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Your Health & Wellness News July is Cord Blood Awareness Month

bank for future medical uses. Cord blood contains a rich source of unique stem cells that can develop into different types of cells in the body. These stem cells can be used in medical treatments for various diseases and conditions, including certain cancers, blood disorders, and immune system disorders. Cord blood from Blacks can be precious for patients from the same ethnic group. Certain diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, are more prevalent among black individuals, but there are also over 80 conditions that benefit from one cord blood. Unfortunately, over 90% of cord blood gets discarded as medical waste. What if we get people to donate cord blood instead of throwing it away?

Accessing cord blood stem cells from a racially diverse pool can increase the chances of finding a suitable match for transplantation to help cure many diseases, according to “Be the Match.” It’s a very simple thing to do, and it can be lifesaving for sick children. According to the Parents Guide to

Cord Blood Foundation, less than 30 percent of parents know they can donate or save their baby’s cord blood. But, in the first 30 seconds of a child’s life, they can save someone else’s life. Parents must decide about cord clamping before birth and talk to their healthcare provider about their preferences. Now is the time to think about saving cord blood for the future of black health.

A limited donor pool is designated for the black community because many are uneducated about how cord blood can save lives. Stem cell transplantation requires finding matching donors through the Human Leukocyte

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