BY GENE NATALI, NJBA PRESIDENT With my term as NJBA President coming to an end, I would like to take the time to thank the directors for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. Although the past five months have been a challenge, I am grateful for the experience. I am thankful for a great group of directors to work with and for all the support given to us by the breeders of the UBB during the year. It is an understatement to say that the past several months have dealt our families and our way of life adversity; however, as James Allen is quoted, “adversity does not build character – it reveals it.” Moving forward, I would like to encourage all of our membership to keep working and to
have faith. It is times like these that give us the opportunity to show character and perseverance. Even as juniors, we all have a place in the cattle industry. We may not be able to find that place during this trying time, but we must continue to work toward our goals. During this time, I know that my family has spent more time at home than ever before, and we have spent that extra time in the barn with our cattle. I challenge each of the juniors to do the same. I hope that everyone stays healthy and safe, and that soon we will be on the show road again.
NJBA DIRECTORS President | Gene Natali | Iowa, La. Vice President | Kaitlyn Jonson | Iowa, La. Secretary | Miriam Hargrove | Manvel, Texas Treasurer | Kalli Smith | Gilliam, Ark. Reporter | Brady Harringon | Iowa, La.
Director | Luke Natali | Iowa, La. Director | Luke Mhire | Welsh, La. Director | Joe Natali | Iowa, La. Director | Mason Mhire | Welsh, La. Director | Hayden Hyman | Fouke, Ark. Director | Ashlee Primeaux | Bell City, La. Director | Brynlee Boudreaux | Iowa, La.