1 minute read
by Camille Prod’homme
"I didn’t trust any doctor
To their words I closed the door
Escaping examination room
Postponing the “soon”
To a far away,
which I hoped could last a long time
In this way,
I would have protected my mind.
From stress, fears of having a problem.
A woman’s one, I though “another, again”.
Campaigns and flyers gave me information
I have to check if there is a deformation,
Nipple discharge or any mark
Something which seems particular
I didn’t find anything special
But prevention is elemental
When he says yes, or positive
What he said? I wanted to leave
My brain stopped listening I guess
In my head, beginning of a mess
My femininity involved on it
Is breast cancer can kill it?
I didn’t trust any doctor
But on this day, I had to, for
Myself, my health, my future
Ourself, research, start a cure
Now I understand
The problem is not being ill
It’s when you stand
And we are ignoring the hill
Everything can be overcome
We just need support to get home."