Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
July 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
July 2009
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Team Leader: Christian Hainzl, Project Manager/Portfolio Manager Principle Authors: Edis Arifagić, Deputy Project Manager Adela Pozder, Local Governance Programme Analyst Muamer Obarčanin, Training Specialist Christian Hainzl, Project Manager/Portfolio Manager Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the significant contributions of the following members of the Editorial Board in conducting the assessment and drafting the report: Enver Išerić, Director, Civil Service Agency Vesna Travljanin, Director, Association of Municipalities and Cities Ferid Kulovac, Assistant Director, Civil Service Agency Šejla Hasić, Project Manager, Association of Municipalities and Cities Faris Rašidagić, Senior Advisor, Civil Service Agency In addition to the many domestic institutions at both entity and local levels, the project team consulted a wide array of donor organisations and international agencies involved in local governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We thank the following individuals (listed in alphabetical order) for taking the time to read the many drafts and providing valuable comments: Damir Ahmetović, UNDP; Šemsa Alić, SNV; Marina Dimova, UNDP; Guy Dionne, UNDP UDRDP; Amela Gačanović-Tutnjević, UNDP; Esma Kreso, World Bank; Julia Mager, OSCE; Emina Pašić, Eu-Tac; Denisa Sarajlić-Maglić, USAID/Sida/EKN GAP; Arlett Stojanović, UNDP; and Slaviša Šućur, USAID/Sida/EKN GAP. Project staff, Sead Azemi, Zana Karkin, Emel Karaman, and Hans Friedberg, merit special mention for support provided during the preparation and administration of the assessment exercise and the development of the report. Publication Design: Kurt&Plasto
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report FOREWORD As part of the Municipal Training System project, a comprehensive local government training needs assessment was carried out by the partners in both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The publication before you is the result of this process in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is our hope that, while providing an abundance of data and accompanying analysis on current capacity gaps in local government, this report will instigate a major shift in how city and municipal administrations perceive training and professional development. Donor-induced training fatigue, on the one hand, and the absence of adequate in-house training resources, on the other, have led local government managers and employees alike to underestimate the importance of training for some time now. As a result, locally-driven training exercises are few and far between, while municipal and city governments seldom plan or budget for training to address their capacity shortages. The aim of this report is to initiate a broad discussion on the importance and modalities of training for local government employees that will ultimately result in a comprehensive training system to help local authorities manage their services in a more effective and efficient manner. We hope that you find the publication both informative and useful in your work. BiH Ministry of Justice
Federal Ministry of Justice
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
FBiH Civil Service Agency FBiH Association of Municipalities and Cities
United Nations Development Programme
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report PROJECT BACKGROUND In 2007, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) commissioned a feasibility study to examine institutional and operational arrangements for local government training in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). This was motivated by the apparent absence of any comprehensive system for local government capacity development and the desire to enhance local government capabilities in a structured and systematic fashion. The findings paint a gloomy picture, starting from the quality of training on offer, which remains largely supplydriven and does not necessarily address actual capacity gaps in municipal administrations. Better coordination is needed between key actors involved in training provision, as the domestic training market remains unregulated and unchecked. The role of human resource management professionals in municipalities and cities also requires enhancing, as does their capacity to plan and manage training processes in local government independently. The study concluded that training-related deficiencies clearly and seriously compromise effective and efficient service delivery. This was the background against which UNDP and Sida launched the Municipal Training System (MTS) project in early 2008, together with institutional partners representing the state, entity, and local levels.
The Municipal Training System envisages the following key deliverables: 1. Development of entity training strategies; 2. Establishment of a training system for local governments in both entities; 3. Delivery of priority training; 4. Strengthening of municipal human resource management; 5. Strengthening of domestic training market.
The MTS contributes directly to the development of professional local public administrations and sustainable local capacity development through the establishment of entity-level training mechanisms, the development of training strategies, the fostering of municipal human resource management, and the strengthening of the domestic training market.
The MTS framework highlights inclusiveness and emphasises the need to include all relevant stakeholders in planning, programming, and implementing key project activities. Seven domestic institutions, representing all levels of government, currently serve on the project's principal structures, namely the Project Steering Board and the operational working group levels. These partners are the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republika Srpska, the entity civil service agencies, and both entity associations of municipalities and cities.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summarises the findings of a comprehensive training needs assessment carried out over six months in 22 local governments in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with some 800 respondents participating in various stages of the process. A near-identical exercise was carried out in parallel in the Republika Srpska, covering 18 local self-governments and involving some 600 respondents. Given the differences in legal framework and principal considerations by the partners, it was decided to publish the results in two separate reports. Three principle data collection tools were utilised to ensure assessment integrity and maximise data accuracy. Structured interviews were conducted with local government leaders, resulting in a snapshot analysis of the current situation regarding local government training, while also providing the leadership's assessment of their employees' current levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The interviews were followed by specialist focus groups, organised to collect vital training information on gaps in all areas of municipal operations, ranging from spatial planning and utilities to local economic development and European integration. On the quantitative side, a comprehensive survey was designed and administered jointly with local government partners, with questionnaires distributed to 775 local government employees in the FBiH (528 in the RS), in order to establish staff self-assessment of their current competence levels. Detailed competency profiles were developed for each area of municipal operations to provide a benchmark for current levels of staff competencies. Finally, statistical sampling was used to ensure that representative data was available to allow relevant conclusions to be drawn and final recommendations formulated. The following is a review of the critical findings by assessment area.
General Information The overall gender structure of FBiH local government favours female employees (60%), while the age structure indicates that close to half of the employees are over the age of 46. At the same time, less than 2% of employees are 25 years of age or younger. The educational structure of the survey population is dominated by university graduates (45%)1 and high school graduates (42.6%). Some 11.5% staff members have 2-yr university diplomas. Only a very few (0.8%) hold master's degrees. The shortage of university-educated staff is significant, given the requirement that two-thirds of any municipal or city administration be staffed by university graduate civil servants. Comparing gender and employment status shows that, while women make up the majority of employees in local government, most managerial and other senior positions are held by men, suggesting the existence of an imbalance in this regard. The data show male managers outnumbering female managers at both departmental and section levels. The per bracket male-to-female ratio drops proportionally to the decrease in employee status. When it comes to employment status and education, there appears to be near-uniform compliance with civil service legislation requiring that civil servants be university graduates. Some 3.5% of managers and 1.6% of civil servants, nevertheless, have only a two-year diploma. These discrepancies generally relate to rural areas with limited availability of qualified staff. 1
Percentages pertain to the target population only. Auxiliary personnel as well as elected officials were excluded from the assessment.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The survey results regarding knowledge of foreign languages indicate a substantial capacity gap, with only 10% of the sample claiming proficiency in even one. Unsurprisingly, English dominates. The situation is significantly better with regard to information technology, as the vast majority of local government employees use computers in their work, the most common applications being MS Office text processing ones. It is worth noting that, while all junior employees use computers, only 76.9% of the more senior age groups do.
Training Attitudes and Experiences Research findings indicate that only a minority of local governments have training and development plans for their staff, and even in those cases employees are often unaware of their existence. Overall, only half of the local government employees surveyed were satisfied with the training opportunities on offer. The reasons for this range from access to training through type of training on offer to the general quality of training opportunity available. Managers appear to be considerably more satisfied with the training opportunities provided than the civil servants and especially the employees / clerical staff they supervise. When it comes to participation in training, some 61% of local government employees participated in some form of training exercise over the past two years, largely thanks to the work of the Civil Service Agency and the involvement of the international community. Naturally, some areas of municipal operations were targeted more heavily than others, with general administration, budget, and finance firmly in the lead in this regard. The most frequently cited obstacles to quality training delivery were costs, the general lack and poor quality of practical training on offer, and the absence of a training needs assessment mechanism to ensure that supply meets demand effectively on the training market. The mayors interviewed expressed similar concerns, while also highlighting the absence of a coherent division of responsibilities between the various levels of government, including for the co-financing of relevant training events. As for training duration and format, most local government employees indicated a preference for courses of two days or less, either via seminar or workshop. While the mayors agreed training should take no longer than two days, they preferred workshops and case studies as training formats.
Cross-cutting Training Needs Cross-cutting training needs relate to capacity gaps felt across the administrative structure, i.e. in generic areas of local government operations, ranging from human resource management through quality control to activities traditionally grouped under the general administration portfolio. The highest ranking cross-cutting issue highlighted by the survey is information technology, attesting to the local authorities' awareness of the need to modernise service delivery and administrative operations. The section on information technology highlights the need to modernise local government administration through electronic document management and further capacity building in the use of the MS Office package. E-mail and Internet use are also identified as priorities in this area. Service provision management and quality control is the second priority, flagging the need for better access to and quality of municipal services. Internal controls are identified as the key target for capacity building in this regard, followed by quality management systems such as ISO and CAF in second and the assessment of community service provision needs to help municipal managers prioritise and plan the utilization of their resources in third place.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Bosnia and Herzegovina's international ambitions and current activities aimed at accession and stabilisation are reflected at the local level, where EU integration and international cooperation was the third ranked priority out of the cross-cutting group. The EU integration section is dominated by regional and rural development, as well as the management of EU funds and programmes, indicating the local authorities' high level of awareness of the opportunities offered by the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) framework. EU funds and programmes loom large in discussions with mayors and specialist focus groups, confirming the importance of developing local government employees' EU-related skills and capacities. The bottom of the priority list reflects training fatigue in the area of general administration, while the low ranking of local democracy provides cause for concern, given the low level of respondent interest in this relatively important area. In addition to those noted above, the capacity of local government employees' capacity was also assessed in the following areas: work planning and organisational management; public procurement; project cycle management; human resource management; and public relations.
Training Needs within Core Local Self-Government Competencies A cursory review of priority areas reveals a strong interest in further developing employee knowledge and skills regarding spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre and property/legal affairs. The establishment and operation of the geographic information system was highlighted in particular, along with the digital geodesy plan, as two emerging sub-areas of spatial planning, geodesy and cadastre. The management of public surface and construction land was also noted by respondents as an area for future capacity building. Local development concerns are highlighted under the second-ranked priority, a business enabling environment and local development, making clear the local authorities' desire to generate employment and improve their local revenue base. In discussing the business enabling environment, most respondents noted partnership development as a topic of particular importance, followed closely by municipal infrastructure to serve municipal development. Access to finance was the third-ranked priority in this area. The third-ranked priority overall is the planning and implementation of local development policies, confirming the current trend for local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to treat development as a strategic priority. Local development monitoring and evaluation were noted as a topic of prime interest in this regard, largely due to the local authorities' desire to ensure that strategies are having the effect intended. Local development strategy implementation is another priority topic highlighted by the target population, with local administrations frustrated by their frequent inability to translate existing strategic documents into action. These are closely followed by situational analysis, which helps set the groundwork for the planning process by feeding it with the required data. In addition to those noted above, local government staff capacity was also assessed in the following areas: environmental protection; public utilities; budget and finance; returnees, displaced persons and refugees; housing affairs; social protection and health care; civil protection; disabled war veteran protection; education; and culture and sports.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Recommendations The process of strengthening municipal training and development capacity in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be based on a series of strategic documents, such as a Government training policy, a multiannual strategy, and short-term plans and programmes for training and development. As to training delivery and format, assessment findings indicate a preferred training duration of up to two days, although this will ultimately depend on the complexity of the training subject matter. Training should be regionalised rather than centralised in order to cut costs for local authorities and improve participation. Classroom-style passive learning should gradually be replaced by progressive and practical training methodologies that include workshops, on-the-job training, and case studies, delivered by expert practitioners. On-line learning opportunities should be further explored, as they represent a cost-effective and accessible learning format for most local government employees. Training should focus on civil servants and employees / clerical staff engaged with the core competencies of local government. Given the size of the overall target group, the job descriptions of particular employee groups (by organisational unit/occupation), as well as training timeliness, relevance, distribution, and available funds, should be taken into account in identifying specific target groups for priority training. The training of elected officials should also be institutionalised in order to ensure the smooth functioning of all branches of local government. There is a need for standardisation to ensure the quality of training and training materials in the long run, with the creation of a training quality framework managed by an independent accreditation/assessment panel. Continuous training needs assessment should be introduced as a requirement, anchored at the local level, once the local governments are equipped to administer local assessments independently. This will ensure the highest quality of needs-based training information and allow local government leadership and training providers to acquire an accurate idea of knowledge and skills' gaps. For the training system to succeed, local human resource management will need to be strengthened by the introduction of relevant and binding policies and procedures that ensure training needs are regularly appraised, training plans developed, and training exercises implemented by the local authorities themselves. A number of specific recommendations regarding training priorities by all areas of municipal operations are also provided, based on triangulation of the data collected at the three assessment levels covered by the training needs assessment and extensive stakeholder consultations at all layers of government and with local and international agencies actively involved in local government.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS .....................................................................................................................................11 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................12 I. ASSESSMENT PROCESS SUMMARY................................................................................................. 13 1.1. Assessment Objectives ..........................................................................................................14 1.2. Target Group ..........................................................................................................................14 1.3. Approach ...............................................................................................................................14 1.4. Sample Size and Structure......................................................................................................15 1.5. Methodology .........................................................................................................................15 1.6. Implementation Structures ...................................................................................................16 1.7. Assessment Limitations .........................................................................................................16 II. OVERVIEW OF FINDINGS ...............................................................................................................19 2.1. General Information ..............................................................................................................20 2.2. Training Attitudes and Experiences .......................................................................................25 2.3. Cross-Cutting Training Needs ..................................................................................................29 2.4. Training Needs within Local Self-Government Core Competencies .......................................39 III. RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................57 3.1. Recommendations for Future Training .................................................................................58 3.2. Recommendations for Priority Training .................................................................................61 IV. ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................................65 4.1. Detailed Assessment Process Overview ................................................................................66 4.2. Survey Questionnaire ............................................................................................................73 4.3. Focus Group Guide .................................................................................................................86 4.4. Senior Leadership Interview Questions ................................................................................87
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report ACRONYMS BiH
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Civil Service Agency
European Union
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographic Information System
Human Resource Management
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
International Standardisation Organisation
Information Technology
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Local Environmental Protection Action Plan
Local Government / Local Self-Government
Municipal Council
Municipal Training System
Mjesna zajednica (local community)
Non-Governmental Organisation
Republika Srpska
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Small and Medium Enterprises
Training Needs Assessment
United Nations Development Programme
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report INTRODUCTION Local governments in BiH face many challenges, ranging from the fiscal to the administrative and operational, not all of which can be addressed by capacity development and training, naturally. Nonetheless, there is little doubt that training - if designed and delivered in a tailored and structured fashion can have immediate and positive effects in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of local government. As the country edges closer to European accession, building absorption capacity to facilitate integration is quickly becoming a key priority for public administration at all levels. While the capacity of government agencies at all levels has been steadily improving, there is a growing feeling that the country is ill-equipped to attract and use EU funds effectively. The capacity of municipal and city administrations is of particular importance because it is at this level that government performance is most open to scrutiny and its weaknesses most acutely felt. It is also a layer of government that will require substantial intervention, if BiH is to meet the demands and challenges of EU integration. If competent and professional local administrations, capable of managing public services effectively, are to be developed, a sustainable local government training system that rests on a mechanism for regular and systematic training needs identification will be needed. The TNA results presented in this report represent the first comprehensive attempt to establish a common baseline for governments, training providers, and donors of the most pressing capacity development needs of local government staff in BiH. The TNA process and its results provide a point of departure for the development of needs-based and demanddriven training for local government in BiH. The ultimate purpose of this process is to increase stakeholder understanding of the current training landscape and the capacity needs of local government. This will ensure that future training programmes designed by interested actors, both national and international, will be effective and sustainable, enhancing training impact. This initial TNA also aims to lay the foundation for a process of continued self-assessment by BiH local governments and for a systemic approach to training in the long run. Finally, the TNA process will inform the development of a training and development strategy for local government that will map future training for years to come.
MTS Project Team
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
I. ASSESSMENT PROCESS SUMMARY Objectives Target Group Approach Sample Size and Structure Methodology Implementing Structures Assessment Limitations
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report This chapter provides a summary of the training needs assessment process. For a more detailed description of the methodology applied, please see Annex 4.1.
1.1. ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES The process of training needs assessment, implemented within the MTS project framework, had the following objectives: 1. To identify the current KSA gaps of LSG staff and provide detailed information on the training needs of select LSG employee groups; 2. To outline recommendations for addressing training needs within priority areas; 3. To provide curricula content guidance, inform the development of entity training strategies, and map out the scope of a future training system. Given the different legal and constitutional frameworks regulating the employment status of local government staff in the FBiH and the RS and the differences between the two local government systems, the TNA exercise was carried out on parallel tracks in the two entities. While the findings in this report only cover the results in the FBiH, the assessment objectives and methodology described are representative of both entity processes.
1.2. TARGET GROUP The assessment targeted local government employees from both entities, focusing in particular on staff members who discharge the primary competencies of municipal and city government in BiH. In the FBiH, the target group consisted of mayors, civil servants (senior and others), and employees (clerical staff)2 engaged in core municipal tasks. Elected officials (other than the mayor) were excluded from the assessment, as were employees with supporting/auxiliary roles3 and appointed officials. Estimates by the project team, developed in cooperation with the Federal Civil Service Agency and other relevant organisations, placed the target group number at 5,000 local government staff members (2,000 civil servants and 3,000 employees engaged in core municipal tasks). In the RS, the primary employee category targeted by the assessment was local administrative officers. As in the FBiH, technical/support personnel were excluded from the assessment, along with elected and appointed officials. A rough estimate placed the number of the RS target group at around 4,000 employees.
1.3. APPROACH The TNA approach described here represents a combination of a top-down methodology, with training information derived from the strategic priorities and goals of the FBiH and the local authorities, and a bottomup approach, with training needs identified from an individual performance perspective. This allows individual and organisational training needs to be balanced with priorities identified at the entity level.
2 3
Non-civil servant staff members employed by the local government. The category of employees not directly tasked with the discharge of core municipal competencies. This includes secretarial and custodial staff, drivers, etc.c.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 1.4. SAMPLE SIZE AND STRUCTURE Because of the rather diverse local government landscape in BiH and the major variations in size and circumstance, a significant number of local authorities had to be included in the final sample to ensure relevant results. Accordingly, a sample of 40 municipalities and cities (29% of all the local governments in BiH) was selected on the basis of geographic location, population, and size of administration as representative of local self-government in both entities. Twenty two were in the FBiH. The second stage of the sampling process entailed Bosnia and Herzegovina, the selection of TNA sample LSGs the overall staff sample, that is the number and structure of respondents to take part in the various assessment stages. In order to ensure an accurate and representative assessment, the total BiH sample was set at some 1,400 local government staff from all levels and areas of local government operations, based on the following sampling scheme:
40 municipalities (22 in FBiH) were selected for the sample based on: Geographic location Entity/canton distribution Size of population/administrative service.
20 mayors (11 from the FBiH); 148 middle managers by area (74 in the FBiH); some 1,300 employees (775 in the FBiH). The total RS sample was set at some 800 staff from all levels and areas of local government operations. Weighting was used to allow key sample characteristics to be projected for the overall population being targeted by the assessment.
1.5. METHODOLOGY The assessment process was carried out in four principle stages: Preparation: The TNA groundwork laid at this stage included conceptualisation of the assessment exercise; the selection and development of assessment tools; the identification of the sample; and the development of detailed competency profiles to form the basis for the capacity assessment. Competency profiles were based on thorough analysis and review of the applicable legal and administrative documents, job descriptions within LSG competencies, established local practices and interviews with practitioners and experts. They represent a detailed mapping exercise for all the essential functions that make up a local government competency. Thirteen specialised and ten generic competency profiles were developed during the preparation stage, ranging from spatial planning to human resource management, and establishing a number of baselines to aid evaluation of current KSA levels in local government.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Roll-out: In this phase of the process, data collection tools were deployed within targeted local authorities over three principle assessment stages: 20 on-site interviews with senior local government leaders (11 from the FBiH) to establish the mayors' views of, experiences with, and attitudes towards training; 16 subject-based focus groups (eight per entity) with midlevel managers from the local governments to identify general capacity gaps and issues related to the KSA profile of supervised staff; and Self-assessment via survey, covering some 1,300 local government employees at all levels (including 775 in the FBiH). Data analysis: At this point, a comprehensive “gap analysis� was carried out, comparing the findings of the assessment (current knowledge levels) against the baseline competency profiles (desired knowledge levels). This enabled accurate mapping of the current KSA deficiencies of the targeted local government staff and the identification of their training needs. The results of the assessment process were then pre-shared with key counterparts through a series of consultations, targeting line ministries and other local and international stakeholders. Outreach and publicity: Key assessment findings were shared with key stakeholders for comments and suggestions, while the final report was publicised to a wider audience, to ensure critical findings were disseminated as widely as possible.
1.6. IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURES The assessment was implemented by the MTS project team, in close cooperation with the entity-level Training Committees, bringing together representatives of the partner agencies at an operational level, including the FBiH Ministry of Justice, the FBiH Civil Service Agency, the FBiH Association of Municipalities and Cities, the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government, the RS Civil Service Agency, and the RS Association of Municipalities and Cities.
1.7. ASSESSMENT LIMITATIONS The project team encountered certain limitations during the TNA process. Whenever possible, targeted measures were taken to minimise and alleviate their impact on the validity of the research and its results. Random sampling was used in selecting local government staff to participate in the TNA. This type of selection of respondents can be expected to produce samples that are reasonably representative of the target population. Some individuals either refuse or fail to complete the questionnaires properly, however, which can bias the sample in ways that are not readily evident. The information collected in the survey was largely the result of self-assessment, which, depending on the subject areas being queried, can introduce inaccuracy, due to less than candid evaluation, lack of information, or discomfort with self-disclosure (in some instances leading to knowledge inflation caused by fears of management reprisals). To mitigate these assessment risks, the survey was anonymous and its findings complemented by focus groups and senior leadership interviews with municipal and city mayors. The study was conducted over a six-month period, producing a snapshot of the target population's training needs during that particular period. It is possible that needs may have changed in the meantime
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report or that additional needs may have arisen in relation to ongoing reform processes or legislative changes, particularly in the light of the pre-accession process. A reassessment of overall trends and developments within public administration reform at local level will therefore form part of the planned training strategy development process. Exact and current population data were not available to guide sample selection and detailed information on municipal/city administrations was not always complete. Respondents did not always approach the process in ways that fully reflect the importance of the training needs assessment exercise for the future development of local government in BiH. This was in part mitigated by detailed guidance and training for local survey administrators and focus group moderators. Promotional materials were also used to encourage participation in the survey. The structure of local government in both entities is not uniform and follows no discernible pattern in terms of structure or staffing. This created structural difficulties in establishing baselines for the competency assessment along organisational lines. To reduce the impact of this competency profiles were discussed and agreed with focus group members. Since auxiliary staff, political appointees, and elected officials were excluded from the assessment, as explained in the methodology, the assessment findings do not apply to all municipal/city personnel, but only to those categories explicitly targeted. The public were not included in the assessment process itself, as a source of external evaluation, but satisfaction surveys were consulted when and where available.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
II. OVERVIEW OF FINDINGS General Information Training Attitudes and Experiences Training Priorities in Cross-cutting Areas Training Priorities by Core Local Self-Government Competencies
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The findings are divided into four sub-sections, namely general respondent information, training attitudes and experiences, cross-cutting training needs, and training needs within core local government competencies. The General Information subsection provides detailed data on the assessment sample and the survey population, including analysis of the intersection of gender, age, education, and employment status, as well as language and computer proficiency, thus providing core data on the local human resources structure. The subsection on Training Attitudes and Experiences discusses respondent satisfaction with training opportunities, current training arrangements, and preferences for training delivery, among other issues. The third subsection deals with cross-cutting training needs, mapping capacity gaps felt across the administrative structure, including human resource management, project management, and information technology, to name a few. The fourth part of the chapter discusses training needs for the core competencies of local selfgovernment. Every aspect of municipal operations from spatial planning through education to civil protection is examined in the light of knowledge and skills gaps and resulting priority training needs.
2.1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1.1. Survey respondents by age and gender Age range
All staff4
1.8% 13.1% 37.8% 38.7% 8.6% 100%
29.4% 41.2% 35.6% 42.7% 43.7% 39.6%
70.6% 58.8% 64.4% 57.3% 56.3% 60.4%
from 18 to 25 from 26 to 35 from 36 to 45 from 46 to 55 above 56 Total
The overall gender structure favours female staff members, who make up 60.4% of the total local government workforce in the FBiH. This trend is especially evident among the younger LG personnel, but is also evident in the older age brackets. Gender and age range 56 and above
from 46 to 55
42.7% 38.7%
from 36 to 45
35.6% 37.8%
from 26 to 35 from 18 to 25
13.1% 29.4%
Female - within age range
57.3% 64.4%
Male - within age range
58.8% 70.6%
Bearing in mind that the target group and sample do not include auxiliary staff.
All emloyees - per age range
A key aspect of the local gov-ernment age structure is the advanced age of many staff. The 46-55 age bracket is the largest. When added to the 56+ group, it becomes evident that nearly half of all staff are over the age of 46 (47.3 %).
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Only 14.9% of local government staff in the FBiH is under the age of 36, and only 1.8% is under the age of 26. Very little appears to be being done to rejuvenate the workforce and compensate for the aging staff profile. Proper succession planning will be required by FBiH institutions and the local authorities themselves, if they are to avoid major staffing gaps once the older age cohort reaches retirement age (particularly given that nearly half the staff are over 46).
2.1.2. Survey respondents by education and gender Education
All staff5
Secondary school 2 year Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Total
42.6% 11.5% 45.1% 0.8% 100.0%
36.5% 44.9% 41.6% 22.4% 39.6%
63.5% 55.1% 58.4% 77.6% 60.4%
University graduates are the largest group in local government staff in the FBiH (45.1%), closely followed by high school graduates (42.6%). A further 11.5% have 2 year university diplomas, a relic of the pre-war public administration, when a two-year administrative law degree was considered the norm for civil service employment. Less than 1% have a master's degree, defying the general trend in government at higher levels, where an increasing number of civil servants hold advanced degrees. As a rule, staff with advanced degrees can be found in larger and more urban local governments.
Education Secondary school
Bachelor’s Degree 42.6%
2 year Degree
Ideally, university graduates should make up two thirds of the workforce, including auxiliary staff, but FBiH local authorities are very far from that target, even if the 2 year diploma holders are included. This is a clear indication of the unsatisfactory level of academic qualification in the FBiH structure of local government. Comparison of the age and education breakdowns shows that university graduates tend to belong to the two best-represented age groups (from 36 to 45 and 46 to 55). While poorly represented in purely numerical terms, young staff members tend to be well-educated, most being university graduates. Even with these qualifications, however, they are not numerous enough to replace the more senior staff. If recruitment continues at this rate, given the age profile of LG staff, the university graduate deficit in FBiH local government will grow in years to come. This confirms the need to introduce junior personnel in all educational brackets, to offset the aging profile of local government administration, as a key consideration for local authorities in the FBiH. Education and age structure (as % of overall LSGUs staff) MA Bachelor’s Degree 0.7% 2 year Degree 0.4% Secondary school 0.8%
0.2% 7.1%
1.5% 4.3% from 18 to 25
4.1% 17.4% from 26 to 35
from 36 to 45
Bearing in mind that the target group and sample do not include auxiliary staff.
from 46 to 55
56 and above
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report In line with their overall higher representation in LSG, women are slightly better represented in all the education categories. Since so few of the sample have master's degrees, the large preponderance of women in this category is of little significance for the larger picture.
Education structure and gender MA
Bachelor’s Degree 2 year Degree
Secondary school
Male - within education level
Female - within education level
2.1.3. Survey respondents by employment status and gender Employment structure
All staff6
Managerial civil servants Other civil servants Employees Total
6.9% 35.0% 58.1% 100.0%
63.5% 38.0% 37.8% 39.6%
36.5% 62.0% 62.2% 60.4%
The staffing structure reveals that the vast majority of local government administrations are made up of clerical staff also referred to as employees. This employment category account for an even greater proportion of LSG staffing in the FBiH, as the TNA did not cover staff engaged in support and auxiliary activities.
Employment structure Managerial Civil Servants 6.9%
Employees 58.1%
Other Civil Servants 35.0%
Civil servants, who should represent a comfortable majority of local government staff, make up just 42% in the FBiH, with managerial civil servants at 7%. Employment status and gender structure 64%
Managerial Civil Servants Other Civil Servants
38% 38%
62% 62%
Comparison of gender and employment status reveals a gloomy picture of gender inequality in local government. Even though women are much more numerous in general and almost as well educated, they are grossly underrepresented among the managerial civil servants.
To acquire civil servant status a university degree is required, as may be seen from the comparison of employment and education status in this survey. Almost all managerial and other civil servants are at least university graduates. The new Civil Service Law was passed in 2003, giving 2-year diploma holders 6 years to upgrade to a minimum bachelor's degree, and all but a very few have done so, have retired, or been reassigned. Difficulties persist with recruiting and retaining university graduates to LSG civil servant positions in small rural local communities. Employment status and education Managerial Civil Servants 0.8% Other Civil Servants 0.6% Employees
95.7% 97.8% 73.4%
Secondary school
2 year Degree
Bearing in mind that the target group and sample do not include auxiliary staff.
19.3% Bachelor’s Degree
3.5% 1.6% 7.3%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report When it comes to employment status and age, the results are essentially as expected. Management is dominated by older personnel, with three-quarters of the managerial civil servants above the age of 46. The category of other civil servants is dominated by the 36 to 45 and 46 to 55 age groups. The younger groups are also well represented in this category, indicating that the young people who do get hired are of a sufficient quality and educational standard to take on civil servant responsibilities. Employment status and age structure Managerial Civil Servants 1% Other Civil Servants 2% Employees 2%
6% 19% 11%
35% 38%
from 18 to 25
from 26 to 35
from 36 to 45
from 46 to 55
8% 8% 56 and over
2.1.4. Survey respondents' foreign language skills Language7 English Russian German French Other languages
Passive knowledge
No knowledge
5.6% 0.8% 1.6% 0.9% 1.7%
37.1% 6.8% 17.4% 8.6% 7.3%
57.3% 92.4% 81% 90.5% 91%
The survey findings with regard to foreign language skills show an obvious capacity gap in this area. Some 10% of LSG staff can use a foreign language effectively (though one should keep in mind the role of knowledge inflation in this subject area). English is the dominant foreign language, as expected. Foreign language proficiency is significantly higher among junior staff members. The 18 to 25 year old staff members have the highest proficiency rate, at 21.4%, followed by the 25 to 36 years age group with a proficiency rate of 14.2%. The older categories fall just short of the overall rates. There is also some variation as to which languages the different age groups are proficient in. The more junior staff is generally more likely to be English-speaking, while the more senior employees have better German and French skills than the junior staff.
Language proficiency within age range 9.8% 9.4% 8.3% 9.5%
All staff 56 and more 46 to 55 36 to 45 26 to 35 18 to 25
14.2% 21.4%
The overall lack of foreign language proficiency poses certain questions with regard to the ability of LSG leadership to understand IPA-related documents, prepare project documents to access EU funds, or keep upto-date with trends in local government development.
Bearing in mind that the target group and sample do not include auxiliary staff.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.1.5. Survey respondents' computer literacy The overall basic computer literacy rate is approximately 91%. While this indicates that most of the LSG workforce in the FBiH use computers in their daily work, it has to be noted that such use is largely limited to basic word processing.
Computer use in work Managerial Civil Servants
Other Civil Servants
13% Yes
The degree of IT literacy is not absolute, with some 8% of managerial civil servants and 13% of other employees engaged in core LSG tasks not using computers in their work at all. A substantial number of municipal staff are therefore either not proficient in information technology or do not have the necessary equipment available.
Computer use in work - within employee age range 18 to 25 26 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 56 and more
100.0% 97.6% 92.3% 90.1% 76.9% Yes
The survey population was most likely to use the standard Microsoft Office package, with emphasis on Word, Excel, Power Point, and Internet browsing software. The survey also indicates the use of a number of specialised computer programmes in certain areas, ranging from spatial planning to document tracking and public finance management.
2.4% 7.7% 9.9% 23.1% No
As expected, there is a clear correlation between age and computer use in LSG administration, with younger staff almost all using computers in their daily work and the rate declining as age rises. The 18-25 year old staff members have an absolute computer use rate, but the oldest (56+) have only a 76.9 % use rate. It should be noted that this is another area potentially subject to knowledge inflation.
Overall computer literacy by programme Other programmes Internet PowerPoint Excel Word
78% 58%
85% 60%
40% 88% Yes
12% No
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.2. TRAINING ATTITUDES AND EXPERIENCES 2.2.1. LSG Training Plans The survey indicates a discrepancy between respondent perceptions and the actual situation in local government regarding the existence of annual training plans.
Is there an annual training plan in your municipality?
Yes 37%
No or don’t know 63%
Only in five of the surveyed local authorities did respondents have a uniform reply as to whether there was an annual training plan. In some instances, staff was convinced that training plans did exist in their LSG units, but the snapshot review produced conflicting findings. This indicates some confusion in distinguishing among LSG proper training plans and priority training identified for the purpose of the FBiH CSA assessments. It also points to poor communication on this issue by local government leadership.
The low level of awareness of local government training documents, demonstrated by the chart, may be the result of a) the low visibility of training-related activities within FBiH local government, b) poor vertical communication, and c) lack of interest by both managers and staff. Is there an annual training plan in your LSG? LSG Bosansko Grahovo Dobretići Teočak Trnovo Čapljina Čelić Hadžici Jablanica Kladanj Ključ Maglaj Olovo Orašje Bugojno Goražde Livno Široki Brijeg Visoko Vitez Bihać Centar Sarajevo Mostar
No or not aware
11.1% 0.0% 0.0% 58.3% 0.0% 0.0% 78.8% 83.3% 16.7% 0.0% 16.7% 23.8% 7.1% 24.3% 52.3% 10.3% 15.8% 48.8% 56.0% 74.7% 87.5% 12.2%
88.9% 100.0% 100.0% 41.7% 100.0% 100.0% 21.2% 16.7% 83.3% 100.0% 83.3% 76.2% 92.9% 75.7% 47.7% 89.7% 84.2% 51.2% 44.0% 25.3% 12.5% 87.8%
The introduction of mandatory training plans for all local authorities proposed here to ensure a systematic and responsible approach to training should therefore be accompanied by a concerted drive to ensure that training is not only planned and executed, but is available to all staff through inclusive planning, with proper communication and transparency.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.2.2. Respondent Satisfaction with Training Opportunities on Offer Half the respondents were not satisfied with the training opportunities on offer in their local governments, citing reasons ranging from access to training, the type of training offered to the general quality of training opportunity available. The degree of satisfaction with available training opportunities differs for managerial civil servants, other civil servants, and other employees or clerical staff. The breakdown by employment status seems to indicate that supervisors are provided with better training opportunities than the staff they manage, which may be due to the fact that they often provide the filter between training providers and prospective trainees, deciding who attends what training.
Satisfied with training opportunities Managerial Civil Servants
Other Civil Servants
43% Satisfied
57% Not Satisfied
Satisfied with training opportunities Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree 2 year Degree
48% 52% 42% 58% 62%
Secondary school
44% Yes
Are you satisfied with training opportunities in your LSGU?
Yes 50%
No 50%
An interesting feature of the survey results is the fact that the two groups with the lowest educational levels (clerical staff also referred to as other employees) are much less satisfied with their training opportunities than the university graduates. This might indicate their awareness of their knowledge and skills deficiencies and willingness for self-improvement, a general lack of training targeting employees, or simply be the result of civil servants benefiting from the training services offered via the FBiH CSA and other training providers.
2.2.3. Respondent Participation in Training The survey reveals that 61% of the respondents have participated in training in the past two years. This relatively high percentage can be attributed largely to donor organisations active in the field of local government and training organised by the FBiH CSA. Participated in trainings Managerial Civil Servants Civil Servants
Participated in a training in the last two years
Yes 61%
No 39%
21% 46% 54%
There is an extensive bias towards both managerial and other civil servants regarding participation in training in FBiH local government. As the diagram clearly shows, a large majority of staff from these two groups have attended training within the last two years, even though more than half of the clerical staff or employees have not had any training in the same period. This can probably be ascribed to easier training access for managers
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report and civil servants in general, as well as a lack of awareness and vertical communication within local government structures. Furthermore, the FBiH CSA has a responsibility to train and develop civil servants at local government level and thus provides training opportunities not available to employees not in its purview. Comparing training participation and age reveals an even distribution between the different age groups, since the spread of training by age group resembles the overall age structure very closely. It would seem more productive to provide younger staff with better training opportunities, however, as they will be able to utilise new skills over a longer time and could be argued to represent a better long term investment for limited training funds.
Participation in trainings per age range 56 and over 9.1%
18 to 25 1.4% 26 to 35 13.5%
46 to 55 38.0%
36 to 45 38.0%
2.2.4. Major Obstacles to Training Delivery Major obstacles to quality training 45.5% 36.5% 28.4% 26.7% 26.0% 22.0% 19.8%
Training costs Absence of practical relevance of training Lack of quality training programmes Absence of TNA mechanism An inadequate manner of training delivery Insufficient staff motivation for training Lack of time for tng participation Absence of quality training providers Lack of information of training Other
10.7% 9.8% 3.3%
Survey findings, supported by the results of the senior leadership interview process, indicate that the key obstacle to quality training in FBiH local government is the cost involved. Given the minimal allocation of training funds by most of the local authorities surveyed, the one conclusion that can be drawn is that training is far from a priority for the average FBiH LSG and funds are often lacking when important training opportunities emerge.
The second most acute obstacle to quality training delivery relates to the lack of quality and tailor-made training programmes to meet local governments' actual needs. The conspicuous absence of adequate training needs assessment mechanisms cited by the target group should also be noted, as it indicates the poor awareness of the link between needs assessment and practically relevant training. Inadequate training delivery formats, insufficient staff motivation for training, and lack of time for taking part in training were also mentioned as key challenges to training delivery for LSG staff.
2.2.5. Respondent Preferences for Training Duration The overwhelming majority of survey respondents prefer training courses of between two to five days to lengthier week-long courses or single-day training events. This indicates a general feeling among LSG personnel that lengthier training sessions are necessary to gain and utilise valuable new skills and knowledge. It should also be noted that some 40% of the target group felt that two days were sufficient for effective training delivery. These findings are in line with the average training duration preferred by local government leadership, who are concerned about lengthy staff absences from the workplace.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Preferred training duration
Preferred training duration Up to 5 days 35%
More than 5 days
More than 5 days 25%
31% 37% 36% 35%
Up to 5 days
Up to 2 days Up to 1 day 7%
Up to 2 days 33%
27% 5% 6% 7%
Up to 1 days
Managerial Civil Servants
Other Civil Servants
The breakdown by employment status suggests that most civil servants, whether managerial or not, favour an average duration of not more than two days. While one quarter of the respondents prefer training programmes to be longer than five days, this view seems more common among other employees than civil servants.
2.2.6. Respondent Preferences for Training Format Three training formats stand out as the preferred vehicles of delivery for most respondents: Counselling/seminar 51% counselling/seminars, workshops, and on-theWorkshop 51% job training. Seminars are a standard way of On-the-job training 49% updating staff on recent and relevant developments in their fields of expertise. They Lectures 21% are usually a troubleshooting exercise that aims Case study 12% to address immediate knowledge gaps, mainly Others 2% created by new legislation, rather than build capacity in a sustained and systematic manner. The positive attitudes shown towards both workshop and on-the-job training formats, however, illustrate that new methods have emerged as major forms of training, largely as a legacy of the international community's involvement with capacity building. Preferred training format
The breakdown of preferred training format by employment status shows that employees lean more towards on-the-job training, probably due to the usually more technical nature of their tasks. On the other hand, both managerial and other civil servants seem to prefer workshops and counselling/seminars, which are better at addressing their specific training needs. These findings are in line with the prevalent view amongst mayors with regard to preferred training format, indicating general agreement that too much time has been wasted in the past on conceptual and theoretical exercises with no tangible performance improvement in local government.
Preferred training format Managerial Civil Servants
Other Civil Servants
16% 18% 44%
37% 5%
Lectures Case study
22% 19%
35% 60%
Counselling/seminar On-the-job training
5% 23% 47%
59% 2%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.3. CROSS-CUTTING TRAINING NEEDS8 Cross-cutting training needs pertain to capacity gaps present across the administrative structure, i.e. in shared areas of municipal operations, ranging from human resource management through quality control to activities traditionally grouped under the general administration portfolio. By far the highest ranking generic issue is information technology, attesting to the awareness of local authorities of the need to modernise service delivery and administrative operations. Priority cross-cutting areas Information Technologies and e-Municipality Service Provision Management and Quality Control EU Integration and International Cooperation Work Planning and Organisational Management
1,470 1,193 1,163 1,142 1,023 1,014 1,010 815 781 770
Public Procurement Project Cycle Management Human Resources Management Public Relations Local Democracy General Administration
The need for more uniform standards and easier access to municipal services is highlighted by the fact that service provision management and quality control comes in second among the general issues. It is, however, closely followed by EU integration and international cooperation, reflecting the country's international ambitions and ongoing processes related to accession and stabilisation. The bottom of the priority list reflects the perceived absence of training need in some areas, in particular general administration and local democracy, which may be due to sufficient training opportunities having been provided in this regard in recent years. Priority training needs were established by comparing areas prioritised by the majority target population with those identified as being knowledge or expertise deficit. While the findings below represent summary results of the survey carried out in sample local governments, the final recommendations on priority training needs also take into account the results of focus group discussions and LG senior leadership interviews.
2.3.1. Information Technology and Local e-Government9 Although information technology or IT was one of the areas most heavily targeted with training after 1996, the initial knowledge gap has proven to be substantial and further capacity building in this area seems to be needed, as attested by the results of the assessment, where IT is by far the highest-rated generic issue. Mirroring the general focus on faster and better service delivery, the respondents stressed a lack of knowledge of electronic document management (28.7%). More training in this field could allow for speedier processing of public claims, as well as better process tracking by LSG management. The introduction of electronic document management has followed closely the adoption of ISO standards in many local governments in the FBiH, as one of the key innovations for ensuring better service delivery. 8 Cross-cutting training needs refer to the areas prioritised by most respondents from the target group and those identified as being KSA deficit. The vertical prioritisation of cross-cutting issues was determined by comparing the weighted average choices made by the respondents for each of the areas listed. For example, the number 770 shown for the general administration portfolio refers to the average number of respondents that marked this area as a priority among other listed portfolios. 9 The horizontal prioritisation of training topics within the individual portfolios has been determined by comparing the weighted number of respondents that marked this topic as relevant to their work, as well as those that rated their KSA levels in this regard as insufficient. For example, 28.7% is the percentage of respondents that marked electronic document management as important to their work, while also rating their KSA levels in this regard as insufficient.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND E-MUNICIPALITY 28.7% 28.0% 27.2%
Electronic document management MS Office basic modules (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) E-mail and Internet MS Office advanced modules (Access, PM) E-communication with citizens E-services - issuing certificates and other documents Material/financial operations- software and databases Developing and maintaining a municipal website
24.2% 21.9% 21.6% 17.2% 17.1% 16.3%
Human resources management - software and databases Insufficient knowledge
The second largest knowledge gap in this area deals with the employment of basic MS Office tools (28 %), closely followed by e-mail and Internet use (27.2 %). These two categories represent fundamental IT skills and must be considered essential for all LSG staff discharging municipal competencies. Although a vast majority of LSG personnel seems to possess basic computer literacy, there is still a lack of the knowledge and skills required to make full use of the core MS Office packages. While e-communication and e-service provision are very much on the horizon for local government, the results of the training needs assessment indicate insufficient interest in improving personnel skill sets in this regard. As a result, LSG management is advised to stress this issue so as to raise their staff's awareness of coming changes. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND E-MUNICIPALITY - CIVIL SERVANTS Electronic document management E-mail and Internet MS Office basic modules (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND E-MUNICIPALITY - EMPLOYEES MS Office basic modules (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Electronic document management
32% 30% 29%
E-mail and Internet
Insufficient knowledge
27% 26% 25%
Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status also illustrates the different needs and access to training opportunities by the two groups: civil servants are better equipped to use basic MS Office programmes and Internet browsing software and focus on more advanced electronic document management, while most employees still appear to lack basic computer skills. The fact that both groups ranked basic MS Office, e-mail, and Internet use as priority areas speaks volumes about current levels of IT literacy in local government in the FBiH.
2.3.2. Service Provision Management and Quality Control The fact that quality service provision was ranked as a priority training area by most respondents shows the growing awareness by local governments of their role as servants of the community. This has largely come about as a result of concerted efforts by both the government and the donor community to make local administrations more client-oriented and result-based through the introduction of a number of quality assurance systems (including ISO and CAF). The review of priority training topics for service provision and quality control highlights internal controls. Efficient internal controls are crucial for local government to achieve its objectives, maintain a high degree of integrity in its dealings, prevent misconduct, and provide a high standard of services to the public. In this regard, the focus is on the internal control environment, information and communications, risk assessment, monitoring, and control activities, etc.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report SERVICE PROVISION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL 20.3% 19.5% 18.4% 17.8% 17.3% 16.2%
Internal controls (COSO, etc.) Quality management system (ISO, CAF, etc.) Assessing community needs for service provision Developing service quality standards and indicators Assessing resources required for service provision Monitoring and evaluation of service provision Insufficient knowledge
Even though government and the international community have been providing support for the implementation of quality management systems (ISO, CAF, etc.) for some time, 19.5% of the target population still feel their KSA levels are inadequate and need further strengthening, if they are to meet the performance expectations demanded by the quality management framework. Service needs assessment is another priority which further highlights the desire of local government to offer effective, efficient, and responsive services and ensure maximum client satisfaction. Assessment of the current status and service needs of the local community in general or a defined target population and/or locality in particular provides grounds for the proper planning, organisation, and management of services. It should be noted that there is comparatively little difference between the priority training topics in this area, as all sub-areas listed in this portfolio represent emerging topics that require further attention in terms of training. SERVICE PROVISION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL - CIVIL SERVANTS Internal controls (COSO, etc.) Quality management system (ISO, CAF, etc.) Assessing community needs for service provision
SERVICE PROVISION MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL - EMPLOYEES Developing service quality standards and indicators
Assessing community needs for service provision Quality management system (ISO, CAF, etc.)
23% 21%
Insufficient knowledge
18% 17% 17%
Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status brings up similar priorities for both groups, with a slightly different sequence, likely brought about by different perspectives, with civil servants more interested in internal controls and service quality management systems and other employees in developing service quality standards and indicators and assessing community needs for service provision.
2.3.3. EU Integration and International Cooperation EU funds and programmes (IPA and community programmes) lead the list of priority training topics in the EU portfolio, indicating a high level of awareness within the target population of the importance of these funds for the development of local government in future. It also highlights the fact that one of the most serious problems confronting local governments in the FBiH is the chronic lack of funding, which better knowledge of how to access EU funds might help alleviate. Not far behind on the list of areas in need of training is cooperation and other donor programmes, which is related to the same dynamic as the number one issue, namely how to attract more funding for local authorities in the FBiH. It could also be explained by the current availability of other donor programmes and funds for local authorities in BiH, as opposed to still limited access to EU funding opportunities expected to emerge in the upcoming period.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The next two priority areas for training relate to regional and rural development, which are already emerging topics and are expected to become more important for local authorities once BiH attains candidate status and the relevant funds become available. EU INTEGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION EU funds and programmes (IPA and community programmes) Cooperation and programmes of other donors Regional development Rural development Preparing project proposals and PCM Tender procedures for EU-funded projects Cross-border cooperation
21.1% 19.7% 19.4% 18.6% 17.3% 16.6% 15.9% 15.3% 15.2% 14.3% 13.2%
Partnership Administering and financial management of EU projects The EU enlargement process and SAA Basics of the EU functioning Insufficient knowledge
How the EU works is at the bottom of the list, along with the EU enlargement process, indicating that there is little need for training on generic topics that do not necessarily improve the KSA levels of municipal staff in the realm of European integration. EU INTEGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION - CIVIL SERVANTS EU funds and programmes Cooperation and programmes of other donors Preparing project proposals and PCM
30% 28% 26%
Insufficient knowledge
Regional development
Rural development
EU funds and programmes
Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status does highlight certain differences in training needs identified by civil servants and other employees in FBiH local government. While employees prioritise training related to rural and regional development programmes, civil servants consider their knowledge and skills insufficient with regard to EU funds and programmes, cooperation, and other donor programmes, as well as the preparation of project proposals and project cycle management (PCM).
2.3.4. Work Planning and Organisational Management Work planning and organisational management include activities geared towards improving the productivity and efficiency of local government administrations. Some, such as teamwork and efficient time management, represent recent additions to the administrative landscape, while others, such as strategic planning, have been in place for decades. In this regard, LSG personnel identified employee motivation as a key area for future training. This indicates a growing understanding in local government of the importance of instituting and maintaining satisfactory levels of motivation in the workforce, given the relatively low salaries but virtually guaranteed employment in the public sector (i.e. the reluctance to dismiss staff regardless of performance or disciplinary infringements). As motivation and ability are key to performance improvement and, unlike ability, motivation can be improved relatively quickly, it is obvious why this specific topic was prioritised for future LSG training agenda.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Internal communication is another area with seemingly significant knowledge and skill deficits within this cluster, with a number of both civil servants and employees indicating that their capabilities in this regard are poor and negatively influence the performance of LSG administration. Developing annual, semi-annual, and monthly plans is another frequently cited area that requires improvement through training. This is particularly relevant for translating integrated local development strategies into concrete action at the level of local administration departments and organisational units, as well as for establishing direct links to the budgeting cycle. WORK PLANNING AND ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT 23.9% 21.8% 20.0% 19.4% 18.4% 18.2% 17.0% 14.0% 11.5% 10.5%
Employee motivation Internal communication Developing annual, semi-annual and monthly plans Developing strategic plans Conflict resolution in the workplace Team work Efficient time management Task planning, delegation and distribution Development of organizational policies and procedures Managing employees Insufficient knowledge
In line with expectations, civil servants were much more concerned with strategic planning, while employees were seemingly more concerned with generic issues like motivation and conflict resolution in the workplace. WORK PLANNING AND ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT - CIVIL SERVANTS Developing strategic plans
Employee motivation
Employee motivation
Internal communication
Developing annual, semi-annual and monthly plans
Conflict resolution in the workplace
Insufficient knowledge
23% 18%
Insufficient knowledge
2.3.5. Public Procurement Public procurement has been one of the principal target areas for capacity building at all levels of government in recent years, with extensive training activities implemented both by the Public Procurement Agency and the international organisations supporting its work. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Tender documentation and tender evaluation Public procurement legal framework Internal controls in public procurement Public procurement planning Conflict of interest in public procurement Public procurement models Public procurement contracting
16.8% 16.3% 16.1% 15.5% 15.1% 15.0% 14.8% Insufficient knowledge
Nevertheless, public procurement seems to remain a key area for future LSG training agenda. The largest knowledge deficit within the public procurement cluster, as identified by local government staff in the FBiH, relates to tender documentation preparation and evaluation. These priority training topics are closely followed by the relevant legal framework and internal controls related to public procurement. In general, the
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report priority areas are quite close in terms of capacity levels, possibly suggesting that the area has been wellcovered by training, but is yet to reach all those who need it. When broken down by employment status, the findings indicate that civil servants consider their skills and knowledge particularly inadequate with regard to the development of tender documentation and evaluation. While this outcome was expected, given that civil servants tend to be tasked with this part of the tender process, it also reflects the problems experienced by local authorities when their procurement decisions are challenged and evaluation criteria questioned by prospective contractors. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT - CIVIL SERVANTS Tender documentation and tender evaluation
PUBLIC PROCUREMENT - EMPLOYEES Internal controls in public procurement Tender documentation and tender evaluation
Public procurement legal framework
Public procurement planning
14% 13%
Public procurement legal framework
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
2.3.6. Project Cycle Management The increasing emphasis on translating strategic visions into concrete actions and programme-based budgeting at local level means that project cycle management (PCM) has become an increasingly important instrument for local government in the FBiH. In view of growing demand for service delivery and limited LSG budgets, the planning, organisation, and management of resources under the umbrella of projects, as practical ways of delivering LSG programmes, represent an answer to the constant challenge of maximising results with minimum investment. The project-based approach is also a necessary requirement for attracting donor funds for achieving objectives and meeting local community priority needs. Given this background, it is somewhat surprising that training needs for PCM have not been identified by LSG personnel as a matter of higher priority, in particular as both local government senior and middle management assigned significant importance to this specific training area. PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT Project efficacy monitoring and analysis
16.5% 15.5% 15.4%
Preparing project documents Project cycle management Finances for non-financial employees
14.6% Insufficient knowledge
Training requirements are almost evenly spread across the areas of project cycle management listed, with a slight bias towards project monitoring and analysis, as local administrations seek to maximise and improve output. The preparation of project documents (including pre-project preparation, technical documentation, cost and profit analysis, feasibility studies, etc.) is another area requiring attention in terms of training, followed by general PCM and its phases. While civil servants in general, and LSG senior staffers in particular, are more concerned with enhancing their knowledge and skills in relation to project monitoring and evaluation, other employees prioritise training on the basics of PCM.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT - CIVIL SERVANTS Project efficacy monitoring and analysis
Preparing project documents
Project cycle management
Finances for non-financial employees
Preparing project documents
Project efficacy monitoring and analysis
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
2.3.7. Human Resource Management Faced with growing pressure to deliver quality services, local government in BiH seems to be forced to explore effective and innovative ways of managing available resources. Accordingly, effective workforce management has been gaining in importance with local authorities. The terms “human resource management” and “human resources” have largely replaced the term “personnel management” when describing processes involved in managing people, mostly as a result of the recent modernisation trends in LSG. Given that training needs assessment, a key prerequisite for quality planning in the realm of training and professional development, is ranked as a priority area for improvement, there is a growing awareness among LSG staff of the benefits of training for their performance as well as career progression. Furthermore, with much recent training driven by international agencies or higher levels of government, LSGs in the FBiH want to become better equipped to identify the training needs of their staff and communicate them effectively to the training market. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 22.0% 21.0% 20.2% 20.1%
Training needs assessment Annual training plan preparation/implementation Relevant legal framework Task systematization and division of labour Discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment Disciplinary measures Performance appraisal Remuneration and non-salary benefits Redundancy and separation Selection, interview, employment and probation period Planning and job advertisement Recruitment of interns and volunteers
16.6% 16.4% 16.2% 14.4% 11.3% 9.7% 9.7% 7.7%
Insufficient knowledge
The importance of training plans is also highlighted, given that LSG staff underlined the priority need for training in this regard as well. Even though training represents a key concern for LSG leadership, as indicated by the research at both senior and middle management levels, only a few local administrations in the FBiH seem to have a training plan on their books, while even fewer have taken active steps towards implementing one. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - CIVIL SERVANTS 24%
Training needs assessment Annual training plan preparation Task systematization and division of labour
Relevant legal framework Task systematization and division of labour
Training needs assessment
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
21% 20%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report This general trend to identify knowledge deficiency in training needs assessment and planning is also visible among civil servants. Employees are much more focused on the relevant legal frameworks and on task systematisation, illustrating their concerns regarding status and benefits, as they are less involved with the processes of human resource management itself.
2.3.8. Public Relations Increased demand for transparency at the local level, closer ties with and greater involvement by the local communities they serve, and changes in the regulatory framework have necessitated the recent emergence of public relations portfolios in most local governments around the country. PUBLIC RELATIONS Free access to information Transparency of decision-making process Lobbying and advocation Surveys Promotion of municipal policies, strategies and activities Public relation strategy Presentation preparation Organization and management of media relations
17.1% 14.9% 12.7% 12.4% 12.1% 11.2% 10.3% 8.9%
Insufficient knowledge
One of the key concerns for any functioning government body is ensuring free access to information in accordance with the relevant legal framework. The fact that respondents still identify priority training needs in this regard is somewhat surprising, given the significant training and assistance offered to local authorities by donor organisations in recent years to ensure free access to information. Other priority areas for training in the public relations cluster relate to transparency in decision-making processes and lobbying and advocacy, indicating that improvements are needed to enhance the outreach capabilities of local government staff. Opinion polling and the promotion of local administration strategies and activities are other areas where more training is thought necessary, indicating some awareness of the customer-oriented outlook of modern local government in the FBiH. PUBLIC RELATIONS - CIVIL SERVANTS
Lobbying and advocation
Free access to information
Presentation preparation
Transparency of decision-making process
Promotion of policies, strategies and activities
Insufficient knowledge
17% 12%
Insufficient knowledge
Lobbying and advocacy are notable differences between the two employment categories in this regard. This comes as little surprise, given the different outlook civil servants (inc. managers) and employees have in approaching the public. Civil servants are much more likely to lobby the general public and other government institutions on behalf of the administration, while employees are much more concerned with ensuring access to information related to their specific duties.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.3.9. Local Democracy For the purposes of the training needs assessment process, local democracy was defined as a process that ensures people are involved in the conduct of public affairs, with activities ranging from promoting social inclusion to ensuring direct public participation in decision-making. Instruments for ensuring human rights protection, including the conventions and framework documents that govern human rights in BiH, were identified as priority training areas within the local democracy cluster. Direct public participation in decision-making was also ranked highly as an aspect of local democracy where capacity needs development if active and meaningful public involvement in local government affairs is to be guaranteed. This correlates well with the increasing general demand for transparency and accountability among the BiH public and LSG staff themselves. A further priority knowledge need was community and target group priority assessment, in particular the local authorities' focus on needs-based planning and programming. Further investment in this area would ensure local buy-in to local government activities and meet the community's needs in a structured and costeffective fashion. LOCAL DEMOCRACY 15.3% 13.9% 13.2% 12.4% 12.0%
Instruments for ensuring human rights protection Direct citizens’ participation Community and target group priority assessment Promoting social inclusion and equality Work with local communities Work with non-governmental organisations Citizens’ participation through elected representatives Youth policy
10.8% 10.4% 7.6%
Insufficient knowledge
Comparing these priorities to employment status reveals civil servants' interest in acquiring additional knowledge and skills regarding work with local communities, while employees are more interested in learning about social inclusion and equality promotion. LOCAL DEMOCRACY - CIVIL SERVANTS Community and target group priority assessment Instruments for ensuring human rights protection Work with local communities
LOCAL DEMOCRACY - EMPLOYEES Instruments for ensuring human rights protection
Direct citizens’ participation
Promoting social inclusion and equality
Insufficient knowledge
17% 16% 15%
Insufficient knowledge
2.3.10. General Administration10 Along with public procurement, general administration would seem to be one of the areas of municipal operations most frequently targeted with training and other forms of capacity building. LSG staff in the FBiH consistently rank the procedural issues of a functioning local democracy bottom of the list of training needs. This includes issues such as how municipal councils operate and function, constitutional arrangements, and election issues. 10 General administration is taken to denote the cross-cutting functions performed by all local government employees rather than the department of general administration.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The legal framework for local self-government is, however, cited as a key priority in this area, indicating a need among municipal and city personnel to keep up to date on recent legislation. Other priorities for training in this area are administrative procedures and legal aid, with the latter representing an emerging area designed to provide additional services to citizens. Contrary to the survey results, middle management and LSG staff who participated in the focus group discussions pointed to citizens' affairs (records and certificates), office management, and citizen service centres (organisation and management) as key areas for future training. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 18.1% 16.5%
Local self-governance legal framework Administrative procedures Legal assistance Public administration system in FBiH Citizen service centre and branch offices Office operations Mail management, record keeping and filing offices Implementation of MC’s decisions Citizen affairs and voter records Basics of the constitutional arrangements Administering MC sessions and commissions MC session procedure and preparation
14.2% 13.5% 12.9% 12.7% 11.7% 10.7% 9.6% 9.4% 6.2% 5.9% Insufficient knowledge
Civil servants generally ranked the legal framework as a training priority area, while employees prioritised administrative procedures for future training. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - CIVIL SERVANTS Local self-governance legal framework
Administrative procedures Legal assistance
Administrative procedures Local self-governance legal framework
Legal assistance
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
17% 16%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 11
2.4. TRAINING NEEDS WITHIN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT CORE COMPETENCIES A review of priority areas within local self-government core competencies reveals a strong interest in further development of knowledge and skills in the field of spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre and property/ legal affairs. That improving the business environment and planning and implementation of local development policies were the next two priority training areas indicates a broadening of the concept of good local governance in BiH and a shift of focus away from classical administrative and utility-related affairs towards local development aspects. Priorities within LSGU competencies 587 574
Spatial Planning, Geodesy, Cadastre and Property/Legal Affairs Business Enabling Environment and Local Development Planning and Implementation of Local Development Policies
451 421 327 323
Environmental protection Public Utilities Budget and Finance Returnees, Displaced Persons and Refugees Housing Affairs
238 235 180 168 156 115 84
Social Protection and Health Care Civil Protection Disabled War Veteran Protection Education Culture and Sport
Although environmental protection was not previously paid due attention, the fact that it is now ranked among the priority training areas by local government staff indicates that it is an area of growing importance. Priority training needs were established by comparing areas prioritised by the majority target population with those identified as suffering from a knowledge/expertise deficit. While the below findings represent summary results of the survey carried out in the sample local administrations, final recommendations on priority training needs take into account the results of focus group discussions and LSG senior leadership interviews.
2.4.1. Spatial Planning, Geodesy, Cadastre and Property/Legal Affairs The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework governing spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre and property/legal affairs; Spatial and urban development plans (developing and implementing); Regulatory plans and urban development projects; The geographic information system or GIS; Construction land (determining, arranging and managing); Public surface (determining, arranging and managing); Construction regulations (urban planning consent, construction permit, permit for use, removal or demolition orders);
11 Training needs within core LSG competencies refer to the areas prioritised by most respondents from the target group and those identified as suffering from a KSA deficit. The vertical prioritisation of issues within core LSG competencies was determined by comparing the weighted average choices made by the respondents for each of the areas listed. For example, the number 587 that is shown for the spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre and property-legal affairs portfolio refers to the average number of respondents that marked this area as a priority among other listed portfolios.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Land, real estate, and utility installation registers (establishing, applying, maintaining, and improving); Digital geodesy plan, DGP (developing and maintaining); Urban and construction inspection; Administrative procedures regarding property rights related to construction land; Administrative procedures related to private property rights in cases of expropriation, privatisation, restitution, or repossession of real estate. General Issues The focus group discussion highlighted several factors hindering the work of local government staff working on spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre, and property/legal affairs. A lack of necessary equipment, in particular for cadastral work, was a key problem mentioned. The lack of sufficiently competent personnel was also raised, specifically in urban planning, which requires experienced architects and lawyers. The age profile of local government structures is a further issue in this field, given the marked reluctance of personnel to adopt new working methods and IT. While the focus group participants pointed to problems due to the delayed passage of the new FBiH Law on Survey and Real Estate Cadastre and the Law on Ownership and Other Rights, they also expressed concern over the expected shortage of qualified professionals required to implement it. Heavy emphasis was also put on the deficiencies in the FBiH Law on Construction Land, the lack of understanding and different interpretations of the Law in different local self-government units, and the contradictions both within the Law itself and in relation to other relevant legislation. Poor cooperation with the Federal Administration for Geodesy and Property/Legal Affairs was also cited, as were lengthy approval processes by higher government levels for planning permits. Training Related Issues12 Priority training needs were identified in this area in relation to the geographic information system (GIS) and the digital geodesy plan (DGP). The survey findings here correspond to the results of the focus group discussion and senior leadership interviews. This reveals the local authorities' understanding of current trends in this area, underlining the importance of DGP and GIS for cadastre modernisation, to enable easier work with clients, reduce average service delivery time, and allow cadastral work to be dealt with efficiently in general. SPATIAL PLANNING, GEODESY, CADASTRE AND PROPERTY/LEGAL AFFAIRS Geographic information system (GIS) Digital geodesy plan - DGP (development and maintenance) Public surfaces (determining, arranging and management) Construction and local management Land, real estate and utility installation registers Spatial and urbanistic plans (development and implementation) Adm. Proc. (property rights related real estate owned by citizens) Adm. Proc. (property rights related to construction land) Relevant legal framework Regulatory plans and urban development projects Urbanistic/construction inspection Construction regulation
38.0% 33.1% 30.6% 29.9% 28.6% 24.6% 24.4% 23.0% 22.6% 20.4% 17.2% 14.7%
Insufficient knowledge
12 The horizontal prioritisation of training topics related to LSG core competencies was determined by comparing the weighted number of respondents who marked this topic as relevant to their work, while also rating their KSA levels in this regard as insufficient. For example, 38% is the percentage of respondents that marked GIS as important to their work, while at the same time rating their KSA levels in this regard as insufficient.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The next priority relates to public surface management, indicating the need for additional knowledge and skills due to difficulties local authorities in the FBiH encounter in dealing with the use and maintenance of public surface, as well as with its usurpation. Another closely ranked priority training area is the construction land management, which may be ascribed to the issue of unclear legislation raised by the focus group participants. Administrative procedures related to property rights over construction land were underlined by the focus group as a separate training topic closely related to construction land management. It is also worth mentioning that, contrary to the survey findings, focus group participants emphasised the need for training on spatial and urban planning and implementation, the FBiH Decree on a Uniform Methodology for Developing Spatial Planning Documents, and the harmonisation of plans at different levels. The breakdown by employment status reveals that both civil servants and employees view the GIS and DGP as priority training areas. Unlike employees, civil servants consider their knowledge and skills inadequate in the field of land, real estate, and utility installation registers, in terms of their establishment, maintenance, and improvement. SPATIAL PLANNING, GEODESY, CADASTRE AND PROPERTY/LEGAL AFFAIRS - CIVIL SERVANTS Geographic information system (GIS)
Digital geodesy plan - DGP
Digital geodesy plan - DGP
Land, real estate and utility installation registers
Public surfaces (determining, arranging and management)
Insufficient knowledge
35% 33% 28%
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.2. Business Enabling Environment and Local Development The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The municipal administrative environment (one-stop-shop, local taxes policy, construction land and urban planning policy and regulation, business permits and regulation, etc.); Municipal promotional activities to serve local development (public relations, communication, fairs, web promotion, lobbying, training, etc.); Municipal infrastructure to serve local development (energy, road and communal infrastructure, business zones, business incubators, etc.); Supporting access to financing for local development (loan guarantee funds, development funds, subsidies, concessions, etc.); Partnerships for local development (public-private partnership; inter-municipal / regional cooperation, etc.). General Issues Local economic development continues to gain significance among local authorities, which, faced with mounting development challenges, have begun to understand their responsibility for creating an enabling business environment. However, as highlighted by the focus group participants, the growing interest in local economic development is not accompanied by an adequate framework, in terms of resources and guidelines, to support the local authorities' new development role and more effective management of local economic development.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The lack of material preconditions for local development and the issue of the control and management of natural resources were repeatedly noted, alongside legal and property issues hindering the efficient use of local resources and potentials. Among other factors hindering local economic development, the focus group participants mentioned the absence of a systematic government approach and support to local development, the complex administrative environment for private sector development, and poor physical infrastructure. Finally, financial, human, and organisational resources were also highlighted as deficient, in particular in small to medium-size local governments. Training Related Issues Local authorities' priority training needs in this portfolio were identified in relation to partnership building for local development, indicating a strong interest in developing the skills and knowledge necessary for establishing effective cooperative arrangements among local socio-economic actors and contributing to a business-friendly environment. Municipal infrastructure was highlighted as another priority for training, with physical infrastructure viewed as a means of promoting the attractiveness of the local community to potential investors. However, this could also be partially due to limited understanding of local economic development in BiH, considering the present tendency to reduce it to infrastructural intervention that often has little to do with the business infrastructure required by potential investors and SMEs. Another closely related priority area is facilitating access to finance, indicating the participants' interest in capacity building that helps secure effective access to public and commercial finance for local development and SMEs. Although their budgets and private capital (viewed as the capacity of LSGs to use the potential for PPPs) would appear to be the financing sources local authorities can influence most easily, the general opinion of local senior leadership was that external funds (i.e. FBiH, cantonal, EU, and other donor funds) are the key financing sources for local development intervention. BUSINESS ENABLING ENVIRONMENT AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 41.8% 39.9% 38.1% 35.0% 32.3%
Partnership in function of local development Municipal infrastructure in function of local development Support to access to finance in function of local development Municipal administrative environment in relation to LD Municipal promotional activities in function of local development Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status reveals that civil servants' priorities are consistent with the overall priorities of the survey target population. On the other hand, employees also prioritise the municipal administrative environment as a key area for training, most likely as a result of difficulties they encounter in this regard in their regular and direct dealings with clients. BUSINESS ENABLING ENVIRONMENT AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (LD) - CIVIL SERVANTS Partnership in function of local development Municipal infrastructure in function of local development Support to access to finance in function of local development
BUSINESS ENABLING ENVIRONMENT AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (LD) - EMPLOYEES Support to access to finance in function of local development Municipal infrastructure in function of local development Municipal administrative environment and LD
47% 40% 37%
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
42% 40% 36%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.3. Planning and Implementation of Local Development Policies The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of local development; Situation analysis (including establishment of a local development management database); A participatory definition of local development policies and strategies; Local development strategy implementation (project cycle management and organisational models for project preparation and implementation); Local development strategy monitoring and evaluation. General Issues Focus group findings highlight various concerns with regard to planning and implementation of local development policies in BiH. Different approaches to planning and implementation of development initiatives among LSGs were repeatedly noted, underlining the lack of quality local development strategies in some LSG units, inadequate management and organisational structures, and the poor rate of strategy implementation, amongst other issues. Most of the local authorities lack capacity and rely on external expert support for planning and implementing development plans, while recruitment and retention of quality staff represent an important challenge, in particular in small to medium-sized local authorities. Nevertheless, together with the shift of LSG focus from administrative to a project and development approach, there seems to be a prevailing desire on the part of LSG leadership to rely on in-house expert capacity when it comes to the planning and realisation of local development intervention. This is inconsistent with the current human resources and organisational structures in local administrations and their preparedness to deal with local development. Furthermore, the lack of a systemic and strategic framework (policies, strategies, programmes, instruments) and the absence of adequate and effective support and coordination by higher levels of government were noted as impediments to planning and implementation of local development interventions. Training Related Issues Local development strategy implementation and monitoring and evaluation were identified as priority areas for training, largely as a result of the local authorities' desire to translate existing strategic documents into action and subsequently evaluate the success of implemented development intervention. With the support of international organisations, most local authorities have received extensive external assistance in developing their strategic plans. There was relatively little support for the preparation of concrete action and financial plans, resource mobilisation, and the development of adequate structures and skills for project preparation and implementation. Furthermore, given that the periodical review of development strategies in terms of their impact and changed local circumstances is a rare practice in local governments, the target population recognises the need to develop their knowledge and skills in this regard. Focus should, therefore, be on strengthening monitoring mechanisms to ensure effective strategy and action plan implementation and timely adjustment. Situational analysis is another priority area for training, focusing on building skill sets to help LSG staff identify key resources for and impediments to local development. This includes collecting and analysing the relevant quantitative and qualitative data, setting up of necessary databases, mapping of key stakeholders, and identifying of key internal and external factors influencing local development, etc. Although socio-economic analysis is a necessary prerequisite for proper and regular strategic planning, it has not been the focus of much attention by previous training providers. The fact that it was ranked as a priority training area can partially be explained by problems facing local administrations in relation to access to accurate and reliable data relevant for local development planning and management.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Another closely related and equally important training area relates to the participatory definition of local development policies and strategies. As mentioned above, this area has been to some extent covered through training and technical assistance within donor-supported projects. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 28.3% 28.3% 27.7% 27.2% 27.0%
Local development strategy implementation LD strategy monitoring and evaluation Situation analysis Participatory definition of LD strategies Relevant legal framework Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status reveals that civil servants prioritise their training needs with regard to socio-economic analysis, participatory planning, and local development strategy implementation. Employees, on the other hand, stress their training needs in relation to local development strategy monitoring and evaluation. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES - CIVIL SERVANTS Situation analysis (including LD database establishment) Participatory definition of LD policies and strategies Local development strategy implementation
PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES - EMPLOYEES Local development strategy monitoring and evaluation Legal framework in the area of local development Local development strategy implementation
27% 26% 26%
Insufficient knowledge
38% 35% 35%
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.4. Environmental Protection The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of environmental protection; The local environmental action plan – LEAP (preparation and implementation); Environmental protection monitoring and enforcement (record keeping, analyses and reporting); Awareness-raising activities related to environmental protection; Energy efficiency; Inspection and supervision. General Issues Key issues of concern in the area of environmental protection stressed by the practitioners included deficiencies in the implementation of environmental legislation and policies, where the legal framework and ensuing procedures were defined as too complex and the distribution of responsibilities between different government layers (FBiH, cantons, and local government) as unclear. This often results in ineffective implementation of existing rules and regulations, with frequent delays in issuing relevant permits and a lack of accountability and vertical communication. Other factors hampering sustainable environmental management include insufficient funding, poor natural resource management, low levels of environmental awareness, and the lack of an effective environmental monitoring system.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The focus group also highlighted issues related to weak inspections and the general lack of competent staff, with environmental inspectors in particular assessed as insufficient and lacking the appropriate skills and experience. This is particularly felt in smaller and financially weaker municipalities, having in mind that educated and experienced practitioners tend to migrate to urban centres. Weak local environmental planning mechanisms (i.e. the LEAP) and their integration into overall local development strategies and ineffective implementation were also identified as problematic. Training Related Issues Despite mounting problems in environmental protection and the fact that this field has not been paid sufficient attention in the past, the TNA findings indicate it is an area of LSG operations of growing importance in the FBiH. Within this emerging training area, the target group identified the legal framework as a priority for future training, largely due to poor understanding of the legislation, which is deemed complex and unclear. While few local authorities have developed their LEAP with donor support, the vast majority recognise their lack in capacity in this area. Both the focus group and survey findings pointed to a need for additional skills and knowledge in the development of realistic LEAPs, in line with the relevant legislative standards and local circumstances. Another priority training area was environmental protection monitoring and enforcement, with the focus on monitoring and enforcement mechanisms providing for and contributing to improved local environmental protection. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 41.4% 40.8% 40.3%
Legal framework in the area of environmental protection Local environmental action plan (LEAP) Environmental protection monitoring and enforcement Awareness-raising activities related to environmental protection Energy efficiency Inspection and supervision of environmental protection
37.4% 26.6% 18.5%
Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status indicates that civil servants prioritise their training needs in the area of environmental protection monitoring and enforcement. This includes enhancement of skills and knowledge with regard to effective information collection, record keeping, analysis, and the enforcement of corrective measures, in particular. The other two priority areas for civil servants were training in the legal framework governing environmental protection and the development of LEAPs. Although the employees took a similar view to the first two areas to civil servants, they also highlighted awareness-raising activities. As emphasised by the focus group, this may be attributed in part to the practical experience that no plan or enforcement measure will be productive unless its benefits are clearly acknowledged by the general public. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - CIVIL SERVANTS Environmental protection monitoring and enforcement Legal framework in the area of environmental protection Local environmental action plan (LEAP)
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - EMPLOYEES Legal framework in the area of environmental protection Local environmental action plan (LEAP)
46% 39% 39%
Awareness-raising activities
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
49% 47% 44%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.5. Public Utilities The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of public utilities; Communal infrastructure (management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing); Communal services (management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing); Public utility companies (establishment, management, financing, outsourcing of services, and reorganisation); Inspection of communal infrastructure and services. General Issues Focus group participants pointed to several factors adversely affecting local authorities' capacity to discharge their competencies effectively and provide quality public utilities to the public. Access to sufficient quantities of managed drinking water was defined as limited and wastewater management networks underdeveloped, with most wastewater directly discharged into river streams without treatment. Communal waste management services were also assessed as inadequate, with most landfills non-compliant with sanitary norms and standards. In this regard, the complex and inconsistent legal and policy framework and the insufficiently clear distribution of responsibilities between local and higher government levels were highlighted by specialists in the area. While the policy implementation remains unsatisfactory at all government levels, including LSG, the financial resources are insufficient for the major interventions required on public utility infrastructure and improved service provision. Local public utility companies appear to be managed in a financially unsustainable way and are incapable of investing in their equipment, infrastructure maintenance, or development. They also lack performance-based management systems and rarely assess public satisfaction with their services. The focus group also noted the overall poor law enforcement and limited efficiency of utility inspectorates due to a combination of factors, ranging from LSG inability to recruit and retain qualified staff, in particular in smaller municipalities, to the unclear legal responsibilities due to deficiencies in the relevant regulations. Training Related Issues The legal framework related to public utilities was ranked as a priority for training, underlining the need for a thorough understanding of the regulations governing everyday operations in this field. As well as improving understanding of the relevant legal framework, such training could help clarify conflicting regulations and responsibilities. Communal infrastructure and communal services are seen by local authority staff as another area for capacity improvement. This includes a range of activities to be improved through training, from planning, maintenance, delivery, and quality monitoring in both areas to upgrading skills related to specific activities, like local road, water, and waste management. Priority training needs were also identified in relation to the public utility companies. As it was brought up at all three TNA levels, this area appears to represent a pressing training need for local authorities, in particular in terms of their capacity to manage, finance and outsource public utility services, when needed.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report PUBLIC UTILITIES Legal framework in the area of public utilities Communal infrastructure
26.2% 25.7% 25.2% 23.7%
Communal services Public utility companies Utility inspection of communal infrastructure and services Insufficient knowledge
The civil servants underlined management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing in the area of communal infrastructure and communal services as priorities for skills and knowledge improvement. Both civil servants and employees underlined the relevant legal framework as a common area for future training, but employees seem to need more knowledge in relation to the inspection of communal infrastructure and services. PUBLIC UTILITIES - CIVIL SERVANTS
Legal framework in the area of public utilities
Legal framework in the area of public utilities
Communal infrastructure Communal services
Utility inspection of communal infrastructure and services
Communal services
Insufficient knowledge
25% 22%
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.6. Budget and Finance The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework for local self-government units financing; LSG revenue sources (legal basis and allocation, revenue types, purpose); The collection and administration of local taxes and fees; Other financing instruments (loans, public debt, bonds); The preparation of budget/rebalance and budget programmes, execution, and reporting; The public's role in the budget preparation and execution processes; The accounting system, internal financial procedures, and internal and external audit; The management of financial resources and expenditures; Capital investment management and planning; Municipal asset management; Treasury operations. General Issues A number of issues were highlighted in the budget and finance focus group, including councillors' limited understanding of budget preparation processes, which sometimes results in unrealistic budget planning and inadequate budget execution monitoring. Concerns were also raised in relation to weak public participation in budget processes. The lack of inter-departmental coordination in budget planning and budget execution reporting and insufficient discipline in budget execution by departmental managers were also noted as key internal challenges. Internal control systems were qualified as inadequate in terms of insufficiently developed internal financial procedures and mechanisms, as well as a lack of competent internal auditors. Approaches to and methodologies for capital project planning are also insufficiently developed, and most local authorities in the FBiH lack a modern asset management system.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report In addition to these internal problems, focus group participants also noted certain external challenges, including poor economic circumstances limiting the potential for local government revenue, general issues related to the vertical distribution of revenues between local and higher government levels, complex and in some cases divergent regulations in this area, and deficiencies within the chart of accounts used for budget users. Training Related Issues Treasury operations seem to dominate the budget and finance agenda, reflecting the policy shift to be implemented by the FBiH government in upcoming years. Thus, the vast of majority of local authorities in the FBiH urgently require both coaching and training in order to ensure a smooth transition from the traditional budgetary accounting system to treasury operations at the local level. The second ranked priority for budget and finance practitioners in local authorities is the accounting system, internal financial procedures, and internal and external audit. As the focus group confirmed, particular attention has been given to improving inefficient internal controls, with calls for training in the area of internal controls, financial risk assessment, internal financial procedure development, and compliance assurance. This broad area is largely focused on ensuring full compliance with both regulations and the relevant accounting standards to safeguard municipal finances from mismanagement. Municipal asset management is the third-ranked area for priority training, reflecting a desire on behalf of local authorities to rationalise investments and costs and maximise the revenue base in this respect by proper asset management. BUDGET AND FINANCE 36.4%
Treasury operations Accounting, financial procedures, internal and external audit Municipal asset management Management of financial resources and expenditures Capital investment management and planning Legal framework for local self-government units financing LSGU revenue sources Collection and administration of local taxes and fees Other financial instruments (loan, public debt, bonds) Preparation of budget/rebalance, its execution and reporting Citizens’ role in the process of budget preparation/execution
24.2% 19.2% 17.8% 17.1% 14.8% 14.5% 14.5% 14.3% 12.8% 8.8%
Insufficient knowledge
Both civil servants and employees highlighted an urgent need for training in the area of treasury operations. While civil servants focused on municipal asset management improvement as their second priority, employees seem to need more operational knowledge in the area of the accounting system, internal financial procedures, and internal and external audit. This was the third ranked area for civil servants, with the focus on internal financial controls, while employees seem to need more knowledge on the legal framework for LSG financing. BUDGET AND FINANCE - CIVIL SERVANTS
Treasury operations Municipal asset management
Accounting system, financial procedures, int./ext. audit
Treasury operations Accounting system, financial 25% procedures, int./ext. audit Legal framework for local 19% self-government units financing Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.7. Returnees, displaced persons, and refugees The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: LSG policy in the area of returnees, displaced persons, and refugees (preparation, realisation, and monitoring); Returnees, displaced persons, and refugees' rights (administration of beneficiaries and assistance); Alternative mechanisms of support for returnees, displaced persons, and refugees. General Issues Focus group participants emphasised the problem of inadequate and poorly educated staff and insufficient finances to support LSG services in this area. Of course, these problems are not specific to this area. Support for returnees, DP's, and returnees has been heavily funded by international donors, but as general funding has been slowly drying up, support to these population categories has been becoming more limited in scope. Training Related Issues According to the survey respondents, alternative mechanisms of support for returnees, displaced persons, and refugees represent a priority issue requiring more training attention. Alternative mechanisms of support imply activities that LSG administrations could plan and implement in order to assist these vulnerable population groups, including the organisation of training or professional retraining, fund raising, etc. These findings are in line with the focus group conclusions on priority training needs in this area. RETURNEES, DISPLACED PERSONS AND REFUGEES Alternative mechanisms of support to returnees, displaced persons and refugees Municipal policy in the area of returnees, displaced persons and refugees Returnees, displaced persons and refugees' rights Insufficient knowledge
33.0% 24.4% 23.2%
There is no difference in priority training areas identified by civil servants and employees in this regard. RETURNEES, DISPLACED PERSONS AND REFUGEES - CIVIL SERVANTS 21%
Alternative support mechanisms Municipal policy in the area of return related issues Returnees, displaced persons and refugees' rights
Alternative support mechanisms Municipal policy in the area of return related issues Returnees, displaced persons and refugees' rights
17% 16%
Insufficient knowledge
33% 31%
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.8. Housing Affairs The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of housing affairs; LSG housing policy (preparation, implementation and monitoring); The management of housing units, business premises, and garage space; The privatisation and restitution of housing units (purchase of housing units on the basis of tenancy right);
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report General Issues The focus group findings repeatedly highlighted the ambiguity of the relevant legal framework, stressing that improvements in this field are not possible without an adequate systematic approach, policy framework, and financial resources. The lack of qualified staff was also noted as a major obstacle in smaller and medium-sized local communities. At the operational level, inadequate record keeping for business premises and housing units was also mentioned. Training Related Issues LSG housing policy and the legal framework related to housing affairs were identified as areas where additional knowledge and skills are required. HOUSING AFFAIRS 19.6% 18.5%
Municipal housing policy Legal framework in the area of housing affairs Management of municipal housing stock and business premises Privatization and restitution of the housing fund
17.3% 16.3%
Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status reveals that civil servants' priority training topics are in line with general trends in this area, while employees also stress the management of housing units and business premises as an important training topic of practical relevance to their scope of work. HOUSING AFFAIRS - CIVIL SERVANTS
Legal framework in the area of housing affairs
Management of municipal housing stock and business premises
Municipal housing policy Legal framework in the area of housing affairs Privatization and restitution of the housing fund
23% 22%
Municipal housing policy
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.9. Social Protection and Health Care The competence of the local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of social protection, protection of families with children and protection of civilian victims of the war; LSG social protection policy (preparation, implementation, and monitoring); Social protection rights (acknowledgment of rights and the administration of beneficiaries and benefits); Social welfare centres (establishment, management, financing, monitoring, and outsourcing of services); Alternative support mechanisms for social protection beneficiaries (training, socialisation, etc.); Programmes and plans for improving health protection (preparation, realisation, and monitoring); Health Care Centres (establishment, management, and monitoring).
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report General Issues As highlighted in the focus group discussion, there are several factors hindering the work of local government practitioners in the field of social protection and health care. These include inadequate legal and policy frameworks and fragmentation of the social protection system in the FBiH, where social policies are defined at higher government levels, but financing and implementation are left largely to lower ones, resulting in inequalities in social entitlements due to place of residence. With specific regard to health care, the issue of inadequate economic and physical access to primary health care services, in particular for vulnerable population groups, was brought up. Participants underlined the difficult economic situation and the growing unemployment and poverty, which has resulted in increasing numbers of people in need of social protection. They also mentioned the lack of competent staff, inadequate records and statistics, and the chronic lack of financial resources. Training Related Issues Planning and programming for improved health care were the most frequently cited areas where capacity needs to be built within the FBiH local government. This indicates that assistance is needed to ensure that LSG staff are adequately equipped to plan, implement, and monitor activities contributing to better health care services for their local communities. Alternative support mechanisms for social protection beneficiaries are another priority training area, as local authority staff continue to struggle with meeting their beneficiaries' needs by conventional means and methods. Local government social protection policy is noted as another key priority for training. SOCIAL PROTECTION AND HEALTH CARE 35.0%
Programmes and plans for improving health protection Alternative mechanisms of support to beneficiaries Municipal social protection policy Health Care Centre (establishment, management, monitoring) Social protection rights Social welfare centres Relevant legal framework
26.1% 21.4% 18.8% 18.0% 15.2% 14.7%
Insufficient knowledge
It is evident that both civil servants and employees emphasise priority training needs in relation to programmes and plans for improving health care. Alternative support mechanisms for social protection beneficiaries and the legal framework for social protection are second training priorities for civil servants and employees respectively. SOCIAL PROTECTION AND HEALTH CARE - CIVIL SERVANTS Programmes and plans for improving health protection Alternative mechanisms of support to beneficiaries Health Care Centre
SOCIAL PROTECTION AND HEALTH CARE - EMPLOYEES Programmes and plans for improving health protection Legal framework in the area of social protection
36% 32%
Municipal social protection policy
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
33% 33% 32%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.10. Civil Protection The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of civil protection; The management of civil protection (establishment, organisation, planning, and reporting); The assessment of vulnerability, damage, and LSG resources for rescue and protection; The preparation of operational plans for rescue and protection against natural and other disasters; Planning and organising training for civil protection teams; Equipping civil protection teams with material and technical resources; Establishing and improving observation and warning (operational) centres at the local level; Establishing and improving local authority fire departments; Planning and prioritising demining and mine danger warning. General Issues As underlined by the focus group participants, civil protection issues can quickly become regional or national problems and local solutions often require assistance from higher levels of government. Improvement of vertical communication and cooperation between different layers of government is therefore absolutely crucial for a well-functioning civil protection system. The lack of a strategic approach combined with a predominantly reactive outlook, limited funding, equipment, and facilities, and weak communication with relevant local government departments and external actors were quoted as factors affecting the preparedness and capacity of civil protection units in the FBiH. The lack of qualified staff and tailored training were also underlined. Training Related Issues Planning and prioritising mine clearance and mine danger warning are by far the highest-rated issues within the civil protection area, at least measured by the need for further training. Mines are the number one security issue for BiH citizens today, and, even though international donors and the national government have been heavily involved in mine clearance over the past 14 years, it is obvious that there are still widespread problems. Against this background, and considering the upcoming legal changes regarding the role of local government in this area, it is clear why local government staff is interested to further their skills and knowledge in this regard. The legal framework in the area of civil protection and the management of civil protection are other two priority training areas in this cluster. CIVIL PROTECTION Planning and prioritisation of demining Legal framework in the area of civil protection Management of civil protection Civil protection equipment provision Planning and organisation of training for civil protection Municipal Alarm Department or Operational Centre Preparation of operational plans for rescue and protection Assessment of vulnerability and resources Municipal Fire Department
34.7% 29.2% 28.9% 27.4% 23.6% 22.4% 21.9% 17.4% 15.7%
Insufficient knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report CIVIL PROTECTION - CIVIL SERVANTS
CIVIL PROTECTION - EMPLOYEES Demining and mine danger warning
Civil protection equipment provision Planning of training for civil protection
Management of civil protection
Municipal Fire Department
Legal framework in the area of civil protection
Insufficient knowledge
42% 34% 32%
Insufficient knowledge
2.4.11. Disabled War Veteran Protection The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of disabled war veterans' protection; Programmes and plans to improve disabled war veteran protection (preparation, implementation, and monitoring); Disabled war veterans' rights (acknowledgment of rights, administration of beneficiaries and benefits); Alternative mechanisms of providing support to disabled war veterans (training, professional retraining, socialisation, etc.). General Issues Focus group findings highlighted a lack of funding as the key concern, while a shortage of qualified staff was also noted. The legal framework was also identified as problematic, along with the low priority level assigned to this area by LSG management. Training Related Issues Alternative mechanisms of providing support were identified as a priority training area in this cluster, indicating that new approaches are needed to meet the specific needs of this population group. Programmes to improve the welfare of disabled war veterans and ensure their rights are the next two priority training topics for staff engaged in this field of LSG operations. DISABLED WAR VETERAN PROTECTION Alternative mechanisms of support to beneficiaries Programmes and plans to improve disabled war veteran protection Disabled war veterans’ rights Legal framework in the area of disabled war veteran protection Insufficient knowledge
25.8% 24.1% 15.6% 14.7%
While civil servants identify alternative mechanisms as their main knowledge deficit area, employees prioritise training on the relevant legal framework. DISABLED WAR VETERAN PROTECTION - CIVIL SERVANTS 26%
Alternative mechanisms of support Programmes to improve protection Disabled war veterans' rights
Legal framework in the area of disabled war veteran protection
Programmes to improve protection
Disabled war veterans' rights
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.12. Education The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of education; LSG policy in the area of pre-school education and the management of pre-school institutions (establishment, financing, support, and monitoring); LSG policy in the area of primary education and the management of primary schools (establishment, support, and monitoring). General Issues As underlined by the focus group participants, several factors adversely affect their work and the quality of education provided in local communities in the FBiH. Weak channels of communication and inadequate cooperation between federal, cantonal, and local government levels arguably create confusion about jurisdiction and the governing legislation. Local government is seldom given an opportunity to comment on the relevant laws before they are passed by cantonal or federal assemblies, while inconsistencies remain between the FBiH Law on the Principles of Local Self-Governance and the education laws. Lack of funding was also identified as a major issue in local communities, especially with regard to pre-school education and a greater role for local government in improving the quality of infrastructure and services in the field of education in general. Training Related Issues Training on the legal framework is required to address ambiguities present in particular regarding the division of responsibilities between the local, cantonal, and entity levels of government. Next come municipal policy in the area of pre-school education and primary education and the management of primary schools. EDUCATION 22.0%
Legal framework in the area of education Municipal policy in the area of pre-school education Municipal policy in the area of primary education
21.1% 21.1% Insufficient knowledge
The breakdown by employment status shows no difference in perceived priority training needs for civil servants and employees engaged in this segment of LSG operations. EDUCATION - CIVIL SERVANTS Legal framework in the area of education Municipal policy in the area of pre-school education Municipal policy in the area of primary education
EDUCATION - EMPLOYEES Legal framework in the area of education Municipal policy in the area of pre-school education Municipal policy in the area of primary education
27% 26% 26%
Insufficient knowledge
Insufficient knowledge
8% 8% 7%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 2.4.13. Culture and Sports The competence of local government staff in this area was assessed against the following: The legal framework in the area of culture and sport; LSG policy in the area of culture, sports, and the management of cultural and sports institutions (establishment, financing, support, and monitoring). General Issues Focus group participants highlighted funding as the number one obstacle to their work and the improvement of cultural and sports infrastructure and programmes. This seems to be a considerable issue for LSG operations related to culture and sports in particular, as they are not near the top of the local authorities' priority lists. Inadequate cooperation with and insufficient support by the cantonal level authorities were also noted with regard to culture and sports-related activities in local communities. Training Related Issues Both the relevant legal framework and LSG policy in the area of culture and sport were highlighted as training priorities in this field. CULTURE AND SPORT Legal framework in the area of culture and sport Municipal policy in the area of culture and sport and management of culture and sport institutions
12.0% 10.4%
Insufficient knowledge
CULTURE AND SPORT - CIVIL SERVANTS Legal framework in the area of culture and sport Municipal policy in the area of culture and sport Insufficient knowledge
CULTURE AND SPORT - EMPLOYEES Legal framework in the area of culture and sport Municipal policy in the area of culture and sport Insufficient knowledge
14% 12%
7% 7%
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
III. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations for Future Training Recommendations for Priority Training Areas
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 3.1 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE TRAINING 3.1.1. Training Environment The process of strengthening capacity for municipal training and development in the FBiH should be based on a series of strategic documents, such as a Government training policy, multi-annual strategy, short-term plans, and programmes for training and development. In defining these strategic documents, the various municipal staff employment profiles in the FBiH, namely civil servants and employees, should be taken into consideration. The training policy should outline key training system parameters, including: The objectives of local government training (in accordance with strategic priorities and the short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals of the FBiH Government and of local government); The legal framework and legal provisions that need to be put into place; The type of training system/model to be created; The principal stakeholders and roles for policy and strategy development and training provision; A formal commitment to training as a key pre-requisite for better service delivery at the local level, along with a shared understanding on the part of stakeholders of what training entails; A quality assurance mechanism; Financing arrangements. In addition to the policy, a training strategy should be developed and adopted by the FBiH Government, consisting of the following components, among others: The principles of training; Training and development objectives, sub-objectives, and activities (with timeframe and indicators); Priority training programmes, as well as priority target groups; Role allocation between partners and cooperation mechanisms; Financing sources for strategy implementation; A quality assurance mechanism; A monitoring and evaluation mechanism. The training strategy should also include an implementation action plan. The TNA results and the priority training areas identified have a certain bearing on the overall training system, as they should inform entity strategy development as well as training curricula.
3.1.2. Training Delivery Duration of Training TNA, focus group and senior leadership interview findings indicate a preferred training duration of up to two days, in line with previous LSG experiences regarding average training duration. Depending on the topic, tailormade and appropriate training may be delivered in either one or multiple instalments. Venues for Training Delivery Previous municipal training provision was focused in Sarajevo and a couple of other larger cities, to exclude the training provided by the FBiH CSA and some international organisations.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report While this made the process of planning and delivery considerably less complicated for training providers, it generated unnecessary costs in both time and resources for seconding local authorities. This, in turn, has created a certain degree of reserve towards available training opportunities on the part of senior local government leadership, indicating the advisability of decentralising select training opportunities, bringing training closer to the end-user. For instance, local government clusters may be created, with the largest or best equipped municipality acting as the training focal point and host. This would cut the costs of training for participating municipalities and generate a sense of ownership by the local authorities themselves. Training Formats and Methodology The major increase in training provided by international donor organisations post-1996 has meant that conventional class-room-type training formats are increasingly supplemented by more progressive methodologies that include workshops, on-the-job training, and case studies. The TNA results indicate that local government employees see the absence of practical training as one of the principal obstacles to quality capacity building, necessitating a re-think of the training methodologies currently in use. Furthermore, on-line learning opportunities should be further explored, as they represent a cost-effective and accessible learning format for most LG employees. This includes virtual on-site and classroom learning, as well as self-paced programmes. Training Providers and Trainers The findings of the training needs assessment indicate that the training market is currently saturated with theory-based, instructor-led training that provides few practical benefits to the end-users. Furthermore, there appear to be ample training opportunities in generic, cross-cutting areas, including project management and European Integration, but a shortage of training in core LG competencies, including spatial planning and social 13 services . Along similar lines, the lack of tailor-made, needs-based training was stressed as one of the key challenges for effective training through the senior leadership interviews. Local government employees have also repeatedly highlighted the practical value of training provided by relevant experts from the line ministry or professional associations, as opposed to those provided on the open market. There is a strong push to see experienced practitioners or peers engaged as trainers, rather than members of the academic community, unless the latter possess strong first-hand local government experience.
3.1.3. Target Groups The TNA targeted two principle groups of LSG employees: civil servants (managers and other civil servants) and employees engaged in supporting work within core LSG competencies. Most of the information on training priorities and delivery compiled through the focus groups and survey is therefore chiefly relevant to these groups, as auxiliary staff and elected officials were excluded from the assessment for reasons of focus and prioritisation. While having in mind the need and right of all LSG staff to benefit from training and the establishment of a training system, further prioritisation within these groups will have to be made during the process of drafting the training strategy. This will take into account the job descriptions of individual staff (by organisational unit/occupation) in the LSGs, as well as timeliness, relevance, sequencing of training, and the available financial resources. 13
A more detailed assessment of the local government training market in BiH will be published by the Municipal Training System Project in July 2009.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report Institutionalising a comprehensive training system will require the training needs of elected officials to be taken into account as well, as underlined during the senior leadership interviews. With regard to new mayors, the emphasis was put on improving management skills via training and peer mechanisms, while it was felt that municipal councillors should undergo inception and refresher training. In this regard, a specific organisational role should be taken on by the Association of Municipalities and Cities. After attending training, efforts should be made to ensure transfer of knowledge to subordinates and other coworkers who might benefit from the KSA development.
3.1.4. Training Quality Assurance If quality of training and training materials is to be ensured in the long run, there is a need for standardisation. The training provided to local authorities thus far was governed by few if any uniform quality requirements. This led to a proliferation of training providers that offer at times sub-standard training programmes. Establishing a training quality framework should be viewed as one of the core components and functions of a training system. Therefore, an assessment and certification process which recognises quality training programmes and training providers should be envisaged. The process should be managed and the criteria enforced by an independent accreditation/assessment panel, loosely attached to an independent training support facility (TSF) or a government institution. It should be composed of senior training practitioners and civil servants who will act as assessors. This will ensure the best value for money for the local authorities paying for the training and will introduce a uniform standard of training quality across the board.
3.1.5. Training Needs Assessment by Local Governments The TNA preceding this report created a baseline for assessing gaps in KSA and provided recommendations for addressing priority gaps through training. It also provided information on the scope of priority training to be covered by a training system and will be used to inform entity training strategies as well training curricula. However, taking a long term view, for any training to produce relevant and effective results it must continuously and closely mirror demand, as identified by the prospective trainees. In practice, this means that training design must follow a periodic comprehensive training needs assessment process that will identify capacity gaps and establish training priorities. Training needs assessment should thus, in the long run, be anchored at the local level and the local authorities themselves should be equipped to administer local assessments independently. This will ensure the highest quality and needs-based training information and allow local government leadership and training providers to acquire an accurate idea of their administrations' capacity gaps. For this purpose, there is a need, as the next step, to develop a training catalogue from the priority training areas and establish a coordination mechanism at the entity level to collect TNA information and comprehensive training plans from the local level and feed it into annual entity training plans. The coordination mechanisms should be placed within the FBiH training support facility (TSF), which will also link “demand” with “supply,” as it will manage a central database on training providers and training materials and assist providers to synchronise their portfolios. Based on these functions, the TSF should also take on the role of key platform for information on training and development at the municipal level in the FBiH, through which other relevant training related information can be published.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 3.1.6. Training and Human Resources Development The sustainability of any municipal training system will ultimately depend on good human resource management (HRM) by the local authorities themselves. Strengthening local HRM will entail introducing relevant and binding policies and procedures as well as organisational structures to ensure that training needs are regularly appraised, programmes developed, and training exercises implemented by the local authorities themselves. Given the present nascent status of human resource management functions at the local level, specific emphasis needs to be put on further nurturing and developing HRM functions in parallel tracks to build up training functions.
3.2. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRIORITY TRAINING The recommendations presented in the following section are the result of a triangulation process, bringing together the results of three assessment levels utilised in the TNA. This was combined with the findings of a consultative process involving relevant government agencies and other local government stakeholders, both domestic and international. The recommendations also take into consideration the findings of citizen satisfaction surveys, where available, and other reports assessing the performance levels of FBiH local authorities. Training priorities were also ranked against a set of criteria, including relevance to immediate local government needs, timeliness, training format, and target groups.
3.2.1. Common Training and Development Needs The specific target groups for the priority training exercises listed below should be selected on the basis of a set of criteria that takes into account the job descriptions of prospective trainees, their anticipated involvement in the subject matter of the training, and their previous training record. Further, training providers should be required to carry out a survey of the target group prior to the development of the training curriculum in order to tailor the learning tools and methodology to the actual level of KSA gaps of the employee group being targeted. Their ability to transfer knowledge upon completion of training should also be taken into consideration. Information Technology and Local e-Government: The review of TNA results, coupled with emerging trends in the area and the overall reform environment in the FBiH, mandates that the following three priority topics be targeted by training: (1) MS Office (basic and advanced, including e-mail and Internet use), (2) electronic document management, and (3) developing and maintaining a municipal website. Training needs regarding specialised software (e.g. Auto-Cad) should also be considered (e.g. for relevant specialists, such as those in spatial planning departments). Service Provision Management and Quality Control: Quality control management training needs can be summed up in one comprehensive module that consists of establishing and enhancing a quality management system, with a particular focus on assessing community needs for services, monitoring and evaluation of service provision, and the development of service quality standards and indicators.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report EU Integration and International Cooperation: The analysis of priorities themed under the EU portfolio highlights two principle training subjects: (1) an overview of EU funds and programmes (IPA and relevant community programmes) and (2) the administration and financial management of EU projects. Considering the availability of cross-border cooperation funding mechanisms through IPA, it should be further assessed to what extent training should be provided in this regard. While regional and rural development rank highly among areas requiring training, more elaborate and tailor-made training on these topics should be considered later, i.e. once BiH attains candidate status and these funds become available. Work Planning and Organisational Management: Organisational management training priorities, based on the findings of the assessment, include: (1) general strategic planning and management, including development of annual, semi-annual, and monthly plans, and (2) work planning and staff management (e.g. development of organisational policies and procedures, task planning and delegation, team work, internal communication, employee motivation, time management, etc.). Public Procurement: The review of training priorities in this area highlights public procurement with a focus on planning, tender documentation and evaluation, contracting, and internal controls in the field of public procurement. Project Cycle Management: Training in this area should focus on the planning and development of project documents, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of project outcomes. Because of the current context and the country's international aspirations, the project cycle management approach should comply with EU guidelines. As part of this training programme, links to planning and implementation of local development policies, budget and finance functions, and EU integration should be further explored. Human Resource Management: Analysis of current HRM capacity gaps highlighted: (1) staffing table and work planning, (2) training needs assessment and development of annual training plans, and (3) performance appraisal. Public Relations: A review of public relations priority training areas identified a need for training on (1) the public promotion of LSG policies, strategies and activities, including lobbying and advocacy, and (2) public opinion polls. Local Democracy: Direct public participation in determining priority needs and decision-making (principles, mechanisms and processes, with a focus on MZ and NGO cooperation) was identified as the principle training priority in this area, highlighting the need for improved skills for promoting inclusion of the general public in local affairs. General Administration: The assessment of training priorities in general administration highlighted (1) administrative procedures, (2) citizens' affairs (vital records, citizenship), (3) office management and archiving; (4) an overview of the legal framework in the field of LSG, (5) Municipal Council (MC) session procedure and preparation and the administration of MC sessions and commissions. Training on the organisation and improvement of citizen service centres and legal aid centres should also be considered.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 3.2.2. Training Needs within Core LSG Competencies Spatial Planning, Geodesy, Cadastre and Property/Legal Affairs: The following have been flagged as priority areas for training: (1) geographic information system and digital geodesy plan, (2) construction land and public surface management, (3) the development and implementation of spatial and urban plans, (4) land, real estate and utility installation registers, and (5) an overview of the relevant legal framework. Training should be provided to relevant managers and other civil servants, as well as employees, based on need, internal organisation, and task allocation within the local government. A Business Enabling Environment and Local Development: Overall, the business enabling environment and local development is a topic requiring further training, with a particular focus on municipal support to access funding sources and partnership development, as well as the relevant municipal administrative framework and infrastructure required for local development. Training in this area should be provided to both managers and other civil servants, as well as selected employees dealing with this area, based on internal organisation and job description. Planning and Implementation of Local Development Policies: The two priorities identified in this area are (1) local strategy-building with a focus on situation analysis and realistic planning, and (2) local development strategy implementation, monitoring, and evaluation This type of training is relevant for all managers, as well as selected other civil servants and employees currently or expected to be engaged in local development strategy preparation and implementation. Environmental Protection: The two key priorities in this area are (1) Environmental protection monitoring and enforcement (records, analysis, reporting, permits) and (2) LEAP preparation and implementation with a focus on awareness raising activities in the community. Training should be provided to relevant managers and other civil servants, as well as selected employees currently or expected to be engaged in environmental management and protection in line with the internal organisation and job description. Public Utilities: The following have been flagged as priority areas for training (1) utility infrastructure and services (legal framework, management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing), (2) public utility companies (establishment, management, financing, outsourcing of public utility services), and (3) utility inspection. All LSG employees dealing with public utilities should be targeted with such training, while the managers of public utilities should also be included. Budget and Finance: The following have been flagged as priority areas for training: (1) treasury operations, (2) municipal asset management, (3) planning, collection, and administration of local taxes and fees, (4) internal controls/audit, and (5) the budget as an instrument for local development strategy implementation. Training on the first four topics should be provided to managers and other civil servants, as well as employees from the finance department, while the fifth topic should also include managers and other civil servants and employees from other departments, as well as other budget users. Support to Returnees, the Displaced, and Refugees: Assessment results in this area highlight the need for priority training to help create (1) alternative mechanisms of support for returnees, displaced persons, and refugees (training, professional retraining, and fundraising), as well as (2) municipal policy in the area of returnrelated issues.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report This type of training should target relevant staff engaged in these affairs, in line with the internal organisation of individual local governments. Housing Affairs: Assessment in this area highlighted two principle training priorities: (1) municipal housing policy (preparation, implementation, and monitoring) and (2) the management of municipal housing stock, business premises, and garages. Relevant staff engaged in housing should be included in this type of training. Social Welfare and Health Care: The results in this area highlight the need for priority training in the area of the relevant legal framework and programmes and plans for improving social protection and health care. Staff dealing with social welfare and health care should be included in training, in line with internal organisation and job descriptions. Social welfare centres and health care centres should also be taken into consideration for training. Civil Protection: The following have been flagged as priority areas for training: (1) planning and prioritisation of mine-clearance and mine risk education, (2) the management of civil protection, (3) the assessment of hazard, damage, and resources for rescue and protection, and the preparation of operational plans for rescue and protection against natural and other disasters, and (4) LSG fire department establishment and improvement. It will be necessary to assess the need for training on the establishment and improvement of surveillance and warning centres at the local level in the coming period. Training should include both civil servants and employees, depending on internal organisation and job descriptions in the local authorities. Disabled War Veterans' Protection: The TNA results in this area highlight the need for priority training in the area of the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of programmes and plans to improve support for disabled war veterans. Relevant staff dealing with these issues should be targeted with this type of training. Education: Assessment in this area highlighted LSG competencies and policy in the area of pre-school and primary education (establishment, support, and monitoring) as the principal training topic. Training should include relevant staff engaged in this particular area. Culture and Sports: Assessment in this area highlighted LSG competencies and policy in the area of culture and sports and the management of cultural and sports institutions (establishment, financing, support, and monitoring). Relevant staff engaged in this particular area should be included in the training.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
IV. ANNEXES Detailed Assessment Process Overview Training Needs Assessment Survey Focus Group Guide Senior Leadership Interview Guide
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 4.1. DETAILED ASSESSMENT PROCESS OVERVIEW Assessment Objectives14 The process of training needs assessment within the MTS project had the following objectives: To identify the current KSA gaps of LSG employees and provide detailed information on the training needs of select LSG employee groups; To outline recommendations for addressing training needs within priority areas; To provide curricula content guidance and inform the development of entity training strategies and the scope of a future training system. Given the different legal and constitutional frameworks regulating the employment status of local government staff in the FBiH and the RS and the differences in the two LSG systems, the TNA exercise was carried out on parallel tracks in the two entities. The process of training needs assessment in the BiH context will further help to ensure that training provided by various local and international organisations corresponds to the full range of municipal responsibilities and needs, that basic and priority capacities of all local employees are continuously built, and that a systematic approach to learning and capacity improvement is always pursued.
Target Groups The assessment targeted local government employees from both entities, focusing in particular on staff members who discharge the principal competencies of municipal and city government in BiH. In the FBiH, the target group consisted of mayors, civil servants (senior and others), and employees (clerical staff)15 engaged in core local government tasks. Excluded from the assessment were elected officials (other than the mayor), employees with supporting/auxiliary roles16, and appointed officials17. Estimates by the project team, developed in cooperation with the FBiH Civil Service Agency and other relevant organisations, placed the target group number at 5,000 local government staff members (2,000 civil servants and 3,000 employees engaged in core LSG tasks). In the RS, local administrative officers18 were the employee category targeted by the assessment. As in the FBiH, technical and support personnel were excluded from the assessment, along with elected and appointed officials. A rough estimate placed the number of the RS target group at around 4,000 employees.
Assessment Levels and Approach The need for training can be derived from the top – i.e. for training designed to accompany reforms, new laws and regulations, or procedures – and from the bottom – i.e. training geared towards local circumstances and immediate LSG performance needs.
The contents of the following section detailing the TNA methodology as applied by the MTS project form part of the initial TNA concept note, which was discussed and approved by the project partners and the MTS Project Steering Board. 15 Non-civil servant staff members employed by local government. 16 A category of employee not directly tasked with the discharge of principal municipal competencies. This includes secretarial and custodial staff, drivers, etc. 17 Non-civil servant advisors appointed by the mayor for the duration of his/her term in office. 18 Local self-government staff in the RS do not have the status of civil servants. .
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The TNA approach in BiH represented a combination of the needs identified at the two levels. The top-down approach provided information on training needs in terms of the strategic direction, priorities, and goals of BiH and local self-government. The bottom-up approach, on the other hand, identified training needs from the individual performance point of view, as well as the expectations of LSG organisations. The combination of the two approaches aimed to balance the individual and organisational training needs with priorities identified at the state and entity levels. Four principle levels were explored in the TNA process in BiH: Public administration: The TNA focused on identifying the strategic development needs of LSG staff in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the state and successfully implement needed reforms and changes; Groups of employees: The TNA focused on identifying the KSAs a particular target group of LSG employees need to fulfil their functions and perform assigned (new) tasks; Organisation: The TNA focused on discovering how to improve the overall effectiveness of a given local government organisation in meeting its goals; Individual employee level: The TNA focused on discovering KSAs needed by individuals in the local governments to perform their jobs.
Methods and Instruments The TNA process was implemented through four critical stages, as summarised in this section. The preparatory phase laid the groundwork for the assessment process. This included the conceptualisation of the TNA, including the discussion and adoption of the methodology with partner agencies, as well as the selection of appropriate assessment tools, target groups, and the sample. The extensive preparations included preliminary interviews with key informants, literature and document review, and an elaborate analysis of relevant legislation with a view to grasping the status of public administration reform at the local level and identifying coming trends. More specifically, the research resulted in the development of 23 competency profiles covering 10 generic and 13 specific clusters of municipal operations, ranging from spatial planning to EU integration. The task was to establish a number of baselines to facilitate the evaluation of the current level of knowledge, skills, and abilities in local government with regard to all core portfolios. Competency profiles were based on a thorough analysis and review of the applicable legal and administrative documents, job descriptions within LSG competencies, established local practices, and interviews with practitioners and other subject matter experts, so that they represent a detailed mapping exercise for all the essential functions that make up a local government competency. Based on the conceptual framework for the assessment exercise, two sets of tools were designed, one quantitative and one qualitative, to match different segments of the sample. As the qualitative aspect of the assessment called for structured interviews and focus groups, elaborate guides and assessment tools were devised by the project team, in cooperation with partners present within the 19 project structures, and tested in pilot municipalities for adjustment and fine-tuning . The main focus of work at this stage was then placed on the development of standard assessment questionnaires used in the quantitative segment of the TNA exercise. Đ?s with the focus group and senior leadership interview tools, the standard assessment questionnaires were tested in a couple of pilot local governments in both entities. 19
Copies of the Senior Leadership Interview Guide along with questions, the Focus Groups Guide and other qualitative assessment tools are provided in Annex.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report During this phase, a representative sample was also selected. The roll-out phase included the deployment of the data collection tools in the targeted municipalities and cities over three main assessment phases: 20 on-site interviews (11 in the FBiH) with senior local government leaders to establish the mayors' views of, experiences with, and attitudes towards training; 16 subject-based focus groups (eight per entity) with midlevel managers from the local authorities to identify general capacity gaps and issues by the KSA profile of supervised staff; Self-assessment via survey, covering some 1,300 LSG employees at all levels (775 in the FBiH and 528 in the RS). During deployment of the assessment tools, the project approach called for the TNA process to be anchored to the degree possible at the local level. Experienced local practitioners in relevant areas were selected and entrusted with conducting the focus groups, following a brief preparatory training. The same methodology was applied in the self-assessment process, implemented in close cooperation with survey administrators selected from within the participating local governments. The data analysis phase entailed a comprehensive “gap analysis,� comparing the assessment findings (current knowledge levels) against the baseline competency profiles (desired knowledge levels). This allowed for accurate mapping of the current KSA deficiencies of the targeted local government employees and training needs prioritisation in terms of importance and urgency. This phase also involved analysing and combining the different quantitative and qualitative data sets generated through the three assessment phases (interviews, focus groups, and survey). The results of the assessment process were pre-shared with key counterparts through a series of consultations, targeting line ministries and other local and international stakeholders. The outreach and publicity phase included sharing assessment findings with key stakeholders for comments and suggestions and publicising the final report to a wide audience to ensure that the critical findings were disseminated as widely as possible.
Sample Size and Structure20 This stage of the TNA exercise involved the selection of a primary assessment sample out of a group of 141 cities and municipalities, with the FBiH represented by 79 and the RS by 62 local authorities (not including the cities of Sarajevo and Eastern Sarajevo, due to their rather unique legal and administrative status). In order to reflect the rather diverse local government landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its major variations in size and circumstance, a significant and representative number of local authorities had to be included in the final sample. Accordingly, a sample of 40 municipalities and cities was established as reflective of local government in both BiH entities, amounting to 29% of the entire number of municipalities and cities in BiH, 22 being from the FBiH and 18 from the RS. The next step related to the selection criteria, which were established in cooperation with the relevant statistical authorities, including geographic location, entity/canton distribution, and size of population/administrative apparatus. Given the lack of up-to-date information on the size of local government bureaucracies, population numbers were used as the principle indicator for both entities, based on estimates from the entity Statistics Offices (data for 2007). The local authorities were classed into five categories, based on population size: 0-10,000, 10,00025,000, 25,000-50,000, 50,000-100,000, and 100,000+. Based on this categorisation, a representative sample was determined for each of the five categories within the overall sample size of 40 local government authorities. 20
The TNA sampling was done under the guidance of an international training expert and a local statistical expert.
Population No. per category % of total No. of LSG units No. to be included in the sample LSG units
0-10,000 15 18.98 4 Bosanski Petrovac (1) Bosansko Grahovo (10) Doboj Jug (4) Dobretići (06) Domaljevac/Šamac (2) Foča/Ustikolina (5) Glamoč (10) Kreševo (6) Kupres (10) Neum (7) Pale/Prača (5) Ravno (7) Teočak (3) Trnovo (9) Usora (4)
Federation BiH - 79 LSG units (+ City of Sarajevo) 10,000-25,000 31 39.24 9 Breza (4) Busovača (6) Bužim (1) Čapljina (7) Čelić (3) Čitluk (7) Doboj Istok(3) Donji Vakuf (6) Drvar (10) Fojnica (6) G. Vakuf / Uskoplje (6) Grude (8) Hadžići (9) Ilijaš (09) Jablanica (7) Jajce (6) Kiseljak (6) Kladanj (3) Ključ (1) Ljubuški (8) Maglaj (4) Novi Travnik (6) Odžak (2) Olovo (4) Orašje (2) Posušje (8) Prozor / Rama (7) Sapna (3) Stolac (7) Vareš (4) Vogošća (9)
25,000-50,000 20 25.31 6 Banovići (3) Bosanska Krupa (1) Bugojno (6) Goražde (5) Gradačac (3) Kakanj (4) Kalesija (3) Konjic (7) Livno (10) Sanski Most (1) Široki Brijeg (8) Srebrenik (3) Stari Grad (9) Tešanj (4) Tomislavgrad (10) Velika Kladuša (1) Visoko (4) Vitez (6) Zavidovići (4) Žepče (4)
Canton 1 (8 total) Canton 2 (3 total) Canton 3 (13 total) Canton 4 (12 total) Canton 5 (3 total) Canton 6 (12 total) Canton 7 (9 total) Canton 8 (4 total) Canton 9 (9 total) Canton 10 (6 total)
Sample 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 2
100,000 + 4 5.063 1 Mostar (7) Novi Grad (9) Tuzla (3) Zenica (4)
Cantonal distribution of LSG units
50,000-100,000 9 11.39 2 Bihać (1) Cazin (1) Centar (9) Gračanica (3) Ilidža (9) Lukavac (3) Novo Sarajevo (9) Travnik (6) Živinice (3
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Bosanski Novi / Novi Grad Derventa Foča Kozarska Dubica Laktaši Modriča Pale Teslić Trebinje
Bileća Bosanski Brod Bratunac Čelinac Gacko Kasindo Kneževo / Skender Vakuf Kotor Varoš Lopare Milići Mrkonjić Grad Nevesinje Petrovo Rogatica Šamac Šekovići Šipovo Sokolac Srbac Srebrenica Ugljevik Višegrad Vlasenica
Bosanska Kostajnica
Donji Žabari
Han Pijesak
Istočni Drvar
Istočni Mostar
Istočni Stari Grad
Istočno Novo Sarajevo
Krupa na Uni
Kupres RS
Oštra Luka
Trnovo RS
No. to be included in the sample
37.09 2
% of total No. of LSG units
No. per category
Republika Srpska - 62 LSG units (+ City of East Sarajevo)
Banja Luka
100,000 +
Bosanska Gradiška
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The second stage of the sampling exercise entailed the selection of the total employee sample to be targeted by the TNA. This referred to the number and structure of respondents that would take part in one or other of the assessment stages. In order to ensure assessment accuracy and representation, the total sample was set at some 1,400 LSG employees from all levels and areas of operations, based on the following sampling scheme: 20 mayors (11 from the FBiH, 9 from the RS); 148 middle managers by subject area (74 in the FBiH and 74 in the RS); Some 1,300 specialists (some 700 in the FBiH, 600 in the RS). To ensure both statistical credibility and representativeness, the sample selected for the assessment exercise could represent no less than 10% of the target population. Considering the overall size of the assessment population, estimated at 9,000 (5,000 in the FBiH and 4,000 in the RS), the minimum number of LSG employees to participate in the assessment was set at 1,300. This was to allow for an approximate 30% 21 withdrawal/spoilage rate and still obtain the necessary volume of data . Based on additional information collected from sample local authorities, the final sample distribution between the two entities and individual local governments was adjusted prior to administration. Based on the entities' relative share in the target population, the total number of 1,30322 survey participants was divided so that 775 employees were targeted in the FBiH and 528 in the RS. In statistical processing of the survey findings, a weighting was used to ensure that the sample was representative of the overall population being targeted by the assessment. Weightings were calculated in two principle stages, according to the sample design. In the first stage, primary sample units were selected (40 LSG units), broken down by entity and categorised into five primary groups by population size. In the second stage, secondary sample units were selected (staff) from the staff structure records and available data (to a total sample size of 1,303), from the total number of 9,000. After corrections were made to the initial sample (via post-stratification) based on the legal-employment status of the sampled staff (managerial civil servants vs. civil servants vs. employees in the FBiH and managers vs. 23 administrative officers in the RS), the final weightings were calculated on the basis of the initial ones .
Implementation Structures Implementation was led by the MTS project team, in close cooperation with both entity-level Training Committees, bringing together representatives of the partner agencies at an operational level, including, respectively, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government, the two entity Civil Service Agencies, and both local government associations active in BiH. A number of both local and international experts were also actively involved in the assessment process at various stages, providing substantive input when needed. Sampling was done with the assistance of a statistical expert. With regard to establishing direct contact with local governments and organising and setting up interviews and focus groups, selecting focus group moderators, and conducting the local surveys within the municipalities, the MTS project team worked closely with designated focal points within both associations of local authorities. 21
The average return rate for surveys of this type is estimated at 70%. Therefore, in order to ensure 900 questionnaires are returned and filled out a total number of 1300 needed to be sent out. The number 3 was added to 1,300 so as to ensure full compliance with the necessary ration between the two entities. 23 Using the correction with non-response, where the initial weights represent the inverse of the units inclusion probabilities in separate stages. 22
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report The process was supported and guided by senior representatives of the partner agencies through the Project Steering Board. Project Steering Board
UNDP Project Team
RS Training Committee - RS Ministry of ALSG - RS CSA - RS AMC
FBiH Training Committee - FBiH Ministry of Justice - FBiH CSA - FBiH AMC
For how long have you worked in the municipal/city administration?
Your employment status:
civil servants:
head of internal organizational unit inspector senior advisor senior associate specialist associate head of internal organizational unit senior expert clerk expert clerk senior clerk clerk
managerial civil servant
......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
The three major tasks you are responsible for:
......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
What is your job title?
For how long have you been in the current position?...................................
Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree PhD
(1) (2) (3)
Education: Primary School Secondary School 2 year Degree
from 26 to 35 more than 56
from 36 to 45
Age: from 18 to 25 from 46 to 55
Municipality/City: ............................................................................................
Internet Other (please specify) …………... I do not use a computer
Not familiar
Is there an annual training plan for staff members in your municipal/city administration?
Word Excel Power Point
Mark computer programmes you are able to use:
Foreign languages you can speak: I do not speak any foreign language English ( fluently limited proficiency) German ( fluently limited proficiency) French ( fluently limited proficiency) Other (please specify)......................................…....................
To which of following areas of municipal / city operations does your job relate? Spatial Planning, Geodetic/Cadastre, Property/Legal Affairs Public Utilities Housing Affairs Environmental Protection Civil Protection Social Protection and Health Care Disabled War Veteran Protection Support to Returnees, Displaced Persons and Refugees Education Culture and Sport Budget and Finances Economy and Local Development General Administration / Joint Operations
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
What do you see as major obstacles to quality training at the local level? (You can mark more than one option.) training costs the lack of quality training programmes absence of quality training providers absence of practical relevance of training an inadequate manner of training delivery absence of a training needs assessment mechanism the lack of time for training attendance insufficient staff motivation for training the lack of information on training other ……………………………………………………………………………...
Have you participated in any training in the last two years? If yes, what were the trainings related to? YES (please specify the kind of training) (1)……………………………………………………………………………….…… (2)……………………………………………………………………………….…… (3)………………………………………………………………….…………………
If NO, please elaborate ……………………………………………………….........................……
Are you satisfied with available training opportunities?
74 19.
up to 2 days more than 5 days
What would be your preferred training format? (You can mark more than one option.) Counselling/Seminar Workshop On-the-job training Lectures Other (please specify) ……………… Case Study
up to 1 day up to 5 days
What would be proper training duration in your opinion?
Please specify three priority areas for training which would contribute to improved performance of your department/unit? (1)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... …………………………………………………………………………………........................... (2)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... …………………………………………………………………………………........................... (3)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... …………………………………………………………………………………...........................
If you attended particularly useful training, please specify the topic and the training provider. (1)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... (2)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... (3)…………………………………………………………………………………........................... If you had any sort of particularly negative experience with training, please give a specific example. (1)……………………………………………………………………………………......................... (2)……………………………………………………………………………………......................... (3)…………………………………………………………………………………….........................
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
2.8. Needs assessment and identification of community and target group priorities (process and instruments)
2.7. Youth policy (preparation, implementation, and monitoring)
2.6. Work with non-governmental organisations
2.5. Work with local communities
2.4. Citizens' participation through elected representatives
2.3. Direct citizens' participation (public debates, referendums, citizens' initiatives, etc.)
2.2. Promoting and supporting citizens' social inclusion and equality
2.1. Instruments for ensuring human rights protection
1.12. The implementation of MC and commission decisions
1.11. The organisation and administration of MC sessions and commissions
1.10. MC session procedures and preparation
1.9. Legal assistance
1.8. Citizens' affairs (records and certificates) and voter records
1.7. The organisation and administration of the citizen services centre and local offices
1.6. The organisation and administration of mail management, record keeping, and filing offices
1.5. Office operations (documentation management, reporting, and correspondence)
1.4. Administrative procedures
1.3. The legal framework of local self-government
1.2 The public administration system in the FBiH
1.1. Basic constitutional arrangements
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
4.10. Internal communication
4.9. Conflict resolution in the workplace
4.8. Employee motivation
4.7. Team work
4.6. Efficient time management
4.5. Managing employees
4.4. Development of organisational policies and procedures
4.3. Task planning, delegation, and distribution
4.2. Developing annual, semi-annual and monthly plans
4.1. Developing strategic (multi-annual) plans
3.6. Lobbying and advocating (e.g. for changes of higher-level policies and practices) 3.7. Surveys 3.8. Presentation preparation
3.5. Information of the public and promotion of municipal policies, strategies, and activities
3.1. Transparency of decision-making process 3.2. Free access to information 3.3. Preparation and implementation of public relations strategies 3.4. Organisation and management of work with the media
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
7.7. Conflict of interest in the area of public procurement
7.6. Internal controls in the area of public procurement
7.5. Public procurement contracting
7.4. Tender documentation and tender evaluation
7.3. Public procurement planning
7.2. Public procurement model definition
7.1. Legal framework and principles of public procurement
6.6. Internal controls (COSO, etc.)
6.5. Quality management system (ISO, CAF, etc.)
6.4. The monitoring and evaluation of service provision and use of information to improve service provision
6.3. Developing service quality standards and indicators
6.2. Process and instruments for assessing resources (human, material and financial) required for the organisation of service provision
6.1. Process and instruments for assessing community needs for service provision
5.4. Finances and budget basics for non-financial managers and officers
5.3. Project monitoring and evaluation
5.2. Preparing project documents (including pre-project preparation, technical documentation, cost-benefit analysis, feasibility studies etc.)
5.1. Project cycle management
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
9.8. E-communication with citizens (information sharing; municipal website as a tool for public access to municipal documents, procedures and template requests; tracking of citizens' claims, proposals, and opinions) 9.9. E–services – issuing certificates and documents through the municipal website
9.7. Developing and maintaining a municipal website
9.6. Human resource management - software and databases
9.5. Material/financial operations - software and databases
9.4. Electronic document management
9.3. MS Office advanced modules (Access, Project management)
9.2. MS Office basic modules (Word, Excel, Power Point)
9.1. E-mail and the Internet
8.12. Preparation and implementation of annual training plan
8.11. Training needs assessment
8.10. Preparation, planning, and implementation of performance appraisal
8.9. Discrimination, abuse of authority, and harassment
8.8. Disciplinary measures
8.7. Redundancy and separation
8.6. Remuneration and non-salary benefits
8.5. Recruitment of interns and volunteers
8.4. Selection, interview, employment, and probation period
8.3. Planning and job advertisement
8.2. Task systematisation and division of labour within LSG and organisational units
8.1. Laws, decrees, rulebooks, and instructions regulating the status of civil servants and employees and general legal framework for labour relations
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
10.12. Knowledge of foreign languages (English, French, and German)
10.11. Cooperation and other donors programmes
10.10. Tender procedures for EU-funded projects
10.9. Administering and financial management of EU projects
10.8. Preparing project proposals and project cycle management
10.7. Partnership
10.6. Cross-border cooperation
10.5. Rural development
10.4. Regional development
10.3. EU funds and programmes (IPA and community programmes)
10.2. The EU enlargement process, the stabilisation and association process - BiH status
10.1. Basic EU functioning (institutions, the decision-making process, laws, and procedures)
10. EU INTEGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Partially Not Important important important Priority
Importance for your work Insufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
2.5. Inspection of communal infrastructure, services, and utilities
2.4. Public utility companies (establishment, management, financing, outsourcing of public utility services, and reorganisation)
2.3. Communal services (management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing)
2.2. Communal infrastructure (management, maintenance, monitoring, and financing)
2.1. Legal framework in the area of public utilities
1.12. Administrative procedure in the area of property rights related to expropriation, privatisation, restitution, and the repossession of private property
1.11. Administrative procedures in the area of property rights related to construction land
1.10. Urban planning / construction inspection
1.9. Digital geodesy plan - DGP (development and maintenance)
1.8. Land, real estate and utility installation registers (establishment, application, maintenance, and improvement)
1.7. Construction regulations (urban planning consent, construction permit, permit for use, removal or demolition orders)
1.6. Public surfaces (determining, allocation, and management)
1.5. Construction land (determination, allocation, and management)
1.4. Geographic information system (GIS)
1.3. Regulatory plans and urban development projects
1.2. Spatial and urban planning (development and implementation)
1.1. Legal framework in the area of spatial planning, geodesy, cadastre and property-legal affairs
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
4.6. Inspection and supervision of environmental protection
4.5. Energy efficiency
4.4. Awareness-raising activities related to environmental protection
4.3. Environmental protection monitoring and enforcement (record keeping, analyses, and reporting)
4.2. Local environmental action plan (LEAP) - preparation and implementation
4.1. Legal framework in the area of environmental protection
3.4. Privatisation and restitution of the housing fund (purchase of housing units on the basis of tenancy right)
3.3. Management of municipal housing stock, business premises, and garages
3.2. Municipal housing policy (preparation, implementation, and monitoring)
3.1. Legal framework in the area of housing affairs
Partially Not Important important important Priority
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
6.7. Health Care Centres (establishment, management, monitoring)
6.6. Programmes and plans for improving health protection (preparation, realisation, and monitoring)
6.5. Alternative mechanisms of support for social protection beneficiaries (training, socialisation)
6.4. Social welfare centres (establishment, mgt, financing, monitoring, outsourcing of services)
6.3. Social protection rights (acknowledgment of rights, administration of beneficiaries and benefits)
6.2. Municipal social protection policy (preparation, implementation, and monitoring)
6.1. Legal framework in the area of social protection, protection of families with children and protection of civilian victims of the war
5.9. Planning and prioritisation of demining and mine risk education
5.8. Establishment and improvement of the Municipal Fire Department
5.7. Establishment and improvement of observation and warning centres in municipalities (operational centre)
5.6. Civil protection equipment provision
5.5. Planning and organisation of training for civil protection structures
5.4. Preparation of operational plans for rescue and protection against natural and other disasters
5.3. Assessment of hazard, damage, and municipal resources for rescue and protection
5.2. Management of civil protection (establishment, organization, planning and reporting)
5.1. Legal framework in the area of civil protection
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
9.3. Municipal policy in the area of primary education and the management of primary schools (establishment, support, and monitoring)
9.2. Municipal policy in the area of pre-school education and the management of pre-school institutions (establishment, financing, support, and monitoring)
9.1. Legal framework in the area of education
8.3. Alternative mechanisms of support for returnees, displaced persons, and refugees (training, professional retraining, fund raising)
8.2. Returnees, displaced persons, and refugees' rights (acknowledgment of rights and administration of beneficiaries and assistance)
8.1. Municipal policy in the area of returnees, displaced persons, and refugees (preparation, realisation, and monitoring)
7.4. Alternative mechanisms of support for disabled war veterans (training, professional retraining, socialisation)
7.3. Disabled war veteran rights (acknowledgment of rights, administration of beneficiaries and benefits)
7.2. Programmes and plans to improve support for disabled war veterans (preparation, implementation, and monitoring)
7.1. Legal framework in the area of disabled war veterans protection
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
11.11. Treasury operations
11.10. Municipal asset management
11.9. Capital investment management and planning
11.8. Management of financial resources and expenditures
11.7. Accounting system, internal financial procedures, internal and external audit
11.6. The public's role in the process of budget preparation and execution
11.5. Preparation of budget/rebalance and budget programmes, execution and reporting
11.4. Other financing instruments (loans, public debt, bonds)
11.3. Collection and administration of local taxes and fees
11.2. LSG revenue sources (legal basis and allocation, revenue types, purpose)
11.1. Legal framework for local self-government units (LSG) financing
10.2. Municipal policy in the area of culture and sport and management of cultural and sports institutions (establishment, financing, support and monitoring)
10.1. Legal framework in the area of culture and sport
Partially Not Important important important Priority
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
13.5. Partnership to serve local development (public-private partnership; inter-municipal / regional cooperation, etc)
13.4. Supporting access to finance to serve local development (loan guarantee funds, development funds, subsidies, concessions, etc.)
13.3. Municipal infrastructure to serve local development (energy, road and communal infrastructure, business zone, business incubators, etc.)
13.2. Municipal promotional activities to serve local development (public relations and communication, fairs, web promotion, lobbying, training, etc.)
13.1. Municipal administrative environment in relation to local development (one-stop-shop, local taxes policy, land and urban planning policy and regulation, business regulation, etc.)
12.5. Local development strategy monitoring and evaluation
12.4. Local development strategy implementation (project cycle management, organizational models for project preparation and implementation)
12.3. Participatory definition of local development policies and strategies
12.2. Situation analysis (including establishment of a local development management database)
12.1. Legal framework in the area of local development
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work
Partially Not Important important important
Importance for your work Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Partially Sufficient Advanced sufficient
Level of your skills and knowledge
Level of your skills and knowledge
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 4.3. FOCUS GROUP GUIDE 1.
What are the core functions presently carried out by your respective portfolios/ departments? Focus 1 - Ask to verify core functions and add additional functions. Focus 2 - Ask to identify 3 most important challenges/issues. - Ask to distinguish between external / internal challenges. - Ask to distinguish between portfolio / department specific challenges and challenges common for all.
Outputs: a) listing of agreed core portfolio functions; b) listing of core (external/ internal) challenges; c) listing of specific portfolio challenges. 2. Given the core functions of your portfolio(s) and your staff's level of knowledge and skills, in which functions/ areas could performance be improved through quality training? Focus 1 - Ask to assess functions (most/ least) in need of training. Focus 2 - Ask to list functions that have so far received the most/ least training. Outputs: a) Reach consensus on ranking of functions that can be improved by training; b) Identify current training responses, if any. 3.
Given the core functions of your portfolio(s), what priority training topics would you suggest for your staff? Focus 1 - Formulate training topics that are directly linked to key capacity gaps, as previously identified. - Rank training topics on basic / advanced. - Ask for which staff members training should be organised as a matter of priority. Focus 2 - Identify and distinguish between groups eligible for training. Focus 3 - Get the views of the participants on the training needs of municipal employees supervised by them.
Outputs: a) Identification of priority topics within portfolio(s) and assessment of basic or advanced nature of training topics; b) Target groups for priority training; c) Training needs of employees vs. civil servants (only for FG in the FBiH). 4. Are there some other emerging topics in your subject area - in particular related to legislative changes and policy reform, organisational changes, or the EU accession process - that you would highlight for immediate training support? Focus 1 - Identify expected changes/ emerging topics in the subject area and link to training and capacity building needs. Outputs: a) List of emerging areas and topics within portfolio that need training attention; b) Some indication about present flow of information on emerging areas/ topics within the portfolios. 5. Given generic and cross-cutting areas of municipal cooperation (e.g. human resource management, IT, local democracy, and office management, public relations…) which do you find most relevant for the smooth performance of your portfolio(s)? Focus 1 – Review generic areas to identify generic or cross-cutting relevance for the specific portfolio(s). Focus 2 – Try to identify areas outside of the specific portfolios relevant for training of staff and portfolio performance. Focus 3 – Try to identify target groups for priority training. Outputs: a) Portfolio view on generic and cross-cutting topics and ranking of priorities; b) Specific topics for staff training within generic and cross-cutting areas; c) Target groups for priority training.
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 4.4. SENIOR LEADERSHIP INTERVIEW QUESTIONS I)
Municipal leadership attitudes and practice towards training
1. Do you think training is important for improving municipal service delivery? (WHY?) 2. Do you think that the present training opportunities available/ offered to municipal staff are sufficient? (WHY?) 3. Do you feel training opportunities do improve employee motivation? (WHY?) 4. What type of obligatory training is presently offered to municipal staff? 5. Has your municipality ever initiated non-obligatory training for staff internally? If yes, which types of training and for whom? 6. Have you ever requested training support from higher levels of government or an alternative training provider (private or international)? 7. Have you ever paid for training in the past? 8. Do you have a budget reserved for training of staff on an annual basis? 9. How should training for municipal staff be financed in future and by whom? Municipality Ministries / government agencies Donors Staff themselves Combination of one or more above-mentioned sources or other options (Others) 10. What do you see as major present barriers to making quality training available at the local level? Cost of training Lack of quality training (offered by market / donors‌) Lack of good training providers Lack of practical relevance of training / Unsuitable formats Insufficient capacity to define proper training needs Time needed for training attendance Lack of staff motivation for training Lack of information on training Other
Priority focus areas related to i) performance gaps of key municipal service areas and ii) gaps in KSA of municipal staff
1. How satisfied are you in general with the current performance of municipal staff (employees/ civil servants)? 2. What are the three areas of municipal operations that could be most improved by quality training? Can you, in this regard, mention 2-3 priority subject areas for training? Which particular target group within the municipal staff should be made a priority target for such training/ training topics? 3. Do you think that training should also be provided to municipal assembly/council members? Which areas of training would you highlight for this group? (By whom should they be trained?)
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report 4. What about training for mayors? Do you think this would be beneficial? Which areas of training would you highlight for this group? (By whom should they be trained?) 5. Name three priority training areas for heads of municipal departments?
III) Best/worst practices and experiences in past training of local government employees 1. How do you/ the municipality learn about training opportunities? Are you routinely informed about upcoming training opportunities by any institutions (donors, ministries, or government agencies, associations of municipalities and cities, private providers, other)? 2. Please give some examples of seminars and training your staff has (or you have) attended? Is there a list or some record kept on training attendance by staff? Who were the training providers (donors, private individuals/ companies, other)? 3. How would you assess in general the quality of training opportunities available so far to municipal staff? Has there been any training that was particularly useful to improve performance of the municipality/ the delivery of services in certain fields? (Can you give concrete examples?) Anything / any training experience that was particularly negative that you could describe? Any particular training provider you would like to mention? (positively / negatively) 4. What is your preferred training format? (Workshop, seminar, lectures, on-the-job training, case study, role-play‌ other?) 5. What is your preferred training location? (Within municipality, in close vicinity, regional centre, Sarajevo, abroad‌other?) 6. What is a proper duration for training? Do you prefer shorter (one day) training events or two-to-three day events?
IV) Present status of human resource development functions 1. How do you identify participants for training from your municipality? 2. Do you have a human resource or training focal point in your municipality? (If no) who is the responsible staff member for sharing information on, assigning, and approving training? 3. Do you have a system for performance appraisal in place? (If yes) how is it structured (written assessment/ discussion based)? (If yes) is assessment of the individual training needs part of your performance appraisal system? 4. Have you ever assessed the training needs of your staff on an individual basis? 5. Does your municipality have a training plan for (key) staff members (on an annual basis)? 6. What would be ways to improve human resource development functions at the municipal level? What type of specific support would be beneficial in this regard (by higher governments, donors‌)?
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
Local Self-Government Training Needs Assessment Report
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