Purchasing Policy and Procedures OBJECTIVE: To insure that purchases of goods and services by United Way of Central Ohio (includes any purchases made under UWCO tax ID #) are made within properly authorized approval and budgetary limits. 1. Prior approval for any purchase of goods or services over $2,500 must be received from the Chief Operating Officer in the form of an approved Purchase Order. Prior approval for any purchase of goods or services over $1,000 must be received from the Department Director / AVP and Division Vice President in the form of an approved Purchase Order. 2. All invoices under $250 must be approved by a Department Director / Asst. Vice President or above. The Division Vice President or assigned designee must sign off on all invoices of $250 or more. 3. All purchases over $5,000 require two (2) written formal bids (see Competitive Bidding Guidelines). An exception will be granted for suppliers providing one -of-a-kind goods or services (i.e., United Way pins). 4. All purchase orders for capital budget items are to be authorized by the Chief Financial Officer based upon the approved annual capital budget. Any substitutions must be approved in advance by the Chief Operating Officer – the overall approved capital budget total must not be exceeded without prior Finance Committee approval. 5. Blanket Purchase Orders may be assigned annually to suppliers providing a single type of ongoing consumable product (i.e. paper). All Blanket Purchase Orders must be approved by the Chief Financial Officer. Dollar limits in item #1 apply for approval levels. 6. Lease payments, utilities, fixed overhead expenses, travel expenses, vision council funding disbursements, and allocations do not require purchase orders. 7. Employee business expense reimbursement will follow the Business Expense policy guidelines. 8. Staff should not enter contracts for goods or services with vendors who are relatives, personal friends, or any person with whom they have a relationship that adversely affects their impartiality. 9. Staff should purchase American-made, union goods and services whenever reasonably available. 10. Items not addressed in the above policy will be reviewed and processed according to the terms set by the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Operating Officer.
C:\Documents and Settings\glaycock\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK6\Purchasing Policy.DOC
effective 8/16/04
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