UWCO Strategies and Performance Measures Community Result: Children will enter kindergarten physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively ready to succeed. Strategy Increase the age appropriate developmental skills of children ages 0-5 through effective, involved parenting and quality early care and education services.
Description Services that educate parents/caregivers about appropriate parenting skills and support active parental involvement in the child’s development and education. Services that provide children with quality early care and learning experiences in community settings.
Increase the early detection of developmental delays and special needs in children ages 0-5.
Services that identify various developmental delays and link children and families with appropriate services.
Strengthen the development and functioning of children, ages 0-5, and their families in which developmental delays or specific needs have been identified.
Early intervention and treatment services that address specific developmental delays or special needs in the child or address family conditions/needs that may adversely affect the child’s growth and development and readiness to succeed in kindergarten
Performance Measure Children increase developmental skills associated with age appropriate development and kindergarten readiness. OR Parents/caregivers increase/strengthen appropriate parenting skills and behaviors that promote the child’s optimal growth and development. OR Parents/caregivers strengthen relationships with children by increasing their support of children’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Children with developmental delays and/or special needs are identified and referred for services, and linkages are verified. Children increase their social, physical, emotional, and/or developmental skills. OR Parents/caregivers strengthen their behaviors and/or family functioning which support the child’s growth and development.
Increase the quality of early care and education centers and family care homes
Services that improve the quality of early care and education settings and/or enhance the knowledge and skills of early care and education professionals
Increase the access of children ages 0-5 and their families to quality early care and education services.
Services that increase parent/caregiver knowledge and awareness of quality early care and education resources and services. Services that increase the number of quality early care and education spaces where gaps exist
Increase children’s successful transition to kindergarten from home and early learning environments in the community.
Services that support children and families with transition to kindergarten
Early care and education professionals increase their knowledge and skills. OR Early care and education professional obtain recognized credentials. OR Early care and education centers and family care homes achieve national accreditation or other quality rating standards. Parents/caregivers will increase their knowledge about quality early care and education services in the community. OR The number of quality early care and education spaces for targeted populations, where gaps exist, will increase in early care and education centers and/or family care homes. Partnerships increase and/or strengthen among families, early care and education providers, schools, and communities that foster children’s positive transition to kindergarten.
Community Result: Youth graduate from high school well-prepared for additional learning and productive careers. Strategy Increase the academic achievement and school success of youth in grades K-12.
Description Services that provide or enhance educational experiences and support academic achievement and school success.
Performance Measure Youth increase reading and math skills. OR Youth increase academic self-efficacy.
Increase social competencies, life skills, and protective factors and decrease risk factors of youth in grades K-12.
Services that enhance social competencies and protective factors. Services that help youth and their families decrease risk factors and problem behaviors associated with school underachievement and failure, dropping out of school, involvement in the juvenile justice system, teen pregnancy, STDs and substance abuse. Services that increase life skills including communication, daily living, self-care, home life, social relationships, financial literacy, work and study, conflict resolution, resistance, violence prevention, and cultural competence. Services that facilitate the successful transition of youth from elementary to middle school, middle to high school and high school to postsecondary education. Transitions for those individuals who do not pass the OGT are also a focus.
Youth increase their social competencies, life skills, and protective factors and decrease risk factors.
Increase parent/caregiver knowledge and skills and involvement with their child’s development and education.
Services that educate parents/caregivers about child development and appropriate parenting skills and provide opportunities to participate in and support their child’s educational experiences. These services also focus on family functioning and activities designed to alleviate barriers to family engagement.
Strengthen the functioning of youth with social, emotional or behavioral needs. Increase college and career access and preparation among youth.
Services that provide comprehensive and integrated education and treatment for youth with identified social, emotional or behavioral problems. Services that help youth learn about career and college opportunities, develop aspirations for the future, understand the pathways to pursue career and college, develop relevant skills and experience and develop goals and plans.
Parents/caregivers demonstrate an increase in appropriate parenting skills/behavior. OR Strengthen parent/child relationships and engagement by increasing parent/caregiver support of the child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. OR Increase parent/caregiver connection to teachers/schools and participation in or support of school activities. Youth improve social, emotional and behavioral functioning.
Increase the successful transitions of youth to their next level of education or academic activities.
Youth demonstrate successful transitions to the next level of education or academic activity.
Youth increase knowledge of careers and college opportunities and options. OR Youth develop ageappropriate goals and plans for the future.
Community Result: People achieve financial stability Strategy Support job attainment with living wage and benefits
Support job attainment and skill development for “hard to employ� populations
Enhance access to Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and free tax prep services for income eligible persons
Enhance financial health by developing money management and debt reduction skills
Description Such programs and initiatives provide support, assessment, vocational and/or academic training for clients. In addition, work may be done with employers to determine future workforce needs and how best to meet those needs. Such programs and initiatives provide support, assessment, vocational and/or academic training including literacy or other training to remove barriers and prepare client to take full advantage of workforce development training. In addition, work may be done with employers to determine future workforce needs and how best to meet those needs. Such programs and initiatives increase awareness of eligibility for specific tax credits and use of free tax prep services and EITC. These programs also analyze the individual filer’s eligibility for specific tax credits and prepare tax returns. These programs and initiatives assist individuals with significant debt or who have no or a poor credit history to develop money management skills to improve their credit. Such programs also assist individuals to avoid excessive debt. Strategy includes working with financial institutions to provide affordable banking products. Individuals will establish a relationship with a financial institution that provides low or no cost financial products.
Performance Measure People will be employed with a livable wage.
People will be employed or successfully complete training. (Those in training will acquire skills necessary to secure employment. These skills include job readiness skills and academic achievement (GED, literacy)). Eligible individuals will claim EITC and other tax credits and will use free tax services.
Individuals will acquire skills that will enhance their financial stability including: Budgeting, managing credit and asset building AND / OR Individuals will reduce debt. and maintain reduced debt status six months after program participation.
Enhance financial health by increasing household savings and assets
These programs and initiatives assist individuals in acquiring and managing financial assets, building credit and avoiding bad credit. Such assets might include IDAs, home ownership, cars, health insurance, 401ks, HSAs, child care, tuition reimbursement and/or savings accounts. Such programs also assist individuals in establishing credit histories and avoiding bad debt.
Individuals will acquire more assets. AND / OR Individuals will acquire skills that will enhance their financial stability including: Budgeting, managing credit, asset building and planning for retirement.
Enhance financial health by accessing public and private benefits
These programs and initiatives increase awareness of available benefits, provide information regarding opportunities to access public and private benefits and link individuals to benefit opportunities. This strategy may be addressed through advocacy and community collaboration.
Individuals will access public and private benefits that they did not have prior to participation.
Community Result: People maintain healthy nutrition and fitness Strategy Engage people in healthy nutrition and/or physical activity behaviors
Improve the nutrition and/or physical activity environment at the institutional level (i.e. home, school, faith community, communitybased organizations, and workplace). Improve the food and/or physical activity environment at the community level
Description Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy engage individuals to establish sustainable healthy nutrition and/or physical activity behaviors. Programming will be based on theory or research. Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy create sustainable change to the environment in the home, school, faith community, communitybased organizations, and workplace. Changes provide access to physical activity opportunities and/or healthy foods.
Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy create sustainable change to the community food environment by creating availability and access to a variety of healthy food options. This strategy will also address sustainable changes in the community physical activity environment by creating availability and access to safe indoor and outdoor physical activity and recreation spaces.
Performance Measure People will be active. AND / OR People will eat healthy food
Environmental changes to support healthy nutrition and/or physical activity AND People use physical activity opportunities AND / OR People select available healthy food options Environmental changes to support healthy nutrition and/or physical activity. AND People select available healthy food options and/or use physical activity opportunities.
Community Result: People overcome barriers to accessing health care services Strategy Reduce language- and culture-related barriers
Increase transportation to health services
Increase linkage to health care services
Description Provide interpretation/ translation services at an appropriate literacy level. Increase crosscultural understanding of health care systems among patients/clients. Provide services that transport individuals to and from health services.
Performance Measure Individuals perceive services received successfully reduce language-/culture-related barrier Number of (one-way) rides AND New people served
Identify physical, mental, dental, vision, and addiction-related health care needs and link individuals to appropriate health care services and available public/private benefits. This strategy also addresses such mental health barriers as cost, stigma, physician knowledge & practices, and workplace culture.
Identification of health needs resulting in access to services AND Verification of linkage
Increase provider capacity
Build sustainable capacity of providers to serve low-income, under-insured, and uninsured individuals (i.e. through provision of cross culturally competent care, use of physician extenders, etc.)
Verify increased capacity by measuring: Number of new people served Number of new Medicaid patients served Improved provider systems that remove barriers
Community Result: Community is prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies Strategy Advocacy Public Policy at all levels improves the community’s ability to address its most frequent emergencies and disasters. Response preparation Individuals are prepared to respond to emergencies and disasters.
Description Advocacy programs and initiatives guided by this strategy seek to modify policies that enhance the community’s ability to address emergencies and disasters at the local level. The focus of programs and initiatives should be guided by needs data identifying categories of emergencies and disasters that occur most frequently. Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy increase the knowledge and skills among individuals so that they understand how to prepare for disasters and emergencies Note: Program funding for disasters will utilize an all-hazards approach. Priority considerations for emergencies will be on first aid and CPR
Sustaining infrastructure for community responders Community-based organizations have the infrastructure in place to respond to emergencies and disasters.
Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy enable community-based responders to maintain the infrastructure necessary to respond to a community emergency or disaster. Infrastructure includes developing and maintaining a trained group of individuals. Note: Community-based responders do not include public safety or emergency forces such as police, fire, or emergency medical responders. A priority consideration will be linkage with or participation in the Franklin County Dept. of Homeland Security Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).
Performance Measure References to policy as a strategy should be considered on a case by case basis and appropriate evaluation tools should be selected, based upon the objectives of the policy Individuals have the knowledge and skills to respond to a specific emergency or disaster AND / OR Individuals are prepared to address emergencies and disasters in general (papers are in order, contact info is accessible, etc.). AND / OR As necessary, individuals will use their knowledge and skills. Organizations will respond according to plans in tests, drills and real events. In terms of real events, after action reports will be completed and analyzed.
Response to emergency/disaster People who experience an individual emergency/disaster have their immediate needs Response to emergency/disaster for special populations People with special needs who experience an individual emergency/disaster have their immediate needs met.
Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy address the immediate needs of individuals who have experienced a disaster, and, link them to resources that exist in the community.
Individuals who have experienced a disaster have their needs met.
Programs and initiatives guided by this strategy are similar to those for response to emergency/disaster but are targeted to specific populations.
Individuals who have experienced a disaster have their disaster needs met.
Note: Target populations will be identified using definitions developed by the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency and Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
Community Result: People in crisis have access to emergency food, shelter and financial assistance. Strategy Access: People have 24/7 access to a coordinated system of crisis services Intervention: People receive food, shelter and/or financial assistance to resolve an immediate crisis
Linkage to Stabilization: Beyond the immediate crisis, people are linked to programs, services or systems so future crises do not occur
Description These are programs that link potential participants to services in the community through a coordinated referral process, or, directly if the point of access also administers the crisis intervention or stabilization service. These are systems or programs that resolve a short-term emergency. Intervention may, but is not necessarily, available 24/7. Note: programs and initiatives in this strategy must also provide, and measure, linkage to stabilization These are services that link people to communitybased supports aimed at preventing future crises. These are highly coordinated. They can occur as part of access or intervention.
Performance Measure Service including documentation of crisis or issue and appropriate referral
Resolution of crisis through provision of shelter, minimum 3 day supply of food or emergency financial assistance
Reduced use of crisis services over 12 months
Community Result: People Live in Safe & Decent Housing Strategy Increase the number of rehabilitated, improved and modified housing units to safe, decent and sanitary standards. This includes home ownership units up to 100% of AMI and rental housing owned and managed by non-profits.
Increase the knowledge of home occupier’s ability to repair and maintain their homes. Support Community building activities & capacity building of neighborhood organizations
Improve overall neighborhood physical quality & appearance
Description These are programs or initiatives that provide skilled labor to repair and/or rehab existing housing units. In some cases, program providers may elect to use volunteer labor to rehab housing units. Strategy also includes interior modifications to homes for seniors and those with physical limitations as well as issues related to environmental health and remediation. Rehabbed units should meet standards for high quality, safe, decent, sanitary, efficient, environmentally sustainable and affordable housing. In general these standards are reflected in local housing codes. These are programs or initiatives designed to train occupiers to engage in basic home maintenance activities. Additionally programs may focus on when/how to hire a contractor, when/how to pull permits for work, etc. These are programs or initiatives that are designed to enhance home occupiers feelings of empowerment and knowledge related to housing rights. Such programs also build sense of community through resident involvement and neighborhood leadership development. As a result of participation in such programs residents also feel engaged. These are programs or initiatives that engage neighborhood residents in clean-up, basic maintenance, repair and improvement of neighborhood amenities. Such programs and/or initiatives also provide opportunities for individuals to be engaged in community activities. This will also include education to help civic associations know what they can do relative to private property issues, and support for SIDS.
Performance Measure Number of housing units repaired, modified and/or rehabilitated to specifications. Rental units should remain viable for three years.
Home occupiers will possess the knowledge and skills to perform basic home maintenance chores. Individuals will look to neighborhood organizations to help them feel empowered, know housing rights, and experience a strong sense of community. OR Organizations have increased capacity. Neighborhoods will be clean and inviting.
Community Result: People Live in Safe Neighborhoods Strategy Increase neighborhood engagement and sense of community identity.
Description These services build sense of community, are inclusive and encourage individuals to engage in community activities. Such services provide the opportunity for residents to feel as if they belong and are a part of the neighborhood, establishing neighborhood identity.
Performance Measure % engaged for specific purposes in communitybased activities OR % more satisfied with community, is more engaged, feel safer, have a better relationship with city officials, and have a sense of pride.
Provide linkage support for felony exoffenders re-entering neighborhoods.
These services focus on linkage to support services, including substance abuse and employment assistance.
% of those who need services and who are linked. Includes verification of successful referrals & linkage. AND / OR % engaged with services on an ongoing basis
Reduce unruly, delinquent and violent crime for youth between the ages of 12 to 21
These services target youth & young adults who are frequently among those who engage in unruly, delinquent and or are perpetrators of violent crime and/or gang-related issues.
% of youth who do not commit a crime or engage in unruly/delinquent/violent behavior. OR % of youth entering program involvement who desist.
Increase Crime Prevention and Safety Education
These services provide education to individuals (Youth and adults) about how to protect themselves and/or their property. They are inclusive of services that encourage non-traditional methods (video, web, PSAs, senior center groups, etc.) and include services such as domestic/family violence, conflict mediation etc.
People will increase knowledge of how to keep self and/or home safe. OR Social marketing measures of awareness/impact of messages