From a biblical standpoint, this is a very significant time of year. It reminds us of ancient Israel’s miraculous deliverance from Egyptian slavery, of the Passover commemoration, of the symbols Jesus Christ instituted as the ultimate Passover “Lamb of God” who gave His life for the sins of the whole world, and the fact that He is the “Firstborn from the dead” showing us how we, too, may receive eternal life in God’s family. The articles in this issue cover these and other themes important to those who take the Bible seriously. We hope you’ll read them and take them seriously too!
Inside this issue
-- What Would Jesus Do?
-- The Exodus Plagues: Judgment on Egypt’s Gods
-- "Christ, Our Passover"
-- Lessons of the Passover Bread
-- "The Firstborn From the Dead": What Does It Mean?
-- Today’s Arms Race: How Will It End?
-- Christians Who Don’t Celebrate Easter: What Do They Know?
-- Follow Me: Framed Forever by a Tear
-- Mini-Study: The Second Resurrection: Humanity’s Opportunity for Salvation!