Investing Your
2013-2014 EXPENSES AND REVENUE In May 2013, the United Way Board of Directors approved its 2013-2014 Investment Strategy. More than $2.45 million dollars were invested in Education, Income and Health, in addition to our investment of more than $597,472 in Hands On Asheville-Buncombe, 2-1-1 and our Middle School Success initiative. Our investments in Education, Income and Health, determined by knowledgeable volunteers in these fields, were made through a competitive grants process to community partners whose results best align with the specific improvements we want to see.
Community Investment Fund and Designations - $5,265,785 (Includes Community Investment Fund, 2-1-1, Hands On AshevilleBuncombe and Middle School Success, as well as outside designations and in-kind contributions.)
United Way Overhead/Fundraising - $686,134 (Overhead as a percentage of total revenue and services is 13.03 percent; Overhead as a percentage of Campaign pledges is 13.24 percent.)
Reserved for Uncollectible Pledges - $336,830 2-1-1 $357,944 Hands On $118,980
2013-2014 INVESTMENTS Health $931,146
Middle School Success $120,548
TOTAL EXPENSES - $6,288,749
Annual Campaign Revenue - $5,182,000 Other Income - $599,725
Education $764,010 Income $761,875
In-Kind Contributions - $237,115 Investment Income - $50,680 Grants - $219,229