AIA Student Handbook

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Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-2013

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Š2012 Al Ihsan Academy. All rights are reserved. No part of this handbook may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. Every eort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information applied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occured and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the handbook.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

CONTENTS Notice and Statement of Acceptance and Good Standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Guidance Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General School Rules and Behavior Expectations for Students . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Zero Tolerance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Campus Safety and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Disciplinary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Discipline Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2012-13 Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9th & 10th Grade Course Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Notice of Intent & Statement of Acceptance and Good Standing The registration of a student with Al-Ihsan Academy is considered an agreement on his/her part, and on the part of his/her parents/guardians, to read, know, and both comply and cooperate with the policies, rules, regulations and restrictions of the school as contained in this Handbook. Al-Ihsan Academy reserves the right to make revisions to its contents at any time. Any such revision is in effect upon notification of parents and students. Al-Ihsan Academy does not discriminate in either its hiring or admission policies or practices or in any of its programs against any person because of race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, creed, or handicap condition. Students are enrolled at Al-Ihsan Academy on the basis of annual review and acceptance. Al-Ihsan Academy reserves the right to terminate or refuse enrollment of a student at any time if and when, in the judgment of the school Administration, the students is no longer in good standing, that is, the student does not comply and cooperate with the policies, rules, regulations and restrictions of the school as contained in this Handbook, especially those that pertain to (1) unsatisfactory academic performance and/or attendance, (2) conduct on or off campus considered detrimental to the welfare, safety, morals, or reputation of other students, faculty, or members of the school community, and/or (3) satisfactory fulfillment of all financial obligations to the school or acceptable arrangements for their fulfillment. Additionally, Al-Ihsan Academy reserves the right to terminate or refuse the enrollment of a student at any time if and when, in the judgment of the school Administration, the student’s parents/guardians are no longer in good standing with the school, that is, they do not comply or cooperate with all applicable policies, rules, regulations and restrictions of the school as contained in this Handbook. In the event of termination of enrollment, refunds of sums paid to the school will be given if deemed appropriate at the complete, sole, and absolute discretion of Al-Ihsan Academy.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Al-Ihsan Academy Mission Statement Al-Ihsan Academy is an Islamic college preparatory high school designed to develop leaders for not only the community but the world at large. Al-Ihsan Academy intends for its graduates to be well rounded individuals who are grounded in the principles of Islam and who enjoin good and forbid evil. Al-Ihsan Academy Promises to keep three principles at all times... 1) To act according to the Quran, Sunnah and the understanding of our pious Muslim predecessors. 2) To provide the best possible College Preparatory education 3) To develop leaders.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

ADMISSIONS Incoming Freshman Admission Procedures Al-Ihsan Academy is sincere in its commitment to fulfill the Mission Statement. Each incoming class is viewed as a new chapter in the writing of the legacy of Islam here in America. Therefore the admission process will be fair, equitable, and intense. The Admissions Committee shall consider a broad range of criteria in its evaluation of each applicant. Admissions decisions must be made with great care and vigilance and only after all of the criteria have been thoroughly reviewed. These criteria include: -Results of the entrance exam for Math and Arabic. -Elementary and junior high school transcripts and records. -Elementary and junior high school attendance and conduct records. -Two recommendations from eighth grade teachers or principal. -The interview of each applicant and parents or legal guardian by an AIA faculty member. -An eighth grade student who is interested in attending Al-Ihsan Academy should also complete the following steps in the admission process: -Attend the AIA Open House. -Register for and take the entrance exam. -Go to and download the AIA Admissions packet. -Complete the AIA application form and send to Al-Ihsan Academy Admissions on or before the deadline. -Have at least two eighth grade teachers complete the “Teacher Recommendation Form” and forward to AIA Admissions on or before the deadline.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Have your elementary and junior high schools send all required transcripts and records to AIA Admissions on or before the deadline. -Schedule a personal interview (both student and parents) with an AIA faculty member (you will be notified of day and time). -After the above steps have been completed, the Admissions Committee meets and will announce its decisions by March 1.

Transfer Student Admission Procedures Al-Ihsan Academy occasionally accepts students who wish to transfer from other high schools into the upper grades. Admission of transfer students is on a space available basis. The application process for transfer students is similar to the process for incoming freshmen except that students normally do not take the entrance exams and deadlines are not so stringent. A high school student interested in transferring to AIA should complete the following steps in the admission process: -If possible, attend the Open House. -Go to and download the AIA admissions packet. -Complete the AIA application form and send it to Al-Ihsan Academy Admissions. -Have your school send all required transcripts and records to Al-Ihsan Academy Administration. -Schedule a personal interview (both student and parents) with an AIA admission faculty member (you will be notified of day and time). Transfer applicants should be aware of the following: -Transfer students’ complete transcripts must be reviewed by Al-Ihsan Academy before any decision to admit will be made.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-In order to be accepted as a transfer student, a student must have: total completed credits equal to or exceeding those required by AIA for his or her grade level, and total pending credits that are possible to be scheduled and completed for graduation with his or her designated graduation class. -Due to testing deadlines and space limitations, AP courses may not be immediately available to transfer students. -Students that transfer after the 15h school day of a trimester must audit the remainder of that trimester and will receive no credit for that trimester. -Transfer students’ grade point averages will be recalculated according to the AIA GPA weight scale. -Participation in co-curricular activities and/or athletics will be subject to CHSAA eligibility rules and procedures.

Part Time Students Students who apply to the school and will graduate before the class of 1438 hijri, must enter the school as Part Time Students. Part Time Students must be enrolled in a home school program and come to the school for additional tutoring and participation in Islamic Studies & Quran and Arabic. Part Time Students are subject to all rules and behavior expectations for students as well as all that the Notice and Statement of Acceptance and Good Standing entails. Part Time Students may leave campus before the normal dismissal time with parent’s permission.

Withdrawal from School Al-Ihsan Academy considers a student’s enrollment to begin with their accepted registration and to end either with graduation or withdrawal from AIA. The withdrawal process is handled through the Administration office. Students who stop attending are considered enrolled until the school withdrawal form is completed and turned in to Administration.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Students who withdraw should be aware that: -Students that withdraw prior to the midterm of a trimester receive no withdrawal grades and no credit for that trimester. -Students that withdraw after the midterm of a trimester but prior to completing the trimester receive their midterm grades as withdrawal grades and no credit for that trimester. -Refunds of sums paid to the school will be given only when the student has completed the withdrawal process and only if deemed appropriate at the complete, sole, and absolute discretion of Al-Ihsan Academy.

ACADEMICS Al-Ihsan Academy’s academic program seeks to challenge all students to realize their highest potential in all academic studies and life in general through rigorous instruction, compassion, and respect for the students diverse educational abilities and goals. Al-Ihsan Academy’s academic requirements are designed to meet or exceed the standards set forth by the Colorado Department of Education and the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement.

Academic Credit In order to receive academic credit from Al-Ihsan Academy, a course must: 1. Be taken and passed at AIA; or 2. Be taken and passed while the student was enrolled in another high school, included on the student’s official transcript from that school, and accepted by AIA as valid academic credit from that school. Al-Ihsan Academy does not award credit for any course that a student previously took and for which he or she already received high school credit. Students who withdraw prior to the midterm of a trimester will not receive


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

withdrawal grades for that trimester. Students who do so after the midterm of a trimester but prior to completing the trimester will receive their midterm grades as withdrawal grades. No credit is awarded for withdrawal grades. (Also, see “Statement of Acceptance & Good Standing.)

Academic Curriculum Al-Ihsan Academy offers a college preparatory curriculum comprised of the following classification of courses: College Preparatory (CP), Advanced Placement (AP) and Independent Study (IS). College Preparatory Courses: Unless designated as “AP”, all AIA courses are College Preparatory. They are indicated by the designation “CP” after the course title. They have a standard GPA value and are not weighted. Advanced Placement Courses: Advanced Placement courses are accelerated courses that offer college-level coursework with the possibility of advance credit for collegiate courses. They are indicated by the designation “AP” after the course title. They have an additional G.P.A. weight of .5. To qualify for and/or remain in these courses, students must meet specific departmental criteria. Departments have sole authority to determine AP placements and Department Coordinators have the sole authority to approve and/or recommend placements. No exceptions to either the criteria or the process can be made. Advanced Placement courses do not accelerate progress toward graduation. Advanced Placement courses are available in the following areas: English, Math, Sciences, and Social Studies. Students enrolled in an Advanced Placement course must take the AP Examination for that course. Failure to do so may result in loss of AP grade weight for final grades earned in the course and will result in loss of the nonrefundable fee for each AP Examination for which a student is registered. On AP testing days, students taking morning AP exams are excused from periods 1 – 3 and students taking afternoon AP exams are excused from periods 3 – 6. Students are required to attend all of their other classes on those days. When seniors complete their AP exams, they are


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

excused from their AP classes for the remainder of the year; all other students must continue to attend classes. Note: AP courses are merit-based accelerated courses that are designed to challenge students with both advanced content and increased rigor. Students applying for these courses should be advised that the body of knowledge and skills that students will be required to demonstrate for acceptance into these courses will be substantial. There can be no special allowances for either placement testing for these courses or the courses themselves. Also, students should be aware that AP work and time demands are substantially greater than those of CP courses and should not pursue these courses unless they are prepared to meet these additional demands. Independent Study: These are specialized elective courses that require students to meet and complete course requirements outside of the regular school day (periods 0 through 6). Only seniors may take these courses and they must be specially approved by Administration and the appropriate department chair.

Course Load The academic year is divided into three, 14 week trimester grading periods. Students are required to take six classes each trimester. Each class is worth .5 credits, (3.0 possible credits per trimester). Courses are configured as follows: -One trimester requirement courses are single-trimester courses that have no other required trimester sections attached. -Two trimester requirement courses have single-trimester “A” and “B” sections. Both sections are required and must be taken in sequence. -Three trimester requirement courses have single-trimester “A”, “B”, and “C” sections. All three sections are required and must be taken in sequence. All “AP” courses have a three trimester requirement.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Off Periods: Off periods are available under limited circumstances and only if they do not significantly detract from the academic rigor of the student’s schedule. A senior may qualify for an off period in the senior year if the senior makes the request as part of his or her original senior year Course Request Form and has both parental and Administrational approval. Only one off period may be allowed during the academic year.

Graduation Requirements Graduation from Al-Ihsan Academy requires the following criteria upon completion of the senior year: -Attend Al-Ihsan Academy for at least the entire senior year (students who do not complete their AIA senior year in its entirety cannot graduate). -Earn a minimum of 32 total credits, including all required courses. -Complete all Community Service requirements. -Be in good standing with the school. Students who have not met the above criteria at the end of their senior year cannot graduate. Unearned credits and uncompleted service hours must be earned and completed as per school policy (see “Course Failures” and “Course Incomplete Grades”). In addition, any student who is, at the end of the senior year, one or more credits short of the minimum required 32 total credits may not participate in either graduation or graduation-related activities. NOTE: Any student who at any time prior to graduation fails more than eight classes cumulative OR fails six classes in a single trimester OR is unable to schedule within the AIA curriculum either core or total credits sufficient for graduation will be required to withdraw.

End of Trimester Clearance All financial obligations to the school must be met by the end of each trimester. This includes but is not limited to tuition payment, textbook turn-in, and athletic equipment turn-in. Unless all obligations have been


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

met, a student will not receive final grades, report cards, or transcripts and may not be allowed to begin classes the following trimester. Seniors with unmet obligations may not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Grading Scale and G.P.A. Weight Scale Grades are awarded according to a standard “ten-point” scale. Criteria for determining grades include but are not limited to attendance, participation, daily work, assignments, quizzes and tests, and application of learning. Grade Point Scale Description A 100 - 90 High Proficiency B 89 - 80 Good Proficiency C 79 - 70 Basic Proficiency D 69 - 60 Poor Proficiency F 59 - 0 No Proficiency I NA Course Work Incomplete School Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) Weight Scale Advanced Placement College Preparatory

A B C 4.5 3.5 2.5 4.0 3.0 2.0

D F 1.0 0 1.0 0

Core Courses All courses until the senior year are considered “core”. There will be a few exceptions for students who test higher or lower than the required level for their class but the track that they find themselves on will then be considered core.

Attendance and Academic Credit All students are required to be on time to school daily, present in class daily, and on time to class daily. Al-Ihsan Academy expects our students to demonstrate their understanding of responsibility through regular attendance and punctuality. Frequent absences and tardiness may


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

adversely impact a student’s learning, academic performance, and good standing with the school. If a student experiences circumstances that may adversely impact his or her regular daily attendance, then the student’s parents are to contact the student’s Guidance Counselor to inform them of the situation. The Guidance Counselor can then advise the parents and student as to applicable school policies and procedures. Excessive Absences / Tardies: As attendance has a distinct relationship with academic performance, absences beyond six days in any one trimester will result in referral to the Attendance Committee for review. The Attendance Committee may recommend appropriate corrective action up to and including failure and loss of credit for those classes or referral to the Discipline Committee. Make-Up Work: The excused absence or tardy designation indicates that the student was not truant and is therefore able to make up work missed during an absence in accordance with the teacher’s published class policy. It does not imply accommodations beyond those allowed by the published class policies.

Special Needs Al-Ihsan Academy does not offer Special Education programs, courses or services. While the school may accept students with limited special learning needs, accommodations for those needs are limited to those that are consistent with its faculty’s ability. Those accommodations are: -Up to time-and-a-half extended time on tests, including final exams -Permission to tape-record classroom lectures/presentations -Priority classroom seating as necessary -Accommodations on class assignments as determined by the teacher -Core course requirements can neither be waived nor replaced by substitute courses.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-It is the parents’ responsibility to provide the student’s Guidance Counselor with current learning assessment documentation in order for the student to qualify for any of the above. Both the student and parents must meet with their Guidance Counselor to determine for which, if any, of the above the student may qualify. -Undocumented needs cannot be accommodated. -Late documentation may qualify for accommodation from the time of receipt and not retroactively. -Teachers neither provide nor keep record of accommodations unless requested to do so by a Guidance Counselor. -Counselors cannot release information regarding a student’s special needs without written parental permission.

Manifest Hardship Manifest Hardship may exist when a student demonstrates chronic or extended illness, injury, or other emergency circumstances that restrict or prevent school attendance or participation resulting in a prolonged inability to complete required coursework. If parents suspect that a Manifest Hardship condition may exist for their student, then they may contact their student’s Guidance Counselor for an application and then submit the completed application to the Counselor, who then will present it to the appropriate Assistant Principal for review. Hardship applications are approved by the Administration and all decisions are final. Applications must be submitted at the time that the hardship occurs. Manifest Hardship can be neither documented nor applied retroactively. Note: Manifest Hardship is available only for a single trimester’s use. It is not available for either repeated or on-going use. (Also, see “Special Needs”.) Manifest Hardship accommodations may include: -Receiving modified requirements for submitting coursework (as determined by course instructors on a course-by-course basis).


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Receiving a schedule revision if the Hardship condition will persist throughout the trimester. -Receiving an Incomplete (see “Course Incomplete Grades”) if the Hardship condition occurs with more than 10 class days remaining in the trimester (not including exam days). -Receiving standing course average as final grade if the Hardship condition occurs with less than 10 class days remaining in the trimester (not including exam days). -Classes that a student drops under Manifest Hardship will appear on the student’s transcript as a withdrawn (“W”) course, and core courses must be repeated in their entirety. Manifest Hardship does not exempt students from AIA graduation requirements.

Course Schedules Current junior students are required to submit a written Course Request Form for the following school year by March 1st of the current school year. Once submitted, Course Request Forms are considered final. Student course schedules for the following school year are published at the end of the current school year. As both the master schedule and faculty staffing are determined according to original course requests, once published, student course schedules are considered final except in special cases of schedule correction. Schedule Corrections: To verify that a final schedule is correct, students are asked to review their schedules when they receive them. Counselors may consider correcting a final schedule only under the following conditions: -To ensure the correct inclusion and sequence of required courses, -To accommodate the make-up of failed courses, -To address Manifest Hardship, corrections to address either Manifest Hardship Concern may be made only if their required processes have been completed.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-All corrections are subject to course availability and to class enrollment size requirements. - It may at times be necessary for the school to make master schedule adjustments to teacher assignments, room assignments, or period assignments for a given course.

ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT REPORTING Progress Reports Students have primary responsibility both for monitoring their own grades and for communicating their academic progress to their parents by checking the on-line grade book. In addition, Teachers and Counselors can make that information easily and readily accessible to parents upon their request through a variety of forms of communication, including phone calls, e-mails, grade printouts, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and two kinds of progress reports, weekly and mid-term. Weekly progress reports may be requested through the Administration office. The purpose of this form is to apprise parents of their student’s week-by-week progress. Requests normally are made after parental consultation with their student’s guidance counselor. The procedure for using these forms is: -The student picks up a form in the guidance office at the start of the week. -The student submits the form to his/her teachers for completion. -The form then is reviewed and signed by the student’s parents. -The student returns the completed form to his/her guidance counselor at the start of the following week. Mid-Term Progress Report Grades are available after mid-term testing and will be available during the parent-teacher conference and via e-mail. -Progress report grades are in-progress averages not report cards and they


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do not constitute an official grading period and do not become part of a student’s permanent academic record.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences are held during the week following mid-term exams. Teachers are available for short meetings with parents to review their students’ progress. Parents of a student who receives a “D” or “F” on their progress report are strongly encouraged to attend Parent – Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher conferences, as well as all family communication with the school regarding a student, are reserved for the parents or legal guardians of a student, as well as the student herself or himself. A parent or guardian may appoint a family representative for this purpose only with the prior notification and approval of Administration.

Mid-Term Exams Mid-Term exams are administered over two special “exam schedule” days; no other classes meet on those days. Exam periods are 70 minutes each. Each trimester officially reaches its mid-point with the conclusion of Mid-Term exams. Early Mid-Term exams: In the event that a student anticipates a nonresolvable scheduling conflict with one or more Mid-Term exams, the student must obtain and complete an Early Exam Request Form, available at the Administration office. If the request is approved, then the student will be allowed to schedule with his or her teacher to take exams up to five school days in advance of the scheduled exam date. Exams arranged and taken without this approval may be declared invalid and receive no credit. The student will be charged a rescheduling fee of $10 per exam. Any MidTerm exam taken early may include material that remains to be covered in that course. Teachers are not required to adjust either the exam or their grading to accommodate this.

Final Exams Final exams are administered over two special “exam schedule” days; no other classes meet on those days. Exam periods are 70 minutes each. 17

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Each trimester officially concludes with final exams. All coursework must be completed and submitted prior to the end of the trimester in order to receive credit. Early trimester exams: In the event that a student anticipates a nonresolvable scheduling conflict with one or more trimester exams, the student must obtain and complete an Early Exam Request Form, available at the Administration office. If the request is approved, then the student will be allowed to schedule with his or her teacher to take exams up to five school days in advance of the scheduled exam date. Exams arranged and taken without this approval may be declared invalid and receive no credit. The student will be charged a rescheduling fee of $10 per exam. Any final exam taken early may include material that remains to be covered in that course. Teachers are not required to adjust either the exam or their grading to accommodate this.

Final Grades and Report Cards Final grades for each trimester class are not averaged with other trimester grades. Final grades are posted on the first school day following final exams week. Printed report cards are mailed 7 days following final exams week. Any request for a teacher to review a final grade must be submitted in writing by the student to the teacher prior to the “Grades Final” deadline published in the school calendar. Grade review requests made after this deadline or made by persons other than the student may not be accepted. Review of a final exam grade or final course grade by an Administrator can be made only to verify correct calculation and recording of the grade, and to verify the teacher’s adherence to the course’s stated grading rubric and policies. Only the teacher who issued a grade may change that grade. Falsification of testimony or documentation presented in support of a review request will be considered a violation of the “Academic Dishonesty” policy and the student subject to disciplinary action.

Course Failures A student who fails any course receives no credit for that course. The failure remains both on the student’s transcript and in the student’s cumulative


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G.P.A. The make-up grade and credit earned also will appear on the transcript and be included in the student’s G.P.A. Any student who fails a class that is needed for graduation must make up that failure during that same academic year or during the following academic year. In the case of a senior year failure that occurs either in the third trimester or in a course not available for make-up before the end of the year, the student must make up the failure in the manner approved by the Administration. Only courses that a student has failed and for which the student has received no credit may be repeated for credit. Al-Ihsan Academy does not provide summer school courses. Any student who at any time prior to graduation fails more than eight classes cumulative OR fails six classes in a single trimester or is unable to schedule within the AIA curriculum either core or total credits sufficient for graduation will be required to withdraw.

Course Incomplete Grades An “Incomplete” grade may be issued by a teacher at the end of a course only with the approval of Administration. Approval will be given if the student qualifies for Manifest Hardship or in the case of an extreme circumstance taken into consideration by Administration. Under no other circumstances may coursework be accepted after grades are final. Upon approval, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with his or her teacher and submit all completed work as required by the teacher within the first 10 school days of the new trimester or the first 10 weekdays following the last exam day if the “I” is in the 3rd trimester. No further accommodations regarding the student’s completion of work and subsequent grade are either included or implied. Failure to meet the deadline will result in the student receiving a final grade based on his or her course average at the end of the trimester.

TEXTBOOKS Teachers will issue textbooks to their students during the first week of class. If a book is damaged, lost or stolen, then the student will be issued another book only after paying the appropriate damage fine or replacement cost. At the end of each trimester, students are to return the same books that were issued. Textbook conditions will be evaluated when returned relative to when issued. Book condition categories are: new, good, and poor. 19

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If the book condition drops from good to poor, the student will be fined 50% of the replacement cost for the book. If the book condition drops from new to poor or is lost, the student will be fined 100% of the replacement cost for the book. If a lost book is later returned, then a credit will be made toward the student’s account. Textbook damages and loses are the responsibility of the student to whom the book was issued and fines must be paid before the student will be cleared to begin the next trimester’s classes. All matters concerning textbooks should be directed to Administration.

Academic Assistance Procedure The Academic Assistance Procedure is designed to offer support to students who experience chronic academic difficulties failures in their classes. A student’s Guidance Counselor must request the Procedure when one of the following two criteria exists: either a student receives two or more “F’s” in a single trimester or a student’s cumulative G.P.A. falls below 2.0. The procedure is as follows: -The student and his or her parent or guardian meet with the student’s Guidance Counselor to develop a plan for the student to follow in order to improve his or her academic performance in relation to the abovestated criteria. The plan will be approved and monitored by the Guidance Counselor. -If the student successfully completes the plan, then the Procedure ends. However, if the student does not successfully complete his or her plan, then either the plan may be repeated or a new plan may be developed and followed. -Guidance Counselor records, meeting minutes, and correspondence with the student and his or her parent/guardian may serve as Procedure documentation. -The Academic Assistance Procedure is an academic support service provided by the Guidance Department and is not intended as due process in the event of a student’s dismissal from AIA for academic reasons.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

AWARDS The Awards Program is designed to recognize and promote excellence in all areas of school life. It features awards for outstanding academic, athletic, and co-curricular achievement. Such recognition demands not only talent and skill but also hard work, self-discipline, determination, and integrity. To receive any of the awards listed here, the student must not only meet the criteria listed below, but also those standards that pertain to satisfactory conduct and good standing within the school. All AIA students are encouraged to strive toward the goal of earning one or more of these awards.

Honors Diploma An honor diploma may be awarded to students who meet the following requirements: -A minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.5 based on 12 complete trimesters of coursework, GPAs are not rounded. -No final grade of F in any course and no final grade below C in the senior year includes transfer grades and enrichment course grades. -No record of suspension or disciplinary probation, including transfer status from other schools.

Honor Roll Eligibility for trimester Honor Rolls is determined as follows: -A Honor roll: straight “A’s” in the trimester -B Honor roll: all “A’s” and “B’s” in the trimester

Student Athlete Award This award is given annually to one male and one female senior athlete who demonstrated superior academic and athletic performance throughout their high school careers. 21

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Scholar Award This award is given annually to one male and one female student who have demonstrated superior academic performance in the subjects of Quran, Arabic and Islamic Studies.

Leadership Award This award is given annually to one male and one female student who display exceptional leadership qualities. The criteria involved in the selection process include but are not limited to: Academic achievement, community service, representing and promoting AIA in the greater community, formation of and participation in after school activities, clubs and sports, and involvement in the promotion and growth of Islam.

GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT The Guidance Department assists each student in his or her academic and college planning and personal and social development. The Department cooperates with teachers, administrators, parents, and specialists in an effort to help students pursue appropriate educational and personal goals. Al-Ihsan Academy students meet with their counselors both individually and in small groups. All services are provided in strict confidence and in accordance with the ethical and professional guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Counselors are obliged to notify a student’s parents or guardians if, in the Counselor’s professional judgment, the student may be in danger or may be a danger to others. (Also, see “Abuse/Neglect Reporting”.)

Academic Assistance The Guidance Department may assist students in their pursuit of excellence by doing the following: -Help students to develop long-range educational goals. -Help students to develop a 4-year academic plan based on the student’s abilities and goals. 22

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-Monitor student performance through progress reports, teacher consultations, parent referrals, and student requests. -Coordinate the testing program, including: EXPLORE, PLAN, PSAT, Advanced Placement, Holland’s Self-Directed Search and other tests. -Act as contact for students with special needs. (See “Special Needs�.) -Act as contact for students experiencing extended absence from school. -Advise students in the course selection process. -Approve student course schedules and schedule corrections. -Utilize community resources and referral agencies when necessary.

Personal and Social Assistance In addition to helping students realize their academic potential the Guidance Department is also required to assist students in reaching their personal and social potential as well. The Guidance Department may do the following in order to achieve this. -Provide students with various opportunities to develop self-esteem and decision-making skills, utilizing a variety of resources. -Make support groups available for special situations including but not limited to school and social adjustments, study and organizational skills, personal issues, substance abuse, and traumatic events. -Address individual needs with regard to developmental progress. -Respond to students in emergency situations. -Utilize community resources and referral agencies when necessary.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

College Planning In addition to helping students reach their academic, social and personal potential the Guidance Department will also assist students in planning for their academic careers after they leave AIA by doing the following. -Maintain a College and Career Center, including but not limited to: college view books and catalogs, applications for all U.S. colleges and universities, occupational briefs, and other career-related materials. -Make available information on city, state, and out-of-state college fairs. -Coordinate visits by college and university admissions representatives. -Provide juniors and seniors with a college planning guide. -Assist students in applying to colleges appropriate to their abilities / goals. Note: In order for counselors to assist students with the college application process, students must follow all Guidance Department procedures and meet all Department deadlines. Failure to do so may either delay or preclude the timely review or processing of the student’s college application materials.

Student Records Policies Student records at Al-Ihsan Academy are kept in accordance with the Federal Family Education Right and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Colorado Open Records Law. This policy assures both parents and students (if aged 18 or older) access to their student records while protecting each student’s right to privacy by limiting the transferability of student records without the consent of either the student’s parent or the student (if aged 18 or older). The school abides by the aforementioned laws with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, the school will provide the noncustodial parent with access to academic records and other school information regarding his or her child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the custodial parent’s responsibility to provide the school with a court-certified copy of


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

the custody section of the divorce decree. Never married parents should also have custody documents on file, as needed. This information will help officials in determining when, if ever, the student and his or her records can be released to the non-custodial parent. A copy of the aforementioned laws is available in the Guidance Office. Student transcripts and grade reports may be issued to colleges, universities, or other schools to which a student is applying or transferring, to the NCAA Clearinghouse when a student athlete registers with the Clearinghouse, to college athletic recruiters upon request, and to prospective employers upon request. No transcripts or grade reports can be issued unless the student has a signed transcript release form on file in the Guidance Office. Official transcripts are considered privileged communication between institutions and must be issued by Al-Ihsan Academy directly to the requesting institution. However, unofficial transcripts may be issued directly to students or parents. Transcript requests should be made with the student’s guidance counselor and should be made in advance to allow adequate time for processing. There is a $5 charge per transcript, payable with the transcript request. Upon a student’s graduation, one final transcript will be issued free of charge to the college or university of the student’s choice. Both applicants and the school are legally obligated to answer truthfully and completely all questions asked by colleges and universities on their applications. If an institution requests information about student suspensions or any other disciplinary and legal actions, then such information must be reported. If such information is not requested, then the school will not provide it. Also, if a student discontinues attendance at Al-Ihsan Academy for any reason, then the school is expected to notify any colleges by whom the student has been accepted or with whom the student has active applications.

Child Abuse/Neglect Policy If a student communicates to any Al-Ihsan Academy employee at any time that the student is experiencing any form of child abuse or neglect then the employee is legally obliged to report this information to Colorado Social Services and may not for any reason hold such information in confidentiality. 25

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

General School Rules and Behavior Expectations for Students -At all times students, faculty and guests are expected to conduct themselves with dignity befitting the understanding of Islam. -Students are to follow the directives of the faculty and staff at all times. Student behavior in the classroom must contribute to and not hinder the learning process. -Pagers, cell phones, CD players, IPODS and any other electronic devices must be turned off and contained in lockers or backpacks at all times. If these items create a disturbance they may be confiscated, and will be turned over to the Administration office. Confiscated items may be picked up by the owners’ legal parent or guardian only. Electronic devices at school are the sole responsibility of the owner and are brought to school at the students own risk. School resources will not be used to investigate stolen electronic devices. Students are encouraged to leave electronic devices at home. Parents seeking to contact their students should do so through the Administration office. -Markers, including permanent and non-permanent markers, white-out, shoe polish, spray paints and other similar substances are not allowed. Classroom teachers may provide these materials for class work and collect them at the end of the period. -Al-Ihsan Academy is a tobacco free campus. Smoking or the use of any tobacco products on campus by students, parents or guests is prohibited. -Profanity and vulgar gestures or language is not allowed. -Gang signs, visual or verbal displays associated with gangs or gang paraphernalia is not allowed. -Possession of offensive written or pictorial material is not allowed.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Students caught throwing food will be assigned clean up duties and face disciplinary action. -Play fighting or games where students hit or grab each other may be interpreted as actual fighting or harassment and is not allowed. -Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to class, be on time, comply with all school rules, be respectful to fellow classmates and adults and conduct themselves appropriately while on Al-Ihsan Academy property. -Students are expected to use trash receptacles to dispose of food and trash. -During lunch students are expected to clean up after themselves after eating, cooperate with supervising adults and fill their time with productive activities during any free remaining time. -Loitering in the PE areas and parking lots is not allowed. -Students are expected to leave campus at the end of the day and go straight home or report at once to any after school program they may be involved in. Students must avoid those who would engage them in illegal or unsafe activities. -Students are expected to complete all homework assignments in a timely manner. - All student posters, flyers, or any other form of printed materials on campus must be approved through Administration. Their contents must clearly identify the AIA organization and the event that they are advertising. - Communication directed by students or their parents, guardians or family members to faculty members must be appropriate in both content and tone. Any verbal or written communication directed by a student, parent, guardian or family member to any staff member that, in the school’s judgment, harasses, demeans, defames, seeks to coerce or intimidate, brings unsubstantiated accusation against, or otherwise abuses a staff member may be reviewed by the Administration as a violation of conduct and subject to disciplinary action or loss of good standing with the school.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

- All athletic or recreational equipment must be properly stored during the school day. The use of athletic or recreational equipment in non-athletic facilities or areas is prohibited and may result in confiscation of the equipment and disciplinary action. -Only those medications which, according to a student’s physician, must be taken during the day may be taken or administered during school hours. A written request for administration of medication during school hours must be made in writing and signed by both the student’s parents and physician and submitted to Administration. The request must include the name of the parent or guardian, a home and emergency phone number, and directions and times for administering medication. Medications must be brought to school in the original container which is appropriately labeled. All medications must be personally delivered to the school by the parent or guardian. -Al-Ihsan Academy is an Islamic High School however, it does not proselytize to its non-Muslim members. Accordingly, no student, parent, employee, or other party may, at any time, either on campus or at any AIA event or activity, engage in any form of recruitment of persons to join any religious or religious-based denomination or movement. Similarly, Al-Ihsan Academy does not make political endorsements and, accordingly, no student, parent, employee, or other party may, at any time, either on campus or at any AIA event or activity, engage in any form of promotion of political parties or their platforms or candidates. -All visitors, including parents and guardians, must check in at the Front Desk for clearance to be on campus or in school buildings. No student is permitted to have visitors during the school day without permission from a school administrator. Students that encourage, admit, or accompany unauthorized visitors anywhere on campus will be subject to disciplinary action. -If a parent wishes to speak with her or his student, they are to make this request with Administration, who will arrange for the student’s availability if possible.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-If a parent wishes to speak with a faculty member, they are to make an appointment in advance with the faculty member. Classroom teachers may not be interrupted during class and are not obliged to meet with parents without an appointment. Disrupting any teacher’s class may result in a loss of student’s good standing with the school.

AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES Permission to park on school property is granted at the sole discretion of the school. Student vehicles may be parked in designated student parking areas so long as they are registered with the Administration office and display a valid AIA parking permit. -Permits may be purchased at the Administration office for $15 per trimester. -Illegally parked vehicles will be towed. -Students are not allowed to be in their vehicles or in the parking lot during the school day. -The campus speed limit is 10 mph. -Speeding or unsafe driving in any motorized vehicle on campus is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal. -The use of skates, skate-boards, bikes or personal transport devices (scooters, Segways, etc.) on campus is prohibited. -Any on campus vehicular accident must be reported to Administration. -Any AIA student is deemed to have given consent to the search of his or her vehicle by school Administrators. If any person in the car other than the driver is the current custodian of the vehicle, consent to search is deemed to be given by that person also. The area of search may include the entire passenger compartment, trunk and all containers therein, locked or unlocked, and undercarriage.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Al-Ihsan Academy maintains a zero tolerance policy requiring mandatory suspension and recommendation for expulsion for the following: Dangerous Weapons - The possession, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm or dangerous weapon on campus, anywhere within view of campus, within vehicles or at any school sponsored event is grounds for immediate expulsion. Dangerous weapons include but are not limited to: firearms, ammunition, knives with fixed or spring loaded blades, pocket knives, explosives, incendiary devices, laser pointers or any other device or object used or intended to be used as a weapon.

Drugs and Alcohol - The possession, selling or attending school or any school event under the influence of a controlled substance, alcohol, or performance enhancing substance will not be tolerated. -A student detained under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, performance-enhancing drugs, or other hazardous substances will not be released except into the custody of his or her parent or guardian. If this custodial release is not possible because of the unavailability of such adults, the student may be released into the custody of civil authorities. In no case will a student be released on their own. -The offense will bring immediate suspension. The student will not be readmitted until there has been a meeting with Administration, the student’s parents, and the student. The student may also be placed on a probationary contract for the remainder of the student’s enrollment at AIA. The probation contract may include mandatory drug counseling, assessment, and random drug testing at the


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

discretion of AIA. The probationary contract will also include all school rules, regulations and policies found in the AIA Handbook. Failure to meet the guidelines set forth in the probationary contract may result in the student’s immediate expulsion. -Possession with intent to distribute, or distribution of Alcohol, controlled substances or performance enhancing drugs will result in immediate expulsion. -The school may require students or student guests on school premises or at school-sponsored events to submit to a breathalyzer test for the purpose of detecting the use of alcohol. The school may require such testing at any time, with or without advance notice, on a random basis, on an across-the-board basis, or on the basis of reasonable suspicion. The school may remove from school premises or school-sponsored events any students or student guests who test positive for the use of alcohol or who refuse or fail to submit to such testing when required to do so by the school. The school may also discipline , up to and including expulsion, any students who test positive for the use of alcohol or who refuse or fail to submit to such testing when required to do so by the school. Drug-sniďŹƒng dogs may be used to detect the presence of illegal drugs on school premises or at school-sponsored events. The school may employ such dogs at any time, with or without advance notice, on a random basis, on an across-the board basis, or on the basis of reasonable suspicion. The school has the right to remove from school premises or school-sponsored events any students or student guests who are found to possess illegal drugs. The school also may discipline, up to and including expulsion, any students who are found to possess illegal drugs or who refuse to cooperate with any reasonable search for illegal drugs.

Sexual Misconduct - Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery or any other form of sexual misconduct is grounds for immediate expulsion.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Sexual misconduct is defined as any type or degree of sex act committed on campus or any overt sexual behavior considered contrary to the moral standards of Islam. -“Mooning” or other indecent gestures or behaviors will be counted as sexual misconduct and will be enforced as such. -Al-Ihsan Academy makes every effort to separate male and female students from one another and expects that students, parents and guests respect and uphold this standard while at AIA or any AIA sponsored event.

Fighting - Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense, robbery or extortion, fighting, assault or battery on any school employee, student or guest will result in immediate suspension with the recommendation for expulsion.

Bullying or Harassment -The school will respond to and investigate any allegation of bullying or harassment promptly, confidentially, and thoroughly. -A charge of bullying or harassment shall not, in and of itself, create the presumption of wrongdoing. However, substantiated acts of bullying or harassment will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from Al-Ihsan Academy. -Students found to have filed false or frivolous charges will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from AIA. -Indicators of bullying or harassment behavior include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: - Verbal: Hurtful name-calling, teasing, gossiping, making threats, making rude noises or spreading hurtful rumors and derogatory jokes. - Nonverbal: Posturing, making gang signs, leering, staring, stalking,


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

destroying property, using graffiti or graphic images or exhibiting inappropriate or threatening gestures or actions. - Physical: Hitting, punching, pushing, shoving, poking, kicking, tripping, strangling, hair-pulling, fighting, beating, biting, spitting, or destroying property. - Emotional (Psychological): Rejecting, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, intimidating, humiliating, blackmailing, manipulating friendships, isolating, ostracizing, using peer pressure, or rating or ranking personal characteristics. - Cyber-Bullying: Sending insulting or threatening messages by phone, e-mail, Web sites, or any other electronic or written communication. -Hazing: any act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, or affiliation with AIA or any AIA group or activity, could in the judgment of the administration, endanger the physical health of an individual or cause psychological or emotional distress to an individual. Hazing is considered to be a form of harassment and intimidation and will be subject to the same penalties.

Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty refers to acts of cheating, plagiarism, and inappropriate computer/technology use. Such acts include: -Copying, reproducing, including or otherwise using or representing any or all of another person’s work as your own. -Using or representing materials authored by another person as your own work without proper citation or acknowledgement. -Using any course or course-related materials during a test, quiz or any other form of assignment where such use has been prohibited. -Allowing someone else to copy, reproduce or otherwise use or represent all or part of your work as his or her own. 33

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-Stealing or otherwise acquiring or distributing without permission a teacher’s or student’s quiz, test, assignment copy or answers, or teacher’s manual, whether or not the information contained was in fact used to cheat. -Violating assignment directions or expectations with intent to commit academic dishonesty. -Aiding or abetting others in acts of academic dishonesty. -Forgery, altering school notes or documents or impersonating a parent or guardian will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

CAMPUS SAFETY/SECURITY -Al-Ihsan Academy has a school-wide plan for emergency building evacuations and campus lock-down. Full student and parent cooperation with this plan are required at all times. -Students who tamper with the school PA, deliberately send a false alarm or emergency report, cause an unnecessary lockdown or evacuation, or deliberately impede or refuse to follow emergency procedures may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. -Al-Ihsan Academy is a closed campus. In order to leave campus during the day, written permission, (or by telephone in the case of an immediate emergency), is needed from the student’s parents or guardians. -No student from another campus or an unauthorized adult may be on the property without clearance from Administration. -Students who become ill during the school day must report to the Admission Office prior to leaving school. Students may not be excused without verbal permission given by a parent or guardian to Administration.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance has a direct relationship with academic performance; absences and tardies beyond six days in any one trimester will result in referral to the Disciplinary Committee for review. The Committee may recommend appropriate corrective action up to and including loss of credit for the classes, failure of the classes, or disciplinary action. -Leaving campus without permission will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. -Any absence or tardy that occur as a result of leaving campus without permission shall be unexcused and additional disciplinary action will be taken.

Salat/Jumuah -Participation in Salat is mandatory for all Muslim students. Non-Muslim students and those unable to perform Salat due to a valid reason will be required to attend study hall in a separate room. Attendance will be taken for both Salat and study hall. -Attendance at Jumuah is required for all students, within the criteria for attending Salat. However students not in attendance will be expected to listen to the khutbah. Attendance will also be taken for Jumuah and the corresponding study hall.

Absence Procedure The following procedure must be followed in order for an absence to be excused: -When a student is absent, the parents must call the oďŹƒce between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. that same day. -When the student returns to school after the absence, she or he must bring a note from the parents indicating the reason for the absence. The note should contain: Current date, Date of absence, reason for absence, and the parent or guardian’s signature and contact number. 35

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-The excused absence or tardy designation indicates that the school is satisfied that the student was not truant and therefore may make up work missed during the absence in accordance with the teacher’s published class policy. -It does not in any manner imply accommodations beyond the published class policies. Failure to clear an absence as outlined above may result in the absence being designated as unexcused. -In the event that a student is at any time not residing at home, parents are required to notify the Administration Office of the name and phone number of the adult responsible for the student.

EXCUSED ABSENCES Absences are excused for the following reasons: -Personal Illness -Medical or dental appointments -AIA field trips, activities and functions (participants only) -AIA athletic events (participants only) -On-campus interviews with college representatives -Counseling sessions -Summons from administrative or attendance personnel -Religious observances -Funeral attendance -Court-ordered appearances


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Senior Off-Campus Privilege Seniors who have signed parental permission on file may have off-campus lunch privileges. Parental permission forms must be turned in to Administration by the first full day of school. It is the student’s responsibility to return to school on time. Returning late will result in disciplinary consequences, up to and including loss of off-campus privilege.

Dress Code -Because Al-Ihsan Academy is an Islamic school, personal appearance should be maintained with the utmost care. Students are expected to arrive clean, well groomed and compliant with their gender specific dress code. -Any student who arrives outside of the dress code will be required to return home with their parents and change their clothes or spend the day in in-school suspension. All absences incurred as a result of the dress code will be recorded as unexcused. -No exposed cleavage, midriff, buttocks, back, undergarments, tattoos, or body piercing in any area will be allowed. -Boys: Thobe or collared dress shirt, polo or button up, and dress pants, khaki, navy, or black, must be worn. Socks and shoes are required. Al-Ihsan Academy sweat shirts may be worn. No blue jeans may be worn at any time. Hair must be well groomed, neat, clean, and of a natural human color. Unconventional hairstyles, as judged by the administration, are not allowed. No under-sized (ex. Skinny jeans) or over-sized clothes will be permitted. No visible jewelry of any kind is allowed. -Girls: Hijab and abaya or hijab, long dress (ankle length, khaki, navy or black) and long sleeve dress shirt, polo or button up, must be worn. Socks and shoes are required. Al-Ihsan Academy sweat shirts may be worn. No blue jeans may be worn at any time. No under-sized (ex. Skinny jeans) or over-sized clothes will be permitted.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Minor Infractions (those not requiring mandatory suspension) will be tracked for a single trimester period. Students will be allowed two Minor Infractions per trimester. Every Minor Infraction after the first two within a given trimester will result in a lunch detention. 5 Minor Infractions within a trimester period will result in a Major Infraction. Major Infractions will result in a mandatory in school-suspension and a review by the Discipline Committee. If the Discipline Committee finds that the seriousness of the offense warrants a more severe punishment then it may recommend another up to and including expulsion. Students who have already served an in-school suspension for a previous Major Infraction will automatically be given an out of school suspension. Al-Ihsan Academy disciplinary policies, procedures, and decisions are intended to serve AIA as means of enforcement of its own rules and code of conduct according to the School’s mission and philosophy. As such, they are not bound to function as, in lieu of, or in accordance with either criminal or civil actions or decisions as a response to any student-related act or incident. While Al-Ihsan Academy will cooperate fully with any criminal investigation involving any of its students, the School is not responsible for recommending, initiating or pursuing any criminal or civil action for, against, or on behalf of any AIA student or family.

Lunch Detention -A single lunch detention lasts the entire length of the lunch period. -Lunch detention may vary in duration from one to several days depending on the seriousness of the offense. -While on lunch detention, the student will be required to copy the Al-Ihsan Academy Handbook word-for-word. -The student assigned lunch detention must report at the designated time


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

and place. Failure to report for lunch detention will result in an additional detention. Failure to report to additional detentions will result in suspension and possible disciplinary hearings. -Lunch detention is the most lenient of all disciplinary actions. Generally lunch detention will be given to students who arrive less than 15 minutes late for their ďŹ rst period class, or minor policy violations.

Friday Detention -Friday detention is to be served for continuous or moderate disciplinary infractions. -A single Friday detention is 90 minutes in length. -Friday detention will be served ten minutes after Jumuah prayer. -The student assigned to the detention must report at the designated time and place. Failure to report for detention will result in an additional detention to be served. Failure to report to additional detentions will result in suspension and possible disciplinary hearings.

In-School Suspension -In-school suspension is a temporary restriction from attending classes and school activities. -During in-school suspension, the student will be present in school and will complete work assigned by Administration. -The student will be isolated from the rest of the student body for the entire day. -Parents will receive a disciplinary referral notice informing them of the incident and the disciplinary action taken. -Students will be required to complete all class assignments and complete any scheduled exams missed during the suspension. 39

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

-The student’s class grade will remain the same as it was before the suspension. Failure to complete any assignments or exams will result in “zeros” that will be averaged into the student’s class grade. -It may not be possible to make-up or participate in certain class activities such as group projects, labs, etc.

Out-Of-School Suspension -Out-of-school suspension is a temporary dismissal from school. -During out-of school suspension, the student is not to be present either in school and or at any school or school-sponsored activities. -During the suspension the student may not report to school for any activity. -Following the suspension, the student may be placed on disciplinary probation. -Out-of-school suspension is given as a result of a serious or repeated infraction of school regulations. -A conference with parents and student will be required. Following this conference, the student may be allowed to return to classes. -Suspended students will be required to complete all class assignments and complete any scheduled exams missed during the suspension. -The student’s class grade will remain the same as it was before the suspension. Failure to complete the assignments or exams will result in “zeros” that will be averaged into the student’s class grade. -It may not be possible to make-up or participate in certain class activities such as group projects, labs, etc. -Al-Ihsan Academy is required to disclose any record of student suspension to any school, college, or university that requests such information.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Administrative Leave Administrative Leave is a temporary dismissal from school during an ongoing criminal or administrative investigation. -A student accused of or under investigation for or charged with a serious criminal act or any other behavior, committed on or off campus that is considered threatening to the welfare, safety and morals of other students or faculty will not be allowed on campus or at any Al-Ihsan Academy activity or event until the adjudication or resolution of the incident. -Upon adjudication or resolution of the incident, the student may be subject to further disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. -While on administrative leave, the student may arrange to continue his or her class work at home. -Communication between the student and his or her teachers is usually done via e-mail. -This program of at-home study is intended to keep the student current in terms of class work or assignments, but it does not replace the content received through regular class attendance. -It may not be possible to make-up or participate in certain class activities such as tests, quizzes, group projects, labs, etc. and may not be suitable for all classes.

Disciplinary Probation -Disciplinary probation is a corrective measure sometimes used to modify student behavior. -Disciplinary probation is used as a “last chance” effort to avoid suspension or dismissal. -A student placed on disciplinary probation will be given a written list of


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

behavioral expectations and guidelines that must be followed during a specified probationary period. -Violation of said guidelines and expectations will result in dismissal from Al-Ihsan Academy in accordance with the stipulations specified in the written list.

Dismissal -Dismissal from Al-Ihsan Academy may take one of two forms. -A student may be expelled from school for any serious offense that is detrimental to the good order of the school. -As an alternative to expulsion, a student may be given the option to withdraw. -The recommendation to expel a student or to ask a student to withdraw from the school will be made by the Discipline Committee. -The Principal has the ultimate authority in implementing or rejecting the recommendation and in reviewing any appeal. -Upon appeal, the Principal’s decision shall be final, binding, and not subject to further appeal. -Al-Ihsan Academy is required to disclose any record of student dismissal to any school, college, or university that requests such information.

Discipline Committees -The Discipline Committee will consist of three to seven faculty members, one of whom will be selected to be chair, chosen by Administration. -Administration may call for a committee hearing in cases of serious misconduct or when repeated attempts at correction have failed to modify


student behavior. The Committee then meets to review the student’s record and the matter brought before it. -The Committee then recommends an appropriate disciplinary sanction to the Principal. Students and their parents or legal guardians have the right to attend this hearing and present their explanation of the events surrounding the matter at hand before the committee.

AL-IHSAN ACADEMY AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING We understand that our student’s registration is deemed our agreement to read, know, and both comply and cooperate with all policies, rules, regulations, and restrictions of the school as contained in the Al-Ihsan Academy Handbook. _________________________ Student Name (please print)

_____ Grade

_________________________ Student Signature

___________ Date

_________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

___________ Date

_________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

___________ Date

Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Al Ihsan Academy 2012-13 Academic Calendar Ramadan / Shawwal 1433 H Sun


August 2012




Wed 1

Thur 1

13 5

6 Teacher’s Orientation Meeting 18 19 12 13




Eid Al-Fitr



Fall Trimester Begins 2








Tue 1





16 9


17 10

23 16



1 23 / 30






21 14

28 21 No School Teacher’s Meeting 4 5 6 26 27 28 Mid Term Mid Term Exams Exams Per. 1-3 Per. 4-6 11 12 13 19

3 25










Sat 1















7 31





September 2012 Wed








Shawwal / Thul Qedah 1433 H Sun










































Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Thul Qedah / Thul Hijjah 1433 H Sun

Mon 1


No School 15




Eid Break Ends 12






2 24

Day of Arafat 9





Tue 1






27 18



No School 12



Final Exams Periods 1-3

Final Exams Periods 4-6 9


30 Fall Trimester grades ďŹ nalized



3 23



















Winter Trimester Begins 13




Sat 2
















5 25


21 12


November 2012 Thur




19 Teachers Meeting 3 26 Eid Al-Adha











Thul Hijjah 1433 H / Muharram 1434 H Sun



26 18






Sat 5









Fri 4





Thur 3




Eid Break Begins 5







Parent Teacher Conference

October 2012



Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Al Ihsan Academy 2012-13 Academic Calendar Muharram / Safar 1434 H Sun


December 2012











Sat 1












11 / 18





Mon 1



Wed 1

19 Winter Break Begins 24

Parent Teacher Conference 25 26 13 14

1 Winter Break Ends 8

2 20


9 27















12 AIA Open House & Interviews 30 18 19

7 25

13 31



6 24







Mid Term Exams Per. 4-6 22










Mid Term Exams Per. 1-3 21




Thur 2


3 21


January 2013





Safar / Rabi Al Awaal 1434 H Sun






















24 / 31





23 / 30

10 / 17







Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Rabi Al Awaal / Rabi Al Thani 1434 H Sun



February 2013










Sat 1



















6 22 No School Teacher’s Meeting 12 13












Spring Break Begins 28

22 10

23 11

29 17


Spring Spring Break Trimester Ends Begins 5 6 24 / 31 25

12 / 19





Final Exams Per. 1-3 25




Final Exams Per. 4-6 26





27 15

3 21 Winter 22 Trimester Grades Finalized








9 27


Announcement for Class of 2018 Roster










14 6



March 2013 Thur





Rabi Al Thani / Jumada Al Awaal 1434 H Sun





























4 23

11 29

Teachers Meeting After School 17 18


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Al Ihsan Academy 2012-13 Academic Calendar Jumada Al Awaal / Jumada Al Thani 1434 H Sun

Mon 1

Tue 1










2 19

Mid Term Exams Per. 1-3 15

10 26 Mid Term Exams Per. 4-6 16 17


Tue 1



May 2013


Thur 1



26 12















1 17

8 24 No School Teacher’s Meeting 14 15 30 31














Sat 3






















Mon 1




Jumada Al Thani / Rajab 1434 H Sun




8 24






Sat 5




29 No School

Parent Teacher Conference





12 28




















April 2012



Rajab / Shabban 1434 H Sun


June 2013











Sat 1



24 9


25 10






8 23 / 30

14 / 21


Grades Finalized








26 27 28 29 11 Final 12 Final 13 Last Day 14 of School Exams Exams Per. 1-3 Per. 4-6 3 4 5 6 18 19 Spring 20 21 Trimester

9 24






12 27


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Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

9th & 10th GRADE COURSES Arabic Department Arabic 1 (Year Long) This course is designed for beginning students in Arabic. Its main objective is to enable students to develop a measurable degree of proďŹ ciency in the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The focus of the course is on communication rather than simply on grammatical knowledge. The basic structures and Arabic alphabet are stressed in this course so that students develop the ability to read Arabic. At the same time, the course aims to increase the students’ knowledge and appreciation of the cultures of the countries whose language they are studying. The students will gradually be introduced to more complex grammatical forms including the past tense, followed by a variety of activities that promote increased proďŹ ciency in many new situations.

Arabic 2 (Year Long) The focus of this course will be on verbal communication. The student will be presented with simple verb tenses to allow them to speak in the past and present. Their conversational skills will be applied to a variety of situations. Eventually students will be introduced more complex forms of grammar. Knowledge and appreciation of the various Arabic cultures will continue.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Quran & Islamic Studies Department Islamic Studies & Quran 9 (Year Long) Islamic Studies & Quran 9 is required for graduation from AIA. All students who enter Al-Ihsan Academy regardless of class year will automatically be enrolled in this course. The goal of this course is: to develop students understanding of the Islamic concept of God through the study of Tawheed, to accelerate their understanding of the Quran by studying the Tafsir, to acquaint students with Islamic rights, obligations and clear principals by studying the sciences of Hadith and Fiqh, and to construct a strong Islamic character within the student by studying and applying the concepts of Islamic manners (adab). Students will begin or continue the process of memorizing the Quran. Students who enter AIA without any previous knowledge of the Quran will be expected to learn Juz Amma by the end of the year. Students who enter with previous knowledge of the Quran will be expected to memorize an equivalent amount of Quran or more.

Islamic Studies & Quran 10 (Year Long) This course will continue Islamic Studies and will apply the High School Islamic Studies program of Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. The subjects of Tawheed, Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh will be examined in greater detail. Students will also study the Seerah of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), beginning with his birth and infancy and culminating with his death.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

English Department Composition (Fall) Composition is a foundation course and is required to be taken by all incoming AIA students. This course provides students with a strong foundation in written and oral communication to promote success in their high school and post-secondary endeavors. Five competencies will be addressed. 1) Instruction in reading skills to meet the intensive reading requirement of high school and college. 2) Instruction in writing skills to help students express their ideas fluently, clearly, and creatively. This includes instruction in correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. The use of the expository and persuasive essays as well as vocabulary improvement will be stressed. 3) Instruction in oral communications to help the student organize and express ideas effectively. 4) Instruction in research and study skills, time management, test-taking skills, and preparation for college entrance exams. 5) Instruction in reasoning, decision making, problem solving, and life-long learning skills. These competencies will be developed through thematic units, and integrated where appropriate with other disciplines. Students will be expected to complete daily homework, often consisting of writing assignments, reading, and completing reading logs.

English 9 (Winter, Spring) This course blends the enhanced rigor of college preparatory literature with composition in a two term-taught setting. The English course emphasizes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, as well as oral presentations, the study of grammar, and critical thinking skills. It will also emphasize college preparatory development of English content standards including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and information literacy. Students are expected to complete outside reading, studying, and writing assignments as well as in-class seminars, group work, and projects. The use of both the expository and persuasive essays will continue to be emphasized.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

English 10 (Fall, Winter) The course emphasizes improvement in writing and the study of American literature through thematic units. During the fall trimester the relationships among history, art, music, and language arts are emphasized as students read, respond to, and write about topics within these various areas of study. Students are exposed to American literature thematically through novels, short stories, poetry, plays, essays, and newspaper/magazine articles. During the winter trimester students will continue to study American literature and will be introduced to the argumentative and analytical essays and will apply them to both to topics related to American literature and American history.

Speech (Spring) Speech is designed to better familiarize students with public speaking concepts. A variety of topics will be reviewed including special occasion, personal experience, panel discussion, impromptu, informative and persuasive speaking. Students will also focus on techniques to help manage anxiety, write speeches, reach a diverse audience and actively

research topics. Interpersonal Communication topics will be briey taught. These topics include: non-verbal communication, conict resolution, active listening, and communication ethics.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Math Department Pre-Algebra (Fall) Students who enroll at Al-Ihsan Academy are expected to be prepared to take Algebra I. Those whose placement exam scores indicate that they need to polish their math skills will be placed in Pre-Algebra. This one trimester class will cover rational numbers and proportional relationships, and will reinforce student’s elementary math skills to begin the learning process for algebraic concepts. The applications of mathematics to everyday life will be stressed.

Algebra 1 CP (Two Trimesters) Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or proficiency on placement exam. Algebra 1 is a two trimester course but it is offered year round. Students taking Algebra will work with linear equations and use tables, graphs, and equations as methods for solving linear equations, inequalities and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students will extend their knowledge of the number system to include irrational numbers. They will also learn to generate equivalent expressions and use formulas, simplify polynomials and begin to study quadratic relationships. The applications of mathematics to everyday life will be stressed.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Geometry CP (Two Trimesters) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or proďŹ ciency on placement exam. This course covers the structure of Euclidean geometry. Geometric theorems and formulas will be used to solve problems. Students will develop geometric concepts, understand geometric relationships, and formulate conjectures. Students will employ deductive logic to construct formal logical arguments and proofs. Students will extend their preexisting experiences with algebra and geometry to trigonometry and coordinate geometry.

Algebra 2 CP (Two Trimesters) Prerequisite: Geometry A primary goal of Algebra 2 is for students to understand relationships among functions, and develop proďŹ ciency in analyzing and solving quadratic functions using complex numbers. The course will also investigate absolute value, radical, exponential, logarithmic and sine and cosine functions algebraically, numerically, and graphically, with and without a graphing calculator. Students will extend their algebraic skills to compute with rational expressions and rational exponents. Students will analyze statistical data and apply concepts of probability using permutations and combinations.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Science Department Physical Science CP (Fall and Winter) Physical science is a foundation course designed to familiarize students with the scientific method and lab work. The fall trimester includes the metric system, scientific notation, significant figures, measurement and analysis, the study of matter, the atomic structure, and the periodic table, balancing reaction, equilibrium. All of these subjects are designed to give students a background in chemistry. During the winter trimester students will shift their focus to the fundamentals of physics. Topics will include motion, forces, gravity, work, power, energy, simple machines, mechanical waves, sound, the electromagnetic spectrum and planetary motion. During both trimesters students will perform hands-on laboratory experiments to investigate concepts studied in class.

Ecology CP (Spring) Ecology Is a single trimester class intended to introduce students to the science of ecology and familiarize them with concepts of evolution, adaptation, inter-actions between species, how eco-systems work and the impact that humanity has on the environment. Field work will be conducted within local habitats to further illustrate topics discussed in class.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Biology CP (Fall, Winter) Biology is designed to familiarize students with major biological concepts. During the fall students will review the scientiďŹ c method, the metric system, adaptation, evolution, lab procedures, and basic chemistry. Students will then study in depth: the use of microscopes, the chemistry of living things, cell structure, cell processes, taxonomy, basic genetics, and protein synthesis. The fall semester of biology will include a lab work to supplement all of the concepts that are covered. The Winter Trimester will focus on: plant structures and functions, the anatomy of insects, the anatomy of amphibians, the human nervous system, the human circulatory system, the human respiratory system, the human digestive system, the human muscular and skeletal systems, and the human reproductive system. The winter trimester is more lab oriented and a signiďŹ cant portion of the class involves dissection, a course requirement.

Genetics CP (Spring) Genetics explores the principles and applications of modern genetics. Topics include: DNA structure and chromosome organization, transmission thermodynamics and genetics, pedigree analysis, genes in populations, cancer, metabolic disorders, genetic screening and a discussion about eugenics. Basic probability and statistical concepts are also covered.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

Social Studies Department Geography CP (Fall) This course is one of the foundation courses at Al-Ihsan Academy and is designed to provide students essential knowledge that will benefit them throughout their social studies experiences both at AIA and beyond. Students are expected to acquire various cartographic skills, and these will be applied in studying different geographic and cultural regions of the planet. The course is a required class and must be taken either during the freshman year. Any transfer student will be required to take this course as an elective.

American Government (Winter, Spring) American Government is a foundation course and is a pre-requisite for U.S History. The primary goal of American Government is to provide students with an understanding of how the U.S government functions and its impact on society both historically and currently. This class will begin by examining the drafting of the U.S constitution and the debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The class will then focus on the three branches of the United States government their powers, and how and when they supersede one another. Students will also be familiarized with the general definition and role of government, and the various types of governments within the world. The forms of government discussed will include but not be limited to, Republics, Autocracies, Communism, Democracies, and Theocracies.


Al Ihsan Academy Student Handbook 2012-13

U.S History (Fall and Winter) This is a two part course that will examine the history of the United States. The fall trimester will cover: Native American civilizations, European exploration, the French and British influence, the Atlantic Slave Trade, the American Revolution, the Presidencies of Washington, Adams and Jefferson, The Era of Good Feelings, the Presidency of Andrew Jackson and the road to Civil War. The winter trimester will cover: The Civil War, Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, World War I, the Roaring 20’s, the Great Depression, the Presidency of FDR, World War II and the birth of the Atomic age and the Cold War.

Modern U.S History (Spring) The primary goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of where they are and the issues that U.S society faces. The course will further examine: the cold war and its affect in Asia and Africa, the Presidencies of John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, the political career of Richard Nixon, the political career of Robert Kennedy, the Carter Presidency, the rise of Ronald Reagan and Neo Conservatism, the Clinton Presidency, the Presidency of George W. Bush, the Presidency of Barak Obama, and current issues facing America such as the role of the Constitution, foreign relations and budget concerns. The impact of the Civil Rights Movement will be a continual theme throughout the course.


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