Khilafah Magazine January 2001

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??? Shawwal 1421 - January 2001 ???




Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu

This address was presented by Shihadah Arar in front of the State Security Court in Zarqa, Jordan, on the 7th of February, 1968.

At about this time of the year there are many TV and radio programmes reviewing the major events of the past year. What has been the situation of the Islamic Ummah in these past months?


Respected judge, the case for which I am being tried in front of you, is of political consequence. It is not a criminal case. Rather, it involves the destiny of this coun try. It is not a case of political criticism or of simply exposing an ordinary plan. In addi tion to my natural right of defending myself, it becomes mandatory upon me to explain to the court the reality of this vital case and its catastrophic consequences, as well as the awaiting catastrophes and calamities, in addition to the present and future situation which includes a complete destruction of the country and its people.


"This month provides a propitious moment therefore for us to remind ourselves of 'the spiritual bonds which unite us', to use the words of Pope Paul II."

"The Year 2001 has been proclaimed by the United Nations as 'the International Year of Dialogue between Civilizations'. This gives an opportunity to reflect on the bases of dialogue, on its consequences and on the fruit which humanity may harvest from it." Cardinal Francis Arinze




News from around the world


Muslims of Pakistan demand Khilfah


Babri Masjid and the BJP


US aid to Egypt - The Posion Chalaice


The Liar called Peacemaker


GOC summit in Bahrain


The Lying King


The Rewards of Statesmanship



The Seerah is a record of all the events that occurred during the time of the Messenger of Allah (saw), in chronological order. It would be incorrect and dangerous for a Muslim to look to the Seerah thinking that it is useful for advice and good manners only, or that it is a set of events isolated from their context, teaching us of the truthfulness of the Messenger (saw), his patience, his endurance, his steadfastness…him (saw) and his companions (ra), without linking this to the circumstance that the Messenger (saw) went through, or without placing these events in the context of the Shar'i work required.

Press Release Riba is not the Only Issue


Arafat and his cronies imprison Imam for 29 days after Khutbah

Oh People: It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Majah from Abdullah bin Mas'ood (ra), of the Messenger of Allah (saw), he said: "Truly, the one who is miserable is the one who was miserable in his mothers belly, and the happy one is the one took the advice of others." And you, Oh Muslims: Ask your Lord (swt) for forgiveness and turn to Him (swt) in repentance, for the one who repents is as if he had never committed a sin.


The Seerah of Muhammad (saw) is obligatory to follow

The Address of Shihadah Arar

Pakistan Khilafah - The Need of the Time O People of Power and Authority! Does your blood not boil when witnessing the oppression of the Ummah in Kashmir and Palestine? When from your mountain bunkers you witness with your own eyes the cold-blooded massacre, rape and destruction of whole villages. When the limbs of young children are blasted apart by the shelling of the mushrikeen. Do tears of blood not flow from your eyes when observing the humiliation of this Ummah?

Women and the Foreign Policy of the Islamic State


It is a duty on both men and women to ensure that they are living by Islam. Thus Muslim women have played an active role in the foreign policy of the Islamic state.


The announcement that riba will be abolished by the 1st of July only in domestic transactions not only makes a mockery of Islam but it also confus es people into thinking that the most important issue in our economic life is riba. This undermines the whole notion of what an Islamic economic system represents.


Eclipsing Kufr

On Tuesday 9th January, Allah (swt) who has ordered the universe in a clock work fashion had allowed the moon to eclipse. The site was an astounding one, and only those who have been blinded by kufr would not marvel at the creation of Allah (swt). These are the ayat of Allah (swt) that Allah (swt) sends to remind Mankind of his magnificence.

Book Review


Book Review: How to Re-establish the Khilafah The Method of Muhammad (saw) In a concise and yet detailed manner the book shows the invalidity of these incorrect methods, whilst qualifying this by providing the correct manner by which to extract the solution from the Islamic texts. This is why the often-misunderstood tool of Ijtihad is clarified.


Events Diary


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


{Editorial Khilafah Magazine, Suite 298, 56 Gloucester Road, London SW7 4UB, email

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu

partners in three things: water, pastures and fire".

At about this time of the year there are many TV and radio programmes reviewing the major events of the past year. What has been the situation of the Islamic Ummah in these past months?

We also heard the sincere call for the implementation of Shariah in many areas of Nigeria. In response to this, many secular minded Muslim politicians now seek to exploit this call in order to retain their seats in the secular legislatures.

January 2000 started with Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk Al-Shara negotiating with Ehud Barak in Shepherdstown, USA. The coming months were to witness other treacherous American inspired meetings including the second Camp David negotiations between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat. In Turkey, the secular government continued to show its hatred for Islam by enforcing the ban on the Hijab or Jilbab (the Muslim woman's dress) on university students, public sector workers, and driving license centres. Many Muslims took part in demonstrations against these laws. In March, Bill Clinton preached the excellence of the American way of life to the peoples of South East Asia during his visit to Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, he talked about the wonders of democracy (as opposed to ruling by the Shariah of Allah (swt)). He said "Clearly the absence of democracy makes it harder, not easier, for people to move ahead". He then asked us to abandon Jihad to liberate Kashmir. Clinton said, "There is no military solution to Kashmir", and the Muslim rulers duly applauded. He also talked about how he is a friend of the Muslims. Was this not the same man who ordered the bombing of Muslims in Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq? On his way home from South East Asia, Clinton had time to meet Syrian President Hafez Al-Assad. In early June, Hafez Al-Assad died. His son Bashar Al-Assad succeeded him and continued the rule by the laws of Kufr. It seems that the only people rejoicing were the Americans who had succeeded in replacing one agent with another. In Uzbekistan, the regime of Islam Karimov continued to wage a losing war against the Muslims. Thousands of Muslims calling for the re-establishment of the Khilafah state continued to be imprisoned, tortured and killed, yet they and their supporters continued to grow in numbers. Later in the year, Western countries started lobbying for a reduction in what they considered to be the high price of oil, though a barrel of oil costs less than a barrel of Coca-Cola. In response, at an OPEC meeting in Venezuela, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah said, "The kingdom is willing and ready to offer the amount necessary to stabilise the world oil market". He was disregarding the Shariah rule that makes it clear that oil is one of the minerals from the resources of the Islamic Ummah, and must be for her benefit not that of the Americans and others according to what was narrated by Kharash that the Prophet (saw) said, "Muslims are

The suffering of the Muslims of Iraq, Indonesia, the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan continued with many at the brink of starvation. Whilst the Ummah as a whole possesses the ability to solve these problems if united under one state, the nationalistic rulers continued to ensure that they remain unsolved. September saw the start of the blessed Intifada (uprising) in Palestine demonstrating that the Islamic Ummah will never submit to her enemies. A few days after the Intifada began, as a mockery, the regimes of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan sent football teams to take part in the 2000 Asian Cup football tournament held in Lebanon - not far from the scene of the ongoing massacres in Palestine. On the other hand, the Islamic Ummah erupted all over the world calling for Jihad and challenging the rulers to act. Under the guidance of America the rulers convened several conferences at Sharm el-Sheikh, Cairo and Doha. They uttered empty slogans and made it known that they will once again betray the Muslims by not sending their armies to liberate Palestine and Masjid Al-Aqsa. Till now, hundreds have been killed and thousands injured. What can be concluded from looking at the events of these past months? These events have distinguished the Islamic peoples from their rulers. The peoples are thirsty for honour and dignity and yearn for Jihad and rush towards sacrificing their life and blood in this path. They have also shown that Muslims long to live according to the Shariah in the Khilafah state. The rulers on the other hand have been exposed and their reality has appeared to those who were ignorant of them. They have appeared as agents to their masters, the Kuffar, especially America. It has become clear that they do not represent their peoples but rather that they deceive them and conspire against them. What is now needed is that we all intensify our efforts in working to re-establish the Khilafah which will release the armies for Jihad, unite this noble Ummah and rule us according to the Shariah of our Rabb (swt). Taji Mustafa

Khilafah magazine

Published by Al-Khilafah Publications Editorial Team Jalaluddin Patel Dr Imran Waheed Badrul Rashid Taji Mustapha Sisters Editorial Team Sameena Asghar Dr Nazreen Nawaz Zara Rahman Dr Shagufta Malik News Team Rashad Ali Ahmad Jassat Akmal Asghar Walid Gabbara Ammar Zalloom Production Team Badrul Rashid Mokbul Hussain Publishing Team Farhad Khodabaksh Faisal Raja Nurul Amin Internet Production Team Abu Yahya

Translation of the Qur’an It should be perfectly clear that the Qur’an is only authentic in its original language, Arabic. Since perfect translation of the Qur’an is impossible, the term ‘Translation of the Meaning of the Qur’an (TMQ) has been used, as the result is only a crude meaning of the Arabic text.

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January 2001 Khilafah



Quotation The Vatican has called upon Muslims to contribute in making the United Nations "International Year of Dialogue between Civilizations" (2001) a success. In an Eid message, Cardinal Francis Arinze, President of the Pontifical Council for inter-religious dialogue, said the year had given the world community an opportunity to promote love and understanding between adherents of different religions. "This month provides a propitious moment therefore for us to remind ourselves of 'the spiritual bonds which unite us', to use the words of Pope Paul II."

morals and beliefs but where none can question the beliefs of Western civilisation. A glance at the Western civilisation that casts its long dark shadows over the world reveals that it cannot guarantee tranquillity for man. On the contrary, Western civilisation is the cause of man's deep-rooted misery and the United Nations continues to spearhead its propagation. It adopts as its basis the separation of religion from life's affairs, thus giving no weight to the spiritual aspect in the social order, and it depicts life only as the fulfilment of desires and makes the attainment of benefit as the foundation for a relationship between men. This inevitably will produce nothing but perpetual misery and anxiety. Colonialism is natural for the adherents of this ideology. The final aim of all of this dialogue is that the Muslims relinquish their call for Khilafah, a state based on the revelation of Allah (swt) and become like the Christians who have accepted the sovereignty of man above the sovereignty of Allah (swt).


in it to be lawful and what is unlawful in it to be unlawful, Allah will bring him into Paradise and make him the intercessor for ten of his family all of whom have deserved Hell." [Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Darimi] Imam Ahmed recorded from Tanim ad-Dari that he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah saying "This matter (Islam) will keep spreading as far as the night and day reach, until Allah will not leave a house made of mud or fur, but will make this Deen enter it, whilst bringing might to a mighty person (a Muslim) and humiliation to a disgraced person (the one who rejects Islam). Might with which Allah (swt) elevates Islam (and its people) and disgrace with which Allah (swt) humiliates disbelief (and its people)." Thawbaan reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Allah made the eastern and western parts of the earth draw near for me (to see), and the rule of my Ummah will extend as far as I saw." [Muslim, Abu Dawood]

Ahmad Jassat

"The Year 2001 has been proclaimed by the United Nations as 'the International Year of Dialogue between Civilizations'. This gives an opportunity to reflect on the bases of dialogue, on its consequences and on the fruit which humanity may harvest from it." Comment Oh Cardinal! We address you frankly and truthfully, whilst others are hypocritically courteous to you. We begin with the Almighty's (swt) statement: "Say (O Muhammad): 'O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah.' Then, if they turn away, say: 'Bear witness that we are Muslims.'" [TMQ Ale-Imran: 64] The United Nations has nothing to offer those who believe in Allah (swt). Rather every nation that is part of the United Nations is established on the blasphemous ideal that religion should be separated from the state, and that is called secularism. The inter-faith dialogue they call to is nothing but a ploy to dampen the believer's sense of responsibility towards their Lord, The Creator (al-Khaliq) and The Commander (alAmr), The Legislator (Ash-Shari') and the Sovereign (al-Malik). The United Nations seeks to repeat what the Roman emperors have done to the Deen that was conveyed by Isa (as); that is to make the Muslims say "Unto God what is Gods and unto Caesar what is Caesars". The dialogue between civilisations that they call to is not aimed at seeking the truth. Rather it is aimed at turning all religions into some kind of game of comparison; where people compare each others rituals,

Reference "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained - Allah having forgiven their sins when they return back [from India], they will find Ibn Maryam in Syria." [Na'im b. Hammad in al-Fitan reports from Abu Hurairah] It is narrated by Ali (ra) who was the Khaleefah of the time that he once stood to deliver a speech when one of the Arab influentials, al 'Asha'th ibnu Qays, objected at the existence of many non-Arab Muslims surrounding him (Ali). So Ali replied that these non-Arab Muslims are more active for this deen than the Arabs and then he narrated a Hadith that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) which emphasised that "they" will force this deen on you in the same way that you exerted the truth on them. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadhan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal will be rewarded as if he had fasted the entire year." [This is related by "the group" except for al-Bukhari and an-Nisaa'i] Zayd bin Thaabit (ra) and Ibn Mas'ood reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Three things purify the heart of a Muslim: the sincerity in working for the sake of Allah, taking up the task of advising the rulers, and not departing from the group of Muslims." Ali ibn Abu Talib (ra) narrated Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "If anyone recites the Qur'an, learns it by heart, declares what is lawful

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Give glad-tidings to this Ummah of honour, establishment upon the earth, help and victory, and pre-eminence of the deen. Whosoever does an action of the Hereafter for a worldly motive, will have no portion of the Hereafter." [Al-Hakim and Ahmad] The Second Khaleefah of the Muslims and the devoted companion of Allah's messenger, Umar bin AlKhattab said, "We are People whom Allah made proud and respectable because of Islam; if we ever take pride in anything other than Islam Allah will humiliate us with that same thing." The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "There will remain a group of my Ummah adhering to the truth, and those who forsake them or oppose them will not harm them until the day of Resurrection." [Bukhari and Muslim] Thawban reported that the messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Two groups of my ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire: a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with 'Isa ibnu Maryam." [Ahmad and An-Nisa'i] Muhammad (saw) said: 'I feel a cool breeze (refreshment) from Al-Hindh (muslims of India)'. [Abu Dawud] In relation to the hadith on the kings being chained and Isa (as) Abu Hurayra said to this: 'The Messenger (saw) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that I will spend my soul and my wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs, and if I return then I am Abu Hurayra the freed' [Ahmad, An-Nisa'i, Al-Hakim]


January 2001 Khilafah








from around the world Muslims of Pakistan demand Khilafat

one of the Muslims'." [TMQ Fussilat: 33]

Hurairah the freed." [Reported by Ahmad, an-Nisaa'i, and al-Hakim]

After over fifty years since the creation of Pakistan, supposedly as a land of security and tranquillity for the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent in the name of Islam, it appears that the Muslims of Pakistan are increasing day by day in their enthusiasm and desire for the return of the Islamic Khilafah to the region.

Dr Imran Waheed

This Hadith is "an expression of Muslim sentiment".

Babri Masjid & the BJP

Jalaluddin Patel

Spurred on by the efforts of their brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Egypt and indeed throughout the Muslim World, they have begun to raise the call for the return of the Khilafah. The Pakistani newspaper "Dawn" recently quoted Hizb ut-Tahrir's spokesman in Pakistan as saying "No Islamic state in the world practised truly Islamic system of governance‌ re-establishment of

Khilafat-i-Raashida was the only way under which a true Islamic state could exist". It went on to explain that the movement for the return of the Khilafah "‌is said to have emerged from nowhere in major cities of the country in a couple of weeks and its presence was felt in the city after it put up huge billboards and banners in different places". One of the banners reads "Khilafah - The Need of the Time" (see magazine cover) and undoubtedly this is an expression of not only the sentiments of those in Pakistan but rather of the entire Muslim Ummah who has made her sole demand the re-establishment of the Khilafah and the implementation of the Shariah on the earth. "And who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah, and does righteous deeds and says 'I am

Eight years after fanatical Hindus tore down the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, leading to thousands of Muslims dying as a result of mob violence, the P r i m e Minister of the worlds 'largest democracy', India, Atal Behari Vajpayee, commented that the raising of the Masjid was "an expression of national sentiment". Such a sentiment is not surprising from an uncivilised and unruly people; the Hindus of India have never been able to provide stability to the country after Muslim Rule. What is not so clear is why did he bring out this feeling at this stage. It seems these comments were designed to pacify the right wing Hindus, preparing them for some form of negotiations over Kashmir. This may come to light in the next few months, but what is clear is the following Hadith that the Hindu government should be reminded of: Na'im b. Hammad in al-Fitan reports that Abu Hurairah - may Allah be pleased with him - said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) mentioned India and said, "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained Allah having forgiven their sins when they return back [from India], they will find Ibn Maryam in Syria." While Abu Hurairah said, "The Messenger of Allah (saw) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that I will spend my soul and wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs. And if I return then I am Abu

US Aid to Egypt - the Poison Chalice "And never will Allah tolerate that the kafireen have any authority over the believers" [TMQ An-Nisa: 141] The Washington Post in an article praising US aid to Egypt has highlighted the effect this aid has had on the development of the Egyptian economy. Egypt is the second largest recipient of US aid money behind only Israel. Over the last 25 years, the $52 billion program - so far - has been used to rebuild mosques, construct new schools, promote family planning and transfer high-tech weapons at a rate of $2 billion a year. It appears as though the aid is making changes that improve Egyptians' lives. Per capita income has risen from about $1,000 a year to $1,300 and gross domestic product has reached $90 billion after several years of 5 percent growth. Many see a creeping turn to capitalism evidenced by the content of TV programmes which no longer carry the empty rhetoric of past politicians like Nasser, but are now dominated by commercials, including glitzy attempts to market its cultural treasures to international tourists. That population growth has fallen to below 2 per cent per annum is also seen as a success. However, even the official line is showing serious cracks. Economists still feel that economic investment is some $2 billion short of what is needed to create sufficient new jobs and to markedly raise living standards for the massive numbers of poor. Anywhere from a third to a half of the population cannot read or write. Even the weapons provided as part of the aid package are inferior to those given to Israel.

Still, all of this pales into insignificance when we examine the real fruits of these deals for the West. As Nixon quite rightly emphasised, there is never aid without strings attached. What the US gains from: 1. Forced privatisation (buying the assets of the land cheaply) 2. Population control (keeping the land under-populated, weak and non-threatening) 3. Its free trade agenda (opening up new markets for US producers) and most importantly, 4. Political control, whether Nasser, Sadat or Mubarak (seen to appalling effect in the Egyptian compliance with the invading US forces in the Gulf war, or in Mubarak's pathetic attempts to broker the US sponsored Middle East peace process) all far outweigh the US's $2 billion annual investment. As Mohammed Ali a Cairo shopkeeper aptly sums up, "It's like giving me a penny and then at the same time stabbing me in the back". Jamal Harwood

The Liar called Peacemaker The recent peace negotiations held on the burning issue of Palestine have further emphasised something that Mr Clinton failed to see. Approaching his last days in office he reportedly told Arafat, "If you don't take this golden opportunity you will have no mention in history, and coming generations of Palestinians will curse you." What Clinton fails to realise is that the entire Muslim Ummah, Palestinian and non-Palestinian alike realised his treacherous nature long ago. We curse him every day in our prayers as we curse all those who disregard the laws of Allah (swt) and who work to fulfil the interests of the Kuffar. The example of Arafat known as Abu Ammar is similar to Abu Azza Shayr, one of the poets in Makkah. Abu Azza wrote satire criticising the Muslims as Arafat criticises those who work to liberate the




Mag azine January 2001

? whole of Palestine today. After the battle of Badr, the Muslims took prisoners of war. Those with wealth ransomed themselves to be freed. The prisoners who were poor, but were literate, were asked to teach ten Muslim children of Madinah how to read and write. Abu Azza was an educated person, but he pleaded to Muhammad (saw) to set him free claiming that he was a very poor man with many children. Muhammad (saw) asked Abu Azza to promise that he would cease to write satire and would not fight Muslims in the future. Abu Azza agreed to these terms. The following year, when the battle of Uhud occurred, he was captured as a prisoner of war again. This time around, Abu Azza made the same excuse of being poor with children and started to beg the Prophet (saw) to release him again. The Prophet (saw) replied, "I will not let you go to your tribe and boast amongst them that you fooled Muhammad (saw) twice." He (saw) continued, "A believer never gets bitten from the same hole twice." Muhammad (saw) sentenced Abu Azza to be killed. We have come to realise the lies of Arafat - all that is left for the future Khalif to decide is a fitting punishment.


The six nation Gulf Corporation Council had its 21st summit this month in Bahrain. The two-day meeting ended with a call for member states to defend one another if threatened from outside the region and for the establishment of a rapid deployment force. The Gulf leaders have been discussing the establishment of a system giving early warning against possible missile attacks from either Iraq or Iran who are deemed to be 'foreigners'. There are also plans for a communication network linking their militaries and for the expansion of an existing joint military force set up in 1986. The force, called 'Peninsula Shield', based in Hafar al-Baten in Saudi Arabia, currently has about 5,000



from around the world

soldiers, but that could now be boosted to 25,000. One cannot but help wonder whether these moves are motivated by the Sunnah of Rasulallah (saw) or by the blind following of the example of the Europeans who recently made moves for a rapid reaction force. Quite clearly these rulers are not upon the path of Rasulallah (saw) who said, "the

Imam is a shield from behind which you fight and defend yourselves" [Muslim]. It cannot be expected that by signing a defence pact, the GCC members will find themselves in a position to get the Western forces based in the region to withdraw. Although the US and British military presence in the region does not enjoy popular approval from the Muslims, the governments of these puppet Gulf states continue to accept tens of thousands of Kuffar soldiers within Muslim land.

Abdul-Hamid Jassat

GCC summit in Bahrain


"Make ready for them all you can of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby you may strike fear in the hearts of the enemy of Allah and your enemy‌" [TMQ Al-Anfal: 60] Samina Asghar

The Lying King The late King Hussein of Jordan, father of the present King Abdullah of Jordan, called for an Israeli air strike on Syrian troops supporting a 1970 Palestinian uprising against his rule, according to documents declassified recently.

The revelations in these documents are hardly surprising, knowing full well the extent of the Jordanian royal family's history of treachery and collusion with the Kuffar. Indeed the ruling family of Jordan and the Zionist movement could be considered to be identical twins, since the British fostered them both at the beginning of the last century. If the lying kings of Jordan feels that the nation's memory is short then they are clearly mistaken, for the nations never forget their faithful sons who uphold their principles and make light of the sacrifices no matter how major they may be for the sake of those principles. The Muslim Ummah's history is full of dignified and brave sons who have stood before the oppressors throughout all the ages. Where do all the faithful sons of this Ummah wherever they may be stand today? Would they stand with the traitors, the shame and the disgrace, or with the Ummah, her Aqeeda and her high values? Would their legacy to the future generation be disgrace in this life and in the hereafter, or would it be a sweet memory that shall last till the end of the world? Lying is indeed a despicable act, it is against the high Islamic values, and lying becomes more despicable and ugly if it came from those who attribute themselves to the Hashemites, while the father of the Hashemites, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Three types of people Allah will not address, praise or look at on the Day of Judgement, and they will have a severe punishment: An old man who commits adultery, a lying king and an arrogant and tyrant ruler." [Muslim]

is estimated that he will be paid $7.29 million (ÂŁ4.8 million) over the remainder of his lifetime. As American President he earned $200,000 a year but the global profiteering racket which passes itself as the US Congress voted last year to double the presidential salary, so George W. Bush will receive $400,000 a year. If Bush, who is already a multimillionaire, leaves office in four years he will get a pension of $6.6 million over his projected lifetime. In spite of their outstanding legal bills, which paid for their evasion of the various crimes and sexual misde meanours by which they reached the White House, the Clintons are sure to be living in the lap of luxury after leaving office. This is the harvest awaiting a statesman that led America to its position of unrivalled Colonial Empire, who led humanity away from the light of Allah (swt) and into the darkness of kufr. Compare this to the legacy that Islam brought to humanity. Many shining examples of true statesmanship illuminate this noble Ummah's history. Salman al Farsi (ra), who was the governor of Persia, had no house but used to sleep beneath the shade of a tree. Abu Bakr (ra) accounted his wife for spending some spare money that he received as compensation from the state on the luxury of sweets. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz used to be so careful of not misusing the position of his office that he would keep his own candles in his home for after he had finished the work of the state. These were true statesmen who were concerned with nothing but the affairs of their people and the good pleasure of their Rabb.

Walid Gabara

The Rewards of Statesmanship Clinton, the man of scandals, left office last month - but will he be joining the millions of OAP's who live barely above the poverty line on a basic state pension? In fact he will become the wealthiest state pensioner in American history. According to a tax policy group, it

It is high time this noble Ummah, who possesses the sublime values and the most superior of systems relegated this diseased ideology of capitalism to the annals of history. And no more will humanity have to witness the pocket lining statesmanship of Clinton and his underlings. Badrul Rashid


January 2001 Khil afah Magazine


The Seerah of the Messenger (saw) is obligatory to follow There are many voices surrounding the Seerah (life) of the Messenger (saw)…some say that the Seerah is not to be taken as a source for legislation, rather it should be taken as suggestions and refinement of manners. They say that the scholars, who recorded the evidences regarding the life of the Prophet (saw) and his battles, as they recorded the Seerah, did not pay much attention to investigating the narrations or the validity of the chains. Others went so far in their wordings that they deviated from Islam and nearly left its boundaries, saying that the Seerah of the Messenger (saw) is like any other story of a great man, it is specific to him and is not meant to be followed by others. And others and others…those who were driven by ignorance and good intentions, and those with bad intentions enveloping them. So, is it true that the Seerah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) is anything like they say and believe, or fabricate? The Seerah of our leader Muhammad (saw) is the Seerah of a Messenger (saw), whom Allah (swt) has made an example for the people to follow in his actions, words and silence. His Seerah is not merely that of a personality alone, or of some great charac teristics, like the stories of famous men between their people, for people to learn from their example in a general way. Rather it is a Seerah of a Messenger (saw), which must be taken as an example down to the smallest details. This is why they paid very close attention to passing on all that was known of him (saw), and were very careful in recording it, where they considered that the loss of any of it was the loss of a part of the Wahi (revelation), and that this cannot be allowed. Their care was so much so, that one would travel to very distant places, just for one Hadith, and would not record the Hadith until they would make sure of the quality of the narrator and the accuracy of the transmission.

The Seerah is a record of all the events that occurred during the time of the Messenger of Allah (saw), in chronological order. It would be incorrect and dangerous for a Muslim to look to the Seerah thinking that it is useful for advice and good manners only, or that it is a set of events isolated from their context, teaching us of the truthfulness of the Messenger (saw), his patience, his endurance, his steadfastness…him (saw) and his companions (ra), without linking this to the circumstance that the Messenger (saw) went through, or without placing these events in the context of the Shar'i work required. The Messenger (saw) lived in Makkah, in a society that took its thoughts and actions from ignorant tribalistic customs and tradi tions. He (saw) did not look to this society as a reality that must be accepted and con formed to, nor did he (saw) merely coexist with the people with what they were living upon of ignorance and darkness, nor did he (saw) accept to compromise or concede or to bargain with the leaders of his village…rather, he (saw) took a specific path in his actions and reactions to the reality of ignorance, until he reached his Shar'i goal and established the Islamic society and the Dar al-Islam (Abode of Islam). So, the Messenger (saw) undertook specific actions and struggled an intellectual struggle with the false thoughts, which were widespread in those days, and struggled politically with the ruling bodies of the time, who stood in resistance to the Da'wa, fighting it and obstructing it from reaching the people to achieve its purpose. These actions were specific and defined by the revelation, not by the opinion of the Messenger (saw), and were orders by Allah (swt). All these actions were linked to a Shar'i goal, where the actions of the Messenger (saw) were successive Shar'i actions to achieve the required Shar'i goal, which is the establishment of Dar al-Islam and the founding of the Islamic State that implements Islam and carries it to the world

through Da'wa and Jihad to make the Deen (way of life) of Islam dominant over all other ways of life. As for the actions undertaken by the Messenger (saw) while he was in Makkah calling to his Lord (swt), the Shar'i evidences indicate that they were defined by revelation, and that he (saw) did not decide them on his own accord, meaning they were orders from Allah (swt). Thus, he (saw) was ordered to perform them and was not allowed to disobey, for if he (saw) was allowed, then he would have, due to the extreme difficulty he faced in performing them. In the beginning, he (saw) called in secret those who seemed open to accept the call; he (saw) studied his followers, kindled their Iman and planted love for this Deen, the work for it and being a part of its goals deep in their souls, until Allah (swt) revealed the verse, "So go forth openly with what you have been ordered, and turn away from the polytheists" [TMQ Al-Hijr: 94]. So the Qur'an transferred him (saw), with the words "So go forth…" from the stage of culturing those with him who believed in his message and establishing them firmly on the basis of Islam, which he (saw) performed far away from a struggle with society, to the stage of calling openly to the message, and entering into the intellectual and political struggle. This struggle was linked to the orders of Allah (swt), by His (swt) saying: "…with what you have been ordered" meaning what you have been ordered by Allah (swt), so the matter was not left up to the Messenger (saw). The Messenger of Allah (saw) also sought after the support of an army from those with power and influence during this period, where he (saw) met with over 15 tribes, who all rejected him. Some rejected him very harshly, like Bani Haneefah, but despite this he continued to seek it. Thus, if this action was an idea of the Messenger (saw) and was not revelation, then he (saw) would not have continued it and would have looked for another course of action, but he continued seeking it until Allah (swt) gave him those who would support this Deen, who love Allah (swt) and submit to the truth. Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) made a statement that leaves no room for misinterpretation, that seeking the Nusrah (military support) is a Hukm Shar'i from revelation. It was produced by Ibn Katheer in the Seerah, that Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) said: "When Allah ordered His Messenger to present himself to the Arab tribes, he departed, taking Abu Bakr and



January 2001 Khilafah


myself with him, to Mina until we reached one of the meeting places of the Arabs."

[Adyan] even if the Mushrikun (polytheists) may detest it." [TMQ At-Tauba: 33]

This is how the Messenger (saw) clarified and showed the Muslims the Ahkam (Islamic laws) on how to carry the Da'wa; where and when they are to fight Kufr and the Kuffar with open defiance and with sharp, well thought out speech, and where and when they are to fight Kufr and the Kuffar with weapons and in the battlefield; all this was defined and clarified.

And the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to his uncle: "By Allah, Oh uncle, if they were to place the sun in my right hand, and the moon in my left, for me to leave this matter, I would not leave it until Allah makes it dominant, or I die without it." He (saw) carries Islam, cultures the Muslims, and carries the call openly…he seeks military support, establishes the state, leads the armies and sends envoys and caravans to the Arabs and the non-Arabs, all this made clear for all to see, bringing tranquillity and clarity to all those who realise it.

It was narrated by Al-Bukhari in his 'Sahih', from Khabab bin Al-Aratt (ra), who said: "We complained to the Messenger of Allah while he was resting in the shade of the Ka'ba, and said to him: 'Will you not ask for victory for us? Will you not pray for us?' He replied: 'There was a time before you, where a hole would be dug, and a man would be placed in it and a saw would be placed on his head and would be cut in two; he would be brushed with brushes of steel, which would tear through his meat and bone, and not even this would make him leave his Deen. By Allah, this matter will be completed so that a rider would ride from San'a to Hadhramawt not fearing anything but Allah and a wolf from his sheep, but you are a people who rush.'" In the second Bay'ah (pledge of allegiance) of Al-'Aqabah, Al-'Abbas bin 'Ubadah said, as was narrated by Ibn Hisham in the Seerah, to the Messenger of Allah (saw): "By Allah, who sent you with the truth, if you wish, we will turn on the people of Mina tomorrow with our swords": so the Messenger (saw) replied: "We have not been ordered (to do) this, so return to your (travel gear)." The Messenger of Allah (saw) was showing the Companions the details of the method of carrying the Da'wa, so they wait patiently for permission to fight, then permission is finally given, so they fight: "Permission (to fight) has been given to those who are fought against, for they have been oppressed and, verily, Allah is fully capable of granting them victory. Those who have been removed from their homes unjustly, for (no reason other than) saying Allah is our Lord." [TMQ Al-Hajj: 39-40]

This is the Seerah of the Messenger of Allah (saw), and it should all be linked to the Ayah of Qur'an "Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from it" [TMQ Al-Hashr: 7] and the Ayah, "Let those who deviate from His order fear that they may have a Fitnah befall them, or they may be seized by a painful torment" and the Ayah, "And he (Muhammed (saw)) does not speak of his own desires. It is but revelation revealed" [TMQ An-Najm: 3-4] If all this were to be realised, then the purpose behind the claims of those who say that the Seerah is not meant to be followed becomes clear; to distance the Ahkam of the method from the carrying of the Da'wa and the work to re-establish the state, to dis tance Islam from everyday life and to dis tance it from ever being used as a source of guidance for mankind. This is regarding those who claim that the Seerah is not to be used as a source of legis lation, and the same goes for those who claim that the Seerah is specific to him (saw), as their argument is rejected and their claims are invalid.

In summary, the Seerah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) is a practical recorded method of how to complete this mighty obligation, to carry Islam and the Da'wa to it, how to establish its state and how to perform Jihad for its cause.

As for those who claim that the scholars who recorded the Seerah and the battles of the Messenger (saw) did not pay close attention to the quality of the narrations or the validity of the chains, this may be so for certain parts of the Seerah, but most of it, including all those dealing with the Ahkam of the method, from culturing, to struggling, to seeking military support, then the battles, the envoys, the implementation of Islam and the carrying of the call; all this has an abundance of Ahadith, Mashhoor (well known) and Sahih (authentic) in narration and chain.

"It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the Deen of truth, to make it dominant over all other ways of life

Furthermore, if those who make these claims were truly sincere in their statements, seeking the truth in their actions,


then what is stopping them from scrutinising them and removing the weak from them and following the authentic? Their claims would then be worth a look, but to say that there are a few weak evidences and therefore the entire Seerah is not valid as a source of legislation is absurd and totally incorrect, and draws a question mark over their intentions in what they say and what they are aiming to achieve. The Seerah of the Messenger (saw) is an incredible Seerah, of an incredible Prophet (saw) and an honourable Messenger (saw), whom Allah (swt) has made his (saw) speech, actions and silence obligatory to fol low, from the moment Allah (swt) blessed him with Prophethood, until Allah (swt) took his soul at the age of 64. Therefore, his (saw) Seerah is obligatory to follow, as is, in the Mubah (permissible), the Mandub (recommended) and the Wajib (obligatory). And the efforts exhausted by the Companions (ra), the Tabi'un (those who saw the Companions (ra), but not the Prophet (saw)) and the Tabi' Tabi'un (those who saw the Tabi'un, but not the Companions (ra)) in recording the Seerah of the Messenger (saw) was a very great effort, which is unaffected in importance and unchanged in accuracy from what it may include of weak chains of narration. Rather, the Seerah remains pure, holding a very important role in the lives of the Muslims, especially the lives of the carriers of the Da'wa, where the defining and clarification of the Ahkam regarding the method of car rying the Da'wa, how to establish the state, how to perform Jihad and open lands to Islam are so necessary. As for the claims and calls to lessen the importance of the Seerah using a twisted thought from here and a cheap excuse from there, these are no more than calls enveloped with bad intentions and deviation; even if the intentions are pure, the ignorance is inexcusable and is an error that does not discharge its owner from sin and punishment. The Seerah of the Messenger (saw) must be placed in the position it deserves and was made for, the position of guidance; it is a Seerah of a Messenger (saw) who does not wish to see you go through hardship and to the believers is caring and merciful. "Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example, for him who hopes for (the meeting of) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much" [TMQ Al-Ahzab: 21] Translated from "Al-Waie Magazine"


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


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Arafat and his cronies imprison Imam for 29 days after Khutbah The following Khutbah was delivered in Hebron (Al-Khaleel) on the 1st of Ramadhan 1420 Hijri by a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, after which he was detained by the cronies of Arafat’s ‘Palestinian Authority’ for 29 days. All praise is to Allah (swt), the Lord of the worlds; we thank Him (swt) and turn to Him (swt) in need, we ask Him (swt) for guidance and it is to Him (swt) that we repent. We seek refuge in Him (swt) from the evil of ourselves and from the bad deeds we may commit; whosoever He (swt) guides will not be led astray, and whosoever He (swt) leads astray is truly one of the losers. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah (swt), with no partners in His (swt) kingdom, to Him (swt) is all creation and all matters; to Him (swt) is all praise in the beginning and in the end; the rule is for none but Him (swt), and to Him (swt) is our return. There is not one beast in the universe but will be taken by the forelock; truly, my Lord (swt) is on the straight path. And I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is His (swt) slave and Messenger, who fulfilled his mission and completed the trust given unto him, who advised the Ummah and lifted the misery from her; who fought for the sake of Allah (swt) with all he had, until Allah (swt) gave him the doubtless victory. Peace, blessings and mercy be upon him, and upon his family and companions, and those who followed their path correctly, with the finest of blessings, until the Day of Judgement. Furthermore, Oh Muslims! I remind you to fear Allah (swt) and to follow the guidance of His Messenger (saw), and warn you of the consequences of disobeying Him (swt) and transgressing His (swt) limits; you should know that Taqwa (fear of Allah) is a shield, and disobedience is a pitfall into the Hellfire, for he who fears Allah (swt) and is patient, will not have his good deeds lost by Allah (swt). One should not be taken by pride into sin if one were to say to him: Fear Allah (swt); for whosoever does so, will find nothing waiting for him but the Hellfire, and what a horrible final dwelling. May Allah (swt) protect you and myself from the Hellfire and from anything that may bring us

near it. Oh People! Imam Ahmed narrated, on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah (swt) be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Whosoever built a Mosque for the sake of Allah, even if it is like the dug out hollow in the ground used by the sand grouse as a nest for its eggs, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise." So glad tidings to those who spent of their wealth on this blessed structure, and we ask Allah (swt), the Most High, to place this action on His (swt) measure of good deeds, and that this Mosque becomes a platform for the word of truth and a centre for Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and a departure point for the work to raise the word of Allah (swt) High in His (swt) Earth. Oh People! Truly the one who is happy is the one who learned from the advice of others, the clear minded one who listens to admonition and is aware of the truth, who repents from his sin and learns from the lessons that others go through, learning before he is forced to learn, recovering his dignity, returning to his righteousness before he is turned back on his heels (into disbelief). So what do you think of someone who goes through these lessons, enduring the agony of trial and error, and suffering the pains of reality? For my life, he is more capable of understanding, and more worthy of benefiting from it. As for the one who placed his fingers in his ears, covering his head with his clothing, insisting on his disobedience and becoming proud and arrogant: he has been drowned in his ignorance, deceived by his transgression, lacking in intelligence and will be enveloped in complete misery. This is exactly what happened with the majority of the Muslim Ummah in general, and with the people of Palestine specifically, who we will use as an example that we all know well and who we have lived the miseries with, together, throughout the years. They raised the calls to nationalism above the call to Islam; they preferred the banner of Sykes-Picot to the banner of 'La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah'; they befriended a

nation whom Allah's (swt) wrath had befallen, and turned their backs on all the warm calls directed to them by the sincere people amongst the sons of their Deen and their 'Aqeeda. It was said to them: 'The land of Palestine is Islamic.' but they insisted on it being no more than Arabic land, narrowing their views, making them Palestinian views, where it all ended with only certain areas of land and a number of residential areas. It was said to them: 'Do not form nationalistic organisations' but they refused to listen and poured all the resources of these disaster stricken people into the service of these organisations, that never stopped serving themselves and disregarding their people. What have they achieved since the day they were established until this day of ours? Their first battles were against the Jordanian army instead of being united with them in the same barracks, fighting on the same side against a common enemy, in April 1970…and what do you know of April 1970… slaughter, exile and destruction, the pursuit and persecution of the vanquished army in Jarsh and 'Ajlun. If only it had stopped there! The Lebanese Militias and the Syrian and Lebanese armies followed…the slaughters of Tel Al-Za'tar and the Basha Bridge, and the horrible battles of Beirut. Then the politics in the region began to constrict upon them, which led to the Israeli attack in 1982 and the siege of Beirut, evicting them from it disgraced and humiliated, this after the slaughters of Sabra and Shatila. They spent the following years lost in the lands until the Intifada came, where they all jumped straight into it once again, putting on their masks, the masks which prevent them from any sort of sincere, effective work that would achieve for the people what they truly aim for; instead they achieved, through the Intifada, the most horrid form of control over the sons of their people, the control which led to the situation that we see today. When the Islamic movements emerged with them, it was said to them: 'Do not Palestinize as those who have Palestinized before you.' So Allah (swt) tore out the foundations of their structure and the roof caved in upon them from above, but they accepted nothing but to enter into desolate mazes and to give in to the pressures of the reality. They had conspiracy after conspiracy woven against them, where they were filtered out, raided by the police and banished from the land. Their ranks were exposed due to the great number of spies between them, and their backs were open and vulnerable due to the treason of the rulers of the Muslim lands, who have rolled in every type of



January 2001 Khilafah


filth. How many times was it said to them that Islam does not allow nationalism and that this is Haram, since it separates between the Jordanian, the Palestinian and the Lebanese Muslim; it makes the Algerian Muslim an envoy in the lands of Kuwait and makes the Turkish Muslim a foreigner in the Arabian peninsula! How many times was it said to them that the Muslim Ummah is one Ummah; that there is no difference between the Kuwaiti Muslim and the Palestinian Muslim, or the Algerian Muslim and the Pakistani Muslim, or the Jordanian Muslim and the Iraqi Muslim, except in Taqwa; that they are partners in the public funds, that their blood is equal, and that they protect their weak; that they are untied against their enemy, and that it is the responsibility of the every Muslim to liberate the land Palestine! How many times were they told that this division of the Muslim lands is the work of the disbelieving Kafir, and has nothing to do with Islam, and that the greatest priority is the work to unify them once again in one single Islamic State! These words did not meet listening ears, and the numerous excuses and justifications were given, and the result was one: to go forth with those fighting, and to mix into the host nation, whether they be Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Qatari or Kuwaiti, or maybe one day even Israel will be the chosen as the host of the day! Oh People! The heart twists in agony, and bleeds from the situation we have reached today, and the mind and heart are together in the worry and watchfulness over what will happen to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, after hearing of the conspiracy taking place silently against its inhabitants. So is there anyone who will remember? Is there anyone who will contemplate? Oh People: It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Majah from Abdullah bin Mas'ood (ra), of the Messenger of Allah (saw), he said: "Truly, the one who is miserable is the one who was miserable in his mothers belly, and the happy one is the one took the advice of others." And you, Oh Muslims: Ask your Lord (swt) for forgiveness and turn to Him (swt) in repentance, for the one who repents is as if he had never committed a sin. All praise is to Allah (swt), and He (swt) is sufficient, and peace be upon His (swt) slaves that He (swt) favoured above others. Who is better, Allah (swt) or what they associate with Him (swt) as partners? And I bear witness that there

is none worthy of worship but Allah (swt), alone, the One who all turn to in need, and that Muhammed (saw) is His (swt) slave and His (swt) chosen, favoured Messenger. Furthermore, Oh people: After the first Muslims believed in Allah (swt), understood Islam, followed the Messenger (saw), bore the hardships patiently, received victory from Allah (swt), fought and were aided by the angels from the skies above, subdued the pride and tyranny of the arrogant rulers, were given the treasures of the earth, and some were given glad tidings of Paradise, even though he still ate food and walked in the markets; they took the people from worshipping the slaves to worshipping the Lord (swt) of the slaves, and from the narrowness of this world to the great expanse of this world and the hereafter. But when those who followed them inherited this responsibility, they lost their prayers and followed their desires, they forgot what they were reminded of, abandoning the truth and seeking the falsehood, so their state fell, and with it the symbol of their dignity and honour; the earth became constricted around them for what they had done, and they were chased away, defeated, losing their authority, having their armies torn apart, falling under the control of the disbelieving Kafir, who raped them and killed them, leading them into the narrow, constricted lizard hole, trapping them into a very tight corner. So after the hooves of the earlier Muslims' horses reached the Atlantic Ocean to the West, and whose shadow stood over China to the East, the Muslims have now become surrounded in the Chechen city of Grozny, and the Palestinian refugee camps, being killed wherever they are found, constantly threatened with hunger, fear, exile and deportation. They had conspiracies planned and prepared against them from every direction to corrupt them and to uproot their existence. This affliction has become universal, entering into every home; just yesterday we saw the frivolous offerings of secularist nationalism threaten our Deen in the heart of our lands; what else does it mean when we see so many Muslims break their fast in the first Shar'i days of Ramadhan? Have you seen how they have caused us to fall in clear Haram and blatant Shar'i defiance? Not to mention the separation and disparity caused between the Muslims due to the arguments and bickering between them. So I ask you, by Allah (swt), which Deen is more worthy of being followed? The Deen of nationalism or the Deen of Muhammad (saw)? Oh, People: We remain with the example of Palestine, where the Palestinian-Israeli talks have reached their final stage, as all the issues that are related to the final decision have

become apparent: allowing the settlers to stay, giving them citizenship, pushing people to give in, offering compensation, rights for return and pushing others away, killing and exile; all this has been put on the bargaining table. We can see different agreements taking place nationally, regionally and internationally to absorb the changes due to the transfer to the final stage, despite the cost, despite the number of those killed in the process, and what happened in Syria is not far away from you, at all. So beware; beware from the 'final steps' and the 'filtering out' of issues; I call you, by Allah (swt), to cause this opportunity to pass them by, to prevent them, with all you have of strength, from completing what they have so criminally and maliciously planned, these plans that could seem to bring the mighty mountains down. Oh people! These people, with their crimes, their plans and their oppression, and the Muslims who follow their footsteps blindly, all have ignored something that cannot be ignored; they all have looked past something that should never have been overlooked. This thing is the capability and control of Allah (swt) over all things, the capability and control that brings down the arrogant and the haughty, and protects and supports the weak and oppressed. It is mentioned in the Qur'an that, "Verily, your Lord is Ever Watchful (over them)" [TMQ AlFajr: 14] and also, "And to not think that Allah is unaware of what the oppressors do" [TMQ Ibrahim: 42] and also, "Those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder the way of Allah; They will spend it, then it will become a grievance upon them, then they will be defeated, and those who have disbelieved will (all) be gathered into the Hellfire" [TMQ Al-Anfal: 36]. Oh People: The time has come to take the point, to make use of the harsh lessons we have learned. The time has come to return to Allah (swt), and to work with those who work seriously and sincerely, aiming to re-establish the Islamic Khilafah Al-Rashidah, on the way of the Prophet (saw). Let it be known, Oh people, the One who revealed in the Qur'an, "But no, by your Lord, they do not believe, until they make you judge between them in all their disputes" [TMQ AnNisa: 65] is the same One who revealed, "And it was a right upon us to give victory to the Believers" [TMQ Ar-Rum: 47]. So trust in Allah (swt) and depend on Him (swt), for He (swt) is all you need and He (swt) is the Finest of Trustees. Know it‌ Issam Amireh Bayt al-Maqdis Palestine


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


PAKISTAN - KHILAFAH The Need of the Time

Allah (swt) discharged the responsibility of carrying the Da'wa, of delivering the message of Haq (truth) to the whole world to none other than this Ummah. It is a responsibility that bears great honour, great dignity and great reward on the Day of Judgement. It has been clear to see, that this responsibility was taken up with immense zeal and determination by this Ummah, from the time of Muhammad (saw) to this very day. We see that the call of this Deen, the call to enjoin the ma'ruf and forbid the munkar, and the call to establish the Deen of Allah (swt), the Khilafah, reverberates throughout the world today. It has swept throughout the lands of this Ummah, and in its wake, it has shaken the power of the kings, challenged the authority of Presidents and struck fear into the hearts of the tyrants. But for the believers, those who love what Allah (swt) loves and hate what Allah (swt) hates, it has awoken them from their slumber, refreshed their Iman, and charged them with the energy to spread forward its call. The coolness of its breeze has blown over the Arab lands; it has roused the Muslims in Central Asia and has now stepped over the threshold of the Muslim land of Pakistan. Rasulallah (saw) said, "The good is in me and my Ummah until the day of Judgement". Rasulallah (saw) being the best of creation, the beloved of Allah (swt), indeed possessed the best of the khair (good). This is the khair

that, as indicated in the hadith above, is also present in the Ummah. Its presence has been displayed in their devotion, commitment and struggle for Islam throughout all ages, and the land of Bilad al-Hind, India, is no exception. For the Muslims of the Indian subconti nent have never abandoned their faith and never abandoned the desire to adhere to its message. They held fast to their Deen despite having been occupied by the colonialist British usurpers and having been ruled by them for nearly two hundred years. Even though their power was snatched and they suffered humiliation daily, their determina tion remained strong and unrelenting. Whenever the call to resume the Islamic way of life was raised, they responded. Their sup port for any change was conditional upon establishing "La ilaha illallah". They held fast to this Deen despite the shock of the parti tion of India into India and Pakistan - when the centuries of pent up hatred held up by the Mushrikeen of the Indian subcontinent revealed itself in bloodshed, killing and expulsion. Despite the shock of realising that their sacrifice had been used to estab lish nationalistic secular states, they hold fast to this Deen today, even though the cor ruption of the rulers over them has reached the highest of proportions and the depths of insincerity. It seems that every successive ruler has stripped the Muslims of Pakistan of their honour, dignity and status. The people have come to realise that the promises of such rulers are hollow and that they have surrendered the interests of this Ummah to the West. So they found these rulers selling off the assets of the nation in the name of pri vatisation, placing the security of the land in the hands of foreigners by begging the UN to intervene in Kashmir, and allowing the ero sion of the values of Islam itself by permitting the culture of the West to infiltrate via satellite television, NGOs, and cultural exchange programmes.

Indeed, what this Ummah has come to realise is that it needs something better than this; something superior to this. Something that will enable it to rise out of the darkness in which it finds itself in and allow it to enter into the light which the Deen has promised it. In response to this desire of the Ummah, this willingness to submit to the Shariah of Allah (swt) we offer it the honour of establishing and living under the shade of the Khilafah. For it is a promise made by Allah (swt) himself: "Allah promises those of you who believe and perform righteous actions, that he will of a surety grant them inheritance of power, Khilafah, as he granted Khilafah to those who came before you." [TMQ An-Nur: 55] Rasulallah (saw) struggled for thirteen long years to spread the call and establish the Deen in Makkah. He, along with his Sahabah (ra), went through the harshest persecution and exerted the greatest effort in order to convince the Quraysh of the message. However, the place that the Prophet (saw) focused on declined and rejected his call and his request for Nusrah. Allah (swt), by his mercy, allowed the Deen to be established in an area in which he (saw) had not engaged in the dawa himself. It was an honour to be bestowed upon the tribes of al-Aws and alKhazraj, who collectively formed the Ansar, to take on the role of the protectors of the Prophet (saw) and the Deen of Allah (swt). During their period of jahiliyyah, their potential had remained dormant; their strength had remained untapped; for they were a people heedless of understanding or Iman. But once they adopted the Islamic belief and swore to uphold its system, their power became as apparent as the waking of a dormant volcano. They then became one of the strongest regional powers and within a period of ten years, Islam became the dominant and unchallenged way of life of the Arabian Peninsula.



January 2001 Khilafah


So the Muslims of the sub-continent need not feel weak nor dejected, for it could be that the ones who regard themselves as being the most divided, the most faction alised, the furthest removed from this call, could be the ones who indeed become blessed with the honour of being that point which marks the initiation of the global rise of the Khilafah; the point from which the elimination of the first border between the Muslims occurs. For Allah (swt) has granted the power and resources to this land in abundance. Its army sits like a waiting lion ready to tear into the trembling kafireen. Its lands lie waiting to produce the nourishment of this Ummah. Its resources desire to be utilised to build the infrastructure of the Islamic State. How could this Ummah possibly feel weak when

the announcement of the Khilafah would herald the unification of the lands of Pakistan and Afghanistan? When a million experienced Mujahideen would be forming the army of Jihad? When a wave of Iman would topple the tyrants of Central Asia? When the Kuffar would quake at the thought of the birth of an ideological nuclear power? How could this Ummah possible feel weak when the Messenger of Allah (saw) announced that their Khilafah would be Minhaj an-Nabuwwa (on the way of Prophethood)? And that it will conquer Rome and its dominance will be from the East to the West. O Muslims! You must realise that it is your duty to reestablish the Khilafah. It is part of your obli gation to give your bayah to one Khaleefah. Remember the words of your most hon ourable and noble Prophet (saw), when he said in the hadith narrated in Sahih AlBukhari, "There will be no prophet after me. But there will be Khulafah, and they will number many" . The Sahabah asked, "What is your command concerning them". He (saw) said: "Give them the Bayah, one after one." Your beloved Prophet (saw) commanded you to pledge your allegiance to the Khulafah. So do not neglect this duty, and in the absence of the Khaleefah, struggle hard to establish the Khilafah, working with a group, as the Prophet (saw) worked with the group of the

Sahaba. Indeed, Hizb ut-Tahrir is the group that conveys this message to you and asks you to join with it, support it, and work with it. In a recent invitation to the Muslims of Pakistan to re-establish the Khilafah, Hizb utTahrir Pakistan said, "We invite the Muslims of Pakistan to liberate this region and the other Muslim lands from the governance of kufr rule and partake in their role to return Islam back to the affairs of life. We also invite the Muslims of Pakistan to support the Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir present in the whole Muslim Ummah, who are indeed their brothers, in order that Hizb ut-Tahrir may guide the Muslim Ummah in the noble duty of re-establishing the Islamic Khilafah." O Ulema! Why do you stay silent when you witness the government being hijacked by the secularists, when you see that the Qur'an has become mahjoor (neglected), and when the authority is for the Makhluq (creation) rather than al-Khaliq (Creator). You indeed have an elevated status in the Deen, for you are the inheritors of the prophets. So encourage this Ummah to perform its fard, guide them to the path of the Khilafah, and rouse them to obey the commandments of Allah (swt). Verily, this Quran came to be implemented over the whole of mankind, so be of the implementers rather than the spec tators. "Surely we have sent down to you the Book (Qur'an) in truth, that you might judge between Mankind by that which Allah has shown you". [TMQ An-Nisa: 105] In a leaflet dated the 1st of Ramadhan alMubarak 1421 Hijri, Hizb ut-Tahrir Pakistan, addressed the Ulema of Pakistan by saying, "We wish to draw their attention to the clear reality: that the people of this nation are Muslims and that they desire a government ruling only by the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of his Messenger (saw). Despite this we see that the minority (who are equiv alent to salt in flour) secularists who raise the slogan of separating the Deen of Allah (swt) from the State, are dominant at every level of the government. Why is it that the Ulema have accepted this? Why have the Islamic movements accepted this? And why are the sincere Muslims content with this?" O People of Power and Authority! Does your blood not boil when witnessing the oppression of the Ummah in Kashmir and Palestine? When from your mountain bunkers you witness with your own eyes the cold-blooded massacre, rape and destruction


of whole villages. When the limbs of young children are blasted apart by the shelling of the mushri keen. Do tears of blood not flow from your eyes when observing the humiliation of this Ummah? Do you not realise that Allah (swt) has granted you the mightiest of power? For you are well equipped in conventional arms and also in nuclear arms. Do you fear the feeble people of this world in place of Allah (swt)? Know that you hold the position of the Ansar. You could be the protectors and sav iours of this Ummah. We remind you of your honourable position in the words of your first commander in chief, Rasulallah (saw), who after the battle of Hunayn stated: "By him in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, were it not for the Hijra, I should be one of the Ansaar myself. If all the men of the world went one way and the Ansaar went another, I would take the way of the Ansaar. O Allah! Send your mercy on the Ansaar, their sons and their sons' sons." So take the way of the Prophet (saw). Work to establish this Khilafah, for your Deen demands this from you. Hizb ut-Tahrir Pakistan's invitation to Muslims of Pakistan concludes with a cere call to those who have influence authority in Pakistan to rise to this work this responsibility:

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"We specifically invite the people of influ ence and authority from amongst the Muslims of Pakistan to join Hizb ut-Tahrir and with full commitment utilise the author ity and power that Allah (swt) has provided them with to re-establish the Khilafah." The Muslims throughout the world are undoubtedly ready for the rule of Allah (swt); they are ready for the Shariah, and they are ready for the Khilafah. So let us not be slack in the conveyance of this call. Let not a Muslim that we know escape from receiving the message of the vital issue, the message of the Khilafah. Let this Da'wa be so strong that it destroys and drowns out the propaganda of the Kuffar and the dominance of their ideas. Let us make this call resound through the streets of Cairo and Damascus, Lahore and Karachi, Multan and Peshawar, indeed throughout the entire Muslim World. Let us finally close this humiliating chapter of our history, restore the dignity and glory of Islam back to this earth and witness the roar of a billion takbeers greeting the announcement of the Khilafah's return. Our final du'a is "Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen". Hassan Mujtaba


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


Women and the Foreign Policy of the Islamic State The understanding of the foreign policy is given to us by Allah (swt) in Surah Saba': "And we have not sent you [O Muhammad (saw)] except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of men know not" [TMQ Saba: 28] Thus the foreign policy of the Islamic state is to spread the message of Islam. Allah (swt) obliged the Prophet (saw) to convey the message of Islam to the whole of mankind. He (saw) exerted great effort in inviting nations and tribes to live by Islam, so that Islam would spread to the whole of the world and be the reference point in every sphere of life. From the moment he (saw) arrived in Madinah he concentrated on building an Islamic society, where the rules and laws stemmed from Islam only and so that the message of the haq (truth) was conveyed. Nothing was allowed to come in the way of the call to spread Islam. An example of this is when Muhammad (saw) signed a treaty with the Jews of Madinah so that they would not stand as an obstacle to him (saw) spreading the Deen of Allah (swt) in the Hijaz. Similarly he signed the Treaty of Hudaibiyah with the Quraish so that he could expand the Islamic state in the Arabian Peninsula. The letters of the Prophet (saw) that were sent to other nations outside the Peninsula inviting them to Islam are also an indication of how the message of Islam was not confined to any region. Subsequently the Khulafaa of Islam continued this duty and adhered to the call of Allah (swt) as mentioned in the above ayah. It was with this foreign policy in mind, that when the Prophet (saw) left the life of this world - upon him be peace and blessings - that Abu Bakr (ra) continued in conveying the Deen of Allah (swt) and engaging in J ihad. Abu Bakr (ra) sent the army of Usama (ra) that had been commissioned by the Prophet (saw) to continue the Jihad in Bilad ash-Sham. Umar bin alKhattab (ra) followed on from Abu Bakr (ra) in this foreign policy. Famous battles such as the battle of Yarmouk and Qadisiyyah were fought under the Khilafah of Umar (ra). Up until the last days of the Khilafah , the spreading of Islam to the entire world remained the foreign policy of the Islamic State and this never changed no matter who was ruling the

state. Indeed, the obligation of propagating Islam to the world is a command from Allah (swt) and we must abide by His (swt) command. The State therefore always organised its relationship with other states on the basis of spreading Islam alone and no other basis. This constituted a fixed basis for conducting the foreign policy of the State. The Prophet (saw) wasted no time in fulfilling this noble duty of spreading Islam and ensur ing that it was and remained the only way of life until the Day of Judgement, such that it prevailed over all other ways of life, systems, beliefs and ideologies. The method ordained by the Shariah for the foreign policy is Jihad, and this never changes or fluctuates, irrespective of a change in ruler or change of the age in which we are living. Allah (swt) made the propagation of Islam to the entire world an obligation on all Muslims, male or female, and the Islamic texts stipulated the Shariah method to achieve this. It is a duty on both men and women to ensure that they are living by Islam. Thus Muslim women have played an active role in the for eign policy of the Islamic state. They did this in four ways: Firstly, women physically fought in battles when it was required of them and when the Shariah stipulated this to be the case. Secondly, women had ancillary roles in Jihad such as nursing the wounded and pro viding the fighters with supplies. Thirdly, women prepared and nurtured their sons to become Mujahideen. Finally, women gave Da'wa to non-Muslims to invite them to Islam. It was famous Sahabiyat, such as Nusaybah bint Ka'ab (Umm Umarah) and Sumayyah bint Khattab who bravely fought in battles against the Kuffar. Nusaybah (ra) fought courageously in the battle of Uhud. She brought a sword, a bow and quiver of arrows as well as her water skin and bandages. During this battle when the Muslims were on the defensive she posi tioned herself near the Holy Prophet (saw) and she began shooting arrows until they were all used up. She was also part of the group who surrounded the Prophet (saw) to protect him (saw) from the Kuffar who were targeting him. Nusaybah (ra) was also present at Khaybar, Hunayn and the battle of Yamamah. The battle of Yamamah was fought

under the Khilafah of Abu Bakr (ra). Nusaybah (ra) approached Abu Bakr (ra) to seek permission to join the expedition with Khalid bin Waleed (ra) against Musaylamah, the liar. Abu Bakr (ra) replied, "We know your worth in war so go out, in the name of Allah". In this battle she received eleven wounds and also her hand was severed. Other women also participated in battle. In the battle of Siffin, Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, led the women in repulsing the attack ing Byzantines when the Muslims broke rank. During the conquest of Iraq a woman, 'Azda bint al-Harith devised a plan to make the enemy think that reinforcements had arrived. All the women made banners out of their scarves, and under her leadership marched chanting poems for the victory of Islam. On seeing this group reach the battlefield, the enemy thought they were reinforcements and retreated. In the battle of Yarmouk, Asma bint Yazid killed nine Romans with the heavy nail of her tent. Hind also participated in this battle. Umm Haram fought alongside Abu Dharr, Abu Darda and 'Ubadah ibn Samit in the battle fought for the conquest of Cyprus. This fulfilled her desire that she expressed to the Prophet (saw) in a famous incident. One day after the farewell pilgrimage the Prophet (saw) was resting in Umm Haram's house. He awoke smiling and said "I have seen in a dream that some people of my Ummah are on board of the sea ready to fight." Umm Haram (ra) said, "O Rasulallah pray that I should also be one of them." He (saw) prayed and then fell asleep. He again awoke smiling and repeated the dream and informed her that she would be among them. These women, who held on firmly to the Shahada were just as enthusiastic as the Muslim men to fight in the way of Allah (swt) to make His (swt) word the highest. They were determined to see the enemy defeated and ensure that the message of Islam reached far and wide. Although some women fought physically in the battle, others played a role in treating the wounded and providing the Muslims with water and military supplies. This also aided the Jihad and made it efficient in achieving the objective of the foreign policy. Al-Bukhari and Ahmed ibn Hanbal reported that ar-Rubayyi' bint Mu'awwidh said, "We used to participate in the battles of the Prophet of Allah. We gave water to the fight ers, served them and returned the dead and wounded to Madina." The Tabbaqat of Ibn Saad has the biography of Umm Sinan alAslamiyah. She said, "When the Prophet (saw) wanted to go out to Khaybar I came to him and said, Messenger of Allah, let me go out



January 2001 Khilafah


with you to bring the water and treat the sick and wounded. I will look after the saddlebags. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, 'Go out in the blessing of Allah. You have women companions who have spoken to me, and I have given them permission both among your peo ple and others. If you like, then go out with your people, or if you like go with us' I said, 'with you' He (saw) said, 'Then be with Umm Salama my wife'. " In al-Bukhari, in the Book of Expeditions, there is a chapter on the Jihad of women. In it he relates from Anas that when the people were routed from the Prophet (saw) on the day of Uhud, "I saw Aishah and Umm Sulaim with their dresses rolled up, I saw their anklets. They were carrying water skins on their backs. Then they returned and filled them up. Then they came and emptied them into the mouths of the people." We also see the example of Ku'aybah bint Daud alAslamiyah in which she treated the sick and wounded. In the Battle of Khandaq Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh was brought to her to be cared for and she treated his wound until he died. She was also present at Khaybar where she was allotted a man's portion of booty along with Umm Dahhak bin Masood. From this we can see the role women played in spreading the message of Islam. There are countless examples of women who were involved in wars fought against the Kuffar and spreading the word of Allah (swt). Muslim women must remember that they are a part of the Ummah that has been ordered to carry the Haq (truth) and make Allah (swt) the legislator in every matter. This should motivate us to explore every action that we can do to facilitate this objective. The beautiful example of Safiyyah (ra) (the aunt of Muhammad (saw) and the sister of Hamzah) underlines the Sahabiyat's under standing of the Islamic foreign policy and their love for Islam. Safiyyah (ra) took part in the battle of Uhud, when the Muslims were defeated and some of them began to flee from the battle, she would smite their faces and encourage them to go back and fight. In the battle of Khandaq, the Prophet (saw) had collected all the women in a fortress and had deputed Hassan bin Thabit (ra) to look after them. The Jews, who were always on the look out for such opportunities for doing mischief, surrounded the place and sent one of them to find out if there were any men with the ladies. Safiyyah (ra) happened to see the Jews approaching the fort. She said to Hassan, "There is a Jew coming to spy on us. You go out and kill him." Hassan (ra) was a weak per son so Safiyyah (ra) got hold of a tent peg and went outside the fortress and gave the Jew a

blow on the head and killed the Jew on the spot. She came back to Hassan, "the man is dead. I have not removed the clothes and arms from the body for reasons of modesty. Now you go and remove everything from his body. Also bring his head after severing it from the body". Hassan was too weak hearted to do this too. She herself went again and brought his head and threw it over the wall amidst the Jews who were besieging the fortress. When they saw this, they thought that were men present in the fortress. (Narrated by At-Tabari Ta'rikh al-rusul wa'l-muluk) Another major way in which Muslim women contributed to spreading the Deen was through preparing and nurturing their sons, husbands and fathers to go out and give the call to Islam and fight Jihad. During the Khilafah of Umar (ra), Khansah bint Amr came to fight to spread Islam to Iraq in the battle of Qadisiyyah. In this battle she also brought her four sons. Before engaging in the battle, she motivated her sons with this address: "My dear sons! You have accepted Islam and undertaken migration of your own free will. You have brought your old mother and put her in front of Persia. By Allah, you are from one father and from one mother who never played foul with loyalty to your father. To fight with Kuffar is a great virtue for high reward. Allah (swt) has said "O you who believe, persevere in patience and keep your coordination" so get ready to fight for Islam from early morning and fight to the last". After hearing this, her four sons advanced into the heat of the battle and fought diligently until they were martyred one by one. Not only did Khansah bring her sons to motivate them with Islamic concepts but when she heard that they all died as shuhadaa instead of feeling sorrow and remorse, she thanked Allah (swt). As mothers, women have a vital responsibility in developing and nurturing the sons of the Ummah to make them realise the urgency of fulfilling the foreign policy. They must concentrate on giving them the correct concepts about this issue. Just as mothers provide their sons with food and clothes to wear they must develop their mentality so that they understand this important duty of inviting nations to Islam and fighting Jihad for the dominance of Islam. Anything other than Islam is unac ceptable is the mentality that should be instilled in the minds of their children and the rest of their family, so that they are fully motivated and enthusiastic to give their lives for the sake of Allah (swt). It is therefore imperative that women realise this responsibility and ensure that they are moulding their sons in this way. Similarly it is the mothers duty to ensure that she instils an Islamic mentality in


her daughters as well so that they do not prevent or discourage their husbands, brothers, sons and fathers from engaging in jihad, but rather motivate them to fight. From the example of Khansah (ra) we can se how this had an effect on the Jihad and spreading the message of Islam. She willingly gave up her four sons for the domination of Allah's (swt) Deen. She was even happy to hear that they had died Shaheed. We should learn from the examples of the Sahabiyat and from the examples of the pious women given above. These examples should make us realise that we have a great deal missing in our lives, by not living up to what Allah (swt) com manded of us. We must make sure that we are fulfilling every obligation however small it is. The duty of spreading the deen of Islam is an imperative duty and one which the Prophet (saw) spent every effort in. His (saw) life bears testimony to how seriously he (saw) took this responsibility. Without the Khilafah we cannot invite other nations to Islam and spread its message the way in which it was conveyed by the Prophet (saw). We therefore cannot adequately fulfil this responsibility given to us by Allah (swt). This is an issue of vital importance and can not be delayed, just as we cannot and do not delay our other obligations. We must actively work so that we can fulfil our role in taking Islam to the entire world and removing the whole of mankind from the shackles of oppression by man-made ideologies. Do we really want to die without fulfilling the purpose that Allah (swt) assigned us in this life knowing that our fathers, husbands, sons and brothers were not engaged in this duty of spreading the deen that He (swt) ordered us to spread? Can we be proud that we were the Muslim women who encouraged and nurtured the male members of our family to remain steadfast in battle for victory of Islam or mar tyrdom? O Allah! Make us from amongst those who are working sincerely for the return of the Khilafah. O Allah! Let us be from amongst those who will resume the Islamic way of life and carry the Da'wa to the rest of mankind. O Allah! May you accept our sincere efforts and give the Muslims victory the Kuffar. Ameen. "It is He who has sent the Messenger with the Deen of truth and guidance so that it may be dominant over all other deens even though the Mushrikeen may detest it". (TMQ At-Tauba: 33) Zara Rahman


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


The Address of Shihadah Arar This address was presented by Shihadah Arar in front of the State Security Court in Zarqa, Jordan, on the 7th of February, 1968. Respected judge, the case for which I am being tried in front of you, is of political consequence. It is not a crimi nal case. Rather, it involves the destiny of this country. It is not a case of politi cal criticism or of simply exposing an ordinary plan. In addition to my natural right of defending myself, it becomes mandatory upon me to explain to the court the reality of this vital case and its catastrophic consequences, as well as the awaiting catastrophes and calami ties, in addition to the present and future situation which includes a com plete destruction of the country and its people. Therefore, I demand from the court to grant me the opportunity to address the court on behalf of myself. In fact, I insist on it and promise the court that my address will be concise. However, if I am denied of this right then I will refuse to answer any questions or say a word to the court. Rather, I shall turn my back to the court and face the people. The court can do whatever it wants and let it even sentence me by what the ruler has dictated to it. Oh judge! The case for which I am being tried for is my membership in Hizb utTahrir along with preparing and distributing its leaflets. In regards to the first point of being a member in Hizb utTahrir, I will not answer it. An over whelming majority of people in this country are either members of Hizb utTahrir or fully support Hizb ut-Tahrir. No government department, or ministry, not even the Royal Palace or the Prime Minister's office, is without a member from Hizb ut-Tahrir or supporters from Hizb ut-Tahrir. I will not respond to this accusation, as I do not

consider this an accusation. It is an honour that Allah (swt) has given me. It is of the greatest bounty that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon me and the greatest bounty in this Universe, after that of Islam. In regards to the claim of distributing the leaflet, you cannot put a person on trial for distributing a leaflet. Rather you can place a person on trial for the contents of the leaflet. Thus, the issue is not of distributing a leaflet, instead it is the contents of the leaflet. Consequently, my trial is on the content of this leaflet, which was distributed and my address to you is on the contents of it as well. I am assuming that this leaflet can be found in the file of this case. The material in this leaflet exposes King Hussein's conspiracy with Israel of giving the West Bank to it. The leaflet explains the scenario and the drama that took place. The surrendering of the West Bank to Israel by King Hussein is a well-known fact. The people of Jordan, all politicians in general, and the rulers in the Muslim world, especially in the Arab world, are aware of this. Most of the people in the Arab world are aware of this treachery as they are with the treachery of Judae the Isharyuti1 and Abu Rughal. Therefore, all of those who know of this fact and talk about it should be put on trial for the same rea son as I am. Yes! This is a well-known issue. In reality it is a great treason. We in the leaflet accused King Hussein, of surrendering the West Bank. In other words, we accused him of being a traitor. Thus, someone may say, that insulting King Hussein for committing the treason is the reason for this trial. If this is the case, then my answer is, that this is just

an accusation and not an insult. An accusation is basically to blame a person for a specific action. If this accusation can be proven then it is no longer an accusation because it then becomes a fact. Thus, the one who is accused of in the first place should not be punished. I admit that we accused King Hussein of surrendering West Bank to Israel. In other words, we accused him of treason and I am ready to prove this treason. I have tawatur witnesses to prove this treason. Thus, I demand from the court to ask me to prove this treason by presenting those tawatur wit nesses. It is King Hussein, the one whom you are defending by placing us on trial just because we described him as a traitor and for which I am on trial. He does not care about this treason since he com mits it every day. Just a week ago, the King presented a memorandum to be circulated to the League of Arab Nations suggesting that there is a possibility that the East Bank of the Jordan River is collapsing and falling under Israeli occupation. He cannot even bear the responsibility of the East Bank and the West Bank together. He requests from the Arab nations to agree with him on having a peace treaty with Israel. King Hussein presented this explicit speech to the League of Arab Nations and to all Arab nations in general. The memorandum means that King Hussein is threat ening the Arab nations that if they do not approve of his plan with Israel, the peace treaty with Israel, then he will then surrender the East Bank exactly the same way he surrendered the West Bank. Does such a person care about treason? This is a new treason, which is in its early stages of being committed. After all of these facts, it should not be allowed to put any person on trial for accusing King Hussein of being a traitor. I therefore demand from the court, to ask me to prove the treason of King Hussein through the tawatur witnesses in order to convince the judge about the truthfulness of my accusation against King Hussein. This proof would lead to a mistrial. Shihadah Arar 7th of February, 1968.



January 2001 Khilafah




9th January 2001 PR/1/9/1/2001

Riba is not the Only Issue The announcement that riba will be abolished by the 1st of July only in domestic transactions not only makes a mockery of Islam but it also confuses people into thinking that the most important issue in our economic life is riba. This undermines the whole notion of what an Islamic economic system represents. We must understand that the Islamic economic system does not equate to the capitalist economic system minus riba. Rather the capitalist economic system contradicts Islam both in its fundamentals and details. Fundamentally, the capitalist economic system always concentrates wealth into the hands of a few rich people whether they live in the West or reside in third world countries, whereas Islamic economic system is based upon the distribution of wealth and prohibits the accumulation of wealth amongst a few individuals. It is mentioned in the Quran "In order that it may not merely circulate between the wealthy among you." [TMQ al-Hashr: 7]. Also in its details the capitalist economic system contradicts Islam such as the free market economy, deregulation, privatisation, price fixing, monopolies, stock exchange, public limited companies, income tax, GST, life insurance, bonds etc. and therefore it is haram upon Muslims to either call for them or to implement them. Sadly, we find that the state continues to fool the Ummah by prohibiting riba in domestic affairs and at the same time permitting its use in international economic affairs such as debt servicing and repayments of riba to the IMF. Furthermore, the state not only remains silent on the above-mentioned aspects of the capitalist economic system, but also encourages Muslims to enter into haram contracts by forcing the implementation of the capitalist economic system upon them. Consequently, the Ummah has been robbed of her wealth, plunged into poverty and has been deprived of her basic needs all in the name of capitalism.

The wealth, prosperity and the basic needs of the Ummah can only be safeguarded if she returns to live under shade of the Khilafah. The Khilafah state is the one that applies the Islamic Ahkam internally and externally. This includes all the systems of Islam whether they are ruling, social, economic, educational and judicial or matters concerning international relations. There is no room for gradual or partial implementation of the Islamic rules as the current regime and its institutions have led us to believe. The Islamic rules must be applied immediately and comprehensively. It is mentioned in the Quran "Then is it only a part of the Book that you believe in, and do you deny a part? What is the reward for those among you who do so, except disgrace in this life? And on the Day of Judgement they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty." [TMQ Al Baqarah: 85] Taken from the website

Eclipsing Kufr

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate yourselves not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate your selves to Allah Who created them, if you really worship Him". [TMQ Fussilat: 37] On Tuesday 9th January, Allah (swt) who has ordered the universe in a clock work fashion had allowed the moon to eclipse. The site was an astounding one, and only those who have been blinded by kufr would not marvel at the creation of Allah (swt). These are the ayat of Allah (swt)

that Allah (swt) sends to remind Mankind of his magnificence. However there is another sign that we get from the eclipsing of the moon; a sign of the greatness of an Ummah, a light that has temporarily dimmed, and a history that allowed the Ummah to eclipse all the signs of kufr. In April 1453, the Ottomans laid siege to Constantinople. Despite the heavy Ottoman bombardment of the walls, the inhabitants of the city were able to repair the fortifications every night. The Byzantines were exhausted but took solace in the old legend that Constantinople would never fall while the Moon was waxing. Then, on the night of 22 May, the Moon rose in eclipse and their morale was crushed. Muhammad alFateh knew of the legend and waited a few days before starting a fresh attack. During the battle a small gate was left open by accident but it was all the Muslims needed. The sack of Constantinople lasted three days, as the Moon waned. Surely these are signs of the shrewd Muslims of years gone by, and these are the signs the Muslims need to pay heed to. So where are the sons of Muhammad al-Fateh, to destroy the morale of the arro gant West? Ya Allah, may this be a lesson to us. Farhat Amin


January 2001 Khilafah Magazine


Book Review Book Review: How to Re-establish the Khilafah The Method of Muhammad (saw) The Ummah of the M e s s e n g e r Muhammad (saw) is currently living at a low point in comparison to her glorious past. Her resources have become easy to plunder and her blood is viewed as unworthy of protection. A cursory glance at the occupation of Palestine, the enslavement of Kashmir and the attempted annihilation of Chechnya illustrates the sorry situation that this Ummah finds herself in. It is unsurprising that any people faced with such bloodshed would search for the causes and solutions to their problems, and further to this, when the people are Muslim, it is unsurprising that Islam has a major role in determining the method of their search and its outcome. Undoubtedly such a search has led to many solutions, but it is not a generalisation to suggest that the Islamic Ummah has come to realise that the solution lies in her adherence to Islam as represented by the re-establishment of the Khilafah. Those who call for other than the Islamic State are isolated by the Ummah, who has become impatient at the failure of multiple groups and states to achieve this. It has been alleged that Islam is simply untenable as a complete system all at once. Therefore some would say that Islam needs to be implemented gradually. Others point to individual perfection and Du'a alone as the keys to the Khilafah. All of these methods require scrutiny, from the point of view of Islam, and indeed this is the subject matter of the book, 'How to Re-establish the Khilafah - The Method of Muhammad (saw)',

issued by Members of Hizb utTahrir in Britain earlier this year.

In a concise and yet detailed manner the book shows the invalidity of these incorrect methods, whilst qualifying this by providing the correct manner by which to extract the solution from the Islamic texts. This is why the often-misunderstood tool of Ijtihad is clarified. A short taste of the style and content of this book is provided by its refutation of the modernist schools that replace the Creator as Legislator with their whims and desires coupled with the human intellect. Such an understanding is legitimised by falsely claiming that this is the Maqasid al-Shariah (the objective of the Shariah). The book mentions a saying of the Prophet (saw), "Whosoever interprets the Qur'an according to his opinion, even if he gets it right, he has indeed committed a sin". [Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi] The book also quotes Imam Shatibi from his book, 'al Muwafaqat fee Usul il Ahkam', "The objective behind the Shari'ah is to liberate the individuals from his Huwa (desires) in order to be a true Abd (slave) of Allah and that is the legitimate Maslaha (interest)." He further went on to say, "Violating the Shari'ah under the pretext of following the basic objectives or values (Maqasid al-Shari'ah) is like the one who cares about the spirit without the body and since the body without the spirit is useless therefore the spirit without the body is useless too." [Vol.2, page 25] We are further reminded that Ijtihad exists only upon the Daleel [evidence] that is indefinite, not upon the definite texts - for example those that lead to the rule of Salah being an obligation, or Riba [usury] being prohibited. The one who exerts his effort to ascertain the Shar'iah verdict regarding a new reality not explicitly addressed in the Islamic evidences must only do so in relation to the indefinite matters. Therefore a scholar may not address the issue of peace with Israel, legitimising the usurpation of Al-Quds, for this is a matter the Islamic evidences have strictly forbidden in an explicit manner. The vital element of Ijtihad is not to mix evidences that did not come to address the subject matter that the Mujtahid is

investigating. Therefore to study the evidences related to fasting whilst aiming to determine the rules of Salah is incorrect. The case is similar when determining the method to re-establish the Khilafah. In the methodological manner of this book, which builds in a structured manner the method of the Prophet (saw) to re-establish the Khilafah, it deals with those who believe that Islam must be gradually applied like the so-called 'Islamic experiment' in Sudan, which utilised the existing constitution and apparatus to slowly wean Islam into society. The book then clarifies the position regarding those who believe that fighting the ruler is the correct method by which Islam is to be applied; this is dealt with by explaining the context in which the Ahadith related to fighting the ruler came. The concluding chapters of this book deal with the correct method to re-establish the Khilafah as shown through the Ta'assi (emulation) of the Prophet's (saw) actions, from the starting point of the Da'wa, which involves the culturing of the group, to the interaction with society and the seeking of Nussrah (physical Support). In conclusion this book is a sincere attempt to provide, with attention to precision and detail, the answers to questions often asked in relation to the steps needed to be undertaken in order to reestablish the Khilafah. We ask Allah (swt) to make this book an asset in our endeavour to re-establish the Khilafah with His Help and His Strength, and to accept from us our efforts, and to overlook our mistakes. Yusuf Patel

? Please address your letters and questions to the Editorial Team, at the address given on page 4 of the magazine.

Events Diary LONDON Saturdays after dhuhr (Brothers in main hall) (Sisters upstairs) (Sundays after dhuhr in Arabic) Regents Park Mosque 146 Park Road, London

Wednesdays 6:30pm Bearsted Lecture Theatre Royal London Hospital Whitechapel

There are many other events taking place around Britain and around the world. Please contact for details of events in your area.



January 2001 Khilafah


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