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Scientific publications

481 Scientific publications since 2019

A page of the French Open Science website is dedicated to our Institute:


It allows users to browse and access all publications since the beginning of the Institute. First, regarding publications, the dedicated page of the French open science website HAL (hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/3IACOTEDAZUR/), which lists all the publications of the Institute from Progression in the number of publications by researchers who currently hold a 3IA Côte d'Azur Chair, its start, shows the number of publications by chairholders in- for the period 2014-2021 300 hhh the top-tiered conferences (Neurips, ICML, AISTATS, IJCAI, 250 ECAI, AAAI, CVPR, ICCV, and MICCAI) and in artificial intelligence 200 journals (Nature journals, Machine Learning, AI in Medicine, 150 NeuroImage, IEEE PAMI, Annals of Applied Statistics, etc.). 100 To date, the activity of the Institute’s researchers has produced 50 484 scientific publications since 2019. These include a large 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 number of interdisciplinary publications, some co-authored Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 with companies (Criteo AI Lab, Frog Labs AI San Francisco, Amadeus, SAS Institute Inc., Toyota Motor Europe (Belgium), and Dassault Systèmes). The number of publications in AI by researchers who currently hold a chair has significantly increased since the Institute was recognized in 2019, compared to the previous five years. The Institute community generated 20% more publications per year compared to the 2014-2019 period. Second, it is important to note that the Institute improved interdisciplinarity, in particular between health applications of AI and smart territories. The FedBioMed project and the several projects on the fight against Covid-19 are representative of 0 this integration. Finally, the Institute has already had a great impact on research collaborations with private companies. Interestingly, the Axis 1 “Core elements of AI” and Axis 4 “Smart territories” generate, often jointly, a large part (84%) of all research contracts.

Figure 1

200 + 20% per year 150 compared to 100 the 2014-2019 period 50

Journals Conferences Books Others Figure 1 : Share of the publications of 3IA Côte d’Azur researchers by types and years Figure 2

Figure 1 highlights the positive trend established by the Institute since its creation, with an increasing number of publications by the chairholders and their teams under the 4 research axes of the Institute. Figure 2 shows the number of publications the Institute has accumulated since its creation.

Publications in top-tier conferences and journals in AI

Results from the chairholders and their teams have been published in top-tier conferences and journals in artificial intelligence, including IJCAI (3), ECAI (2), AAAI (1), CVPR (4), ICCV (3), MICCAI (7), ISWC (1), AAMAS (2), COLING (1), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (1), NeuroImage (6), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (4), Medical Image Analysis (8), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (1), and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1), as well as machine learning, for example, ICML (4), AISTATS (2), NeurIPS (7), and Annals of Applied Statistics (1). Three articles were published in Nature journals : a survey on AI in cardiovascular imaging in Nature Reviews Cardiology involving the 3 Chairs of Sermesant, Delingette, and Ayache, one publication in Nature Medicine, and one in Nature Communications. Also, Ayache published a special issue and editorial in the Proc. of the IEEE. He was the French coordinator for the Science Academies of the Group of Seven (G7) Nations who wrote a statement in 2021 on "Data for international health emergencies: governance, operations and skills".

The chairholders also co-authored 4 books, namely:

• C. Bouveyron, G. Celeux, B. Murphy, and A. Raftery, Model-based Clustering and Classification for

Data Science, with Applications in R, in Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Cambridge

University Press, 2019. • D. Allemang, J. Hendler, and F. Gandon. Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist. ACM, 2020. • A. Betti and M. Gori, Deep Learning to See: Towards New Foundations of Computer Vision, Springer, 2021. • X. Pennec, S. Sommer, and T. Fletcher. Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis.

Elsevier, 2020.

Awards and recognition

The chairholders of the Institute and their teams have received several national and international awards, and recognition certifying the excellence of their research achievements. In particular, we highlight the following: M. Filippone (AXA Chair of Computational Statistics 2016-2023), N. Ayache (International Steven Hoogendijk Award 2020), D. Wales (Humboldt research prize of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation in 2020), F. Delarue (AMS Doob prize in 2020 and SMF/SMAI Maurice Audin prize in 2020), P. Reynaud-Bouret (CNRS Silver Medal in mathematics in 2021 and Pierre Faure prize of the French Academy of Sciences in 2020), R. Deriche (EURASIP Fellow 2019), S. Ourselin (Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering FREng, Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine FIPEM), D. Gesbert (Research grand prize of IMT–French Academy of Sciences [MinesTélécom] 2021), and S. Villata (Junior Researcher Award Inria of the French Academy of Sciences 2021).

Invited talks

The high-quality research addressed by the chairholders and their teams also resulted in several invitations to give invited talks and lectures at prominent national and international venues. Among others, we may highlight the invited talks of N. Ayache (Global Forum on AI for Humanity 2019, French German AI Symposium 2020, Int. PRAIRIE workshop 2021), C. Bouveyron (ECDA 2020, FGML 2021, IFCS 2022), F. Delarue (International Congress of Mathematicians 2022), X. Pennec (Computational Geometry Week 2020, Recent Advances in Statistical Analysis of Imaging Data of the American Statistical Association 2020), S. Villata (INTAP 2020, ENDORSE 2021), D.Wales (Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 2021), L. Blanc-Féraud (IEEE CAMA 2021), and F. Bremond (IPAS 2020).

Organization of international scientific events

Several international scientific events have been organized by the chairholders. Among others, an AMS Short Course in Denver on “Mean Field Games: From Agent Based Models to Nash Equilibria” in 2020 (F. Delarue), two international workshops at NeurIPS 2019 and NeurIPS 2021 on “Optimal Transport for Machine Learning” (R. Flamary), the NeurIPS Workshop on “Beyond BackPropagation: Novel Ideas for Training Neural Architectures” (M. Gori), the special session on “Security and Fairness in Collaborative Healthcare Data Analysis” at ISBI 2021 (M. Lorenzi), the Workshop on Disease Progression Modelling at MICCAI 2021 (M. Lorenzi), the international conference JURIX 2020 (S. Villata, Program Chair), the "Sister Conference Best Papers" track of IJCAI 2020 and IJCAI 2021 (S. Villata), 7th Workshop on Argument Mining at EMNLP 2020 (E. Cabrio, S. Villata), the Workshops Track of ACL 2022 (E. Cabrio), the IEEE ISBI conference 2021 (L. BlancFéraud), 6G Wireless foundations forum 2021 (D. Gesbert, General Chair), IPAM (UCLA) long program “Mathematical challenges and opportunities for Autonomous vehicles” (P. Goatin), and the Eurographics conference 2019 (P. Alliez, Program Chair).

Coordination and participation in international research projects

The activity of the chairholders at the international level is highlighted by their involvement in international research projects both as coordinators and as participants. Among others, M. Filippone (partner of the EU international training network in Machine Learning for Communication Systems), C. Bouveyron, R. Flamary, and M. Gori (members of the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems [ELLIS] society), S. Villata, and E. Cabrio (principal investigators of the EU CHIST-ERA ANTIDOTE project “Argumentation-driven explainable artificial intelligence for digital medicine”, 2021-2024), P. Barbry (partner of the H2020 DiscovAIR project on “Discovering the cellular landscape of the airways and the lung” on SARS-CoV-2 virus), D. Rouquié (partner of the European Research & Innovation project (H2020) EU RiskHunter), M. Onen (principal investigator of the Papaya European project “Platform for privacy preserving data analytics”), C. Bouveyron, E. Cabrio, F. Gandon, and S. Villata (3IA members in the EU Project AI4MEDIA, a Center of Excellence delivering next generation AI Research and Training at the service of Media, Society, and Democracy), and M. Sermesant (principal investigator of the EU H2020 Project SimCardioTest). Two Advanced ERC grants are currently ongoing in the Institute, held by the chairholders X. Pennec and R. Deriche.

Local integration projects

Two actions have been selected here to show the potential of conjugating fundamental and experimental research across research Axis 1 and Axes 2, 3 and 4, respectively. • The first project is FedBioMed led by M. Lorenzi (Axis 1) on the use of Federated Learning in a network of cancer hospitals in France (members of the UNICANCER consortium) and abroad (UK). This project also involves the chairholders O. Humbert (Axis 2), S. Ourselin (Axis 2,UK), and M. Onen (Axis 4). • The second project consists in the collection of the contributions of 3IA chairholders during the

COVID-19 pandemic to help advance research on SARS-CoV-2 and related issues. These contributions resulted in the extraction of information from clinical text data and its enrichment through medical ontology concepts (F. Gandon, S. Villata, A. Tettamanzi, and E. Cabrio), ethical challenges in moderating disinformation during the pandemic (S. Villata for the National Committee for Digital Ethics), the quantification of the concentration of the virus and determining the presence of the different variants in collaboration with Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis and Veolia (P. Barbry), the use of a statistical network clustering method (Linkage) to summarize Covid-19 scientific publications (C. Bouveyron), and a novel visualization tool boosting the analysis of protein interfaces to study commonalities between the spikes of SARS-Cov-1 and SARS-Cov-2 (F. Cazals).

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