Power News - The Fittest Strength Magazine on Earth™ 1-2014

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# 8 - March 2014

7th Arnold Strongman Classic win for Savickas!!!




Happy, Strong 2014!!

been the driving force of this renewing you can

The first issue of the year is

check my blog at Heavy

Events for deeper thoughts.

Sports Festival as usual at this Along with the mentioned topics we have time of the year. ! This year we joined also to the Gillian and Owen writing to International Sports Hall of Fame us along with Strongman awarding and got major coverage Rage´s great report from Arnold Amateurs.

from there, too. Along with the Reminders of the US inductees we introduce in the action on Spring time is in, article I would like to raise my hat ARE YOU THE ONE?! too.

off to Dr. Bob (a.k.a. Robert On top of our normal events We are looking writers and Goldman), who has done major we are also introducing ”female photographers around the job on building the ISHOF gallery.! Chuck Norris” Cynthia Rothtock, globe..amateurs or pro´s...this is Along with the festival who was one of the ISHOF one point where you can use or not inductees for 2014.

use an opportunity.! coverage the main news in this Train hard, smart and enjoy issue is that starting from 2015 the sunny spring weather.

United Strongmen® is taking it´s championships competitions under WADA (FINADA) dopingWADA TESTING 2015!!! testing and it will be effective on ! 1/ 2014 INDEX ! all weight classes/events we 2. From the editor & index. ! represent.

3-4. Arnold Strongman Classic 2014! Naturally it is big thing and will 5-6. Have you been LIKED?! generate a lot of talking behalf 7-9. International Sports Hall of Fame 2014! and against of testing, but we see 10. Aulanko Winter Challenge 2014! 11. Doping testing to US competitions 2015! that it is the way to make this 12. Bikini International & Backstage photos! sport grow as a sport and as an 13-14. Arnold Amateur World Championships ! example for many other events, 15. Dopinglinkki.fi ! athletes and fans.

16. Häme Sport Festival! If you are interested more 17. Competition classes for US 2015! about the reasons, why I have 18. FIBO! 19. Owen´s Corner.! dedicated to mainly to Arnold



This magazine is published by United Strongmen®. All photos © United


Strongmen®/Jyrki Rantanen or

P.O.BOX 55

www.photobypiia.com, if nothing else




All rights reserved. In the cover photo Big


Z finalizing his win in Arnold Strongman


Classic 2014.







! This years competition was dedicated to late great Mike Jenkins and it was also showed nicely to the audience (photo on the top, right).! In the competition Zydrunas Savickas quite much dominated the competition by winning the Austrian Oak, Hummer tire deadlift and Yoke events as well being equal with Brian Shaw and Haftor Björsson in the last event - Giant Dumbbell. ! In the deadlift Big Z did a new WR of 525kg with solid lift and Power News interviewed him afterwords asking how much there was space as the lift looked so easy? The answer was that he didn´t know as all 3 lifts were feeling equal, so he guessed that the limit would be in 545-550 range.! Along with major event wins, Zavickas sealed his win by making very good efforts in the event what was his ”weakest” in pre-calculation - in Timber carry (won by Jerry Pritchett) Big Z managed over the halfway, which maintained his lead to the last event.! The win was # 7 in Zydrunas career and if not before, this comeback raises him to be maybe the greatest strongman who ever have walked on this earth. Specially if he takes 4th WSM tittle also just now.!


The field of competitors in ASC was again huge including top names on top of the mentioned ones. Please see the final results and more photos on next page.


Above: Brian Shaw chasing the leader in Timber Carry.! Left: Relaxed giant Thor posing with Icelandic Fitness Pro Margret Gnarr in the backstage of the finals for both athletes.!

! ! ARNOLD STRONGMAN CLASSIC 2014! !COLUMBUS, OH – Zydrunas Savickas of Lithuania won the contest

over an international field to capture the 13th Annual Arnold Strongman Classic title. Savickas received a $65,000 check from Jeff Compton of Europa and the Louis Cyr trophy from Steve Downs of MHP, and congratulations from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Finishing behind Savickas in second was Brian Shaw of Fort Lupton, CO. He received $20,000 from Cory Gregory of MusclePharm.

!The order of the other finishers was: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


3rd place: Mike Burke of Aurora, CO received $15,000 from Kevin DeHaven of BPI. 4th place: Vytautus Lalas of Lithuania received $10,000 from Steve Slater of Rogue Fitness. 5th place: Hafthor Bjornsson of Iceland received $8,000 from Greg Claussen of Beast Sports. 6th place: Jerry Pritchett of Buckeye, AZ received $6,000 from Eric Schwartz of Animal. 7th place: Mikhail Shivlykov of Russia received $5,000 from Tamer Elsafy of Flexicus.com. 8th place: Robert Oberst of Hanford, California received $3,000 from Brian Yersky of MET-RX. 9th place: Dimitar Savatinov of Bulgaria received $2,000 from Jack Owoc of VPX. 10th place: Krzysztof Radzikowki of Poland received $1,000 from Bruce Cardenes of Guest Apparel.





Have you been LIKED?! By Gillian Faith !

Any day, no matter what Country you are in you will find yourself with an invitation to LIKE someone’s page, group, vote for their contest or attend their event whether you know them or not. It seems that today doing the sport, for the love of the sport has been lost on what was simple enjoyment. Competition has gone from cheering one another on at the end line, stands and platform to the infamous question, “How many likes do you have?” or asked what is your “Twitter Reach”, by an endorsement company you hope to be sponsored by. !


So what’s changed over the years since as children we picked up our skateboards on a Saturday, hopped on our bikes just for the fun of it and everyone joined together? No one kept track of how many people joined in that weekend, or promoted themselves at the skate park with the intention of bringing the others down the way it would seem these days social media has allowed athletes to do. Take Crossfit, Power Lifting and Strongman as classic examples. Not a day goes by that there are not posts, invites or suggestions made that one is weaker than the other or the more accomplished and established strength sport. Each person who is advocating for their own skill and the development of the athletes in it, will testify their sport is the superior, and rarely will someone be humble and respectful enough to say, “Hey let’s work together and partner for an event or in the best interest of others”. With the exception of one remarkable athlete who the strength community experienced a recent devastating loss; Mike Jenkins stood apart. With the permission of Keri Sue Jenkins, Mike Jenkins wife it is with great respect and admiration I write that following the passing of Mike many spoke of his generosity, compassion and willingness to use his publicity to benefit those in need. As Keri posted to his Face Book page shortly after his tragic passing, “I knew he was touching people and changing lives, I saw it daily. However, I now realize I didn’t even have a clue … not a clue to the magnitude he was really doing this”. Known to many as the “Nicest Strongman”, we all could take a page from Mike Jenkins and live with more intention when we seek and are asked for support I suppose. !


That said, with the innate need there seems to be to one up each other in what some say is the Dog Eat Dog Eat world, and “if you don’t get ahead, you get behind”; the only way to become successful must be to push harder and be known right?! !


The Strongman community has been one that has been without a doubt the force behind my own publicity increasing to the level that it has, thanks to Viking Strength promoter Phil Burgess of Australia who chose to write an article about my transformation with little to no benefit to him. What this told me was that as an individual he was able to see past fame and recognition for himself, so that someone who had yet to be recognized would be given a chance. In doing so, he stepped aside and allowed my story to be told which has now been heard all around the world. To name just a few, I receive friend requests from India, Scotland, China, Iceland all over Asia, Africa and North America resulting in additional requests to like pages, groups and invites to competitions I am unable to attend because of my location in Canada. Despite this fact I feel that the invites I get mean something to the people who have sent them, and so I want to support them. In addition I have created my own page because great friends and people in my life encouraged me to tell my story and take the time to share everyday how I lost my weight, maintain it and have conquered the battles I have, to get where I am now. In exchange I hoped others would support me, yet I find it rather discouraging that the number of invites I send to others do not come back equally. I find it odd that many people will ask me for “friendship”, ask me to LIKE their page, support their cause and send me personal messages telling me they like my pictures or posts, but will not take the time to LIKE my page or an event I am participating in. !


It begs the question again, who and what do we support in this industry we are in? Is it the sport we enjoy, or our own rise to fame by receiving the affirmation of others based on the number of LIKES we receive telling us we are worth something. Maybe it is both and we need the affirmation as well love the sport; and ideally it is both as for many it is a full time business as coaches, trainers, gym owners and more. But when one gets stuck and you no longer enjoy the sport because you spend so much time working on sponsorships, endorsements, events, pages, like increases and media awareness that you can’t remember the last time you felt great about lifting there is a problem. There is no denying that when Facebook sends their Insights for the Weekly Page Update each week and tells you the number of New Likes, People Engaged and Weekly Total Reach we are impressed when these increase. If you are not paying attention to these you may want to if social media, sponsorships and endorsements are what you are interested in, as well knowing your “KLOUT score”. The KLOUT system focuses on what is of importance more than individual likes, and is interested in content and your influence in social media being of more value. !


So what does this all tell someone who is a Strongman at the end of day working to organize the next truck pull, or to a Power Lifter wanting to attend a meet and have the most supporters come, or raise funds to attend across State? Here are a few tips:


1)Have a look at who has sent you invites. Like their pages before you ask them to like your event as a respect.

General rule, mutual athlete respect. 2)Read your Facebook Weekly updates and pay attention to the trends. Which week do you have an increase, decrease, more engagement, less, WHY? Is there a holiday, major event like the Arnold, World Strongman etc. 3)Don’t friend request someone and invite them to your page the same hour or even the same day. Respectfully wait or it looks like you only requested them for the LIKE. 4)Know your audience. As you know, receiving invites to like things that are irrelevant to what you are interested in becomes bothersome and you delete quickly. Be just as mindful. 5)Inviting to pages is not as effective as sharing pages so keep in mind that Facebook is connected to Google, which feeds off of Twitter and Instagram as a social media source and the more you share your content the better. Do not overload people. Overload media instead. 6)Use your computer versus your mobile phone to create content providing as much graphic layout as possible that looks K.I.S.S. (Keep, It, Simple, Stupid) ie. Don’t assume your information is legible or understandable to everyone. There may be more than one Fairview in the World so clarify and give directions, ensure you say the year!


With all this in mind, and trusting each one of us desires to be the best athlete we can, and nothing being wrong with this ideally we can pursue dreams with greater intention and goal setting. This would mean remembering why we love the sport and started it in the first place. That it is not for the affirmation of others, the number of likes we get in a day or we do not get for a week. That if we have to cancel an event due to lack of response this does not mean we stop fighting for what we believe in, rather we fight harder and with more purpose.


For it is in the FIGHT, we become STRONG!

This article is in memory of Mike Jenkins and in honour of his wife Keri Sue Jenkins who continues to live out his memory everyday.




! !

I!NDUCTEES 2014! Joe, Ben and Betty Weider! Jason Statham! Lee Haney! Cynthia Rothrock! Dan Gable! read more: www.sportshof.org! On the photo Franco Columbo, Betty Weider, ! Arnold and Dr. Rodert Goldman.


Above:! Jason Statham with Randy Couture, Arnold and Dr.Bob.!


Left: All inductees from left to right:!


Dan Gable! Lee Haney! Cynthia Rothrock! Jason Statham! Betty Weider! and Arnold + Dr.Bob!


Cynthia Rothrock! Rothrock is five-time World Karate Champion in forms and weapons between 1981 and 1985. These categories are not combat-oriented, b e i n g d i s p l a y s o f fl u i d i t y o f movement rather than fighting, and are therefore not segregated into male and female categories but fully open to both sexes.! She holds six Black belts in various Far Eastern martial disciplines, including Tang Soo Do (also "tangsudo", Korean), Tae Kwon Do (Korean), Eagle Claw (Chinese), Wu Shu (contemporary Chinese), Northern Shaolin (classical Chinese), and Pai Lum Tao Kung Fu (contemporary Chinese). She received her 6th degree black belt in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in 2006. She was tested by Grand Master Robert Kovaleski, 7th Dan and chair of the I.T.M.A., and was promoted to 7th degree black belt by Kovaleski in 2011. She also works as a martial arts instructor; her favorite weapons are the hook swords.! Northern California was her home in 1983 where she worked with the West Coast Demonstration Team. At this time Golden Harvest was searching in Los Angeles for the next Bruce Lee. Rothrock's forms and maneuvers were observed and Golden Harvest signed a contract with her. It was two years (1985) later that she made her first martial arts movie for them, Yes, Madam (also known as Police Assassins or In the Line of Duty Part 2) which also starred Michelle Yeoh. It proved to be a box office success. She ended up staying in Hong Kong until 1988 doing seven films there.! Rothrock became one of the few Caucasian performers to achieve genuine stardom in the local Hong Kong film industry before achieving success in their own country. Producer Pierre David initiated Rothrock's move to the American turf. David offered her a costarring role with Chad McQueen in Martial Law, Rothrock's first U.S. production. For the next ten years she led a successful career in action movies. Her films include China O'Brien and China O'Brien 2, Guardian Angel, Honor & Glory, No Retreat, No Surrender 2 and Prince of the Sunamongst a roster of thirty films.! Rothrock also appeared as Bertha Jo in the 1997 television film The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion. She was an inspiration for the video game character Sonya Blade from the Mortal Kombat series and lent her voice on the animated series Eek the Cat.!


Rothrock's final movie was the 2004 film Xtreme Fighter (aka Sci-Fighter) where she played Sally Kirk / The White Dragon.!


Rothrock returned to acting in 2012 with a role in the family film Santa's Summer House, with other films anticipated for the future. ! [9]

The first Aulanko Winter Challenge is held today and the first Nordic Champions in this Team Event were Yrjö Hämäläinen and Paavo Paaso from Finland.! The event combined Highland Games events (Braemar stone, WFD and caber) and strongman events (log for reps, arm over arm and loading) and they were done in snow..!


1. Finland 2 Yrjö Hämäläinen/Paavo Paaso! 2. Finland 1 Niko Vesterinen/Jarno Jokinen! 3. Norway Geir Standal/Eirik Ingebritsen!




US is taking a huge step forward in strength world during 2015 and it introduces it´s Anti-Doping program, which includes testing the winners and random competitors in all World etc. title competitions starting from 2015.!


The tests are done by FINADA (WADA member) and US will follow WADA/FINADA guidelines in it´s rules, which are published during the last half of 2014.! The start is on 2015 side due WADA rules are renewing then and for example the ban from the first time grows from 2 to 4 years and it is easier to start with new rules instead of having the rules out and then changing them.!


The testing will include all weight-classes in US strongman/woman competitions along with Diamondgirl™, Highland Games and grip events.!


So, this effects all athletes who are planning to compete in US competitions - in the competition contract you will sign the permission to FINADA to test you while you are competing in our events.! In the start all Championships events will take place in Finland due the FINADA co-operation.!


The testing will also effect on the weights of the competitions, which will be dropped 10-20% down from the current level .!


US sees that to bring in official Anti-Doping program in co-operation with WADA/FINADA will help the the athletes to stay more healhier along with the fact that this opens also major opportunity for the strength sports to grow as we are now painting a new picture about the events, with healty, more athlete looking competitors.! Also the credibility in the eyes of sponsors will grow for both competitors and organizers.!


More info will be announced later this year, but here´s a few important links:!


! ! http://www.antidoping.fi/web/en/prohibited-substances-and-methods! !

! !


Ashley Kaltwasser Wins 2014 Bikini International


COLUMBUS, OH – Ashley Kaltwasser of Akron, Ohio won the 2014 Bikini International competition at the Arnold Sports Festival 2014. Contestants were judged on attractiveness and presentation of their curvier, less muscular physiques.


Kaltwasser received a prize of $7,000 from Jeff Compton of Europa, a trophy from Jason Birney of Hollywood Casino and a Tony Nowak jacket from Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Other major prizes awarded in the Bikini International were: • 2nd place: Yeshaira Robles from the Bronx, NY received $3,000 presented by Kevin DeHaven of BPI and a trophy from Cory Gregory of MusclePharm. • 3rd place: Amanda Latona of Las Vegas, NV received $2,000 presented by Rich Gaspari of Gaspari Nutrition and a trophy from Mick Skinner of Bodybuilding.com. • 4th place: Nathalia Melo of Ft. Lauderdale, FL received $1,000, presented by Jay Jacobsen of Optimum Nutrition and a trophy from Mark Garces of MuscleTech. • 5th place: Stacey Alexander of Las Vegas, NV received $1,000, presented by Truman Leuing of ALLMAX Nutrition and a trophy from Gera Rivkin of 6 Pack Fitness. • 6th place: India Paulino of Pembrook Pines, FL received $1,000 presented by Edwin Yang of The Columbus Dispatch and a trophy Jay Jacobsen of ABB.

Left: Gonerner Schwarzenegger and Big Z chatting after the competition.! Down: Bill Kazmaier ”wrestled with bears” !


Photos, article and layout by Aryn Lockhart - Strongman Rage COLUMBUS, OH - From 28 February 2 March, 86 amateur strength athletes travelled from 12 countries and throughout the United States to compete in the heaviest amateur competition of its kind. Organized by the American Strongman Corporation, the compeitition had four weight classes with the heavy weight women debuting for the first time this year. The competition took place in the main hall of the expo. The Arnold’s Sports Festival is the largest multi-sport event in the US. 18,000 athletes from 80 nations compete in 50 sports events. The expo also boasts 800 vendors. 2014 marks the 26th year of the event that was founded by Arnold Schwarzenegger and sports promoter Jim Lorimar back in 1989. The first day of competition consisted of the dumbbell for reps, yoke race, husafell stone for distance, farmer’s walk and ended with a deadlift medly. The top 10 athletes of the heavy weight mens with the top four atheltes in both women’s classes, and the men’s fitness advanced to the final that occurred on Sunday. The final events included log press for maximum weight and stones over the bar. In a minblowing display of power, strength and determination, athletes powered through round after round to battle it out for the top positions. The competition was dedicated to the late Mike Jenkins, who’s loss was felt throughout the strongman community last year. He was the first winner of the Amateur Strongman Competition in 2010 and then went on to win the Arnold’s in 2012. He became an international sensation placing fourth in World Strongest Man 2013.

ABOVE: Day one of the amateur competition consisted of five different events: overhead dumbell press; yoke, husafell stone for maximum distance, farmer’s walk, and deadlift medley.



Haluatko Villyou Do du ha want isot muscles lihakset stora big muskler tai eller or apienemm채n lower mindre rasvaprosentin fettprocent body fat keinolla till percentage, varjemill채 hyv채ns채? pris? no matter



! HÄME SPORT FESTIVAL 2014! !! !! !

Häme Sport Festival is a large, strength oriented happening in Hämeenlinna, Finland during 9.-10, May 2014.! The happening contains several international competitions along with exhibitors and event promotions.! So far the program is as follows, but it is subject to change:!


The venues are Aulanko Spa Hotel and Verkatehdas Art & Congress Center:! The program with further schedule will be published in Feb-March.!

! 9th, May ! !

Evening: Queen of the Castle™ US Strongwoman Scandinavian Championships 2014 for under 70kg and Open class Women in front of Aulanko Spa Hotel. !

! 10th, May:! ! Morning:

Daytime: Evening: Late evening:

Expo in the Verkatehdas Arts & Congress Centre opens.! US Strongman Under 90kg World Championships, Qualification events! US Strongman Under 90kg World Championships, Final events.! Promotions! DiamondGirl™! Prizing ceremony and afterparty at Aulanko Spa Hotel Nightclub.!

! Check out the latest news from the event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/456781404421795/! ! !

The officail competition hotel is Spa hotel Rantasipi Aulanko and if offers limited amount of rooms with price of 129€ per night when using the code ”HSF14”. The offer is only available with direct orders from the hotel:+358 3 658 801 or email aulanko.rantasipi@restel.fi .!




! On 2015, when our doping-tested competitions will start in action the following classes are having the World Championships title competition in strongman/woman events.! The time of the World Championships will be late Aug-Nov area on 2015.!

! ! !


WOMEN:!! under 60kg! under 70kg open class !

! !

MEN:! under 80kg! under 90kg! under 105kg!

More photos from Fitnesstukku Power Week via https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Photobypiia


Competitions and Shows The pros will show off their bodies at FIBO POWER in posing and freestyle routines and other impressive show performances. Also central to the event are competitions in various categories, including the DBFV Bikini Cup, the Olimp Challenge and Miss FIBO POWER Beauty. Moreover, top athletes will compete in disciplines such as the Arm Wars Super Series, the POWERlifting Challenge and the 1st ICA Handwrapping Championship.! As usual, FIBO POWER will also see the strongest men battle it out against each other. The FIBO Strongman ClassX is a Champions League competition taking place in the Strongman area in Hall 4.2 on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, the second FIBO POWER Strongman Challenge featuring the German Newcomer Championship will be staged. And the strongest men won’t be alone this time: For the first time, the FIBO POWER Strongwoman Challenge will also be held. Photo courtesy of FIBO! For more info visit FIBO


Invitation Into Fitness March Madness Your NCAA Tournament Bracket is probably already busted by now, I surely hope that your health and fitness goals that you are achieving (hopefully present tense), are not. Sixty eight teams get an invitation into the Big Dance (four of them play their way in), many others are snubbed and only one team ends up victorious. I keep asking the question just like all of my other columns that I have written since 2013, “How/What does this have to do with health and fitness and what does this mean to me?” The answer, as always, plenty!!!!!! What is that health and fitness goal that you said that you wanted to reach for the New Year? Did you tell almost 68 teams/people all at once and even more than that? What is/was their reaction? They probably had some goals of their own as well at that same time. Now take that same goal and in the midst of the March Madness going on in your daily life, what would those 68 people still say/think if you told them that now? Maybe a few laughs, perhaps them saying that you are crazy, and perhaps the worst….you need to just quit.! As opposed to inviting about 68 or so people onto your journey, you do want to invite others, but start off with one. In other words, open up the circle gradually. When you do this, there may be something that you are missing on your journey or the goal that you set out to achieve. Perhaps it is too small of a goal or it may be something in which you need to set some mini-goals around to get to. Regardless, the people that you may need to invite into your fitness March Madness, try to invite those that have walked a similar path that you have. In addition, a trusty source says that an enemy multiplies kisses, but wounds from a friend can be trusted. I am not going to lie to you, there will be wounds that you will go through, however those nicks and cuts are going to bring you pleasure down the road. Also, more often times than none, those will save you a load of heartache and pain in the long term future; and even the worst….death. After all, there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death. I also encourage you to stay in the light in your health and fitness goals and do not hide them in the dark.! When you pick who is going to walk beside you and with you on your goals, the questions that they are asking you about what you want to do, are they many closed ended questions such as, “Do you do this? Do you know this? Do You? Do You? DO YOU??!?!?!” Sounds like how a loud and obnoxious rock song would be just screaming with scary types of interludes and backbeats that would cause almost anyone to rethink their goals and just be very agitated at that coach/”friend”/etc. However, if the person walking with you asks you, “How do you know this/that/these/this person/that person, etc. etc. etc.”, corny example but we will use it, LeAnne Rimes’ song How Do I Live Without You. The song starts out with the two words, “How do…” Very inviting and smooth, that is how the people that you invite should approach you and vice versa, and that is where the maintenance of your health and fitness goals are truly achieved. Enjoy the spring season and catching up on your lost hour of sleep with health improving and conducive activities. Cheers!! Best In Health,! Owen D. Taylor III! Team Quest Nutrition Athlete! WBFF Mens’ Fitness Model! Fitness Specialist-Gold’s Gym Uptown Dallas ! owtaylor3@gmail.com



THE FITTEST STRENGTH MAGAZINE ON EARTH™! # 9 is coming out in June 2014


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