Maths Resources

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Maths!!! Resources & lesson Plans Created by Ali Harwood

Learning Objective: I can create a 3D shape from a 2D net

Context: The wicked witch’s cottage from Hansel and Gretel

Vocabulary: Net, 2D, 3D, quadrilateral, rectangle, square, trapezium, cuboid

Teaching and Learning: Discuss vocabulary. Discuss the shapes of the net. Teacher demonstrates making the cuboid which makes the main structure of the witch’s cottage.

Activity: Making the witch’s cottage 1. Firstly, with scissors, cut around the outside of the net carefully on the lines. 2. Then, score the dotted lines gently for the tabs. 3. Next, fold the tabs and, with masking tape, check that the cuboid will attach together effectively. 4. Unattach the masking tape so you can decorate the cottage. Decoration Can you decorate your witch’s cottage using different sweet shapes? • Must: 3 different sweet shapes • Should: 6 different sweet shapes • Could: 9 different sweet shapes • Challenge: 12+ different sweet shapes Examples: spherical jawbreakers, cylindrical marshmallows and lollipops, concentric circles for donuts, cola cube cubes…

Success Criteria: 1. Draw carefully. 2. Use many examples. 3. Colour brightly.

Plenary/Feedback: Observe others’ attempts at houses. What went well and why? What could you do better and how?

Learning Objective: I can create a 3D shape from a 2D net.

Context: The wicked witch’s cottage from Hansel and Gretel (the roof)

Vocabulary: Net, 2D, 3D, quadrilateral, rectangle, square, right-angled triangle, trapezium, triangular prism

Teaching and Learning: Discuss vocabulary.Discuss the shapes of the net. Demonstrate making the triangular prism which makes the main structure of the witch’s cottage.

Activity: Making the witch’s cottage roof. 1) Firstly, with scissors, cut around the outside of the net carefully on the lines. 2) Then, score the dotted lines gently for the tabs. 3) Next, fold the tabs and, with masking tape, check that the cuboid will attach together effectively. 4) Unattach the masking tape so you can decorate the cottage. Decoration Can you decorate your witch’s cottage using different 2d shapes? • Must: Triangles: right angled, isosceles, scalene, right angled isosceles • Should: Quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, kite, parallelogram, trapezium • Could: Other 2d shapes: pentagon, hexagon, heptagon • Challenge: Can you use a compass to create: a circle? a semi-circle? an equilateral triangle?

Success Criteria: a) Use the lines on your squares to help you. b) Use your ruler to be accurate. c) Colour brightly and carefully.

Plenary/Feedback: Stick house together with glue. Stick roof together with glue. Stick the house to the roof. Observe others’ attempts at roofs. What went well and why? What could you do better and how??

Learning Objective: I can answer questions about length, perimeter and area.

Context: Hansel and Gretel (the Witch’s cottage)

Vocabulary: Length, perimeter, area, unit of measurement, scale, ratio

Teaching and Learning: Discuss vocabulary. Teacher demonstrates how to measure length, perimeter and area.

Activity: Answer the questions, using either your cottage model or the net to help you. Must: LENGTH 1.What is the width of the door in cm? 2. What is the height of the door in cm? 3. What is the width of the window at the front of the house? 4. What is the width of the window at the back of the house? Should: PERIMETER 5. What is the perimeter of the door? 6. What is the perimeter of the front window? 7. What is the perimeter of the rear window? 8. What is the perimeter of the base of the house? Could: AREA 9. What is the area of the door? 10. What is the area of the front window? 11. What is the area of the rear window? 12. What is the area of the base of the house? Challenge: SCALING and RATIO If the house is on a scale of 1cm: 40cm, answer the following questions: 13.What is the width of the door? 14. What is the height of the door? 15. What is the width of the window at the front of the house? 16. What is the width of the window at the back of the house? 17. What is the perimeter of the door? 18. What is the perimeter of the front window? 19. What is the perimeter of the rear window?

20. What is the perimeter of the base of the house? 21. What is the area of the door? 22. What is the area of the front window? 23. What is the area of the rear window? 24. What is the area of the base of the house? Challenge Plus: Can you create your own length, perimeter and area questions (and also work out the answers)? or‌ Can you work out the volume of the whole house?

Success Criteria: a) Measure carefully. b) Use the right unit of measurement c) Check your answers.

Plenary/Feedback: Check answers and methods. What went well? How could you improve?

Answers from example above: Must: LENGTH 1.What is the width of the door in cm? 3cm 2. What is the height of the door in cm? 5cm 3. What is the width of the window at the front of the house? 2cm 4. What is the width of the window at the back of the house? 4cm Should: PERIMETER 5. What is the perimeter of the door? 16cm 6. What is the perimeter of the front window? 8cm 7. What is the perimeter of the rear window? 14cm 8. What is the perimeter of the base of the house? 24cm Could: AREA 9. What is the area of the door? 15cm2 10. What is the area of the front window? 4cm2 11. What is the area of the rear window? 12cm2 12. What is the area of the base of the house? 32cm2 Challenge: SCALING and RATIO If the house is on a scale of 1cm: 40cm, answer the following questions: 13.What is the width of the door? 120cm 14. What is the height of the door? 200cm 15. What is the width of the window at the front of the house? 80cm 16. What is the width of the window at the back of the house? 160cm 17. What is the perimeter of the door? 640cm 18. What is the perimeter of the front window? 320cm 19. What is the perimeter of the rear window? 560cm 20. What is the perimeter of the base of the house? 960cm 21. What is the area of the door? 24000cm2 or 2.4m2 22. What is the area of the front window? 6400cm2 or 0.64m2 23. What is the area of the rear window? 19200cm2 or 1.92m2 24. What is the area of the base of the house? 51200cm2 or 5.12m2 Challenge Plus: Can you create your own length, perimeter and area questions (and also work out the answers)? or‌ Can you work out the volume of the whole house? (4cm x 8cm x 6cm = 192cm3) + 8cm x 6cm x 6cm x ½ = 144cm3) so (192cm3 + 144cm3 = 336cm3); or 12.288m3 + 9.216m3 = 21.504m3

Learning Objective: I can plot co-ordinates effectively

Context: Hansel and Gretel

Vocabulary: x axis, y axis, horizontal, vertical, origin, co-ordinates, silhouette, connect

Teaching and Learning: Discuss LO and vocabulary. Teacher demonstrates how to plot co-ordinates if necessary.

Activity: Plot the co-ordinates of the silhouette of a character from the Hansel and Gretel story. a(0,0) b(4,14) c(0,14) d(4,15) e(6,20) f(1,25) g(9,23) h(14,15) i(18,14) j(14,14) k(17,10) l(18,8) m(14,9) n(15,8) o(12,8) p(16,7) q(15,6) r(18,3) s(10,5) t(14,0) Must: Follow the Success Criteria carefully. Should: Create an eye for your character using the grid lines to help you Could: Write the co-ordinates of your eye on the squared paper. Challenge: Can you add some appropriate detail to your character and then add colour to it?

Success Criteria: a) Plot all of the 20 co-ordinates accurately. b) Join up the co-ordinates in alphabetical order c) Check your co-ordinates with a learning partner.

Plenary/Feedback: Look at each others’ drawings and check against Success Criteria.

Learning Objective: I can plot co-ordinates effectively in 4 quadrants.

Context: Hansel and Gretel

Vocabulary: x axis, y axis, horizontal, vertical, origin, co-ordinates, silhouette, connect, quadrant, negative

Teaching and Learning: Discuss LO and vocabulary. Teacher demonstrates how to plot co-ordinates in different quadrants if necessary.

Activity: Plot the co-ordinates of the silhouette of a character from the Hansel and Gretel story. Then, join up the points in alphabetical order and in quadrant order. Must: 1st quadrant a(9,0) b(9,1) c(7,3) d(4,3) e(9,6) f(9,9) g(8,7) h(7,9) i(6,7) j(3,9) k(4,7) l(1,8) m(4,5) n(2,5) o(3,4) p(1,2) q(1,5) r(0,6) Should: 2nd quadrant a(0,6) b(-3,9) c(-9,9) d(-5,8) e(-9,7) f(-5,7) g(-9,6) h(-6,5) i(-8,4) j(-5,4) k(-7,3) l(-4,3) m(-6,2) n(-3,2) o(-5,1) p(-1,0) Could: 3rd quadrant a(-1,0) b(-2,-1) c(-9,0) d(-5,-2) e(-9,-2) f(-5,-3) g(-9,-4) h(-6,-4) i(-9,-7) j(-5,-5) k(-3,-5) l(-3,-7) m(-5,-6) n(-4,-7) o(-5,-7) p(-4,-8) q(-5,-9) r(-3,-8) s(-1,-5) t(0,-7) u(-1,-6) v(-1,-7) w(-2,-7) x(-1,-8) y(-2,-9) z(0,-8) Challenge: 4th quadrant a(0,-8) b(1,-4) c(4,-1) d(5,-1) e(6,-2) f(6,-5) g(7,-2) h(7,-5) i(9,-1) j(9,0)

Success Criteria: a) Start at the origin. b) Firstly, go along the x-axis first. Then, work up or down the y-axis. c) Check that you are in the correct quadrant!

Plenary/Feedback: Check that each point is plotted accurately. Can you add detail and colour to the bird?

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