Program Investment Process Priority Considerations
Community Result: People in crisis have access to emergency food, shelter and financial assistance
Priority Considerations
Access: People have 24/7 access to a coordinated system of crisis services These are programs that link potential participants to services in the community through a coordinated referral process, or, directly if the point of access also administers the crisis intervention or stabilization service. Intervention: People receive food, shelter and/or financial assistance to resolve an immediate crisis These are systems or programs that resolve a short-term emergency. Intervention may, but is not necessarily, available 24/7.
Linkage to Stabilization: Beyond the immediate crisis, people are linked to programs, services or systems so future
Programs that employ the intervention strategy must also use the linkage to stabilization strategy and measure/report results for both strategies Program focused on linkage to stabilization must identify and serve a target population that meets the definitions of emergency and shortterm Any new emergency shelter intervention programs must be submitted and/or endorsed by the Community Shelter Board
crises do not occur These are services that link people to community-based supports aimed at preventing future crises. These are highly coordinated. They can occur as part of access or intervention.
Key Definitions: • Emergency – a combination of circumstances or an unexpected event which threatens an individual or family’s ability to satisfy basic survival needs that most frequently include food, shelter and physical safety. • Short-Term – a generally accepted timeframe for a particular domain (food, shelter or financial assistance) in which an initial threat to basic survival without an immediate return to an emergency • Financial Assistance – Cash or a voucher that resolves a short-term emergency