Genomically Enhanced EPDs By Lauren Brockman, United Braford Breeders Summer Intern
rafords continue to add durability, profitability and growth to producers’ herds. Whether you are running a seedstock or commercial operation, Brafords have the ability to diversify and add value to your business. As more beef producers begin recognizing the reliability of these cattle, advancing the Braford breed calls for providing producers with cutting-edge technology. Genomically enhanced EPDs (GE EPDs) have gained popularity among other breeds and are now available for Braford producers. The UBB offers 50K genomic testing through NEOGEN labs. There are three possible DNA samples to send: Tissue Sampling Units (TSUs), blood, or hair. Note that blood cannot be tested on twins and hair samples incur an additional $4 cost, said Dr. Jamie Courter, NEOGEN beef products manager. TSUs not only are the preferred method but also prove to be a more convenient choice, as it takes less time and can easily be done while collecting chute-side data. The desire to increase productivity while maintaining traditional values is a feeling that beef producers know all too well. In the cattle industry, as with anything else in life, the ability to adapt is a sure-fire way to make your good operation even better. GE EPDs offer producers a way to better adapt to changes thrown at them and make positive 12 BRAFORD NEWS l FALL 2020
differences within a herd. GE EPDs are more accurate than standard EPDs, but environment and management still impact how cattle will perform. While genetic testing allows for a more accurate prediction of how an animal may perform, it is still important for producers to gather performance data. The introduction of genomics into cattle selection is used to enhance rather than replace existing selection tools. It is easy to overlook the importance of consistently turning in performance data, as more focus shifts to genomics. Collecting data and evaluating it is crucial to see where a producer’s herd stands and help optimize production. While it is important to each individual operation, it is equally important to continue turning the data in to breed associations. Turning performance data in to associations helps other members and customers make more informed breeding decisions and helps calculate selection tools. Performance records and economic indexes can be considered the best criteria for beef cattle selection for seedstock and commercial producers. Industry standards and consumer preferences are ever-changing. The ability to make quicker decisions in your business yields long-term and profitable results. GE-EPDs increase the accuracy of young, unproven animals.