In a world changing before our eyes, we’d all like to know what the future holds. How will it affect us and our loved ones? Can we know
where it’s all headed? This is where Bible prophecy has a message for each and every one of us. God reveals where the world is headed—
and most importantly, why. You need to understand some of the key trends revealed in Bible prophecy—trends that tell us that the time
of Jesus Christ’s return and the coming Kingdom of God are drawing near! Discover some of these key trends in this issue!
Inside this issue
-- Does Bible Prophecy Matter?
-- Seven Prophetic End-Time Markers
-- The New Nuclear Peril: Russia, North Korea and Iran
-- Terrorism & EMP Weapons
-- Europe’s Uncertain Future
-- Are You Preparing for Christ’s Return?
-- How to Put Down Your Phone and Pick Up the Bible
-- Substance Abuse Is Not the Answer
-- Three Keys to Physical and Spiritual Fitness
-- Lessons from the Parables: The Mustard Seed: A Statement of Faith
-- Follow Me: Three Gard