careers. That’s why we offer
professional and vocational skills that employers
tutors are experts in their field and you’ll benefit
study programmes from certificate to postgraduate
need in New Zealand and overseas.
from their professional experience and industry
level. It’s also why we offer part-time, full-time,
distance and online learning options, so you can fit your studies around your life.
Local to you
A social community
Lots of support
Studying locally can make a big difference, and we
Unitec is a lively place to be, with different
Unitec students come from many different
have three campuses spread across Auckland. Mt
activities and events almost every day.
backgrounds and there are lots of services to help
Albert is the biggest, just 10 minutes from the city
Enjoy a concert, art show, free BBQ or sports
you settle in and succeed. Our dedicated Maia
centre. Then there’s the Northern campus in Albany,
tournament, or simply take some time out at the
Māori Centre and Pacific Centre offer academic and
and Waitakere campus in the heart of Henderson.
beautiful Te Noho Kotahitanga marae.
pastoral care, as well as a support network for you and your whānau.
“We don’t just teach, we demonstrate - and we get everyone to participate.”
MEET DR CRIS DE GROOT Senior Lecturer, Design and Visual Arts
What do you teach? “I teach product and furniture design from first year right through to postgraduate level. I also teach theory-based courses in areas like design research, ergonomics and psychology for designers. A particularly exciting course is business and enterprise, where we look into principles of marketing, branding, pricing and
many learning experiences as
computers. Our students make
is actually really good!’ I like it
possible. I have my own design
their own prototypes to get a
when students get excited about
business which allows me to
feel for what it takes to construct
the commercial possibilities of
share my own real-life learning
their ideas too. When they start
experiences that have either made or lost money. I show
“We’re currently working with Computing and IT students to
as the mistakes – and a lot of
develop an interactive children’s
those are not obvious first time
game for Auckland Zoo. It shows
“Most of our projects are
kids what it’s like to be a kiwi
sponsored by industry partners
keeper and teaches them how to
and we create products for
raise the chicks.”
companies who supply real-
What’s the style of teaching
“We collaborate with other
demonstrate - and we get everyone to participate. It’s all about accruing knowledge so we focus on giving our students as
into a successful product as well
What’s sets Unitec apart?
“We don’t just teach, we
to see the potential value of their
students the decisions that went
positioning a product.”
Tell us about a cool project
specialists and disciplines all the time. For example, if we’re
What do you enjoy most about teaching at Unitec?
How do you get the best out of your students?
life challenges. They help with materials, come to visit and comment on the work. They
developing office furniture, we’ll
“I love the moments when the
usually offer a prize too, which
work with design psychologists,
design light goes on. When no
creates a healthy sense of
ergonomics experts,
one can quite tell where a project
competition – good preparation
manufacturers and the customers
is going, and then through a
for the marketplace!”
themselves. And we don’t just use
tutorial we suddenly realise: ‘this
Making great Learning
from the experts at IBM IBM’s first New Zealand Delivery Centre is based
For business and computing students, you could
at our Mt Albert campus. The multi-million dollar
get work experience with IBM and hear from the
centre gives businesses access to new skills
experts at guest lectures. IBM even supports a
in mobile and analytics, as well as advanced
number of Success Scholarships every year, which
technology. For you, the IBM New Zealand Delivery
could get you $5000 towards your study costs and
Centre offers well-paid, flexible work during
mentoring from IBM staff themselves. Find out
your studies and great job prospects when you
more on page 21.
the best student work at Grad Fest Thinking of studying design, screen arts or
“We’re proud of our graduates and their work,
landscape architecture? All Unitec’s Creative
and Grad Show is our chance to showcase their
Industries and Business students get to showcase
progress and acknowledge their achievements.”
their work at the annual Grad Fest.
Executive Dean Leon Fourie, Faculty of Creative
The hotly anticipated show is a chance to get your best work in front of the public and industry. It’s also a great opportunity to put together a professional exhibition and celebrate all your hard work with prize givings and special guest speakers.
Industries and Business
things happen Building
the ultimate DJ booth for George FM Collaborating with industry and between different
The ultimate DJ booth debuted at the first George
study areas is key at Unitec, and great things
FM Summer Series event at our Mt Albert campus
happen when we work together. In 2012 students
with DJs Dean Campbell and Nick D on the decks
from Welding, Carpentry, Plumbing and Gasfitting
and an amazing performance by Loui The ZU, who
and Electrotechnology teamed up with George
features on our ‘We make the people who make it’
FM to build the ultimate DJ booth. Designed by a
TV adverts.
Unitec Product and Furniture Design graduate, the booth features a confetti cannon, LCD strobe lights and inbuilt smoke machine.
people to the finish line Unitec’s Run & Walk Series is the official lead-up to
in delivering sports events, share their knowledge
the adidas Auckland Marathon. It’s an opportunity
with the public and make a difference to people’s
for participants to pace their training throughout
health and fitness goals.
the winter with practice runs of increasing distance. Staff and students from the Department of Sport offer lots of support including fitness testing, training and nutrition advice, while Master of Osteopathy students provide post-race recovery treatment. It’s a chance for students to take a lead
Welcome to the
classroom Theory is just the start. No matter what profession you’re in, to make it in the workplace you need more than a good understanding of your textbooks. That’s why work experience and hands-on projects are a key part of our programmes. From certificates through to postgraduate courses, more than 90% of our programmes include Industry Based Learning. For you it means that when you graduate you’ll have the skills and confidence to hit the ground running. Quite simply, you’ll be able to do more from day one. That’s a big bonus when you’re applying for jobs. Who knows, you might meet your future employer through your work placement or at one of the industry events each year. Many of our students do. Perhaps it’ll be your turn next.
A field trip to Italy? For Unitec architecture students that’s a very real possibility. Every two years, a group of final-year Bachelor of Architectural Studies and first-year Master of Architecture (Professional) students spend a whole month in Italy. That’s plenty of time to explore European life and take a closer look at Italy’s greatest cities: Rome, Venice, Siena and Florence. But it’s not all about having fun under the Tuscan sun. The students also get involved in local architecture projects such as redeveloping social housing in Florence, designing a school for the deaf or redeveloping a local piazza. The Italy study tour is made possible thanks to the Department of Architecture’s strong links with the University of Florence and other members of Italy’s architecture community. The tours are led by Head of Department Tony van Raat and accompanied by Unitec staff and professional architects. Other architecture study
Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10 / study@unitec.ac.nz Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
tours have included trips to Brazil, China, Germany, Holland and Switzerland.
Here are just some of the ways you could get hands-on experience: 1. Accounting and finance, and
4. Bachelor of Social Practice
7. Landscape students work on
10. Natural sciences students work at
management and marketing
students apply what they’ve
designs for real clients to develop
the Department of Conservation,
students take part in Industry
learnt during internships with
public and private spaces.
SPCA or at zoos around
Based Learning.
community organisations .
New Zealand. 8. Medical imaging students spend
2. Bachelor of Computing Systems
5. Carpentry, and plumbing and
students undertake a work project
gasfitting students build
for an organisation of their choice.
relocatable houses that are sold to the public.
industry in their last two years.
6. Music students perform original works at live concerts, and acting
11. Nursing students get hands-on experience in the Simulation Centre at Waitakere Hospital.
9. Early childhood education students work in an early
3. Bachelor of Construction students can work in the construction
two days a week in a radiology
childhood education centre.
12. Veterinary nursing students work on real cases at the Unitec Veterinary Clinic.
and screen arts students perform at our on-campus theatre and make films all year round.
Hayley King Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) (now the Bachelor of Design & Visual Arts (Visual Arts), graduate Owner/Artist/Designer, Flox Design Ltd.
Why did you choose this career path? “Training as an artist was a spur-of-themoment decision. Art has always been my passion, but I was playing professional squash when I decided to enrol at Unitec. I wasn’t sure if I could commit so I started with the diploma and loved it so much that I went on to the bachelor degree.”
yourself. The art world is always evolving
something for others that was going to
and there is always something unexpected
benefit them long-term was so satisfying.”
around the corner. The skills I learnt at Unitec prepared me to be open to change
What are your plans for the future?
– when you study to be a painter, you have
“Finding a balance in my fine art practice is
to be up for unknown challenges every day.”
a priority for me. I am still hungry to fulfill
What do you love most about the work you do now?
my own artistic needs, but as a commercial painter I also want to honour my audience, who have grown with me and supported
What did you enjoy most about
“I love waking up every morning, being my
me over the years. I’ve just launched a new
studying at Unitec?
own boss and creating artworks for people
website, logo and showroom which I hope
who genuinely appreciate it. I love that
strikes that balance.”
“I loved the beautiful campus, the easy parking and the relaxed environment. It’s reflected in the people who teach there too. The tutors are easy, down-to-earth people who you can call by their first names.”
I am fulfilling my passion and that I can make a living from it.”
Any achievements you’re particularly proud of? “I’ve participated in a few charity projects,
How relevant is your qualification to
and one that really stands out for me was
your job?
visiting Samoa to upgrade a children’s
“Graduating in painting doesn’t give you a clear career path to follow - it’s a matter of making choices and creating a path for
shelter. A group of us did an extreme makeover to bring the shelter back to life, which was awesome to be part of. Doing 15
Make your studies
fit around you Study changes lives. But should you
on a part-time basis, or over evenings
If you haven’t studied for a while, or
have to change your life to study?
and weekends. And if you’re a parent,
you don’t meet ‘traditional’ tertiary
We don’t think so. Unitec students
just bring your little ones to one of our
entry requirements, our Bridgepoint
are diverse – from a wide range of
early childcare centres, or to Te Puna
Foundation Education programmes
backgrounds, cultures and age groups,
Reo o Wairaka, our Māori language
are a great place to start. You’ll be in a
and each with their own busy life. That’s
early childhood centre on the Mt Albert
supportive adult learning environment
why our programmes are flexible; to
with people who have the same study
make sure your study works for you.
Fit your studies around your life
Start at the level that’s right for you Not sure which level of study is right
Need to fit classes around your job,
for you? Don’t worry, lots of our
family life or childcare? No problem.
qualifications are designed to pathway
Many of our programmes are offered
you toward further study. Just join at the level that suits your experience or previous qualifications.
goals as you, and have plenty of time with your lecturers. It’s the perfect way to get used to tertiary study.
Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10 / study@unitec.ac.nz Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
“Think study won’t fit into your life? Think again.” Claire-Lise Jones graduated with the Certificate in Language Teaching (CELTA). A parent with young children, she now teaches English part-time at West Auckland Community Education. 16
Meet Tonchi Glamuzina National Diploma in Construction Management and National Diploma in Quantity Surveying graduate Site Manager, Fletcher Construction “I’ve always been intrigued by the built environment and I aspired to manage large commercial construction projects. I started as a carpenter to get the practical building knowledge and then moved onto the diploma to get the management knowledge. My qualifications opened up employment opportunities and helped me get to where I am now. I’ve worked on lots of exciting buildings including the iconic University of Auckland Business School and buildings within the historic Mt Eden Prison. The detail, planning and execution of the buildings can be very challenging and exciting and I use the theoretical knowledge I learnt at Unitec every day. I’m particularly proud of managing the ASB North Wharf building site. It was a very technical build, and I’m proud to have left my mark on Auckland.“ 17
Meet Mahsa Mohaghegh Lecturer, Computing and IT
In 2012, Unitec Computing Lecturer Mahsa
translate English to Persian. It’s a similar idea
Mahsa believes the key to getting more
Mohaghegh won the Google Anita Borg
to Google Translate, but takes the concept one
women into computing is to give them an
Scholarship for postgraduate students in
step further. “I developed a new hybrid three-
insight into what computer science and
New Zealand and Australia. It was the first
layer approach for fine-tuning the translation
computer engineering are really about. So,
time a New Zealand entrant has won the
output, which ended up giving translations
when she got back to New Zealand, Mahsa
prestigious award.
with a quality that hadn’t been seen before.”
applied for funding from Google to run
So how did she get there? “When I first started as a computer engineering student, I was the only woman in my class. That was daunting. Around me were all these guys who seemed to know everything. I had to catch up with them, because they spent all their spare time working on computers. “I wanted to know something about every aspect of the computing field. My bachelor degree was in computer engineering, software and hardware, my masters was in sensory
Since completing her PhD, Mahsa has expanded her work to include other languages,
The workshops show teachers new
including the translation of Māori to English.
technologies in computer science and
On winning the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, Mahsa was awarded $5,000 towards further study and spent three days at Google headquarters in Sydney with the other finalists.
female students to win scholarships to Unitec. “The aim is to show that computer science is not just an area for nerds, males and gamers. Anyone can do it,” says Mahsa.
one place. Just seeing that there are other girls dealing with the same issues. “Last year there was another PhD student
intelligence and machine translation.”
from the University of Auckland, and now
translation machine that could accurately
encourage them to run competitions with their
“It was fantastic to see that many women all in
networks, and my PhD focused on artificial Mahsa worked on a speech-to-speech
workshops for technology teachers at Unitec.
we’re running Girl Geek Coffees together, which is a worldwide support group for women in technology.”
Life on campus From our biggest campus in Mt
to reach from all parts of the North
massive End of Year Party, with
Albert to the Northern campus in
Shore and the northwest.
concerts, film nights, gaming events,
Albany, Unitec’s three campuses are all quite different. The Mt Albert campus is green and spacious, with lots of carparking, sports facilities and cafes to catch up with friends. It’s just 10 minutes drive to the city, and a short walk to the nearest bus stop and train station. Out west, there’s Waitakere with its modern teaching facilities, right at the heart of Henderson. Our Northern campus in Albany is easy
All our campuses are 100% smokefree and they’re constantly buzzing with students of all ages,
sporting events, BBQs, parties, comedy nights and Kids’ Days Out in between.
nationalities and backgrounds.
You can join one of the many clubs or
There’s always something going
societies at Unitec or even start your
on too – from social events on
own one. And if you’re after some
campus to action-packed trips out
culture, there are regular plays and
of Auckland with the Experience NZ
dance performances by performing
arts students, as well as design and
The year starts with the biggest student orientation event in the
visual arts exhibitions at the Mt Albert campus galleries.
country and finishes with the
Everything you need at Unitec »»Alumni programme »»Banking facilities »»Bookshop
»» Healthcare facilities including the Student Health Centre, Osteopathy Clinic and a pharmacy
»»Cafés (including a licensed café)
»»IELTS Test Centre
»»Career Centre
»»International Office
»» Libraries (two at Mt Albert, one
»»Squash Centre »» Student Exchange Programme (an opportunity to study at Unitec partner institutions in 26 countries around the world) »»Student galleries
at Waitakere and one at the
»»Student learning centre
»» Childcare facilities (including
Northern campus)
»» Support centres for Māori and
Māori language early childhood
»»Learning commons
»»Muslim prayer room
»»Computer labs
»»On-campus accommodation
»»Copy Centre
»» Research Office and Postgraduate
»»Counselling »»Gym
Centre »» Shuttle bus service (across the Mt Albert campus, and between
Pacific students »» Support services for students with learning or physical disabilities »»Unitec Theatre »»USU Students’ Association »»Veterinary Clinic
Mt Albert and Waitakere) www.unitec.ac.nz/currentstudents 21
n and Desig ic h in p a ester , a Gr a sem ebble r t of P n e is p lo r, s he r Alex , a Bac n majo m io ter t a s a L e d Anim mon a sem s t e n D e . p do t, s Colora tuden ture s c e it h Arc . at many ights in Ger highl p i r t r i t to the /unije Listen .ac.nz c e t i .un www
Make it overseas with Unijet As a Unitec student you can complete part of your
Wherever you go, you’ll only pay your regular Unitec
degree overseas. Unijet Student Exchange gives
tuition fees and you can still get your normal loan
you the opportunity to study in Europe, Canada,
or allowance. Unijet doesn’t increase the length of
America, South America, Asia or Australia.
your studies and you can even cross-credit eligible
Learn a new language, immerse yourself in an ancient city, or snowboard all semester long. It’s your ticket to amazing places and unforgettable experiences.
courses to your programme here in New Zealand.
Get a hand paying for your studies Want to study but not sure if you can afford it? Unitec offers lots of scholarships at all levels and for all subjects. Scholarships are open to everyone, whether you’re starting study for the first time or returning for more.
Applying is easy 1. V isit www.unitec.ac.nz/scholarships and search for the scholarship you’re interested in. 2. Fill out the online application form. 3. We’ll get in touch with you to complete the process.
Here are just some of the scholarships on offer: Success Scholarships supported by IBM Thinking of studying for a degree in Accounting and Finance, Management and Marketing, Computing and IT or Communication Studies? You could get $5000 towards your course fees PLUS mentoring from IBM with a Success Scholarship. Whai Ake Mentoring Scholarship If you’re a first-year Māori student you could get $1000 towards your study costs and mentoring from an experienced student. Youth Guarantee scheme Aged 16 or 17? You could study for free for up to a year with the Youth Guarantee scheme. Funding is available for a variety of practical programmes and Bridgepoint Foundation Education certificates.
Apply for a scholarship: www.unitec.ac.nz/scholarships Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10 / study@unitec.ac.nz 23
Māori at Unitec Maia Māori Centre
Kia kaha, kia toa, kia maia, kia manawanui
Whai Ake is Maia’s mentoring programme for
Maia Māori Centre is a one-stop support and development centre. It’s the place to go for course advice, scholarship information, study workshops and even a counselling service. You can make use of the study space, drop-in centre and computer
first-year Māori students, to help you meet new friends, access any academic support you need and get involved in cultural activities. The Whai Ake programme also offers a number of $1000 scholarships to help towards your study costs.
support while you’re there.
Te reo and Mātauranga Māori courses
As well as the Whai Ake scholarships, there are
Want to learn te reo or improve your existing skills? The Maia team offers free Māori language evening short courses. They also teach a range of Mātauranga Māori electives, which are a great
lots of other awards on offer, including Māori START Awards, postgraduate scholarships, and scholarships in subjects like health, landscape architecture and carpentry.
way to learn more about Māori culture, language, philosophy and arts.
Contact Maia: www.unitec.ac.nz/maori Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
of Māori students who took
part in the Whai Ake mentoring programme in 2012 completed their first year of study.
Pacific at Unitec Pacific Centre for Learning, Teaching and Research The Pacific Centre team provides academic, personal and cultural support for all Pacific students. Their services include study workshops, financial advice, scholarship information, mentoring and careers guidance. Feel free to use the drop-in centre and computer facilities while you’re there. The Pacific Centre also supports postgraduate
Scholarships Unitec offers lots of scholarships for Pacific students including:
»» Pacific START Awards »» Unitec Pacific carpentry scholarships »» TEC Pasifika Scholarships for: • Building and construction • Plumbing and gasfitting • Electrical engineering • Welding and fabrication
students and Pacific research projects. They organise Pacific Orientation activities, Fanau evenings and the Pacific student graduation dinner, too.
Contact the Pacific Centre: www.unitec.ac.nz/pacific Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
Mentoring Tu’u ke Ma’u is a mentoring programme for firstyear Pacific students. Mentors are Pacific staff who guide and support new students, and help them access Unitec services.
VICKY FAAUTAUTA NZ Diploma in Business (Accounting) student
Why did you choose Unitec? “My daughter was studying a Bachelor of Social
considering tertiary study?
Practice at Unitec’s Waitakere campus and she
“I’m a mature Māori woman with four daughters
recommended Unitec to me. I was nervous about
who I raised as a single parent for most of their
studying for the first time since leaving high
lives. I think my life experiences have given me
school, but she thought Unitec’s supportive,
an advantage to succeed in my studies. As a
close-knit learning environment could be a good
mother I already had good time management
fit for me – and she was right.”
skills and the drive to work twice as hard to
What was it like returning to study? “I started with a Certificate in Business at Waitakere campus. It was a great introduction back to studying and I absolutely loved it. My tutors, classmates and the programme itself
achieve. My advice to others is simple – if I can do this, you can too. You can do anything you put your mind to.”
How have you been supporting other students?
really boosted my confidence. Not only did I learn
“Unitec offers lots of support services and last
new skills, I also discovered skills I’d gained in
year I volunteered as a student ambassador to
my own work and life experience and I started
help new students link up with these services.
to see how I could apply these skills in the
Linking other students to this support was really
satisfying, but the best experience was always
Why did you choose to study business?
introducing people to Unitec’s marae, Te Noho Kotahitanga. I’m proud to have helped young
“I’d worked for many years in the industrial
Māori from my iwi to connect with this amazing
manufacturing sector as a team leader or line
space. It offers a support network and ‘home
manager. I ran my own small business for a
away from home’ for our people, right here on
while too, and it was this experience that made
campus. It’s this type of support that Unitec
me want to study business. Now I’m half-way
offers that can help our people stay connected
through my NZ Diploma in Business majoring in
and succeed in their studies.”
accounting. It’s way more challenging than the certificate, but I’m enjoying the challenge.”
What’s your advice to other people
Te Noho Kotahitanga marae Our stunning Te Noho Kotahitanga marae is at the heart of the Mt Albert campus – part of the site where the Ngāti Awa people settled. It’s a place where students, staff and the community can gather, a source of historical and local knowledge, and a centre for shared learning.
Programme Guide Have a look at the Programme Guide to see what you could study at Unitec. Programmes are organised by subject area, for example ‘Civil Engineering’, and they are listed alphabetically. The Programme Guide is a great starting point for study ideas and there’s lots more information about all the programmes on our website www.unitec.ac.nz.
Gain an introduction to business principles and practices. Build your self-confidence and motivation, and develop the skills to move into higher-level business programmes. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study in business. New Zealand Diploma in Business [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $4870 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Develop a thorough understanding of the business world, accounting, banking, commercial law, economics, finance, management and marketing. Career opportunities: Assistant accountant, bank customer services officer, business administrator, credit controller, office manager, payroll administrator, recruitment manager.
Accounting and Finance Certificate in Business (Introductory) [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 1 semester full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2553 Campus: Waitakere
TD = Taster Day 2014
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Specialise in Accounting) Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $4870 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern
Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Become familiar with accounting and finance principles, and learn to apply your technical accounting knowledge in a variety of business settings. Includes Industry Based Learning. Career opportunities: Financial accountant, chief financial officer, management accountant, chartered accountant, taxation consultant, systems accountant, business analyst, audit manager. Bachelor of Business (Finance) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Gain an understanding of business finance, investments, finance law, the operation of financial markets, financial risk management and financial statement analysis. Includes Industry Based Learning. Career opportunities: Business analyst, finance manager, financial analyst, financial planner, investment analyst, investment banker, risk manager, working capital manager.
Become competent in accounting principles, financial accounting, business finance and taxation. Further your decision-making and communication skills, and apply what you’ve learnt in practical assignments. Career opportunities: Accounts payable/receivable administrator, assistant accountant, business administrator, credit manager, office manager, payroll administrator. 0800 10 95 10 » www.unitec.ac.nz » study@unitec.ac.nz
Diploma in Professional Accountancy Level: 6 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Advance your technical skills in accounting. Choose courses that are relevant to your career – from accounting information systems and business finance, to auditing, taxation and business law. Career opportunities: Auditor, business adviser, financial accountant, financial controller, chief financial officer, management accountant, divisional accountant, tax consultant. Graduate Certificate in Professional Accountancy Level: 7 Duration: Full-time for a minimum of one semester (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2726 Campus: Mt Albert Do you want to target areas to improve your accounting knowledge and skills? The Graduate Certificate in Professional Accountancy offers advanced accounting courses designed to develop your technical capabilities. The knowledge you gain will help you work towards professional body membership and improve your employment prospects. Career opportunities: Auditor, business adviser, chartered accountant, chief financial officer, divisional accountant, financial accountant, financial controller, management accountant, tax consultant.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5452 Campus: Mt Albert This is an advanced accounting programme for accounting graduates working towards the academic requirements for professional body membership. It is relevant for students with overseas degrees in accounting wanting to get a New Zealand qualification and practical experience, and for those wishing to move into accounting from a related discipline. Career opportunities: Auditor, business adviser, chartered accountant, divisional accountant, financial accountant, financial controller, chief financial officer, management accountant, tax consultant. For more information about Accounting and Finance programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/accounting
Animal Health, Management and Welfare Certificate in Animal Care [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 2 evenings per week for 1 semester (fulltime), 2 evenings per week for 1 year (part-time) Start: Feb (part-time) or July (full-time) Indicative fee: $2035 Campus: Mt Albert Develop a basic understanding of the needs of animals, and find out how to respond appropriately to their requirements. Experience a hands-on introduction to animal handling at our on-site small animal unit. Career opportunities: Animal minder in a range of animal facilities, boarding kennel or cattery staff member, pet shop employee.
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Certificate in Animal Management Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5484 Campus: Mt Albert Demonstrate your knowledge of ethical behaviour in relation to the care and handling of a wide range of animals in different situations. Recognise signs of good and ill health in a range of animals. Career opportunities: Animal facilities manager, animal technician, kennel/cattery manager. Certificate in Animal Management (Animal Clinical Care) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5484 Campus: Mt Albert Learn the fundamentals of animal nursing, and get practical experience at the on-campus veterinary hospital and external clinics across Auckland. Career opportunities: Veterinary nurse assistant, laboratory animal assistant, kennel assistant, animal handler. Certificate in Animal Management (Canine Behaviour and Training) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5484 Campus: Mt Albert Love dogs? Develop knowledge of the roles and requirements of canine-related industries in NZ, and apply your knowledge through practical training in our dog agility area. Career opportunities: Service dog handler/ trainer, dog support services administrator, kennel manager, dog control officer.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Certificate in Animal Management (Captive Wild Animals) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: Full-time distance learning for 1 year plus block courses in Auckland and 280 hours’ work experience in an approved facility Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5484 Campus: Mt Albert Do you go wild for wild animals? Gain the knowledge and practical skills required to care for captive wild animals. Carry out hands-on work experience at an approved zoo facility. Career opportunities: Animal carer in a wildlife park, zookeeper Certificate in Animal Welfare Investigations Level: 4 Duration: Full-time distance learning for 1 year plus block courses in Auckland and 28 hours’ work experience Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Gain the skills and knowledge required to become an animal investigator. Discover how to protect animals through animal welfare law, investigations, prosecutions, communication, and animal health and husbandry. Career opportunities: Animal welfare agency worker, animal welfare investigator.
Career opportunities: Veterinary nurse, practice manager, laboratory animal manager, laboratory technician, research technician, food sales representative, nutritional adviser, surgical instrument representative, breeding centre manager, tutor for veterinary nursing students. Bachelor of Applied Science (Animal Management and Welfare) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5760 Campus: Mt Albert Develop a thorough understanding of animal health, welfare, behaviour modification, handling and husbandry, conservation and human/animal interaction. Career opportunities: Animal welfare scientific officer (working for an NGO or government organisation), animal behaviour consultant, welfare education officer, animal welfare consultant. For more information about Animal Health, Management and Welfare programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/naturalsciences
Diploma in Veterinary Nursing [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time, 3 years part-time, and distance learning options available Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5268 Campus: Mt Albert Gain a sound knowledge of advanced veterinary nursing. Put theory into practice at Unitec’s Veterinary Hospital and at the Veterinary Specialist Group Hospital on the Mt Albert campus.
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Applied Technology and Trades Automotive Engineering Certificate in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering Level: 3 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5235 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Find out how to service engines, brakes, fuel and electronic control systems. Learn how to install automotive accessories and master general engineering tasks. Career opportunities: Apprentice mechanic, apprentice mechanical engineer. Certificate in Applied Technology (Automotive Engineering) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Want to start your apprenticeship? Find out how to repair engines, transmissions, brakes, steering and suspension, and fuel and electronic control systems. Career opportunities: Apprentice mechanic. TD = Taster Day 2014
Certificate in Applied Technology (Autotronics) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern
Bachelor of Applied Technology (Specialise in Marine) * Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert
Want to become an apprentice auto electrician? Gain an insight into basic motor vehicle mechanical systems, and learn how to find faults. Career opportunities: Apprentice auto electrician.
Improve your knowledge of composites, lofting and small craft design, marine interiors and marine machinery. Career opportunities: Marine designer or draftsperson, project manager
Bachelor of Applied Technology (Specialise in Automotive Engineering) * Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert Keep up with the rapid advances in the automotive industry: learn how to confidently apply your engineering skills to a wide range of situations. Career opportunities: Automotive specialist/ technician, car design and building specialist, high performance (power units) technician, road traffic accident analyst, vehicle sales and service manager, workshop controller.
Boatbuilding Certificate in Applied Technology (Boatbuilding) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Find out how to build a variety of craft, and become knowledgeable about boat construction, composites and the use of AutoCAD. Career opportunities: Apprentice boat builder, apprentice boat refit and repair technician.
* This programme is currently undergoing some exciting changes. For the latest programme information visit www.unitec.ac.nz
Building Technology Certificate in Multiskill Building Construction Level: 2 Duration: 17 weeks full-time (3 days per week) Start: Feb, Mar, July or Aug Indicative fee: $2627 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Want a career in the building industry? Develop a basic understanding of carpentry, furniture making and joinery, plumbing, painting and plastering. Career opportunities: Assistant tradesperson, assistant merchandiser. Certificate in Applied Technology (Carpentry) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Develop a sound knowledge of the carpentry industry, exterior wall and roof cladding, foundations, interior lining and finishing, and wall and sub-floor framing. Build a three-bedroom house with your fellow students. Career opportunities: Apprentice carpenter, assistant tradesperson.
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Diploma in Applied Technology (Building) Level: 6 Duration: 4 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert Improve your knowledge of building administration, building envelopment and building structure. Career opportunities: Building certifier, construction manager, project manager, property developer, registered builder, self-employed builder. Bachelor of Applied Technology (Specialise in Building) * Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert Develop your ability to plan, implement and monitor a building project. Become knowledgeable about building administration, building envelopment and building structure. Career opportunities: Building compliance officer, building manager, project manager, property developer.
Electrical and Electronics Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Level: 3 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5029 Campus: Mt Albert Increase your knowledge of electrical and electronics engineering, and experiment in our modern electrotechnology laboratories. Career opportunities: Apprentice electrician, apprentice electronic electrician.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Certificate in Applied Technology (Audio-Visual Technician) Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert
Bachelor of Applied Technology (Specialise in Electrotechnology) * Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert
Learn to repair audio-visual equipment, and explore theatre systems, electronics technology and digital and computer electronics. Career opportunities: Audio-visual media editing technician, lighting and sound systems technician; stage development, set-up and operating technician.
Discover what it takes to develop, engineer and service electrical and electronic equipment. Become familiar with control, electrical, electronics and microprocessor engineering. Career opportunities: Computer engineer/ technologist, design draftsperson, digital systems technologist, electrical engineer/technologist, electronics engineer/technologist, mechatronics engineer/technologist, technical manager.
Certificate in Applied Technology (Electrical Engineering) Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Find out how to test circuits and diagnose faults in electrical equipment, and gain the skills to repair electrical appliances and equipment. Career opportunities: Apprentice electrician, appliance technician, electrical servicing and repair technician, security system installer. Certificate in Applied Technology (Electronics Engineering) Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern
Furniture and Cabinetmaking Certificate in Applied Technology (Furniture and Cabinetmaking) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Explore furniture-making techniques, and gain insight into cabinet construction, timber-framed construction and marine interior cabinetry. Career opportunities: Cabinetmaker, furnituremaker, joiner, kitchenmaker, marine cabinetmaker, shopfitter, stairmaker.
Learn to diagnose and correct circuit problems, and design combinational circuits using programmable logic devices. Career opportunities: Apprentice electronic technician, electronic computer systems technician, electronic servicing and repair technician, radio and television repairer, security systems technician.
* This programme is currently undergoing some exciting changes. For the latest programme information visit www.unitec.ac.nz
0800 10 95 10 Âť www.unitec.ac.nz Âť study@unitec.ac.nz
Marine Engineering Certificate in Applied Technology (Marine Engineering Systems)[TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Explore marine engines, electrical and electronic systems. Assess the condition of a boat engine and dismantle, repair and assemble engines. Career opportunities: Apprentice diesel engine technician, apprentice marine inboard/outboard technician, apprentice power boat engineer, small engine technician.
Plumbing, Gasfitting and Welding Certificate in Applied Technology (Plumbing and Gasfitting) Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Learn the theoretical and practical skills you need for employment in the plumbing and gasfitting industries. Career opportunities: Apprentice plumber and gasfitter. Certificate in Applied Technology (Welding and Fabrication) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Work on a range of welding and fabrication projects, and learn from experienced welders and fabricators. Hone your skills using the latest tools and equipment. Career opportunities: Heavy/light fabrication engineer, welder. TD = Taster Day 2014
National Certificate Apprentice Training Programmes If you’ve already started your apprenticeship with an employer, you can study the following national certificates part-time at Unitec to complete the theory component of your apprenticeship. Find out more at www.unitec.ac.nz or call 0800 10 95 10.
Automotive » National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Electrical Engineering) » National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Engineering)
Building » National Certificate in Carpentry
Electrical and Electronics Engineering » National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Electrician)
Plumbing and Gasfitting, and Drainlaying » National Certificate in Drainlaying » National Certificate in Plumbing and Gasfitting For more information about Applied Technology and Trades programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/trades
Architecture National Diploma in Architectural Technology [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (February start). All other full or part-time options take 2.5 years or more. Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert Develop the skills to design and produce construction drawings for residential and commercial buildings. Career opportunities: Architectural technician, draftsperson. Bachelor of Architectural Studies [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $6552 Campus: Mt Albert Explore architectural design, urban housing design, and the history and theory of architecture. Discover different styles of architecture, site analysis and ways to achieve sustainability. Career opportunities: Architectural designer, design manager, design technician, draftsperson.
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Master of Architecture (Professional) Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $6468 Campus: Mt Albert Already completed an undergraduate degree in architecture? This master’s degree provides you with the advanced skills to become a registered architect. Career opportunities: Architect working in a range of settings, including private practice, local authority and government. Master of Architecture Level: 9 Duration: 18 months full-time, 2½ years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per semester (full-time): $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Are you currently practising in the field of architecture? Advance your architecture skills, and learn how to forge new directions for your design practice. Career opportunities: Architecture practitioner or lecturer (senior level). For more information about Architecture programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/architecture
Increase your knowledge in the biological sciences and learn new techniques to combine video, graphics and words to present information confidently to any audience. PLEASE NOTE: THIS NEW PROGRAMME IS SUBJECT TO NZQA APPROVAL. Career opportunities: Science advocacy, research, media liaison or education in a range of environments.
Biodiversity and Conservation
For more information about Biodiversity and Conservation programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/naturalsciences
Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5760 Campus: Mt Albert Find out about ecosystems, conservation issues, and the sustainable management of land, animals and plant life, as well as the management strategies that promote the conservation of biodiversity. Career opportunities: Biosecurity officer, conservation manager, ecology consultant, environmental officer, fisheries officer, geographic information systems (GIS) analyst, MAF quarantine officer, regional parks manager. Bachelor of Applied Science (Science Communication) Level: 7 Duration: Full-time for three years (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5760 Campus: Mt Albert
TD = Taster Day 2014
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Career opportunities: Accounting clerk, business administrator, customer services representative/ receptionist, desktop publisher, personal assistant, word processing operator. For more information about Business Administration and Computing programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/cbac
Certificate in Business Administration and Computing (Level 3) [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 1 semester full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2553 Campus: Mt Albert, Northern or Waitakere
Certificate in Business Administration and Computing (Level 4) Level: 4 Duration: 1 semester full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2553 Campus: Waitakere Explore how computer systems are used in modern organisations, and develop a range of skills for administration and information technology roles.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Gain a solid grounding in civil engineering to help create, improve and protect our environment. Career opportunities: Civil or structural engineering technician, laboratory or surveying technician. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5157 Campus: Mt Albert
Business Administration and Computing
Learn about spreadsheets, databases and word processing, and improve your professional and business writing skills. Career opportunities: Accounting clerk, business administrator, customer services representative/ receptionist, personal assistant, word processing operator.
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil) [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5167 Campus: Mt Albert
Civil Engineering National Diploma in Surveying [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5164 Campus: Mt Albert
Develop advanced knowledge of a specialist area within engineering: environmental, geotechnical, water, roading and transportation or structural engineering. Career opportunities: Civil engineer (design), civil engineering project and/or construction manager, geotechnical engineer, roading-transportation engineer, structural engineer, water/environmental engineer. For more information about Civil Engineering programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/engineering
Discover cadastral surveying, engineering surveying, geodetic surveying, geology, land administration and Computer Aided Design (CAD). Career opportunities: CAD technologist, cadastral survey technician, digital terrain modeller, engineering surveyor, geodetic control surveyor, survey project manager, survey technician, tunnelling and mining surveyor.
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Career opportunities: Conference manager, event communication manager, event manager, fundraising manager, promotions manager, special event co-ordinator, sponsorship manager. Bachelor of Communication (International Communication) [TD]
Communication Studies Certificate in Communication and Media Arts [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 semester full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2531 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Are you a good communicator? Do you want to write, perform or make films? This is your pass to an exciting future in communication, film and television, the media, or performing and screen arts. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study in communication or performing and screen arts. Bachelor of Communication (Event Management) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Honours programme 4 years full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert
Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Honours programme 4 years full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Find out more about international and intercultural communication, international media environments and working in culturally diverse settings. Includes a work experience placement. Career opportunities: Communication manager (NGO or NFP), government relations manager, international communications manager, media liaison manager for community groups, media relations manager, parliamentary researcher. Bachelor of Communication (Media Studies) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Honours programme 4 years full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Explore media theory, media issues and emerging communication technologies, and develop your media writing and digital media skills. Includes a work experience placement. Career opportunities: E-marketing co-ordinator, media analyst, media researcher, multimedia communications manager, news media manager, publicity relations manager, website editor/writer.
Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Honours programme 4 years full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Develop skills in public relations, news writing, organisational communication, reputation management and government communication. Includes a work experience placement. Career opportunities: Account executive, community relations manager, corporate communication manager, government relations manager, marketing communications manager, public affairs manager, public relations consultant, public relations executive. Graduate Diploma in Event Communication Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Find out what it takes to create, organise and manage high-quality events from conception through to completion. Includes a work experience placement. Career opportunities: Conference manager, corporate communication manager, event manager, conference centre manager, promotions manager, special event co-ordinator, sponsorship manager, exhibitions organiser.
Develop the skills for a communications career in events planning and management, conference management, sponsorship and fundraising, and the hospitality and entertainment industries. Includes a work experience placement.
TD = Taster Day 2014
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Postgraduate Diploma in International Communication Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time (2 to 3 years part-time) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Improve your understanding of organisational and international communication. Develop the skills to manage communication effectively in organisations and within the global context. Career opportunities: Communication manager, community relations adviser, corporate communication manager, government relations manager, internal communication executive, policy analyst, public affairs manager, relationship manager. Master of International Communication Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Gain the skills to advance your communication career. Deepen your insight into communication within the globalised world through advanced study and research in the field of communication. Career opportunities: Communication manager, community relations manager, corporate or public affairs communicator, government relations manager, internal communications executive, media relations manager, policy adviser. For more information about Communication Studies programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/communication
Certificate in Community Skills [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (up to 3 years part-time) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2532 Campus: Waitakere Develop the knowledge and skills for a career as a community worker, a volunteer for a community group or a youth worker. Career opportunities: Community educator, community worker, group facilitator, volunteer, youth worker.
Community and Social Practice Certificate in Employment and Community Skills Level: 1 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $4094 Campus: Mt Albert Find out how to find, secure and maintain employment, and improve your personal skills. This is a programme for people with learning difficulties or an intellectual disability. Career opportunities: Career opportunities will be developed individually, focusing on your individual preferences and strengths. Certificate in Employment Skills Level: 1 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $4094 Campus: Mt Albert Develop the knowledge for employment and to function successfully in your community. This is a programme for people with learning difficulties or an intellectual disability. Career opportunities: Career opportunities will be developed individually, focusing on your individual preferences and strengths.
TD = Taster Day 2014
National Certificate in Mental Health and Addiction Support Level: 4 Duration: 40 weeks full-time Start: July Indicative fee: $5063 Campus: Waitakere Are you already working in mental health or would you like to? Develop the skills to become a safe and effective mental health support worker, and gain a basic understanding of mental health issues. Learn from staff who have worked, or are currently working, in the mental health sector themselves. Career opportunities: Counsellor, social worker, mental health worker, nurse. Bachelor of Social Practice (Community Development) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5064 Campus: Waitakere Develop your understanding of community change and management, and further your knowledge of Pākehā, Māori and Pacific Island cultural practices. Includes a work placement. Career opportunities: Community social service coordinator, community advocate, local government adviser, Māori community kaiāwhina, NGO community development worker, policy analyst. 0800 10 95 10 » www.unitec.ac.nz » study@unitec.ac.nz
Bachelor of Social Practice (Social Work) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5064 Campus: Waitakere Deepen your insight into social policy and sociological analysis, and become familiar with narrative ideas in social practice. Includes a practicum. Career opportunities: Case manager, community worker, counsellor (children, adolescents), family therapist, mental health worker, probation officer, social worker, youth worker. Graduate Diploma in Not-For-Profit Management Level: 7 Duration: 2 to 6 years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee: $5452 Campus: Waitakere, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin Develop the skills to improve the effectiveness of your not-for-profit organisation. Improve your ability to mobilise resources, develop strategies for raising funds, manage staff and volunteers, and build effective governance. Career opportunities: Not-for-profit manager.
Postgraduate Diploma in Social Practice
Master of Social Practice Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time up to 5 years) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $1547 per 30-credit course Campus: Mt Albert
Further your decision-making skills, and develop your research knowledge in a variety of social practice situations. Career opportunities: Community development worker, social practitioner working for a government agency or NGO.
Develop an understanding of the relationships between contemporary perspectives on social practice in New Zealand, theories of power and culture, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Career opportunities: Community development worker, policy adviser, social practitioner working for a government agency or NGO, social worker.
Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time up to 5 years) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $1547 per 30-credit course Campus: Mt Albert
Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Level: 8 Duration: 18 months part-time Start: July Indicative fee: $1547 per 30-credit course Campus: Mt Albert or Waitakere
For more information about Community and Social Practice programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/community
Learn about collaborative counselling approaches, including Narrative Therapy, Solution-focused Therapy and Collaborative Language Systems. Put theory into action through practical experience. Career opportunities: Counsellor in the areas of drug and alcohol abuse, problem gambling, violence and sexual abuse, eating disorders, or working with families, children and adolescents; relationship counsellor, school counsellor.
Postgraduate Certificate in Social Practice Level: 8 Duration: 6 months full-time (part-time up to 2 years) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $1547 per 30-credit course Campus: Mt Albert Advance your understanding of social practice situations, and explore contemporary perspectives on social practice in New Zealand. Career opportunities: Community development worker, social practitioner working for a government agency or NGO.
TD = Taster Day 2014
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Computing and Information Technology National Certificate in Computing Level: 3 Duration: 1 semester part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee: Free to NZ citizens and permanent residents Campus: Northern Gain knowledge of computer hardware, software, word processing, databases, spreadsheets and file management. Learn how to apply computing skills practically in the workplace. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further computing study, or to apply for entrylevel jobs in the IT industry. Certificate in Information Technology [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 semester full‑time (part‑time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2575 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Improve your computer literacy and problemsolving skills, and further your knowledge of current software applications. Career opportunities: Data entry operator.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Certificate in Computer Servicing Level: 5 Duration: 1 semester part-time Start: Mar Indicative fee: $432.18 Campus: Northern
Bachelor of Computing Systems [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full‑time (part‑time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5167 Campus: Mt Albert
Learn how to assemble, troubleshoot and repair personal computers. Gain the knowledge and skills to install, maintain and upgrade software and computer networks. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further computing study.
Develop an understanding of data communications, networking, IT management, software development, and systems analysis and design. Career opportunities: Applications programmer, database analyst, information systems manager, multimedia developer, network support technician, software designer, systems analyst.
Diploma in Information Technology Support [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full‑time (part‑time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5130 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Learn how to provide effective user support in a variety of desktop, standalone and networked environments. Career opportunities: Desktop support technician, help desk technician, network engineer, network technician. Diploma in Applied Computer Systems Engineering Level: 6 Duration: 1 year full‑time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5161 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Already working in computing and want a networking qualification to further your career? Find out how to design IT networks, configure servers and solve problems in a network environment. It’s great preparation for Microsoft Cisco and private cloud configuration certification. Career opportunities: Corporate mail systems administrator, desktop support technician, help desk technician, Microsoft systems administrator, network administrator, network engineer.
Graduate Diploma in Computing Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5668 Campus: Mt Albert Further your computing career, at a time and pace that suits you. Select the topics that interest you the most – from software development and analysis to networks and testing. Career opportunities: Applications programmer, business analyst, network support technician, software designer, systems analyst, tester. Postgraduate Diploma in Computing Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time (2 to 3 years part-time) Start: Feb/Mar or July/Aug Indicative fee: $7311 Campus: Mt Albert Learn to manage IT projects and solve complex applied computing problems. Choose those courses that are most relevant to your career. Career opportunities: Information systems manager, IT adviser, multimedia development manager, network manager, software engineer, systems analyst, website manager.
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Master of Computing Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time (3 to 5 years part-time) Start: Feb/March or July/August Indicative fee per year: $7311 Campus: Mt Albert Develop your analytical, research, strategic planning and project management skills. Further your ability to design, plan and organise technology-based projects. Career opportunities: Information systems manager, IT adviser, multimedia development manager, network manager, researcher, website manager. Doctor of Computing Level: 10 Duration: 3 years full-time (4 to 6 years part-time) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $10,686 Campus: Mt Albert Explore in-depth computing issues relevant to your specialist field or workplace. Career opportunities: Practising professional working to advance their computing knowledge base, researcher. For more information about Computing and Information Technology programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/ computing
Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 2 years full-time, then 2 years part-time or as negotiated on a case-by-case basis Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6268 Campus: Mt Albert
Construction Management National Diploma in Construction Management [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (February start). All other full or part-time options take 2.5 years or more. Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5652 Campus: Mt Albert Develop the skills to manage the construction of a variety of building projects, and explore resource planning, and control and quality management systems. Career opportunities: Contract manager, project manager, site manager.
Find out how to evaluate and plan the cost of a construction project, manage payments and ensure the project is completed within budget. Career opportunities: Construction quantity surveyor, consultant quantity surveyor, commercial manager, project manager, property financial adviser. Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 2 years full-time, then 2 years part-time or as negotiated on a case-by-case basis Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6268 Campus: Mt Albert Want to learn how to manage construction projects? Further your knowledge of management structures, and learn to schedule activities and resources on construction projects. Career opportunities: Construction site manager, project manager, project planner, property developer.
National Diploma in Quantity Surveying [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (February start). All other full or part-time options take 2.5 years or more. Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5667 Campus: Mt Albert Learn to measure and estimate building work, and to cost, price and tender for construction projects. Career opportunities: Quantity surveyor, contract administrator, contract quantity surveyor.
TD = Taster Day 2014
* This programme is currently undergoing some exciting changes. For the latest programme information visit www.unitec.ac.nz
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Bachelor of Construction (Property Development) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 2 years full-time, then 2 years part-time or as negotiated on a case-by-case basis Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6268 Campus: Mt Albert Gain insight into the valuation and management of property and property portfolios, and learn to identify and develop project opportunities. Career opportunities: Commercial property manager, company owner, project manager, property consultant, property developer. Graduate Diploma in Construction Project Management Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Already working in the construction industry and want to move into project management? Develop the knowledge and skills to effectively organise and manage activities on a construction site. Career opportunities: Project manager, construction manager. For more information about Construction Management programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/construction
Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Graphic Design and Animation) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb (July intake subject to interest) Indicative fee per year: $5648 Campus: Mt Albert
Design and Visual Arts Certificate in Design and Visual Arts [TD]* Level: 4 Duration: 28 weeks full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Investigate a broad range of design and visual art practices, and learn how to reflect critically on your own work. Career opportunities: You may want to consider further study at Unitec. Diploma in Applied Interior Design* Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5731 Campus: Northern Looking for a creative career and want to get into the interior design industry? Gain the technical knowledge and presentation skills to design functional and dynamic spaces. Career opportunities: Exhibition designer, film or television designer, furniture or textile salesperson, interior specialist for an architectural practice, kitchen or bathroom designer, retail or hospitality designer.
TD = Taster Day 2014
* This programme is currently undergoing some exciting changes. For the latest programme information visit www.unitec.ac.nz
Learn how to design visual communication using text and images. Script and construct animated stories using motion design, and explore 2D and 3D narratives. Showcase your work at the Unitec Grad Show. Exit award: Diploma in Graphic Design and Animation Career opportunities: Animator, art director, web designer, graphic designer, interactive designer, motion graphics designer, production manager, typographer, art/design educator. Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Interior Design) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb (July intake subject to interest) Indicative fee per year: $5648 Campus: Mt Albert Find out how to design spaces for cultural and commercial consumption, such as museum displays, set designs, and retail and restaurant spaces. Showcase your work in student galleries and at the Unitec Grad Show. Career opportunities: Interior designer, lighting designer, retail designer, set designer. Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Photography and Media Arts) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5648 Campus: Mt Albert Learn how to conceive, direct and light images. Work in our state-of-the-art facilities, and showcase your work in student galleries and at the Unitec Grad Show.
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Exit award: Diploma in Contemporary Photography. Career opportunities: Art/photography teacher, curator, editorial photographer, fashion photographer, artist, freelance commercial photographer, gallerist, photojournalist.
Master of Design* Level: 9 Duration: 18 months full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb/Mar or July/Aug Indicative fee per semester (full-time): $6187 Campus: Mt Albert
Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Product and Furniture Design) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb (July intake subject to interest) Indicative fee per year: $5648 Campus: Mt Albert
Undertake an art or design project based on an aspect of your practice to date, and collaborate with other art and design professionals. Career opportunities: Designer working within collaborative and multi-disciplinary environments, independent practitioner of design or visual arts, leader of a design-led enterprise, art and design educator.
Learn how to develop products from concept to market – from electronic products and medical equipment, to furniture, homewares and garden tools. Create prototypes from your own computer models. Exit award: Diploma in Product Design Studies. Career opportunities: CAD designer, design researcher, furniture designer, industrial designer, model maker, new product development manager, packaging designer, product designer, selfemployed designer-maker, technology and graphics teacher.
For more information about Design and Visual Arts programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/design
TD = Taster Day 2014
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert Gain the skills to help young children develop a love of learning and make a difference to their lives. Includes practical experience. Career opportunities: Early childhood teacher or head teacher, home-based caregiver, manager in early childhood education centre. Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Level: 7 Duration: 2 years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee: $5063 Campus: Mt Albert
Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts (Visual Arts) [TD]* Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb (July intake subject to interest) Indicative fee per year: $5648 Campus: Mt Albert Develop a fine art practice, including drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, video, animation, projection and performance. Display your creations in student galleries and off campus. Exit award: Diploma in Visual Arts. Career opportunities: Art/design educator, artist, curator, film/TV producer, illustrator, gallerist, arts administrator.
Are you working as an adult educator and have students who need help with reading, writing or maths? Develop a toolkit of resources, knowledge and methods to support students to develop critical academic skills. Career opportunities: Gain the knowledge and skills you need to advance your career as an adult educator.
Education National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education Level: 5 Duration: 24 weeks over 2 semesters Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: TBC Campus: Mt Albert
* This programme is currently undergoing some exciting changes. For the latest programme information visit www.unitec.ac.nz
Improve your ability to work with and educate adults, and further your knowledge of educational development, learning technologies and educational management. Career opportunities: This programme provides an ongoing qualification for teachers or trainers of adults who are already working in this field. Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership and Management Level: 8 Duration: 6 months full-time, 1 year part-time Start: Jan (full-time), Feb (part-time) or July (full or part-time) Indicative fee: $3093 Campus: Mt Albert 0800 10 95 10 » www.unitec.ac.nz » study@unitec.ac.nz
Develop the skills to take on increased leadership responsibility in a range of education settings. Gain fresh insight and stimulation, and develop the tools to take your leadership practice to the next level. Career opportunities: Manager or leader working in public or private education organisations, local authorities, government and agencies. Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Jan (full-time), Feb (part-time) or July (full or part-time) Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Further your understanding of educational leadership with this professional learning programme that allows you to study in a supportive environment with other education professionals. Career opportunities: Gain the knowledge and understanding needed to advance your leadership career in the education sector. Master of Educational Leadership and Management Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time Start: Jan, Feb, July or Aug Indicative fee per year: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Enhance your knowledge, skills and discernment as an educational leader and manager by continuing your professional learning and development. Career opportunities: Gain the knowledge and understanding needed to advance your leadership career in the education sector.
Postgraduate Diploma in Education Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Increase your understanding of education policy, equity and evaluation in education. Discover more about theories in learning and teaching, reading acquisition and learning technologies. Career opportunities: This programme furthers your knowledge and skills in the education sector. Master of Education Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee per year: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Further your knowledge in a broad range of educational theory, as well as policy and practice. Conduct original research in an area of your interest. Career opportunities: Gain the knowledge and understanding to advance your career in the education sector. Doctor of Philosophy (Education) Level: 10 Duration: 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee per year: $5624 Campus: Mt Albert Advance your knowledge in the field of education, and become involved in sustained, independent study in an area of your interest. Career opportunities: Gain the knowledge and understanding needed to advance your career in the education sector. For more information about Education programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/education
TD = Taster Day 2014
Bridgepoint Foundation Education Bridgepoint is Unitec’s range of foundation education vocational pathways. They are specially designed to bridge you into certificate, diploma or degree-level study. Whether you’ve just left school or you’re changing careers, Bridgepoint gives you the vocational skills and knowledge you need to progress into higher education or a job. Bridgepoint programmes can pathway you towards all sorts of different careers, including nursing, early childhood education, construction, engineering, business, sport or design and visual arts. Certificate in Foundation Studies (Level 2): Whitinga – General pathway Level: 2 Duration: 16 weeks full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2047 Campus: Mt Albert, Northern or Waitakere Want to get back into study? Need some help getting started? Get the skills, background knowledge and confidence you need to help you prepare for further study. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study.
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Career opportunities: Medical imaging specialist, health professional wishing to advance in areas such as leadership and management, or in the teaching or supervision of students or staff.
Certificate in Foundation Studies (Level 3): Whitinga – General pathway [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 16 weeks full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2047 Campus: Mt Albert, Northern or Waitakere Want another chance at formal education? Gain the skills and confidence you need to prepare for further study at certificate level, or to succeed in the workplace. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study at certificate or diploma level. Certificate of University Preparation (Level 4) Offered in partnership with Massey University Level: 4 Duration: Full-time for 16 weeks (part-time options available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2047 Campus: Mt Albert, Northern or Waitakere Get ready for degree-level study at universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics in New Zealand. Completing the certificate gives you an entry-level qualification that you can use to apply for a degree programme. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study. For more information about Bridgepoint Foundation Education programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/bridgepoint
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Clinical Management) Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Waitakere
Health Medical Imaging Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging) Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5843 Campus: Waitakere Gain skills in diagnostic imaging and learn how to use radiation safely to obtain images for diagnostic use. Spend at least two days a week in a radiology/x-ray department. Career opportunities: Registered medical imaging technologist. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 + $2000 Clinical Competency Fee Campus: Waitakere Learn to integrate theory and experience into your professional practice, and improve your research and professional skills in specialist areas of medical imaging.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Ideal for MITs or other health professionals who have, or would like to have, a management role in a clinical setting. The courses cover clinical management, professional practice and research methods. Career opportunities: Clinical manager or aspiring clinical manager. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Education and Supervision) Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Waitakere Are you working in a teaching or supervision role within an academic or clinical setting? Gain advanced professional development in the areas of education and supervision. Career opportunities: Clinical educator, health science lecturer, student assessor/supervisor. Master of Health Science Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time, 3 to 5 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6187 Campus: WaitakereImprove your conceptual and critical understanding of clinical issues, and advance your clinical, academic and research skills.
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Career opportunities: Academic or clinical educator, clinical manager, senior health professional. For more information about Medical Imaging including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/imaging
Nursing Diploma in Enrolled Nursing [TD] Level: 5 Duration: 18 months full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Waitakere Want a career as an Enrolled Nurse? Develop fundamental nursing skills and learn to safely deliver patient care across different healthcare settings. Explore acute care, rehabilitation, and mental health and addiction. Career opportunities: Enrolled Nurse, further study in nursing (Bachelor of Nursing). Bachelor of Nursing [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5489 Campus: Waitakere Qualify as a Registered Nurse and gain the skills required to work in a range of health-related areas. Includes a variety of practice placements. Career opportunities: Charge nurse, district nurse, nurse educator, Plunket nurse, practice nurse, public health nurse, staff nurse. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 + $2000 Clinical Competency Fee Campus: Waitakere
TD = Taster Day 2014
Gain advanced knowledge of clinical management, or education and supervision in the health sector. Learn to integrate theory and experience into your professional practice. Career opportunities: Health professionals wishing to advance in areas such as leadership and management, or in the teaching or supervision of students or staff. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Clinical Management) Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Waitakere Ideal for MITs or other health professionals who have, or would like to have, a management role in a clinical setting. The courses cover clinical management, professional practice and research methods. Career opportunities: Clinical manager or aspiring clinical manager. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Education and Supervision) Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Waitakere Are you working in a teaching or supervision role within an academic or clinical setting? Gain advanced professional development in the areas of education and supervision. Career opportunities: Clinical educator, health science lecturer, student assessor/supervisor. Master of Health Science Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time, 3 to 5 years part-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6187 Campus: Waitakere
Improve your conceptual and critical understanding of clinical issues, and advance your clinical, academic and research skills. Career opportunities: Academic or clinical educator, clinical manager, senior health professional. For more information about Nursing programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/nursing
Osteopathy Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $6089 Campus: Waitakere Gain the skills for a career in osteopathy. Study core biosciences – anatomy and physiology, and clinical sciences like pathology – and osteopathic principles and techniques. Observe experienced osteopaths at our on-campus Osteopathy Clinic. Career opportunities: You need to become a Master of Osteopathy before applying to become a registered osteopath. Master of Osteopathy Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $10,461 Campus: Mt Albert Further your understanding of osteopathic treatment techniques, and develop clinical problem-solving skills. Treat real patients at the on-campus Osteopathy Clinic. Career opportunities: Registered osteopath, osteopathic education and research. For more information about Osteopathy programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/osteopathy
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Bachelor of Landscape Architecture [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 4 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $5922 Campus: Mt Albert
Landscape Certificate in Home Garden Design [TD] Level: 4 Duration: Part-time for one year or full-time options available Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2548 Campus: Mt Albert Find out how to improve your own garden or design gardens for other people. Learn how to select plants and gain a basic understanding of home garden design. Career opportunities: Garden centre salesperson, gardener, home garden designer, private gardener. Diploma in Landscape Design [TD] Level: 5 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5125 Campus: Mt Albert Develop a solid grounding in plant selection, garden design, site assessment and construction. Tailor the programme to suit your ultimate career goals. Career opportunities: Garden centre design consultant; garden journalist; landscape designer; landscape draftsperson; landscape maintenance manager; landscaper; park, botanic or heritage garden manager; plant consultant.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Create designs for a variety of exciting landscape projects, and further your understanding of CAD modelling, environmental planning and contemporary urbanism. Career opportunities: Landscape architect, environmental design consultant, heritage landscape consultant, urban designer, regional planner. Master of Landscape Architecture Level: 9 Duration: 18 months full-time, 2½ years part-time Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee per semester (full-time): $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Explore design research in landscape architecture at a post-professional level. Primarily suited to experienced landscape architects. Career opportunities: Landscape architectural design leader, design educator, design researcher. For more information about Landscape programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/landscape
Language Studies New Zealand Certificate in English Language Level: 2 – 5, 60 credits each Duration: 16 weeks full-time Start: Feb and July (Mt Albert students can also start Levels 2 – 4 in May and October) Indicative fee: $2227 Campus: Mt Albert, Waitakere or Northern From 2014 Unitec students can enrol in this new, national English language qualification offered at levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. Learn practical and academic English and gain a nationally recognised qualification issued by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Career opportunities: You may want to consider further study. Certificate in English as an Additional Language Level: 5 Duration: 1 semester full-time, 3 semesters parttime Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee: $2531 Campus: Mt Albert Want to study in New Zealand and need to improve your English? Learn to communicate more accurately and improve your academic writing. Career opportunities: You may want to consider further study. 0800 10 95 10 » www.unitec.ac.nz » study@unitec.ac.nz
Certificate in Language Teaching Level: 5 Duration: 1 semester full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $1899 (plus CELTA exam fee of $600) Campus: Mt Albert Learn about language and how to teach a language. Discover more about different teaching contexts. Practise what you’ve learnt by teaching real language students. You can complete the CELTA course as part of this programme. Career opportunities: Language teacher in New Zealand or overseas. Graduate Certificate in English as an Additional Language Level: 7 Duration: 15 weeks full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2531 Campus: Mt Albert Learn to speak and write English fluently, accurately and confidently. Gain an awareness of New Zealand society and culture. Career opportunities: Work in your professional field with improved English, or continue to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Certificate in Liaison Interpreting Level: 6 Duration: 16 weeks full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2035 Campus: Waitakere Learn to perform interpreting tasks using accurate language and register, and develop your vocabulary for various interpreting situations. Career opportunities: Liaison interpreter in medical, legal and community settings.
National Certificate in Real Estate (Salesperson) Level: 4 Duration: 12 weeks Start: Throughout the year Indicative fee: $1931 ($1068 for upgrade from Real Estate Salesperson’s Course) Campus: Mt Albert or Northern, or blended learning (a mix of online learning, self-directed study and assignments)
Management and Marketing Certificate in Business (Introductory) [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 1 semester full-time Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2553 Campus: Waitakere Gain an introduction to business principles and practices. Build your self-confidence and motivation, and develop the skills to move into higher-level business programmes. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study in business. National Certificate in Retail Level: 3 Duration: 26 weeks part-time Start: Monthly throughout the year Indicative fee: Free Campus: Northern or community-based
Explore New Zealand’s real estate industry, the law of contract, land ownership and much more. Career opportunities: Real estate salesperson, real estate branch manager (with further study), real estate agent (with further study), marketing representative. New Zealand Diploma in Business [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $4870 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Develop a thorough understanding of the business world, accounting, banking, commercial law, economics, finance, management and marketing. Career opportunities: Assistant accountant, bank customer services officer, business administrator, credit controller, office manager, payroll administrator, recruitment manager.
Develop the skills to advance your retail career. Study for free, and improve your communication and customer service skills, and knowledge of stock control and work practices. Career opportunities: The programme will help you progress your career within the retail industry.
For more information about Language Studies programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz./languages
TD = Taster Day 2014
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New Zealand Diploma in Business (Specialise in Management) Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $4870 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern
Graduate Diploma in Business (Human Resource Management) Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert
Graduate Diploma in Business (Sales Management) Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert
Gain the skills for a career in management, and develop a sound understanding of the business environment, applied management, organisation and management, and leadership in business. Career opportunities: Business administrator, human resources manager, office manager, recruitment manager, supervisor, team leader.
Explore the theory and principles of human resource management in as little as one year. Apply what you’ve learnt in an industry placement. Career opportunities: Recruitment manager, HR manager, training manager, occupational health and safety officer.
Interested in sales management? Explore sales principles and how to apply them to a range of industry and organisational contexts. Career opportunities: Sales representative, sales consultant, area manager.
Bachelor of Business (Management) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Develop knowledge and skills for a management career, and specialise in either human resource management (HRM) or operations management. Includes Industry Based Learning. Career opportunities: Human resources manager, logistics manager, operations manager, project manager. Bachelor of Business (Marketing) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July (Summer School available) Indicative fee per year: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Gain an insight into marketing and sales practice, marketing planning and strategy, buyer behaviour, e-marketing, international marketing and the marketing of services. Includes Industry Based Learning. Career opportunities: Key account manager, marketing manager, product manager, sales manager, services marketing manager, territory manager.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Graduate Diploma in Business (Marketing) Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Want a formal qualification in marketing? Develop a sound understanding of marketing in just one year, and apply marketing principles to a variety of business contexts. Career opportunities: Marketing manager, marketing consultant, advertising manager, campaign manager. Graduate Diploma in Business (Operations Management) Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $5105 Campus: Mt Albert Want a qualification in operations management in as little as one year? Explore the theory and principles of operations management, and learn to apply them in a range of business contexts. Career opportunities: Logistics manager, supply chain manager, operations manager, production planner, factory manager, warehouse manager.
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Level: 8 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Develop a sound knowledge of areas like business strategy and processes, relationships in business organisations and the business environment. Career opportunities: Marketing executive, human resources manager, operations manager, business researcher. Master of Business Level: 9 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $6187 Campus: Mt Albert Acquire the skills to further your business career and improve your knowledge of key aspects of business and management. Career opportunities: Business leader. For more information about Management and Marketing programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/management
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Career opportunities: Composer, DJ, music journalist, music teacher, musician, performer, radio producer, recording engineer, sound designer/engineer. Diploma in Contemporary Music [TD] Level: 5 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $5063 Campus: Waitakere
Performing and Screen Arts Certificate in Applied Technology (AudioVisual Technician) [TD] Level: 4 Duration: 1 year full-time (part-time available) Start: July Indicative fee: $5489 Campus: Mt Albert Want to work as an audio-visual technician on theatre, stage and screen productions? Find out how to repair audio-visual equipment, and learn about theatre systems, electronics technology, and digital and computer electronics. Career opportunities: Audio-visual media editing a technician; lighting and sound systems technician; stage development, set-up and operating technician. Certificate in Music (Introductory) [TD] Level: 3 Duration: 16 weeks full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2531 Campus: Waitakere Explore musical history and styles, experiment with new music technologies and benefit from hands-on experience creating music with others.
TD = Taster Day 2014
Improve your knowledge of musical techniques and composition, and explore the business side of the music industry. Career opportunities: Composer, DJ, music journalist, music teacher, musician, recording engineer, singer/ songwriter, sound or multimedia designer. Certificate in Communication and Media Arts Level: 4 Duration: 1 semester full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee: $2531 Campus: Mt Albert or Northern Are you a good communicator? Do you want to write, perform or make films? This is your pass to an exciting future in communication, film and television, the media, or performing and screen arts. Career opportunities: This programme prepares you for further study in communication or performing and screen arts. Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Acting for Screen and Theatre) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $8274 Campus: Mt Albert
Career opportunities: Acting trainer/teacher; actor for theatre, film and television; performer; performing arts manager; presenter; theatre deviser/creator. Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Contemporary Dance) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $8274 Campus: Mt Albert Learn to choreograph and perform at a professional level. Participate in a diverse array of performances, ranging from solo and group work to works commissioned by guest choreographers. Career opportunities: Arts administrator; choreographer, dance and performance artist, dance teacher, performing arts manager, professional dancer. Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Screen Arts) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee per year: $8274 Campus: Mt Albert Become equipped for a career as a leading film and television professional in cinematography, editing, sound and production management/ assistant directing. Career opportunities: Film and television camera operator/assistant, film and television editor, first assistant director, production manager, sound recordist/boom swinger, sound designer/editor, gaffer/grip.
Develop your acting, voice and movement skills, and become familiar with acting techniques for theatre and film, and the history of drama. Perform at the Unitec Theatre and other venues.
0800 10 95 10 Âť www.unitec.ac.nz Âť study@unitec.ac.nz
Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts (Production Design and Management) Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time Start: Feb (first round of interviews late September) Indicative fee per year: $8274 Campus: Mt Albert
Career opportunities: Coaching director, fitness centre manager, high performance manager, outdoor pursuit instructor, personal trainer/fitness instructor, player/athlete development manager, professional sports coach, sport development manager, strength and conditioning coach.
Explore the design and organisational management of screen and theatre production. Specialise in costume, lights/sound/stage management or scenery/props/art department. Participate in the making of a large body of work for theatre and film. Career opportunities: Art director, audio-visual technician, costume maker, production manager, props maker, sound or light technician, stage manager.
Bachelor of Sport (Management) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6119 Campus: Mt Albert
Graduate Diploma in Creative Practice Level: 7 Duration: 1 year full-time Start: Feb Indicative fee: $6141 Campus: Mt Albert Develop the skills and knowledge for a career in a specialist theatre and screen discipline. Create inspiring and professionally presented works utilising our studios, drama theatre, wardrobe and production workshops. Career opportunities: Art director, costume designer, composer for theatre and screen works, lighting designer, production manager for theatre, screen actor, set designer, sound/audio-visual designer, stage manager, theatre/screen director, theatre/screen scriptwriter. For more information about Performing and Screen Arts programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/perform
TD = Taster Day 2014
Sport Diploma in Sport and Fitness Education [TD] Level: 6 Duration: 2 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6074 Campus: Mt Albert Learn how to coach and deliver physical activity and exercise programmes. Develop an understanding of the marketing and management processes in the sport industry. Career opportunities: Fitness instructor, outdoor pursuit instructor, personal trainer, secondary school sports coordinator. Bachelor of Sport (Coaching) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6119 Campus: Mt Albert
Learn to apply sport management and marketing principles to all areas of the sport industry, and find out how to manage and run sport events. Career opportunities: Event manager, fitness centre manager, sponsorship manager, sport development manager, sport marketing coordinator, sport programme manager. Bachelor of Sport (Physical Education) [TD] Level: 7 Duration: 3 years full-time (part-time available) Start: Feb or July Indicative fee per year: $6119 Campus: Mt Albert Do you aspire to teach or lead others in sport or physical education? Turn your passion for sport into a rewarding career. Career opportunities: Community sport educator, physical education tutor, sport coordinator. For more information about Sport programmes including admission requirements, visit www.unitec.ac.nz/sport
Develop an understanding of practical coaching principles, strategies and techniques, and find out how to deliver sport programmes for all ages and skill levels.
0800 10 95 10 Âť www.unitec.ac.nz Âť study@unitec.ac.nz
Short courses
Want to increase your career opportunities or pick up a new skill or two? Learn something new without committing too much time.
» I nternational languages
» Accounting
»N ursing in Aotearoa (for overseas nurses)
» Acting for non-actors » AutoCAD » Automotive engineering » Carpentry: portfolio development » Ceramics » Computing » Costume, set or lighting design » Dance » Drainlaying » Electrical and electronics » English language » First aid » Free courses including Free4U Computing, New Start and Te Reo Māori » Garden design
» Jewellery »L anguage teaching »N ot-for-profit management »N ursing: Registered Nurse returning to the
The indicative fees listed on each page of this prospectus are the 2013 domestic student fees (including GST). Programme fees for 2014 have not yet been set. As soon as they are approved they will be available on www.unitec.ac.nz. The indicative fee acts as a guide only.
workforce » Photography » Playwriting
International students
»P lumbing and gasfitting » Printmaking »P rofessional writing »R eal estate » Retail »R evit architecture »S ales and marketing
For programme and fee information for international students, download the international prospectus from www.unitec.ac.nz/international, contact the International Office on +64 9 815 4032 or email international@unitec.ac.nz.
»S cript writing for film, screen and stage »T echnical writing »W elding and fabrication »W riting: introduction to narrative
» Graphic design » Health care » International education administration
TD = Taster Day 2014
To find out more, check out www.unitec.ac.nz/ shortcourses
0800 10 95 10 » www.unitec.ac.nz » study@unitec.ac.nz
Want to find out more? Check out our website
Come to a Taster Day
Want more information? Visit www.
Not sure what to expect from tertiary
unitec.ac.nz to find out more about
study? Keen to find out what you might
our programmes, courses, entry
be studying? Spend a day at Unitec and
requirements and life at Unitec.
try a whole range of activities in the
Order a brochure
subject you’re interested in. Taster Days are open to year 12 and 13 students as
Decided which study area you’re
well as people who’ve already left school
interested in? Download or order a
and are thinking of returning to study.
programme brochure from the website to find out more about the programme(s) of your choice.
Visit Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero)
Apply for a programme Know what you want to study? The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. Visit www.unitec.ac.nz/apply to apply as a new student or re-enrol as a current student. If you prefer you can also download or order an application pack.
Find out more at Info Evening Want to talk to the people who’ll be teaching you? At Info Evening we get lecturers and programme leaders
Want to know more about Unitec
under one roof so you can get all the
programmes, learning resources or
programme information and study advice
student life? Need directions or just want
you need.
to know who to speak to? Get in touch with Student Central.
Take a campus tour See for yourself what our campuses are like. Campus tours run each Friday afternoon from March until the end of November.
Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10/ study@unitec.ac.nz Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
Next Steps 53
Make sure you’ve got all the answers 1.
What are the admission requirements for the programme you want to study?
What happens if you don’t get into the programme you want to study?
Have you visited Unitec and met the staff?
Are you likely to get the grades you need?
Do you know how to apply for a programme?
4. When do you need to apply by?
What’s the difference between Unitec and universities?
Have you done any research into the career you’re interested in?
Can you get a scholarship to help with your studies?
Got a question you’re still not sure about? Check our essential FAQs.
criteria at www.unitec.ac.nz/admission.
way. Check the step-by-step guide to
are both great learning environments.
It explains how we consider your
applying on page 54.
Universities sometimes have a more
qualifications, age and work experience
theoretical approach to study whereas
There’s a handy guide to our admission
when you apply for a programme. If you’ve done Cambridge International Exams (CIE) or the International Baccalaureate (IB), you can also find out what the equivalent NCEA credits are.
Applying online is the quickest and easiest
Some programmes have a closing date, but in most cases it’s best just to apply as soon as possible, because places fill up fast. Check the programme you’re interested in
Specific admission requirements for
on the Unitec website to see if there’s a
each Unitec programme are listed on the
preferred application date.
programme web page. Make sure you
check which subjects you need and at what level.
If your application is unsuccessful we’ll let you know why. Depending on the reason, we’ll suggest alternatives, or maybe
Your teachers should be able to give you
encourage you to apply for a different
a good indication of the grades you will
programme or a later intake. With 160
get, but sometimes things don’t go to plan.
programmes on offer there are lots of
You can still pathway to higher education
via our Bridgepoint Foundation Education
programmes. Offered at levels 2, 3 and 4, they prepare you for certificate, diploma or degree-level study in the subject you’re interested in. You can also talk to our Career Centre or Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) for advice about other
It’s a really good idea to come and visit us before you apply and there are lots of ways to do it – from Taster Days to Info Evening. Check out the options on page 50.
Universities and institutes of technology
Unitec focuses on vocational learning. We offer qualifications at all levels, from Bridgepoint foundation certificates through to postgraduate programmes. And because we don’t usually teach in lecture theatres, you might find your classes are smaller too.
Make use of the Unitec Career Centre, which offers free and impartial advice to anyone considering studying at Unitec. They can tell you more about how to get into different careers, and what you might need to study to get there.
Yes! Unitec has loads of scholarships on offer, for students at every level. Some scholarships help to pay for your tuition fees, others cover the cost of materials, and some even include mentoring.
programmes that might be suitable.
Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10/ study@unitec.ac.nz Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
Apply now Follow these simple steps to apply for the programme of your choice. Places fill up quickly so apply early.
Need some help applying?
Need some help deciding? Contact Student
If your application is successful, you will receive
We’ve put together answers to the most
Central (Te Pae Kōrero) for advice on
an offer of place. This might be conditional on
frequently asked questions about the
programmes, courses and study paths.
you meeting specific requirements.
application process. Check whether we’ve
Phone 0800 10 95 10 Email study@unitec.ac.nz
and we recommend doing it early! You can
Payment Once you have accepted your place, your
application. www.apply.unitec.ac.nz
fees are payable. For short courses, fees are
(Te Pae Kōrero) on 0800 10 95 10 to order an application pack. Acknowledgement We will contact you by post or email to acknowledge that we have received your application form. Check your email spam folder
payable at the time of applying. For all other programmes, fees need to be paid seven days before you start. You will either be sent an invoice in the post or you can access your invoice online by logging into myUnitec.
if you haven’t heard from us. If you need to supply more details we will let you know.
Additional admission requirements Some programmes have additional admission requirements. For example, you may need to complete additional forms, be interviewed, have an audition or present a portfolio of work. You will be notified of the details if this is applicable.
14 days to accept or decline.
log in to myUnitec anytime to check your No computer access? Phone Student Central
answered your question online at
If you are offered a place, you normally have
Apply for a place The fastest and easiest way to apply is online,
Offer of place
Choose the programme you want to study
Student loans are available to eligible students. Find out more from StudyLink on freephone 0800 88 99 00 or visit www.studylink.govt.nz
Ask Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero): 0800 10 95 10/study@unitec.ac.nz Apply online: www.unitec.ac.nz/apply
A-Z of academic words Academic words can sound like another language sometimes. Find out what some of the most common expressions mean with this handy list.
The area of land where an institution is based.
An elective is a course that you take in addition to
A programme of study is what leads to a
Unitec has three campuses in Auckland: Mt Albert,
the compulsory courses in your programme. It isn’t
qualification, such as a certificate or a degree. It is
Waitakere and Albany.
essential to completing your programme.
made up of a number of courses.
Certificates are offered from levels 2 to 4 and take
Departments at Unitec are split into three broad
Each academic year is made up of two semesters.
six months to a year to complete full-time. They can
faculties: Creative Industries and Business, Social
Semester one starts in February and semester two
be an introduction to a subject area, preparation for
and Health Sciences, and Technology and Built
starts in July. There is a holiday in between each
entry into a job or a pathway to higher level study.
The programme you study is made up of courses.
When you’ve successfully completed your
A government service that provides financial
A course usually takes one semester to complete
programme you are a graduate. Graduation is the
support to students, including loans and
and you usually to need to complete four each
ceremony where you’re officially awarded your
allowances. Find out what’s available to you at
Industry Based Learning (IBL)
Each course is worth a number of credits. These
Completed during your final year of study, IBL gives
A small group-learning session where a few
contribute towards the total amount of credits you
you the opportunity to put what you’ve learnt into
students meet with a tutor to talk about their
need to complete your qualification.
practice by working for a host organisation.
studies and current projects.
Open Evening
Bachelors degrees are offered at level 7 and usually
A chance to visit a Unitec campus to meet staff and
A student doing their first degree or qualification.
take three years to complete full-time.
students and find out more about the programmes
on offer.
Subject areas at Unitec are organised into
departments. For example, Computing and IT,
Orientation happens at the start of every semester.
Nursing and Civil Engineering are all departments.
It’s a series of events for new students to help
Diplomas Diplomas are offered at levels 5 to 6 and usually
you make friends, get settled in and find your way around campus.
take one to two years to complete. They’re
sometimes needed to enter advanced trade,
A student who already has a degree (or significant
technical and some professional occupations.
professional experience) and is studying for a second qualification.
Vocational education Hands-on, practical education or training that prepares you for an apprenticeship, job or career.
Youth Guarantee Government-funded scheme that lets 16 and 17-year-olds study for free for up to a year in certain programmes. See page 21 for more information.
59 57
phone 0800 10 95 10 fax +64 9 815 2905 web www.unitec.ac.nz address Private Bag 92025 Victoria St West Auckland 1142 New Zealand Mt Albert campus 139 Carrington Rd Mt Albert Auckland 1025 Northern campus 10 Rothwell Ave Albany Auckland 0632 Waitakere campus 5-7 Ratanui St Henderson Auckland 0612