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1. MoU Signing

SPPD Newsletter

Action Plans 2010 & Certifications

May 2010 • No 3


Seated row from left to right: Mr. Boris Iarochevitch, Head of Operations, Delegation of the European Union to BiH; H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sweder van Voorst, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in BiH; H.E. Ambassador Mr. Jan Breathu, The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo; Mr. Armin Sirćo, Assistant Resident Representative,UNDP BiH; ArlettStojanovic, SPPD Project Manager; Damir Dizdarevic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Civil Affairs BiH; H.E. Mr. Ranko Škrbić, Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection RS; H.E. Mr. Velimir Kunić, Minister, Ministry for Development and SMEs FBiH; Standing row from left to right: Zaim Hećo, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Transport and Communications FBiH; Mr. Dragan Mičić, Secretary of Ministry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management RS; Ms. Faketa Begović, Secretary of Ministry, Ministry Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry FBiH; Mr. Neven Akšamija, Director, Civil Service Agency BiH; Ms. Rajka Vukaljević, Secretary of Ministry, Ministry Transport and Communications RS; Mr. Dalibor Ćopić, Civil Service Agency RS; Mr. Mladen Simić, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Communications and Transport BiH; Mr. Fehim Bekan, Secretary of Ministry, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy FBiH; Mr. Hamdo Tinjak, Secretary of Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations BiH; Deva Uzelac, Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining RS; Ms. Amira Pintul, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry FBiH; Mr. Enver Išerić, Director, Civil Service Agency F BiH; H.E. Mr. Rade Ristović, Minister, Ministry of Labour and War Veterans RS;

SPPD The “Strategic Planning and Policy Development” programme is working on strengthening public institutions’ capacities in selected sectors in the feld of strategic planning, public policy development and public fnance management The Programme has been facilitated through contributions by the EC Delegation to BiH, the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway and UNDP.

Contents: 1. MoU Signing, Action Plans 2010 & Certifications 2. Strategic Planning, Policy Development & Public Finance Introductory Workshops for the New Sectors 3. New Round of Strategic Planning Workshops for the Old Sectors 4. Institutionalization of Strategic Planning & Policy Development in the Participating Ministries 5. Achievements 2009 6. SPPD Team & Mentor Distribution Per Sector 7. Ongoing & Upcoming events

May 2010 • No 3

With the MoU signing ceremony that was held on

Operations of the Delegation of the European Union to

March 10, 2010 in Hotel Europe the SPPD programme

BiH, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Jan Braathu, The Royal

expanded its activities from hitherto three to six sectors,

Norwegian Embassy, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sweder van

including Agriculture, Small and Medium Enterprises

Voorst, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, as well

and Social Protection into the project. Representatives

as Armin SirÄ?o, Resident Representative a.i., UNDP. After

of the thirteen partner ministries of the SPPD

the signing ceremony, directors of the Civil Service

programme were present for the formal signing of the

Agencies of BiH, RS and FBiH handed over certificates

MoU and the Action Plans for 2010 as well as several

for the succeful completion of the workshops and

representatives from the donor side without whose

mentoring sessions of last year to participants from the

generous support the realization of the project could

old sectors Transport, Energy, and Labour

not have been possible: Mr. Boris Iarochevitch, Head of

and Employment.

2010 Partner Ministries for sectors Agriculture, Social Protection and SME

Ministries of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations BiH BiH

Ministry of Civil Affairs BiH Ministry of Communications and Transport BiH Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Policy


Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Federal Ministry for Development and SME Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Transport and Communications RS Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining RS


Ministry of Labour and War Veterans RS Ministry of Health and Social Protection RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management RS

May 2010 • No 3

RS level Handover of certificates by the representative of the RS Civil Service Agency Dalibor Ćopić to Rajko Kličković, Biljana Semiz, Bojana Tubić, Jelena Praštalo, Nataša Žugić, Todor Skakić (from left to right)

State level Handover of certificates by Neven Akšamija , Director of the BiH Civil Service Agency to Zoran ANDRIĆ, Dijana TOPIĆ, Alma JAPALAK, Anita BARBIĆ, Zoran Jelić, Sakib BRANKOVIĆ, Senada ČENGIĆ, Tanja ALEKSIĆ, Sadeta ČELOMEROVIĆ, Admir SOFTIĆ, Zorica KRSMANOVIĆ, Slavica VUČIĆ

May 2010 • No 3

Federation level Handover of certificates by Enver Išerić, Director of the FBiH Civil Service Agency to Sead BRAJLOVIĆ, Amira PINTUL, Jelena TRUTINA, Darko PRANJIĆ, Aida JELINIĆ, Begajeta HABOTA, Armin ĐULIMAN

2. Strategic Planning, Policy Development and Public Finance Introductory Workshops for the New Sectors Strategic Planning Introductory Workshops for the New Sectors Following a conducted needs assessment process, thirteen

actively to the workshops. The participants learned about

ministries responsible for Social Protection, Agriculture and

the basics of strategic planning and defined a draft vision

Small and Medium Enterprises signed Memorandums of

and a mission of their respective departments. The

Understanding and Activity Plans on March 10, 2010. At the

workshops were well received by the participants based

same time the nine ministries responsible for the Energy,

on the evaluation scores for the project and on the

Transport and Labour and Employment sectors agreed to the

comments provided in the evaluation sheets. In general,

continuation of their activities with the SPPD programme by

participants found the seminars very well designed and

consenting to new Activity Plans.

useful for practical work. The sharing of knowledge and

The first round of Strategic Planning workshops for the

were perceived as particularly helpful since the workshop

the discussions on key problems among the participants new sectors, called “Planning Process, Mission Definition

proved a unique opportunity for meeting colleagues from

and Introduction into SWOT Analysis”, was organized from

other government levels responsible for the same sector.

March 16 – 26, 2010 in Zenica and was conducted by our

The second round of workshops in the new sectors

international consultant Mladen Milanović. 47

started with the SME sector on May 4-5 in Teslić. The

government officials from the thirteen ministries,

sectors Agriculture and Social Protection followed on May

including Assistant Ministers and Secretaries, contributed

11-14 in Teslić and Zenica.

May 2010 • No 3

SMEs – March 16 - 17, 2010 Social Protection – March 18 - 19, 2010 Agriculture – March 25 - 26, 2010

Agriculture, Zenica

Agriculture – April 12 -13, 2010 Social Protection – April 14 -15, 2010 SMEs – April 15 -16, 2010

SME, Zenica

May 2010 • No 3

Agriculture – March 31 – April 1, 2010 Social Protection – March 29 -30, 2010 SMEs – March 24 - 25, 2010

Social Protection, Zenica

Examples for Definition of Vision and Mission from the Agriculture Sector Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MOFTER)



The Mission of MOFTER is to establish an effective system of

The Vision of MOFTER is to establish a unique structure of

coordination of all structures in the agricultural sector

the agricultural sector in BiH and a high degree of

through the formulation and policy analysis of strategies on

conformity of the legislative framework with the EU Acquis

agriculture, rural development and trade in agricultural

in order to become an increasingly competitive actor in

products. The aim is to ensure safe business environment

agriculture and rural development.

conditions in the market for agricultural food products and a sustainable agricultural development.

May 2010 • No 3

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republika Srpska

MISSION The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

VISION The agricultural sector significantly contributes to the overall

of the Republika Srpska improves the competitiveness of

socio-economic development of the Republika Srpska

agriculture and sustainable rural development through the

through a competitive and sustainable agricultural

creation and implementation of public policies and the

production in line with European standards.

creation of incentives for all participants in the agricultural sector and the rural population.

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Federation of BiH



The Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry

The Vision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management

of the Federation of BiH creates and implements policies for a

and Forestry of the Federation of BiH is the establishment of a

sustainable development of agriculture through the rational

stable production of healthy, qualitative and globally

use and protection of natural resources, the support for

competitive agricultural food products as well as the creation

producers and the development of rural areas in the

of improved conditions for a remaining of the population in

Federation of BiH.

rural areas.

Public Policy Introductory Workshops for the New Sectors The first round of Public Policy workshops for the new

legislative drafting. The first part of the seminars

sectors was entitled “Introduction to Public Policy

concentrated on the definition of public policy and policy

Development: the 12 Steps Recommended by SIGMA,

development in great detail and brought this new and

OECD and the EU”. These workshops were organized on a

complex concept closer to the participants. In the second

sector-basis and designed and led by the International

segment of the workshop the cyclic nature of policy

Public Policy Consultant, Ms. Marina Škrabalo. The overall

development and the importance of stakeholder

objective of the first round of workshops was to

participation were highlighted. At the end of the seminar

qualitatively introduce the civil servants to the EU

the civil servants met with their mentors and agreed on a

methodology for policy development as well as to the

policy they would use as an example in the upcoming

analytical steps that ought to be undertaken prior to

mentoring sessions.

May 2010 • No 3

Public Finance Introductory Workshops for the New Sectors

SME sector (including representative from industry and mining sectors)

The first round of Public Finance Management workshops

respective ministries of finance by including more relevant

held for the ministries responsible for SMEs, Social

performance indicators in budget submissions and by

Protection and Agriculture Sector was conducted in the

identifying means for their monitoring. The general

period from March 24 to April 1, 2010. The seminars were

recommendation of the attendants was that more of such

attended by 29 officials from nine partner ministries,

workshops should be organized with individual ministries

including both finance and sector program staff, and they

in the future, thereby also involving senior staff in charge

contributed greatly to improving the knowledge of

of making budget decisions. As a follow-up to the

participants in the area of program budgeting linked to

workshops, a series of on-site mentoring sessions was

strategic planning. The workshops also supported the

conducted with the partner ministries which focused on

improvement of the quality of budget submissions to the

preparing the initial 2011-2013 Budget Request.

SME sector

May 2010 • No 3

SME sector

3. New Round of Strategic Planning and Policy Development Workshops for the Old Sectors A new round of strategic planning workshops was

respective ministries and used the opportunity to review

organized from April 13 - 21 for 45 government officials

and upgrade the indicators of their Action Plans. The focus

from the Energy, Transport and Labour and Employment

for the upcoming months will be on the implementation of

sectors. The main objective of these workshops was to

activities as foreseen in the Action Plan, the development of

provide each ministry with the opportunity to present a

the 2011 Action Plan and the institutionalization of the

strategic plan to their peers and to introduce the

strategic planning function in each ministry. The presence

participants to monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. The

of a representative from the Directorate for European

attendants took a very active role in laying out their

Integration at the workshops was welcomed by the

strategic plans to the colleagues from other ministries. They

participants as a good opportunity to improve

also worked on developing coordination models for their

communication with the Directorate.

4. Institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Policy Development in the Participating Ministries In accordance with the Action Plans for 2010 the SPPD

partner ministries in the Republika Srpska and the Federation

Programme Team has commenced activities on ensuring the

of Bosnia and Herzegovina were held in Banja Luka on March

sustainability of strategic planning and policy development

25, 2010 and in Sarajevo on April 27, 2010. One of the

practices in the ministries. The aim is that the participating

conclusions of the meetings was to involve the government's

ministries adopt internal acts which incorporate

Legal Offices and General Secretariats in all further activities on

methodologies for strategic planning and policy development

institutionalization. The meeting with the partner ministries of

into their every day work. First working meetings with the

the state level took place on May 27, 2010.

May 2010 • No 3

5. Achievements 2009 Following ministries were partners of our project for the sectors Transport, Energy and Labour and Employment.

Transport Sector

Energy Sector

Labor and Employment Sector


Ministry of Communication and Transport

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations

Ministry of Civil Affairs


Ministry of Transport and Communication

Ministry of Industry, Mining and Energy

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy


Ministry of Transport and Communication

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining

Ministry of Labor and Veterans

Government Level

In total, the SPPD programme conducted 27 workshops in

certificates from their respective Civil Service Agency.

the components Strategic Planning, Policy Development

The Client Satisfaction Survey that was conducted in

and Public Finance Management, arranged 195 mentoring

spring with all 2009 partner ministries showed that

sessions that led to the development of nine draft

participants were very satisfied with the performance and

strategic plans (including budgeted Action Plans),

the organization of the project and that they estimated

produced a number of basic policy papers, and

the contents of the project to be of high relevance and

accomplished the preparation of the 2010-2012 budget

importance to their activities in the ministries.

requests in line with the programme budgeting

Additionally, they also showed a high willingness to

methodology. The civil servants who participated in the

implement the newly acquired methodologies in their

workshops and mentoring sessions received official

day-to-day work.




In Total

Numbers of Workshops





Mentoring sessions





May 2010 • No 3

6. SPPD Team & Mentor Distribution Per Sector The SPPD Team Arlett Stojanović Maja Marjanović Zuhra Osmanović Pašić Vesna Efendić Almir Tanović Edin Telalagić Gorana Karajić

Programme Manager Deputy Programme Manager Public Finance Specialist Senior Programme Specialist Senior Programme Specialist Project Associate Administrative Assistant


Social Protection


Selim Kulić

Nina Branković

Aida Vežić


(Maja Marjanović)

Ognjen Đukić

Aleksandar Draganić


Selim Kulić

Nina Branković

Nina Branković


Edib Ahmetspahić

Ermin Cero

Edib Ahmetspahić


Katarina Vuković

Ognjen Đukić

Boris Maslo


Katarina Vuković

Ermin Cero

Katarina Vuković

Labour and Employment



Aida Vežic

Maja Marjanović

Selim Kulić

New sectors FBiH Policy Development

Strategic Planning

New sectors FBiH Policy Development

Strategic Planning


Ognjen Đukić


Nina Branković

Aleksandar Draganić

Selim Kulić


Ermin Cero

Ermin Cero

Selim Kulić


Ognjen Đukić

Boris Maslo

Sead Traljić


Ermin Cero

Katarina Vuković

Selim Kulić

Sead Traljić

1st July 2010 • No 3

7. Ongoing and Upcoming events Strategic Planning

Policy Development

Public Finance Management

Institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Policy Development in partner Ministries in the Council of Ministries of BiH, RS and FBiH

PD 1st round workshops, old sectors 31 May - 1 Jun: Transport 2 - 3 Jun: Energy 3 - 4 Jun: Labour & Employment


SP mentoring in all ministries

PF mentoring in all ministries PD 2nd round workshops, new sectors 8 - 9 Jun: Agriculture 10 - 11 Jun: Social Protection 16 - 17 Jun: SME



SP mentoring in all ministries SP 3rd round workshops, new sectors PD mentoring 1 - 2 July: Social protection in all ministries 6 - 7 July: SME 13 - 14 July: Agriculture

SP mentoring in all ministries

PD mentoring in all ministries

Klelija Balta Arlett Stojanović Arlett Stojanović

PF mentoring in all ministries

Regional Exchange on Financial Impact Assessment

PF mentoring in all ministries

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