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Men’s Wellness Summit facilitates conversation on health topics
from 2023 July Unite
by Unite News
Springfield, MO—In a community gathering last month, the SpringMO Black Wellness group orchestrated an empowering event specifically tailored for black men. With the resonant theme “Men On The Move: Stronger, Wiser, and Better,” this transformative occasion delved into crucial aspects of self-care, personal finance, and relationship dynamics, including marriage enrichment.
Drawing a crowd of approximately 30 attendees, the event was not only cherished by all, but it was also recognized as a vital and immensely advantageous experience, as evident from the overwhelmingly positive feedback received through surveys.
The planning committee, comprising esteemed individuals such as Dr. Ron Woodard, SPS; Melesha Bailey of Live $ Life Wellness; and Justyn Pippens and Samuel Knox of UniteNews Publication, express heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed guest speakers and participants whose invaluable contributions fostered this impactful community conversation.
Join the SpringMO Black Wellness FaceBook group to keep up with the latest in health care.
by Melesha Bailey, UniteNews Contributing Writer
Springfield, MO— July is Cord Blood Awareness Month, established by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after a healthy baby is born. Cord blood banks stores and preserves newborn stem cells found in the blood of the umbilical cord and the placenta. The remaining blood collected after cord clamping is valuable for newborn stem cells. Parents have a choice between donating cord blood to a public bank for free or paying to store it for their family in a private